[03:54] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/01/bq-confirms-ubuntu-tablet-with-convergence-is-coming [04:03] Will convergence be available on older ubuntu phones as an update when it’s ready? [04:07] MCMic: im not sure how convergence will connect via usb or hdmi...so not sure if all devices will be able to convergence [04:07] :-/ [04:07] I hoped with some kind of USB adaptator it would be possible [04:08] that would be cool :p [04:09] I saw a video of a dev doing it with a USBtoscreen adaptator (don’t remember if it was HDMI or something else) and bluetooth keyboard/mouse. [04:10] It would of course be easier if could plug USB keyboard/mouse. [04:10] but BQ just drop support for Aquaris E5 after less than half year. I cannot find any download page for it on bq.com :( [04:10] Stanley00: hmmm didnt know that [04:11] meizu also stopped pfff [04:11] now i read canonical has still plans with edge... [04:12] yay, edge was very cool before, but for now, still cool but not so much [04:16] MCMic: it depends on hardware support for slimport [04:18] and currently, nexus 4 & 7 have slimport support [04:19] cool i got a n7 [04:21] you will need a slimport adaptor. they are fairly cheap [04:59] How does screenshots are taken on ubuntu touch? === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [05:03] MCMic: with both volume keys pressed [05:03] Thanks [05:04] What is the launchpad project for the app store of ubuntu touch? Is the translation made by the comunity? There seem to be a confusion between free as in freedom and free as in free beer in the french translation [05:05] MCMic: you got an url of the example you mean? [05:08] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/unity-scope-click/+pots/unity-scope-click/fr/+translate?memo=10&start=10 problem is here [05:09] «FREE» is translated by «LIBRES», not sure why this is plural in french, and I’m pretty sure the original meaning was «price=0» and not «free software» [05:10] the unity-scope-click ubuntu package is the app store, but translations come from ubuntu-translations project iirc (or maybe ubuntu-translators, can't remember exactly what it's called) [05:16] What is a «click app»? [05:19] click is the package format [05:20] i don't think "click app" appears anywhere in the translatable strings though [05:24] oh it does i see. that is a bug [05:27] well, they are, but not shown in the UI anywhere afaik [05:27] but definitely a bug [05:28] maybe i'll fix that tomorrow [05:28] but for now, sleep [05:38] dobey: http://mcmic.haxx.es/fotoo/i/75/6YIqXyRfg.screenshot20160120_120341783.png [05:39] dobey: It’s written «LIBRES» under the author name while the app is not under a free license. I contacted the french translator who wrote this translation on launchpad (mbalthazar iirc) [05:40] MCMic: he went to sleep [05:40] lotuspsychje: Yeah I read that :-) [05:40] lotuspsychje: But as he’s still online I suppose he will see the backlog next time. [05:42] MCMic: http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/Free-Telegram-for-Ubuntu-Touch-App-Lands-in-the-Store-472384-2.jpg [05:42] english shows also 'free' [05:43] lotuspsychje: But that means free license or price=0? [05:43] free means free right no costs.. [05:44] MCMic: everything on ubuntu touch should be opensource [05:46] lotuspsychje: Then the french word should be «GRATUIT», not LIBRE [05:46] lotuspsychje: The game in my screenshot is not «libre». [05:46] lotuspsychje: See http://mcmic.haxx.es/fotoo/i/ce/6YIqYAGca.screenshot20160120_120921511.png [05:46] It does say «license: proprietary» [05:47] yeah it should say gratuit indeed [05:47] MCMic: file a new bug [05:47] MCMic: they will surely fix [05:47] lotuspsychje: Maybe I wait for an answer of the translator I contacted first, no? [05:48] MCMic: i would file a bug, if it doesnt exist yet..you found one right [05:49] MCMic: check the bug filling link in topic [05:50] What is «ciborium» by the way? [05:51] MCMic: where did you find that [05:52] lotuspsychje: In the list of apps in the bug filing link, and it was also mentionned by someone on an SD card unmounting bug I was following. [05:52] MCMic: it is part of the system that handles SDCards on touch devices [05:52] ok [05:54] MCMic: it basically is the bit that