
ahoneybunRobinson from LibreOffice is asking about doing something UX/UI in Largo mhall119 03:49
=== danstone1 is now known as danstoner
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
ahoneybunoh the CLS is in May mhall119 20:37
mhall119ahoneybun: yeah, in Texas this year20:52
mhall119community leadership summit20:55
GarheadeAh! I think I'll skip that one. I don't have any urge to lead a leader.20:59
ahoneybunit's on a saturday and sundauy21:12
ahoneybunmhall119, I've always wanted to go to Austin plus it would be good for a Kubuntu Council member to talk with the UCC in person >21:13
mhall119ahoneybun: we only live liek 4 hours from each other, and you saw me in November21:17
ahoneybuntrue. but the others as well21:18
ahoneybunmhall119, if we do a Ubuntu Hour in Palm Beach think you can come?21:18
mhall119probably not :(21:19
mhall119that's a long way for a day trip, even longer for just an hour21:19
ahoneybunwell they always end up being 3+21:19
ahoneybunmhall119, Chris would come!21:21
mhall119well that's not so far for him :-P21:21
mhall119that's 3+ hours of driving for me21:22
mhall119each way21:22
ahoneybunI had to try to guilt trip you lol21:23
mhall119the guilt trip would be shorter than the actual trip :)21:24

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