
Kilosmorning everyone07:25
prob016y7Good day, hello I have a small problem - liveitchurch.com in Gauteng - South Africa - Accidentally creamated my ~60yo mother Rita Lillian Gerber - because they thought linux was gay09:48
prob016y7Peter Strauss & Betty Strauss of NG Kerk liveitchurch.com in a massive rush treated me like a retard through mym mothers funeral, then "accidentally" creamated her - thinking linux was a virus09:49
prob016y7this happened almost two years ago - people involved - Christo Van Niekerk - homosexual racist gay version of Hulk Hulgan in Witpoortjie - that "accidentally" gave my mother a dogbite, Peter Strauss - still bragging about murdering my mother at Laratong hospital (after she was accidentally creamated)09:53
Kilosinetpro ping13:52
Kilosinetpro unping14:52
squish102anyone do a ubuntu (whatever) with virtualbox running for critical services... like running pfsence (router)15:50
inetprogood mornings15:57
inetprooh and hi Kilos15:57
inetproKilos: and pong as well15:57
inetproKilos: oh and unpong15:57
inetprosquish102: I would not recommend virtualbox for critical services 15:59
inetproI think it's used more on desktops and laptops for testing stuff locally16:00
* inetpro hurting after the loss against England16:01
Kilossommer net sleg16:02
squish102thanks inetpro, that is what i was thinking, but my ubuntu server runs well and i dont want to try pick it up and then put esx underneath it16:02
inetproKilos: success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence... we'll stand up and get to the top again soon16:04
Kiloshears hoping16:04
Kiloshi Bilel_mk 16:06
Kilosinetpro he has a question for you16:06
inetprouh me?16:06
Kilosyes you its server stuff16:07
inetprodon't ask to ask, just ask16:07
Kilosstate your problem Bilel_mk 16:07
inetprothere's many others here who may know the answer plus more16:08
Bilel_mkhey everyone ! i new hear my problem is  wen i want to upload a pack.zip on free webhosting  server with filezila pop up to me this error Command:STOR pack.zip16:09
Bilel_mkResponse:550 pack.zip: Forbidden filename16:09
Bilel_mkError:Critical file transfer error16:09
smileend of file o.O16:11
Kilostell him how to fix it smile16:11
smileBilel_mk: I suspect they don't allow uploading ZIP files16:11
smileKilos: I was already typing it ;)16:11
Kilosgood lad16:11
smileKilos: you can understand Nederlands, right :p16:12
Kiloslittle bit16:12
smilehttp://hugsmile.eu/tools/media -> click the third link, I'm in the news again! :p16:12
Bilel_mksmile, okay fair enough i will try other server thank you for your time16:13
Kiloswhew all that reading16:13
inetprosee, somebody even answered long before I could even read about the problem16:14
KilosBilel_mk 16:14
smileinetpro: you too slow :o16:14
Kilostry unzip it and then send16:14
Bilel_mkokay :)16:14
inetprodon't ever be afraid to ask16:14
Kilosyou are welcome to ask here anytime Bilel_mk 16:14
Kilosjust at times you have to wait long for a reply16:15
squish102is that when inetpro is sleeping?16:15
inetprohaha :-)16:15
Bilel_mkhhhhhhhhhh..... thank you all !16:16
Kilosand thats often16:16
inetproMaaz: failure16:16
Maazthe only people who never fail at anything are those who never try anything16:16
* smile is not often here16:16
smileKilos: have you read the news o.O16:17
Kilosthere is too much to work through smile 16:17
Bilel_mkMaaz, i agree with you16:17
MaazBilel_mk: *blink*16:17
smileon that page? :p16:17
Kilostell me the basics in english16:17
squish102use google to translate page Kilos ;)16:17
smilewikipedia has turned 15 and they interviewed me quickly :p16:17
KilosBilel_mk maaz is our irc bot16:17
smileamong others16:17
Kilosnono smile must translate16:18
inetproMaaz: coffee on16:18
* Maaz washes some mugs16:18
Kiloshe is better than google translate16:18
Bilel_mkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... okay16:18
Kilosand leaves out unimportant stuff16:18
KilosMaaz coffee please16:18
MaazKilos: Yessir16:18
smiletranslate? :p let me see16:19
squish102google translate has one of the headings as "White Men" 16:19
Kilosjust the part you are proud about smile16:19
Kiloslets here what you did well again16:20
Kilossmile wb16:21
smile_Kilos:     “Wikipedia heeft nog altijd de reputatie een nerdsite te zijn.” means "Wikipedia still has the reputation of being a nerd site". It's really quoted like it should, big :D16:21
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!16:22
smile_thanks, I misclicked16:22
