doko | jtaylor, any idea about ? | 00:08 |
* mwhudson sighs | 01:06 | |
mwhudson | INFO: pkgstripfiles: waiting for lock (libgolang-github-pborman-uuid1-dbgsym) ... | 01:06 |
mwhudson | ^ what does this mean? | 01:06 |
mwhudson | oh wait, this is what doko was complaining about | 01:07 |
doko | mwhudson, please wait until pkgbinarymangler is published, then cancel and give back the builds | 01:10 |
mwhudson | doko: this is local, but ok | 01:10 |
mwhudson | ah seems it is published | 01:11 |
doko | | 01:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1535949 in debhelper (Ubuntu) "handling of -dbgsym packages breaks pkgbinarymangler" [High,Confirmed] | 01:11 |
mwhudson | distro development feels like juggling a sack of cats sometimes | 01:11 |
sarnold | hehe | 01:12 |
mwhudson | doko: new pkgbinarymangler seems to fix it indeed, thanks | 01:15 |
doko | ahh, no, this looks worse, packages can not be uploaded | 01:22 |
doko | pitti, | 01:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1535949 in debhelper (Ubuntu) "handling of -dbgsym packages breaks pkgbinarymangler" [Critical,Confirmed] | 01:23 |
mwhudson | waaiittt a minute | 01:38 |
mwhudson | does sbuild not override PATH? | 01:38 |
doko | pitti, slangasek: 1535949 still needs to get resolved. however I'm afk now. cancelled all looping builds | 01:50 |
doko | cancelled all affected builds. please give all cancelled builds back once the issue is fixed | 02:00 |
mapreri | I just got a reject from a archive@u.c for an upload I did to debian and got synced: | 02:05 |
mapreri | sigil-dbgsym_0.9.2+dfsg+dfsg-2_powerpc.deb: control file lists name as 'sigil-dbgsym', which isn't in changes file. | 02:05 |
mapreri | uh, just had the same failure for ppc64el and armhf now | 02:06 |
sarnold | mapreri: I think you get to ignore that | 02:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1535949 in debhelper (Ubuntu) "handling of -dbgsym packages breaks pkgbinarymangler" [Critical,Confirmed] | 02:06 |
mapreri | oh, I received that mail too, but didn't read it (subscribed to dh bugs through debian's pts | 02:06 |
mapreri | ok, thank you. guess somebody else will take care of fixing dh and retry all the affected uploads (or the build) | 02:09 |
pitti | Good monring | 06:26 |
pitti | doko: we still have the previous patch to disable dbgsyms, and I didn't notice any in my local sbuild, but I'll look; argh | 06:28 |
pitti | slangasek: FYI, I figured out the "apt pinning compatible apt-get source" to also work for linux now, so audit and friends went in | 06:39 |
cpaelzer | good morning | 06:42 |
pitti | doko: fixed debhelper uploaded | 07:06 |
pitti | doko: and all 70 "failed to upload" builds retried | 08:02 |
LocutusOfBorg | pitti, <3 | 08:23 |
LocutusOfBorg | BTW while I'm highlighting you, you retried libquazip test against marble-proposed, but it didn't start for s390x | 08:25 |
LocutusOfBorg | so the migration is still stuck I think | 08:25 |
pitti | LocutusOfBorg: yep, it's on my radar; s390x has some trouble ATM, I'm working on a fix to at least see the error message, and will then do a mass-retry | 08:27 |
LocutusOfBorg | thanks, double thanks | 08:31 |
cpaelzer | pitti: LocutusOfBorg: all of what I saw so far with s390x was packaging and stuff which you guys are way++ more experienced - but if it every seems to come down to s390 instructions or other real close-to-HW issues let me know | 08:35 |
cpaelzer | same is true if the dasd/eckd disk design ever troubles you | 08:36 |
ginggs | morning all! There are now only a handful of ubuntu-specific packages still using python-support LP: #1535318 . Most of them haven't been touched in several years. Do we want to fix them or remove them? pitti: system-config-date has your name on it :) | 08:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1535318 in system-config-date (Ubuntu) "deprecation of python-support" [Undecided,New] | 08:36 |
pitti | ginggs: indeed Debian dropped pysupport recently, so we absolutely shoudl fix it | 08:37 |
pitti | ginggs: having a tracking bug for the remaining Ubuntu ones would be really useful indeed | 08:37 |
