
hallynpitti: bug 1533839 trivial debdiff seems to work;  assume you're out for the weekend but if you get a moment to review that would be great01:06
ubottubug 1533839 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "vms shutting down on libvirt upgrade" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153383901:06
sarnoldhallyn: nice find01:56
hallynsarnold: really pitti found it :)01:59
sarnoldhallyn: aha :)02:00
sarnoldpitti: nice find :)02:00
naccPharaoh_Atem: nothing else sticking out to me yet, but I'll think about it over the weekend03:56
Pharaoh_Atemnacc: okay cool03:57
=== jincreator is now known as jincreator_
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1203433 in calendar-exchange-provider (Ubuntu) "Please remove and blacklist calendar-exchange-provider" [Wishlist,Fix released]08:10
Mechtildewhat can I also do, to  push on?08:13
LocutusOfBorggood morning people, can anybody please sync when possible tcl and tk 8.6 in main?10:53
LocutusOfBorghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tcl8.6/+bug/1417563/comments/10 has the rationale10:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1417563 in tk8.6 (Ubuntu) "please merge t{cl,tk} 8.{5,6} from debian" [Undecided,Fix released]10:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1203433 in calendar-exchange-provider (Ubuntu) "Please remove and blacklist calendar-exchange-provider" [Wishlist,Fix released]10:54
Mechtildewhat can I also do, to  push on?10:54
cjwatsonMechtilde: it's not about whether it's active upstream or not - there's an archive-wide policy to not include Mozilla extensions because of the lack of time to ensure that extensions still work properly when doing aggressive updates to new versions of Mozilla11:01
cjwatsonone of my own packages suffers from this too *shrug*11:02
Mechtildealso it is maintained in Debian?11:05
Mechtildecan you give me a link to this policy?11:06
cjwatsonDebian> same answer11:06
Mechtildecan you give me a link to this policy?11:07
cjwatsonjust digging it out11:07
cjwatson(yeah, I know calendar != firefox, I think that's more a badly-named page)11:09
cjwatsonyou can of course talk to the mozilla packaging people if there's a specific problem with this, e.g. Chris Coulson11:10
Mechtildebut in PPA it is allowed?11:12
LocutusOfBorgcjwatson, I sync'd cmtk :)11:27
LocutusOfBorgmapreri, cherry-picked in debian all the stuff11:27
mapreriLocutusOfBorg: now if you want you can take care of the dcmtk transition in ubuntu (in debian just migrated :P)11:30
LocutusOfBorgmapreri, guarda che cjwatson ha già fatto cmtk aveva già una ubuntu2 no change rebuild11:30
LocutusOfBorgoops, sorry!11:30
LocutusOfBorgI mean, cmtk had already an ubuntu2 no change rebuild from cjwatson, so I presume he already took care of the transition11:31
* LocutusOfBorg is sorry for the confusion11:31
mapreriLocutusOfBorg: yeah, I read the changelog :P  btw, no the transition is stalled in ubuntu atm, dcmtk is stuck in proposed due to old binaries11:33
maprerialso, ubuntu doesn't seem to have something like the auto-transitioner, so there is no transition tracker,  uh11:33
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LocutusOfBorgcjwatson, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/232931972/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-arm64.grub2_2.02~beta2-33_BUILDING.txt.gz11:55
LocutusOfBorgisn't this a problem because of virtualizated builders?11:55
LocutusOfBorgalso dcmtk, is missing build on arm64, (I retried the build)11:56
darkxstmapreri, there are, but they need to be manually setup (or copied from debian)12:00
darkxstmapreri, i.e if you want one, just ask (not me though, I don't have access)12:02
darkxstmaybe that branch is old though12:07
mapreridarkxst: yeah, I know that branch, but I was talking about a thing that generetes ben packages automatically, as it's done in debian.  anyway, I'm already busy enough without taking care of ubuntu's transitions atm...12:32
LocutusOfBorgdcmtk is built on arm6412:51
=== jincreator is now known as jincreator_
NikThHello, where can I find the linux_4.3.0.orig.tar.gz file ? I can find linux_4.2.0.orig.tar.gz but not 4.3.0 . Thanks.16:18
rbasakNikTh: looking at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/4.3.0-5.16, I'm not sure why there isn't an orig there, but that is the source I believe. I don't know if linux is somehow special in a way that I'm not aware, or if it's just a native package (which would be odd).16:32
NikThrbasak: I'm not sure either. If I download linux_4.3.0-5.16.tar.gz and rename it, will it work ? I want to avoid uploading the whole source every time I build a new package (in Launchpad). It worked before, but I need the orig.tar.gz file.16:43
infinityNikTh: Tim tends to operate without an orig until just before a stable release, but if you want one for a PPA, just use Linus's.18:12
NikThinfinity: I think this will be rejected from Launchpad. Because it's not exist (in Launchpad). Also "debuild" wants a specific form (orig.tar.gz ...etc) in order to work. Am I correct ? Will rename it work ?18:15
infinityNikTh: LP doesn't enforce consistency between PPAs and the archive.18:16
infinityNikTh: And yes, the name needs to be correct.  linux_4.3.0.orig.tar.gz18:16
NikThinfinity: OK, thanks for the info. I will try. :-)18:17
infinityNikTh: Basically, unpack Tim's native source, plunk new orig in parent dir, run debuild -S, voila, you should have an orig/diff/dsc setup now.18:17