talks to the android stack to access the sdcards, handles mounting unmounting and hotplugging etc so you can get to the card. [05:56] davmor2: On Ubuntu desktop this is done by gvfs no? [07:51] hi [09:00] hmmmm Bq M10 Ubuntu Edition – On Sale in April [09:00] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/01/bq-confirms-ubuntu-tablet-with-convergence-is-coming [09:00] yeah :D [09:03] Hello can I connect the auquaris e4.5 to a 802.1x EAP network [09:04] OerHeks: but nothing from convergence to E5 [09:06] the only thing i can find in the phone which resembles is dynamic wep (802.1x) but this is not the same isn't it? at least I cannot set an anonymous identity... [09:09] Oh i got it using WPA Enterprise... [09:10] Still i am struggeling arranging the app symbols in the app scope - how can they be moved? === hasselmm1 is now known as hasselmm [09:11] Nycticebuscoucan: Not sure they can they are in alphabetical order no? [09:12] yes [09:12] Nycticebuscoucan: You can choose the order of the apps in the app launcher on the left through. (it might be the easiest if you want fast access to some apps) [09:13] the problem is that the launcher is already quite "busy" :) [09:13] so I wanted to sort this menu too [09:16] I think you can’t [09:16] But there are categories to help you find the app you want [09:16] and also, you can always search for the app name [09:25] V99: how would you do convergence with a phone that you can't connect to a larger screen? [09:27] JanC: There is really no way to plug a screen with the usb and some external device? [09:31] hi to all [09:32] ubuntu touch can run steam gmes? [09:32] MCMic: maybe possible, but it probably wouldn't be very practically usable (also because the phone is rather limited in CPU & RAM resources) [09:32] games [09:33] hum, that’s really sad [09:33] if can only i could make ma galaxy s3 run a steam game :"C [09:36] do you think ubuntu touch can run steam games? [09:36] just asking plz don't get angry [09:41] A noob question: From my knowledge, Ubuntu touch is GNU/Linux distro with most of GNU lib included while Android is Bionic/Linux with very few GNU lib, tools included [09:42] So, my first question is: On wiki I read that Bionic is much optimised for speed and tuned for low clock freq arch. So, how does GNU/Linux Ubuntu perform good compared to android? [09:44] android_freak: From what I know ubuntu touch use a linux kernel close to the android one (and it uses android drivers I think) [09:46] android_freak: maybe, because android run java, and ubuntu run native apps? [10:03] to be more specific: A full-fledged Linux terminal is available on Ubuntu touch but not on Android [10:04] as android doesn't use GNU libraries like other GNU/Linux distros [10:04] So, Android is basically not a GNU/Linux distro like desktop Ubuntu or debian [10:05] but Android uses Linux kernel at its core and on top it has Bionic, developed by google [10:05] for GUI, run-time,... [10:06] Good morning all! Happy Wednesday, and happy Penguin Awareness Day! 😃 [10:06] Again back to question: If Ubuntu touch use GNU libraries on top of Linux kernel, how is the performance and speed optimised? And, how does it compare to android? [10:08] penguin!!!! [10:08] lol [10:10] android_freak: No idea but I’m not sure it has such a big impact [10:46] android_freak: afaik, bionic is just a libc implementation with a less "free" licence. Ubuntu uses glibc, and libhybris to interface with the android drivers which are built for bionic libc. The presence or absence of a "full fledged terminal" has nothing whatsoever to do with the underlying libc implementation. As for GUI speed, libc is not the bottleneck === _salem is now known as salem_ [12:04] hi all, can i change my mx4 to rc-proposed/ubuntu-pd? [12:05] ^^ https://plus.google.com/101216811071065193275/posts/Pe2xHJc9Ezs === salem_ is now known as _salem === _salem is now known as salem_ === boiko_ is now known as boiko === pat_ is now known as Guest33510 [13:05] victorp : Owncloud synchronization with calendar,contatcs : well funtionning. [13:05] task is malfunctional ( no complete synchronization), but the external data is in ics file (.local/share/evolution/tasks/system/tasks.ics). [13:05] How update or copy (convert) in your sqlite