
bob2017tj- still here?00:05
=== black_ant is now known as Guest60640
doebion my debian used to symlink project dirs into /var/www/$project, but on ubunut this doesn't work. i get a 403 Forbidden00:09
SchrodingersScatbekks: ssh connection dropping repeatedly for one.  That's actually the only time I notice it, because I have to reattach my screen.00:10
SirMooBumblebee hates me and I can't get NVIDIA with Optimus to work. :c00:11
TJ-bob2017: just leaving. I put the list togther at http://paste.ubuntu.com/14511809/ ... looking at your kern.log it shows the nouveau driver loading which I doubt you want to happen if that is not destined to do video - so blacklisting *that* rather than 'radeon' would seem more sensible. Remove the blaclist for radeon, and remove any /etc/X11/xorg.conf that exists00:11
EriC^^doebi: you mean you make a symlink from your home dir to /var/www/$project ?00:12
bob2017tj- i have the logs though from both livecd with it working and booting…00:12
EriC^^like ln -s ~/project1 /var/www/project100:12
bob2017i’ve tried both of what you suggest00:12
TJ-bob2017: that, so what is the difference between livecd and installed boot?00:12
k1l_SirMoo: dont use bumblebee. use nvidia-prime00:12
bob2017tj- i don’t know00:12
TJ-bob2017: with livecd nothing will be blacklisted and there's no xorg.conf either00:12
SirMook1l_: Mmm... Pretty sure I have to have bumblebee otherwise it creates this annoying login loop. :c00:13
k1l_SirMoo: bumblebee was the thing before nvidia gave us nvidia-prime.00:13
doebiEriC^^: nope00:13
bob2017tj- right.  and its using both nouveau and radeon drivers, both are active00:14
SirMook1l_: So just uninstall bumblebee? If things end up breaking and I end up crying, I'm blaming you. T_T00:14
k1l_SirMoo: yes. use the ubuntu repo nvidia driver.00:15
TJ-bob2017: later we know you won't want the nouveau driver doing video so blacklisting that will help remove confusion. Then all you need do is focus on the radeon driver00:15
bob2017tj- that was a configuration that got pretty far into boot yesterday.  what about framebuffers should they be on?00:15
doebiEriC^^: http://files.doebi.at/temp/RzQiMlrV/00:16
TJ-bob2017: FBs should be sorted out automatically; radeon will use DRI/KMS00:16
bob2017tj- they’re all blacklisted by defeault, and i noticed that fbcon=map:1 helped the boot process a little bit00:17
TJ-bob2017: the key thing is to ensure that no /etc/X11/xorg.conf is being used by the GUI X server; let it autoconfigure as the livecd does. it would help to have a 2nd PC and connect over SSH to the problem PC so you can diagnose it even when the video is messed up - which is the best time to do it!00:18
bob2017honestly right now i can barely tell if a kernel is even loaded, it just stays on the rEFInd bios screen forever00:18
EriC^^doebi: type ls -ld /home/doebi/00:19
bob2017tj- yeah i agree… maybe that’s the strategy, i’ll go back in, chroot in, and make sure sshd is installed and configured the boot00:19
bob2017the only thing is i get all sorts of weird dependency errors when i try to use aptitute00:19
SchrodingersScatbekks: sshfs mounts will also error somehow, I even wrote a short script that finds and kills the left behind processes :(00:20
bekksSounds like a broken network, not an OS issue.00:20
doebiEriC^^: thanks00:21
EriC^^what's the output?00:22
SchrodingersScatbekks: I guess I was seeing if there was a ubuntu method of tracking down how bad it is, maybe where it's coming from.00:22
doebionly user having permission. i chmodded. now it works00:22
=== jayne_ is now known as jayne
lernerhow do dns blocks work?00:36
lecheapslerner: funny00:38
ningunlike legos00:38
JayJayis anyone there00:41
k1l_JayJay: lets skip that part and just ask :)00:42
JayJayare you on a raspberry pi 2?00:42
k1l_no. but what is your exact ubuntu support question?00:43
JayJaywhen i go on to mozilla it says "connecton not trusted" and i cant serch anything.00:44
=== NeuhNeuh is now known as Aristide
JayJayi am on a raspberry pi 2 if it helps00:45
doebilerner: think of dns servers as guides who show you the way around in the internet. when a site gets dns-blocked, those guides just pretend stupid and don't show you the way or mislead you.00:45
JayJayok. is there anyway i can fix it?00:46
doebiJayJay: sudo apt-get install ca-certificates00:48
lernerthx doebi00:48
JayJaydoebi- i am a newbie. where do i find the sudo-apt thing. thanks mate i will give it a go.00:48
SchrodingersScat!terminal | JayJay00:49
ubottuJayJay: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:49
doebilerner: so keep in mind, it's not a blockade perse. you can still go your own way and access blocked sites.00:49
lernerdoebi, is that what the chinese do, or colleges with facebook?00:50
JayJayi cant see the terminal. keep in mind that i am using a raspberry pi 200:50
doebilerner: no chinese givs do much more funky things.00:50
JayJayhang on i found the MATE terminal. thanks guys00:51
=== tom_ is now known as Guest83612
lernercan I use cron to make an application change ports every 30 to 5o minutes=01:00
doebilerner: umm.. without knowing what you are after i would say yes.01:02
lernerdoebi, I dont see how: if syntax is "m h  dom mon dow   command" I would have to write really a lot of lines specifying exact times for the script to work...01:03
ChibaPetlerner: Why do you want to change ports, out of curiosity?01:05
doebilerner: http://www.corntab.com/pages/crontab-gui01:05
lernerChibaPet, to learn01:05
ChibaPetlerner: Okay. You'd want to write a script to emit a config with a new port and programmatically restart the service, I'd imagine.01:06
ChibaPetNote that this won't provide any semblance of security.01:06
lernerdoebi, that wont work either, Im looking to randomize the time the script executes itself: it is not enough to write "I want this command to be executed at this time on this day" which is what cron does01:07
lernerno ChibaPet , no security01:07
doebilerner: then simply run a script every minute and do the randomization in a script01:07
doebilerner: btw, now i get your nick^^01:10
lernerdropped an a01:10
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=== huQeQwdpu47q_ is now known as huQeQwdpu47q
waterdropHi, I cloned my windows + ubuntu system to an external hard drive, but now I can't boot from the external hard drive. I think the reason is that when the Ubuntu OS tries to start up, it looks for root=UUID, but currently the UUID is set to the wrong UUID (since I switched to a different hard drive).01:17
=== MrKing is now known as zz_MrKing
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waterdropWhat file should I edit to set the root=UUID parameter that's passed to the Ubuntu kernel at boot?01:17
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anabainwhat is the CLI command to get a list of the current logged in users on a system?01:18
doebianabain: users01:19
QuinnStormanabain: there are a few,  'w' and 'who' come to mind01:19
ChibaPetanabain: look at last(1) too, for kicks01:20
anabainok, thx01:22
JayJaywhen i try and look something up on mozolla firefox it says this connection is untrusted.01:25
JayJayii am on a raspberry pi 201:25
b3nhi guys .. anyone using Geary email client in Ubuntu 15.10 ? need help installing it ..01:25
jackcomhow can i uninstall app that is download from Ubuntu software center01:35
llldinojackcom, There should be an uninstall button where the install button was if you return to where you downloaded it01:36
llldinojackcom, Also, I think there's an option if you look under your installed software tab and then select which package you want to remove01:36
OneM_IndustriesHey, so I am attempting to use minicom with a serial port, but it is returning this: Device /dev/ttyS0 is locked.01:36
OneM_IndustriesAny ideas?01:36
jackcomoh thanks llldino :)01:36
ChaserOneM_Industries: Try and remove lock file ? On my ubuntu its /var/run/lock/LCK<something>01:52
wesleyAnyone have experience with the rt2800pci driver for PCI wifi cards?02:03
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Clay__Hi I'm Clay I am having difficulties downloading a vpn due to a "broken" "source.list" I'm not sure what this is or how to fix it02:15
wadadliClay__: Please hold, all of our representative's are unavailable at the moment.02:16
wadadliClay__: sources.list can be found at /etc/apt/sources.list02:18
nicomachusClay__: can you paste your sources.list at paste.ubuntu.com and link it here?02:19
nicomachusClay__: easiest way to do it is "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit"02:20
Clay__nicomachus it looked like that worked, (I didnt recieve an error message) but I am not as technically inclined as ubuntu seems to require. Im not entirely sure what I did or can tell if it worked.02:23
Clay__I recieved sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit02:25
Clay__sorry not that02:26
Ben64Clay__: 14.10 lost support July 201502:30
nicomachusClay__: yea. You need to upgrade immediately.02:30
nicomachus!EOL | Clay__02:30
ubottuClay__: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:30
nicomachusClay__: follow that last link, and upgrade your ubuntu version.02:30
Ben64the next version to upgrade to, 15.04, loses support this month too02:30
dronezeroHi, I am trying to install ubuntu server using OEM mode, but oem-config fails when rebooting..03:04
boxmeinhelp, banshee is exploding and any sort of media import freezes it http://hastebin.com/ikorudicex.xml03:08
Na3iLboxmein, lauch it from the command line and watch out for any errors.03:11
Na3iLAlso it seems like a bug, so considerer report it03:12
boxmeinNa3iL: that's my link! :D03:12
boxmeinNa3iL: that's literally all that is shown03:12
boxmeinit crashes (stops responding to GUI events on both the main window and the file input window, and stops logging) after "Beginning media import" and "Killed" is when I force quit03:13
Na3iLAh, cool I didn't saw the link, my fault03:14
Na3iLI will check it and back brb03:14
Na3iLboxmein, many have the same problem that you have, I suggest to erase the database file here ~/.config/banshee-X/banshee.db03:22
Na3iLand rescan the media in banshee03:23
Na3iLbut be aware, you will lose ur playlists if you didn't export them before erasing the database.03:23
boxmeinNa3iL: hehe, thank you - it's literally a fresh install of banshee too, haven't done nothing before importing03:32
OerHeksboxmein, what is going wrong, is it a huge collection 10.000+ songs?03:33
boxmeinOerHeks: should be around 1500 songs, but I'm now only adding an album of 10 songs as a test03:33
boxmeinOerHeks: as for what's happening; I have the debug logs http://hastebin.com/ikorudicex.xml here03:33
OerHeksoh oke, that should be no issue then.03:33
boxmeinOerHeks: the symptoms are the following: I open banshee, it opens quick, I go to Import Media -> Folders -> pick a directory, press Import03:34
OerHeksi have read that, only not clear what the time is beween start reading and the kill03:34
boxmeinthe import button does the thing where it shows being pressed (it's blue and has a dotted box inside it), then the banshee main window gets a dark overlay and the file import window is unresponsive03:35
boxmeinboth windows can be moved03:35
boxmeinOerHeks: then nothing happens, no HDD activity, no log output03:35
boxmeinOerHeks: until I Force Quit the banshee main window03:35
=== MiningMarsh is now known as Guest82727
merrick`I'm trying to configure tightvnc on ubuntu 15.10, vino server was working but would not let me set the resolution on a headless machine. Now I have tightvnc working however when I connect it just shows a grey screen with a black X (instead of a mouse pointer). I suspect my problem lies in my xstartup script in /home/user/.vnc directory however i'm unsure as to what exactly is needed there to get the default ubuntu login03:40
merrick`screen. I've played with adding "unity &" "gnome-session" etc, they all result in the same grey screen. Any ideas?03:40
nicomachusmerrick`: it's called lightdm03:47
merrick`nicomachus, gosh darnit! i saw that mentioned (along with some xfce stuff) and assumed it'd be a light window manager...thanks, i'll track that down!03:48
anabainhow can a script which is at box A get run at box B through ssh root@box B ? (I'm aware of security concerns, thanks)03:49
nicomachusanabain: that's not really an ubuntu question.03:54
nicomachusperhaps ##bash or #bash or whatever it is03:54
anabainok, thanks03:54
EriC^^anabain: you need to use pubkeys first, and it's easier if they dont have passphrase03:55
anabainEriC^^, thanks, I've already done all that security stuff03:56
EriC^^you're using ssh -i?03:57
EriC^^oh nevermind03:57
anabainthat's what I was looking for: ssh root@remoteMachine 'bash -s' < local_script.sh03:58
EriC^^easiest thing to do would be scp script.sh user@host:/path/to/script.sh && ssh user@host /path/to/script.sh03:59
EriC^^ah that'd work too03:59
Surendilanabain, if i recall correctly it would be with ssh -l 'login' ip -x command04:01
Surendilanabain, check ssh man page04:01
adoniscikI have a 4K/4:4:4 capable screen and video card, however I do not seem to be getting it. Is there some trick to setting it at the OS end?04:03
adoniscikI can readily find settings for the resolution, but not the chroma04:03
funkiestjI just installed ubuntu but I can't seem to "apt-get" anything without failed dependencies.04:06
nicomachusfunkiestj: which version of ubuntu did you install?04:07
EriC^^did you try sudo apt-get update ?04:07
funkiestjthe latest, let me see the download file name04:07
Surendilfunkiestj, lsb_release -a04:07
funkiestjdoing update now04:07
funkiestjlsb_release -a gives ...04:08
Surendilubuntu version04:08
funkiestjyeah, I did "apt-get update", then "apt-get install emacs24" and emacs install fails.04:09
nicomachusfunkiestj: please paste the exact error to paste.ubuntu.com and link here04:09
Surendilfunkiestj, try apt-get install -f04:09
funkiestjhmmm, having trouble copying in the C-A-t terminal04:10
nicomachusfunkiestj: yea, you'll have to right-click then "copy"04:11
funkiestjoops, skip to line 1004:12
nicomachusyou can try "apt-get clean" and "dpkg --configure -a"04:12
nicomachus"emacs24-lucid"..... why lucid...?04:13
funkiestjshould I be doing "apt-get clean" as is or with some other arguments?04:13
funkiestjI don't want lucid!04:13
nicomachusas is04:13
funkiestjI asked for emacs2404:14
nicomachusoh lucid is a UI for emacs.04:14
funkiestjI did the "clean and "dpkg --configure -a" no output for either04:14
nicomachusthat's good. try install again.04:14
funkiestjsame unmet dependencies04:15
funkiestjmaybe my ubuntu is too new?  buggy has hell?04:15
nicomachusno.. that's the LTS version.04:15
nicomachusshould be able to install emacs.04:15
funkiestjyes, but I can't get any installs to work!04:15
EriC^^any ppa's?04:16
funkiestjI've tried g++ and some other things.04:16
funkiestjthey all have unmet dependencies.04:16
nicomachusthis is a completely fresh install?04:16
funkiestjI just downloaded it.04:16
funkiestjand while here in irc, did "apt-get update"04:16
Ben64funkiestj: run sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, then sudo apt-get install emacs24, pastebin it all04:16
funkiestjOK Ben64.04:16
funkiestjapt-get update ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/14514298/04:18
Ben64and why are you running everything as root?04:18
EriC^^funkiestj: try sudo apt-get install emacs24-bin-common04:19
funkiestjI'm only "sudo -i" for apt-get sutff04:19
EriC^^pastebin the output04:19
OerHeksthat is only update04:19
OerHeks( the lists )04:19
nicomachusfunkiestj: best to just use sudo with each command, instead of sudo -i...04:19
funkiestjI'm doing pastebin in pieces.  working on "dist-upgrade" right now.04:20
funkiestj"dist-upgrade" seems to be doing a bit of work.04:20
TechspectreSo as of today, none my webkit-based browsers are able to load YouTube correctly. Looks like a site from 1993. Mostly text only. Firefox works fine, but Chrome, Chromium, Chrome Beta, Vivaldi, none of them work. Thoughts?04:20
Ben64nicomachus: agreed04:20
=== shin_ is now known as Surendil
nicomachusTechspectre: go to Chrome (just the one I'm familiar with) and type in "chrome://plugins" in the address bar. then click DETAILS in the top right. does pepperflash show?04:22
funkiestjdist-upgrade still churning...04:23
Techspectrenicomachus, yes it does04:24
nicomachusTechspectre: try disabling.04:24
funkiestjI won't be able to pastebin the "dist-upgrade" as it has exceeded my terminal window history ...04:25
Techspectrenicomachus, no dice04:25
Techspectrenicomachus, it isn't just the videos that won't play. The entire site is broken04:26
nicomachusTechspectre: and it's only Youtube?04:26
Techspectrenicomachus, yeah. Weird, right?04:26
Techspectrehang on let me show you what it looks like04:26
nicomachusI'm assuming it's only loading HTML and not the CSS, java, or anything else.04:27
Techspectreyou know what it is? adblock04:27
funkiestjend of dist-upgrade and then apt-get of emacs again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14514333/04:29
nicomachusTechspectre: ah! odd. ublock > adblock04:29
funkiestjI'm quite baffled that I can't apt-install anything.04:31
Techspectrenicomachus, thanks for the help04:32
TechspectreI guess adblock must have updated their extension and broken it04:32
nicomachusfunkiestj: if it's a fresh install, I would just reinstall. verify the MD5 on your installation media and just nuke and pave.04:33
funkiestjthx nicomachus.04:33
nicomachusI know it's not the best solution to hear, but if apt-get is broken then the whole thing is.04:34
funkiestjwhen I get a new image, should I do "apt-get update" and "apt-get dist-upgrade" after installing?04:34
OerHeksfunkiestj, what happens if you install emacs without 24 >>  sudo apt-get install emacs04:35
Surendil funkiestj apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install emacs04:35
funkiestjapt-get emacs http://paste.ubuntu.com/14514357/04:36
OerHeksoke, here on 15.10 it does the same as emacs24 should install.. hmmz04:37
funkiestjand the "apt-get install emacs23" rabbit hole http://paste.ubuntu.com/14514360/04:37
nicomachus"sudo -i apt-get install" NO.04:37
* nicomachus slaps funkiestj 04:37
nicomachusyou don't need "-i"04:38
nicomachusit's just a bad habit.04:38
funkiestjBTW, how am I suppose to check the ubuntu iso md5 from windows?04:40
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:40
funkiestjOK, just checked the md5sum of the "ubuntu-14.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso" and it matches the one on the ubuntu site.04:49
spkirbyhi all04:49
nicomachusfunkiestj: ok, go ahead and reinstall then I suppose.04:49
funkiestjBTW, I'm installing ubuntu as a VM in virtualbox.  that shouldn't matter but I'll try again.04:49
