
=== sadin is now known as Sadin
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper
xubuntu75whello - I am a noob and have never used Linux.  I would like to download a version of Xubuntu to use on a Pentium 4 tower.  Can anyone suggest what version number I should use please?03:47
xubuntu75wthank you03:48
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper
ferrocenehey guys04:05
ferrocenehow do i find the versin of xubuntu i'm ruynning?04:05
ferrocenelsb_release tells me debian version04:12
ferroceneuname -a tells me kernel04:12
ferrocene/etc/issue tells me debian version04:12
ferrocene/etc/debian_version is self explanatory04:13
ferrocenelooks like Settings Manager -> Software & Updates -> Updates has the word 'Trusty'04:23
ferroceneCTRL-F "Trusty"04:24
ferroceneXubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr04:24
ferrocene^ that should go in the FAQ04:25
ferrocenenvm i'm an idiot04:34
ferrocene/etc/issue works04:35
ferroceneso does lsb_release -a04:35
ferrocenethx for your time04:35
Voyage I have GUI, how to see any files EVER opened by kate?05:19
Voyage I wrote a file in kate, now i cant find it. used search but no benefit. If can see the history, It wil help05:25
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
arcasysHeelo. I'm new to this channel. I've installed xubuntu 10.04 on a HP-RP7-Retail-System-Model-7800 having a second 7'' display next to the main 17'' touch display.09:33
flocculantarcasys: 10.04 was out of support years ago09:36
arcasysSorry, I meant 14.04! The 7'' display is a DisplayLink USB connected Monnitor. The following two problems arise: 1. Starting xubuntu from the Live CD shows the second monitor fine after it has been configured in the settings menu. After installing xubuntu on the hard disk the second monitor is still recognized and shown for configuration but the sceen remains black.09:42
arcasysProblem 2: When the second display (no touch) is configured to be e.g. below the main monnitor. The main monitors touch is out of calibration because the touch obviously assumes the total height although the reference should be only the main monitors area. This is BTW the same with xfce4-session version 4.12 (I've tried an upgrade but monitor configuration has unfortunateloy not improved in any way.09:46
uuunixxxHello! My name is Scott I ran a rm command on root of my hd. Whats the best way to recover ther hd? I unhooked it and changed hds to make sure it did not restart.12:56
viralsdeadHello! My name is Scott I ran a rm command on root of my hd. Whats the best way to recover ther hd? I unhooked it and changed hds to make sure it did not restart.13:15
knomeviralsdead, which rm command?13:16
knomeviralsdead, tbh, your best bet might be just reinstalling if you did a lot of damage13:16
knomeviralsdead, if /home is still intact, backup stuff that matters to you from there13:16
viralsdeadrunning 4.xx kernel on xubuntu wily 15.1013:19
viralsdeadknome, running 4.xx kernel on xubuntu wily 15.1013:20
knomeyou didn't answer my question; the kernel you are running doesn't matter13:20
viralsdeadSorry dont 'k'nome how to respond directly to you Knome13:21
viralsdeadyou mean the string?13:21
knomeviralsdead, i asked you: "which command did you run"13:21
knomeand you reply to me by telling which kernel you are running...13:21
viralsdeadSorry Im not the best apple in the tree... I ran rm?13:22
knomeviralsdead, what is your native language?13:22
viralsdeadlike to remove a file or directory, and my home is gone so yeah thats my main need back... and I have it as a separtate partition /dev/sda313:23
viralsdeadI live in Germany but English13:23
knomeok, so as i said; if you have done a lot of damage, then the best way to recover is reinstalling13:26
xubuntu15wHi everyone. I have a question where XFCE or Ubuntu in general handles icons. I started using a new icon folder under /usr/share/Black-Diamond/scalable and the result was strange. Some icons were utterly oversized and others normal. From the subfolder /48 i moved up icons which fixed most issues. However that made other icons miniscule. It seems the system sometimes uses icons from the subfolders and sometimes from the parent. How 13:45
viralsdeadKnome, Yes I have done this, I just put my other hd in and reinstalled xubuntu... but  really want the data back off the old hd... its like my source code and a lot of dev stuff...  was moving around and organizing some of my development workspace and dont have where  was at backed up... its like stepping back several weeks so its alot of writing and coding...13:45
xubuntu15w...continued. Now the icons in the Panel0 "sound settings" are perfectly sized 48px but the icons in the whisker start are far to small.13:47
xubuntu15wI know I can right click on the panel and change which icon to use. But that is not possible in the whisker menu. It means some icons are normally sized whereas others are very small13:56
knomexubuntu693, sorry, i didn't understand your question14:02
venezuelahay alguien que hable  español14:02
knome!es | venezuela14:02
ubottuvenezuela: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:02
venezuelasomeone can help me with firefox plugins QuickTime and QuickTime instructions for installation package to my xubuntu14:04
venezuelaI am treating me because I get into my system cctv nesesita quicktieme plugin installed by various codec for quicktieme but they were nothing and comes out on firefox plugin me this is not splitting the head several days14:07
venezuelahi all14:11
knome!patience | venezuela14:11
ubottuvenezuela: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:11
PowerKillerI can14:34
SonikkuAmericaHelp! The Application Finder shows no apps when I hit Alt+F3 or Super+R!16:30
SonikkuAmericaNever mind, clearing the custom command history worked.16:33
xubuntu75wHi is there a place that I can find what version of Xubuntu would work with a Pentium 4 please?  Thank you16:37
DoomBoomxubuntu75w, I'm no expert but wouldn't the latest just work? Just check if yours is 32 bit or 64 bit and pick the right one from the site17:00
=== xubuntu32w is now known as dash-25
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper
dash-25hi all... need a linux distro and thought I'd give xubuntu a try.  Should I install 14.04 or 15.10?17:29
knomedash-25, 16.04 (eg. the next LTS) is released soon, so unless it's a very important production machine, i'd probably go with 15.1018:23
GeekDudeIs there an easy way to fix vsync video tearing?18:35
QuantosOh got that's terrible23:56

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