zdobbie | a fucking landslide http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bernie-sanders-opens-60-33-lead-hillary-clinton/story?id=36383793 | 06:08 |
Pepelka | Bernie Sanders Opens Up 60-33 Lead Against Hillary Clinton In New Hampshire Poll - ABC News | 06:08 |
Pepelka | »Bernie Sanders has a 60-33 lead against Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, according to a new poll.« | 06:08 |
idioterna | mhm | 06:08 |
idioterna | in other news | 06:11 |
idioterna | http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35358209 | 06:11 |
Pepelka | Donald Trump presidential bid gets Sarah Palin backing - BBC News | 06:11 |
Pepelka | »Donald Trump's Republican presidential run receives the backing of Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate in 2008.« | 06:11 |
zdobbie | ruh-roh | 06:12 |
napsy | jutr | 06:17 |
zdobbie | http://imgur.com/DwwUjkC | 06:27 |
Pepelka | "New Hampshire Poll — Bernie Sanders lead Hillary Clinton among voters under 35 — Sanders 81 / Clinton 17" by Parker_9 in SandersForPresident - Imgur | 06:27 |
Pepelka | »Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.« | 06:27 |
idioterna | that's just young people voting for young candidates | 06:34 |
slax0r | jutro | 06:41 |
napsy | lp | 06:42 |
zdobersek | http://imgur.com/uvbi5wS | 06:52 |
Pepelka | My very favorite picture of my father. He's the one that set the camera's timer. - Imgur | 06:52 |
Pepelka | »Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.« | 06:52 |
idioterna | kr hud father | 06:53 |
idioterna | not-fast-enough runner | 06:53 |
slax0r | ce bi sel z biciklom bi prisel prav cas | 06:58 |
zdobbie | fo sho | 07:18 |
idioterna | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti2Nokoq1J4#t=90m58 | 07:24 |
Pepelka | NBC News-YouTube Democratic Debate (Full) - YouTube | 07:24 |
Pepelka | »Join NBC News' Lester Holt, Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd and YouTube creators Connor Franta, Marques Brownlee, MinuteEarth and Franchesca Ramsey as Hillary Cl...« | 07:24 |
zdobbie | "that's not what I heard, let's leave it at th-" SHUT UP SHILLARY | 07:32 |
zdobbie | mi backdoor es tu backdoor | 07:33 |
zdobbie | don't need "very smart people in SV" to get that | 07:33 |
idioterna | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti2Nokoq1J4#t=103m30 | 07:34 |
Pepelka | NBC News-YouTube Democratic Debate (Full) - YouTube | 07:34 |
Pepelka | »Join NBC News' Lester Holt, Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd and YouTube creators Connor Franta, Marques Brownlee, MinuteEarth and Franchesca Ramsey as Hillary Cl...« | 07:34 |
idioterna | they better take a break | 07:36 |
napsy | proper | 07:36 |
zdobbie | Shill prikimava, like, "me too, me too" | 07:37 |
upd | http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/ almost got heart attack | 07:45 |
Pepelka | Staggering Beauty | 07:45 |
Pepelka | »A website to remember.« | 07:45 |
zdobbie | naah | 07:46 |
idioterna | jsm pa mislu da bojo supermodels al pa kej | 07:48 |
slax0r | jaz sem pa pricakoval kak staggering fugly website | 07:50 |
upd | http://www.fallingfalling.com/ wooooo | 07:50 |
Pepelka | collection of hampus lindwall, falling falling .com by rafaël rozendaal, 2011. sound by gloumouth1 | 07:51 |
Pepelka | »falling falling .com by rafael rozendaal - 2011 - www.newrafael.com, code by reinier feijen - www.boxofchocolates.nl, collection of hampus lindwall, sound by gloumoth - http://gloumouth1.free.fr« | 07:51 |
upd | http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/ | 07:56 |
Pepelka | Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet? | 07:56 |
zdobbie | shame tbh | 08:06 |
zdobbie | the best way to go | 08:07 |
napsy | zanima koga job za booking.com? | 10:06 |
slax0r | kak job? | 10:07 |
slax0r | and how much moneyz, and where | 10:07 |
napsy | daj mi mail da ti posredujem ponudbo | 10:08 |
slax0r | mas na priv | 10:08 |
CrazyLemon | blackberry priv?!? | 10:17 |
msev- | dj še men :D | 10:17 |
msev- | a je za farmacevte tut :D | 10:18 |
CrazyLemon | itak..tudi farmacevtje uporabljajo booking..tko da http://booking.com there you go! | 10:20 |