funkiestjand I'm new to VirtualBox too04:50
funkiestjBBL, thanks nicomachus and others for your help!04:55
spkirbyCan anyone tell me why some packages are not update in the new LTS repos.04:56
spkirbystrike new04:57
OerHeksspkirby, LTS aims for long term support, so the choise is stable packages instead of adding new features, those are introduced with the versions between lts and lts05:00
OerHeksthere are a few new features though in 16.04.05:00
spkirbySo are all the packages in the 14.04 frozen and only get patches?05:01
OerHeksYes, but there is a way to get a newer kernel05:02
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack05:02
spkirbyGood to know.  I've been chasing a feature that wasn't released until last year.05:03
spkirbyHow is that different than apt-get dist-upgrade?05:04
OerHeksgood question, i am not sure about that answer...05:04
spkirbyThanks OerKeks05:06
spkirbyand ubottu05:06
jue_is there some body in?05:14
jue_how to open a .mobi file05:16
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive
Surendiljue_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/26492/is-there-an-application-for-reading-mobi-files05:18
userlhanzyou want sex05:22
elkyuserlhanz: stop that.05:22
userlhanzwe hindi nga05:22
elkyuserlhanz: please stop or you will be removed05:23
userlhanzsex sex05:23
ngomesanyone in need to clean some unused packages from system , willing to try my script ?05:26
ngomesn0p3reXx, will post source code. its bash code.05:27
ngomesn0p3reXx, do you know a site where i can do this ... ?05:28
ngomespastebin.com maybe05:28
n0p3reXx0bin, perhaps?05:28
ngomesn0p3reXx, sorry , did not read your last line. posted on pastebin . http://pastebin.com/4tvYaySf05:30
n0p3reXxCool, will audit it.05:31
ropo_can i change the login screen in ubuntu?05:41
explosivethe background?05:42
ropo_explosive, no i mean something like in MAC05:43
nauanybody herej05:46
benniblancoCan anyone point me to some readying material?  I am trying to ssh into my friends machine through the internet.  I think he needs to forward a port.05:47
explosivebenniblanco: does he have openssh-server installed?05:47
benniblanco@explosive no, I'll look at that05:47
=== enchilado is now known as aeonchild
ngomesn0p3reXx, hello ... ?05:57
=== erwin_ is now known as easyOnMe
skymanHelo you all06:24
njumdl2014hello everyone06:26
njumdl2014I have a question about ubuntu default architecture in amd6406:26
hellothereeezeus here?06:42
hellothereeelooking for Sphinx06:42
TipToe102Hello Everyone06:54
=== nolsen is now known as GabeN
shadalooanyone know anything similar in ubuntu? http://www.chevolume.com/ allows you to assign different programs to output audio through different output sources (for instance, web browser --> bluetooth and banshee -> analog speakers07:05
=== GabeN is now known as nolsen
thomedyokay i am having the weirdest issue07:14
thomedymy file structure is owned by me thomedy:thomedy07:14
thomedybut i cant cd to the sub dirs07:14
thomedyi can su but i dont want to do tht it wont solve the real problem is that im getting a 403 error07:15
Secret-Firehow can i make it so that my 3 drives mount at startup rather than having to type in password everytime to mount?07:15
thomedycan anybody explain that because i dont even know what to google07:17
thomedyls -al tells me i own it07:17
thomedyso why cant i cd into it07:18
ChibaPetnot executable?07:18
Ben64thomedy: can you pastebin the output of the 'ls -al' you're referring to07:18
thomedyim trying to cd into three07:20
thomedyclearly im doing some 3d stuff in the web07:21
thomedythats another matter i got that07:21
thomedyand what usually works for chown should work now but what the?07:21
cfhowlettIs it just me, or is freenode having serious issues this day??07:22
Ben64thomedy: yeah you need +x to cd into a directory07:23
Stinky_Feetthomedy: The directory three needs the x bit for you to cd into it07:24
thomedyi dont think i have ever herd that but i cn do it07:24
thomedyone sec07:24
thomedyi know why i have never herd that07:24
thomedyis that it has always been there07:24
thomedyi never even looked07:24
ChibaPet02:18 < ChibaPet> not executable?07:25
Stinky_Feetcd ..07:25
Stinky_Feetsorry, ignore07:26
aq2Stinky_Feet: cd without any args will also bring you to your home folder :)07:28
thomedyha much butter07:28
thomedyi honestly  never looked at that07:28
thomedynever knew cd requires x07:28
thomedymakes sense as adirectory its function to execute is to go inside like doors function is to go through07:29
Drowhy its recommanded to check "Canonical Partners" in Software updates ?07:31
=== arun_ is now known as Guest26083
=== erwin_ is now known as easyOnMe
sam___so Im trying to install a old version of ubuntu(Warty Warthog) from a usb drive. but unebootin doesn't recognize it as ubuntu(doesn't show the iso file)07:48
bob2017is tj- here?07:48
bob2017or k1rk?07:48
rizioh my God all hell broke lose. I took my notes in gedit file and didn't save it anywhere and the program crashed.08:08
=== blydro is now known as blydro2
rizii am sure the programs saves back up but where should i find it, it was a new file08:08
riziplease i need help, Mayday.08:09
K1rkSUP man08:09
K1rkJust got back from a party08:09
rizii have also done search find ./ -name "*~"08:10
blydro2  /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER blydro2 sccdjzuaygcs08:11
junglebunnysdid you know that rww likes men and had caught gonorrhea barebacking?08:11
junglebunnysstupid faggot08:11
rwwooo, haven't had one of these in a while08:11
rwwhi junglebunnys, do you have an Ubuntu support question we can help with?08:11
junglebunnysyes can you stop being gay it's detrimental to your health08:12
I-Am-GrootAfter doing a clean install of ubuntu 14.04.3 64bit, my PC does nothing but freeze and when it freezes, nothing responds except the power button. During the freeze, the caps lock key led keeps blinking. Can anyone help me out??08:12
rwwjunglebunnys: sure. in fact, i'll go back in time and make it retroactively so, just for good measure. anything else i can help you with today?08:12
junglebunnysyes, make sure you don't ever suck because that makes you gay08:13
junglebunnysgays go to hell08:13
rizihaha i didn't know hummer exists here08:13
rizirww, bty can you help me recover my precious notes which i just lost in gedit08:14
rizirww, that was quick08:15
rwwi know nothing about gedit or other stuff like that, i'm pretty much just useful for kicking out trolls08:15
I-Am-GrootAfter doing a clean install of ubuntu 14.04.3 64bit, my PC does nothing but freeze and when it freezes, nothing responds except the power button. During the freeze, the caps lock key led keeps blinking. Can anyone help me out??08:15
Ben64how do you lose something in gedit?08:15
riziBen64, took notes didn't save and it crashed08:15
Ben64then... probably gone forever08:16
riziBen64, i know it saves backup but where it was a new file08:16
peacefulHi, how can i isntall LTS kernel, please?08:18
peacefulI need bit olde kernel cause my old laptop doesnt work with new ones08:18
riziBen64, i even did find ./ -name "*~" but i dont see untiled document08:18
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
I-Am-GrootAfter doing a clean install of ubuntu 14.04.3 64bit, my PC does nothing but freeze and when it freezes, nothing responds except the power button. During the freeze, the caps lock key led keeps blinking. Can anyone help me out??08:21
=== thedoctor1 is now known as theIspector
I-Am-GrootHello... anyone?08:23
CinnamonRickRolli'm not expert, but it might be worth providing a bit more info08:25
blydro2and logs08:25
CinnamonRickRolllike... when does it freeze? during boot? randomly? etc08:25
I-Am-GrootIt doesnt freeze at boot08:26
I-Am-GrootThe device completes the boot process and i am able to use it but somewhere between me using it, it just crashes or freezes.08:27
CinnamonRickRolljust at random times?08:27
CinnamonRickRollit there any program you've had open all or most of the times it freezes?08:27
I-Am-GrootThe screen becomes still, nothing moves not even the cursor then the capslock light begins to blink08:27
CinnamonRickRollor combination of programs?08:28
CinnamonRickRollalso how many screens are you using?08:28
I-Am-GrootSometimes, it freezes when idle08:28
I-Am-GrootOther times, it freezes whiles using it08:28
I-Am-GrootIts random08:28
CinnamonRickRollhmmm, also, i should mention that I will be of no help to you whatsoever, I'm not knowledgeable enough, I'm just asking in case it sparks someone else's interest08:29
Ben64kinda sounds like a hardware problem, anything show up in any logs?08:29
I-Am-GrootBen64, Which log files should i check?08:29
I-Am-GrootCan u pls tell me thier location? So that i can paste them08:30
aq2I-Am-Groot: could be a driver issue too.08:30
I-Am-Grootaq2, OOkay08:30
I-Am-GrootSo how do i resolve it?08:30
Ben64all the logs are in /var/log08:30
aq2I-Am-Groot: Paste to terminal: inxi -Gx |pastebinit08:30
I-Am-Grootinstalling inxi08:32
alkisgOne way to check if it's a hardware issue or not, is to try with another os/distro/version. And for simple things (RAM, overheat) a simple memtest might also show some results.08:33
Peetz0rohai! How do I install the cpufreq userspace governor?08:33
I-Am-GrootI had already tried mem test. Someone already suggested that a week ago08:34
I-Am-Grootaq2, Here inxi -Gx |pastebinit08:35
alkisgI-Am-Groot: have you tried e.g. windows or other distros or other ubuntu versions?08:35
alkisgMemtest is good enough only for a small amount of hardware problems08:35
I-Am-GrootWindows works fine.08:35
alkisgThat's significant information, you should mention that :)08:36
I-Am-GrootI dont use windows for long but it never froze like that.08:36
alkisgWhat's the output of `lspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 VGA` ?08:36
alkisgCaps blinking means "kernel panic", that the kernel has detected an unrecoverable error08:37
I-Am-GrootAt first, i used to run 32bit version of ubuntu 14.04 and it worked perfectly for a year until it started crashing. But with that version, whenever it crashed, it will switch to text console and display some error messages. But on 64bit, it just freezes. no error messages08:39
I-Am-GrootDmesg Output .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/14515155/08:41
I-Am-Grootlspci output http://paste.ubuntu.com/14515159/08:42
=== Guest95080 is now known as kichuku
I-Am-Grootdmesg output http://paste.ubuntu.com/14515155/08:45
I-Am-Grootlspci output http://paste.ubuntu.com/14515159/08:45
alkisgI-Am-Groot: To get the crash messages from the kernel you'd need a serial cable etc, it's not trivial. So now if you suspect it's a kernel issue and not a hardware issue, you could try different kernels. E.g. try installing the older 14.04 32bit version and see if that still works ok08:46
alkisgIf you see that older kernels work, and a newer doesn't, you'd file a kernel bug and try to bisect it08:46
I-Am-GrootSO u saying i can install a 32bit kernel on a 64bit system?08:47
alkisgOf course, didn't you say you had that already in the past?08:47
I-Am-GrootBut i wiped that and installed the 64bit08:47
alkisgAnd now 64bit doesn't work for you, so why not try 32bit again.08:48
PengunCSChey guys, I have a few bash script I'd like to sync between different computers. What would be the best way to go:  start a PPA or sync to GitHub?08:48
alkisgPPA is for packaging, you probably mean a launchpad bazaar branch08:48
alkisgBoth git and bazaar are fine, many people prefer git though08:50
I-Am-GrootI tried booting with an older kernel bu there was just one kernel08:50
PengunCSCalkisg: I know nothing about any of them. I want to be able to add it to the regulat update cycle, so I can create a package containing the scripts and upload to the PPA08:50
alkisgI-Am-Groot:  You can install many kernels, then they'll appear in grub08:50
I-Am-Grootalkisg, How do i do that please?08:51
alkisgPengunCSC: if you plan to create .deb packages out of them and put them on a repository, then bazaar is easier, it's integrated better into launchpad08:51
alkisgI-Am-Groot: you install any linux-kernel image: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty&keywords=linux-image08:52
alkisgSelect a number from there and instsall it08:52
PengunCSCalkisg: can you point me to a guide or HOWTO for it?08:52
alkisgPengunCSC: here's one: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA08:53
PengunCSCalkisg: isn't for the PPA? Is there one for the bazar?08:56
alkisgPengunCSC: if you follow the links from there, it'll point you to how to create a bazaar branch, how you can build recipes, how to create a debian/ dir for packages etc08:56
I-Am-GrootSorry, It happened again08:58
I-Am-GrootCan u pls repost the links for th kernel again?08:58
alkisg(10:52:09 πμ) alkisg: I-Am-Groot: you install any linux-kernel image: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty&keywords=linux-image08:59
PengunCSCalkisg: 10x!08:59
lernerwhat command do I need to get the incoming/outcoming traffic?09:08
EriC^^lerner: ifconfig09:09
MoonUnit` iftop09:09
lernerill rephrase: a command or a program that will show how traffic evolves, like a graphic09:09
bramgnlerner: or perhaps ntop if you want more detailed views09:12
lernerhow do I exit iftop?09:16
MoonUnit`or q09:18
lernersudo iftop lists eth0 , which is empty. sudo iftop wlan0 should work, right?09:19
alkisgsudo iftop -i wlan009:19
bramgnlerner: most commands will give you basic instructions by giving it --help09:23
Muh2Hi, I have joined Ubuntu translation team for my language. I need a software for doing translation even when I'm offline and later on upload to Launchpad. Is there such kind of software?09:28
bramgnMuh2: you can't just use a text editor?09:30
lernertx, rx: down and up traffic I assume, but why t and r?09:30
Muh2bramgn: I can, but thought there could a software which make the work more intuitive, do you any?09:31
tochaposMuh2: google translate already does it09:32
bramgnMuh2: no, i'm sorry. I'm not familiar with the translation process either, so can't really comment09:32
alkisgMuh2, there's poedit09:34
Muh2tochapos: what I want is a GUI software to be to see the English strings on one side and the translation I'm doin on the other09:34
alkisgsudo apt-get install poedit09:34
alkisgThen double click on a .po file09:34
lernerhow do I complain about an user?09:34
tochaposMuh2: I think Google translate you can embed the code html style09:35
rwwlerner: #ubuntu-ops, if you mean someone in here09:35
rwwi'd handle it, but i'm literally getting up to go to bed09:35
Muh2alkisg: thanks.09:36
bramgntochapos: stop harassing people by insulting them in private chats09:37
lernerI feel now like im back at school...09:37
tochaposbramgn: would if I were09:38
=== vincent is now known as Guest42505
Guest42505anybody with some advice on mbr and grub09:40
tochaposMuh2: If there were a wrapper for translate on linux.09:40
alkisgGuest42505: I advice you to use them :)09:41
alkisgOK, seriously, you need to tell us about the problem first09:41
tochaposMuh2: https://code.google.com/p/google-translate-desktop/09:41
Guest42505thanks alkisg!09:41
Muh2tochapos: thanks.09:42
tochaposMuh2: it's in java09:42
Guest42505problem is, my system does not use the ones I want it to use ;)09:42
alkisgGuest42505: do you mean that you have many disks and you can't tell your system to use the ones you want?09:42
Guest42505i am using grub-install to reinstall the grub09:42
Guest42505but grub-install install a x386 grub instead of x6409:43
alkisgdpkg -l '*grub*' | grep ^ii09:43
alkisgdpkg-reconfigure grub-pc (if that's what you have)09:43
aq2Guest42505: i don't think grub is 32-bit or 64-bit.09:43
bramgnelky: thanks for that09:46
drfitsHi there, I'm a Linux Mint user, yesterday I've miss and set delete key as hotkey therefore now Delete is not working :(09:48
cfhowlett!mint | drfits09:48
ubottudrfits: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:48
Guest42505thanks alkisg I gave it a try, reinstall succesfull without errors, but...09:48
Guest42505Installing for i386-pc platform.09:48
cfhowlettdrfits, sorry, no mint support here.  ubuntu only.09:48
Guest42505on my x64 system :s09:48
alkisgGuest42505: you need to tell us the output of that first command that I gave you09:48
drfitsawful :(09:49
Guest42505it lists grub-pc there09:49
alkisgGuest42505: put all of the output to paste.ubuntu.com, then give us the resulting URL09:49
alkisgE.g. you might have both legacy grub and grub-pc installed. Or you might have grub-efi. We want to see the output to continue.09:49
cfhowlettdrfits, ?  not really.  mint SHOULD provide support of their OS.  look for it.  if they do not ... perhaps it is time to reconsider your OS choice.09:49
elkybramgn: if he returns report it in #ubuntu-ops please09:50
alkisgGuest42505: OK, so, do you have multiple disks? Did dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc prompt you to select a disk?09:50
bramgnelky: ok09:50
elkybramgn: thanks :)09:51
Guest42505yes, multiple disks. prompted to install so i selected my preferred boot disk09:51
alkisgGuest42505: and now if you reboot and select that one boot disk in the bios, you don't see grub there?09:51
Guest42505I have not rebooted yet ;)09:52
Guest42505but the x386 worries me09:52
alkisgI didn't see any x86 in your paste09:52
alkisgIt was all amd6409:52
aq2is there 32-bit and 64-bit grub?09:52
alkisggrub is compiled for 32 and 64 bit as a package, yes09:52
alkisgAnd there's also grub for efi and for a lot of other architectures09:53
poteropsaq2: good question which raises a bigger issue. What is taking so long to get rid of 32bit09:53
alkisgGuest42505: all bios-based x86 systems boot in 32bit mode, so the modules are the same, you can ignore that "i386-pc platform"09:54
Guest42505so the system is still x64 as should be09:54
Guest42505another thing, my bios is uefi09:55
poterops8 bit 16 bit 32 bit. Now it seems everything is stuck on 3209:55
alkisgGuest42505: your "bios" may have both uefi and the older csm (bios) method09:56
alkisgYou don't have grub-efi installed, so you're using the bios mode now09:56
aq2poterops: not really, most people are on 64-bit09:56
Guest42505so you would not expect the initrd image to be 64bit?09:56
poteropsX64 really isn't true 64 bit either.09:56
Guest42505should I install grub efi then?09:56
alkisgGuest42505: the initrd image is 64bit since you have a 64bit os09:56
alkisgNo, you're not using UEFI09:56
alkisgThe live cd would have detected it if you were09:57
alkisgAnd it would have installed grub-efi for you09:57
Guest42505could it be that the live cd has not picked it up because I had no efi partition set up on my disk?09:58
poteropsWe should be on 128 bit by now09:58
