
=== ara is now known as Guest95629
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caribouapw: I owe you an apology : I handed you a slightly rotten patch for initramfs-tools :-/10:17
apwcaribou, heh ooops10:17
apwthat might explain cking's failure then10:17
caribouapw: yes it does; the patch was done on trusty and  one variable name changed10:18
apwcaribou, np, it went into my test PPA for this reason10:18
ckingand i like testing things :-)10:18
cariboucking: :)10:18
caribouapw: the variable ${root} got changed by ${dev_node} b/w the two versions10:20
apwcaribou, wanna mail me an update and i'll respin it10:21
caribouapw: you should even be able to edit the quilt patch manually; I'll email you the details10:21
apwok, its not a quilt patch any more because we don't do that on native things and its in git and ...10:22
apwbut details of whatall exactly to change is good10:22
caribouapw: true, that's a native package10:24
caribouapw: ok, I just sent the mail10:24
caribouapw: just wave at me when you want me to re-test it10:24
xnoxapw, i've upgraded to linux-generic package from proposed, yet my /boot/vmlinuz and /boot/initrd.img symlinks still point at the old -5-generic abi files13:29
xnoxhow should i go about debugging this? which bit is responsible to update them?13:29
apwxnox, and you got linux-iamge etc installed ok ?13:30
apwxnox, as they are updated from postinst there13:30
apwxnox, the same postinst which builds you initramfs13:30
xnoxyeah i have linux-image-generic        
xnoxlet me read them, and re-run them again. (aka downgrade make sure everything is clean and check what's going on)13:31
apwno that is the meta package, i mean the real binaries13:31
apwlinux-image-xxxxx-6-generic is the one which installs the links13:31
xnoxi have linux-image-4.3.0-2|5|6-generic, and headers, and extra13:31
apwand the links will always be the _last_ one you installed13:31
apwnot the highest13:31
apwand of course they are ignored for grub, not sure about zipl13:32
apwdo we generate a menu using the real files or just "current and previous" using the links ?13:32
xnoxat the moment we don't generate a menu, no.13:32
apwso i assume it is static pointing at the links13:33
xnoxi do want to start generating menus, for all variants.13:33
apwthe links are right on my local machine for whatever that is worth13:34
apwnot that i would notice if half the time they were not13:34
xnoxapw, the whole lot is a mess. also is it even allowed to have perl as postinst scripts?!13:35
apwxnox, heh, we've done it for years, so possibly13:35
xnoxso i download -5- of headers, headers-generic, image, image-extra.13:39
xnoxi will fully uninstall and purge -5-13:39
xnoxinstall these .debs again13:39
xnoxand expect the symlinks to be update.13:40
xnoxand expect the symlinks to be updated.13:40
xnoxe.g. when -5- gone, symlinks should point to -6-13:40
xnoxand when -5- is installed again, symlinks should point to -5-13:40
apwshould point to whatever prev pointed to13:42
xnoxremoving linux-image-4.3.0-5-generic failed.13:42
xnoxsymlinks still point to -5- and running postinst.d/zz-zipl fails cause the config points at broken symlinks13:42
* xnox files a bug.13:42
xnoxapw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14495976/13:45
xnoxapw, i wonder if /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-zipl is run too early.13:48
xnoxreinstalling -6 on top, doesn't fix the symlinks, as13:49
xnoxNot updating initrd symbolic links since we are being updated/reinstalled 13:49
xnox(4.3.0-6.17 was configured last, according to dpkg)13:49
xnoxwhich is true, but when one has broken symlinks on disk, surely they should be fixed to point at something real.13:50
xnoxapw, anything wrong in this case - http://paste.ubuntu.com/14496011/ ?13:54
xnoxapw, i am an idiot13:58
xnoxso kernel updates / symlinks, and zipl-installer is using symlinks in /boot/14:01
xnoxi'm not sure what creates symlinks in /boot/ or manages them.14:01
xnoxalso not sure if zipl can handle symlinks in /, rather than /boot/14:01
* xnox ponders which way it's better to fix these.... to follow kernel lead, or to follow zipl-installer lead14:04
xnoxi guess the real answer is, that i should generate entries for things in /boot/ properly.14:05
xnoxand zipl-installer expects to do do_bootloader by the kernel too, and we have no zipl support there....14:05
xnoxapw, is it fair to say that perl postinst scripts in linux kernel, are out of date with respect to changes done in e.g. debian? and it looks like the kernel clobbers and writes out the wrong kind of kernel-img.conf, unlike what base-installer / live-installer should be writting.14:31
xnoxand e.g. in debian linux maintainer scripts never create kernel-img.conf14:31
apwxnox, they are very idffernet to debian yes, based on an older one from there yes14:35
xnoxapw, i think my machine has a botched installation on it. and e.g. fresh cloud images have 'link_in_boot = Yes' in the /etc/kernel-img.conf and then everything works correctly. 15:14
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phillwHi folks, with all the rumours going around, is 16.04 LTS going to be 4.3 or may it be 4.4, or 4.5 ?23:57

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