nicomachus | NoobsterMCTorval: they will show on the launcher whenever you launch them, but then you'll have to right-click and select "lock to launcher" to keep them there. | 00:00 |
AVeryLostSoul | Well, for starters, ever since I had some boot issues and reinstalled the operating system from a usb originally, I've had occasional several second long freezes, websites that require certain firefox addons no longer work at all, things like that | 00:00 |
xangua | NoobsterMCTorval: if you added any app thru software center as you were told several times yesterday, the icon should appear in the launcher | 00:00 |
AVeryLostSoul | I expect it to be because I installed a 64x operating system onto it when it originally had a 32x, though | 00:01 |
AVeryLostSoul | If that causes issues | 00:01 |
nicomachus | AVeryLostSoul: well, is your CPU a 32-bit CPU or 64-bit? | 00:01 |
NoobsterMCTorval | xangua, i think i got the hang of it. i was doing some hardcore overthinking | 00:01 |
AVeryLostSoul | 32x, given what it had before I did a reinstall. | 00:02 |
nicomachus | AVeryLostSoul: then you should install a 32-bit Ubuntu OS. | 00:02 |
NoobsterMCTorval | actually way simpler than i thought lol. Easeness of use is about the same compared to windows when not learning the terminal | 00:02 |
NoobsterMCTorval | using the terminal | 00:02 |
k1l_ | AVeryLostSoul: if you have 64bit hardware install 64bit OS. there is no reason to install a 32bit os | 00:02 |
nicomachus | AVeryLostSoul: but you can verify that by opening a terminal and typing "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo lshw -C CPU | pastebinit" | 00:02 |
Hypnotoad90 | anyone? | 00:03 |
Guest59229 | Hypnotoad90, VirtualBox is fine. | 00:03 |
nicomachus | Hypnotoad90: depends on the use case, but I like Virtualbox. | 00:03 |
Guest59229 | Hypnotoad90, if you want my reasons just ask. ) | 00:03 |
Hypnotoad90 | xen is at the top of their page tho | 00:03 |
Hypnotoad90 | | 00:04 |
AVeryLostSoul | The section that says "Width:64 bits" is what I should be looking for, correct? | 00:04 |
k1l_ | Hypnotoad90: use virtualbox | 00:04 |
k1l_ | its easiest for beginners | 00:04 |
AVeryLostSoul | Or is the the x86-64 part? | 00:04 |
NoobsterMCTorval | a setting that allows you to automatically moves applications to the desktop would ne nice in a future version | 00:04 |
nicomachus | AVeryLostSoul: all of that means 64 bit. | 00:04 |
Thodi | Hypnotoad90: Use Virtual box. Easy to learn and you will find all you need | 00:05 |
NoobsterMCTorval | after they are downloade, so you dont have to do it manually if you want everything on the desktop | 00:05 |
Hypnotoad90 | thing is, i recently uninstalled virtualbox because it installed some network drivers that seemed to interfere with stuff | 00:05 |
Hypnotoad90 | so id rather not use virtualbox if xen is just as good | 00:05 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: placing icons on the desktop is somewhat deprecated. you have windows placed over it most times anyway. use the launcher bar for favorites and the app-search(dash) for the rest | 00:05 |
nicomachus | so why even come here and ask...? | 00:05 |
AVeryLostSoul | Well, in that case I suppose it was good I went from 32 to 64 when the cpu is 64 bit? Why would the 32 bit have run more smoothly? | 00:05 |
nicomachus | AVeryLostSoul: no, you want 64 bit if your CPU is 64 bit. | 00:06 |
AVeryLostSoul | As in, before I switched to 64 bit | 00:06 |
Hypnotoad90 | nicomachus, i want to know if virtualbox is *better* than xen, if it is then ill just reinstall virtualbox | 00:06 |
ballmer | if you have a very old 64 bit pc then using 32bit may save memory | 00:06 |
Hypnotoad90 | im mainly thinking in terms of bloat, resource usage etc | 00:06 |
nicomachus | FWIW, I've never heard of anyone that has used xen, Hypnotoad90 | 00:06 |
Guest59229 | Hypnotoad90, they arent the same thing.. comparing the two is useless | 00:06 |
Hypnotoad90 | theyre both virtual machines, comparing the two specifically for running ubuntu seems fair | 00:07 |
Guest59229 | No, they aren't. | 00:07 |
k1l_ | AVeryLostSoul: i bet its other issues with the hardware drivers. but that is solveable. | 00:07 |
AVeryLostSoul | Well ballmer... That may actually be why I've had some issues since the reinstall, though it's not memory I've been running out of, it's almost like the cpu is having hicups | 00:07 |
Hypnotoad90 | "Xen is a popular, open-source virtual machine application that is officially supported by Ubuntu." | 00:07 |
nicomachus | AVeryLostSoul: what's the CPU model? | 00:07 |
Guest59229 | LOL! You come here asking for help...I tried. | 00:07 |
Guest59229 | You best look up and comprehend what hypervisors are. | 00:08 |
k1l_ | Hypnotoad90: you asked, we said virtualbox. if you already know you want xen, then use that. | 00:08 |
AVeryLostSoul | Intel Pentium.. it is indeed a bit old | 00:08 |
Thodi | Hypnotoad90: Why you just don't test it, if you have had problems with VirtualBox? | 00:08 |
nicomachus | AVeryLostSoul: you may do better off with a more lightweight distro then, like Lubuntu. | 00:08 |
nicomachus | !lubuntu | AVeryLostSoul | 00:08 |
Hypnotoad90 | people are saying to use virtual box because its easier, but im interested in if virtual box also has better performance/better resource usage | 00:08 |
ubottu | AVeryLostSoul: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. | 00:08 |
Guest59229 | Hypnotoad90, no it does not. But again, learn what a hypervisor is and go from there. | 00:09 |
k1l_ | AVeryLostSoul: go for 64bit lubuntu then. | 00:09 |
ballmer | i am installing lubuntu as my backup, ubuntu mate isn't ready for prime time yet | 00:09 |
AVeryLostSoul | Alright, I'll do some test runs and see how it goes, thanks | 00:09 |
Guest59229 | Hypnotoad90, based on how you are answering us and typing your questions, virtualbox(for now) is for you. | 00:09 |
Hypnotoad90 | im just interested in which will run ubuntu with least resource usage/best performance | 00:10 |
Guest59229 | Sure you are interested in that.. but you want to base a decision when you don't know the differences yet??!?!? | 00:10 |
Guest59229 | seriously, go read up on hypervisors first...thats what Xen is! | 00:10 |
ballmer | Hypnotoad90, lubuntu is the lightest | 00:10 |
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NoobsterMCTorval | ubuntu software center is alot like the google play store in android. | 00:11 |
Guest59229 | Hypnotoad90, you will want to understand the dif between the types.. type 1 vs 2, etc... | 00:11 |
ballmer | lubuntu is the bear grylls of ubuntu distros | 00:11 |
ballmer | it can go anywhere | 00:11 |
nicomachus | NoobsterMCTorval: it's a useful analogy, but there are quite a few differences. | 00:11 |
Guest59229 | Hypnotoad90, | 00:12 |
Hypnotoad90 | okay, so virtualbox is a type-2 hypervisor | 00:12 |
NoobsterMCTorval | Well, I meant in just the installation category. The majority of your apps, if not all, come from packages in the software center. Same with the google play store in apps. | 00:12 |
Hypnotoad90 | and xen is type-1 | 00:13 |
Hypnotoad90 | but what's your point? | 00:13 |
Guest59229 | last sentence from me. :) My point is you wanted to know if you can run xen on Windows.... | 00:14 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: the software center ist just a GUI program to all the .deb backgroundwork going on with apt and dpkg. | 00:14 |
Hypnotoad90 | i wanted to know if i should, or if i should run vbox | 00:14 |
nicomachus | and now I'm curious what the backend for android app installation is.... | 00:15 |
Guest59229 | YES! Now get to it. | 00:15 |