database. Here 98db8704aaadd1aeebba01b42bf4d270.sqlite file [13:05] For version:1.5 === salem_ is now known as _salem === _salem is now known as salem_ === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [13:47] UT 'Tasks' ap with '98db8704aaadd1aeebba01b42bf4d270.sqlite' file and other name of sqlite file for other UT app 'Taskly' === Zic_ is now known as Zic === DavidDuffey is now known as dduffey === Michaela is now known as Mikaela === deshack_ is now known as deshack === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje === LarreaMikel1 is now known as LarreaMikel === Elleo_ is now known as Elleo === ChrisTownsend1 is now known as ChrisTownsend === simox is now known as Guest992 [15:55] Hello. [15:55] Anyone know what the development status is for Nexus 4? [15:55] !devices | strixdio [15:55] strixdio: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [15:56] Thanks. [15:56] are people still experiencing battery issues with Ubuntu Touch ? [15:57] zetheroo: my battery is currently lasting for days [15:57] zetheroo: running fine on bq 4.5 here also [15:57] Not many phones are supported. [15:57] "officially". [15:57] mcphail: which device and UT version? [15:57] zetheroo: bq 4.5 on OTA8.5 [15:57] ok [15:58] strixdio: the n4 is the development device [15:58] is the battery performance largely subject to device? [15:58] (I have nexus 4) [15:58] k1l_: huh? [15:58] zetheroo: since last december update the battery is way better [15:58] according to this list, production = no [15:59] k1l_: ok. would you say it's as good as other comparable Android devices? [15:59] zetheroo: IIRC, the nexus 4 images are not optimised for battery. And, of course, most nexus 4 batteries are getting quite old [15:59] https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers#mako [15:59] mcphail: I am thinking of getting a Nexus 5 for Ubuntu [15:59] zetheroo: not a supported device [16:00] zetheroo: some things don't work, apparently [16:00] bother :P [16:00] strixdio: of course the nexus4 is not shipped with ubuntu touch [16:00] This I know. [16:00] strixdio: but that device is the official (official by ubuntu) development device [16:00] But what are the "Nexus 4 Binaries for Android 5.1.1" about? [16:00] zetheroo: there are Nexus 5 users on here. They may be able to advise you if it is worth trying [16:00] if it's not using android anyway. [16:01] strixdio: its using the android drivers [16:01] ah, okay. [16:01] so battery performance matter greatly when dealing with different devices - I had the notion it was more on the Ubuntu software side of things more [16:01] strixdio: so you need that binaries since that are the drivers. they are running a container running android to work with that drivers. [16:01] That's kinda cool. [16:02] I just wish we had an actual ubuntu phone in the US. [16:02] (like, comes stock with ubuntu) [16:02] k1l_: crazy :) [16:03] strixdio: zetheroo https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/porting-new-device/ this explains the android drivers stuff at the beginning [16:03] strixdio: you cant buy from bq website to eeuu? [16:03] V99: I'm not sure what you're referring to. [16:05] Okay, I'm not seeing a .zip to flash my phone with (mako) Am I missing something? [16:06] no .zip flashing (like cm13 or such) is not supported anymore. (was only at the really early days) [16:07] https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/ [16:07] I was looking at this.. [16:08] Oh, I'm missing the fact that one needs an Ubuntu desktop. [16:08] I suppose I can make a VM and pass my phone through. [16:09] Well, thanks for the info. I may give this a shot over the weekend. [16:10] Last I tried ubuntu touch was with a .zip. It wasn't very good back over a year ago. :( [16:11] Can this be considered a "daily driver" at this point? [16:13] Oh boy, google voice/google hangouts support? [16:14] with the dual boot setup what drivers are being used? [16:14] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation [16:14] strixdio: last time i saw a .zip was nearly 2 years back. best is to install it and see yourself. [16:14] k1l_: I usually try to get as much info as I can before making a time commitment. [16:14] I don't see drivers mentioned in the wiki ^ [16:14] a lot users use it