
elimisteveFor the Ubuntu Scopes Showdown, I'm trying to better understand the capabilities and limitations on scopes. Is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ScopesConfinement up to date?02:58
elimisteveIt begins with, "For 13.10, scopes will not be available in the app store and application confinement will prevent apps from abusing scopes and the scopes architecture. For 14.04 we'd like to have app developers able to deliver scopes via the app store."02:58
JanCelimisteve: scopes are available in the app store right now03:46
JanCnot sure if that happened in 14.04 or later, but it certainly happened03:46
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JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Tuesday, and happy Popcorn Day! 😃09:18
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ahayzenballoons, i'm trying to fix the clock autopilot tests, i've noticed two fail due to the allow location allow/deny dialog appearing, is there a helper to click allow on that? or should that be working another way?15:55
popey(also applies to weather I think)?15:56
popey(hello ahayzen )15:57
ahayzenand something quirky is happing with music autopilot as well (it can't find the keyboard sometimes but only on jenkins)15:57
ahayzenpopey, ^^ is actually the last remaining comment on the MP for bgplaylists15:58
ahayzenpopey, like 1 in 4/5 times it'll pass15:59
ahayzenthe other time it will say it can't find the keyboard, and take a screenshot...which around 1 in 2/3 actually have the keyboard in the screnshot :')16:00
balloonsahayzen, hello16:06
balloonsahayzen, location dialog is an interesting question. I feel like there was a bug to get a helper for that. I don't know offhand16:07
ahayzenok, maybe for jenkins it could be hardcoded to assume allow for now ?16:09
popeycould we add a step which does the necessary gsettings (or whatever) to force allow per app?16:11
popeyor touch whatever file in the filesystem is necessary to make that dialog assume yes?16:11
popeyI hope there's some way to poke the trust store ?16:11
ahayzenyeah or even that, just to get them passing until we have a helper ?16:11
balloonssorry, got sidetracked. We have full power to do anything we want or need to do. So I'm open to ideas. We can modify the phone anyway we wish16:32
balloonsI want to look for that bug in a few16:33
balloonsahayzen, so is there something you want to try?16:52
ahayzenballoons, i think for now, setting a value/gsetting/whatever in the mocking part would be fine?16:53
ahayzenballoons, is that the simplest ?16:54
balloonsahayzen, ohh, I see. That might be the most foolproof16:57
ahayzendo you know what we'd have to set ?16:58
popeybfiller, done17:01
bfillerpopey: thanks17:01
balloonsahayzen, reading some old notes17:01
balloonsahayzen, remember https://code.launchpad.net/~brendan-donegan/ubuntu-clock-app/disable_location_prompt/+merge/24268217:03
ahayzenballoons, i don't remember (don't think i did the original clock AP), but that looks interesting17:04
balloonsAlso, you can stop / start the servuce17:04
balloonssudo setprop custom.location.testing true && sudo restart ubuntu-location-service && restart ubuntu-location-service-trust-stored17:04
balloonsso i'm curious then why the clock still sees the location promopt17:05
ahayzenballoons, i spot this in the currently mocking "self.useFixture(fixture_setup.LocationServiceTestEnvironment())"17:06
ahayzenwhen i run on desktop i can see it trying todo setprop, but i can't see that in the code? I assume that comes from ^^ fixture?17:06
ahayzeni see they have it in fixture_setup.pu17:07
balloonshey ahayzen, check this out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/location-service#Dummy_provider17:07
balloonsI knew I wasn't crazy17:08
ahayzenballoons, hah, this is what they have currently http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-1535488-autopilot-failing/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntu_clock_app/fixture_setup.py17:08
balloonsright. So we can use the info from the wiki17:08
balloonsI'll be back in a bit, so if you need specific help let me know17:09
ahayzenok thanks17:09
McIntireEvanpopey (or anyone with permissions to merge in the terminal app): Jenkins is still being a jerk here with the commit message stuff https://code.launchpad.net/~mcintire-evan/ubuntu-terminal-app/change_auth_dialog/+merge/28078117:18
popeyhah, that's one way to put it!17:18
popeyballoons, ^ any ideas?17:19
mhall119balloons: popey: what would it take to get the filemanager-app running on my wily/Unity7 desktop?17:29
popeyi can build you an amd64 click17:30
mhall119I trid installing the 0.4.501 multi-arch click package17:30
popeywhat happened?17:30
mhall119but launching fails because it can't find the nemomobile.folderlistmodel17:30
mhall119popey: I'd need i38617:31
popeycan you build a deb?17:31
mhall119/opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/mhall/com.ubuntu.filemanager/lib/i386-linux-gnu/org/nemomobile/folderlistmodel/libnemofolderlistmodel.so exists, so I'm not sure why it can't find it17:34
popeywhen do you need this by?17:35
mhall119ah, /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/samba/libsecrets3.so.0: version `SAMBA_4.1.13_UBUNTU' not found (required by /opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/mhall/com.ubuntu.filemanager/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libsmbclient.so.017:36