* nicomachus runs away to google | 00:15 | |
Guest59229 | Im not stopping you frrom using Xen.. but you should understand what you are getting yourself in to. | 00:15 |
k1l_ | Hypnotoad90: my answer still stands: we said virtualbox. if you want xen because someone said it might be a bit faster, better read up on the differences if you will/can use that at all. | 00:15 |
Guest59229 | This isn | 00:15 |
Guest59229 | t the channel for this topic anyway | 00:16 |
Hypnotoad90 | ugh ill just use vbox then | 00:16 |
Hypnotoad90 | i guess the next question is whether i should get ubuntu or lubuntu | 00:17 |
Thodi | Hypnotoad90: Old System? get lubuntu | 00:17 |
Hypnotoad90 | nope not an old system | 00:17 |
xangua | Use whatever you want, try it yourself and make your own opinions | 00:17 |
ballmer | lubuntu is good for anyone who wants a simple desktop | 00:18 |
k1l_ | its easy to install in vbox. so test both if your hardware can get enough ressources to the vm. | 00:18 |
NoobsterMCTorval | im having trouble downloading a .zip file. | 00:18 |
ballmer | no fancy wobbly windows or android-style screen, just old school windows 95 look | 00:18 |
Hypnotoad90 | i used to use linux mint, but i didn't like that too much | 00:18 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: downloading? | 00:19 |
NoobsterMCTorval | installing a .zip program | 00:19 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: why would you want to do that and not use the ubuntu repo? | 00:20 |
JinBaba | Hi, I'm want to recursively copy all directories starting with the prefix 'Udemy' using scp. I can't get the regex right. Can somebody help, please? | 00:20 |
JinBaba | Please see this image to get a better idea: | 00:20 |
Hypnotoad90 | what i really want to do is basically customize an OS | 00:20 |
NoobsterMCTorval | just for learning purposes | 00:20 |
k1l_ | Hypnotoad90: then start with minimal install | 00:20 |
Hypnotoad90 | minimial install of what> | 00:20 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: if you want to mess with your system. then look at the instructions how to install that software | 00:21 |
k1l_ | !minimal | Hypnotoad90 | 00:21 |
ubottu | Hypnotoad90: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See | 00:21 |
Hypnotoad90 | cool | 00:21 |
BiilD73 | I ahve ubuntu 14.04.3 installed, working etc, has network access and finally got NFS to start with out portmap error. When I got to my OSMC RPis' i can view the NFS shares and even view down to /media/bill/ which shows the drives but wont let me view any lower. Any ideas? | 00:22 |
Hypnotoad90 | not really sure what i would use it for yet but i like the idea of an OS customized around myself :V | 00:22 |
NoobsterMCTorval | where do i find them? | 00:22 |
xangua | NoobsterMCTorval: from whatever site you download it | 00:22 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: what program is it? where did you get it from? what is inside the .zip? | 00:22 |
NoobsterMCTorval | jstock | 00:22 |
NoobsterMCTorval | | 00:23 |
NoobsterMCTorval | its a .zip | 00:23 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: | 00:23 |
wadadli | Hello would anyone know if there are special drivers for connecting a samsung s6 android phone to a ubuntu host via usb for flashing etc? | 00:24 |
NoobsterMCTorval | that would be considered a ppa, correct? Sorry for being a linux noob | 00:24 |
melmiwaberi | Can you add transparency in Unity 8? | 00:24 |
wadadli | Most distros that I have tried don't seem to recognize the phone when it's in download mode | 00:24 |
xangua | wadadli: just plug it in? | 00:24 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: no. | 00:24 |
wadadli | xangua: well I've done that | 00:25 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: that is a manual install. a PPA is a 3rd party repo, where you get updates etc. | 00:25 |
EriC^^ | JinBaba: scp -r Udemy* user@host:/path | 00:25 |
xangua | wadadli: ah Samsung, you need to use Heimdall if you want to flash a custom ROM | 00:25 |
wadadli | I have installed heimdall | 00:26 |
xangua | wadadli: from the official Ubuntu repositories? | 00:26 |
wadadli | unable to mount samsung android: unable to open mtp device '[usb:001,098]' | 00:27 |
NoobsterMCTorval | it doesnt use the ubuntu repos though? | 00:27 |
Dave553 | wondering if someone could help me get my UB15.10 to auto mount some NAS (samba) shares on bootup | 00:28 |
Guest59229 | NoobsterMCTorval, PPAs aren't repos(in the sense of being "out of the box" with an OS). | 00:28 |
wadadli | xangua: yes | 00:28 |
Dave553 | I start with making a directory to mount "sudo mkdir /media/share1" | 00:29 |
Dave553 | then I add this to the fstab "//[server-name]/share1 /media/share1 cifs uid=[linuxadminuser],username=[nasadminuser],password=[nasadminpass] 0 0" | 00:29 |
NoobsterMCTorval | im referring to the program "jstock" where you have to manually install it using the terminal | 00:29 |
Dave553 | problem is that only sudo can mount shares | 00:29 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: it doesnt use anything | 00:29 |
NoobsterMCTorval | its not on the ubuntu software center | 00:29 |
Guest59229 | Dave553, looks legit... might want to test in a terminal with the mount command first though. | 00:29 |
Guest59229 | Dave553, fstab is run by root, fyi. | 00:30 |
Dave553 | yeah, that's what's killing me | 00:30 |
Guest59229 | what is? | 00:30 |
EriC^^ | Dave553: if you add the option users they can mount too using mount /media/share1 | 00:30 |
k1l_ | its just a code download. it doesnt update or anything. you need to do that manually | 00:30 |
Dave553 | Eric meaning to change the permissions on the media/share? | 00:31 |
wadadli | xangua: I have tried some of the other ports on the computer and it would work, or sometimes it would be recognized and then when I click on it's icon on the desktop it disconnects | 00:31 |
NoobsterMCTorval | is their any other way to install a .zip file like that, or you do you have to use the terminal? | 00:31 |
wadadli | I'm not sure if there is some sort of special usb driver that I need for this phone to talk with my ubuntu | 00:31 |
EriC^^ | Dave553: no, after password=<password>,users | 00:31 |
Dave553 | Eric, oh ok. Do I remove the two zeros? | 00:32 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: no. a .zip file is always not working with the ubuntu package system. | 00:32 |
Dave553 | thanks | 00:32 |
EriC^^ | Dave553: no those options are for fsck and something else | 00:33 |
NoobsterMCTorval | i seem to always have trouble installing programs that dont use the ubuntu repos | 00:33 |
EriC^^ | not mount options | 00:33 |
xangua | wadadli: disappears? Did you try another cable? | 00:33 |
wadadli | Yes | 00:33 |
EriC^^ | Dave553: no problem | 00:33 |
Guest59229 | NoobsterMCTorval, if you are coming from windows world.. let me know. I can explain the .zip confusion and compare to windows if you like. | 00:33 |
Dave553 | ok Eric. youve given me some ideas. lemme go experiment. thanks so much | 00:33 |
wadadli | I have the official cable that come with the phone from samsung | 00:33 |
NoobsterMCTorval | i am from windows | 00:34 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: yes. programs in the repos are made already working with ubuntu. that is a service. if you dont use that service you need to take care yourself | 00:34 |
Guest59229 | NoobsterMCTorval: ok. So pretend you downloaded a program(like ccleaner) and you don't want the installer you just want the zip. You already realize you can extract the zip somewhere and run the program no problems.. with me so far? | 00:34 |
NoobsterMCTorval | i also have seen tar,gz, tar.xz files | 00:35 |
