
an3kwhy is PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" fine but LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/lib" is not?01:05
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sarnoldan3k: because you're potentially changing the behaviour of -all- programs you run if you're defining a new location to find symbols; but you're unlikely to have funny versions of existing program names in ~/bin/01:54
sarnoldan3k: you're right that it's not -that- different, but it does potentially affect nearly every program you'll run.01:54
an3khmm, when I login and do echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH it's empty, same for the other env path i set01:55
an3kand doing "LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/lib"" in .profile doesn't work but export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/lib" does01:56
an3kI know that export is only for the current login and not permanently (as long as you don't put it in the .profile :) but afaik PATH="/foo" is temporary too?!01:57
tarpmananything you set in your shell applies only to that shell process01:59
tarpmanexport means it gets copied to child processes as well01:59
sarnoldan3k: something else has already done an 'export PATH' somewhere during login; I never did figure out the full 'export' rules in shells; check the output from export -p | grep -e PATH -e LD_   to se...01:59
tarpmanPATH=... applies to your current shell only; export PATH=... applies to your current shell _and_ any processes it spawns01:59
tarpmanhmm, PATH might be a bad example for that.02:00
an3kso with PATH I can do "binary" and it checks $HOME/bin for that but if "binary" wants to start "foobarnary" which is also in $HOME/bin then it doesn02:01
an3k't work?02:01
sarnoldsince PATH is exported, whatever you start will get the value..02:02
an3kand if I want that to work I would have to export PATH02:02
an3kah yeah, that's why the bad example :)02:02
an3kbut I got the idea. Thank both of you!02:02
tarpmanbut if you do FOO=bar in your current shell, spawned processes won't see it unless you explicitly export it02:03
tarpmanPATH is a bad example because it's already exported, as sarnold said02:03
sarnoldtarpman: I thought I understood all this but then:02:03
sarnold$ FOO=bar /usr/bin/env | grep FOO02:03
tarpmansarnold: difference between that and $ FOO=bar; /usr/bin/env | grep FOO02:04
sarnoldtarpman: dude. 22 years I've been doing this..02:04
sarnoldtarpman: thanks :D02:04
an3kvery nice we've talked about :D02:05
sarnoldan3k: definitely. I've wondered just what little bit I've missed for a decade or something but never really investigated. tarpman points it out with a one-char change to my example.02:06
an3khehe yeah. This is also difficult to google for and I often noticed that someone has to ask the right question at the right time in right location :)02:09
sarnoldthat can be quite difficult too :)02:13
an3kgrrrr su vapoursynth -c "echo $HOME" = /root02:29
tarpmanan3k: the difference between su -c "echo $HOME" and su -c 'echo $HOME'02:58
an3koh my ... why, just why?! :)03:00
sarnoldtarpman: lol, two chars this time :)03:00
sarnoldtarpman: and, uh, I looked right at it and missed it. sigh. it's a good thing this is a three-day weekend. :)03:00
tarpmansarnold: we were talking about that in scrum this morning, actually. turns out my cow-orkers get to work on monday03:01
tarpman(i'm in canada, so don't get a stat until next month)03:01
tarpmansarnold: basically: enjoy your long weekend :)03:02
sarnoldtarpman: hmm, sorry about the CAD, I'm doing my best to burn fuel though I swear :)03:02
sarnoldthough I realize i could be doing more to consume more maple syrup.03:02
tarpmanan3k: for the record, a bunch of scripting languages inherited the ' vs " thing from sh, so it's good to be alert about03:02
an3kyeah, I know that from PHP but there it has a complete different meaning (int/var) but the behaviour in bash is very confusing.03:05
tarpmanin terms of performing substitution or not, I meant03:07
tarpmannot sure what you mean by int/var?03:07
an3kin PHP bla='5' is correct (integer) as well as foo="more" (variable) and vice-versa it's wrong03:08
an3kWhat I can't understand is that su user -c "echo $HOME" is executed as root and su user -c 'echo $HOME' as user.03:08