inetproMaaz: dankie16:22
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend16:22
Kilosoh doesnt everyone use wikipedia?16:22
KilosMaaz danke16:22
Bilel_mkMaaz, Gutten16:23
MaazBilel_mk: *blink*16:23
squish102i think google uses it to show info on the right of search16:23
smile_Whatever does not cooperate is the lack of women's commitment to the site, says Rientjes. They are mostly white men who are actively engaged in keeping Wikipedia; the proportion of female Wikipedians coming years no further than 10 to 15 percent.16:23
smile_That's according to Wikipediaan Geoffrey De Belie including through the image (reputation of the site). "Wikipedia still has the reputation of being a nerd site." Though, according to him this is no longer true, but people hold on to that idea. This keeps people (readers) from becoming contributors.16:23
smile_that's it16:24
=== smile_ is now known as smile
Kiloswell smile advertise more16:24
Kilosoh i have some news for you all16:24
smile:o :o16:25
smilewhat's going to explode16:25
Kilosthe loco leader in wisconsin is only 13 years old16:25
squish102we lost the cricket?16:25
=== smile is now known as ikbenerniet
Kilosim trying to forget about the cricket16:25
ikbenernietKilos: 13 yo? o.O16:26
ikbenernietat least it's not a baby :p16:26
Kilosthats so you can feel old as well16:27
ikbenerniet:p yeah16:27
ikbenerniethttps://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Media-aandacht/2016 <- I made a list of the news articles, mostly written in Nederlands16:27
ikbenernietthere were a lot of articles16:27
Kilosyou need to branch out more towards english16:28
ikbenernietand nobody collected them in a list, so I did :p16:28
ikbenernietKilos: it's the Nederlandstalige Wikipedia16:28
Kilosthe whole world uses english16:28
Kilosfix all the wikis man16:28
ikbenernietKilos: there is http://en.wikipedia.org :p16:28
ikbenernietno not all of them XD16:28
Kilosyou lazy again16:28
ikbenernietyeah XD16:29
Kiloschasing girls16:29
ikbenernietyeah XD16:29
ikbenernietyou too old to chase girls? :p16:29
ikbenernietI still think so :p16:29
Kilosi dont need to chase16:29
ikbenernietsheep are girls too :p16:29
Kiloseven the sheep come when i call them16:30
ikbenernietthat's because you are great16:30
ikbenernietdo you want to see my town in a picture16:30
Kilosno man i nag until they rather listen first time than have to put up with the nagging16:31
Kilosyes ok16:31
Kilosuse our picpaste16:31
ikbenernietit's already online :p http://www.hln.be/regio/nieuws-uit-sint-niklaas/water-aan-de-lippen-in-omstreden-populierenwijk-ii-a2586720/ <- they are building a new quarter in my town in a flood area16:31
ikbenerniet(that water isn't supposed to be there :p )16:32
Kilosyes i see16:32
Kiloswe in a drought period16:32
ikbenernietyesterday rain fell down at 30liters / m216:32
ikbenernietper hour :p16:33
ikbenernietso you can imagine half of my province was under water :p16:33
Kiloswe get that much in ten years when we are lucky16:33
Kilosyou guys already live in a reclaimed swamp16:33
Kilosyou need to built a dome over the top now16:34
ikbenernietthis is rather exceptional too :p but not that exceptional as in "we don't get that rain in 10 years" but that's what we normally get in January, on one day16:34
ikbenernietyeah I live in the "Land van Waas" :p which means land of haze/mist16:34
Kiloswe are very luckt when we get 400mm a year16:35
ikbenernietKilos: last year in January: 123,9 mm16:37
Kilossend some here16:37
ikbenernietwith 25 days of some sort of water :p rain / snow / ...16:37
Kiloswe are having the worst drought in living memory16:38
ikbenernietin some parts of our country it is freezing cold right now :p16:38
ikbenernietwhich means there fell a lot of snow :p16:38
ikbenernietwe haven't had winter until now16:39
ikbenernietin december we had average temperatures around 12 °C16:39
ikbenernietwhich is very warm :)16:39
ikbenernietik ga eten, smakelijk eten, Kilos 16:39
ikbenernietthanks :D16:40
ikbenernietik ga dik worden16:40
=== ikbenerniet is now known as smile
smileI'm fat enough now, Kilos 18:07
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:24
superflysmile: I skimmed through that article. I'm tired, and I don't feel like engaging my brain right now :-(18:52
smilesuperfly: you can read it always after the fact, it will be linked for quite a while at http://hugsmile.eu/tools/media :p18:57
smilebye :)20:04

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