=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
davmor2 | Well I'm on the OMG-it's-Early train to Ye Olde London Town | 05:56 |
zmoylan-pi | full of happy joyful people? | 05:57 |
diddledan | omg, it’s morning?! | 06:12 |
diddledan | oops | 06:12 |
\s | diddledan, i know right... how the.... 0621?????? | 06:21 |
\s | howd that happen? | 06:22 |
mapps | hi all | 07:06 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 09:21 |
davmor2 | Morning all now it is a more sensible time :) | 09:38 |
JamesTait | Good morning all! Happy Wednesday, and happy Penguin Awareness Day! 😃 | 10:05 |
zmoylan-pi | we're aware of it... /airplane | 10:07 |
foobarry | has anyone ever paid for whatsapp? | 10:14 |
foobarry | when you install it used to say 69p charge per year | 10:14 |
foobarry | but i never got charged | 10:15 |
zmoylan-pi | a lot of people report that... i've never heard of a person paying | 10:19 |
zmoylan-pi | but i've never used it myself | 10:19 |
foobarry | $anyother = $_POST['anyother']; | 10:24 |
foobarry | ^^ if i'm collecting data from a form, and this field is not compulsory, how should i handle this line? | 10:25 |
foobarry | it produces an error in error logs if it is not filled in | 10:25 |
diplo | foobarry: I paid many many moons ago | 10:27 |
diplo | But I rarely ever use it | 10:27 |
Seeker` | you can check whether a variable is set, iirc | 11:25 |
Seeker` | http://php.net/manual/en/function.isset.php | 11:26 |
foobarry | http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3496971/check-if-post-exists | 11:27 |
foobarry | should do it, cheers | 11:27 |
bigcalm | Good morning peeps :) | 11:49 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm | ||
=== triple-clones is now known as tripleclones | ||
diddledan | I just received a raspberry pi official 7inch screen \o/ | 14:17 |
diplo | I've been looking at those diddledan, let me know your thoughts once you've had a play please :) | 14:23 |
Myrtti | I should hook mine up to the knitting machine | 14:24 |
diddledan | diplo: it goes together quite well - I got mine from pi-supply along with a perspex frame to mount it within | 14:24 |
diddledan | I’ve not got it displaying anything just yet tho :-p | 14:25 |
diddledan | the frame is a pimoroni “LCDFrame” with the colour attributed as “Flotilla" | 14:30 |
diplo | Sounds good | 14:37 |
diddledan | we have display. | 14:42 |
diddledan | upside down, but display none-the-less | 14:42 |
zmoylan-pi | my god... it's full of pixels... | 14:42 |
diddledan | it’s not obvious which way is up IMO | 14:42 |
* diddledan powers down and re-aligns the stand | 14:43 | |
diddledan | oh, seems the stand was made upside down. there’s threads on raspberripi.org forums about it - fix is to add lcd_rotate=2 into the boot config.txt | 14:51 |
zmoylan-pi | or initialise in australia... | 14:51 |
mapps | gah started building next to my apartment | 17:44 |
mapps | they start like 8am | 17:44 |
mapps | O_o | 17:44 |
Azelphur | mapps: know that feeling, had a building site next to me for a year | 17:47 |
Azelphur | sometimes they start at 7 | 17:47 |
mapps | building everywhere here | 17:47 |
mapps | thing is i work nights so its a pita | 17:48 |
mapps | heh | 17:48 |
Azelphur | mapps: yea, I worked LA times | 17:50 |
mapps | you in the uk or us now? | 17:53 |
Azelphur | UK | 17:53 |
Azelphur | so I worked GMT-8 when the building site was running | 17:53 |
Azelphur | :( | 17:53 |
mapps | :< | 17:53 |
mapps | anyone watch the ch4 doc terrorist nextdoor | 17:55 |
=== Chrisfu- is now known as Chrisfu | ||
=== triple-clones is now known as tripleclones | ||
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox | ||
=== apt-get-moo_ is now known as apt-get-moo | ||
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat | ||
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti | ||
=== Azelphur_ is now known as Azelphur | ||
=== _stowa_ is now known as _stowa | ||
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
=== dsample is now known as dsample_ | ||
=== dsample_ is now known as dsample |
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