as daily drivers. i only have it at home, using my nexus6 (cm13) as daily driver [16:15] Especially since it's my only phone. [16:15] killing point is whatsapp for me. since my sports team arrangements are made in whatsapp groups. [16:16] but besides that everything works that i would use. even the patience game is so addicting :) [16:17] zetheroo, thats ancient and was never officially supported ... i higly doubt it still works [16:18] oh ok [16:18] there is a multirom build for ubuntu that might still work though ... [16:19] (i think the nexxus5 community port uses it) [16:19] I use Ubuntu as my daily driver, and I miss android less and less [16:19] * ogra_ too [16:20] in the end it is a matter of how much you tied yourself into specific android apps though [16:20] same [16:21] I really want to give Ubuntu Touch a go ... but I see it's not going to work on my Iconia A500 :P [16:21] and my Nexus 4 is my main phone [16:23] zetheroo: I hope Canonical have a shift in priority this year. I'd rather they developed an automagic cyanogenmod->ubuntu porting script than a further device :) [16:23] mcphail: oh absolutely [16:23] devices we have plenty of [16:27] mcphail: yep. there are a lot of users wanting to test/run ubuntu-touch and fail due to limited porting skills. [16:27] i don't really miss anything from android [16:28] all the things i miss are from webos, and from the time when phones were of a reasonable size [16:28] dobey, 4.5" isnt a reasonable size ? [16:28] The only thing holding me back right now, is that I don't think google hangouts/voice calling will work in ubuntu touch [16:29] I mostly use google voice/hangout voip calling for free calls. [16:29] not yet, there is a hangouts chat client though ... but no webrtc suppport yet [16:29] ogra_: if you mean nexus4, it is too big. and i use a nexus 5 (though the physical device size is roughly the same as nexus 4) [16:29] (read: text chat) [16:29] ogra_: Yeah, I saw two of them. [16:29] I specifically need the voice functionality. [16:29] dobey, i mean the bq 4.5 :) [16:30] (which is a lot smaller than the nexus line phones) [16:30] ogra_: it's too featureless [16:30] strixdio: apparently voice-over-webrtc seems to work now, although video isn't working yet. Getting there [16:30] dobey, geez ... you are so demanding :P [16:30] mcphail: interesting. webrtc is ? [16:31] * strixdio is googling [16:31] strixdio: new web standard for video/voice communication. Example is the thingy built in to firefox [16:31] ogra_: it doesn't have 4g. and it's mediatek [16:32] seems like it may be a chore to get it set up? [16:32] strixdio: it shouldn't be, in the future. It won't be a solution if you specifically want, say, Skype but at least it should bring free video/voice calls [16:33] strixdio, not really .... it is a browser feature, the setup is server side usually [16:33] ah [16:33] strixdio: you should try it from firefox on your browser. Dead easy [16:34] If I install ubuntu touch this weekend, it will be one of the first things I try. [16:34] strixdio: as above, it isn't quite working _yet_ ;) [16:34] oh [16:35] any pbx apps? If I host pbx with hangouts plugin... [16:36] buying a Meizu through the Ubuntu links shows stores selling phones with Android not Ubuntu Touch [16:37] the meizu is out of stock [16:37] https://www.meizumobiles.fr/produit/m2-blanc-16-go/ [16:38] or this [16:38] http://www.amazon.co.uk/Meizu-Note-Version-SIM-Free-Smartphone/dp/B010VQQ9NO/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1453307848&sr=8-4&keywords=meizu [16:38] it's all with the Meizu Android OS [16:40] strixdio: i don't think there are any voip apps in the store yet [16:40] there are plenty of requests to support SIP in the stock dialer app though [16:41] Cool. [16:42] i don't know if anyone is working on that though [16:42] =/ [16:45] someone test yowsup2 in ubuntu touch? [16:48] feel free to try it, and get banned [16:49] shit [16:49] whatsapp actively blocks/bans unoffical app users [16:51] so I will have to power on my old android mobile :( [16:51] or migrate to an alternative like telegram; or get whatsapp to provide an official client for ubuntu [16:52] or convince them to stop that nonsense of blocking unofficial clients ;) [16:53] well, if you can