sarnoldthe "" string is interpolated by the shell03:09
sarnoldthe '' string is not03:09
tarpman"echo $HOME" - the $HOME part is evaluated in your current shell and the result passed to su03:09
sarnoldit isn't about root execution or user execution03:09
tarpmansu user -c 'echo $HOME' the entire string is passed to su as is, and evaluated by the shell invoked by -c03:09
an3kthat is a very informative evening :) Thank you03:11
tarpmanan3k: were you the person I was talking about l-smash and static linking with? I still have a schroot around here somewhere with it half installed ...03:12
an3kyes, must be me :)03:12
an3kdo you need help with?03:15
an3khmm, obviously ~/ is always evaluated by the shell invoked by -c03:18
sarnolddepends upon '' vs "" again03:18
an3kI have su vapoursynth -c "~/vs_user.sh" and added echo in front of it. I always got ~/vs_user.sh echo'ed with " as well as '03:20
tarpmanno, he's right - " counts as quoting in the case of ~03:20
tarpmansh(1) says only $ ` " \n are evaluated inside "03:20
tarpmanpardon, $ ` \03:21
sarnoldw.t.f. 22 years..03:21
* sarnold hides in shame.03:21
sarnoldtarpman: I hope you're keeping track of how many beers I owe you.03:21
tarpmanheh. I have the manpage in front of me, it's not like I have it memorized :P03:21
sarnoldsurely were into the dozens by now :)03:21
* tarpman writes this down03:22
tarpmansarnold: planning to attend debconf!? :D03:22
tarpmaner, the next one in north america, anyway...03:22
sarnoldtarpman: heh, one of these years..03:22
sarnoldI wanted to make it to last year's, but we couldn't convince management that Yet Another person needed to go.. :(03:22
an3kthank god ~ isn't evaluated otherwise my build_script may be broken :)03:23
sarnoldhave a good weekend tarpman, an3k :)03:27
tarpmanttyl :)03:27
an3kbye sarnold, you too!03:27
tarpmanan3k: right. so I think I'm at the same point you were ....  /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/liblsmash.a(description.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.bss' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC03:28
an3kAs far as I can remember I solved it by compiling l-smash with -fPIC (CFLAGS)03:29
an3kPATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/lib/pkgconfig" ./configure --prefix="$HOME" --extra-cflags="-I$HOME/include -fPIC" --extra-ldflags="-L$HOME/lib"03:31
tarpmanaha, there it is03:32
tarpmanfor l-smash: ./configure --disable-static03:32
tarpmanthen everything works.03:33
tarpmanmodulo your various $HOME stuff - i'm in a chroot so installing everything to /usr/local is acceptable03:33
tarpmanmystery solved :)03:33
an3koh, you don't care about static links?! then I can give you my build script :)03:33
tarpmanheh, I don't care about l-smash either ;) I was curious how you got to where you did (thinking you had to rebuild gcc)03:33
tarpmanaudio/video is not my area one bit03:34
an3kah hehe03:34
an3kwell, I even don't have to rebuild gcc03:34
tarpmandidn't think so ;)03:34
tarpmanglad you sorted that :)03:34
an3ka very knowledgable gcc dev told me how I can do it without03:34
tarpmanbut now you know, --disable-static rather than --extra-cflags03:34
an3kyeah. I built everything without static / with shared and it fully works03:35
tarpmangood place to be03:35
an3kif you just run this in the VapourSynth directory you should have a static lib for L-SMASH Works03:35
an3kar cr libvslsmashsource.a lsmashsource.o video_output.o libavsmash_source.o lwlibav_source.o ../common/utils.o ../common/qsv.o ../common/libavsmash.o ../common/libavsmash_video.o ../common/lwlibav_dec.o ../common/lwlibav_video.o ../common/lwlibav_audio.o ../common/lwindex.o ../common/video_output.o03:36
* tarpman kills off that particular schroot03:36
an3kmaybe change "ar cr" to "ar csr"03:36
an3kthat's what he said about how to avoid rebuilding gcc :)03:37
LyF3L3SSwhats up all04:52
NoCodeHow do you upgrade to another release if the VPS is headless, and I'm connecting to it via ssh? Says it's not recommended to upgrade via ssh. But then it'll tell me that there will be another port to connect to if something goes array in which port 1022 will be used and thought I seen a mention of screen there.05:55
NoCodeShould I use screen anyway? I guess it would make sense to use screen instead of a proper ssh terminal. That way I can reattach05:56
