
harlowjakasey-al` ya, there is a way00:10
harlowjakasey-al` try https://gist.github.com/harlowja/398a66974f08a2ac3a3e as the user-data00:11
harlowjathat should start logging at DEBUG (from what i remember)00:11
kasey-al`Thank you!  I will give that a shot00:26
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gord0trying to figure out if there's something wrong with my cloud init file -> http://pastebin.com/Ygj1Yyhi20:50
gord0nova boot isn't applying it for some reason20:50
harlowja_at_homegord0, seems ok, any idea what nova boot is applying (if anything at all?)21:31
gord0harlowja_at_home: not applying anything. i did some testing and took a simple file that applies only /etc/environemnt and yum.conf and that works fine. i have to figure out where its failing21:32
gord0is there a syntax checker or some such?21:32
harlowja_at_homewell that file is just yaml, so yaml syntax21:33
harlowja_at_homebut cloud-init logs stuff, so u might check in var/log/cloud21:33
harlowja_at_homesee if anything useful there21:33
gord0this is on the node where i run it right? there is no /var/log/cloud21:34
gord0ah nvm i see it21:35
gord0there are no errors there21:35
harlowja_at_homecan u paste?21:39
gord0ok i'm trying once more21:46
guacerhey folks, I'm curious if anyone knows of a way to add runcmd to vendor-data which can't be overridden by user-data. The docs say no, with exception of using `[{ "op": "add", "path": "/runcmd", "value": ["my", "command", "here"]}]` from the user-data side. I'm wondering if the inverse is true?23:07
guaceri.e. can the vender-data side merge onto the user side?23:08
guaceralso, not trying to do anything "evil"23:09
guaceras per https://github.com/number5/cloud-init/blob/master/doc/vendordata.txt23:09
harlowjagord0 did u have any luck getting that paste (i was offline for a while)23:11

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