
pleia2mhall119: I think we all need to practice origami before scale: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/albums/7215766119108115305:11
pleia2it was really bad :)05:11
pleia2hilarious, but bad05:11
pleia2we were trying to figure out what difficulty level these origami animals, are, I think 40 steps means they're pretty hard05:13
mhall119pleia2: I'd suggest training Wednesday night, but I don't think drinking will help05:25
pleia2I think it would be fun05:25
mhall119it would at least give an excuse for the poor outcomes :)05:25
pleia2haha, right05:25
jcastroneato, the new steam sdk for the steam link is Qt.14:10
mhall119with 256MB of ram, you won't be running many apps on it14:19
popeyTV, one app at a time14:26
popeyI'd imagine the vast majority of apps are a small amount of UI and streaming content from elsewhere14:26
popeyiplayer, netflix, twitch etc14:26
popeyIn my day 16K was enough for everyone!14:26
mhall119popey: but I *want* to be distracted by Telegram and Facebook while I'm binge-watching Making a Murderer14:27
mhall119balloons: popey: headsup, one of the GCI guys is waiting (patiently for now) on an update to their MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~daniellim0611/unity-js-scopes/unity-js-scopes-bug1523595/+merge/28146914:38
balloonsahh, I've been pinging Alex on that14:39
jcastropopey: I think also the same SDK is on their fat machines as well14:39
jcastroso you'd write one app for the steam machine and the steam link14:40
popeydpm, I sent a travel request, please ignore that I can't tell Hungary from the Czech Republic :)15:00
dpmok :)15:01
popeythat gave clan a good chuckle15:01
mhall119popey: ha! So it's not just Americans who have no idea what's what in eastern Europe15:01
popeyI propose everyone puts incorrect countries in there to keep her amused :)15:01
popeyindeed. there's UK -> France -> Germany/Spain/Belgium   <  gap  >    Russia15:02
balloonsHmmph! Portugal!15:02
svijpopey: true! :D15:02
popeyoh, portugal is on the other side, that's okay.15:03
* mhall119 appreciates that there are many western European countries missing from that list too15:03
balloonsHow do you describe the Nordic states popey?15:03
popeythey're ^ that way15:03
czajkowskiIRELAND! -> UK-> France etc15:05
popeySorry, I omitted the Tax havens of Ireland, Jersey and Luxembourg off my list ;)15:06
* mhall119 always forgets there's an old Jersey15:52
mhall119and York15:52
mhall119and Hampshire15:52
popeymhall119, shall I bring some superfood? :)  http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-01-11/black-pudding-a-british-staple-hailed-as-superfood17:08
PabloRubianeswxl: have a minute_19:19
wxlfor a bit PabloRubianes19:33
philipballewjcastro, around?21:03
philipballewyo jcastro For scale, we are trying to get the people who speak at ubucon to drop by the ubuntu booth at a select time to be able to have people come up and talk a little more in depth about their topics. If I sent you a sign up sheet, would that be something you would be able to sign up with?21:07
jcastrocan I just spend a bunch of time there without committing to a certain timeslot?21:09
jcastroI was just going to hang out there by default with marco21:09
philipballewjcastro, That seems fine with me21:10
* mhall119 suspects nhaines is going to be kicking some of us out of the booth to make room for the attendees21:21
mhall119jcastro: hey dude, can you teach me how to give juju demos next week?21:21
jcastromhall119: are you on xenial?21:23
mhall119not yet21:24
jcastroif you can get on xenial before scale I've got the hookup for you21:25
jcastroxenial has lxd so like, it's actually awesome now21:25
mhall119aw, I was going to wait until after scale21:25
jcastroinstead of old school lxc21:25
mhall119jcastro: can't I just use a hosted juju-gui?21:25
jcastrowell, I can show you how to do it and then when you move to X you'll be set21:25
jcastrooh, if you want to use a public cloud sure21:26
mhall119or a mock deployment, just to show how it works21:26
jcastroI guess it depends on how cheap you wanna be21:26
mhall119anything less than $0 would be great21:26
mhall119jcastro: so there's a new tech meetup here in my hometown, and I suspect one of these months I may do a presentation on cloud stuff, so I want to be able to show off juju deployments for people who may be reluctant devops21:27
jcastrosure, it takes me about 10 minutes to show you21:28
mhall119this is also why I asked you about digital ocean's juju support earlier today, which you ignored21:28
jcastromhall119: we could be bold and do it live as an unconf session21:28
jcastrooh? when? sorry I must have missed it21:28
mhall119oh, oh, that would be fun21:28
mhall11911:40am, but it was on the internal channel21:28
mhall119so the company hosting tonight's meetup uses digital ocean (I checked them out)21:29
jcastrooh, you would ssh into the droplet21:29
jcastrothen set it up for lxd21:29
jcastrobut that's kind of bleeding edge thing21:29
mhall119ok, so no launching instances with juju21:29
jcastrono there's no native support for DO yet21:30
jcastromhall119: I am being told we should be able to DO by 2.0, which is 16.0421:47
jcastroI'll see if it works in the beta21:47
jcastromhall119: nm I am confused, 14.10 for more arbritrary environments21:49

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