=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh === cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk === cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer [12:18] Hi, is there a ubuntu membership meeting today at 12 UTC ? [12:24] Hey slashd! [12:24] hi elacheche [12:25] I'm from the Membership Board.. [12:25] nice to meet you [12:25] Sorry for the delay.. I think that we don't have the quorum to start the meeting.. [12:26] elacheche, ok will wait I was simply making sure I was there at the right time ;) [12:28] Thank you.. I think that no one else will show up today :/ [12:29] It's 7:30 am in there isn't it! [12:29] yes, 7:30AM for me [12:30] elachche, so I'll have to reconvene at next meetings ? [12:30] OK.. I think that we (the Membership Board) can review your membership application on our ML.. Becasue we couldn't have the quorum for this meeting.. [12:31] elacheche, what is the ML address and what should I put on the email ? [12:31] If you like to change the meeting date, so it'll be OK, otherwise I'll send the email to the board now.. Are you always on irc? If so I'll let you updated via irc, or I'll email you.. [12:32] slashd, you should do nothing more than what you did (wiki) :) [12:32] It's my role to send the mail to the ML board. [12:33] elacheche, ok thanks. yeah let's do it by ML then, I'm always on IRC during the day [12:35] Great! I'll let you know if there is updates :) [12:35] Sorry again slashd [12:35] elacheche, much appreciated [12:43] sjoe [12:43] there i set auto join [12:43] sorry [12:43] :) [12:44] Kilos, I sent the mail to our ML :) just refresh your inbox :) [12:44] ok [12:46] hi slashd [12:46] sorry bout that [12:46] elacheche that link doesnt show sladen 's wiki link [12:47] shows me no applicants [12:47] slashd 's wiki link [12:48] oh there i see it sorry [12:48] Kilos, :D You need a nap dude! x) [12:49] haha man its old eye and faint print [12:49] oh i have read it before [12:50] what timezone are you in slashd ? [12:50] kilos, eastern [12:51] kilos, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/slashd [12:51] I think that we ca ndo that via the ML Kilos :) We have the right to do it :) [12:51] Kilos ^^ [12:52] yes ty [12:53] canonical in the states or uk? [12:54] Kilos, Canonical is World Wide company :) [12:54] * elacheche thinks that we probably should move to an other channel to chat.. [13:40] slashd we are working on it [13:40] Kilos, much appreciated [13:41] ty for your patience and sorry for our slipup [13:41] Kilos, no worry === Zic_ is now known as Zic === aaron is now known as Guest921 === beisner- is now known as beisner === Michaela is now known as Mikaela === mapreri_ is now known as mapreri [15:11] slashd: morning. i just got up (i'm not normally at this meeting). i'm curious about what, if any, contributions you may have had outside the realm of development. loco activity? [15:13] slashd: community involvement is what i'm askinng about [15:13] sudo service slashd restart XD [15:14] wxl, most of my contribution has been part of my work here at Canonical fixing userland/kernel issues for Ubuntu Advantage customer [15:15] slashd: that's what i gathered. i'm just curious if there may have been anything else. [15:15] wxl, not at the moment but it's part of my plan [15:15] slashd: how long have you been contributing and/or when did you start at canonical? [15:16] wxl, Canonical: 1 year and a half | Contribution: officially 6-7 months ago [15:16] slashd: oh wow you're fairly new to the community, then [15:17] wxl, but I run Ubuntu since Dapper in my profesionnal works and personnal computers, and have more than 10 years of experience as linux sysadmin, etc ... [15:18] slashd: nice! you've definitely got the chops. do you also interact directly with ubuntu advantage customers and/or their employees? [15:19] wxl, Yes I'm directly communicating with UA customer through our ticket portal and Launchpad, providing hotfixes, testfixes, and then proceed with the SRU process (userland/kernel) [15:20] slashd: nice! [15:21] slashd we are getting there. board guys are all over the world [15:21] slashd: my suggestion is to reach out to the community. find your current loco. etc. that community is a pretty vital part of what ubuntu really is (though canonical is often viewed as the umbrella over ubuntu, i really think it's the ground beneath it) [15:22] Kilos: can you just take a +1 from me? i have to get the daughter to school XD [15:22] wxl, sure will do that thanks [15:22] wxl will do [15:22] thanks for poppin in [15:22] np thx Kilos [15:22] and thx slashd for all you do. you're the first advantage employee i think i've met [15:23] o/ [15:23] wxl, thanks again === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer_afk === inetpro_ is now known as inetpro === lifeless_ is now known as lifeless === xnox_ is now known as xnox === YoBoY_ is now known as YoBoY === Kilos- is now known as Kilos === med_ is now known as Guest65103 === cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer_ === ochosi_ is now known as ochosi [20:13] slashd you still here?? [20:13] Kilos, yes [20:15] we seem to have arrived at a vote [20:15] was very difficult [20:16] im just waiting for last guy to join us here [20:17] elacheche_anis wb [20:18] hi toddy [20:18] here [20:18] hi Kilos [20:19] so slashd has you got your sunday best on? [20:19] s/has/have [20:19] sorry im half asleep [20:20] Kilos, lol yes [20:20] good [20:21] any minute now the vote will be announced [20:22] slashd congratulations and welcome on board [20:22] full house of approvals [20:22] Kilos, thanks all [20:22] congrats slashd [20:22] congrats slashd :) [20:22] keep up the good work and broading you field [20:22] broaden [20:23] PabloRubianes, Na3iL, thanks [20:23] get involved in your loco and share your skills [20:23] Kilos, sure [20:23] will do [20:23] great to have you join us [20:23] congrats slashd [20:23] toddy, thanks [20:24] genii helloooo [20:26] slashd sorry we were so slow [20:26] Kilos, hey no problem, I understand that [20:26] * genii makes a fresh pot of coffee and makes sure Kilos gets a mug [20:26] slashd: welcome [20:27] hggdh, thanks [20:27] ty genii and one for our new member please slashd [20:27] * genii slides slashd one as well [20:27] genii, hehe thanks [20:27] :) [20:28] slashd: ..and Congrats! [20:32] Congrats slashd :) I already added you to the Ubuntu Members Team :) And I'm announcing the news to the news team in a minute :) [20:32] elacheche_anis, thanks [20:33] ty elacheche_anis [20:36] ok night all. sleep time in za === Guest921 is now known as ahoneybun [23:06] bug 1000000 [23:06] bug 1000000 in Edubuntu "For every bug on Launchpad, 67 iPads are sold." [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1000000 [23:07] heh, triaged