wadadli | xangua: I just switched the cable and it popped up right away | 00:35 |
NoobsterMCTorval | yes, guest59229 | 00:35 |
xangua | wadadli: so it's working? :-D | 00:35 |
wadadli | lsusb also lists it | 00:35 |
EriC^^ | Dave553: no problem | 00:35 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: all that you have seen is not the ubuntu package system. | 00:36 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: use the software-center or "apt-get" on the terminal to use the package system | 00:36 |
NoobsterMCTorval | Guest59229, i was with you | 00:38 |
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=== expert is now known as Guest55691 | ||
Guest55691 | Olá | 00:39 |
Guest55691 | Tudo bem? | 00:40 |
xangua | ! Pt | Guest55691 | 00:40 |
ubottu | Guest55691: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 00:40 |
Guest55691 | OK | 00:41 |
Guest59229 | NoobsterMCTorval, sorry.. was working. | 00:41 |
NoobsterMCTorval | no problem | 00:41 |
Guest59229 | NoobsterMCTorval, so you do the same thing in linux.. extract the zip somewhere (preferably under your /home/NoobsterMCTorval directory.. and execute whatever needs running(binary or script). | 00:42 |
NoobsterMCTorval | execute what ever needs running? | 00:43 |
Guest59229 | NoobsterMCTorval, same as ccleaner... its a program right? Same as whatever you were attempting to run from zip | 00:43 |
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Guest59229 | i said whatever needs running, because it could be a program or a script.. | 00:43 |
Guest59229 | You know what a .bat file is in windows? | 00:44 |
NoobsterMCTorval | no. i have to admit, im not a windows expert either :). | 00:45 |
Guest59229 | oh ok. | 00:45 |
NoobsterMCTorval | i have seen it before though | 00:46 |
Guest59229 | in short, downloading a zip and running on linux is......well.. shunned upon. Why? There is no way for you(the end user) to know if you should trust it. | 00:46 |
Guest59229 | NoobsterMCTorval, when you use the repos you have a sense of trust since what is allowed in repos is overseen by many sets of eyes. | 00:46 |
Guest59229 | NoobsterMCTorval, a PPA is more-less a user enabled addition to a repo for a specific program...again, you put your trust in the PPA owner. | 00:47 |
NoobsterMCTorval | yes, i know and when i use ubuntu for general use i will probably not even use any ppas. i just want to understand how to correctly download them. as well as programs not in the ubuntu repos in case | 00:48 |
kinker31 | Does anyone know how to start a private chat with another user? | 00:48 |
nicomachus | /query username | 00:48 |
nicomachus | or /msg username | 00:48 |
Guest59229 | NoobsterMCTorval, not saying PPAs are evil, just beware is all. | 00:48 |
NoobsterMCTorval | they are alot like unknown sources on android. | 00:49 |
Guest59229 | I assume so. I don't mess with my android devices because I need them for work. :/ | 00:50 |
NoobsterMCTorval | i dont either since i dont need any unknown sources. every app i need is on the play store | 00:50 |
k1l_ | !ppa | NoobsterMCTorval | 00:53 |
ubottu | NoobsterMCTorval: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 00:53 |
NoobsterMCTorval | !addppa | 00:53 |
ubottu | A !ppa can be added using a single command « sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See for more details | 00:53 |
Koyaanis | RAM: 35MiB / 432MiB | 00:54 |
Koyaanis | feels good to be running arch | 00:54 |
NoobsterMCTorval | !ppa-purge | 00:55 |
ubottu | To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see | 00:55 |
Koyaanis | what bout u buntu maggs | 00:55 |
nicomachus | !ot | Koyaanis | 00:55 |
ubottu | Koyaanis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 00:55 |
NoobsterMCTorval | thanks for the help Guest59229 | 00:56 |
Guest59229 | np | 00:56 |
HazWard | Hello! I was wondering if it is possible to use BSPWM as the window manager in Unity? | 00:58 |
nicomachus | HazWard: yes | 01:05 |
nicomachus | HazWard: this should have all the info you need, just follow the instructions for debian-based distros: | 01:06 |
nicomachus | no offense intended by the "for dummies" link... haha | 01:06 |
NoobsterMCTorval | could a manual install that doesnt use any repos but isnt a ppa potenially make your system unstable? | 01:07 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: of course | 01:07 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: and again: you need to trust the website you get that code from 100% | 01:08 |
NoobsterMCTorval | every single program that runs the ubuntu repos is availible in the software center? just making sure | 01:09 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: the software-center is a front-end for the ubuntu repos. | 01:10 |
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=== Guest33155 is now known as sabrehagen | ||
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: but dont be confused. you can load .deb files form websites and when you click them they open up in the softwarecenter too. that is because the ubuntu repos work with .deb files. but that "manually loaded .deb file" is still something different then "using the ubuntu repo" | 01:12 |
mark____ | what the hell am i doing | 01:12 |
mark____ | heyo | 01:13 |
sabrehagen | overnight my second monitor drops out. i reboot and i still can't get it to function correctly. i have two benq GW2765 monitors. i have tried swapping the one that drops out with an identical monitor and it works fine, then the identical one has the same symptom. i've tried the open source and the proprietary driver, no difference. this is my xrandr output: what might be going | 01:13 |
sabrehagen | wrong? | 01:13 |
artois | NoobsterMCTorval: you asking if the infrastructure behind the repos is _in_ the repos as well? | 01:13 |
mark____ | exit | 01:13 |
NoobsterMCTorval | no | 01:14 |
artois | k | 01:14 |
NoobsterMCTorval | is it though :) | 01:14 |
NoobsterMCTorval | ? | 01:14 |
Guest59229 | NoobsterMCTorval, technically yes. | 01:16 |
Guest59229 | NoobsterMCTorval, also,. if this helps you reference it.. apt-get is the cli equivalent to the software centre.....that is oversimplifying but IMO true. | 01:16 |
k1l_ | NoobsterMCTorval: software-center is one commanding tool for ubuntu repo. other ons is "apt" in the terminal | 01:17 |
NoobsterMCTorval | i only really know simple commands. such as sudo apt-get install etc. sudo apt-get update. | 01:18 |
NoobsterMCTorval | yeah, i understand what you mean Guest59229 | 01:18 |
khronosschoty | hey guys I was wondering if any of you know if its possible to instruct grub2 to boot in CSM mode? | 01:19 |
sabrehagen | sorry, i got disconnected. did anybody respond to my request? | 01:19 |
NoobsterMCTorval | i gotta go. Thanks kll_, Guest59229, and artois for the help | 01:20 |
nicomachus | sabrehagen: no, no one did. Did you check your xorg logs for any odd messages? | 01:20 |
Guest59229 | ciao | 01:21 |
khronosschoty | so if I tell grub to install "--target=i386-pc " with that flag | 01:24 |
khronosschoty | it will make it boot 32 bit mode right | 01:24 |
khronosschoty | ? | 01:24 |
khronosschoty | I hope not | 01:24 |
khronosschoty | I just want to get grub to boot in CSM mode | 01:24 |
khronosschoty | and NOT in uefi | 01:24 |
khronosschoty | -_- | 01:26 |
cucumber | hello | 01:27 |
khronosschoty | hi | 01:27 |
deebosh | HELLO SYKA BLAT | 01:29 |
BiilD73 | is there an NFS help chat on freenode? | 01:30 |
nicomachus | !alis | BiilD73 search with this: | 01:30 |
ubottu | BiilD73 search with this:: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 01:30 |
khronosschoty | yikes | 01:30 |