infinityThere will be a lot of noise if you debdiff old and new (files in the orig that can't be deleted by that source format), but that's expected.  It'll still build fine.18:18
NikThinfinity: Yes I have done this before but it only worked with orig.tar.gz in parent dir and orig.tar.gz downloaded from Launchpad.18:18
infinityNikTh: The orig.tar.gz used by the kernel team (when they use one) *is* Linus's tar.gz renamed, it should work fine. ;)18:19
NikThinfinity: I didn't know this info. Thanks again. :-)18:20
infinityNikTh: Oh, and on your first upload to the PPA with the new orig, you'll need "debuild -S -sa" to include the orig in .changes18:20
infinityNikTh: Since you need to upload the orig once. :P18:20
NikThinfinity: Yes, actually the command I'm running is " debuild -S -sa -I.git -I.gitignore...blah..blah :)18:21
NikThThen, and after I upload the orig.tar.gz, the same command but with -sd at the end.18:22
NikThinfinity: Yes ! It seems it's working correctly. Just a simple rename :-) From dput: "Uploading linux_4.4.0.orig.tar.gz"18:38
NikThinfinity: Thank you :)18:38
Unit193Why's everyone so eager for 4.3?18:40
NikThinfinity: After I upload this orig.tar.gz I will try without it and see if I reach my goal. I cannot think why could fail, but until uploading only the diff.gz .changes...etc , I cannot be 100% sure.18:41
NikThUnit193: I'm not. Actually skipped this version completely. I'm testing 4.4 right now and using 4.1.15 LTS for production :)18:43
ari-tczewdoes someone have any docs about fixing FTBFS like "undefined reference to" ?18:48
juliankari-tczew: Wha19:11
juliankWhat's there to document? Some library must be missing19:11
juliankFigure out which and add it to LDFLAGS19:11
juliank(Assuming C/C++ and friends)19:12
ari-tczewjuliank: see buildlog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14531712/19:13
ari-tczewI just added -lacl to the +libgnu_a_LIBADD = $(gl_LIBOBJS) -lacl19:14
ari-tczewbut seems to be not working19:14
juliankI think that only works for static libraries19:14
juliankThat is, you need to add an LDADD target to the rrep target or something19:15
juliankNo wait, it's there19:15
ari-tczewjuliank: could you take a look on https://sources.debian.net/src/rrep/1.3.6-1/ ?19:15
juliankI did not know a static library was involved in it.19:15
ari-tczewjuliank: your feedback/help would be really appreciated19:16
juliankWith autotools and static libraries involved, that's harder than I thought19:17
juliankBut if you're using libtool, I think "libgnu_a_LIBADD" should be "libgnu_la_LIBADD"19:18
juliankwith the extra l between _ and a19:19
ari-tczewjuliank: I don't know, I just based on the source19:20
juliankAh OK, no libtool19:20
ari-tczewmaybe that line I choose might be wrong?19:20
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: no, the grub2/arm64 problem has nothing whatsoever to do with virtualised builders.  Please don't blame virt builders for everything!19:21
juliankari-tczew: Did you also add it to libgnu_a_DEPENDENCIES?19:21
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: I've already passed it upstream19:21
LocutusOfBorgthanks :)19:21
LocutusOfBorgit is trivial to blame the virtualization :D19:22
ari-tczewjuliank: no, I didn't. should do I? If so, should -lacl be the first or the last?19:22
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: No wonder you thought virt builders were to blame for lots of problems if you're blaming everything on virt. :-P19:22
juliankari-tczew: All the other libraries are there too19:22
juliankExample being "libgnu_a_LIBADD += @ALLOCA@" "libgnu_a_DEPENDENCIES += @ALLOCA@"19:22
juliankNot sure if that changes anything, but it seems to be the more correct thing to do19:23
juliankari-tczew: But AFAICT it should already be in LDADD:19:24
juliank"LDADD = $(LIB_ACL) $(LIBICONV) $(LIBINTL) ../lib/libgnu.a"19:24
juliankI'd just move the libgnu.a to the front of it19:24
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: synced tcl8.6 and tk8.6 for you19:24
juliankThat's in src/Makefile.am19:24
ari-tczewjuliank: OK, I'll try it without my first own change19:25
ari-tczewjuliank: pbuilder seems to be happy with change suggested by you. thanks!!!!19:37
ari-tczewI'll build it now on PPA.19:37
juliankari-tczew: Yeah, it's a matter of specifying the -l options *after* the objects needing them (here: the libgnu.a)19:53
ari-tczewjuliank: It's odd, that the same package in Debian builds fine there, though.19:59
juliankDifferent linker settings.19:59
juliankMaybe bsymbolic-functions, I don't know19:59
cjwatson--as-needed, I expect20:02
cjwatson(which isn't on by default in Debian, but is in Ubuntu since natty)20:04
ari-tczewjuliank: Also, there is no _missing_ library. The another just should be moved. (conclusion)20:05
juliankcjwatson: Yeah, makes sense20:08
* cjwatson pokes Leif about grub2/arm64 to see if he got anywhere with relocation improvements20:11
bdrungcjwatson, vlc daily builds fail: https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/ubuntu/stable-daily/+build/885918323:25
bdrungcjwatson, configure: error: "You cannot build VLC with Qt-5.5.0. You need to backport I78ef29975181ee22429c9bd4b11d96d9e68b7a9c"23:25
bdrungcjwatson, can you backport that fix to xenial's qt version?23:25

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