
jrwrenwell that was some depressing shit. do NOT go watch the snape scenes chronological order thing on youtube02:10
cmaloneyGood morning11:42
greg-gI was a nerd and installed apt-transport-tor, and switched my httpredir.debian.org addresses in my sources.list.d files and.... holy shit apt-get update is taking forever :)18:26
greg-ga la: http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/Always_download_Debian_packages_using_Tor___the_simple_recipe.html18:26
jrwrengreg-g: really? tor?18:26
jrwrengreg-g: why would you tor deb packages? just to add tor traffic and make it harder for NSA to analyze?18:27
greg-gto ensure my debs aren't compromised :)18:27
* greg-g was just nerding out18:27
greg-gI'm creating my teams Quarterly Review slide deck, needed a thing like that to do at the same time :)18:28
cmaloneySeems a bit overkill18:32

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