Pepelka | Booking.com: 855,160 hotels worldwide. 47+ million hotel reviews. | 10:20 |
Pepelka | »Big savings on hotels in 83,000 destinations worldwide. Browse hotel reviews and find the guaranteed best price on hotels for all budgets.« | 10:20 |
Sky[x] | napsy: se meni pejstni pliz da vidim malo ; | 10:37 |
Sky[x] | :) | 10:37 |
napsy | lahk ti na mail poslem | 10:42 |
msev- | zihr je IT al pa brogrammer job | 10:45 |
msev- | :D | 10:45 |
CrazyLemon | http://www.rtvslo.si/svet/making-a-murderer-pred-kamerami-seciran-pravosodni-sistem-zda/383807 | 10:49 |
Pepelka | Making a Murderer: pred kamerami seciran pravosodni sistem ZDA :: Prvi interaktivni multimedijski portal, MMC RTV Slovenija | 10:49 |
Pepelka | »"Vsi lahko rečemo, da ne bomo nikdar zagrešili zločina - nikdar pa ne moremo zagotoviti, da ne bomo nikdar obtoženi zločina," pravi odvetnik Jerry Buting v Making a Murderer, dokumentarni seriji, ki ...« | 10:49 |
CrazyLemon | ni druge...očitno bom prečekiral prvo in verjetno edino serijo na netflixu! | 10:50 |
idioterna | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY01eVjtyBU#t=3m22 | 10:53 |
Pepelka | Bernie Sanders Polling Surge: A Closer Look - Late Night with Seth Meyers - YouTube | 10:53 |
Pepelka | »Seth takes a closer look at Bernie Sanders' poll numbers. » Subscribe to Late Night: http://bit.ly/LateNightSeth » Get more Late Night with Seth Meyers: http...« | 10:53 |
pitastrudl | .vreme koper | 11:31 |
jabuk | ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 6°C @20.01.2016 11:00 UTC. | 11:31 |
jabuk | Vlažnost: 53% severnik 1 m/s (3.6 km/h) | 11:31 |
jabuk | Sončni vzhod: 06:39:54, Kulminacija: 11:17:00, Sončni zahod: 15:54:07 | 11:31 |
jabuk | Dan je dolg: 9ur 14min 13s, Luna je v ščipu | 11:31 |
pitastrudl | .weather hamburg | 11:31 |
pitastrudl | .vreme hamburg | 11:31 |
jabuk | Hamburg, Germany: 0.00°C http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/weather/Hamburg__DE/*http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/GMXX0049_f.html | 11:31 |
pitastrudl | :o | 11:31 |
zdobersek | EX-FUCKING_ACT | 11:36 |
zdobersek | zdobbie: tell the man! | 11:38 |
zdobbie | yep | 11:38 |
zdobbie | CrazyLemon: ping | 11:47 |
CrazyLemon | zdobbie pong | 11:48 |
zdobbie | CrazyLemon: ak bi se jst prisvaljku na Obalo, bi me usmerjal po vasih cestah? | 12:12 |
CrazyLemon | zdobbie prisvaljkal? usmerjal? | 12:12 |
zdobbie | pripeljal z avtomobilom / kolesaril pred mano | 12:12 |
CrazyLemon | zdobbie like.. winter training? | 12:13 |
zdobbie | hard-core base rides, 4-6h 140bpm 70-80cad | 12:13 |
CrazyLemon | zdobbie like.. winter hardcore base rides? | 12:13 |
CrazyLemon | its like..cold outside :D | 12:14 |
zdobbie | .vreme Koper | 12:14 |
jabuk | ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 6.1°C @20.01.2016 11:30 UTC. | 12:14 |
jabuk | Vlažnost: 58% severnik 2.5 m/s (9.0 km/h) | 12:14 |
jabuk | Sončni vzhod: 06:39:54, Kulminacija: 11:17:00, Sončni zahod: 15:54:07 | 12:14 |
jabuk | Dan je dolg: 9ur 14min 13s, Luna je v ščipu | 12:14 |
CrazyLemon | pa niti nimam dovolj v nogah za 4-6h :/ | 12:14 |
zdobbie | to je bil joke | 12:14 |
zdobbie | 2-3h mam dost | 12:14 |
zdobbie | penzionist tempo | 12:14 |
CrazyLemon | torej 50-60km.. če ne bo preveč mrzlo i could do that sure | 12:15 |
CrazyLemon | umag pa nazaj pa je :) | 12:15 |
zdobbie | ezpz | 12:25 |
zdobbie | najprej moram se kle it kej na kolo, zdej mam ze skor tri mesce moratorij | 12:25 |
* CrazyLemon je bil nazadnje na kolesu 13dni nazaj | 12:26 | |
zdobbie | pol sva pa tko oba v kurcu | 12:39 |
napsy | same here | 12:45 |
slax0r | napsy: tnx za mail, moral sem na zalost na sestank, bom pogledal kasnej ko bom doma | 13:01 |
upd | https://slo-tech.com/novice/t664373#crta | 13:35 |
Pepelka | Ranljivost v Linuxu in Androidu prisotna tri leta @ Slo-Tech | 13:35 |
Pepelka | »V Linuxu so odkrili in v večjih distribucijah danes že tudi zakrpali ranljivost, ki je bila kodi jedra prisotna tri leta in je omogočala napadalcem prevzem popolnega nadzora (root) nad računalnikom, če so imeli na voljo omejen račun. Ranljivost je odkrilo izraelsko podjetje Perception Point. Dobila je oznako CVE-2016-0728. Za zdaj ni nobenih indicev, da bi jo kdo v praksi že zlorabljal, je pa z javnim razkritjem to | 13:35 |
