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kurumin__alguem ai02:41
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blackholejAHhey guys04:48
blackholejAHsomething to report with kubuntu [I absolutely LOVE 15.10] but something weird happened04:48
blackholejAHwhen I turn it off, and try to turn it back on [I had to reinstall ubuntu, a very long process, than kubuntu again because of this o_O]04:49
blackholejAHit wouldn't automatically log me back in, it was permanently locked on a black screen04:50
blackholejAHit seems to be fine if i just restart it, but i really don't feel like shutting down ever again now >->04:51
blackholejAHplus can you add a feature to auto hide the default bars, plus make it so you can customize the different things on the part with the time and suck04:51
blackholejAHno one here?04:54
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ThreeAngelsHi. What to do when software manager does not start even after you put in the password?07:16
soeetry running it from Terminal and check errors07:17
ThreeAngelssoee: Can you tell me what I should write in terminal?07:23
hateballThreeAngels: muon07:23
ThreeAngelsmuon is not working. It's returning an error message07:26
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ChronotossHey guys, Real quick, best package to use for an equalizer, hopefully system wide?09:48
ChronotossI know K uses gstreamer, just thinking that the standard ubuntu pulse EQ may not be the best to use.09:50
kais3nI'm not sure if I'm on the right channel. But I have problems with installing Kubuntu 15.10 in a Virtual Box. As soon as I install the guest additions after a reboot the menu bar disapear and I didn't see any windows.10:07
kais3nVirtualbox Version is 5.0.1010:08
soeemaybe it installs drivers that do now work well with VB, i suggest to play a bit with VB setting (acceleration etc.)10:09
kais3nOk I see what i can find there10:10
ChronotossAny one have any info on a good system wide equalizer?10:15
gribsHello, I am looking for help. I am usind MDM as desktop manager. May main DE is kde. Recently I've decided to try enlightenment, so I've installed it from ppa https://launchpad.net/~niko2040/+archive/ubuntu/e19. I've tried to change de session in mdm to enlightenment but it did not work: when I've entered my pass and pressed enter session in greater was chenged to kde and kde was loaded. So I've used mdmconfig to change default10:15
gribssession to enlightenment. Problem is that now I can not revert it back and load kde from mdm: every time when I choose kde or default in greeter it changes it to enlightenment when I hit enter. Also when I use mdm to change default DE it does not work, it keeps loading enlightenment. I've tried to edit /etc/mdm/mdm.conf but it does not work neither. Could anyone help me to envestigate this problem and make kde default de again?10:15
kais3nThanks Soee, deaktivating 3D support bring KDE back to work.10:21
Chronotosssoee: Yes just like a 10 band to tweak the trebble and base slightly10:25
soeeChronotoss: sorry i do not know such10:26
g0g0boyHi in need of assistance regarding kernel updates10:26
Chronotosssoee: Do you know if GStreamer uses a Pulse or ALSA base? That would be helpfull in research.10:27
soeei think Pulse, but im not 100% sure10:28
soeeg0g0boy: what is the problem ?10:28
g0g0boysays some items have dependancies and to try running apt-get -f install10:28
g0g0boytried apt-get -f install then tells me that my /boot is full10:28
soeedid you run updates or did manual installation ?10:28
Chronotosssoee: tyty, if anyone else could help or have any thing to point me towards please do!10:29
lordievaderChronotoss: Pulseaudio had one, not sure if it is still in use/available10:29
g0g0boyI then try to remove old kernels built up over time using udo apt-get purge -y linux-headers-xxxxxx10:29
g0g0boywhich then tells me again that there are depnacies, I keep going around in circles10:29
soeeg0g0boy: maybe try asking on #ubuntu-kernel10:29
soeethere are kernel packagers so they might help you10:30
Chronotosslordievader: I've found that one but I am unsure if GStreamer uses Pulse as on the website I only see metion to ALSA10:30
g0g0boythanks soee, will try there if no help here  :)10:30
lordievaderChronotoss: Mostlikely it uses alsa through pulse ;)10:32
ChronotossAhh! so either or shuold work then. Thank you both!10:33
Larai'm new in linux world10:34
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Guest90124can anyone tell me what's the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu10:35
soeeGuest90124: it uses different Desktop Environment10:35
Guest90124does Kubuntu has Java ?10:35
soeeUbuntu Uses Unity while Kubuntu Plasma Desktop10:35
soeeif nto you can install it :)10:36
Guest90124does Java and Mp3s work in Kubuntu as in Ubuntu ?10:36
Guest90124so, the only difference is the desktop "appearance"  ?10:37
soeefor some media formats support  you might need to install kubuntu-restricted-extras package10:37
kais3nVisualy yes, but KDE is not based on GTK10:37
soeewell yes, Kubuntu is build on top of Ubuntu10:37
PowerKillerMP3 -> dead10:39