* NoCode is thinking out loud.05:56
NoCodeShould I keep /etc/rsyslog.conf when upgrading?06:05
an3kI'm awake but I have absolutely no clue. Personally I would keep rsyslog as long as I don't have to care about it's size / free diskspace06:19
lordievaderGood morning.09:30
arcskyhi,  sudo vconfig add eth0 100 means the eth0.100 got vlan-id 100 ?10:02
buengeniogood day13:38
buengenioinstalled the 4.4 (and tried the nightlies) and after reboot get "gave up waiting for root device"13:38
buengeniothe grub menu entries look exactly the same as my working 4.3 kernel (i.e. root=UUID..... is all there..)13:38
buengenioany ideas?13:38
lordievaderWhat are you trying to mount? What fs type?13:43
buengeniojust trying to boot into 4.4 kernel13:44
lordievaderWhat version of Ubuntu and where did you get the 4.4 kernel from?13:44
buengenioinstalled official ubuntu mainline packages13:44
lordievaderThe ext fs is not on lvm or luks or something?13:44
buengeniono, it's not LVM13:45
buengeniobasically, the stock 4.2 that came with wily - boots, 4.3 - which I also installed from the same ppa -boots, 4.4 (and 4.4-nightlies) - don't boot13:46
buengeniosame root UUID13:46
buengeniocan I try the good old root=/dev/nvme0n1p2 method?13:46
lordievaderWhat method is that?13:46
lordievaderIs there something in the 4.4 kernel that you really need by the way?13:47
buengenioyes - proper i915  suppoprt13:47
buengeniocurrently getting a lot of drm errors and timeouts during boot13:48
buengenioapparently it was solved in 4.413:48
buengenio *ERROR* dp aux hw did not signal timeout (has irq: 1)!13:48
buengenio  32.770232] [drm:intel_dp_start_link_train [i915]] *ERROR* failed to enable link training13:48
buengenio[   33.538109] [drm:intel_dp_complete_link_train [i915]] *ERROR* failed to start channel equalization13:48
lordievaderA video card in a server?13:48
buengeniowhy is that unusual?13:49
buengeniohome server :)13:49
lordievaderMost servers are headless.13:49
buengenionot this one13:49
lordievaderbuengenio: Do you get busybox when it gives up waiting for the root fs?13:50
buengenioi think so13:50
lordievaderbuengenio: Can you mount the root-fs manually in there?13:51
buengeniohaven't tried13:51
buengeniobut it also says /dev does not exist13:51
buengenioso I suppose I wouldn't be able to mount anything13:52
lordievaderHave you checked it's existence?13:52
NoCodehttp://pastebin.com/E3AtcKaE -- Hi, would anyone know a solution? I'm not sure if such errors in the log are responsible for my index page being blank.14:16
lordievaderProbably, a dependecy cannot be started. That is not the only error I see though...14:35
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
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YamakasYwhat does the dhcp failover mechanism failover ? the leasesfile ?17:13
patdk-lapyou must configure it in the config on each dhcp server17:26
jonahhi does anyone know what to insert into csf/iptables to allow samba shares on local network? Or can anyone please help so I can access samba, my firewall is blocking it. If i turn off the firewall it works great but I'd like to keep things secure and have the firewall running17:42
jonahI only need samba on my local network17:43
jonahany help would be great. thanks17:43
OerHeksjonah, maybe this page is a help >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/649969/what-ports-does-the-samba-client-require17:46
jonahOerHeks: hi thanks that's great. it was also the rules set I was looking for. I've not used iptable rules before so just wondered how I put the rules set in there and make sure it's right?17:47
OerHeksjups, run: netstat -tulpn | egrep "samba|smbd|nmbd|winbind"  # and these ports are your answer.17:47
jonahOerHeks: thanks17:48
YamakasYpatdk-lap: ok, but it will never serve the same address from my backup dhcp it seems ?17:50
jonahOerHeks: it's this bit I don't really get, the syntax... http://www.perturb.org/content/iptables-rules.html17:51
jonahOerHeks: how do I make a few rules that allow my local network?17:51
patdk-lapYamakasY, that depends on how you configure it17:55
jonahI've posted here for advice: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2310138&p=13424118#post1342411817:55