alkisgGuest42505: If you don't have an efi partition, then you're not using uefi :)09:58
aq2poterops: why do you even care?09:58
Guest42505or should I just stick to bios mode (if it is booting in a moment)09:58
alkisgIt might be that the ubuntu mint live cd doesn't support efi, I don't know09:58
alkisgYou can stick to bios mode, there's no reason for you to switch to efi09:58
Guest42505if it boots at all that is.09:58
unkown1997Excuse me ,when I install ubuntu 64 bit 14.04.3 LTS and after that when I try to change the theme it's give me a lot of error , sorry for bad english .09:59
poteropsaq2: you wanting to argue with me09:59
Guest42505origin of my issue was that I switched to a new SSD09:59
Guest42505and so far the system has ot booted from it but preferred the old mbr it pickd up somewhere09:59
poterops128bit could do in one cycle what takes all hour for 32bit10:00
alkisgGuest42505: do you mean that you cloned the old disk, or did you reinstall?10:00
wadadliunkown1997: is this a new suspense novel10:00
alkisgGuest42505: then it's possible that you've configured e.g. your bios to boot from sda, while you installed your grub to sdb10:00
cfhowlettpoterops, this is the ubuntu support channel for currently supported OS issues.  please discuss 128 and other thereoticals in #ubuntu-offtopic.  thank you.10:00
Guest42505if i get into my bios and force boooot from the ssd it hangs10:01
arcskyhi,  sudo vconfig add eth0 100 means the eth0.100 got vlan-id 100 ?10:01
Guest42505i.e. it cannot find a bootable drive10:01
alkisgGuest42505: maybe at that point you haven't yet installed (properly) your grub to the ssd disk10:01
Guest42505yes probably alkisg10:01
EriC^^Guest42505: are you in a live usb right now?10:02
Guest42505no in the actual system10:02
EriC^^ok, so your problem is fixed?10:02
alkisgYou can check with kvm if your ssd is bootable or not. unmount everything from the ssd, then apt-get install kvm, then sudo kvm -m 512 /dev/sdb10:02
cfhowlettGuest42505, this is your mint OS system?10:02
Guest42505running from the new drive but booting from the old :D10:02
unkown1997 Excuse me ,when I install ubuntu 64 bit 14.04.3 LTS and after that when I try to change the theme it's give me a lot of error , sorry for bad english10:02
cfhowlett!patience > unknown199710:02
aq2unkown1997: Your english is ok, what other languages do you speak? There may be a chatroom at your language too.10:03
aq2cfhowlett: |10:03
EriC^^Guest42505: can you pastebin df -Th and sudo parted -l ?10:03
Guest42505cfhowlett, i will find out in a moment when i reboot. so far bios did not boot from the ssd10:03
cfhowlettaq2, good advice10:04
aq2sorry if i was annoying10:04
bhalashunkown1997: If you have enough English to know it is bad, and enough intelligence to apologize for the fact, then you're already doing better than some native speakers I know10:04
unkown1997Arabic English Turkish Kurdish and Russian10:06
cfhowlettwhat language do you prefer to use unkown1997 ?10:06
unkown1997Arabic + English10:07
cfhowlett!arabic | unkown199710:07
ubottuunkown1997: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية10:07
HackerIIhe stated english was one of them, so, he may be at home here.10:07
Guest42505the 200 mb the efi fat32 partition is another attempt to get uefi going10:08
alkisgGuest42505: your ssd partitions are in the wrong order (number 2/1)10:08
EriC^^Guest42505: did you try to run sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sdb ?10:08
ubottuTämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)10:08
aq2nice :)10:09
Guest42505yes, rechecked it10:09
aq2well you can find it out from my /whois too10:09
aq2no big secret10:09
EriC^^Guest42505: ok, so what happens when you boot with ssd first in order now? legacy mode10:09
Guest42505so boot as is?10:10
EriC^^i was wondering what fi was10:10
EriC^^didn't see you type finnish above10:10
EriC^^Guest42505: yeah give it a shot, try sudo update-grub btw10:11
aq2thats a very useful bot10:11
Guest42505wait, I might have to put the boot flag back to my ext4 partition10:11
EriC^^nah it's unnecessary10:12
Guest42505as the efi partition has nothing on there10:12
Guest42505ok, might see you back in a moment, thanks for the help!10:12
EriC^^efi partition is useless right now10:12
EriC^^so it's ok10:12
peacefulHi, how can i isntall LTS kernel, please? I need bit olde kernel cause my old laptop doesnt work with new ones.10:14
vincent__magic! just rebooted from my ssd10:15
=== vincent__ is now known as Guest22608
Guest22608(see how fast that was?!)10:15
poteropsJust use LTS peaceful10:15
aq2what version does 14.04 come with?10:16
MonkeyDustpeaceful  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue;uname -r10:16
Guest22608thanks alkisg and eric10:16
EriC^^!info linux-generic | aq210:17
ubottuaq2: linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (wily), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB10:17
EriC^^!info linux-generic trusty | aq210:17
ubottuaq2: linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB10:17
peacefulMonkeyDust, Ubuntu 15.10 \n \l10:17
Guest22608is there an advantage of using uefi over bios?10:17
EriC^^Guest22608: operating systems dont overwrite eachother's bootloaders, and it's a tad quicker to boot10:18
Guest22608you reckon I'll notice the msecond?10:18
alkisgSure they do override the bootloaders :D10:18
EriC^^i do like uefi, it's newer and has more stuff10:18
alkisgIn some cases uefi only boots a single filename, so they fight over that one10:18
alkisgI.e. no internal boot manager10:19
unkown1997Excuse me The Arabic channel dosen't respond :(10:19
EriC^^alkisg: yeah i know, but each os can have it's separate efi file10:19
unkown1997can you answer ?10:19
EriC^^not 1 mbr10:19
alkisgOnly in theory, in practise there's the same file for all instead of the same mbr for all10:19
Guest22608so the efi partition on your harddsik is just the location for the different efi files10:19
alkisgbootx64.efi if I recall well10:19
EriC^^alkisg: well not really, bootx64.efi for windows and grubx64.efi for ubuntu10:20
alkisgOnly if you manage to get your uefi to load grubx64.efi10:20
alkisgWhich in many cases isn't possible10:20
EriC^^so if you remove ubuntu, you don't need to reinstall any bootloader using a windows cd, like in legacy10:20
EriC^^read above ^ that's what i'm trying to convey10:20
alkisgSo then bootx64.efi is used for ubuntu too10:20
EriC^^those are just awful implementations of uefi10:20
alkisgSo then grub and windows fight over the same filename10:20
EriC^^where manufacturers tamper with it10:21
alkisgThere are too many of them out there10:21
EriC^^alkisg: you still have 2 separate files though10:21
Guest22608i am glad to say that I never had a windows os installed on my system10:21
EriC^^i'll brb food has arrived :D10:21
alkisgThere's microsoft.efi and grub.efi, but there's a common bootx64.efi, so you have to overwrite it with one of the others10:21
alkisgIt's the same as in mbr10:22
Guest22608so whatever mint uses as bootloader file, it's all hers10:22
alkisgHave a good appetite :)10:22
unkown1997Excuse me ,when I install ubuntu 64 bit 14.04.3 LTS and after that when I try to change the theme it's give me a lot of error10:22
unkown1997For example, the screen suddenly flashed Black or  automatic logout if I passed the cursor over the bottom of the screen10:22
MonkeyDust!info linux-generic | peaceful10:22
ubottupeaceful: linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (wily), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB10:22
Guest22608see you later!10:22
EriC^^alkisg: nah you dont have to overwrite it10:22
EriC^^alkisg: im too hungry to argue right now10:23
alkisgEriC^^: well, I've done it in many cases, following the official info from grub10:23
EriC^^in the end you have 2 files being used10:23
MonkeyDustpeaceful  simply try sudo apt update; sudo apt-dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get autoremove10:23
EriC^^you never boot windows from grub unless you chainload its efi file right?10:23
MonkeyDustpeaceful  simply try sudo apt update; sudo apt dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get autoremove10:23
AmaraHi, I got a ubuntu 14.04 desktop that is being powered on for 30min daily. unattended upgrades is installed. It looks like it doesn't upgrade itself because 30 minutes is not enough. What should I do to ensure upgrades got installed automatically?10:23
alkisgEriC^^: grub cannot chainload the windows efi file, it's in a special format10:23
EriC^^alkisg: lol10:24
alkisgWell, there are 2 of them, one in the standard efi format and another in an ms efi format10:24
MonkeyDustAmara  first upgrade with the power connected and wait for it ... the next upgrades shouldnt take that long10:24
alkisgbootmgr.efi is in ms format, it can't be loaded by grub10:24
EriC^^this is from grub.cfg chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi10:24
alkisgRight, that's the standard one10:24
alkisgand then bootmgr.efi can only be loaded from bootmgfw.efi10:25
MonkeyDustAmara  depending on your internet speed, of course10:25
EriC^^ok i think we're drifting apart10:25
AmaraMonkeyDust, I mean unattended upgrade is not triggered, it is not about cpu/ssd/internet speed10:25
EriC^^the whole point of uefi having advantage over legacy is that you dont have 1 mbr where only 1 bootloader can sit, you have an efi partition where many efi files can exist10:25
alkisgEriC^^: anyway, no point in getting into it, I looked into it in a lot of detail to get my mind changed from irc, and we both don't need more info about that currently to spend time in it10:25
alkisgWell, it's not the sole point10:26
alkisgAnd not all implementations support that10:26
alkisgSome don't even support displaying a boot menu with all the .efi files to choose from10:26
EriC^^regardless from the fact that some uefi implementations dont like the linux efi and you have to trick the bios into booting the linux one by renaming it10:26
alkisgIf the implementations only know one filename, then it's the same as in mbr10:26
alkisgIt's overwriting a fixed place10:27
alkisgBe it filename or sector, it doesn't make a difference10:27
EriC^^that doesn't make sense10:27
EriC^^cause you still have 2 files and you can switch them back whenever you want10:27
alkisgYou can have 2 .mbr files10:27
alkisgAnd switch them however you want10:27
EriC^^well that's you using dd10:28
EriC^^not uefi10:28
EriC^^if you wanna get pedanticilikilyyy10:28
alkisgAnd that's you using cp in some fat filesystem10:28
alkisgNot uefi10:28
EriC^^well i can still boot from efi using uefi10:28
alkisguefi doesn't have support for switching between them10:28
EriC^^also this is extreme cases of MANUFACTURER twisting of uefi specs10:28
EriC^^not uefi itself10:28
alkisgThe specs don't mandate a boot loader, only suggest it10:29
alkisg*boot menu, sorry10:29
alkisgAnyways, we both know the technical side, so go eat your food, no point in arguing over semantics10:30
EriC^^i'm already eating10:30
cfhowlettand it begins ... greasy keyboard errors10:30
EriC^^it's ok cfhowlett i'm using an external keyboard, ... cause the original got pepsi spilt on it10:31
cfhowlettEriC^^, I see that you, too, like to live dangerously ...10:31
vol_Hi, anyone nows how to install OpenCL (nvidia) in 15.04?10:33
cfhowlett!help | ajeet10:33
ubottuajeet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:33
MonkeyDustajeet  let's heer it, in one line and no caps10:33
ajeeti'm getting error in in c program compilation stage10:33
ajeetq9.c:4:1: warning: return type defaults to ‘int’ [-Wimplicit-int]  mani()  ^ /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: In function `_start': /build/buildd/glibc-2.21/csu/../sysdeps/x86_64/start.S:114: undefined reference to `main' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status10:34
MonkeyDustajeet  try in the channel for c programming10:34
vol_ajeet, there is a typo10:34
vol_main() not mani()10:35
poteropsvol_: what else you know10:36
ajeetcan u provide me link for  channel  of c programming10:36
vol_poterops, what do you mean by that?10:36
bazhang##c  ajeet10:37
k1l_vol_: dont mind the troll10:38
* Kardos minds the troll10:39
bidsI want to install vlc mediaplayer10:45
bidsIn offline mode10:45
bazhang!offline | bids10:45
ubottubids: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD10:45
MonkeyDustbids  find a pc to download the source, put it on a usb stick or so, then bring it ro the offline pc and install10:46
bidsbazhang: ?10:46
OerHeksbids, softwarecenter has an option to download for offline install too10:46
bidsI hve it on pc already10:47
bidsI downloaded from there10:48
testpil0tbids, use the way bazhang suggests10:49
k1l_bids: dont load stuff from other websites10:49
k1l_bids: use the official ubuntu repos, that packages are already made working with ubuntu10:49
testpil0tand those are clean. I bet some 3rd party websites have their "own" package10:49
MonkeyDustbids  https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/department/sound-video/10:50
bidstestpil0t:  what bazhang  suggested ?_?10:50
testpil0t!offline | bids10:50
ubottubids: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD10:50
testpil0tthis is what he suggested10:51
bidsIam full new on ubuntu10:51
MonkeyDustbids  do you have access to the internet, on that pc?10:52
bidsYes i downloaded from windows10:52
testpil0tYour linux machine does not have internet access?10:52
MonkeyDustbids  start from the beginning, what are you doing10:52
bidsNo MonkeyDust10:52
MonkeyDustbids  are you now in windows or in ubuntu?10:53
bidsAtm none10:53
bidsPc off10:53
bidsBut i can quickly start10:53
=== wilhelm is now known as Guest45206
bidsTo ubuntu10:53
bidsI have dual boot10:53
MonkeyDustbids  and does that ubuntu pc have internet access?10:54
bidsNo MonkeyDust10:54
MonkeyDustbids  how are you here, with no pc switched on ... smartphone, tablet?10:54
bidsI am using fone atm10:55
bidsUsing limited connection10:55
izaberahi, does anyone know what kernel did ubuntu 6.06 use?10:55
izaberanot sure where to find this info10:55
k1l_izabera: a very old one, i guess10:55
izabera2.6.15 ok10:56
izaberathank you10:56
MonkeyDustizabera  no support here10:56
izaberano i'm not looking for that10:56
izaberathanks, bye10:56
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ubottunikla: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:05
Drowhen installing ubuntu I choosed English as system language, and everything works correctly in english, except the calandar its showing in arabic, wondering why?11:07
MonkeyDustDro  system settings > language support11:08
=== bids is now known as The_Nut
dfsdsfhow the fuck do you stop getty processes from running??11:16
dfsdsfi've followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpstartHowto#How_do_I_reduce_the_number_of_gettys.3F11:16
dfsdsfi've removed the ttyN from /etc/init11:16
bekksdfsdsf: Tone down your language and explain why you trying to get rid of getty.11:17
aq2!enghisk | dfsdsf11:17
aq2!enghish | dfsdsf11:17
aq2!english | dfsdsf11:17
ubottudfsdsf: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:17
aq2there we go11:17
dfsdsfwhy is irrelevant11:18
k1l_dfsdsf: and what ubuntu you are on11:19
bekksdfsdsf: Why is essential. It is you seeking for help, not me.11:19
dfsdsfif i ask how do i unlock my front door, what is the purpose of asking why?11:19
dfsdsfit's not essential to answering my question11:19
bekksdfsdsf: Seems like you dont want help themn. Good luck.11:20
OerHekswhat about >   echo manual >> /etc/init/ttyN.conf  ??11:20
umatehi. is it possible in vlc to show the button on toolbar for synchronize audio & video ?11:20
aq2umate: you mean like this? http://pasteboard.co/POHH6uV.png11:21
ikoniaåd/win 711:21
k1l_OerHeks: or set it in the xorg.conf or ...11:22
umatesq2: here or in main vlc window11:22
droidunity tweak tool error schemas missing com.canonical.unity.webapps11:28
droidany one know a fix ?11:28
Nature_0770anyone there11:29
droidyeah go ahead11:29
Nature_0770any best uninstaller for ubuntu apps ?11:30
k1l_droid: intsall unity-webapps-service11:30
aq2Nature_0770: sudo apt-get purge application11:31
k1l_Nature_0770: use softwarecenter or in terminal "sudo apt-get rmeove packagename"11:31
Nature_0770i am on xubuntu, so no unity11:31
aq2Nature_0770: apt-get purge will work even without xorg11:31
Nature_0770any 3rd party tool ?11:32
bekksNature_0770: No 3rd party tool required.11:32
k1l_Nature_0770: you dont need a 3rd party tool. ubuntu got enough own tools11:32
Nature_0770I want to purge chrome but with all configs it has on my pc.11:32
Nature_0770purge only didn't work last time11:32
bekksNature_0770: so use apt-get purge11:33
bekksNature_0770: Why didnt it work, exactly?11:33
k1l_Nature_0770: remove tha package and then remove the .chrome folder in your homw11:33
aq2Nature_0770: purge it first, then remove its ppa's.11:33
aq2k1l_: purge removes .chrome too.11:33
bekksaq2: No, it doesnt.11:33
aq2i weird11:33
k1l_aq2: nope11:33
Nature_0770yup it doesn't11:33
bekksaq2: purge literally never touches configurations in your home.11:33
Nature_0770hmm true.11:34
aq2Nature_0770: rm -r ~/.chrome11:34
Nature_0770yes, that will work11:34
k1l_aq2: purge is about system settings not the stuff that the program loads at first start11:34
aq2is there some way to remove them automatically?11:34
k1l_and sorry, its .config/google-chrome11:34
aq2ahh right it is11:34
bekksaq2: No, no automatic way. Thats intended.11:35
Nature_0770yes that is why I was searching uninstaller11:35
MonkeyDustaq2  after that, do   sudo aptitude purge ~c11:35
k1l_Nature_0770: there is nonw11:35
bekksNature_0770: There is no uninstaller that will do that.11:35
Nature_0770so whenever i remove any app, it must remove everything related to it11:35
bekksNature_0770: Remove the user configs manually.11:35
droidcant get it install k1l11:36
Nature_0770hmm.. doing manually like always.11:36
boxmeinhey can I use ubuntu packages built for like raring/saucy on wily11:39
boxmeinthe PPA hasn't been updated to match the new codename and I really want the mpd-sound-menu plugin11:39
k1l_boxmein: no11:40
k1l_boxmein: ask the maintainer to update that ppa11:40
boxmeink1l_: can i uh, compile the thing from source or something11:40
boxmeink1l_: yeah, that'll be forever11:41
boxmeinbut I'll poke the guy11:41
k1l_of course you can compile stuff yourself11:41
black153where are you?11:43
k1l_droid: what didnt work? put all the command and output in a pastebin and show the link here11:44
black153what is dad?11:44
black153what the fuck11:44
k1l_black153: this is the technical ubuntu support. please keep this channel clear  for that11:45
aq2!english | BlackDevil11:45
ubottuBlackDevil: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:45
