
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
davmor2Morning all09:06
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:09
knightwiseheyb he09:11
knightwisehey bigcalm09:12
davmor2bigcalm: How am ya blue09:16
bigcalmSilly busy. Which is why I'm on IRC of course09:17
knightwiseSame here09:17
knightwisetrying to eliviate pressure that program manager is pushing onto me09:17
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Tuesday, and happy Popcorn Day! 😃09:18
davmor2JamesTait: Happiest version of popcorn I know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvDvTnTGjgQ09:19
diploMorning all09:20
diplofoobarry: Do you like it? Debating giving it a go09:21
diploLogstash that is btw :)09:21
foobarryyes, although the guy who implemeneted it has left so i'm a bit scared of it breaking09:21
davmor2diplo: Oh I thought you meant popcorn09:21
diplohahah, that's why I have been writing comprehensive notes on it all09:22
foobarryi got a missing shards message09:22
diploSeems fairly simple to be honest, can I ask what you use it for, as it for alerting on errors mainly ? Or for connections etc09:22
foobarryafter one of the log servers went down09:22
foobarrywe gather our cluster logs into it, so if we have a job number we can analyse the detail09:23
foobarrybut also gather syslogs from vmware etc09:23
foobarryand will be doing security logs so we can graphically see spikes in /var/log/secure09:23
foobarryand search for IP etc09:23
foobarryits very good for viewing graph "load"/activity09:24
diploHadn't thought about vmware boxes, I'm debating using it for our customers servers to keep on top of secure and picking up failing drives etc, good use case in your opinion ?09:24
foobarryand we tend to grep for things in logs a lot , which this does great and quickly09:24
foobarryyou can do a search for certain errros and see their frequency and view the detail09:25
foobarryone thing09:25
foobarrythe security is terrible09:25
foobarryno auth or https09:25
diploYeah, as all our servers are remote in all parts of the country most people don't do anything till there is an issue09:25
foobarryyou need to firewall it just for your client connection09:25
foobarrythis is the kibana interace09:25
diploNot to worried, will only make it available on internal network I think09:25
davmor2I want to know who this poor wall bloke who keeps getting fired is ;)09:26
diplodavmor2, its to early to try and be funny :D09:27
davmor2Just happened across this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ac0VZB92vU09:33
knightwiseDamn ,09:59
knightwiseRTV installer seems to be broken :(09:59
=== ipatel is now known as meesa
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:13
knightwisehey brobostigon10:14
brobostigonhi knightwise10:15
czajkowskiLaney: are you based in norfolk?10:22
Laneyczajkowski: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nope you remembered the first two letters right though10:22
czajkowskiLaney: ah ok for context was gonna ping you re https://www.publictechnology.net/articles/news/norfolk-appoints-updata-%C2%A320m-network-framework10:23
Laneygood old capita!10:23
Laneynottingham news gratefully received :)10:23
czajkowskiit's actually a good twitter feed to follow10:24
diddledanfun: http://www.revk.uk/2016/01/mathematics-does-not-bend-to-law.html13:12
knightwiseThere is only one thing worse then working with an MS Project file13:22
knightwiseand that is working with somebody ELSES msproject file13:23
diddledanOS X with virtual box AND vmware running simultaneaously?! voodoo I tells ya!13:40
foobarryi can run "php test.php" and get it to send mail13:43
foobarrybut when html page calls it, it doesn't work13:43
foobarryany idea13:43
diddledannot yey13:43
diddledandefine doesn’t work?13:43
foobarrywhats define13:43
diddledan500 error?13:43
diddledannono, I meant “please define ‘doesn’t work’"13:44
foobarryoh, the php script is run but no mail received an no errors in logs13:44
foobarryah, may have found somethinhg13:45
diddledanI assume you’re using the mail() function?13:45
foobarrysendmail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: Permission denied13:45
diddledanyeah, that tries to run /usr/bin/sendmail to inject the email into postfix13:46
diddledansucky nuts13:46
foobarrysetsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail=113:47
foobarrywasted ages on that13:47
diddledaneww, really simple fix too13:47
diplodiddledan: Yeah disable selinux :D13:54
foobarrybefore then there was an error in the php code but it ignore the whole file silently in that case14:01
knightwiseBless you youtube-dl for giving me lots of music to listen to without silly adds14:25
davmor2popey: you're back with interwebz then :)14:26
davmor2popey: how are things the other side of the pond managing to hold onto your Phone?14:27
popeyvery nice14:29
popeyhttp://imgur.com/oEzBXuE view from the room14:29
popeymountains and clouds14:29
popey(and an intersection)14:29
diplolooks nice popey, really must visit the states at some point14:30
davmor2popey: You are in the states the Intersection bit goes without saying ;)14:35
diddledanyey for end-of-year tax shenanigans :-p15:02
diddledanjust realised I hadn’t filed 14/15 tax return15:03
diddledanpopey: when does scale start?15:04
diddledanthis is actually #ubuntu-uk :-p15:05
muncjackit will do :-)15:06
muncjackI am looking for help to do strongswan  clustering on ubuntu 14.0415:06
muncjackthe package strongswan-plugin-ha seems to be missing15:07
davmor2muncjack: what version of ubuntu are you using?15:18
davmor2muncjack: sorry I meant arch not version amd64 or i38615:19
davmor2muncjack: yeap thanks15:29
davmor2muncjack: looks like it is stuck in proposed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/amd64/strongswan-plugin-ha/5.1.1-0ubuntu1715:30
davmor2oh actually it got deleted so not sure15:30
Seeker`popey: where in the US are you?15:52
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte

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