Guest90124are the packages extensions like ubuntu? example .tar10:39
PowerKillerMP3 -> closed-source, patented10:39
Guest90124powerkiller, but ubuntu runs mp3s files10:39
PowerKillerweird, it's GNU/Linux, son10:40
PowerKillerWe are united only for GNU/Linux, Kubuntu/Ubuntu isn't another distro. with another kernel10:40
soeeGuest90124: This is how Kubuntu looks atm. on development version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wFTo34mCj010:40
PowerKiller:C I hate closed-source stuff10:40
soeeGuest90124: and this is Unity (ubuntu ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoeCcCQuJrM10:40
PowerKillerIt's all Linux, all Linux is all Linux10:40
PowerKillerall GNU distros include gnu tar10:40
Guest90124soee, i'll have a look10:40
PowerKillerwhich can extract tar10:40
Guest90124powerkiller, but ubuntu runs mp3, my friend explained me about it but i cant remember hahaha10:41
ChronotossThe Pulse-EQ by webupd8 works great so far! TYTY to you both ^^10:42
Guest90124ok guys, thank you for your help10:42
Guest90124i'll try kubuntu someday10:42
eeoshi everybody! I have installed Kubuntu 15.10 but it is a bloodbath .... unless I spend the next 5 days filing bugs instead of working ....10:46
eeosThe dmesg is full of errors, plasma crashes a couple of times  a day .... has anyone else had th same experience?10:46
eeosI have NVIDIA 840 with fall back on integrated Intel card10:47
eeosI have currently instlled the recommended nvidia driver (352), but it des not seem to solve the problem#10:48
soeehi eeos10:49
eeosand finally I keep getting [drm:intel_pipe_config_compare [i915]] *ERROR* mismatch in ips_enabled (expected 1, found 0)10:49
soeedid you enabled backports ppa and upgraded Plasma ?10:49
eeoswait .... do you mean updated using the usual update procedure? or really make an upgrade?10:49
soeeok, i had some problems running 352 driver - i couldn;t switch profile there to nvidia10:49
soeeeeos: well add ppa and run full-upgrade10:50
eeosdo you mean the archive ubuntu backport?10:51
soeedo you have this ppa enabled: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports ?10:51
eeosin other software?10:53
soeeyes should be listed on sources list10:53
eeosI have http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ wily-backports10:54
soeeok, type in kruner: About10:55
soeeand see what Plasma version it shows10:55
lordievaderHehe, soee and eeos are a palindrome ;)11:00
lordievaderNo, I do not mean palindrome, I mean the one is backwards of the other...11:00
eeossoee: 5.4.211:19
eeos(sorry phone)11:19
eeossoee: 64bit11:19
soeewell it shoudl be 5.4.3 if you have backports enabled11:20
eeossoee: is that more stable?11:31
eeossoee: and does it solve the [drm:intel_pipe_config_compare [i915]] *ERROR* mismatch in ips_enabled (expected 1, found 0)11:32
soeei haven't seen this error11:32
soeeeeos: have you seen http://askubuntu.com/questions/712003/drm-intel-pipe-config-compare-mismatch-in-ips-enabled-expected-1-found-0 ?11:33
soeeand this is not Kubuntu fault directly, but might has something to do with Kernel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/149276411:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1492764 in linux (Ubuntu) "[drm:intel_pipe_config_compare [i915]] *ERROR* mismatch in ips_enabled (expected 1, found 0)" [High,Incomplete]11:34
soeeeeos: can you try newver nvidia driver maybe ?11:34
BluesKajHiyas all11:36
eeossoee: yes I did see that, but does not solve the problem12:14
kais3nI have one more question, but not related to virtual box :-)12:26
kais3n"normally" it should be possible to switch between diffrent windows of one application with the key command ALT+'KeyOverTap' but on my Kubuntu 15.10 it didn't12:27
kais3nThe Key is set under the settings short keys but without function. If I remove the keys I cannot set the combination ALT+'KeyOverTap' anymore. Is there a config file where I can do that?12:29
soeeALT + TAB does not work ?12:29
soeeSystem Settings -> Shortcuts this is wehere you can manage all shortcuts12:30
kais3nALT+TAB Works but switch between all Windows of all Applications12:30
kais3nI want to switch only between the windows of one application12:31
soeeah, sorry :)12:31
marcosRzHi, recently I have been facing random black screen at my Kubuntu 14.04. It works flawless for months, but sometimes there is just a black screen. I try going to other ttys and restarting lightdm, but no lock. Eventually I restart and everything works fine. So, is there any way to fix this issue without restarting the system? PS: I'm using an intel driver.12:45
eeosmarcosRz: just to know, if you look at dmesg, do you see [drm:intel_pipe_config_compare [i915]] *ERROR* mismatch in ips_enabled (expected 1, found 0)"12:49
eeosmarcosRz: ?12:49
marcosRzAs far as I remember there was no log output in the tty screen. But I did not check dmesg. Going to do that now12:52
marcosRzthis is my dmesg | grep i915 output http://pastebin.com/ikq8ZgDe12:55
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eeosmarcosRz: yu seem to have problems too13:04
