
dexterpHello there! I'm trying to figure out which build flags are used to build the Firefox version which is shipped with Ubuntu. Is there any document about that?08:26
* dexterp couldn't found any on the Wiki 08:26
dexterpanyone? :(13:40
chrisccoulsondexterp, do you not have access to an ubuntu install?13:45
dexterpchrisccoulson, yes, I do13:46
chrisccoulsondexterp, can't you just look at about:buildconfig? Or is there anything else you're looking for?13:46
dexterpchrisccoulson, I was interested in understanding if a custom .mozconfig was used and which options were turned off/on (I found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompileFirefoxNewVersion, but seems to be outdated)13:48
chrisccoulsondexterp, there is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.wily/view/head:/debian/config/mozconfig.in, but that's pre-processed13:49
dexterpah, thanks chrisccoulson13:53

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