MonkeyDusthis vocabulary suggests a great mind11:48
MeowZedonghi, i am setting up ubuntu on my dad’s machine, during the setup process do i just set one partition to mount on / — do i also have to tell the setup process which drive to boot on?11:53
MeowZedongbecause the first time i installed it, it didn’t over-write the boot, and it booted into win 7 again, this time i am trying to force a format on both drives11:54
MeowZedongdo i have to mark a partition as bootable?11:54
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MeowZedongi was hoping it would be intelligent enough to set the boot sectors on the partition i marked as /11:56
bekksMeowZedong: Which will render the system not bootable.11:56
MeowZedongbekks: oh11:57
MonkeyDustGuest67190  this is the ubuntu support channel11:57
Guest67190Ok, sorry11:58
The_NutI want to copy folder path11:59
MonkeyDustThe_Nut  in nautilus or in terminal?12:00
The_NutI guess is nautilus12:01
MonkeyDustThe_Nut  right click > properties12:01
The_NutIn superior bar12:01
The_NutShows path12:02
The_NutBut not as i want12:02
The_NutI dont want go to properties12:02
The_NutIt takes too long12:02
MonkeyDustThe_Nut  you're right, it cannot be set in nautilus, i guess you need dconf-editor to do it12:03
OerHeksdrop the file from nautilus in terminal :-)12:03
The_NutGood idead OerHeks12:04
The_NutWhat os dconglf editor MonkeyDust12:05
MonkeyDustThe_Nut  in dconf-editor, go to org.gnome.nautilus.preferences ... then un/check always-use-location12:05
MonkeyDustThe_Nut  it's a tweak tool (kind of)12:06
MonkeyDustThe_Nut  first time you use ubuntu?12:07
The_NutBut im new12:07
The_NutFully new12:07
MonkeyDustok, get used to new names, other programs, other layout etc12:07
The_NutSo idk what u mean woth in dcinf-editor go to og.gnome12:08
The_NutIdk how to open dconf12:08
MonkeyDustThe_Nut  install dconf-editor, then open it12:12
MonkeyDustinstall it from the software center12:12
The_NutIll do it later12:14
=== The_Nut is now known as bids
BluesKajHiyas all12:54
zuHi everybody12:58
zui have a tough problem with the mic12:58
MonkeyDustzu  let's hear it, in one line12:58
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zuThe asus support changes my hdisk and put windows on that. I changed immediately installing ubuntu 15.10. It would seem all right with the mic, and instead it's not.13:02
zui tried everything13:03
MonkeyDustzu  define 'everything' ... in a terminal, type   alsamixer13:04
zuhttp://imgur.com/39BYGRX here it is13:04
MonkeyDustzu  and what's not working13:05
MonkeyDust!details | zu13:05
ubottuzu: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)13:05
zui can't hear nothing, i can't recond the same13:06
ioriazu arecord --list-devices13:06
zuSorry i'm italian, i did not have the proper help from ubuntu-it13:07
zuioria PCH [HDA Intel PCH], dispositivo 0: ALC270 Analog [ALC270 Analog]13:07
zu  Sottoperiferiche: 1/113:07
zu  Sottoperiferica #0: subdevice #013:07
wavebohi all, I am a new linux user and I have a problem to instruct linux running a mount-script automatically. can someone help me a little?13:08
ioriazu don't paste in here, please13:08
zusorry, where can i ?13:08
ioria!paste | zu13:08
ubottuzu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:09
MonkeyDustzu  use a pastebin for multiple lines13:09
ioriazu  sudo apt-get install pastebinit13:09
ioriazu  or paste on paste.ubuntu.com13:09
zui already have it , i just not how to use it from the terminal13:09
ioriazu arecord --list-devices  | pastebinit13:10
wavebomanual "mount -t cifs -o username=..." as root user is working (perfect but I want to use a regular schedule (autostart during boot)13:10
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ubuntu926surendil are you her?13:11
MonkeyDustubuntu926  computer says no13:11
ubuntu926he was yesteday help me13:12
ubuntu926of spanish13:12
ioriazu  your mic is plugged ? do SystemSettings -> Sound -> input13:12
ubuntu926a nedd a people that spanish speek13:13
Acrisoris there any package for video hardsub and encoding?13:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:13
ubuntu926of private13:13
ubuntu926is better13:13
ubuntu926ubuntu-es is not people that help a nader people13:14
ubuntu926oder people13:14
ubuntu926or user13:14
ubuntu926mavie is hier a usaer that wont help of spnisch of private13:15
zuit is the internal mic13:15
ubuntu926wenn not germean is ok13:15
ioriazu   SystemSettings -> Sound -> input13:17
ubuntu926Is there someone to help privately in Spanish or German?13:18
MonkeyDustubuntu926  stop13:18
MeowZedongHi guys I could use your help on this one: I bought a D-Link USB Wifi stick. I stick it in the USB slot and I get Wifi. That’s what this stick does.13:18
MonkeyDustubuntu926  ask your question in english and wait13:18
MeowZedongWhen I insert it, how do I know it’s installed?13:19
ubuntu926It is trying to remove google earth that leaves no uninstall13:19
MonkeyDustubuntu926  sudo aptitude purge ~c13:19
MeowZedongI am running Ubuntu Gnome 14.04.3 LTS13:19
ubuntu926already did13:19
zuioria, ...and?13:19
ubuntu926MonkeyDust:  already did13:20
ioriazu   see if you can set the input volume and if it's responsive13:20
MeowZedongThe Dlink USB<->Wifi stick is called D-Link DWA-13113:20
ioriazu   if so, arecord -d 10 test-mic.wav13:21
MeowZedongDoes Ubuntu Ghome 14.04.3 LTS support D-link USB<->Wifi stick model # DWA-131 out of the box?13:21
OerHeksMeowZedong, if you see wifi in your network manager, it does13:22
OerHeksMeowZedong, if not, open terminal: ctrl alt T > lsusb # and show us the line with your wifi adapter13:22
ubuntu926MonkeyDust:   How do you control what you say the terminal?13:22
zuioria, i can set the volume but still doesn't works. Also with arecord i only get rustling13:23
ioriazu   you can try with an external mic, plug it in the pink one13:24
ioriazu   or whatever the mic plug is13:25
zuioria i haven't.  i have this problem in weeks it's kind of frustrating13:26
ioriazu   i see13:26
zui think that the problem might is a codec but nothing seems to work13:27
ioriazu   your audio is working , right ?13:28
ubuntu926MonkeyDust:  What should I do now, GE is still not uninstalled13:29
ubuntu926look private please13:29
ioriazu   aplay test-mic.wav13:29
ioriazu   did you say something in the test, right ?13:30
zuof course13:31
ioriazu  cat /etc/issue13:32
ubuntu926MonkeyDust:  you can answer me please?13:32
zuioria i get only rustling13:32
ioriazu  you can try to install ubuntu-restricted-extra13:33
ubuntu926MonkeyDust:  you can answer me please?13:33
ubuntu926MonkeyDust:  look at the private13:34
zui don't found the package doing sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extra13:34
ioriazu   ubuntu-restricted-extras13:34
zuioria,  same thing13:35
ioriazu   15.10 ?13:35
ubuntu926MonkeyDust:  if annoying Say please13:35
zuioria, yes13:35
ioriazu   libdvd-pkg13:36
buengeniogood day13:36
ubuntu926buengenio:  hola13:36
zucommand not found13:37
buengenioinstalled the 4.4 (and tried the nightlies) and after reboot get "gave up waiting for root device"13:37
ioriazu no sorry... wait13:37
ioria!info ubuntu-restricted-extras  | zu13:37
ubottuzu: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 64 (wily), package size 3 kB, installed size 30 kB13:37
Bushmasteris this channel support ubuntu mate desktop13:37
buengeniothe grub menu entries look exactly the same as my working 4.3 kernel (i.e. root=UUID..... is all there..)13:37
zuioria, ubottu sorry guys, i'm a little confused13:38
zutell me what to do, i'll do it13:38
ioriazu you misspelled ... apt-get install  ubuntu-restricted-extras13:39
ubuntu926MonkeyDust:  if annoying Say please13:40
Omilunhello i need to unrar a rar file with unrar-nonfree13:41
Omilunmy file has a password13:41
Omilunand i cant unrar it13:41
zuioria, i did it13:42
ioriazu reboot ...13:42
zuok i'll be back in a sec13:42
buengeniowhat's the point/benefit of using UUIDs to specify the root defice for boot?13:43
buengeniocan i still use the good old root=/dev/sda1?13:43
zuhere i'm13:45
ioriazu  no luck ?13:45
michiwendim running an ubuntu server 14.04 (64 bit, hosteurope vm) and after some uptime i allways get "Failed to fork" errors when trying to run different commands, for example apt-get upgrade. I do have enough free ram (free shows me atm 1.3G) and my ulimit -a gives me the following https://paste.ubuntu.com/14516804/13:46
zuioria i'll try13:46
zuioria, no luck13:47
ubuntu926anyone know what that means?13:47
zui'll try two things, sorry one sec13:47
ioriazu   check alsamixer13:48
michiwendmoreover hosteurope says, the ram is dynamic and my vm can use up to 6GB (min 4)13:48
michiwendso, i have no idea how to debug this issue... the only thing i can to is to reboot my machine now and then13:49
mtilhanhi i have a problem, [any letter key] + alt opens the type your command launcher. Any chance to block that? I am playing some games and it becomes a hindrance.13:50
ubuntu926I will reboot and see what happens, goodbye13:50
AndChat464025Good morning peoples13:53
JimmyCOerHeks, hi you were helping me with the D-Link USB to Wifi problem ^_____^13:56
JimmyCOerHeks, I just installed XChat and relogged in13:56
JimmyCOerHeks, to answer your question: lsusb listed the following entry:Bus 002 Device 005: ID 2001:3319 D-Link Corp.13:56
JimmyCBus 002 Device 005: ID 2001:3319 D-Link Corp.13:57
icefroghi there14:00
zuioria, sorry i had a problem14:06
zuioria, alsamixer same thing14:08
jophishHi all, I've got an annoying problem. If I alt-tab to chrome and then touch a link (touchscreen) it acts as though the control button is depressed14:11
jophishtapping ctrl fixes this14:11
jophishbut it happens again the next time I alt-tab to chrome14:11
MonkeyDustjophish  is that a tablet?14:15
zuioria :(14:17
MeowZedongOerHeks: what is the network manager called in Ubuntu?14:24
MonkeyDustMeowZedong  try nm-applet14:25
LydenCan the people in here assist me with Xubuntu?14:29
bekksLyden: That strongly depends on your actual issue with xubuntu.14:30
LydenI'm helping my friend over the phone (an issue unti itself) set up his 3.5mm headphone+mic combo. He can't seem to hear any audio with it, frehs Xubuntu install.14:31
tilioppLyden: ¥^»€™14:32
Lydenwhat does ¥^»€™ mean?14:33
tilioppLyden: 전 이만 갑니다14:33
tilioppLyden: العربية/عرب14:35
MonkeyDusttiliopp  stop14:35
bgardnerI have an enormous number of "indicator" processes running, is that normal?  e.g. 'ps aux | grep "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-.*/indicator-(bluetooth|sound)-service" | wc -l' yields 97.14:41
huseyinhello how can i install acrobat reader dc on ubuntu 15.10 ? thanks14:45
OerHekshuseyin, maybe with wine, but why acrobat? evince, standard pdf reader, should do fine14:46
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:46
huseyinok it is true14:48
ubottuThe Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)14:48
OerHeksAdobe has no .deb >> https://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/14:48
OerHekssilly factoid14:48
hypermisthttps://github.com/mbassan/wlox-cron/blob/master/receive.sh says transaction is a dir, obviously yes it is a dir, but im having a feeling thats not letting that .sh file run ? can someone help me debug14:57
CinnamonRickRollthis might go better in the #bash chat room15:00
CinnamonRickRolldid you give the file perms tho?15:01
hypermistyay CinnamonRickRoll ty15:01
hypermistCinnamonRickRoll, file has all perms15:01
CinnamonRickRollwell, I'm not an expert on bash :) I'm in the process of teaching myslef, so I won't be much help I'm afriad :)15:01
hypermisttiliopp, what the hell did you say taht to me in a pm for ?15:02
tilioppHe pm me15:03
hypermistWell do i care you dont have to voice waht he said to you to me...15:03
OerHekshypermist, join #ubuntu-ops please, if you have a complaint.15:04
wbilli i have a process i need to start on the command line and i need to close the terminal before the proc is done what do i use to make sure it doesn't get killed & doesn;t work when the terem dies it dies anyone?15:04
OerHekswbill, example:  gedit &  # You can close the terminal by pressing Ctrl-D at the prompt instead of using the window controls. This will do what you want.15:06
Stinky_Feethypermist: Did you give the script an argument? If not it will try to echo into a directory and it will fail...15:06
hypermistwell tbh i have no idea what its doing Stinky_Feet its not my src code15:07
Stinky_Feethypermist: "./receive.sh test"   will create a file called "test" in the transactions directory with the contents "test"15:09
wbillOerHeks im ssh'd in is this gonna matter15:09
hypermistmaybe i need to add something extra like you said15:09
OerHekswbill hmm yes, see the last answer on this page >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/163567/start-program-from-terminal15:12
OerHeksinstall screen, ctrl a ctrl d, and screen -R reattaches again15:13
citoplasmaAlguien en el canal que hable???15:13
k1l_!es  | citoplasma15:14
ubottucitoplasma: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:14
citoplasmaI know how to use IRC15:14
citoplasmaAnd... thanks15:15
Stinky_Feethypermist: I had a quick look, the script is supposed to be executed by the bitcoin daemon, you specify the path to it in your bitcoin.conf file: https://github.com/wlox/wlox/blob/master/README.md#setting-up-the-bitcoind-server15:16
hypermistyea i just realized.15:16
hypermistI added a dir like you said well thing after the receive.sh15:16
BluesKajcitoplasma, the bot is merely telling you where ubuntu support is in the spanish language15:17
=== mohammad is now known as ubuntu
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest93220
citoplasmaI know but, it was because his explain about how to enter in the channel15:21
Guest93220i can`t see my login page i just installed sudo apt-get install mdm or xdm what should i do?15:21
Guest93220what should i do in recovery mode15:22
BluesKajrepair packages15:22
Guest93220i can`t see my login page i just installed sudo apt-get install mdm or xdm what should i do?15:22
IdleOnecitoplasma: not all users know how to enter a new channel. Many users are first time users on irc15:23
BluesKajGuest93220, repair packages in recovery mode15:23
ioriaGuest93220, see if you can open a console15:24
IdleOneGuest93220: sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdm. BluesKaj your answer is less than helpful. If they knew how to repair they would. They are asking how to do it.15:24
bgardnerI have an enormous number of "indicator" processes running, is that normal?  e.g. 'ps aux | grep "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-.*/indicator-(bluetooth|sound)-service" | wc -l' yields 97.15:24
ioria!info mdm15:24
ubottumdm (source: mdm): Utilities for single-host parallel shell scripting. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.3-2.1 (wily), package size 29 kB, installed size 116 kB15:24
Guest93220BluesKaj, i am new to linux how?15:25
ioria!info xdm15:25
ubottuxdm (source: xdm): X display manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1.11-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 167 kB, installed size 808 kB15:25
ioriaGuest93220, which one ?15:25
Guest93220BluesKaj, with what command can i repair?15:25
BluesKajIdleOne, yes and I'm telling him to choose repair packages in the recovery kernel15:25
Guest93220ioria, i don`t know exactly?15:25
IdleOneBluesKaj: your answer was vague at best considering your audience. Use some common sense, new user, Guest* nick...15:26
citoplasmawell, i talked in my case15:26
ioriaGuest93220,  why did you install it  (?)  , and what ubuntu are you on ?15:27
truexfan81man i love the linux multitasking lol15:27
Guest93220ioria, i was looking for another package but i installed it wrong i am on mint 1715:27
truexfan81in my ubuntu trusty vm i'm compiling from source and apt-get upgrading at the same time lol15:27
citoplasmasorry and thanks again15:28
BluesKajGuest93220, reboot into the recovery kernel and choose repair packages in the dialog that shows up there, if mint has that option15:28
ioriaGuest93220,  ha...  ok. don't know much about mint. but you can open a console ctrl+alt+f1 (or f2)   and purge the package sudo apt-get purge xdm  , for example15:29
BluesKajIdleOne, happy now?15:29
PHroGmanThe information about available software is out-of-date To install software and updates from newly added or changed sources, you have to reload the information about available software.You need a working internet connection to continue.15:29
PHroGmanWhy do i get this?15:29
Guest93220ioria, i see this message same that it is lock15:29
IdleOneBluesKaj: Only reason we know that is because ioria took the time to do the leg work. Your answer was still vague even if this channel did support mint.15:29
k1l_PHroGman: because you changed the repos and the packages lists need to be reloaded from all servers15:30
arunpyasihi all15:30
PHroGmanhow do i do that?15:30
ioriaGuest93220, come again , please ?15:30
Guest93220ioria, okay15:30
arunpyasiis there any tools to create iso from an ubuntu usb stick ?15:30
BluesKajIdleOne ...blah blah , then why didn't you help him?15:30
Guest93220ioria, i do and come back15:31
ioriaGuest93220, no...  i mean ... i don't get you :þ15:31
PHroGmanIm kinda new15:31
citoplasmaGuest93220, you can use synaptic to uninstall the package15:31
k1l_PHroGman: it asks you to reload.15:32
k1l_PHroGman: or open a terminal and do "sudo apt udpate"15:32
PHroGmanyes but i did and I still get that message15:32
k1l_PHroGman: where?15:33
PHroGmanW:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/dvdstyler-maintainers/ppa/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found15:33
PHroGman, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/dvdstyler-maintainers/ppa/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found15:33
PHroGman, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.15:33
k1l_PHroGman: so you use PPAs that are shut down15:33
PHroGmanThats what I get when I try to reload15:33
OerHeksPHroGman, old ppa, see https://launchpad.net/~dvdstyler-maintainers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa no trusty candidates15:33
citoplasmaRT k1l_15:34
k1l_PHroGman: or to be more precise: ppas which dont even have 14.04 packages insite15:34
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truexfan81thats so sad lol the 2 compiles finished before the apt-get upgrade15:37
PHroGmanI think the reason was I had to install a newer version of DVD styler to work.15:38
PHroGmanIf I delete those repositories how can I update the version on my machine now15:39
k1l_PHroGman: the reason is that you were using a PPA that was not updated since ages and doesnt have packages for 14.04 or newer15:39