khronosschoty | I'm soo annoyed lol | 01:31 |
khronosschoty | cant be that hard to just tell grub to boot CSM mode | 01:31 |
khronosschoty | but yet I cannot figure it out for the life of me | 01:31 |
nicomachus | khronosschoty: you need to do that from the BIOS, not grub. | 01:31 |
khronosschoty | but I do not have bios | 01:32 |
k1l_ | khronosschoty: its not available in secure boot mode | 01:32 |
khronosschoty | only emulaged bios | 01:32 |
khronosschoty | I'm on mac | 01:32 |
khronosschoty | so no bios but can still boot bios | 01:32 |
khronosschoty | in theory | 01:32 |
khronosschoty | for example I had Windows XP on here once | 01:32 |
khronosschoty | a long time ago | 01:32 |
khronosschoty | its bios | 01:32 |
nicomachus | khronosschoty: easy on the enter key, put things on one line please | 01:33 |
khronosschoty | but I need CSM mode to use the Driver from Nvidia | 01:33 |
khronosschoty | So is there really no way to pass instructions to Grub to boot in CSM mode? | 01:34 |
nicomachus | what makes you think you need that for an Nvidia driver...? | 01:34 |
khronosschoty | Because Nvidia states that the Linux driver wont work in EFI mode | 01:34 |
k1l_ | what? | 01:34 |
svetlana | you can ask #nvidia , right ? | 01:34 |
khronosschoty | and when you install the driver you get a black screen | 01:34 |
EriC^^ | nicomachus: i've seen that from another user too | 01:34 |
EriC^^ | it's a thing | 01:34 |
nicomachus | what? what driver? | 01:35 |
svetlana | it's not an ubuntu question afaik | 01:35 |
khronosschoty | lol no they released the info on their website a long time ago | 01:35 |
EriC^^ | khronosschoty: there was a workaround for it using efi and still getting it not to overheat and whatnot | 01:35 |
deebosh | SYKA BLEAT \m/ | 01:37 |
k1l_ | deebosh: keep this channel for ubuntu support please | 01:37 |
OneM_Industries | Hey, I am attempting to install ubuntu-server, and it is unable to install software or grub on the HDD. | 01:37 |
OneM_Industries | If you want the logs, I can provide them. | 01:37 |
deebosh | k1l_, ok :( | 01:38 |
OneM_Industries | I am attempting to install 14.04 (i386), and this is the 4th day of trying and the 11th install try. | 01:39 |
Dave553 | what kind of problems? | 01:39 |
OneM_Industries | Failure to install after failure to install. | 01:39 |
Dave553 | ok. just to be basic. start at the beginning. do you know your iso image is good. | 01:40 |
k1l_ | OneM_Industries: basically it works to install ubuntu. so you need to be a lot more specific and give proper error messages | 01:40 |
OneM_Industries | This time, it is the software installation and the grub installation. | 01:40 |
OneM_Industries | Ok, hold on. I will need to retype them, and they are really, really long. | 01:40 |
OneM_Industries | Dave553: The ISO is intact. | 01:41 |
k1l_ | OneM_Industries: what machine is that? | 01:41 |
OneM_Industries | k1l_: Old. 1GB ram, 80GB SATA drive fitted with a SATA to IDE adapter. | 01:41 |
nicomachus | k1l_: he's had 12 failed installs. the hardware is dead. it's gotta be. | 01:41 |
OneM_Industries | The hardware is fine. | 01:41 |
OneM_Industries | I have tested the ram, the HDD, and the CPU. | 01:42 |
EriC^^ | ok so what happens when you install? OneM_Industries | 01:42 |
OneM_Industries | This time, it got to the software installation step and failed, so I tried to skip that and go to grub install, but that failed too. | 01:43 |
OneM_Industries | Let me retype the error from grub. | 01:43 |
k1l_ | picture works too | 01:44 |
OneM_Industries | in-target: Unexpected error; command not executed: 'sh -c debconfig-apt-progress --no-progress --logstderr -- apt-get -q -y --no-remove install grub-common | 01:44 |
Guest59229 | OneM_Industries, old HDD...probably faulty. you can test from live distro tho. | 01:45 |
khronosschoty | EriC^^, | 01:45 |
OneM_Industries | Guest59229: The HDD is known good. | 01:45 |
khronosschoty | this was the article I read | 01:45 |
khronosschoty | | 01:45 |
khronosschoty | so I know that someone did claim to find a work around | 01:45 |
k1l_ | khronosschoty: you know that is from 2013? | 01:45 |
khronosschoty | yeah | 01:45 |
OneM_Industries | Also, there was more, so I will keep typing. | 01:46 |
khronosschoty | I'd rather just boot in CSM mode | 01:46 |
k1l_ | ah, the answer is form 2015. | 01:46 |
OneM_Industries | Oh, wait. | 01:46 |
EriC^^ | khronosschoty: yeah that looks like the workaround i saw | 01:46 |
khronosschoty | but I cannot use it | 01:46 |
OneM_Industries | No, that is not important. | 01:46 |
k1l_ | khronosschoty: there is not mentioned CSM anythere. | 01:46 |
EriC^^ | the user never tried it so i can't claim it works or not | 01:46 |
khronosschoty | whats update-grub do | 01:47 |
khronosschoty | ? | 01:47 |
EriC^^ | khronosschoty: you want to convert to legacy? | 01:47 |
khronosschoty | yeah | 01:47 |
llldino | I'm trying to kill a mount process, kill and kill -9 are not working | 01:47 |
khronosschoty | I want to convert to legacy | 01:47 |
EriC^^ | khronosschoty: just makes the grub.cfg file | 01:47 |
EriC^^ | khronosschoty: ok, are you in the ubuntu install right now? | 01:47 |
khronosschoty | is there a way to update the grub cfg without running that? | 01:47 |
OneM_Industries | So, anyone have any ideas? | 01:47 |
k1l_ | khronosschoty: update-grub runs the grub scripts like searching for new kernels or other OS and includes them | 01:47 |
EriC^^ | llldino: any open files? | 01:47 |
khronosschoty | kk got it | 01:48 |
OneM_Industries | I can live without additional software for now, I just want to get the install to work. | 01:48 |
llldino | No, the kill command exits on 0 too | 01:48 |
Guest59229 | OneM_Industries, try another distro? Try another install medium(dvd vs. usb)? | 01:48 |
k1l_ | OneM_Industries: that single errormessage doesnt tell anything. | 01:49 |
OneM_Industries | Let me rephrase that, can I fix this install without restarting? | 01:49 |
sam_yan | I can not find how did gdm start a gnome-session | 01:49 |
k1l_ | OneM_Industries: we still dont know what to fix. so we cant answer that | 01:49 |
OneM_Industries | Let me upload the full log, hold on. | 01:49 |
OneM_Industries | First, figuring out how to do so. | 01:50 |
Guest59229 | PS: You don't need to type out a hundred lines dude.. don't flood the channel.. type it on one line please | 01:51 |
OneM_Industries | No, I will pastebin it. | 01:52 |
OneM_Industries | 100 lines? Try 10,000. | 01:52 |
k1l_ | OneM_Industries: i would look out what the first error was. i suspect the "not installing grub" error just to be the minor issue. | 01:53 |
jdwwatts | kill -all | 01:53 |
OneM_Industries | Er... | 01:53 |
wfreeman | Is there a a simple way to configure Lubuntu to respond automatically to connecting/disconnecting a monitor? | 01:53 |
EriC^^ | wfreeman: udev rule | 01:53 |
OneM_Industries | Uh oh. | 01:54 |
OneM_Industries | I can't get to the USB drive from the shell... | 01:54 |
BiilD73 | does anyone have and id10t proof howto for NFS shares mount at /media/user/(3 sep drives) | 01:55 |
wfreeman | EriC^^: Looks like something I'll have to read a bunch of documentation for, which is fine -- something I should know. It seems like udev rules can make the system run certain commands on monitor connect/disconnect events, but how do I (from the console) do things like resize the desktop, move the panel, etc? (Is there documentation somewhere for this?) | 01:56 |
EriC^^ | that would have to be lubuntu specific or openbox specific wfreeman | 01:57 |
EriC^^ | wfreeman: to change the resolution you can use xrandr | 01:57 |
