
farooghkzسلام ایرج.08:36
irajfarooghkz, salam08:36
mike90hi all :D08:36
irajmike90, hi dude08:37
farooghkzhi mike08:38
farooghkzmike90, u didnt play any werewolf game :-)08:40
mike90yeah, these days im really busy :D08:41
mike90im doin some stuffs for libc project and bugzilla (those are very very diff. and this kills my energy ;D)08:42
farooghkzu didnt understand.u didnt play any game.08:42
mike90i got it mate :D, you're telling me why i didnt paly game :), and i told you reason :D08:43
farooghkzwhat does libc do?08:45
mike90libc is c standard primary library :D08:45
mike90when u re using FILE struct or are using printf, you're actually using libc :D08:46
mike90" stdio,stdlib,etc?" <----- not just these :D08:46
mike90but these are parts of libc :)08:47
farooghkzok.i understand08:47
farooghkzmike,how do i make u sad? just4 test :-D08:49
farooghkzbecause u sayed u cant do dis08:50
farooghkzi think i made u sad with dis wrong question08:52
mike90dont even think of this impossible stuff :D08:53
farooghkzi couldnt?08:55
mike90you cant ;D08:55
farooghkzno way?08:56
farooghkzuntill now i played 246 werewolf game!09:01
mike90WOW @.@09:01
farooghkzand im newbie!09:02
farooghkzsome players played about 2000 or 3000 games!09:03
farooghkzfor example rotta666 played 4500games09:04
farooghkzgl mike because working on libc :-)09:05
mike90gl as in good luck :D09:15
farooghkzbecause i use python and python needs c09:16
farooghkzسعید.آدرس وبلاگت؟09:17
farooghkzجلسه  چ زمانیه؟10:10
farooghkzآی آر سی خیلی با حاله.با هر دستگاهی ک ب اینترنت وصل میشه میتونید بیاید آی آر سی! ‎:-)‎10:28
farooghkzکافیه دستگاهتون بتونه ب اینترنت وصل شه!10:36
farooghkzکسی با تلویزیون اومده آی آر سی؟10:36
=== farooghkz is now known as farooghkz[away]
=== farooghkz[away] is now known as farooghkz
farooghkzچرا کسانی ک اینجا هستند همه ساکت اند؟10:56
mike90faroogh: did you watch "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYodWEKCuGg" ?14:16
farooghkzno because we(iranians) cant c youtube14:17
farooghkzwhats that?14:18
mike90Code Monkey :D, a famous song by Jonathan Coulton and a video mixed with that :D14:26
farooghkzcode monkey?is that song about programming and developing?14:27
mike90codeMonkey in our local slang means a programmer (usually works for a company)14:36
mike90this song is about everyday life and wishes of a code monkey :D14:37
farooghkza code monkey?14:39
farooghkzwhats/whos a code monkey14:40
mike90 in our local slang means a programmer (usually works for a company)14:42
farooghkzis that song in english?14:43
mike90faroogh: yes that's english :D17:10
mike90but very very simple lyrics :D17:10
farooghkzand its size?17:11
mike90no idea, lemme check :D17:11
farooghkzcan u email it 2 me?17:11
mike90about 8mb17:11
mike90so lemme download it :D (dirty work i think ;D)17:12
farooghkzim not sure that i can download it.where is it?17:13
mike90hello :)17:16
mike90i posted download link formerly :D17:16
mike90*download --> video17:16
farooghkzfrom utube?17:16
mike90yes there are some web services to download videos from youtube :D17:17
mike90im not sure whether is it legal or not :D17:17
alimjGood evening17:17
alimjIt is also possible to download Youtube videos with youtube-dl17:18
* mike90 has no idea :)17:18
alimjIt is usually included in standard repositories17:18
farooghkzapt install youtube?17:18
alimjsudo apt-get install youtube-dl;youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYodWEKCuGg17:19
mike90alimj: saw that :D17:19
alimjIt would be possible to download lower qualities (or only Audio)17:19
alimjPlease refer to the manual for further information17:19
alimjYou should have VPN or HTTP_PROXY (if youtube is censored)17:20
mike90alimj: saw codemonkey video yourself ?17:20
alimjmike90: I just wanted to provide an example17:20
alimjmike90: Yes. We are all code monkeys ;-)17:20
mike90see it, i can only suggest you see it :D17:20
mike90great reAction on its boss :D17:20
alimjI have contributed "just one line" to youtube-dl source on Github :-P17:21
mike90congrats :)17:21
alimjBut I have a custom Python script which uses youtube-dl libraries. It is approximately 100 lines long17:22
alimjEssentially I learnt Python since I wanted to use youtube-dl17:22
alimjfarooghkz: If you do not have VPN, you could use tor and torrify (or polipo)17:23
farooghkzok.i will try17:24
farooghkzdid u know? i have no computer now.17:25
alimjNo. I did not know. :-(17:26
mike90you have :), theorically17:26
alimjAre you using a tablet?17:26
farooghkz*desktop computer17:26
alimjSo why you do not have a computer (if you have a Desktop)?17:27
farooghkarimizbe back in 2min17:28
farooghkzi have no tablet17:31
farooghkzdid u c my client?17:31