PHroGmanI have 2.96 installed15:41
PHroGmanthats why15:41
k1l_!info dvdstyler trusty15:41
ubottudvdstyler (source: dvdstyler): cross platform DVD Authoring System for Video DVD Production. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-0ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 529 kB, installed size 1711 kB15:41
k1l_PHroGman: see in here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=dvdstyler if there is another PPA with packages for trusty15:42
PHroGmanAhhhh.... I got it got it from here....https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuhandbook1/+archive/ubuntu/dvdstyler15:45
PHroGmandeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntuhandbook1/dvdstyler/ubuntu trusty main15:45
PHroGmanI mean here15:45
PHroGmanadded this ppa to my list now all works well15:45
k1l_PHroGman: please put into a pastebin "apt-cache policy dvdstyler"15:45
PHroGmanthank you for your help you guys are great15:45
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truexfan81_System:    Host ubuntu Kernel 3.19.0-43-generic i686 (32 bit, gcc 4.8.2)15:47
truexfan81_           Desktop Gnome  (Gtk 2.24.23) Distro Ubuntu 14.04 trusty15:47
PHroGmanDid I do that right?15:47
truexfan81_yay vm finally up to date :D15:47
ioriaPHroGman, witout  ' " '15:47
k1l_PHroGman: no. put that command into a terminal. then the output into the pastebin.15:48
k1l_PHroGman: but since it works now its ok.15:48
PHroGmanI would still like to learn for future issues ill try15:48
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Guest44845ioria, i back15:49
Guest44845ioria, are you there?15:49
ioriaGuest44845,  yes15:49
PHroGmanIs that better?15:49
bhalash`as~ vZA ~ ,AS   .,a`~a>?CA15:51
BoingHi, I have the BRGT thing.. my (something) lied.15:51
bhalashvm ,dqwGHEWQdf scxzàAñzCVXúú678Y590-=-15:51
bhalashbah, sorry, cleaning keyboard15:51
Guest44845i get this error when i run sudo apt-get purge xdm (not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock and unable write to /var/cache /apt and the package lists or status file couldn`t be parsed or opened)15:52
PHroGmanThanks again Im loving this OS !15:52
Guest44845ioria, i get this error when i run sudo apt-get purge xdm (not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock and unable write to /var/cache /apt and the package lists or status file couldn`t be parsed or opened)15:52
ioriaGuest93220,    you opened a console or you are  in Recovery mode  ?15:52
Guest44845ioria, i am in recovery mode as a root15:53
ioriaGuest93220,   you need to remount rw the fs ... you can boot normally  and the open a console15:53
Guest44845ioria, what do you mean?15:54
ioriaGuest93220,   mount -o remount,rw /   and try again15:54
ioriaGuest93220,  no, wait reboot -> recovery -> enable networking15:55
Guest44845and then?15:55
ioriaGuest93220,   so you'll have connectivity and write permission15:55
ioriaGuest93220,  the you can purge the package15:56
jophishMonkeyDust: Laptop with a touch screen15:56
KrigsforbryterHello, My server rebooted today because of powerloss. After reboot i got the message "give root password for maintenance or type control-d to continue". No one of my passwords work. If i press ctrl + d i got "Error getting authority: Error initializing authority: Could not connect: No such file or directory (g-io-error-quark, 1)" What to do? :(15:57
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BoingRyzom from SF.net takes long time15:58
Stinky_FeetKrigsforbryter: Could be a disk problem after the powerfailure. Can you boot with a USB stick or similar and check if you can access all your partitions as they are  specified in fstab on your server? See http://askubuntu.com/questions/631362/error-getting-authority-error-initializing-authority-could-not-connect-no-suc (and others)...16:02
KrigsforbryterStinky_Feet: i can try :)16:03
BottomNotchI'm trying to do a dualboot install of xubuntu and windows on the Dell inspiron 15.  I booted to the live session and used gparted to make a new partition for Linux and a linux-swap partition.  I then booted to windows to make sure it still works and it did, except the it still seemed to think it had the same amount of space from before I shrunk the windows partition.  I  booted back into xubuntu and opened gparted and found that the the windows partit16:04
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Boing\All I did to dual boot was wubi16:05
k1l_Boing: wubi is bad16:05
BottomNotchboing: wubi?16:05
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k1l_wubi means it installed into the windows system. which means someday ubuntu and/or windows will break. and we can do nearly nothing to help. so make a proper dual boot and install ubuntu into own partitions.16:07
tewardk1l_: not to mention Wubi doesn't work with 8, 8.1, 10, or UEFI...16:07
BoingUbuntu has it's drive16:07
BottomNotchk1l_: I just googled it, I have windows 8.1 so wouldn't work for me anyways.16:08
BoingI dont think it has uefi16:08
BottomNotchAnd I also have uefi16:08
k1l_BottomNotch: your message was cut after "and found that the the windows partit"16:09
Boingthe live cd installes ubuntu to my pvc16:09
murtyi have a lenovo laptop with four partitions, all ntfs with windows 10 on C drive. when i try to run the installer, some of my partitions look merged into a single giant partition. i have some data that i can't afford losing. how should i install ubuntu 15.10?16:09
BottomNotchk1l_ oh, I'll post the rest sorry :P16:10
BottomNotchfound that the the windows partition was still shrunk and I still have the ext4 partition and linux-swap partition.  I'm really not sure what to do from here.16:11
k1l_BottomNotch: how did you shrink the windows partition?16:12
andreyvI am on Ubuntu 14.04 and want to install virtualbox-guest-utils. Using apt-get, it also tries to install virtualbox-guest-x11, which I don't want. virtualbox-guest-x11 is only listed as recommended, not required here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/virtualbox-guest-utils  What am I doing wrong?16:13
BottomNotchI went to gparted, I right clicked on the windows partition, I dragged the bar until i has about 340GB of space on that partition16:14
tewardandreyv: sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends virtualbox-guest-utils16:14
BottomNotchThen from the unallocated space I made an ext4 partition and a linux-swap partition16:14
tewardsee if that works16:14
andreyvteward: That worked, thanks16:15
BoingSo is the BRGT thing a problem when I boot up ?16:18
tewardandreyv: you're welcome.  keep in mind that if you want to not isntall recommended packages, you provide --no-install-recommends.16:19
Pinkamena_Dtrying to run openmpi, I get a bunch of errors about fglrx , and then it runs my program correctly. Can I disable it trying to use the videocard at all? Errors look like this: http://pasteboard.co/Q8eaUKr.png16:19
BottomNotchSo does anyone know how to fix my issue with partitions?16:20
Boingu resized under windows, right?16:21
BottomNotchBoing: No, I resized under a live session of xubuntu16:22
joyce__Can we create hotspot of a wifi network in ubuntu?16:23
Boingwindows 10 gots to resize its own part16:23
aaserSo, other than running in circles while screaming, what should I do when I have broken packages?16:23
aaserTried to install openssh-server and got this: http://pastebin.com/RAW6va6W on 15.0416:24
BoingSSL 3 aint cool16:24
OerHeksaaser, run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade # to see if there are updates pending, and fresh lists16:25
joyce__anyone knows about making hotspot of a wifi network16:26
OerHeksjoyce__, some adapters can, hotspot is 'adhoc'> https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html16:26
aaserOerHeks: tried to do so but I still get the same error16:26
BottomNotchBoing: Oh, oops.  Do what should I do now, I've already resized from gparted, should I unallocate the positions i made for Linux and put them on the windows partition again?16:26
joyce__OerHeks: but that discconnects the wifi16:27
joyce__I am using16:27
BoingI think windows needs resize after you made the gparted for linux.. nometter what linux made the gparted ..16:28
OerHeksjoyce__, ehhh so? you cannot connect to your router and use the same wifi device for htspot16:28
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OerHeksuse cable + wifi or double wifi devices16:29
joyce__What I need is, like connectify in windows or the u c browser in windows,which help us to make the hotspot of of  the wifi we are using any software available with ubuntu OerHeks  ?16:29
Boingu mean 14.04 lts has a server in it? Apache?16:29
OerHeksjoyce__, no.16:29
joyce__OerHeks: No alternative?16:30
OerHeksjoyce__, keep asking, same answer\16:30
OerHeksi just wonder, windows does not do that too, afaik16:31
joyce__I am able to make hotspot over there16:31
OerHeksif you are connected to a wifi accespoint, why not let the other devices use the same ?16:31
BottomNotchBoing: So the order in which to do things of resize and make new partitions in gparted, boot to window and resize the windows partition to make the new size?16:32
rak__hay alguien ahiii????16:33
OerHeksaaser, strange, what if you install it from softwarecenter/synaptic?16:34
Boingmm, yes.. I let the live cd install for me and then went to windows to resize from windows.16:34
ioriajoyce__, https://github.com/anubhavchaturvedi/ConnectifyLinux   give a look16:34
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BottomNotchBoing: ok, thanks16:35
Boing. If you have a drive with any pre-existing partitions, or multiple drives, then you should use manual partitioning. Ensure you have backups.16:36
aaserOerHeks: I tried that now. It wants to remove a ton of packages, including my entire install of ROS(robot operating system)16:36
BottomNotchBoing: what do you mean manual partitioning?16:37
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BoingUsing windows, set manual size, then use gparted if needed to set16:39
OerHeksaaser, oke, so the source of your issue is that ROS. i have no clue then ..16:40
Boing\If you go 14.02 or better, ubuntu, and don't have win 8.. it wont cause problem.  By all means backup, and if recovery is needed, have disks16:40
aaserOerHeks: It also wants to remove google-chrome, and seemingly every other package I have installed16:40
BottomNotchBoing: i have multiple partitions, I set the size in gparted before setting in windows.16:41
Boingokay then bottomNotch, go windows10 and resize.16:41
BottomNotchBoing: ok16:42
BottomNotchWell windows 8, have not upgraded to 1016:42
Boingwindows 8 has the problem with ubuntu16:42
Boingread about ubuntu .. learn about it before it wipe your drives16:43
k1l_BottomNotch: might be the "not real shutdown to simulate a faster reboot" thing from windows.16:44
BottomNotchReally? I had no problems with a windows 8/ubuntu 14.04 dualboot on my other laptop16:44
k1l_BottomNotch: load the windows and shrink the partition in there16:44
BoingAutomatic upgrade on drives containing user data partitions, including from other operating systems, and all Windows 8 systems, will result in the whole drive being wiped and all existing data will be lost. This bug is present in released media of 14.04 and 14.04.1, but is fixed for 14.04.2 and later. If you have a drive with any pre-existing partitions, or multiple drives, then you should use manual partitioning. Ensure you have bac16:44
Boingkups. (1265192)16:44
BoingTrustyTahr release notes16:44
BottomNotchBoing: I have a backup, I'm using 14.04.3, I have resized the windows partition and made an ext4 and linux-swap partition from gparted on a live session of xubuntu 14.04.3.  I'm about to resize the windows partition from windows, everything sound fine?16:47
Boingkool. it lived16:48
k1l_BottomNotch: yes.16:48
BottomNotchK1l_: ok, thanks16:48
BoingkIl_ sorry fo da pastie16:48
BoingBGRT, must not be any problem..?16:50
k1l_Boing: what are you talking about?16:50
BoingI get an error about BGRT when I load ubuntu16:50
k1l_that is not an error, its a warning.16:51
BoingWill it fix itself?  it continues and runs16:52
k1l_does the system boot?16:52
rorporstBoing: you16:52
Boingoh yes16:52
k1l_http://askubuntu.com/a/702155/31260  Boing16:52
BoingTY KIl_16:53
ifozaHi, how do I "cd" into a partition?16:56
EriC^^you mount it16:56
EriC^^then cd to the mountpoint16:56
k1l_ifoza: you can only cd into a path16:56
ifozaEriC^^, k1l_: how do I mount from terminal?16:57
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ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount16:57
k1l_you need to create a mount point and mount the /dev/sdxy to that16:58
arunpyasiis there any tools to create iso from an ubuntu usb stick ?16:58
k1l_arunpyasi: use dd to make a image from that16:59
joyce__ioria: I tried it now.But,it disconnects my wifi16:59
EleanorEllisarunpyasi: Does this help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick17:00
ioriajoyce__, sorry about that17:03
BoingA Lot to read on ACPI and BRGT.  appears .. I duunnoo17:04
BoingLibreOffice didn't come with Scribus17:07
bekksThats because Scribus isnt part of Libreoffice.17:08
BoingO? it's not?17:08
JGroteHello! I am using UnionFS and am looking for a way to move files from the "top" layer FS to the "bottom" layer FS when disk space gets low. I'm looking for a low and high watermark solution, e.g. "When disk space is below 10%, move files, oldest first, to the bottom FS until disk space comes back up to 50%". Is there a pre-made solution or package for this before I go scripting it?17:08
BoingUnity, with Gnome.  But, 14.04 is ubuntu gnome317:09
Boinggnome3.12 instead of unity ?17:09
nudogeMorning, can anyone point out to me why I can't seem to understand systemd?  And, why is it so hard to find concatinated introduction to systemd?17:10
rogocan someone tell me how to uninstall this: http://prntscr.com/9qvt4i   ?17:11
bekksBoing: Whats your full question?17:12
JGrotenudoge: Are you familiar with Upstart? Here's a good transition guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers17:13
BoingI am wondering .. I got Unity but then got fallback to gnome for session, and the Meta, and I think I got the unity kernel17:13
BoingIs the gnome3.12 Ubuntu different?17:14
bekksBoing: What are you talking about? There is no such thing as "Unity kernel".17:14
nudogeJGrote: I used it for one of the ubuntu's I installed.  Thanks I'll start there.  The class I took skipped Upstart and moved into sysctl and systemd.unit.17:15
BoingUnity desktop, then17:15
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bekksBoing: And whats your question now?17:16
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rogocan someone tell me how to uninstall this: http://prntscr.com/9qvt4i   ?17:17
Boingbekks what version do i have, kernel, unity, gnome?17:17
bekksBoing: Lookup kernel version: uname -a;17:18
bekksBoing: Does your desktop look like this?: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_(user_interface)#/media/File:Ubuntu_15.04.png17:19
BoingTY, eh17:19
packardshello there17:20
BoingThen I put gnome on it17:20
bekksBoing: Then you have Unity.17:20
BoingI log by clicking the fallback icon, and get gnome, otherwise the unity desktop loads17:21
bekksBoing: you geht unity fallback, not gnome.17:21
Boingwell yeah17:22
Boingbut tha release shows a 3.12 gnome, is it different core / kernel?17:22
bekksBoing: which release of what show what where?17:23
nbusronehi , I have some problem install grub17:23
JonnyMahonyIs there any software with which I can cut a piece of the screen and copy it as a picture, for example to paste in into a document?17:24
rogocan someone tell me how to uninstall this: http://prntscr.com/9qvt4i   ?17:24
JonnyMahonyLike hold a key down and cutting with the mouse and then I have that piece of the screen and can paste it into a document?17:24
bekksrogo: how did you install it?17:25
rogo@JonnyMahony : I use GIMP, but thats not a simple probram17:25
j_seraphHi, Ubuntu is taking longer time to shutdown than usual ? I checked process monitor didn't find any particular process running ? Any ideas where to start?17:25
rogo@bekks: with root and *.deb file17:25
JonnyMahonyUsing GIMP all the time is annoying, I just want to cut a piece of the screen where I'm working and paste it into a document or so17:25
naccJonnyMahony: you can take screenshots and use whatever editor you want to crop?17:26
bekksrogo: Then uninstall that package again.17:26
JonnyMahony@nacc : But that's annoying, I just want to do it in real time and not with a paint program17:27
rogo@bekks: but it doesnt find it back there17:27
naccJonnyMahony: not sur how it has anything to do with Ubuntu per se, but did you try googling?17:28
BoingUbuntu GNOME 14.04.2 is released with Linux Kernel 3.16.17:28
bekksrogo: Then what commandline are you using?17:28
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naccJonnyMahony: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18867/which-tool-to-crop-a-portion-of-the-screen17:28
JonnyMahony@nacc : I'm just asking if there is a program for Ubuntu which can do that17:28
rogo@bekks: using for what??17:28
bekksrogo: For uninstalling that package...17:28
rogo@bekks: for the moment: none. I dont know how. thats the question.17:29
JonnyMahony@nacc : I want to do it without a screenshot first17:29
bekksrogo: Then how do you know its not named like that?17:29
bekksrogo: If you didnt even try :)17:29
naccJonnyMahony: *read* that page please ... specifically "Press SHIFT + PRINTSCREEN for a screenshot of a Region you select with your Mouse."17:29
kinker31Heya! I have a medium-sized problem. My ubuntu live DVD boots up in BIOS mode when I have an EFI system. Is there any way to get the liveDVD to boot up in EFI mode?17:30
JonnyMahony@nacc : ok but then that region is saved in some folder I guess, I just want to cut it out, then drag it into a document17:30
JonnyMahony@nacc: I think windows journal can do such a thing?17:30
rogo@bekks: i found the solution: I clicked to install agand and then I was able to uninstall it. It was great to keep the deb-file of the onofficial deb-list. its easy for uninstall then.17:30
Boingwindows10 has a snip tool thing that works with IE17:31
rogo@bekks:edit: it is only Reinstall that it did. i was too fast to inform ye17:31
bekksBoing: Windows 10 is out of interest in here.17:31
BoingI was just sayin17:31
naccJonnyMahony: seriously? is it that hard to insert from Pictures/ or wherever it stores by default? I personally don't care if windows journal can do something. If you want feature parity, file a request with the upstream developers, I'd think17:31
JonnyMahonynacc : I know, but that's annoying. I want to collect pictures by simply drag and drop into a document. I don't think that's hard science to do17:32