wfreeman | ah, okay. Thanks. | 01:57 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 01:58 |
wfreeman | lxde is just so much more stable and lightweight than KDE -- I like everything about it *except* the multimonitor handling, which is nonexistent | 01:58 |
OneM_Industries | Hey, how do I set the permissions of a drive in the busybox shell so that I can actually upload the logfile? | 01:59 |
Guest59229 | huh?? | 01:59 |
Guest59229 | wfreeman, have you considered xfce? | 02:00 |
wfreeman | Guest59229: no, but I should. I'll download it once I'm on an unmetered internet connection and try it out. | 02:00 |
wfreeman | Thanks for the suggestion. | 02:00 |
EriC^^ | +1 | 02:01 |
JokesOnYou77 | Hi all | 02:01 |
=== a1steak is now known as a1s | ||
JokesOnYou77 | I just installed gcc through apt and /usr/lib/gcc/ exists, but there's no link in /usr/bin. What have I done wrong? | 02:02 |
OneM_Industries | Right, how would I from busybox transfer a file to an external drive? Right now I am trying cat /var/log/syslog | /media/test, which returns Permission denied. | 02:02 |
wfreeman | JokesOnYou77: what does "which gcc" report? | 02:02 |
Guest59229 | OneM_Industries, sudo cp /foo/bar /media/test | 02:02 |
OneM_Industries | /bin/sh: sudo: not found | 02:03 |
Jordan_U | OneM_Industries: That permissions denied is because you're trying to *execute* the file /media/test. I don't think that's what you really want to do. | 02:04 |
OneM_Industries | Oooh. | 02:04 |
EriC^^ | OneM_Industries: i think you mixed > with | | 02:04 |
EriC^^ | | = pipe, > = redirection | 02:04 |
OneM_Industries | Yeah, I did. | 02:04 |
JokesOnYou77 | wfreeman, outputs nothing | 02:05 |
Jordan_U | OneM_Industries: You're already root, so no sudo needed. And while cat + '>' can allow you to copy files, cp is much more clear and straightforward. | 02:05 |
wfreeman | JokesOnYou77: and you installed gcc with "sudo apt-get install gcc" or similar? | 02:05 |
* nastrona1t | 02:05 | |
OneM_Industries | Arg, no file in the drive... | 02:05 |
JokesOnYou77 | wfreeman, Yes. I'm assuming `which` finds nothing because there's no symlink to /usr/lib/gcc/ in /usr/bin so there | 02:06 |
JokesOnYou77 | 's nothing in the $PATH | 02:06 |
OneM_Industries | Er... | 02:06 |
OneM_Industries | Now the drive is not even showing up in /dev... | 02:07 |
Jordan_U | JokesOnYou77: sudo update-alternatives --config gcc | 02:07 |
JokesOnYou77 | Jordan_U, no alternatives for gcc | 02:07 |
Jordan_U | JokesOnYou77: sudo dpkg --configure -a #Maybe the package didn't finish configuring. | 02:07 |
JokesOnYou77 | Maybe if I just create the link it will work... (have no fear, this is in a VM so if I mess up I can reset) | 02:08 |
OneM_Industries | Yay! | 02:08 |
OneM_Industries | It copied over! | 02:08 |
wfreeman | Yeah, that sounds like a bad/incomplete install of gcc | 02:08 |
OneM_Industries | Holy cow, it is 20,000 lines long. | 02:08 |
Jordan_U | JokesOnYou77: I'm curious why you're in this state in the first place, and would rather try to figure that out and fix the root cause than just work around one symptom and possibly have it bite you in another way down the line. | 02:09 |
wfreeman | But /usr/lib/gcc/ is a directory, while /usr/bin/gcc is an actual binary | 02:09 |
=== erwin_ is now known as easyOnMe | ||
Zeranoe | I mistakingly removed an xorg package that was needed. How can I enter the console right away during boot to fix it by installing the package again | 02:09 |
wfreeman | Zeranoe: can you hit ctrl-alt-f4 or similar to switch to a different virtual terminal and log in? | 02:09 |
Zeranoe | wfreeman: Good idea, lemme try | 02:10 |
wfreeman | Zeranoe: that's sort of my "shit, I broke X" panic button | 02:10 |
JokesOnYou77 | Jordan_U, All I did was `# apt-get install gcc` that's all. It's a docker image which may be a part of it. Hmmm, maybe I'll just install build-essential | 02:10 |
JokesOnYou77 | I'll start a new image and see what that does | 02:10 |
Zeranoe | And what's a good way to search all the xorg packages? aptitude search xorg ? | 02:11 |
Jordan_U | JokesOnYou77: Certain docker images are going to be so custom that we can't reasonably support them as "Ubuntu" here. I don't know if that's the case here, but something this basic not working suggests it might be. | 02:12 |
JokesOnYou77 | Zeranoe, apt-cache search packagename | 02:12 |
JokesOnYou77 | Got it! needed --fix-missing for apt. Should have caught that in the log output the first time around. Srry :P | 02:15 |
OneM_Industries | So, looks like the router went out again. | 02:16 |
OneM_Industries | The log copied over, it is 20,000 lines long. Any ideas on things that I could search for to make this take less time? I do not have the time to read all 20,000 lines. | 02:17 |
erick | hi have need of help with zorin | 02:18 |
=== erick is now known as Guest85212 | ||
Guest85212 | anyone available? | 02:19 |
lotuspsychje | Guest85212: we only support ubuntu here mate | 02:19 |
Guest85212 | do you know how i can find a zorin channel? | 02:19 |
lotuspsychje | !alis | Guest85212 (if its on freenode) | 02:19 |
ubottu | Guest85212 (if its on freenode): alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 02:19 |
Zeranoe | wfreeman: Back in business, thanks | 02:21 |
wfreeman | excellent! | 02:21 |
* wfreeman remembers his days of broken XF86Config files and the like | 02:22 | |
poutine | wfreeman, got some of them ModeLines? | 02:22 |
wfreeman | Thankfully not any more! | 02:23 |
Zeranoe | More of a general linux question, but if a patch is created from a file with diff, and that file is modified so that the original patch section is no longer at the same line number, will patch properly apply it? | 02:33 |
Jordan_U | Zeranoe: If only the line number has changed, and it's a diff with context (like a unified diff or git diff) then there will be no problem applying the patch. For more discussion on this maybe try ##linux, #git (if you use git for creating and applying your diffs), or another more appropriate channel. | 02:36 |
Zeranoe | Jordan_U: It is unified so that answers my question. Thanks | 02:36 |
Jordan_U | Zeranoe: You're welcome. Also remember that if there have been relevant changes to the program, even in other files or other libraries, that could cause the patch to lead to unintended operation even if it applies properly. | 02:38 |
=== user__ is now known as root | ||
recurzive | Hi. Is there any scriptable solution to pack and unpack multipart .zip files in Ubuntu? | 02:45 |
root | How I install VLC? | 02:45 |
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Sebastien | hello, i am not too sure how to set/see crontabs. | 02:47 |
Sebastien | can anyone help out ? :p | 02:47 |
=== l is now known as Guest6354 | ||
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cpp_shill | root: sudo apt-get install vlc | 02:51 |
cpp_shill | Guest82678: sudo apt-get install vlc | 02:52 |
somsip | Sebastien: crontab -e to edit your own crontab, lots of info on cron here: | 02:54 |
Sebastien | ty someone | 02:54 |
jdwwatts | ls | 02:54 |
Sebastien | somsip * | 02:54 |
l_ | hello,world | 02:58 |
Reo | #openstack | 03:18 |
raspberrypifan | whats openstack Reo | 03:18 |
delt | Hello | 03:23 |
delt | i' | 03:23 |
delt | oops | 03:23 |
delt | i'm trying to make a .desktop file point to an icon, but it's not working.... the icon is present both as a .svg file in "scalable" and a png in 64x64 | 03:24 |
svetlana | delt: please detail what it does instead of working | 03:24 |
delt | svetlana: displays an empty icon | 03:25 |
delt | should my .deb package update some icon cache or something? | 03:25 |
svetlana | maybe upload your file and your icon somewhere, and a volunteer would test it for you | 03:26 |
