
rtcoderhi darkxst01:46
darkxstrtcoder, hi01:46
Kapuhit is possible to scale down gnome.07:28
Kapuhmy resolution is a bit low so everything looks very large.07:28
mgedminthere's a setting somewhere07:34
Kapuhmgedmin: i been looking for that but can't find it anywere :/07:41
Kapuhany hints07:41
mgedmingnome-tweak-tool has hidpi mode somewhere07:42
mgedminbut it lies a little bit07:42
mgedminit looks like an on/off switch, but it actually toggles between two states out of three possible: on/off/auto07:42
mgedminthe two possible states that gnome-tweak-tool allows are on/auto07:42
mgedminthe gsettings setting underneath allows all three07:42
craysiiii hate when things lie07:42
mgedminyou may be able to find it with dconf-editor07:43
mgedminit'll be something about scaling07:43
mgedminorg.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor07:43
mgedmin0 means auto 1 is off 2 is 2x scaling aka hidpi mode07:43
Kapuhcool. im gonna take at look at that. thanks alot.07:44
mgedmin(there's a second independent setting called text-scaling-factor; you can set that one to fractional values as well)07:44
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