pitti | ah, that :) | 08:37 |
pitti | quite a few more than I expected | 08:37 |
pitti | but I think a lot of them should be in Debian too, and thus either be merges or removals | 08:37 |
pitti | Depends: python, python-support (>= 0.90.0), python-gtk2, python-gnome2, gksu | 08:38 |
pitti | ginggs: that really smells like a remova ;) | 08:38 |
ginggs | pitti: no, only the ones I have linked to debian bugs are in debian | 08:38 |
pitti | ginggs: e. g. python-cogent is only blocked on the arm64 FTBFS ( which is again blocked on some blast FTBFS | 08:45 |
pitti | tricky | 08:45 |
ginggs | yeah, ncbi-tools6, arm64 built fine in Debian | 08:46 |
ginggs | but in ubuntu we get a gcc internal compiler error | 08:47 |
ginggs | is removing the old arm64 binaries for ncbi-tools6 and python-cogent an option? | 08:48 |
LocutusOfBorg | mapreri, ^^^^ | 08:49 |
pitti | ginggs: it has a bunch of reverse dependencies, so we need to find out which and remove them all | 08:51 |
ginggs | pitti: yeah, i do see them with 'reverse-depends'. do we have an equivalent for 'dak rm' in ubuntu? | 09:18 |
pitti | ginggs: if that auto-removes reverse depends, then no | 09:18 |
ginggs | it can tell you what will be removed | 09:19 |
pitti | stgraber: can I override /usr/share/lxc/config/ubuntu.common.conf in /etc/ somewhere? | 09:20 |
pitti | stgraber: I edit it on the LXC autopkgtest instances, but every dist-upgrade that includes lxc resets it | 09:21 |
pitti | stgraber: oh, I suppose I could at least use /usr/share/lxc/config/common.conf.d/README | 09:29 |
pitti | well, without the README obviously | 09:29 |
alkisg | mitya57: hi, have you ever considered making an ubuntu flavor with gnome-flashback as the default session? I think edubuntu will have its last release ever in 16.04, so an ubuntu-flashback flavor would fill a big gap there... | 10:32 |
highvoltage | alkisg: out of curiousity, what would suck a flavour use for file browser, viewing images, login manager, etc? | 10:38 |
highvoltage | *such | 10:38 |
alkisg | highvoltage: the gap I'm thinking is "as much close to ubuntu as possible, but for clients without 3d/compositing abilities" | 10:39 |
alkisg | So I would like it if it used whatever ubuntu uses (which afaik gnome-flashback already does) | 10:39 |
highvoltage | wouldn't ubuntu-mate fit that use case well? | 10:41 |
Laney | doko: file conflict in libxapian-1.3-5 update | 10:42 |
alkisg | ubuntu-mate is basically an older gnome which is now maintained by a few students, I'm not sure it's a better choice than upstream gnome + ubuntu + a thin layer (=flashback, menus etc) | 10:42 |
Laney | doko: bug #1536093 | 10:43 |
ubottu | bug 1536093 in xapian1.3-core (Ubuntu) "package libxapian-1.3-5 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/xapian-core/stopwords/dutch.list', which is also in package libxapian-1.3-4 1.3.3-0ubuntu2" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 10:43 |
highvoltage | alkisg: gnome-flashback is also not upstream gnome (despite the name) | 10:43 |
alkisg | highvoltage: yes, but it's a thin layer, it is something maintainable by a couple of devs, unlike ubuntu-mate which as years go by and gnome2 gets extremely out of date, will require many more devs... | 10:44 |
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mapreri | LocutusOfBorg: what particular line are you highlighting to me? | 11:47 |
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LocutusOfBorg | mapreri, | 11:54 |
LocutusOfBorg | [09:36:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1535318 in system-config-date (Ubuntu) "deprecation of python-support" [Undecided,New] | 11:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1535318 in sadms (Ubuntu) "deprecation of python-support" [Undecided,New] | 11:54 |
LocutusOfBorg | I know you like to kill python-support with fire, don't you? :P | 11:54 |
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mapreri | LocutusOfBorg: packages in ubuntu-only are so outdated and without love in every possible way... (looking at the dh_python2 transition tracker in ubuntu) | 12:06 |