guest81093 | if i setup iptables for filtering traffic(filter table) will ufw have any effect on packet filtering? | 03:27 |
delt | svetlana: ok, uploading... | 03:27 |
svetlana | don't count on me, please (i don't have an ubuntu desktop near me) | 03:27 |
svetlana | just share the detail and someone else would hopefully pick it up | 03:27 |
ballmer | ubuntu won't run on my apple IIe so I have to wing it too | 03:29 |
delt | | 03:29 |
rodney77 | hello, i disabled usb 2 support in my bios, added blacklist-xhci_hcd.conf to /etc/modprobe.d with "blacklist xhci_hcd", and yet when I run lsusb -t, my bus still says 'Driver=xhci_hcd/4p' | 03:30 |
guest81093 | if iptables is setup to filter traffic then do i need ufw to filter packets? | 03:30 |
rodney77 | i'm trying to downgrade usb3 to usb2 so my usb audio card will work | 03:30 |
MadRat2 | !sbackup | 03:32 |
ubottu | sbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe | 03:32 |
delt | svetlana: the icon is present as /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64/apps/assbleep.png and /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/assbleep.svg - and the "icon" entry in the .desktop file is simply "icon=assbleep" | 03:33 |
delt | svetlana: the /usr/share/.../*.{svg,png} also have symlinks in /usr/local/share/(corresponding directory)/.. pointing to them | 03:33 |
svetlana | don't ask me, please, i don't have an ubuntu computer in front of me right now | 03:34 |
delt | ok, sorry | 03:34 |
delt | i thought you might just know the answer without testing it | 03:34 |
SchrodingersScat | guest81093: I thought ufw was a frontend to iptables | 03:35 |
guest81093 | so its possible to use just iptables and remove ufw? | 03:36 |
guest81093 | and filter packets/traffic with iptables only? | 03:36 |
SchrodingersScat | yes, ufw is only to control iptables rules, if you understand iptables fine then you should be good, yes? | 03:37 |
guest81093 | ufw gets in the way of iptables rules when i create iptables filtering rules | 03:38 |
guest81093 | if i remove it and just edit iptables will packet filtering still work? | 03:39 |
SchrodingersScat | guest81093: you'll obviously lose anything ufw is doing for you automatically | 03:42 |
guest81093 | thats the thing, i dont know what ufw is doing, i want just iptables | 03:43 |
guest81093 | so should i just get rid of ufw and redo firewall in iptables? | 03:43 |
SchrodingersScat | should probably read the manual | 03:43 |
guest81093 | i know iptables, but not ufw, so should i just remove ufw and use iptables only? | 03:45 |
SchrodingersScat | That's up to you :) | 03:45 |
guest81093 | i mean if ubuntu is using ufw(somehow?) and i want to use iptables only will it effect the firewall functionality? | 03:47 |
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lerner | HELP!!! Type the following command create a mapping: # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/xvdc backup 2. Is mapping gonna label dev/xvdc as backup 2? | 04:00 |
Sebastien | somsip: would this be valid? * 2 * * * /home/stats/pisg-0.73/pisg | 04:01 |
Sebastien | to run /pisg every 2 hours ? | 04:01 |
somsip | Sebastien: */2 not 2 | 04:01 |
Sebastien | oh | 04:02 |
Sebastien | so | 04:02 |
Sebastien | * /2 * * * /home/stats/pisg-0.73/pisg | 04:02 |
Sebastien | like this ? | 04:02 |
somsip | Sebastien: no, */2 | 04:02 |
svetlana | * */2 * * * /home/stats/pisg-0.73/pisg | 04:02 |
Sebastien | hmm | 04:02 |
Sebastien | oh ok | 04:02 |
Sebastien | ty | 04:02 |
trism | delt: the icon themes in /usr/share/icons are cached, so new icons won't be found unless the cache is refreshed, it is better just to use the absolute path to the icon in the .desktop file or put it somewhere else | 04:03 |
Loshki | Can anyone tell me if this is fixed, and if so, how to check I have this fix? | 04:04 |
ubottu | ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. ( | 04:04 |
lotuspsychje | !usn | Loshki did you check here | 04:05 |
ubottu | Loshki did you check here: Please see for information about Ubuntu security updates. | 04:05 |
Loshki | lotuspsychje: I will, thanks. | 04:05 |
The_Letter_M | Hello ALl | 04:06 |
The_Letter_M | All | 04:06 |
delt | The_Letter_M: do you come from sesame street? :D | 04:06 |
lotuspsychje | !behelpful | delt | 04:07 |
ubottu | delt: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 04:07 |
dengxinjun | Get steam to me.please | 04:08 |
delt | sorry (: | 04:08 |
somsip | !steam | dengxinjun | 04:08 |
ubottu | dengxinjun: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see for further details, see for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. | 04:08 |
dengxinjun | thanks | 04:08 |
The_Letter_M | Nope. I do have a question though: I have a UEFI system with Windows on /dev/sda and Ubuntu on /dev/sdb. Ubuntu is using BTRFS and I recently did a fresh install of Windows and now I'm trying to recover my Linux install. I thought it would be a simple "Boot off USB. Mount the old system, chroot to it, and run grub-install. After booting off the USB I remembered it's UEFI and BTRFS which complicates things. Can anyone offer some | 04:09 |
The_Letter_M | direction to help me recover the install? | 04:09 |
The_Letter_M | Anyone? | 04:11 |
lotuspsychje | !uefi | The_Letter_M maybe usefull info here | 04:12 |
ubottu | The_Letter_M maybe usefull info here: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 04:12 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: install the btrfs tools package | 04:12 |
The_Letter_M | EriC^^, on the live USB or the system I'm trying to recover? | 04:13 |
EriC^^ | live usb | 04:13 |
The_Letter_M | They're already there | 04:14 |
EriC^^ | ok mount the rootfs under /mnt | 04:14 |
The_Letter_M | done | 04:16 |
EriC^^ | mount the /boot partition under /mnt/boot | 04:16 |
The_Letter_M | ok | 04:16 |
The_Letter_M | what if I didn't use a boot partition? | 04:17 |
EriC^^ | that's fine, i think grub can handle btrfs /boot | 04:17 |
EriC^^ | type ls -l /mnt/boot | 04:17 |
The_Letter_M | normally on servers I do but this is my home desktop. I didn't care to have a separate part | 04:17 |
The_Letter_M | Yeah | 04:18 |
EriC^^ | ok | 04:18 |
The_Letter_M | with BTRFS it's /mnt/@/boot | 04:18 |
EriC^^ | you ran sudo mount /dev/sdxY /mnt earlier? | 04:19 |
EriC^^ | or mount -o subvol=@ /dev/sdxY /mnt ? | 04:19 |
The_Letter_M | I just remounted it with mount -o subvol=@ /dev/sdxY /mnt | 04:20 |
EriC^^ | ok | 04:20 |
EriC^^ | if ls -l /mnt/boot is all there, type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done | 04:21 |
The_Letter_M | do I need to cd into /boot first? | 04:22 |
EriC^^ | no | 04:22 |
Loshki | lotuspsychje: I checked, and there are updates for that bug, ty. A reminder to everyone to keep their systems updated. | 04:22 |
lotuspsychje | Loshki: correct | 04:23 |
The_Letter_M | done | 04:24 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: do you have a /mnt/boot/efi dir? | 04:25 |
The_Letter_M | yes | 04:25 |
EriC^^ | ok, can you pastebin sudo parted -l ? | 04:25 |
khronosschoty | hey EriC^^ thanks for the help I got that work around working after all | 04:28 |
khronosschoty | grub did the trick | 04:28 |
EriC^^ | khronosschoty: ? kinker? | 04:28 |
khronosschoty | dunno know what kinker is maybe he wrote the guide and I missed his name | 04:28 |
The_Letter_M | | 04:28 |
khronosschoty | the guide on EFI boot and nvidia driver | 04:28 |
khronosschoty | but it worked | 04:28 |
EriC^^ | khronosschoty: ohh, ok | 04:29 |
EriC^^ | cool :) | 04:29 |
khronosschoty | with grub like the guide said | 04:29 |
khronosschoty | yup | 04:29 |