naccJonnyMahony: submit patches upstream, then17:33
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kinker31I'm running the 15.04 live disk, by the way.17:33
naccJonnyMahony: meanwhile, you could just be using the tool as it's already designed and probably be done with whatever project it is :) Take all the screenshots then drag & drop from the file manager to your heart's content17:35
JonnyMahonyhhm alright @nacc17:35
Stinky_FeetJonnyMahony: I use Gnome, I don't gnow if you have access to gnome-screenshot in your standard Ubuntu installation, but if you do, you can just set up a keyboard shortcut to gnome-screenshot -a -c, which will let you grab an area of the screen, which it will save in the copy/paste buffer without writing it to a file.17:36
JonnyMahonyStinky_Feet : That sounds like what I want !17:37
naccStinky_Feet: ah nice, the -c option17:38
JonnyMahonyStinky_Feet I need "gnome-screenshot" ?17:38
Boingbekk .. I think i have a 3.19 kernel17:38
Stinky_FeetDunno, I don't know if it is included in the standard Unity installation, or if it has something else....17:38
naccJonnyMahony: fwiw, on my Ubuntu, it's defaulted to shift+ctrl+print already17:39
JonnyMahony@nacc: Ok thank you, I'll read it17:39
naccJonnyMahony: it doesn't "drag and drop" but means you can just paste in whatever tool you're using17:40
JonnyMahony@nacc : Ahh I works, perfect, thank you :)17:41
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JonnyMahony@nacc a bit awekward with my fingers, but ok17:42
JonnyMahony@nacc @ Stinky_Feet alright that's it. Thank you and have a nice day.17:46
kspencerAnyone worked with Kate syntax files?17:51
WildSoftQuick question, upgrades aren't usually destructive?17:59
bekksWildSoft: Usually not.18:00
bekksWildSoft: What are you trying to upgrade and how?18:00
BoingWhat directory are the generic-kernel and other kernel put in,please?18:00
WildSoftbekks: Lubuntu from 14.04 to latest18:00
WildSoft14.04.3 LTS is on the system at the moment18:01
ioriaWildSoft, officially you can't18:01
WildSoftyou can't?18:02
WildSofthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu "Upgrading from last release"18:02
ioriaWildSoft, no , you can do-release-upgrade from lts to lts18:02
Cyber_AkumaIs a swap partition required? Are there aplications or software that expect you to have one and would not work if you didn't have one?18:02
ioriaWildSoft, the latest is not lts .... (15.10)18:02
ioriaWildSoft, btw, is possible but not advisable18:03
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WildSoftMy bad, so perhaps not worth the upgrade then?18:03
WildSoftOK! Thank you =)18:03
ioriaWildSoft, unless you got some hw or sf problem s18:04
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:04
adovwhich language should i use to write scripts in ubuntu?18:04
Stinky_FeetCyber_Akuma: Depends on the amount of RAM available. If you have enough the only functionality you will miss is hibernate (in my experience).18:04
aq2thats so handy :)18:04
Guest32309i have ubuntu MATE and some of letters doesnt work18:04
WildSoftThe computer is a office one, slow as heck. Has an Intel® Celeron® Processor 420 with 1 GB RAM. Some programs and apps are not working as expected. But most is18:04
Guest32309some body know the solution?18:05
aq2Guest32309: What letters? What applications have this issue?18:05
ioriaWildSoft, if you want 15.10 backup and install ... but for me is better 14.0418:05
Guest32309the i, r and o18:05
aq2Menu -> Keyboard -> Layouts18:05
ioriaWildSoft, which apps are not working ?18:05
WildSoftI think so too. Not my computer and I'm currently using RDP18:05
Cyber_AkumaStinky_Feet: I have 16gb on the laptop I am considering dualbooting18:05
Stinky_FeetCyber_Akuma: I have 16GiB of RAM on my desktop, I run it without SWAP, normally at least two virtual machines running under Ubuntu, no problems.18:07
ioriaWildSoft, with a win machine ?  are you using rdesktop ?18:07
WildSoftioria: Was some kind of small erros. Can't remember exactly now. But I fixed workarounds for most of them. I haven't heard anything for some time now. So I think it's good.18:07
WildSoftNo, Teamviewer, sorry for the confusion =P18:07
ioriaWildSoft, ah, ok ... uname -r ?18:08
ioriaWildSoft,  which kernel ?   uname -r18:08
WildSoftI'm not that familiar with linux, but isn't -r = remove? =P18:09
ioriano :þ18:09
aq2WildSoft: Not with all programs, type uname --help for all options18:10
WildSoftCan't be too careful xD 3.13.0-74-generic18:10
HackerIIWildSoft:  what kernel are you using18:10
nicomachusWildSoft: for uname, the -r option is equal to --kernel-release18:10
ioriaWildSoft,  uname -a  if it makes you fell better18:10
WildSoft^ just got you the kernel =)18:11
Boingposix7zip ?18:11
gagaliciousi did pxeboot installation of ubuntu (server version). the problem is it is able to boot to the installation "gui" but the network card is not detected. sounds strange right? it is able to download the init.rd and vmlinuz but not able to detect network card. what should i do?18:12
adovi am beginner of linux.how should i learn it?18:12
ioriaWildSoft,  post it, if you want18:12
WildSoftI did =) ^18:12
HackerIIWildSoft> Can't be too careful xD 3.13.0-74-generic18:12
ioriaoh sorry18:12
ioriaWildSoft,  it's an old install18:13
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WildSoftioria: it is?18:14
studdenttsomeone familliar with the CAN bus ?18:15
ioriaWildSoft,  yes... 3.13    give a read : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack18:15
BoingI have a .7z file. will the 7zip un-zip this file?18:15
WildSoftLinux Workstation-Lubuntu 3.13.0-74-generic #118-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 17 22:52:02 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux18:15
nicomachusBoing: yes.18:15
=== mohammad is now known as linux
WildSoftDec 17 2015. Doesn't seem that old18:16
ioriaWildSoft,  are you fully upgraded ?    i mean  apt-get update , upgrade , dist-upgrade18:16
Boingok, i thought I would have to get all the othe 7zip stuff to make file18:16
WildSoftioria: The packet manager says so18:16
WildSoftioria: just run those commands I guess?18:17
ioriaWildSoft,  yes ...18:17
linuxi am connected to my isp network with my laptop wifi i have username and password from my isp to enter and connect to internet in fedora i use from pppoe-setup and enter my username and password and then i use from pppoe-connect to connect to internet what should i do in ubuntu?18:18
Boing7zip is debian. oh18:18
WildSoftioria: Thought I just did that... 9 items to be upgraded18:18
ioriaWildSoft,  which are ?18:19
nicomachuslinux: select your SSID from the dropdown on the top menu (it's a wifi symbol), then enter your password in the popup.18:19
WildSoftheh, too late. =)18:19
WildSoftioria: Already running18:19
WildSoftioria: Full command for dist-upgrade? sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?18:20
WildSoftJust need to wait for the upgrade to be done18:20
Boinghow can i request file with apt-get instead of this Unity..18:20
WildSoftThis darn computer runs at 100% constantly...18:21
ioriaWildSoft,  anyway  3.13.0-74 is the latest for your release18:21
aq2Boing: What exactly do you want to do? download a .deb?18:21
aq2apt-get download package18:22
WildSoftioria: Everything is done now18:22
WildSoftuname -r still says 3.13.0-74-generic18:22
ioriaWildSoft,  yes18:22
WildSoftah, thanks for the help =)18:22
ioriaWildSoft,  when did you install it ?18:23
WildSoftWonder why the updater didn't "upgrade" those 9 things18:23
WildSoftioria: Lubuntu? Like 1 year ago?18:23
ioriaWildSoft, cat /etc/issue18:23
WildSoftioria: gir1.2-gtk-3.0 libgail-3-0 libgtk-3-0 libgtk-3-bin libgtk-3-common libmm-glib0 libnautilus-extension1a modemmanager nautilus-data18:25
WildSoftthose were the 9 to upgrade18:25
ioriaWildSoft, ok  and     cat /etc/issue   ?18:25
WildSoftjust cat /etc/issue ?18:26
ioriayes, run in terminal18:26
WildSoftioria: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l18:26
travixThink anyone can help me get wine installed on Ubuntu 14.04?  I'm having trouble.  It says certain dependences haven't been met and I think they have18:27
WildSoftioria: ?18:28
aq2travix: sudo apt-get install wine, post output to dpaste.com, share link here.18:28
=== erwin_ is now known as easyOnMe
ioriaWildSoft, it's ok . if you don't have issues you can wait for the next lts ... or , if you have backup, make a new install of Lubuntu that will ship a new stack18:29
bekksWildSoft: you dont need to reinstall everything - when having your backup. you could install 14.10, then 15.04, then 15.10. Personally, I strongly suggest to NOT do so.18:30
travixaq2: http://dpaste.com/1GBA2FH  Thanks btw!18:30
ioriaWildSoft, i mean always of 14.0418:30
HackerIIWildSoft:  meanwhile, see if you cant scrape up some more ram.18:30
ioriautopic will not  be  available18:31
TheNH813Anyone know the MD5 for 12.04.1 i386 Desktop ISO?18:31
=== Saponza^zz is now known as Saponza
nicomachus!pm | linux18:31
TheNH813I absolutely need 12.04.1 and older for some hardware I have. I torrented the ISO and I want to make sure it's not messed with.18:31
ubottulinux: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.18:31
WildSoftHackerII: Not my computer, but will buy them a new one soon anyway18:31
aq2traviscline: sudo apt-get install libcheese-gtk23 libcheese7 && sudo apt-get -f install18:31
nicomachus!md5 | TheNH81318:31
ubottuTheNH813: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:31
aq2travix: sudo apt-get install libcheese-gtk23 libcheese7 && sudo apt-get -f install18:32
WildSoftioria: Thanks for all the help18:32
aq2sorry traviscline :)18:32
TheNH813I need the MD5 itself.18:32
ioriaWildSoft,  no problem18:32
TheNH813The hexidecimal digits. The official hashes file is goen from the Ubuntu site18:32
bekksTheNH813: Its on the downloads page.18:32
TheNH813Not for 12.04.118:32
linuxi am connected to my isp network with my laptop wifi i have username and password from my isp to enter and connect to internet in fedora i use from pppoe-setup and enter my username and password and then i use from pppoe-connect to connect to internet what should i do in ubuntu?18:32
TheNH813It's for 12.04.518:32
aq2TheNH813: if you downloaded with a torrent you don't need to check the md5.18:32
nicomachusTheNH813: http://releases.ubuntu.com/18:32
bekksTheNH813: because 12.04.5 is the current 12.04 release18:32
TheNH813I got the torrent from TPB so I'm not sure if I can trust it.18:33
TheNH813All the official torrents for the first rlease of 12.04.1 wre gone.18:33
linuxnicomachus, what do you mean?18:33
nicomachusyou can torrent it straight from releases.ubuntu.com18:33
aq2travix: is it working?18:33
bekksnicomachus: Which will not help in comparing the hashes.18:33
nicomachuslinux: it's pretty straightforward... I can't explain it any better than I did.18:33
travixaq2: 0f install wine*?18:33
bekksnicomachus: having the file downloaded, it is strongly suggested to manually compare the hashes.18:33
travixaq2: -f*18:34
travixaq2: no18:34
nicomachusbekks: of course, but I don't know why he would get it from TPB and not from the release page.18:34
OerHeksTheNH813, do not trust TPB torrents, use the official http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/18:34
linuxnicomachus, i use from pppoe-setup in fedora18:34
TheNH813Mkay, I checked the page you just linked but I don't see one for
aq2travix: Ok, run on terminal: sudo apt-get install wine1.818:34
TheNH813I guess I shoudl explain my reasoning. I have to use a really old legacy driver. The version of Xorg is too new in the latest 12.04.18:35
bekksTheNH813: I just told you that 12.04.5 is the current 12.04 release.18:35
TheNH813I need an older version.18:35
linuxnicomachus, i have username and password for connecting18:35
travixaq2:  http://dpaste.com/2ZBB57H18:35
TheNH813It's gonna be installed alongside my recent 14.04.18:35
linuxnicomachus, my isp gave me username and password to use from internet18:36
bekksTheNH813: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.1/18:36
TheNH813I'l download the lejit copy then18:36
aq2travix: Run this, then the previous command again: sudo apt-get install libcheese7 libcheese-gtk2318:36
linuxi am connected to my isp network with my laptop wifi i have username and password from my isp to enter and connect to internet in fedora i use from pppoe-setup and enter my username and password and then i use from pppoe-connect to connect to internet what should i do in ubuntu?18:36
aq2travix: Also, run sudo apt-get update before all that.18:37
aq2travix: Then all errors to dpaste or pastebinit.18:37
TheNH813@Linux If you're connected from WiFi, I think you need to use the WiFi name and password18:37
travixaq2: ok18:37
TheNH813@bekks Thanks for the link. I could not find that page from any search engine I tired.18:38
bekksTheNH813: I did. Within 10s on google.18:38
linuxTheNH813, my username is different thatn my wifi name18:38
TheNH813@linux Hm.......18:38
bekksTheNH813: "ubuntu old releases" - first search result.18:39
TheNH813Ok, do you know where edit connection properties is?18:39
TheNH813@bekks Guess I used the wrong search terms18:39
travixaq2: http://dpaste.com/2YCY1VW18:39
aq2travix: You have a ppa issue, ask for someone else's help.18:40
TheNH813@Linux What ISP do you have?18:41
linuxTheNH813, my isp has a router near to my home i can connect to their antenna easily18:42
OerHekstravix, remove that ppa with http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick .. 10.10 went EOL ages ago18:42
travixOerHeks: Thank you18:43
nehaljwaniHi!, How do I run a script as soon as a particular mountpoint has been estabilished? ?18:43
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Stinky_Feetnehaljwani: Look into Inotify/Incron: apropos inotify - https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/trigger-commands-on-file-or-directory-changes-with-incron/18:48
BoingRyzom downloaded from source forge, but did not install ?18:49
bekksBoing: Then follow the installation instructions of that package.18:50
BoingYes, I am using the ubuntu pkg mgr\18:51
bekksBoing: Whichc ommand did you use then?18:52
nolsenError wiping newly created partition /dev/sdb1: Command-line `wipefs -a "/dev/sdb1"' exited with non-zero exit status 1: wipefs: error: /dev/sdb1: probing initialization failed: No such file or directory18:52
nolsenHow to fix?18:52
nolsenI get that when trying to encrypt my flash drive.18:52
bekksnolsen: /dev/sdb1 does not exist.18:52
nolsenBut it should.18:53
bekksnolsen: So pastebin sudo fdisk -l please18:53
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bekksnolsen: As you can see, there is no sdb1.18:55
nolsenWell gnome disk utility sees it.18:55
nolsenoh wait nvm.18:56
nolsenbekks: nvm again.18:56
nolsenWhen I tried to encrypt the flashdrive, it does that.18:56
nolsenbekks: Is it a gnome disk utility bug?18:58
bekksnolsen: I never used that thing, since there is fdisk.18:58
ilmaisinhi, is hdmi surround audio still somehow problematic in desktop linux18:58
nolsenWell gnome says there's a sdb118:58
bekksnolsen: fdisk -l isnt lying.18:58
oolooloo15.10 software center doesn't work (launches, but freezes at start) after I have installed some software using apt-get18:58
nolsenYes it is.18:58
bekksnolsen: It isnt. :)18:59
nolsenbekks: Stop trolling.18:59
bekksnolsen: Ignore set.18:59
Boingfailed to download package files (Ubuntu Software Center)18:59
nolsenError wiping newly created partition /dev/sdb1: Command-line `wipefs -a "/dev/sdb1"' exited with non-zero exit status 1: wipefs: error: /dev/sdb1: probing initialization failed: No such file or directory18:59
nolsenHow to fix?18:59
=== mohammad is now known as linux
=== Fuchs is now known as staffpony
ilmaisini have ran into discussions about problems with gettings surround passing through via pulseaudio to alsa correctly when using hdmi19:00
ilmaisinbut is that actually common19:00
iorianolsen, can you paste sudo parted -l   or a screenshot of Disks ?   fdisk has some problem with gpt19:01
ren0v0Hey, i'm using remmina and RDP to connect to my windows install and use photoshop. However the colour picker is showing the wrong colours, blue = red etc. However when i connect over VNC there is nothing wrong with the photoshop install. Anyone know what could cause that ?19:04
easyOnMesorry I need to include a path like this: PATH=$PATH:~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/19:04
easyOnMe inside ~/.profile19:04
easyOnMedo I just type in the whole path or include them inside an if - fi block19:05
linuxTheNH813, are you there?19:05
easyOnMesorry I need to include a path like this: PATH=$PATH:~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/19:06
easyOnMedo I just type in the whole path or include them inside an if - fi block19:06
bekkseasyOnMe: Include it where?19:06
easyOnMebekks: inside the ~/.profile19:07
bekkseasyOnMe: Just add it to the PATH already defined in there.19:07
easyOnMebekks: but I do not see any19:08
bekkseasyOnMe: So pastebin your .profile please.19:08
easyOnMebekks: you mean I just type it just like this:PATH=$PATH:~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/19:08
bekkseasyOnMe: Depends on your existing .profile19:09
Stinky_Feetren0v0: I've had similar problems with remmina/RDP. Try fiddle around with custom resolutions that actually matches the Windows desktop and make sure to set the Color depth properly. Also fiddle with the quality setting. It is a pain, but you should be able to get it working by trial and error... You might have to disable transparancy and such in the Remote Desktop settings on the Windows box.19:09
easyOnMebekks: how come its says you are trying to send an empty document when I sent this command: sudo ~/.profile | pastebinit19:10
ifozaHow can I set all partitions to be mounted automatically every time system boots?19:11
ioriasudo ?19:11
bekkseasyOnMe: Look into that file. It is empty, isnt it?19:11
easyOnMebekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14531613/19:11
bekkseasyOnMe: Is that IN the .profile?19:12
easyOnMebekks: I use this command on the terminal: echo ~/.profile | pastebinit19:12
bekkseasyOnMe: Well, then your .profile is empty.19:12
easyOnMethe profile contains a lot of text none of which I understand it is new to me19:12
easyOnMebekks: no it isn't19:12
bekkseasyOnMe: Then pastebin the output.19:13
easyOnMebekks: when I opened it using nano it contains something19:13
Stinky_FeetTry cat instad of echo?19:13
easyOnMeI did everything I know on the terminal already19:13
easyOnMehow to output the content of a file19:13
easyOnMeit is echo right19:13
ioriaeasyOnMe, cat .profile | pastebinit19:13
