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r_riosHello. I'm currently running Kubuntu 12.04 (can't upgrade to 14.04) and I see I can upgrade to Plasma 4.11 using the kubuntu backports. Has anyone done that? Is it reasonably safe?00:33
r_riosSome bugs with 4.8 are annoying me00:33
r_riosThe answer is no00:38
r_riosI added the backports repo, but there were several conflicts when I tried to install kde-workspace00:39
keyvinI'm getting constant plasma-desktop crashes with kubuntu 15.10. I have integrated intel HD 5500 graphics00:41
keyvinAnyone know what gives?00:41
keyvinI guess I'll try a bleeding edge kernel ppa00:42
r_rioskeyvin: not an expert, but there are some things which can trigger bugs like those00:42
r_riosFor instance: did you upgrade from Plasma 4?00:42
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mmnixhey guys, I repartitioned my hard drive and since then sddm-greeter is not starting anymore :/ sddm is running but when i try to call sddm-greeter it says could not connect to display02:51
mmnixany suggestions how that could happend -.-?02:51
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LiveUSBI'm having the roughest time downgrading Kubuntu via LiveUSB03:40
LiveUSBcan somebody assist03:40
LiveUSBI'm using Unetbootin to make a bootable usb drive with 14.04.03:42
LiveUSBwithout sudo during initiation of app, it says drive not mounted03:43
LiveUSBwith sudo it goes through the process and transfers files03:43
LiveUSBbut upon bootup into usb drive.. it just resarts the main OS03:44
LiveUSBI can never reach the 14.04 installation screen03:44
LiveUSBI never had this issue with Ubuntu03:48
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MaxirideJust started using a mobile hotspot, is there a way in KSysGuard to see total network usage? aka total data sent\recieved?08:24
lordievaderGood morning.09:29
Arthur_Dhi, baloo_file is apparently eating up over half a gigabyte of RAM, it started doing that quite recently and I only did the normal updates for 14.0411:13
Arthur_DI only have 6 GB of RAM so it's not that I have anything against RAM usage but at times it leaves too little for the rest of the system :/11:14
soeemight be it is indexing11:14
soeeso after indexing is finished, all should get to normal memory consumption11:15
Arthur_Dprobably, but I wonder what it's indexing, I haven't copied a lot of files recently11:15
soeebude 14.04 uses KDE4 so i can say much here  as i haven't been using it for a long time11:15
soee*can't say much11:16
Arthur_Dhmm actually I have copied a lot of files recently, I have an automatic backup to another computer, and I have sshfs to it as well, so maybe it's indexing the other computer as well11:23
lordievaderYou could run an 'strace -eopen -p $BALOO' (replace the variable with baloo's pid) to see what it opens.11:24
Arthur_Dthanks lordievader I'll try that11:36
Arthur_Dhmm nothing11:39
Arthur_D"Process 2301 attached" and then nothing11:40
lordievaderHmm, it is just taking up memory? Is there cpu activity?11:40
Arthur_Dthere is 1-3% processor usage as well11:42
Arthur_Dand some sleep also11:42
lordievaderYeah, that is not doing much. It is just claiming memory if you ask me ;)11:45
Arthur_Dyes it kinda looks like that :(11:50
Arthur_Dmaybe I'll just have to buy more RAM12:02
lordievaderOr restart baloo ;)12:05
lordievaderOr even disable it if you don't use it.12:05
Arthur_Dnot sure if I use it or not, might help with file search?12:06
lordievaderThat is the idea (I thought, I don't use it ;) )12:07
ejayHi all. How can I get rid of one of those volume controlers from systray? Got two now after readding systray widget to panel.12:40
soee_you can uninstall one12:46
soee_either kmix or plasma-pa12:46
michelsedghsoee_: whats the plasma-pa name in add widgets?? i dont find it!12:48
ejayAnd is it possible to remove kde connecT?12:49
soee_well it is package name for new audio control widget12:49
soee_in Plasma 5.6 it will also have controls for running apps etc.12:50
soee_ejay: why not ?12:50
michelsedghsoee_: i know but how can i add it to my systray?12:50
soee_michelsedgh: isn't it by default ?12:50
michelsedghidk let me check12:50
soee_rught click on it - does it says Audio Volume Controls ?12:51
ejayOk, my sys tray just went ape shit. Is there some cache for sys tray so it will go back to default?12:51
soee_what happend ?12:51
ejaycache to remove*12:51
michelsedghaudio volume settings :)12:51
soee_michelsedgh: well so you probably using plasma-pa12:52
michelsedghyeah i thought its not enabled by default12:52
michelsedghthanks :)12:52
BluesKajHiyas all12:54
ejaySo is it some cache for systray? Google gives me nothing.12:54
soee_uhm i dont know12:54
soee_either .cache12:54
soee_or /var/cache12:55
ejayI mean, I know where cache files are but I wonder if someone here knows if there is particular cache file for systray only. Don't want to kill ksyscoca or whatever just because systray is not working as intended.12:56
BluesKajthink locating the config file and editing it would be the method to use12:58
ejayAlso - bonus question. Is it possible AND safe to install lxqt DE on system with plasma? I want to see if double screen monitor is plasma only issue (gnome is working fine).12:59
soee_dunno, laptop + TV via hdmi works fine for me12:59
soee_@work PC with 2 screens works fine also13:00
ejaysoee_: "works fine for me"13:00
BigFredyhi all13:00
ejaysoee_: problem is - I don't really care if it work for you. It must work for me. Also - we probably have different expectations.13:01
BluesKajhey soee_, BigFredy13:01
soee_so how can you say taht you eant to see if it doesnt work only on plasma13:01
soee_i told yo it works here so it works on plasma13:01
soee_maybe your configuration has some problems13:02
ejaysoee_: it work on gnome. I want to see if souble screen setup works on Qt based DE so I can exclude Qt related issue.13:02
soee_BluesKaj: i think you also use 2 screens no ?13:02
