fazer | balloons, can you check out my comment on this task? I need some help: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5874217581019136/?sp-page=1 | 01:39 |
xcub | @knome could you help me build the messaging-app? :) | 04:24 |
* tsimonq2 is gone: | 05:58 | |
knome | xcub, sorry, i don't know anything about that :) | 11:59 |
fazer | ahayzen, can you take a look at my comment on the task? I need some help. | 13:07 |
ahayzen | fazer, yup will do :-) | 13:14 |
fazer | thanks. | 13:15 |
fazer | ahayzen, just left another comment. | 13:18 |
fazer | ahayzen, I figured it out. I'm almost done with the task. I'll be submitting sometime later today. | 13:31 |
ahayzen | fazer, if your looking for an example of dragging this maybe useful http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/music_app/__init__.py#L314 | 13:32 |
ahayzen | fazer, just start dragging close to the right side (so 80% width or something) and drag across to close to the left side (so 20% width or something) | 13:33 |
nywillb | Hi, I'm working on the task "Test the WordPress theme for Ubuntu community teams (Ubuntu)," and I am not sure if I have enough bugs to submit | 15:07 |
knome | nywillb, hey | 15:08 |
nywillb | Hi | 15:08 |
knome | nywillb, it's not about filing bugs, it's about trying different things with the theme | 15:08 |
nywillb | ok | 15:08 |
knome | nywillb, i'll need to try something to try to fix the navigation issue you're having | 15:08 |
knome | but as i said, i don't see it myself, so it's a bit tricky | 15:08 |
nywillb | ok | 15:08 |
nywillb | I dont know PHP, but I can try to fix it and pull request on GitHub | 15:09 |
knome | actually it'll likely need changes in the CSS | 15:09 |
nywillb | Oh, good. | 15:09 |
nywillb | I know CSS | 15:09 |
knome | if you want to try to fix it, one thing to try is to set a specified height for the menu element | 15:10 |
nywillb | ok | 15:10 |
knome | another thing is playing around with the position value of certain elements | 15:10 |
nywillb | ok | 15:10 |
nywillb | thanks | 15:10 |
knome | but i don't expect you to find a solution for that necessarily - if you do, that's of course helpful | 15:11 |
nywillb | ok | 15:11 |
nywillb | Should I submit the task for review? | 15:12 |
knome | i haven't closely looked at your latest submissions, but you can do that | 15:12 |
knome | i probably want to try some fixes for the issue before we completely close the task at least | 15:13 |
nywillb | ok | 15:13 |
knome | but if you are around in IRC, it's likely better do that here since we can have a live discussion and i can try many things at the same time | 15:13 |
nywillb | ok | 15:15 |
knome | nywillb, so wait... is the header navigation working now? | 15:32 |
knome | nywillb, or do the items only appear after wrapping? | 15:32 |
knome | nywillb, i committed a small change to the repository, which i don't think fixes anything, but who knows, maybe it will.. | 15:38 |
knome | that is, on desktop | 15:38 |
nywillb | knome, It still has not fixed the issue. | 15:49 |
nywillb | I think giving the navbar background a z-index of 0 and giving the menu ul a z index of 1 might make it work | 15:50 |
nywillb | I will try with inspect element | 15:50 |
xcub | can Alexandros Frantzis be found on IRC? | 15:53 |
fazer | ahayzen, I don't think I understood you properly. Am I done, the reason the tests are failing is because of Ubuntu.Components. Or am I missing something? | 16:59 |
ahayzen | fazer, do you have the API keys in the files? | 17:01 |
fazer | which files? | 17:01 |
ahayzen | and if not, i think there is currently a bug in the code where it imports the wrong Ubuntu.Components thing, therefore exploding autopilot :-) | 17:02 |
fazer | ahayzen, which files should I check for the keys? | 17:02 |
ahayzen | fazer, have a read of the 'API' section in the Readme-Developers | 17:03 |
fazer | ok | 17:03 |
ahayzen | fazer, but as you don't know about them, then they are probably blank, which is then probably causes those tests to fail. | 17:04 |
ahayzen | I'll have a go with the branch later on my desktop and then comment if they are you/us etc | 17:04 |
fazer | alright. Thanks. :) | 17:05 |
fazer | ahayzen: It's empty. There isn't a key. | 17:06 |
fazer | ahayzen: it tells me to obtain a personal one. | 17:06 |
ahayzen | fazer, yup :-) | 17:07 |
ahayzen | that's like why those tests are failing | 17:07 |
fazer | SHould I get a personal one? OR should I just submit a PR and you guys test it with a key? | 17:08 |
ahayzen | fazer, it should be fine to test without, we mock most of the data, it is only the searching ones that go online | 17:08 |
ahayzen | as long as your test you have added is passing, it should be good. IIRC some of the others are failing at the moment anyway, which we need to sort | 17:09 |
fazer | Ok, so if my test works when I run it by itself it's ok? | 17:09 |
fazer | Because it doesn't work when I run the entire suite. I think the location tabs get changed in some prior test which causes them to not work in my test. | 17:09 |
ahayzen | yeah should be as you haven't really been touching anything that has affecting anything else | 17:10 |
ahayzen | i'd submit the MR, then we can take a look what is going on | 17:10 |
fazer | ok. will do. | 17:10 |
ahayzen | and it's easier to comment with the diff visible :-) | 17:10 |
adueppen | darkxst: I'm going to have to request a fairly long extension on https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5300662816473088/?sp-page=1 since I've been busy studying and I have finals all week. Sorry for the inconvenience. | 17:26 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
darkxst | adueppen, extended | 21:21 |
adueppen | darkxst: thanks | 21:30 |
malevasquez | knome, are you around? | 22:00 |
knome | malevasquez, yep | 22:04 |
malevasquez | Should I just answer the questions in a comment? | 22:08 |
malevasquez | The ones you wrote in the task feedback | 22:08 |
knome | yes, i think that would be the best so we would have the replies recorded there | 22:08 |
knome | or if you want to write longer than 1000 characters, you can do a pastebin or upload a file | 22:08 |
knome | i know i'm hitting the 1000 char limitation fast.. | 22:08 |
malevasquez | Great! And should I resubmit another design, or are we good with the one I sent before? | 22:09 |
malevasquez | Okay :) | 22:09 |
knome | most importantly, i want to let you know that we aren't expecting working implementations of everything | 22:09 |
knome | so don't let that limit you, rather focus on "what would be really useful" | 22:10 |
malevasquez | Thanks! So I'll answer the questions and sent it in a little while | 22:11 |
malevasquez | Would that be good? | 22:11 |
knome | yeah, let's see if i'm fresh enough to reply today :) | 22:11 |
knome | but i guess also those questions are just the start | 22:11 |
knome | i could probably ask you dozens more ;) | 22:12 |
malevasquez | Haha okay :) | 22:12 |
malevasquez | So Ill resubmit later and you can give it a look whenever you are around | 22:13 |
knome | yep, thanks | 22:13 |
malevasquez | Thank you for the help, knome | 22:13 |
knome | no problem, thanks for the work! :) | 22:13 |
fazer | ahayzen, I made the modifications you asked for. | 23:09 |
ahayzen | fazer, awesome thanks | 23:09 |
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