jonahthanks again for any help17:55
patdk-lapand if your client supports bootp or real dhcp17:55
jonahbye for now17:55
YamakasYpatdk-lap: yeah it does but I have set a split on 255 on the master17:56
YamakasYand I assume it should takeover when I stop it17:56
patdk-lapisc dhcp doesn't takeover18:09
patdk-lapthey will always work18:09
patdk-lapexcept the slave will be delayed like a second18:10
patdk-lapfor bootp, you must configure a range for each to use18:10
patdk-lapfor dhcp, they will split the pool between the two18:10
patdk-lapand update each other on usage18:10
YamakasYpatdk-lap: ok, but what about dns than ? that is kinda odd18:21
patdk-lapwhat does dns have to do with dhcp or failover?18:23
YamakasYpatdk-lap: if it failsover and it get's anoter IP, my client... my dns resolving is not working anymore ?18:23
patdk-lapwhy would it get another ip?18:24
YamakasYpatdk-lap: because I see that happening18:24
patdk-lapand why would it break dns?18:24
patdk-lapdhcp is dynamic18:24
patdk-lapyou give your machine a random ip18:24
YamakasYno it's not, it's static if you set it18:24
patdk-lapif it is static, what does it matter at all?18:24
patdk-lapyou really did not read anything I said18:25
YamakasYheh, server that get their IP from dhcp and switch IP, what do you think that will happen to dns resolving ?18:25
patdk-lapif it is istatic, they all know what it is, so why would it ever get a new ip?18:25
patdk-lapif it is dynamic, I said above, the dhcp master/slave will talk to each other18:25
YamakasYno it's only static in my leases file18:25
patdk-lapit's static or dynamic18:25
YamakasYit's written to the leases18:25
patdk-lapleases file is leases, it has NOHTING to do with static or dynamic18:25
patdk-lapis the leases file a config?18:26
YamakasYwhe you provision with something like foreman it does18:26
patdk-lapif not, it doesn't matter18:26
YamakasYpatdk-lap: I'm confused18:30
patdk-lapyes, that was ovious18:31
patdk-lapcause your putting your assumptions on software, that does not work the way you think it does18:32
YamakasYpatdk-lap: no its more how foreman handles it's DHCP leases... it's a way but dhcp failover itself works different :)18:32
patdk-lapwell, I don't know what a foreman is18:32
patdk-lapor what it has to do with dhcp18:33
patdk-lapyou ask about dhcp failover on ubuntu server18:33
patdk-lapubuntu server uses isc dhcp server by default18:33
patdk-lapall infomation I gave is related to isc dhcp server18:33
YamakasYpatdk-lap: it provisions dns, dhcp, tftp, puppet and provisions a server on a virtual or baremetal environment18:33
patdk-lapmaybe try #foreman?18:33
patdk-lapthis is #ubuntu-server though18:33
YamakasYpatdk-lap: yeah but they mostly say, go to your distro or the package channel18:34
patdk-lapso they claim, foreman doesn't do it18:34
YamakasYpatdk-lap: where do you see that ?18:36
patdk-lapthey told you, they don't know, and don't care18:36
patdk-lapso it cannot be related to foreman18:36
patdk-laptherefor it works how your os does it18:36
patdk-laphow UBUNTU does it18:36
patdk-lapso you cannot come in here and say foreman does this or that18:36
YamakasYoh no they care but we are all checking new ways out and committing it in if needed18:36
patdk-lapif foreman people claim it doesn't18:36
YamakasYrelax mate18:36
patdk-lapwell, read up on isc dhcp18:37
YamakasYjust collaborating18:37
patdk-lapit's all in the manual, whole section on it18:37
YamakasYyeah did but not about the leases file18:37
patdk-lapit's pretty easy and straight forward18:37
patdk-lapcause like I said, leases file has nothing to do with it18:37
YamakasYheh, sure it does18:38
YamakasYbut in a different way18:38
patdk-lapwhat does leases file have to do with failover?18:38
YamakasYok, end of discussion, you are not that friendly in words18:38
YamakasYas I said relax18:38
patdk-lapcaus eyou keep counterdicting18:38
patdk-lapI said it doesn't have to do with failover, and you answer it does18:38
patdk-lapbut you don't know why18:38
YamakasYhave you ever checked a leasesfile between 2 failover systems, LB-ed or not ?18:39
patdk-lapit has nothing to do with failover18:39
YamakasYcheck that and come back18:39
patdk-lapleases file is a result18:39
patdk-lapthe infomation in it is the reault of the sync of failover18:39