soee_ejay: i always prefere to use single DE and do not mix them13:03
BluesKajejay, a lot of these multi monitor problems are gpu driver and setup related13:03
soee_someone said here last days that he could not switch from enlightment to Plasma13:03
BluesKajsoee_, no, just one monitor/tv13:04
soee_ah ok :)13:04
ejayBluesKaj: double screen setup works fine on gnome. Same setup, same drivers. It is something with plasma/qt. I don't believe it's qt.13:04
ejayBut I want to install lxqt to be sure if it's only plasma related issue.13:04
soee_ejay: but both screens fail ?13:04
ejaysoee_: none of screens fails. I can plug in my second monitor and use it - that's cool. Not cool is what plasma is doing with windows - putting them on secondary no matter what. Also widgets as task manager are losing their shit when pluggin in second monitor.13:06
soee_ejay: what Plasma version are you running ?13:07
ejaysoee_: 5.4.213:07
soee_if screens for than it probably is Plasma fault somehow13:07
soee_ejay: no upgrade to 5.4.3 from backports ?13:07
soee_ejay: also very soon we should release 5.5.3 to backports, so a lot of bugfixes comming13:08
ejaysoee_: yeah, I'm on 5.4.3, mea culpa13:08
soee_i have 5.4.3 @work and i had small problems there but now almost all works fine, but i use activities and i bind apps to activities13:09
ejaysoee_: You know what I thinking? I think that what is happening is just intended by devs and every "works for me" person just don't mind collecting windows all over from both monitors and moving head left and right because dialog windows are appearing randomly wherever plasma want them to appear. Ugh.13:10
soee_dialog issue i have only with Chromium Browser sometimes i think13:11
ejayIt's prolly like this new systray API where skype and bunch of not so not-important apps couldn't be docked in systray. #future13:18
soee_they are back in 5.513:21
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SergioEDuran1Hi friends I have a little question:17:28
SergioEDuran1well I have an Intel x3000 GPU and I am having issues with th plasma 5 renderization17:28
SergioEDuran1specially with OpenGL 2, less issues with OpenGL3 and less with Xrender17:29
SergioEDuran1sometimes (for example) the grid of the workspaces expo has an issue where the workspaces you are not using becomes completelly black17:31
SergioEDuran1and other wheere switching from window to window via the taskbar is a little bit glitchy and presents some lags17:32
BluesKajSergioEDuran1, workspaces? as in virtual desktops? or activities or both?17:32
SergioEDuran1virtual desktop17:33
SergioEDuran1and there are sometimes where the same desktop effects makes the screen blink in blaack or the window blinks showing the wallpaper on the glitch17:33
SergioEDuran1i mean there is like if the window started to disappear blinking17:34
SergioEDuran1letting you see the wallpaper17:34
SergioEDuran1I would need to use the workarround for intel GPUs?17:34
BluesKajSergioEDuran1,  which plsama version?17:35
SergioEDuran15.4.2, going for the 5.5.3 right now17:35
SergioEDuran1(I am in mid upgrade)17:35
BluesKajSergioEDuran1, upgrade to 5.4.3 first17:35
BluesKajok , 5.5.3 might work17:36
SergioEDuran1I will let you know if something is new with my issue17:36
BluesKajnot sure, my laptop with intel 4000 gpu works well17:37
SergioEDuran1do you had the same issue as me with your GPU and older plasma desktops?17:37
SergioEDuran1I see17:38
SergioEDuran1well see you17:38
SergioEDuran1I will reboot to see what is new with 5.5.3 :D17:38
BluesKajgood luck :-)17:38
SergioEDuran1thank you17:38
ejayIf SergioEduran1 will be online again you can tell him to try to change compositor rendering settings.17:46
mparilloCan somebody follow the URL to the FAQ in this channel topic?17:47
mparilloDo you end up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions17:47
mparilloI will edit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#Kubuntu to change KDE417:48
mparilloWhoops!     Immutable Page17:48
mparilloShould we change the channel topic to point elsewhere? Perhaps to: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu ?17:50
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Guest89303Hi, is Plasma 5.5.3 in backports already? Will there be an announcement on kubuntu.org/news?18:20
mparilloNot yet. You can add  kubuntu-ppa/backports-landing for wily, and head over to #kubuntu-devel to help test.18:33
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=== Steffstoff is now known as Guest18822
cjwelbornHello. I have a little UI bug going on in my lock screen for Plasma 5 (Breeze Theme, Maui SDDM Theme).The keyboard layout button is always way too small. I found a KeyboardLayoutButton.qml in my sddm breeze theme components (width: implicitWidth). Changing it doesn't seem to affect anything, and I'm not sure were else to look. Where do you go to edit the lock screen? Or the login screen for that matter?20:23
cjwelbornnevermind, I'm cross posting in #kde, and #plasma.20:25
goddardive noticed kde doesn't handle bluetooth quite as well as when I was running unity.. any tricks to get this thing connecting every time?20:31
goddardI also noticed sometimes when disconnecting it will "run away" and lock my systme up completely20:31
goddardim on 14.0420:31
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renanalguem pode me ensinar como funciona o para que que serve esse chato?20:43
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ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.20:53
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valoriemmnix: have you run grub-update since you repartitioned?21:57
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=== valorie changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | Kubuntu 15.10 https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-15-10/

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