
=== farooghkz is now known as farooghkz0
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towhidسلام دوستان10:30
towhidیه سوال داشتم در مورد دستور10:30
towhidاز اساتید کسی هست؟10:31
mike90can i help ?10:32
towhidhi mike9010:33
towhidmike90 i can not speack inglish :|10:33
towhidینی تا این حد ها10:34
towhidانگلیسیی رو هم اشتباه نوشتم :)10:34
mike90i understand Farsi a little :D10:34
towhidچه خوب10:35
towhidمایک الان متوجهی مشکل من چی هست؟10:35
mike90AFAIG, it's about apt-get10:37
mike90then what's problem itself ?10:37
towhidlet me a sec10:37
towhidsee this link10:37
towhidthas my problem :|10:38
mike90AFAIK, that error's because that package is not in known repos of your apt-get10:40
towhidمایک میفهمم چی میگی ولی حیف که نمیتونم ب\رسم که باید چه ریپوزیتوری رو اضافه کنم :|10:42
mike90lemme search your package !10:44
towhidmike90 I 'll work with Google Translator to translate my words10:44
towhidWhat repos should I add ?10:45
mike90isnt that goldendict ?10:46
mike90or goldendic ?10:46
mike90'golen' doesnt make sense (in your pastebin)!10:47
towhidmy repos10:47
towhidi want to install goldendic10:48
towhidThis means that there is no such thing as goldendic ?10:49
mike90you typed golendic in your terminal (as i see in your "https://dpaste.de/A84R")10:50
mike90it's typo, isnt ?10:51
towhidmike I do not understand what you mean10:54
towhidThanks for the help10:55
mike90towhid: i mean check you've typed name of package correct10:55
mike90i see in your pasted text you've typed "goldendict" -> "golendic" :D10:56
mike90makes sense?10:56
towhidI got that10:58
towhidThe problem was solved thanks10:59
mike90towhid: my pleasure :D11:03
* mike90 is happy for helping -ir friends :D \o/11:03
=== alimj1 is now known as alimj
alimjSo where did towhid go. I wanted to give him some advises11:08
* alimj goes for tea 11:08
mike90alimj: his/her problem was not repo problem, problem was typo :D, typed "golendic" instead of goldendict :D11:12
alimjmike90: It is actually a he ;-)11:13
mike90OK, HIS problem was not repo problem, problem was typo :D, HE typed "golendic" instead of goldendict :D11:16
mike90nice ?11:16
* alimj adds some lime juice to his tea11:17
* mike90 offers honey in that too :)11:19
alimjHoney :-D11:21
koloمیشه یونیتی رو روی توزیع های دیگه نصب کرد؟!13:16
alimjkolo: همه دنبال این هستن که از پوسته گرافیکی دیگه‌ای به جای یونیتی در اوبونتو استفاده کنن13:27
alimjشما بین همه پیغمبرها، جرجیس رو انتخاب کردیدها13:28
alimjمثل اینکه بهش برخورد13:28
alimjبه هر صورت: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_%28user_interface%29#Availability13:30
mike90hi :D14:01
mike90gone :(14:07
alimjmike90: I would say he had a dodgy Internet connection14:09
alimjMost people use the online web interface to IRC and almost no one uses ZNC14:10
mike90HIS (:D) message tells me HE has quit intentionally  " (Client Quit) "14:11
alimjCould be.14:13
* mike90 offers guys to watch this "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYodWEKCuGg"16:04
mike90you may know CodeMonkey means ComputerProgrammer :D16:06

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