EriC^^ | thought you were someone else at first | 04:29 |
khronosschoty | np | 04:29 |
EriC^^ | that's awesome | 04:29 |
khronosschoty | yeah | 04:29 |
The_Letter_M | EriC^^, | 04:30 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: pastebin /mnt/etc/fstab and sudo blkid /dev/sda2 | 04:30 |
The_Letter_M | ok | 04:30 |
=== l is now known as Guest57442 | ||
useralcat | ok? | 04:33 |
=== Guest57442 is now known as l_dogge | ||
The_Letter_M | EriC^^, | 04:34 |
EriC^^ | sudo blkid /dev/sda2 | 04:34 |
EriC^^ | i'm trying to see if your install is using the windows efi partition on the other disk | 04:35 |
The_Letter_M | the blkid command is on the bottom there | 04:35 |
The_Letter_M | oh | 04:35 |
The_Letter_M | sda | 04:35 |
The_Letter_M | EriC^^, | 04:38 |
lerner | youtube-dl returned this: ERROR: unable to download video info webpage: <urlopen error EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:590)> (caused by URLError(SSLEOFError(8, u'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:590)'),)) | 04:38 |
lerner | what is it? | 04:38 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: try sudo chroot /mnt | 04:39 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: then mount -a | 04:39 |
The_Letter_M | in | 04:39 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: did there used to be an efi partition on the linux disk? | 04:40 |
The_Letter_M | I get "mount: can't find UUID=B8D2-E11D" | 04:40 |
EriC^^ | yeah, it looks like it's using an efi partition that isn't there anymore | 04:41 |
The_Letter_M | No I didn't have an EFI partition. | 04:41 |
EriC^^ | you can use the windows one, but your linux install won't be a standalone install anymore, you'll always need the windows drive plugged in to boot it | 04:41 |
The_Letter_M | Maybe Windows messed it up when I did the fresh install | 04:41 |
juniour | hi | 04:42 |
llldino | Seems like I'm not the only one confused by UEFI :D | 04:42 |
juniour | how can i partation the mounted drive | 04:42 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: if you want, you can remove some of the swap partition and turn it into an efi partition for linux | 04:42 |
Loshki | lerner: youtube changes their page formats a lot, and so youtube-dl goes out of date quickly. Find the most recent version available and try again with it. | 04:43 |
The_Letter_M | Ok | 04:43 |
The_Letter_M | Thank you for all your help EriC^^ | 04:43 |
The_Letter_M | I've never attempted to recover a system using UEFI or BTRFS before | 04:43 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 04:43 |
EriC^^ | you can slap windows efi there as a temporary fix if you want since you're already chrooted | 04:44 |
EmeraldExplorer | Anyone know the best way to schedule ncftp tasks? For example finish downloading one thing and then immediately download another directory | 04:44 |
EriC^^ | or just make its own efi right now it's pretty straightforward | 04:44 |
The_Letter_M | So do I just run grub-install to get grub working again? | 04:44 |
wizkdd | I can't seem to get my edits to my mtab to mount on bootup | 04:45 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: no, do you want to make an efi partition for it or use the windows one? | 04:45 |
The_Letter_M | I'll resize the swap and make an EFI partition | 04:45 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: ok, type exit | 04:46 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: then sudo cgdisk /dev/sdb | 04:46 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: if you haven't typed exit yet, try swapoff -a | 04:46 |
The_Letter_M | ok | 04:47 |
The_Letter_M | I'm in cgdisk | 04:47 |
The_Letter_M | how much would I need for EFI | 04:47 |
Loshki | EmeraldExplorer: ncftpget (and friends) is tailored for scripting unattended runs | 04:47 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: ok, delete the swap partition, and make a 300mb efi partition ( hex code ef00 ) | 04:48 |
EmeraldExplorer | Loshki: that is good. Im a newb at ssh scripts though... what should I use to trigger my next command? | 04:48 |
The_Letter_M | EriC^^, done and done | 04:50 |
The_Letter_M | new EFI and new Swap are written | 04:50 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: ok, create a swap partition with the rest of the space, hex code 8300 | 04:50 |
EriC^^ | ok | 04:50 |
The_Letter_M | I've left cgdisk | 04:51 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: get the name of the efi partition, and run sudo mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sdxY | 04:51 |
EriC^^ | and sudo mkswap /dev/sdxY for the swap | 04:52 |
wizkdd | does anyone know why my entries to mtab doesn't take affect on bootup | 04:52 |
Loshki | EmeraldExplorer: start with the ncftpget man page and see how to invoke it from the command line. Once you get that working, we can script them by putting those same commands into a file | 04:52 |
EriC^^ | wizkdd: are you trying to mount stuff on bootup? | 04:53 |
wizkdd | Yea... | 04:53 |
EriC^^ | wizkdd: use /etc/fstab | 04:53 |
wizkdd | I want to mount a device then a sub folder to a home directory | 04:53 |
Loshki | EmeraldExplorer: also, sh and ssh are two different things. Don't get them confused. We're talking about "sh" here. | 04:54 |
EmeraldExplorer | yeah | 04:54 |
EmeraldExplorer | just stupid typo | 04:54 |
EmeraldExplorer | but yeah thanks for the information ill do my research :) | 04:54 |
wizkdd | does it matter if mtab or fstab? | 04:54 |
EriC^^ | wizkdd: mtab just keeps the records of what's mounted | 04:54 |
wizkdd | so it shouldn't be a problem to mount a device then --bind mount a sub directory | 04:55 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 04:56 |
The_Letter_M | EriC^^, they are both formatted | 04:56 |
EriC^^ | The_Letter_M: ok, type sudo blkid | grep sdb | 04:56 |
EriC^^ | get their uuid's and replace in /mnt/etc/fstab | 04:57 |
wizkdd_ | got disconnected | 04:57 |
EriC^^ | yeah there shouldn't be a problem to mount then mount --bind | 04:58 |
=== m1dnight1 is now known as m1dnight_ | ||
wizkdd_ | is there a way to mount a sub folder from a device without mounting a device | 05:00 |
The_Letter_M | done | 05:07 |
EriC^^ | ok, try sudo chroot /mnt | 05:07 |
The_Letter_M | I'm already chrooted | 05:07 |
EriC^^ | ok, try mount /dev/sdxY /boot/efi | 05:08 |
EriC^^ | for the efi partition | 05:08 |
The_Letter_M | done | 05:08 |
EriC^^ | ok, try grub-install | 05:08 |
EriC^^ | alone | 05:08 |
The_Letter_M | I got "** Warning ** : Boot000b is not EFI 1.10 compliant (lowercase hex in name)" then "Installation finished. No error reported" | 05:10 |
EriC^^ | ok, try update-grub | 05:11 |
The_Letter_M | done | 05:11 |
EriC^^ | type efibootgr -v | 05:11 |
EriC^^ | and pastebin the output | 05:11 |
EriC^^ | * efibootmgr -v | 05:12 |
The_Letter_M | EriC^^, | 05:13 |
delt | SOLVED - my icon file was gzipped, but had a .svg filename | 05:14 |
The_Letter_M | there's an entry for an old install of Fedora and I haven't figured out how to remove it | 05:14 |
EriC^^ | it's efibootmgr -B -b <hex number> | 05:15 |
The_Letter_M | good to know | 05:16 |
The_Letter_M | So I should unmount everything and reboot at this point? | 05:17 |
EriC^^ | well yeah, unless you want to remove the extra efi entry | 05:17 |
EriC^^ | type exit, and then just reboot, it'll take care of everything | 05:17 |
The_Letter_M | I removed it | 05:17 |
The_Letter_M | Woot Woot!!! | 05:20 |
The_Letter_M | It worked | 05:20 |
The_Letter_M | Thank you so much | 05:20 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 05:21 |
The_Letter_M | And now I know | 05:21 |