upd | zadnji comment xD | 13:35 |
zdobersek | hbcbet? | 13:36 |
upd | da | 13:37 |
upd | no nisem še videl, da bi bot spamal na slo-tech | 13:37 |
zdobersek | they've evolved | 13:39 |
napsy | slax0r: tyt, odgovor mi na mial ker na ircu me verjetno ne bo preostali del dneva :) | 13:46 |
Pepelka | [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: How to Install Corebird Twitter Client on Ubuntu http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/dQOujnBgFgw/install-linux-twitter-app-corebird-on-ubuntu | 13:54 |
=== slax0r_ is now known as slax0r | ||
=== pitastrudl_ is now known as pitastrudl | ||
zdobbie | gratz to slackers calling out @everyone | 14:44 |
zdobbie | smh | 14:44 |
slax0r | hey | 14:45 |
slax0r | kaj je narobe z nami slackerji? | 14:45 |
zdobbie | mailaste me brez potrebe | 14:46 |
slax0r | mi ne | 14:46 |
zdobbie | vi,vi! | 14:46 |
slax0r | ne ne | 14:47 |
slax0r | si se pa mal zmotu | 14:47 |
zdobbie | TI SI BIA | 15:00 |
slax0r | Been In Action? | 15:00 |
zdobbie | 'bil' v nekem narecju | 15:01 |
zdobbie | ne morem pinpointat | 15:01 |
speed- | bija ! | 15:02 |
speed- | sen bija, sen ša, sen masno župo ja | 15:02 |
slax0r | :D | 15:02 |
speed- | to so njegovi ja, njegov tribe :) | 15:02 |
upd | a je kdo že gledal | 15:40 |
upd | idilo | 15:40 |
upd | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElmvAGM9tFw, | 15:43 |
Pepelka | Idila trailer - YouTube | 15:43 |
Pepelka | »V kinu od 1. oktobra 2015. Drugi trailer za celovečerni film Idila. www.idilafilm.com« | 15:43 |
zdobbie | https://twitter.com/Channel4News/status/689528356212084737 | 15:54 |
Pepelka | Channel 4 News auf Twitter: "These radical Islamist preachers took their message to the streets and got shut down repeatedly by ordinary Muslims. https://t.co/WJIMySF70C" | 15:54 |
zdobersek | https://medium.com/@meharris/how-zano-raised-millions-on-kickstarter-and-left-backers-with-nearly-nothing-85c0abe4a6cb | 17:17 |
Pepelka | How Zano Raised Millions on Kickstarter and Left Most Backers with Nothing — Medium | 17:17 |
Pepelka | »Kickstarter tasked me, a freelance reporter, to find out why a highly funded crowdfunding campaign for a palm-sized dron…« | 17:17 |
Pepelka | [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: The Essential Guide To Corebird, The Best Linux Twitter App for Linux http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/tXfFbeyw9cM/essential-guide-to-corebird-twitter-app-for-linux | 18:25 |
CrazyLemon | making a murderer..great documentary | 18:39 |
CrazyLemon | fckin cops man! | 18:39 |
pitastrudl | ti si nor | 18:41 |
pitastrudl | ti si nori nori nori stvor | 18:41 |
zdobbie | ON JE BIJA | 18:43 |
zdobbie | tista epruvetka je fuckin' rage material | 18:46 |
Sky[x] | vazno da se SAZAS oglasuje na pop tv :> | 19:07 |
Sky[x] | le kam smo prisli | 19:07 |
CrazyLemon | zdobbie F U! | 19:08 |
CrazyLemon | no spoilers! | 19:08 |
zdobbie | jah | 19:10 |
zdobbie | tko si napisu, kokr da si ze do konca pogledu | 19:10 |
CrazyLemon | ep. 4! | 19:11 |
CrazyLemon | game on! | 19:52 |
idioterna | CrazyLemon: surge? | 20:16 |
idioterna | zdobbie: ? | 20:16 |
zdobbie | booting | 20:16 |
CrazyLemon | i could surge a bit | 20:25 |
yang | kolk casa se caka pri t2 hotline na tehnicno pomoc | 21:16 |
yang | ze 5 min cakam | 21:16 |
idioterna | forever | 21:18 |
idioterna | v povprecju | 21:18 |
idioterna | could be more | 21:18 |
yang | zdele je odgovoru | 21:20 |
yang | cca 7 min | 21:20 |
idioterna | no vids kok mas sreco u lajfu | 21:20 |
yang | ma dans mam srecn dan k sem posveceno hrano jedu | 21:20 |
idioterna | ja pa jo vsak dan jej | 21:21 |
idioterna | ce pomaga se zihr splaca | 21:21 |
idioterna | al je drazja zegnana | 21:21 |
yang | malenkost drazja je | 21:22 |
Sky[x] | http://www.smartbe.co/ | 21:57 |
Pepelka | smartbe | 21:57 |
Pepelka | »Pop Star Fansite« | 21:57 |
pitastrudl | vsakič ko kličem na t2 ali pa telekom samo dam na slušalke ali pa zvocnik in delam drugo vmes | 22:49 |
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