easyOnMeioria: thanks19:14
Boingtried downloading Ryzom with the Ubuntu Software Center, where it sent me to sign up on "One" account, then would not send/install the file.19:14
easyOnMebekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14531767/19:14
bekkseasyOnMe: So edit line 2119:15
BoingKept saying I needed Unsupported files , select ok or cancel19:15
bekksBoing: What kkept sayingg that when doing what exactly?19:16
BoingUbuntu (main) Software Center19:16
bekksBoing: ...when doing what?19:17
BoingWhen GETing the install19:17
NicoHood is there a way to disable the trash folder for a specific device? can i somehow add those properties via a file?19:17
bekksBoing: when getting which install...?19:17
Boingbekks Ryzom19:18
bekksBoing: Can you state your entire issue in one sentence please?19:18
bekks!info ryzom19:18
ubottuPackage ryzom does not exist in wily19:18
Boingbekks are you a drone?19:18
bekksBoing: No I am not. I am just having difficulties trying to understand what you are doing, when you keep saying just a couple of random words.19:19
bazhangBoing, stay civil here, what is ryzom19:19
Boingbekks, I used the software center to get a file, Ryzom, and the install failed19:19
bekksBoing: you said you downloaded it from sourceforge.19:19
BoingI also tried to download from SF.net, yes19:20
bekksBoing: There is no package called "ryzom" in the repos.19:20
bazhangBoing, you grabbed something from some 3rd party and the package manager refused it?19:20
BoingNo, I t is in my software center19:20
bazhang!find ryzom19:20
ubottuPackage/file ryzom does not exist in wily19:20
bazhangwhat linux is that boing19:21
nehaljwaniStinky_Feet: thanks!19:21
bazhangshow us a link to the package ryzom Boing19:21
BoingRyzom, one of the best ROLE PLAYING Massively Multiplayer Online Game of the moment (MMORPG), is set more than 2000 years in the future, on a living, evolving world: beautiful Atys!19:22
bazhang!info ryzom partner19:22
ubottuPackage ryzom does not exist in partner19:22
bekksbazhang: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/ryzom/19:22
bazhangwhat version of ubuntu is this boing19:23
bazhang!info ryzom trusty19:24
ubottuPackage ryzom does not exist in trusty19:24
damasceneany known issue with "upward" in the last three days it's using too much cpu19:25
BoingProgress says Ryzom waiting.. then kicks me out19:25
=== sins-_z is now known as sins-
bekksdamascene: Why do you think it used too much CPU?19:26
Boinglibluabind0.9.1 ryzom19:26
damascenebekks, top shows that it uses 70% then goes to 10% then up again and continue like this19:26
bekksdamascene: And why do you think thats too much?19:26
damascenebekks, because it is not normal? unusual?19:27
bekksdamascene: So what is upward doing, normally, usually? What is it for?19:28
easyOnMebekks: I got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/14532429/19:28
easyOnMehow do I run ~/.profile file then19:28
easyOnMefrom the terminal19:29
damascenebekks, to tell you the truth I do not care about what it does. I know it's something related to the system19:29
damasceneI read about it once an forgot19:29
Boingupdating cache, trying19:30
easyOnMehow do I run the ~/.profile file from the terminal19:31
ioriait'a a text file19:31
Boingah, anyone have file name 'libluabind0.9.1 ryzom ?19:31
damascenebekks, it's upowerd 🙂 sorry about the misatek19:33
ubottuError: malone bug 0 not found19:34
OneM_IndustriesHey, I have a lubuntu install that cannot connect to a wifi network.19:34
OneM_IndustriesIt sees the network, and I can enter the password, but then it starts the scrolling waiting icon and never connects.19:35
BoingI yust saved that file.19:35
Boingmm, naw to run a .deb file, eh19:35
Boinggdebi package19:39
bekksBoing: What are you actually trying to do there?19:39
Boingall very interesting.19:39
Boinginstall a game called ryzom from the software center19:39
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Boingit says 'Requires installing from unauthenticated sources." Details libluabind0.9.1 ryzom19:41
BoingSo I got that file, and it is a .deb file19:41
BoingDebian has a program, gdebi source package in Trusty Thar19:42
bekksBoing: dpkg -i filename.deb19:42
BoingI'm at a web, Canonical Group LTD(GB)19:42
bekksBoing: Unnecessary.19:43
Boingin terminal ?19:43
Boingopening with ubuntu software center19:44
nolsenHow come doing echo "$IFACE" says nothing?19:45
bekksBoing: I told you the command to install that particular .deb file19:45
nolsenI followed the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AnonymizingNetworkMACAddresses and it isn't working.19:46
enrico_da dove chattate?19:46
bekks!it | enrico_19:47
ubottuenrico_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:47
Boingryzom is listed in the games section of software center, and now does not want to install.19:47
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bekksBoing: I told you the command to install that particular .deb file19:50
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wadHi guys. So I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit desktop edition. It came with Chromium. I'm trying our a music streaming service (tidal.com), but the best quality only works on Chrome. Should I try replacing Chromium with Chrome? https://support.tidal.com/hc/en-us/articles/202162111-System-Requirements-for-HiFi-using-the-Web-Player-19:51
bekkswad: Thats your personal decision.19:52
wadWell, yeah. I'm wondering if there are known issues. Currently reading the googles on the topic.19:52
wadI've got three profiles that I use every day, all the time. If I switch to Chrome, will those stick around? Each has its own set of pinned tabs, cookies, bookmarks, etc.19:53
SchrodingersScatwad: you can install the google-chrome next to chromium just fine, or remove one for the other, your choice.19:53
wadOh, cool, so they can coexist!19:54
bekkswad: you have thre profiles for chromium, not for chrome.19:54
wadAh, thanks for the clarificaiton.19:54
wadThen I think what I'll do is install Chrome, and just use it for my music streaming stuff. :)19:54
wad(I wish they had a desktop client for Linux.)19:55
SchrodingersScatwad: I have a .config/chromium/ and a .cache/chromium, and presumably google-chrome would make a similar chrome directory.19:55
wadThanks guys. Now I know that the two applications shouldn't conflict and fight with each other.19:55
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wadHmm. Chrome doesn't seem to be in the Software Center. Recommendations? Should I just download it from somewheres?19:57
wadI'll just follow this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/510056/how-to-install-google-chrome19:57
bekkswad: https://askubuntu.com/questions/510056/how-to-install-google-chrome19:57
SchrodingersScatwad: correct, it's 3rd party, we don't officially support it afaik, can get a copy off google, it will/probably install a repo to keep it up to date when you update.19:57
bekksya :)19:57
picardaAnyone use VIM for web development?19:58
wadpicarda, I know people who do.19:58
picardaok, I'm looking for an autocomplete plugin...19:58
wadpicarda, I recommend webstorm, though. Vim is nice for some stuff, but an IDE is the Right Tool for this job.19:59
wadSorry, can't help ya there.19:59
picardathank you WAD19:59
=== Tsunami is now known as Guest60567
daniel331hi all. ussually quite good at this but having a lot of trouble installing ubuntu on a friends ASUS laptop. after booting the USB installer, I get either dumped straight to a grub prompt or get a screen with the error "Booting Kernel Failed: Invalid Argument"20:04
daniel331Any idea what to do?20:04
daniel331(I have tried googling)20:04
slifeetHave you tried a reinstall? Also did the install have any errors pop up?20:04
bekksNo need for reinstalling until the reason is known.20:05
bekksdaniel331: Which kernel parameters do you use for booting, then?20:05
supersmilersis plymouth working in 16.04 daily build?20:05
daniel331I am installing a *new* linux installation. The error when booting from the USB installer is "Booting Kernel Failed: Invalid Argument". Or I can get a grub prompt from the USB by choosing a different option from the UEFI startup menu.20:06
daniel331(the system is running windows 8 atm, so its no wonder she wants it off..)20:06
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bekksdaniel331: Which kernel parameters do you use for booting, then?20:06
daniel331I wasnt given any option to enter kernel parameters20:06
daniel331(I can do that thru the UEFI interface is I knew which parameters to type, tho)20:07
Surendildaniel331, x64 or i686? have you checked that?20:07
daniel331its an i720:08
daniel331aw shit the installer is amd64. reckon thats the problem?20:08
bekksdaniel331: And are you using a 32bit or 64bit install medium?20:08
supersmilersanyone? I wanted to switch back to Ubuntu gnome on my old laptop from ubuntu mate20:08
bekksamd64 is 64bit. your cpu is 64bit.20:08
wadAwesome, this is working beautifully. Music is now in lossless highest-quality mode. :-D20:09
daniel331bekks: thats what I thought. so thats not the problem?20:09
bekksdaniel331: Thats no problem.20:10
Surendildaniel331, check the bios for AHCI compatibility20:11
supersmilersis 16.04 good enough with working plymouth logo animation to try on my old laptop?20:11
squintysupersmilers,   install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" meta package via your fave installer (apt-get, synaptic, etc)20:12
ioriadaniel331, are you sure you are booting from usb ?20:12
daniel331okay so there is the option for "xHCI Pre-Boot Mode" shgould I have that enabled or disabled? It is enabled atm..20:12
supersmilerson 15.10? I'm right now on ubuntu mate 15.1020:13
daniel331yes ioria the only other OS plugged in is windows and I am definitly not booting windows when I see the grub prompt...20:13
Surendildaniel331, enabled, then it's ok20:13
daniel331and legacy USB support? Enabled?20:13
daniel331would nomodeset help?20:14
daniel331so when I boot UEFI, I see the quick accessibility options thing with the option to change kernel boot params20:15
supersmilersI like to start fresh so I don't have to worry about other packages20:15
daniel331but then I get invalid kernel argument error20:15
Surendilsupersmilers, then download ubuntu again20:16
daniel331I still get the "booting kernel failed: invalid argument" but iif I knew what to put into the options screen I guess I could change that20:16
Surendilsupersmilers, ubuntu = gnome | kubuntu = kde | xubuntu = xfce20:16
nolsenHow come doing echo "$IFACE" says nothing?20:17
supersmilersIsn't ubuntu = unity? Ubuntu gnome is a distro20:17
nolsenI followed the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AnonymizingNetworkMACAddresses and it isn't working.20:17
Surendilsupersmilers, unity is a graphical shell for gnome20:19
funkiestjLongtime FreeBSD user (but not administrator) at work.  Running my on Ubuntu VM at home.  What is best practice for my "daily work" account?  Can I use my account with "administrator" priviledge as my main account or should I be doing programming work in a  "standard" account?20:21
funkiestjI'm guessing "admin" is OK because root commands still requires sudo ...20:22
bekksfunkiestj: All accounts are standard accounts, some of them just have the ability to use sudo.20:22
funkiestjthx bekks.20:22
libmanI'm running Ubuntu without a lightdm or any other *dm.  Is there a way to set up auto-login (i.e. bypass console login / password)?20:24
nolsenHow come doing echo "$IFACE" says nothing?20:25
nolsenI followed the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AnonymizingNetworkMACAddresses and it isn't working.20:25
EhsanKiaQuestion: I have python2.7 installed with pip2.7, I have python3.4 installed with pip3, I just installed python3.5 fkrull/deadsnakes and not sure how to get pip3.520:26
TheNH813@linux are you there?20:26
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xangualinux is everywhere20:27
TheNH813I'm talking to a user who I was helping set up PPPoE.20:27
nolsenApparently nobody knows how to answer my question.20:27
Seveaslibman: in /etc/init/tty1.conf, change /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty1 to /sbin/getty -8 -a yourusername 38400 tty120:27
Seveaslibman: see man getty20:27
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daniel331apparently this is a problem which has been documented for arch and syslinux20:27
daniel331some bug in the installer?20:27
daniel331its gotta be as simple as changing the options tho?20:28
ioriadaniel331, how did you do the usb ?20:28
libmanNevermind, found systemctl instructions on http://askubuntu.com/questions/679419/how-to-make-auto-login-work-in-ubuntu-no-display-manager about to try them out.20:28
daniel331dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb20:28
daniel331medium was not mounted at the time20:28
daniel331md5sum is correct20:28
daniel331(NOT of=/dev/sdb120:29
Surendildaniel331, try unetbooting20:29
OerHeksdaniel331, did you 'sync' after dd?20:30
daniel331no. I will do that20:30
ioriadaniel331 if you have win , also http://www.pendrivelinux.com/20:32
funkiestjioria: hello (I am just test driving gnome-xchat)20:32
ioriafunkiestj, it works20:33
FinetundraHow do you disable panels in mate?20:34
funkiestjioria: thx.  I'm still trying to figure out the UI.20:35
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funkiestjnot sure how you folks address others with that "-> <b>name</b>" looking output20:35
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ioriafunkiestj, you mean autocomplete ?20:36
ioriafunkiestj,  type the first letters and then Tab20:37
wewvehello ladies and gents! I cant make avconv work to convert videos to mp3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14534790 ? this was the command I used until now, but instantly it doesnt work anymore20:38
wewveI get : 'No such file or directory'20:38
wewvelike this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14534840/20:39
SchrodingersScatwewve: and you have flv files on your desktop?20:40
wewveSchrodingersScat, yes :)20:41
SchrodingersScatwewve: oh, well, there's your problem, avconv -i "$" #"$" "$"20:41
SchrodingersScatwewve: should be "$i"20:41
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wewvesorry..I couldnt read if you answered me..20:49
=== wewve is now known as avconv
avconvI was just disconnected..repeat my question20:50
SchrodingersScatavconv: you need to make -i "$" to -i "$i" so you use your i variable20:50
avconv I cant make avconv work to convert videos to mp3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14534790 ? this was the command I used until now, but instantly it doesnt work anymore20:50
avconvSchrodingersScat..oh indeed!!20:51
avconvSchrodingersScat, so it was a command error..thank you so much!!20:51
funkiestjis there a way to see pastebin posts by a poster (e.g. me)?20:51
akikfunkiestj: you can ask your client for the lastlog20:55
funkiestjakik, thx.20:55
akikon irssi: /lastlog -regexp funkiestj.*paste20:56
akikif you need them, i can put them to pastebin :)20:56
funkiestjI'm a long time user (not admin) on FreeBSD.  New to Ubuntu and all the tools here.  Just test driving things.20:57
funkiestjlike pastebin, IRC et cetera.20:57
funkiestjubuntu in virtualbox is pretty awesome.  The last time I used Linux at home I had to repartition disks and use a boot loader (ugh).20:58
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bekksfunkiestj: Works fine here, for years.20:58
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Cyber_AkumaI tried using "universal usb installer" to put the Ubuntu iso on a usb drive, but I can't boot off of it. The ubuntu screen comes up, but when I choose "try ubuntu without installing" it just reboots21:05
AlbertoPlease, I need some help here.21:06
SurendilAlberto, what's the problem?21:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:07
AlbertoSurendil My wi-fi internet connection is very slow with Ubuntu 15.1021:08
AlbertoSurendil In my laptop21:09
soupladyWhen I attempt sudo apt-get for any package, it comes back with " e: unable to locate package". The laptop i am working on IS having an issue with the chipset, i am attempting to install new drivers for it. however it is currently connected via ethernet so i don't understand what the problem is. anyone can help me?21:09
AlbertoSurendil I can't even download the hardinfo *.deb package21:10
funkiestj souplady: I had the same problem last night on a fresh install.21:10
CPUSA@souplady, How new is your computer?21:11
soupladyfunkiestj: were you able to fix it?21:11
Surendilsouplady, try apt-get update first21:11
Bashing-omsouplady: What relaese ? ' cat/etc/issue' .21:11
soupladyok! i will try updating, it is a fresh install on a brand new coputer and i had forgotten to update21:11
soupladysudo apt-get update21:11
AlbertoSurendil In order to find out which network card my computer has.21:11
soupladyoops wrong window21:11
funkiestjsouplady: sadly my solution was a reinstall of the ISO image.  I had only just tried an install so for me, reinstall was not a problem.  Strangely enough, reinstall fixed my problem.  I don't know why.21:11
funkiestj<-- ubuntu neophyte.21:11
soupladyme too :^) its updating now but if that doesnt work ill try reinstalling, thx for the suggestion21:12
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funkiestjdata point -- update and dist-<something> did nothing to fix my problem but everything worked fine after the reinstall :^/21:12
AlbertoI need help, please21:13
AlbertoI don't want to go back to Windows :(21:14
ikoniaAlberto: just state your problem, if people can help, they will21:14
akikAlberto: have you tried to change the channel your wlan ap is on?21:14
Albertoakik Yes, I have. Still not working properly...21:14
akikAlberto: you can list your network devices with "sudo lshw -c network"21:15
Albertoakik Ok :)21:15
CPUSAhow long will a apt-get dist-upgrade21:15
CPUSA* how long will a apt-get dist-upgrade take?21:16
ikoniafew seconds21:16
bekksCPUSA: Depends on a gazillion of parameters.21:16
ikoniano more than 10 seconds21:16
ikoniafor the average user21:16
funkiestjapt-get dist-upgrade took several minutes for me.21:16
ikoniathe package install will take longer21:16
ikoniabut the actual update and dep checks won't take long21:16
CPUSAIts because im using debian and Im trying to get the libdvdcss2 codecs21:16
ikoniathen why are you asking in #ubuntu21:17
ikoniarather than #debian21:17
CPUSAso i added a repository to get it21:17
ikoniatake it to the #debian channl please21:17
CPUSAbecause its empty and baren21:17
ikoniait's not21:17
AlbertoI've read Ubuntu 15.10 has problems with some wireless network cards...21:17