patdk-lapleases has no place in failover though18:39
YamakasYno but I'm checking out a way it can18:39
patdk-lapit can what?18:39
YamakasYI'm thinking about a cold failover with rynsc otherwise18:40
patdk-lapwhy not use normal failover?18:40
patdk-lapfailover that is cold, offline, is not a very useful failover18:40
patdk-lapcause when you need it, you cannot rsync18:40
YamakasYpatdk-lap: because my information of my hosts is in my leases file and not in my config18:41
YamakasYas forman writes to the leases file18:41
patdk-lapdirectly writes to the leases file?18:41
YamakasYwhy not ? you can18:41
patdk-lapok, so it went way into unsupported territory18:41
patdk-lapyou can do many things, doesn't mean they are supported :)18:41
YamakasYyeah, but isn't that with all software ?18:41
patdk-lapthere is a api to use18:42
YamakasYsho supports isc when they stop it ? indeed no-one18:42
YamakasYso everyone can pickup18:42
patdk-lapnot to use it and go around it, means what your doing could break at any time18:42
YamakasYit's like in insurance company ;)18:42
patdk-lapand it also causes you to be stick to specific software to do things18:42
YamakasYpatdk-lap: hehe and you think a company as RedHat doesn't know how to handle that ?18:42
YamakasYindeed, foreman is RedHar18:43
patdk-lapit would cost them money18:43
YamakasYhuh ?18:43
YamakasYwhy ?18:43
YamakasYif they support it18:43
YamakasYyou don't know how support works it seems18:43
patdk-lapsomeone has to fork dhcp, continue to support it, make sure that unsupported interface works, maintain security patches, ...18:43
YamakasYsupport is what you can handle as you know how it works and YOU can support your way18:43
patdk-lapif you did not do all that, and used a supported interface, the overhead is much much less18:44
YamakasYpatdk-lap: yes and if I don't work today I might have more rest tomorrow :P18:44
YamakasYwtf, it's not an if/else18:44
patdk-lapfor support?18:46
patdk-lapsure it is18:46
patdk-laponce you modify something, or don't do something the supported way, you end up supporting it18:46
patdk-lapthis is a basic rule of bussiness18:46
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patdk-lapthis is why there are so many cloud things18:47
patdk-lapoffload the support issue with maintaining email, website, acocunting software,.... to whoever does it in the cloud18:47
patdk-lapor contract another company to do it18:47
patdk-lapif the company wanted to deal with supporting it, it would all be inhouse18:48
YamakasYpatdk-lap: indeed that is where the company that suggests the modifications is supporting it18:48
YamakasYever seen how github forks work ?18:48
YamakasYindeed like that18:48
patdk-laponce you fork, your stuck18:48
patdk-lapmaintaining it forever, till you stop using it18:49
YamakasYyeah so ?18:49
patdk-lapunless you get your adjustments pushed upstream18:49
YamakasYif that makes your money, be happy18:49
patdk-lapbut it if produces no money18:49
patdk-lapthat is horrible way to do things18:49
YamakasYI'm not a as-if user18:49
YamakasYas-if people don't improve and are stuck18:49
YamakasYand actually don't know that much of their systems18:49
an3kparty party. 7zip can't handle ~ at all, it creates a directory with that char ...18:50
* YamakasY brings in the popcorn18:58
* lordievader wonders if foreman writes to the leases file directly or through an api19:30
lordievaderI guess [1] answers my question. [1] http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/74819:33
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off
grendal_primei got one werid issue23:04
grendal_primesetting up a rudundat router right...i have a standard ethernet device, and...a verizon jetpack device (usb connected)23:05
grendal_primethis router is an ubuntu server...and im using drsounds fault_tollerant_router  (ruby scripts basically)  Now i have tested this in virtual environments several times and...it all seems good.23:06
grendal_primeif i have one or the other connected...everything seems to work fine, but when i have them both connected, i have really werid dns issues.23:07
grendal_primecant get to google....then all the sudden i can...23:07
grendal_primevery strange.23:08
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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