also convince them to provide documentation for their API, sure [16:54] * ogra_ digs in scrollback ... [16:54] dobey, geez ... you are so demanding :P [16:54] (found it :) ) [16:55] well, even if they stop banning users, they will probably do something otherwise very much apple-like, and constantly break the protocol so that only their app really works [16:56] dont they already ? [16:56] i remembr when AIM used to do that all the time [16:56] ogra_: why would they need to when they can apparently just block the apps and ban the people using them? [16:56] dunno, but i thought they do something like that anyway [16:57] well, i don't use it, so i have no idea how often they ship app udpates === rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3 [17:56] Any protips for a BT keyboard/mouse to use with my nexus 7? :P (scandic layout would be 5/5) [17:56] * tathhu wants to post pictures into facebook comments :( [18:05] Hello! [18:21] .. also, can i connect my nexus 7 in to a monitor/tv/something via hdmi/something? :o === Azelphur_ is now known as Azelphur [18:28] tathhu, yes you need a slimport to hdmi adapter [18:36] thanks [18:36] aand, rest in peace 120€ :P [18:37] does anyone else find that the browser chews through the battery? [18:38] I wonder if this will be one of the improvements in ota 9 [19:02] ogra_: oh, and the bq4.5 is the same size as the nexus4 so still too big :) [19:36] anyone have patch to get mtp working? [19:46] kowakx: what do you mean? it works fine here [19:47] dobey: i'm porting ubuntu touch to motorola moto e but mtp doesn't works [19:47] ah. i'm not sure. is mtpd not running? [19:50] mtpd is running but on computer show this error (It could not open the MTP device "[usb: 002.034]" ) [19:51] oh. is the screen unlocked? [19:52] yes [19:57] kowakx: ok, i'm not sure then. unfortunately i don't know enough to help you further. maybe someone who has worked on a port can help you. === nopf_ is now known as nopf === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === hasselmm1 is now known as hasselmm === salem_ is now known as _salem [22:17] kenvandine, what is with your mouse_panel merge? [22:17] kenvandine, I don't see the schema changes reflected in trunk [22:20] mzanetti: do you know why https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/mouse_panel/+merge/268248 and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch/ubuntu-system-settings/trunk/revision/1582 don't match? [22:21] mzanetti: or at least, why they might not? [22:22] kenvandine, trunk also records changes to bluetooth.cpp that the MP doesn't list [22:27] mterry, I don't, no. we probably need kenvandine's input, yes [22:31] kenvandine, and how does your branch interact with http://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/unity8/mouse_touchpad_schema ? [22:35] kenvandine, OK... I'm seeing http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch/ubuntu-system-settings/trunk/changes/1464.1.50 which shows that there are 4 commits that got landed in trunk that aren't on the MP page at all... [22:35] kenvandine, including reverting the schema. So that makes sense why it isn't in trunk. But your code still uses the com.ubuntu.touch.system-settings location, not the unity8 location... [22:37] kenvandine, I would expect system-settings to be a better gsettings location than unity8, eh? === dlan_ is now known as dlan [23:00] mariogrip, congratz on the membership (late I know) [23:04] ahoneybun: Thanks! :) [23:07] how's the OPO doing mariogrip ? [23:08] good, im currently creating a android hal based on Cyanogenmod 12.1 [23:08] hopefully that can make porting "easier" [23:09] trying as best as i can to get mir working before ubucon.... [23:10] I guess i need to stay up all night.... [23:12] are you going to ubucon ahoneybun? [23:12] I can't sadly [23:12] don't work to hard mariogrip [23:14] I can not go to ubucon either... but i need to get it working so david can show it there [23:14] ahoneybun: I love what im doing, so i don't mind working hard :) [23:15] sleep can wait [23:18] david mariogrip ? [23:18] at least you love it :) [23:18] then it's never work [23:20] ahoneybun: David Planella [23:22] right [23:23] you've made amazing progress mariogrip [23:23] ahoneybun: Thanks! :D [23:24] np