alimjfarooghkz: No?17:34
farooghkz*my client name17:34
alimjIRC only shows your IP while joining17:35
farooghkzalimj, why u r speaking eng?17:35
alimjBecause I thought mike90 would like to listen17:35
farooghkzwhy we r speaking eng?17:35
alimjBut I guess we can switch to Persian for now17:35
alimjیک رییسی دارم که می‌گه وقتی که در کنار افراد خارجی هستی و مهمام خارجی داری، سعی کن به زبان انگلیسی صحبت کنی17:36
farooghkzمن مشکلی نداشتم.اتفاقا واسم خوب بود تا انگلیسی ضعیفم قوی شه17:36
alimjمن خودم این را یک بار شاهد بودم که در یک جمع ۵ نفره که همه به زبان آلمانی صحبت می‌کردند، به خاطر من به زبان انگلیسی سوییچ کردند17:37
farooghkzمایک فقط میتونه فارسی بخونه17:37
alimjالان می‌تواند فارسی بخواند؟17:37
farooghkzi switched 2 eng:-)17:37
alimjاحتمال دارد که از مترجم گوگل استفاده می‌کند17:37
farooghkzno.he sayed i can just read eng17:38
* mike90 can read persian O/17:38
mike90farsi :)17:38
alimjAre you interested in Persian language mike90?17:39
alimjDo you use an online translator or you could really read?17:39
mike90i just can read it and because of this, it's one of my favorites :)17:39
mike90sure i can read it myself :D17:40
alimjWhere did you learn to read Persian language?17:40
mike90if you use very professional slangs, i may read it but not understand :D17:40
farooghkzwhat does lemme mean?17:40
mike90let me :D17:40
alimjFortunately, this is an Ubuntu support page and would be most unlikely for us to use complex words17:41
farooghkzhey guys.i have an irc chan17:41
mike90i can remember, 1st time i came here faroogh told me sirish (in persian words) i couldnt understand i used google-translate and it filed to help17:42
mike90finally faroogh himself told me sirish means glue :D17:42
alimjI personally have little problems with few English words/expressions which usually I can find in urban dictionary17:42
mike90im sure sirish is not in urban :D17:42
farooghkzsirish: a type of glue17:42
alimjIt is an ancient natural glue17:43
mike90yeah i remember mate :), and im a sirish17:43
alimjNo worries17:43
mike90farooghkz ^17:43
farooghkzno mike.17:43
alimjIt is already astonishing that you could read our alphabet. It is usually very hard17:44
farooghkzthe sentence was 2 translate :-)17:44
alimjUsually only western people who had been exposed to Arabic language could read our alphabet17:45
alimjHere the local classes for Persian try to focus on vocabulary and grammar, using Latin alphabets, and switch to Persian alphabet only in last stages17:46
mike90alimj: common mate :D, not really 2 hard, most of people here who travels middle-east tries to learn, some fail some success, also i have many friends(like myself) who are hybrid :D17:46
alimjYou are Half Persian?17:47
farooghkzbb in 30min17:47
mike90faroogh, bye :D17:47
mike90alimj: not exactly myself, it's true about Generations ago :D17:48
alimjI get it :-)17:49
mike90i saw my grannies talked either azerbaijani and persian :D17:49
alimjI see17:49
alimjAzerbaijani is a sub family of Turkish language17:49
alimjBut has similar roots17:50
mike90with a little diffrent i see, i have turko friends :D, but i can say ensured azerbaijani is absoloutely harder than persian i think17:50
alimjI have never tried to learn17:51
alimjI had many Azari friends17:51
mike90me too :D17:51
mike90azari is right or azeri ?17:51
alimjIt would be very useful here.17:51
mike90i iran ?17:51
alimjBoth are correct17:51
mike90is useful ?17:52
mike90*is it useful in iran?17:52
alimjYes. Many people in Iran speak that language17:52
mike90wow :D i thought only north-western part of there is like that :D17:52
alimjCurrently I work in a company where most people speak Azari language17:52
mike90here i know turko ones, when they're more than one, usually try to speak that :D17:53
mike90qlagh qlagh qlagh17:53
alimjAzari pronunciations are very hard17:54
mike90yeah harder than blah blah blah :D17:54
mike90as it's "qlagh qlagh qlagh" :D17:54
mike90BTW, i <3 cultular diffs :D17:55
alimjSame here :-)17:55
alimjIt is always nice to try to understand and learn from different cultures17:55
mike90yeah :D17:56
alimjOK, I have to leave early tonight. I have to water the plants, turn on washing machine and lot's of other pending tasks.17:56
alimjI will be here for a while17:56
alimjUsually online in the afternoons17:56
mike90OK, then gn8 ;D17:57
mike90i have to go home too :D17:58
farooghkzsorry 4 2min lag18:20
farooghkzwe were talking about what?18:22
farooghkzalimj, is ur nick registed?18:30
alimjfarooghkz: Yes, it is. Unfortunately I have to go early tonight :-( Important tasks tomorrow. Will be online in the evening18:36
farooghkzok np18:37
farooghkzbye4now :-)18:45

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