mhall119popey: I was just hoping to test it on my desktop17:36
popeywell, if there's a problem with it, we need to fix it17:36
popeymy laptop is 14.04 so I _can't_ build it here17:37
popeyi only build clicks in chroots17:37
mhall119I don't know if it's the build, or aa-exec-click17:44
mhall119the library is in the click package's folder, but it's not loading that one, it's loading one from /usr/lib/17:44
mhall119mdeslaur: ping about aa-exec-click17:49
mdeslaurmhall119: what's aa-exec-click?17:49
* mhall119 hopes that was sarcasm17:50
mdeslaurmhall119: I believe jdstrand is the person you're looking for17:50
mhall119jdstrand: ping about aa-exec-click17:50
balloonswait, so the multi-arch doesn't work mhall119?17:56
popeyballoons, on unity717:56
balloonsI was publishing seperate builds; I could toggle it back on, but it's old17:57
balloonsit does work on unity8 + amd6417:57
balloonsd'oh, I see, unity717:57
* balloons is jetlagged before he gets on the next plane17:57
mhall119balloons: not sure if it's unity7 that's causing the problem or something else18:01
mhall119it appears to be looking in the wrong location for shared libraries18:01
jdstrandmhall119: hey, what's up?18:02
balloonsmhall119, ahh. And this is for your talk right?18:04
mhall119jdstrand: hey, I'm trying to run the filemanager-app on my Unity7 desktop, I installed it from the click package okay, and can run the aa-exec-click line from the generated .desktop, but it appears to be looking in /usr/lib/ for shared libraries, rather than the click package's install location18:04
mhall119jdstrand: I was wondering if that's something that aa-exec-click might be doing wrong, or if there's a way to tell aa-exec-click what library directory to use18:04
mhall119balloons: I wanted to test desktop features like right-click on the app, but I hope to demo it from within Unity818:05
balloonsahayzen, I just top approved again. Presumably it should work fine18:05
mhall119but my convergence peripherals are all packed in my suitcase already, and I didn't want to dig them out18:05
jdstrandmhall119: it is just a shell script and it does set various env vars18:05
ahayzenballoons, hm?18:05
mhall119also, the webbrowser-app wants to use the filemanager as the file-chooser now, so it would help me anyway18:06
balloonsmhall119, don't you have unity8-lxc installed?18:06
balloonsahayzen, for the terminal app mp you linked18:06
mhall119balloons: I do, but I don't run it18:06
balloonshow'd the dummy provider do?18:06
ahayzenballoons, i didn't link...was that McIntireEvan ?18:06
balloonsyes, https://code.launchpad.net/~mcintire-evan/ubuntu-terminal-app/change_auth_dialog/+merge/28078118:07
popeythats the one18:07
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mhall119popey: I land at 3:30pm, probably to the hotel by 5pm18:09
popeyokay. Got plans for evening food?18:10
davmor2popey: he has he is going to eat some I bet18:10
popeythose plans sound very vague18:11
mhall119that's maybe how I roll, probably18:11
davmor2popey: it's mhall119 you can't nail him down with plans man :)18:12
balloonsmhall119, are you flying into today or tomorrow?18:13
balloonsnvm, I know the answer18:14
popeyhttp://imgur.com/5Li3QUx \o/18:40
popeythinking  the header should be darker text18:43
DerRiddaHello. I'm having trouble with the Ubuntu emulator in the SDK. The emulated device is stuck in a restart loop: I get to the login mask, don't have any input and the it simply restarts from the start-up splash over and over again.  The in-SDK log isn't showing me anything fishy. I'm running this a rc-proposed VM.18:50
alesageahayzen, popey, some silo notes for music-app https://trello.com/c/t1RBtMTp/2655-884-music-app-popey19:19
popeythanks alesage19:21
alesagepopey, hope Cali is sunny19:21
popeyIt is quite sunny now. :)19:22
popeyRelative to what I'm used to in UK :D19:22
balloonsDerRidda, perhaps try again, or try a different channel :(19:29
DerRiddaYeah, bq-stable works, now I'm onto why the heck the SDK can't find my properly installed unity-js-scopes-tool.19:31
DerRiddaSo my unity-js-scopes-tool setup fails because it can't find a kit I have purposefully deleted through the SDK GUI. How do I get rid of the remaining files telling the tl that there are kits around which clearly aren't?19:35
DerRiddaI seriously, seriously need to know where the heck unity-js-scopes-tool looks for the kits/schroots it wants to mess with.19:53
ahayzenalesage, popey, all of those issues have been fixed/non-regressions, we are just left with an issue with jenkins20:03
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mcphailJust seeing the speculation about a new bq Ubuntu tablet, with a 64-bit ARM processor. On the assumption this is true, would it require binaries to be recompiled? Having looked at https://www.arm.com/files/downloads/ARMv8_Architecture.pdf it seems like it has a 32-bit compatibility mode, but does anyone know for sure?21:19
popeyballoons, any idea what we can do with https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/python-lxml/+merge/282674 ?22:58
popeyballoons, it's not a python2/3 thing is it?22:59
popeyballoons, I'm worried that if we don't fix these, we're going to block and demotivate the core apps devs23:37

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