ikoniaAlberto: don't think thats true, if linux supports it, it should be ok, there is a new intel card that needs a later kernel21:18
akikAlberto: to list the wireless networks your computer sees "sudo iwlist wlp4s0 scan" (replace wlp4s0 with your wireless interface from iwconfig)21:18
peacefulHow can i downgrade xorg to 1.5 please?21:19
peacefulim going to install ubuntu 8.0421:20
bekkspeaceful: Not supported since ages.21:20
ikoniapeaceful: totally not supported, so good luck21:20
peacefulbekks: i know but at least ati catalyst works21:20
Albertoikonia How could I find out whether Linux supports my network card or not?21:20
ikoniaAlberto: what make/model is it ?21:20
peacefulcan i install latest firefox on ubuntu 8.04/21:20
Seveaspeaceful: no.21:20
SeveasNeither can you get support for 8.04 in here.21:20
ikoniapeaceful: it's unsupported, please don't ask for support21:21
peacefulbla bla21:21
AlbertoI have to say, I did a couple of "tricks" to speed up the internet.21:21
peacefulstop crucifying me21:22
ikoniaAlberto: answer the questions, what make/model is your card21:22
ubottuity9bers: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:22
ikoniapeaceful: then don't ask questions that are not supported21:22
peacefulikonia: i didnt know questions are now "supported" ?21:22
Seveaspeaceful: we won't crucify you. Your lack of security updates will. Your system will be very vulnerable21:22
ikoniapeaceful: they are about unsupported versions, as you've been told21:23
peacefulSeveas: thats least problem21:23
Seveaspeaceful: yes, your other probelm will be finding anyone willing to support you :) Not even canonical will help you if you pay them.21:23
Albertoikonia The thing is... It's a friend's laptop21:23
ikoniaAlberto: that wasn't the question,21:24
ikoniaAlberto: what make/model is it21:24
ikonia(the wireless card)21:24
Albertoikonia Intel, I think21:24
AlbertoThe laptop is a HP21:24
ikoniaAlberto: find out for sure,make and model21:24
peacefulSeveas: i came here in case someone willing to help me21:24
ikoniapeaceful: sadly not, sorry21:24
Seveaspeaceful: you're about 5 years too late for that21:24
peacefulnot true21:25
peacefulI guess you need to know some commands21:25
ikoniapeaceful: the distro is EOL, so it won't be discussed in here, sorry21:25
peacefulIm not even talking about distro21:25
peacefulMy first question was how to downgrade xorg21:25
ikoniayou are, you're talking about an EOL distro21:26
ikonia(EOL = end of life)21:26
nicomachuspeaceful: it's an unsupported version. upgrade to a supported version and then you can get support21:26
bbaAnyone have experience with getting new Intel i915 graphics working21:26
ikoniashould work out of the box bba21:26
peacefulnicomachus: which is unsupported?21:26
bbaI agree21:27
nicomachuspeaceful: 14.04, 15.04 (for a few more days), and 15.1021:27
nicomachusare the only supported versions.21:27
peacefulim not talking about 8.0421:27
peacefulim asking how to donwgrade Xorg21:27
AlbertoOk, in the meantime, I can tell you I did what they say here----> http://askubuntu.com/questions/700284/slow-internet-connection-using-wifi-on-ubuntu-mate-15-1021:27
ikoniapeaceful: on what version ?21:27
ikoniaAlberto: not interested in that, interested in the make/model of the card21:27
ikoniapeaceful: there isn't a lower package for 15.0421:27
bekkspeaceful: MAybe you should state the actual problem behind that, which makes you willing to downgrade Xorg.21:27
bbaI get a failed to add i915 component master (-19)21:27
ikoniabba: where ?21:28
bbain dmsg21:28
peacefulbekks: to use catalyst driver21:28
ikoniabba: but whats the problem /21:28
nicomachuspeaceful: that driver should work fine with the current version of xorg in 15.0421:28
bekkspeaceful: The old catalyst drivers arent supported any more I guess. So which hardware do you use?21:28
bbaI have a pc with intel chipset and nvidia card, I'm trying to get video out of the built in graphics21:29
Albertoikonia Unfortunately, I don't have that laptop here with me right now.21:29
bekksThe new catalyst drivers work fine on recent versions of Xorg.21:29
ikoniaAlberto: then there is no point doing anything more21:29
ikoniaget the info, and come back21:29
acovrigI'm trying to do networking with qemu, I have br0 (eth1) I would like to bridge with, how do I specify which bridge to use?21:29
ikoniax2xx3x: use the bridge-utils commands21:29
ikoniaor set it through virsh21:30
ikoniaacovrig: use the bridge-utils commands21:30
Bashing-ombba: Hybrid graohics == nvidia-prime . ' dpkg -l nvidia-prime ' is it installed ?21:30
acovrigikonia, what do you mean, brctl? I already have br0 and would like to use it21:30
ikoniaacovrig: ok ?21:31
ikoniaacovrig: what's stopping you ?21:31
acovrigikonia, how do I specify (in the qemu-system-x86_64 command) which interface to use (br0)21:31
ikoniathats defined in your profiles, you should have defined networks21:32
smartp0wne cya guys21:32
ikoniathen you just name it as one of the argumentes21:32
acovrigikonia, I'm confused, if I use something like this: -device e1000,netdev=net0,mac=$macaddress -netdev tap,id=net0 (from http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Networking) how does it know which bridge to use?21:34
ikoniaacovrig: it doesn't, you need to define a network and then call the name, you're specifying -netdev tap id=net0 so that will create a tap device based on your available network definitions21:34
acovrigikonia, how about this: -device rtl8139,netdev=br0,mac=$blah; or do I need to let/have it create it's own virtual device then brctl addif to add it to br0?21:36
ikoniaacovrig: so thats specifying a realtek device (???why ???) and then the bridge device, you'll do better having networks defined, but that should technically work21:37
acovrigikonia, what do you mean have them defined?21:38
ikoniayou can define networks, such as "internal test" that have ranges defined, devices defined etc, and just reference them21:38
ikoniayou may want to look at virsh21:39
bbaso, no one any idea about i915 graphics?21:40
ikoniabba: you're not really using an i915 are you using, using one of the optimus video cards with intel/nvidia ?21:40
bbaI have new skylake cpu, afaik its i915, but whatever it is its not detected21:41
ikoniathen where is the nvidia component coming in ?21:41
ikoniayou said it has intel and nvidia21:41
bbaI have an geforce gtx 750 too21:41
ikoniais it a dual card, or what ?21:41
bbaIt is a desktop pc21:42
ikoniabba: so what are you actually trying to do ?21:42
bbaget graphics out of the intel chipset graphics 'part'21:42
ikoniabba: ok, what's the problem then ?21:42
bbaif i do a sudo lshw the only display listed is the nvidia one21:43
acovrigikonia, I'm using virsh for my other VMs, but I don't think I can use virsh if I'm doing a VGA PCI passthrough, so I'm running qemu manually for this VM21:43
UbuntuwybdgdgHave Ubuntu 15:10 encrypted install. After install of nvidia drivers can't enter password in unlock box?21:43
ikoniaacovrig: I thought you could, I wouldn't be my life on it though21:43
ikoniabba: because it's part of the cpu, not a seperate device21:43
UbuntuwybdgdgIt shows up top left corner of screen in plain text21:43
AlbertoOk, my friend just came over with his computer, I did "iwlist wlan0 scan" and this is what I get: wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning.21:44
UbuntuwybdgdgHow can I add quiet splash to boot option?21:44
ikoniaAlberto: not what was asked of you21:44
bbaOk so regardless of it not being listed as a display I want to get graphics out of it21:44
ikoniabba: ok - so what's the problem ?21:44
Albertoikonia I'm sorry, I don't know how to find out about the make/model of the network card.21:45
ikoniaAlberto: look it up on the website of the laptop21:45
bbaIf I connect something to the port I don't get any display21:45
ikoniaAlberto: or do an "lspci"21:45
ikoniaor lshw21:46
ikoniabba: what port ?21:46
bbaI'm suspicious of the warning in the dmesg "failed to add i915 component master (-19)"21:46
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ikoniabba: first thing to check, is the video card enabled in the bios ?21:46
Albertoikonia Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8188EE Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)21:46
bbaThe 15pin vga connector on the main board21:47
ikoniabba: is it enabled in the bios ?21:47
ikoniaAlberto: so check out if that / how that device is supported in linux, most realtek's will work for basic wifi needs21:47
Albertoikonia How could I do that?21:47
ikoniathe web ?21:48
ikoniaas I said, most realteks will be fine for the average persons wifi needs21:48
ikoniathere are a few odd ball models which don't work properly21:48
Albertoikonia Ok, thank you very much :)21:48
bbaCan I find out / integorate the bios once the system is booted?21:49
ikonia(from memory)21:49
ikoniabba: easier to just do it in the bios21:49
bbaI wish it were, there is no single tick-box saying "use built in graphics".21:50
ikoniano, you have to look21:50
Cyber_AkumaOdd..... I am installing ubuntu on a VM and it didn't ask me which harddrive to choose, nor did it give me much options, it only had the option to format the drive... and it didn'21:50
Cyber_Akumat specify WHICH drive21:50
ColbykzHey guys, I'm trying to setup a vpn tunnel, i use public wifi alot and would like to encrypt my connection21:59
nicomachusColbykz: great. do you have an issue?22:01
bramgnColbykz: openvpn22:03
bbawell now the pc isn't booting at all having changed the bios settings for video22:05
bbais there a way from finding once the pc has booted if it things in has built in graphics?22:05
ColbykzI set up a computer running Ubuntu 14.04, but have had no luck configuring the server to allow for a ptpp connection22:06
ColbykzI am currently trying to set up a Ubuntu PTPP VPN Server.22:12
Colbykz I am able to get my client pc, running Windows 10, to connect to the VPN server, the pc even claims to have an internet connection, but when I attempt to use my web browser there is no web connection... interestingly enough, the client pc can still use TeamViewer to remotely manage the Ubuntu VPN Server.22:12
Colbykz Best I can tell this is not a DNS issue, the client pc can ping IP addresses beyond the VPN network while connected to the VPN, I can ping (google), but I cannot connect to via my web browser.22:12
Colbykz Thanks in advance for reading this, I'm new to Linux so I'm not entirely sure what log's I should post or that are relevant, and I am more than willing to furnish anything needed.22:12
nicomachusI wouldn't recommend PTPP.... not secure.22:12
nicomachususe openvpn22:12
bramgnColbykz: invest learning how to run openvpn, it will pay off in the end, and besides, it's not difficult to set up at all.22:19
ColbykzSee what my concern is that i'll put the time into trying to configure open vpn and end up with the same connectivity issue.. I may as well give it a shot and see what I come up with22:26
bob2021heyyy... is tj- or k1rk here? :)22:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:28
bob2021xangua:  this is about an issue where i've been talking to them on an ongoing basis for almost a week now22:28
xanguabob2021: sounds like a forum would be a better place to follow up, good luck22:30
blurkishow come I can view images from /static/ but not /media/ though both are set in settings.py?  Trying to view them from html in a template22:34
Delta706I have a terminal application. I would like to know if there is a smart shell or terminal which can do keystrokes according to a program. Like it could do "sleep 60" and return. Then wait and do other keystrokes22:34
blurkiswrong channel for me , hahah22:35
ben_anyone on ubuntu MATE?22:37
akikDelta706: expect is one22:37
Delta706"expect" is an automatable terminal?22:38
Cyber_AkumaMy laptop won't boot into ubuntu on a usb drive. It just boots into windows22:38
akikDelta706: it can automate your script22:38
k1lCyber_Akuma: see the bios if its disabled there22:39
Cyber_AkumaI have been ALL over the bios22:39
Cyber_AkumaI even set the harddrive as my last boot device and manually tell it to boot from usb when it's booting from a boot menu when you press f12 on post22:39
Cyber_Akumait STILL boots into windows22:39
BriZZellyo new friends22:40
Cyber_AkumaI tried UEFI mode, enither windows or ubuntu could boot that way22:41
BriZZellanyone using a android emulator for a device NOT development22:41
Bashing-omCyber_Akuma: That indicates that no bootloader is installed onto the USB drive .22:41
SurendilCyber_Akuma, does it work on another computer?22:41
Cyber_AkumaAnd I tried the os type option in both "Windows 8 64" and "other os" mode22:41
Cyber_AkumaI'll try another comuter22:42
Cyber_AkumaI use da vm to install it to the usb drive22:42
Cyber_AkumaBasically, booted the VM using the ubuntu live cd, and told it to install ubuntu on the usb drive22:42
k1lCyber_Akuma: uh. are you sure the usb stick is ok? does it work on another pc?22:42
Cyber_AkumaI''l try it on another pc22:43
Cyber_AkumaBut when I tried a liveusb I had a similar problem22:43
Cyber_AkumaIt gave me the ubuntu boot options screen22:43
Cyber_Akumabut when I chose "try ubuntu without installing" it just rebooted into windows22:43
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Guest16644Hello, can i use a ps3 controller on linux?22:48
xanguaGuest16644: should work out of the box22:49
BriZZellGuest16644 how are you plugging it in (im lay but curious )22:52
anabainCyber_Akuma, have you googled about this issue? Which laptop do you own?22:54
Cyber_AkumaLenovo G78022:55
Cyber_AkumaAnd I tried gooling, coulden't find specific information22:55
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home иьиролд22:57
k1l!ru | home22:59
ubottuhome: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.22:59
anabainCyber_Akuma, not your model, but also a Lenovo, you could try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/122566/live-usb-not-booting-in-lenovo-ideapad-z570?rq=123:01
k1lCyber_Akuma: make sure the usb stick is working ok.23:01
k1lCyber_Akuma: i suspect it wasnt made right.23:02
anabainkll, agree with you23:03
anabainCyber_Akuma, what distro are you trying to boot?23:05
AlbertoHello everyone23:06
BriZZellIm looking to run Android apps on my PC what should i get (thats free)23:07
AlbertoMy internet speed is too slow with Ubuntu 15.10. I don't know how to download or install RTL8188EE driver.23:08
jt_I'm trying to install 15.10 via a usb created with startup disk creator. Installing on a mac. When i check the disk I verify the disk it fails with 2 errors. The iso passes md5sum and I've attempted creating multiple usb sticks23:08
jt_what can i do?23:08
anabainCyber_Akuma, I assume you've checked the following link which, btw, shows that your laptop isn't very linux-friendly, I'm afraid: http://www.linlap.com/lenovo_g78023:09
AlbertoI'm getting 100% Wi-Fi signal, however, the internet is not working well...23:09
jt_@BriZZell Android SDK (AVD manager) with Intel Haxm23:10
AlbertoI've got another computer with a wired connection and Ubuntu 15.10.23:10
kinker31Okay, so my Windows partition is over at sda4, my EFI boot partition is over at sda2. How would I make the grub menu entry for Windows 10?23:10
AlbertoThis last works fine.23:10
BriZZellAlberto im having the same prob - you got a usb adaptor right23:10
BriZZelljt_ which is the name - sorry im new23:11
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AlbertoBriZZell No, it's actually an onboard wi-fi card.23:12
jt_BriZZell: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#Other23:12
BriZZellwell ive been dealing with it in ubuntu and mint - no net but Face Book works lo-not-l23:13
=== Guest59939 is now known as wEs
jt_BriZZell: Once installed you want to look for Android Virtual Device manager. Performance is typically poor. Haxm will help. Virtual devices have no play store so you have to sideload everything.23:14
BriZZellooooooh geeezz23:14
BriZZellwhats haxm and what is side loading23:14
BriZZellhow can i load the link you gave threw terminal23:16
jt_Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager for Intel processors. Sideloading is a method of transfering an apk to a device and installing it via adb (Android Debug Bridge, a tool that comes with the Android SDK)23:16
jt_I wouldn't waste your time23:17
BriZZellok ive never loaded from a zip23:17
BriZZellahhh no23:22
=== Chappie-san2 is now known as chappie-san
BriZZellanyone running cinnamon23:37
xangua! Ask23:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:37
=== acovrig_afk is now known as acovrig
=== Saponza is now known as Saponza^ZzZz
BriZZelli got cinnamon running on my ubuntu anyone doing the same?23:40
chamunksSo I destroyed my php5 installation trying to downgrade to php5.5 again.23:41
chamunksI am getting errors trying to load PhpMyAdmin now trying to load https://servercubes.net/phpmyadmin/ it is asking for php5-json to be enabled but its not in mods-available.23:41
chamunksPurging the package and reinstalling it isn't working either.23:41
BriZZellforgive me im new but what is a php5 and whats wrong with the upgrade23:43
bob2017how are you?23:46
K1rkbob2017, I just spent 2 hrs correcting my colleague's unspeakably dumb mistake.23:47
K1rkbob2017, he decided to restore the "ibdata1" file in /var/lib/mysql from a week old backup, causing InnoDB to go totally out of sync and corrupt all the databases on a server.23:47
K1rkAnd of course the week old backup was the most recent one we had...23:47
bob2017i had it running for a single boot, fyi — if I disabled nouveau, but left radeon on, and chrooted in to install sshd before the first boot, i was able to get to a command line.  then, it wasn’t detecting any monitors.  but as long as i unplugged them all, and plugged htem in one at a time, it saw them as soon as they plugged-in.  now its back to not booting, probably bc I installed the nvidia driver :p23:48
K1rkHehe sounds like you've been having a lot of fun bob201723:48
bob2017k1rk: actually it kinda of suckis23:49
GrimTreaperWondering if any one can help with my current issue here ? i am a beginner with ubuntu 14.04, trying to run wine on it, Youtube helped, but its still not working properly.23:54
GrimTreaperany knowledge on the subject would be usefull... i am willing to use other chat software if needed.23:55
k1lGrimTreaper: first: youtube howtos are bad. better rely on official documentation. then: wine is not exactly windows. so there might be some things to do before a program runs. best is to look into the wine appdb23:56
k1l!wine | GrimTreaper23:56
ubottuGrimTreaper: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:56
GrimTreaperAh.. thank you23:57

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