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LeandronnHi everyone, I need some help with Kubuntu 15.10. I've bought an HP ENVY 15t-Q400 CTO Energy Star laptop16:55
Leandronneverything works fine but audio. It comes with Bang&Olufsen speakers.16:55
LeandronnCannot make them properly work. It comes with default values.16:56
LeandronnAny help would be appreciated16:56
dark-readerwhat's the problem in particular?17:01
dark-readerthe sound is poor?17:01
LeandronnSound is poor17:08
Leandronnbecause it's configured by default driver, I think17:08
LeandronnI tried using hda jack retask, but cannot find correct pin configuration17:08
BluesKajLeandronn, which audio chip ?17:09
Leandronn00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H HD Audio (rev 31) this is what lspci says17:09
Leandronnbut in jackretask tool I see a realtek17:10
BluesKajrealtek uses intel-hda audio17:10
Leandronnoh, ok17:11
LeandronnI can't find which pins to override, for what I looked for in Google, this laptop has 4 speakers 1 subwoofer17:11
BluesKajLeandronn, using pulseaudio? if ou have the volume cranked higher than 100% it will distort and clip17:12
LeandronnIf you hear this configuration, you would force me to crank it higher than 100000% lol17:13
LeandronnI'm using pulseaudio17:14
LeandronnIt came by default on my kubuntu installation, I think17:15
BluesKajno need for pulseaudio sound serverwith intel-hda ...its redundant IMO...I remove pulse on my intel audio equipped machines17:15
BluesKajbut that's your call17:16
LeandronnI will try, It's really anoying listening to music like this17:17
BluesKajI purge pulseaudio , it's the only way to get rid of oit permanenetly17:18
LeandronnIf anyone can find something about pins of this laptop, please write me to leandro.nnz@gmail.com17:19
LeandronnI'll let you know what happened17:19
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EvilRoeyhi all!!! How do I get the latest version of Youtube-DL onto my kubuntu 15.10 system?  It's out of date by like half a year...17:52
lordievaderEvilRoey: Download the script from the author?17:56
EvilRoeylordievader:  I suppose.... there's a PPA I've found but that only has the latest one for Xenial17:56
lordievaderThe only requirement is python (for as far as I know) so I guess that will work on Wily too.17:59
EvilRoeyapparently this thing is a python library, hkmm18:00
lordievaderJup, just a python script ;)18:01
BluesKajEvilRoey, whynot just use wget for now18:04
denza242BluesKaj: you can't _easily_ wget a youtube bideo18:12
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denza242it's much more convenient to use yt-dl18:12
BluesKajdenza242, I used wget for quite a while, but the url had to be correct...iirc it was tricky18:13
denza242EvilRoey: getdeb has youtube-dl18:14
BluesKajyou ghad to open the page source18:14
denza242EvilRoey: http://www.getdeb.net/18:15
denza242EvilRoey: alternatively, sudo pip install youtube-dl18:15
denza242but then you'll have to do multiple series of updates18:15
BluesKajyoutube-dl is available for Xenial18:16
denza242BluesKaj: hence the _easily_18:17
denza242!info youtube-dl xenial18:17
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2015.11.27.1-1.1 (xenial), package size 573 kB, installed size 3139 kB18:17
denza242out of date though18:17
denza242apt-cache policy youtube-dl youtube-dl:   Installed: 1:2016.01.09-1~getdeb118:18
soee_is it this: http://youtube-dl.org/ ?18:20
soee_grb teh latest sources and run it18:20
denza242soee_: https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl18:20
SmurphyAnyone knows why I can't use the Arrow UP/Down keys in kmail in the mail listing window18:22
denza242Smurphy: to navigate between individual emails?18:22
soee_denza242: this ppa contain build from december https://launchpad.net/~nilarimogard/+archive/ubuntu/webupd8/+index?batch=75&memo=525&start=52518:23
Smurphydenza242: No. Just to go to the next Mail by example.18:23
denza242soee_: still more out of date than getdeb18:23
SmurphyIt worked in kmail before the move to plasma 5.18:23
SmurphyDunno if it is a kmail issue or a plasma issue though.18:24
denza242Smurphy: does it move the message window when you try to navigate with the keyboard18:24
denza242Smurphy: probs a kmail issue. Same thing happens to me18:25
BluesKajdenza242, out of date?  the packages are chosen to run with the corrects libs18:25
denza242BluesKaj: ytdl runs with python provided by ubuntu18:26
denza242*the getdeb ytdl18:26
BluesKajwhat's the difference , if it works with one version of python vs another18:26
denza242BluesKaj: since youtube/google/alphabet keeps tweaking youtube, an out of date version of yt-dl might not be able to fetch the video18:27
BluesKajI doubt thast very much18:27
BluesKajotherwise why would it be in the repos18:28
* denza242 shrugs18:28
* BluesKaj shrugs back18:29
denza242BluesKaj: try to dl www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSgUPqygAww with ubuntu's copy of ytdl18:29
BluesKajdenza242, downloaded perfectly , np18:36
* denza242 shrugs18:36
denza242EvilRoey: ^^ ubuntu's version will work it seems18:37
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