=== Zic_ is now known as Zic | ||
=== Michaela is now known as Mikaela | ||
=== mkv is now known as m4v | ||
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat | ||
=== tomaw is now known as 02HAAAAAD | ||
=== 02HAAAAAD is now known as tomaw | ||
heartsmagic | hello there | 21:15 |
k1l | hi | 21:15 |
heartsmagic | is there anyone who can help for our Loco channel? | 21:15 |
k1l | some ircc should be awake. so what is the issue? | 21:15 |
heartsmagic | there is a channel we want to get back for our Loco if possible | 21:16 |
Pici | Which channel? | 21:17 |
heartsmagic | oh here you ara Pici :) | 21:18 |
heartsmagic | #ubuntu-sohbet. long time ago one of our friends created this channel for ubuntu-tr. now, we now there is a name regulation for ubuntu | 21:18 |
heartsmagic | sohbet means chitchat in Turkish | 21:19 |
Pici | heartsmagic: logically, this should really go under #ubuntu-tr-sohbet | 21:19 |
heartsmagic | if possible we want that channel back, if not we will think other solutions | 21:19 |
heartsmagic | yeah, this is our plan b, but i want to ask anyway | 21:19 |
Pici | I'd prefer it to live there, but I can forward it from #ubuntu-sohbet to #ubuntu-tr-sohbet | 21:20 |
heartsmagic | oh, that would be great Pici. | 21:21 |
heartsmagic | thank you so much. | 21:21 |
heartsmagic | now, i should create that channel | 21:21 |
heartsmagic | ok, registered. thank you again | 21:24 |
Pici | heartsmagic: can you please grant flags +ARefiorstv to UbuntuIrcCouncil in that channel so I can finish getting the forward setup? | 21:26 |
Pici | /msg chanserv flags #ubuntu-tr-sohbet UbuntuIRCCouncil +ARefiorstv | 21:27 |
heartsmagic | Pici: done | 21:28 |
heartsmagic | thanks again Pici | 21:30 |
slashd | Hi, I've been approved to become a ubuntu member today, and I'd like to request an Ubuntu cloak LP: https://launchpad.net/~slashd | 21:45 |
rww | slashd: identify to NickServ please, /msg nickserv help identify | 21:46 |
slashd | rww, done | 21:55 |
rww | Pici: ^ | 21:56 |
hggdh | slashd: looks oK | 21:56 |
rww | a hggdh is fine too :D | 21:57 |
hggdh | staff: please add a cloak ubuntu/member/slashd for slashd | 21:57 |
hggdh | rww: heh | 21:57 |
niko | congrats | 21:57 |
Unit193 | Thanks, niko! | 21:57 |
hggdh | niko: as always, in your debt | 21:57 |
Unit193 | slashd: You may want to look at https://freenode.net/sasl/ | 21:57 |
hggdh | slashd: welcome, again :-) | 21:57 |
Pici | slashd: congrats :) | 21:58 |
slashd | starff: thanks | 21:58 |
slashd | staff: thanks | 21:58 |
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