mapreri | I think for now I'll not be involved in getting rid of pysupport from ubuntu | 12:07 |
mapreri | ... and then you notice packages with Maintainer: a DD in a ubuntu-only package, and wonder how that can happen :| | 12:10 |
rbasak | There are plenty of packages in Debian that are rotting too. | 12:11 |
rbasak | Popular packages end up in sync. | 12:11 |
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stgraber | pitti: right, common.conf.d is most likely the way to go for you | 12:46 |
pitti | stgraber: still seems strange to put them into /usr, but I can work with that; certainly much better than changing the deb-shipped file :) | 12:49 |
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tjaalton | are upgrades from lts + lts-backport-stack supported to next lts only? | 13:42 |
rbasak | tjaalton: if you're not aware of the page, might have an answer. | 13:44 |
tjaalton | I am aware, and point 12. mentions something about "issues", but no clear wording about "don't do that" | 13:45 |
tjaalton | someone upgraded from 14.04.3 to vivid and things broke, no surprises there | 13:47 |
rbasak | AH | 13:47 |
rbasak | Yes, I think that's a serious issue. I had a similar use case explode on me. I filed a bug about it. | 13:47 |
* rbasak looks | 13:47 | |
tjaalton | the page probably should have a command for reverting back to stock trusty packages | 13:47 |
rbasak | bug 1252843 | 13:48 |
ubottu | bug 1252843 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Permits upgrade from an LTS system on an HWE stack to a broken system" [High,Triaged] | 13:48 |
rbasak | My use case was to initially install 12.04.(something), and then eventually decide to roll up to 13.10 or something because I needed some newer package. And the install exploded. | 13:49 |
rbasak | s/install/upgrade/ | 13:49 |
tjaalton | looks like it's still an issue | 13:50 |
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xnox | doko, btrfs-tools has ice on arm64 in ubuntu =( | 14:35 |
xnox | doko, the build-log looks like it has a clean gcc dump too. | 14:35 |
doko | looking | 14:35 |
doko | xnox, work around is to build with -O2 instead of -Os | 14:49 |
xnox | doko, =( | 14:54 |
xnox | doko, is it a known bug? | 14:54 |
slangasek | pitti: nice! | 15:01 |
doko | xnox, | 15:10 |
ubottu | bug 2001 in General "[5 Regression] ICE in final_scan_insn, at final.c:3020 on aarch64-linux-gnu" [Major,Unconfirmed] | 15:11 |
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doko | barry, tumbleweed, jtaylor: a few packages left | 15:14 |
xnox | doko, tah. | 15:16 |
ginggs_ | doko, pitti: looks like that arm64 bug is the same in ncbi-tools6? "pseed3.c: In function 'seedEngineCore': | 15:17 |
ginggs_ | pseed3.c:631:1: error: could not split insn" | 15:17 |
jtaylor | doko: scipy will get a new upstream soon, I may check the failure then | 15:17 |
jtaylor | doko: though I'll be only partially available in the next 10 days, so if someone else wants to fix it go ahead | 15:17 |
barry | doko: cool. we're still sprinting for the next 2 days | 15:18 |
sergiusens | hi there pitti, I'm trying to use adt with lxd and getting is there anything obvious I'm missing? | 15:26 |
pitti | sergiusens: nothign obvious, I think | 15:27 |
pitti | sergiusens: if you do "lxc launch images:ubuntu/xenial/amd64 x1", wait a bit (boot should take < 5 s), and "lxc exec x1 bash" | 15:27 |
pitti | sergiusens: I suppose it fails to boot, can you check journalctl? | 15:27 |
jtaylor | is there a docker update planned for xenial? given the issues we have in trusty and the next version 1.10 will have large changes in its internal layout I think it would be best to have it as new as possible (or not at all) | 15:28 |
sergiusens | pitti, launching works just fine | 15:28 |
sergiusens | I've been using lxd for a bit now for playing with random things | 15:28 |
sergiusens | and to confirm, lxc exec for bash worked just fine | 15:29 |
pitti | sergiusens: and "runlevel" says something like "5 N"? | 15:31 |
sergiusens | pitti, ah, it indeed says unknown | 15:32 |
pitti | sergiusens: so something went wrong with booting the container | 15:32 |
