
cmaloneyGood morning14:52
cmaloneyHow goes the morning?14:57
rick_h_with a giant todo list :)15:08
jrwrenrick_h_ is supposed to be on holiday for MLK day :p15:12
rick_h_jrwren: yea! that thing15:15
cmaloneyfunny that, I'm here on MLK day as well15:19
rick_h_I'm only half here15:39
rick_h_mainly trying to get todo/sprint notes and such and plan out work trip I have to head out tomorrow15:39
rick_h_"oh right...need a place to stay tomorrow night. I should probably book something"15:39
brouschWould it be cheaper to have Uber drive you around all night than stay in a hotel?18:37
cmaloneybrousch: Haven't priced i19:07
brouschWell come on. It's not like you have anything better to do!19:20
cmaloneyToday is not the day to say that. ;)19:27

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