
helmoHi, I've run into an outdated but immutable page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DotDeb  Anyone here who can help in fixing that?15:21
helmoThe dotdeb.com domain seems to be not in use anymore, but on dotdeb.org there is a repository.... not sure if it has the same origin.15:22
knomehelmo, the wiki is currently editable only by wiki admins and editors after a spam attack15:46
knomewhat kind of changes are you proposing?15:46
helmoknome: dotdeb.com is currently one of those spammy parked domains... So linking there seems bad. I suggest to update it to link to dotdeb.org.20:49
knomehelmo, one of the problems i see with that page is that it offers packages for debian, but not explicitly for ubuntu21:31
knomehelmo, anyway, updated the page/link21:34

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