pitti | sergiusens: checkig "runlevel" is the least common denominator that I found for handling arbitary testbeds | 15:33 |
sergiusens | pitti, there are a couple of failing services | 15:33 |
pitti | sergiusens: what does "systemctl status" say? degraded, or still booting? | 15:33 |
sergiusens | pitti, 'starting' | 15:34 |
sergiusens | pitti, 3 units failed, which is the amount of failures I saw when running systemctl | 15:34 |
sergiusens | if it is of any worth | 15:35 |
pitti | sergiusens: yeah, I get that too, that's just unpriv container limitations | 15:36 |
pitti | sergiusens: so for me I get "State: degraded" (which is "booted, but some failed units"), and runlevel "N 5" | 15:37 |
pitti | and the same three failed units | 15:37 |
pitti | sergiusens: can you pastebin "journalctl"? | 15:37 |
sergiusens | pitti, | 15:38 |
sergiusens | pitti, oh, now I recall bridging the containers to my network card, not sure it should affect booting, but it will affect adt :-) | 15:39 |
pitti | sergiusens: it doesn't care much about networking as long as your tests don't; but of course that will blow up if you run --apt-upgrade or install test deps | 15:43 |
sergiusens | pitti, yeah, I will certainly hit that | 15:44 |
pitti | networking.service: Start operation timed out. Terminating. | 15:44 |
pitti | Failed to start Raise network interfaces. | 15:44 |
pitti | sergiusens: so, that | 15:44 |
pitti | sergiusens: and previously the unit was still starting, until it hit the timeout | 15:44 |
pitti | so it didn't yet appear in --failed | 15:44 |
sergiusens | pitti, great, I'll look into this later, thanks for all the pointers! | 15:46 |
Laney | doko: should be libxapian-1.3-4 | 15:52 |
doko | ohh crap | 15:53 |
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RAOF | cjwatson: I seem to recall at some point you making the buildd chroot tarballs available over lpapi. Is that me confabulating, or is this possible? (This is cf: jenkaaaaaaas). | 17:41 |
pitti | RAOF: serach for "chroot_url" on | 17:46 |
RAOF | pitti: Maha! Thanks! | 17:46 |
RAOF | Also, thanks for the apidoc link :) | 17:46 |
pitti | "" | 17:47 |
pitti | $ wget -q -O- | 17:47 |
pitti | RAOF: ^ imagine these two lines swapped around :) | 17:47 |
pitti | RAOF: (-: ɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀ ɹoɟ ɹǝpɹo ʇɥƃᴉɹ ǝɥʇ uᴉ ǝɹɐ ʎǝɥʇ 'ʎllɐnʇɔɐ | 17:47 |
RAOF | :) | 17:47 |
sergiusens | xnox, hey, btw, when should my upload rights become effective? | 17:50 |
RAOF | Well, that's sad. I don't think I can slurp a vivid-overlay chroot out of that :) | 17:53 |
xnox | sergiusens, i dunno =) i don't think i've acted upon doing so, yet. | 17:54 |
cjwatson | RAOF: That's just the same as the vivid chroot. | 17:54 |
xnox | sergiusens, i will not get around to do it today, sorry. added a todo for tomorrow. | 17:55 |
RAOF | cjwatson: ...of course it is. HAH! | 17:56 |
sergiusens | xnox, ah, I was just wondering what the time lines were; no worries | 17:56 |
* RAOF knew that. Or would have, had he thought about it for any extended period of time. | 17:56 | |
Laney | xnox: you can't do PPU anyway, need to ask TB person for that | 17:56 |
xnox | Laney, right that's i thought. | 17:56 |
xnox | and all of them expired, unless stgraber was back-doored in | 17:57 |
Laney | lies | 17:57 |
stgraber | TB terms have been extended a bit so we have time to deal with elections | 17:58 |
caribou | xnox: while you're at it, might think of changing my access as well :-) | 18:02 |
caribou | or whoever can | 18:02 |
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mightyiam | Yo, I'm on 16.04 and some package doesn't upgrade | 22:33 |
mightyiam | python3-xapian1.3 is partially installed | 22:33 |
mightyiam | Some dependency issue | 22:34 |
mightyiam | | 22:35 |
mightyiam | But libxapian-1.3-5 is marked for installation | 22:37 |
sarnold | mightyiam: file a bug against the xapian1.3-core source package with ubuntu-bug xapian1.3-core -- include the copy-and-paste output inlcyuding the file-overwrite attempt and the killed paste command | 22:39 |
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