The_Letter_M | I had a laptop that dual booted and every time Windows ran updates it wiped out grub so I'd have to use a USB drive and chroot to it. But It was just an ext4 FS w/o UEFI and only took a few minutes to do | 05:22 |
The_Letter_M | Int he back of my mind this was going to be the same process | 05:23 |
llldino | Speaking of grub, I have no grub theme defined in my /etc/default/grub config file, and according to /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme, I have a line which is "set_default_theme". Where can I find the options for "default theme"? | 05:23 |
llldino | Ah actually it gets defined in the same script | 05:24 |
wizkdd_ | I had a abrupt shutdown... that seem to cause my grub file to be corrupted, and cause my kernel to panic on starup... does anyone know what a poweroff would cause this | 05:26 |
The_Letter_M | wizkdd_, when you boot back up do you get a boot menu at all? If so, what happens if you select an older kernel? | 05:29 |
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wizkdd__ | no just the grub rescue | 05:30 |
The_Letter_M | from the grub rescue, try booting into a previous kernel | 05:30 |
Y4kuzi | I wonder if there is any BCM43142 fix out there for 4th Gen HP laptops, it's killing me that I keep getting lag/disconnections | 05:31 |
lotuspsychje | !b43 | Y4kuzi | 05:31 |
ubottu | Y4kuzi: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 05:31 |
wizkdd__ | every kernel panic | 05:31 |
Y4kuzi | I know, read it all, didn't help | 05:31 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: wich ubuntu version | 05:31 |
Y4kuzi | Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS | 05:32 |
wizkdd__ | I hab about three kernels in my boot folder and they all panic | 05:32 |
Y4kuzi | only update & upgrade from normal repo's | 05:32 |
Y4kuzi | nothing modified | 05:32 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: did you check your iso for broadcom driver | 05:32 |
Y4kuzi | I downloaded this one, | 05:33 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: one of the folders contain a broadcom firmware | 05:33 |
Y4kuzi | everything was included, it all worked, but not stable | 05:33 |
lotuspsychje | !info firmware-b43-installer | Y4kuzi tried this one? | 05:34 |
ubottu | Y4kuzi tried this one?: firmware-b43-installer (source: b43-fwcutter): firmware installer for the b43 driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:019-2 (wily), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB | 05:34 |
Y4kuzi | Yes, I tried all the obvious Google solutions | 05:34 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: what about other ubuntu versions? | 05:35 |
Y4kuzi | but I'm already glad that I have a connection in the first place, I just wish it somehow got better. On my Windows 10 dual boot I can get a stable connection for days, though, so it's not my hardware | 05:35 |
Y4kuzi | Not sure, haven't tried any other yet, I really like Ubuntu | 05:36 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: i mean like 15.10 ubuntu or so? | 05:36 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: maybe its a kernel issue on your wifi | 05:36 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: can you check if you have linux-firmware installed correctly also | 05:37 |
llldino | EriC^^, Are you still there? I can't boot into my sytsem using EFI now >< | 05:37 |
Y4kuzi | linux-firmware is already the newest version. | 05:38 |
Y4kuzi | linux-firmware set to manually installed. | 05:38 |
lotuspsychje | ok good | 05:38 |
Y4kuzi | I do all regular update and upgrade's | 05:38 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: additional driver doesnt show any other drivers STA broadcom or something? | 05:38 |
The_Letter_M | wizkdd__, at this point you're gonna want to boot off a USB drive and recover it | 05:39 |
Y4kuzi | What do you mean lotuspsychje ? | 05:39 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: the additional drivers section (hardware icon) can you check it please | 05:39 |
wizkdd__ | I had to install on a different partition then boot the drive to recover my files | 05:40 |
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wizkdd__ | but I wanted to know what an abrut powerdown wold cause so much problem | 05:40 |
Y4kuzi | The STA driver is what I am currently using | 05:41 |
Y4kuzi | idk if that's what you mean | 05:41 |
Y4kuzi | Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver source from bcmwl-kernel-source (proprietary) | 05:42 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: ok try installing that firmware please | 05:42 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: firmware-b43-installer | 05:43 |
Y4kuzi | <Y4kuzi> The STA driver is what I am currently using | 05:43 |
Y4kuzi | < | 05:43 |
Y4kuzi | I already tried those, I Googled and tried everything I came across, but for some reason it doesn't fix the stability for me | 05:44 |
Y4kuzi | it works for a few hours and them it randomly disconnects. During walks, (afk), movies (semi-afk) youtube, dev, etc... | 05:45 |
Y4kuzi | then* | 05:45 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: most users with broadcom connecting issues, got solved by other firmware | 05:46 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: i also suggest testing 15.10 and compare if things get better | 05:50 |
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Y4kuzi | lotuspsychje, I have tried all known firmware from Google searches and personal research | 05:53 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: did you install ubuntu with internet enabled + updates during setup also? | 05:53 |
Y4kuzi | however I could still try 15.10 though, but what I've understood is that it isn't quite recommended compared to 14.04 | 05:53 |
EriC^^ | llldino: hey, what do you mean? | 05:54 |
Shibe | guys | 05:54 |
Shibe | i need to install libsdl2:i386 on trusty tahr | 05:54 |
Shibe | but it says it depends on libwayland-egl | 05:54 |
Shibe | -mesa | 05:54 |
Y4kuzi | lotuspsychje, I even tried all possible install options | 05:54 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: LTS is pretty stable for use indeed, and i also think broadcom is fixable on trusty | 05:54 |
Shibe | and i am using nvidia | 05:54 |
llldino | EriC^^, In my BIOS boot options the option to boot Debian in UEFI is gone | 05:55 |
llldino | I suspect its because I ran update-grub earlier | 05:55 |
lotuspsychje | !info libsdl2 trusty | 05:55 |
ubottu | Package libsdl2 does not exist in trusty | 05:55 |
EriC^^ | llldino: oh, no that shouldn't affect it | 05:55 |
Y4kuzi | I am using LTS | 05:55 |
Shibe | | 05:55 |
Shibe | i need i386 version for witcher 2 | 05:55 |
lotuspsychje | Shibe: i think i saw that package mentioning in #ubuntu-release recently | 05:55 |
Y4kuzi | so what do you mean by Trusty Tahr? It's the same thing | 05:55 |
lotuspsychje | Shibe: i think they working on that... | 05:55 |
EriC^^ | llldino: boot a live usb and add the entry manually | 05:55 |
Y4kuzi | I am using Trusty Tahr | 05:56 |
CalebW | Hello, gparted keeps crashing whenever I try to resize or move a partition | 05:56 |
llldino | EriC^^, What do you mean? | 05:56 |
Shibe | lotuspsychje: wayland became enabled by default for sdl recently | 05:57 |
Shibe | i think that is issue | 05:57 |
EriC^^ | llldino: sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\grub\\grubx64.efi -L "Lubuntu" -p X -d /dev/sdY | 05:57 |
lotuspsychje | Shibe: you could ask in #ubuntu-release whats going on exactly | 05:57 |
EriC^^ | llldino: use the actual path to the efi file and the X is the partition number, Y the disk, change Lubuntu to debian | 05:57 |
llldino | what was the option for grub-install again? grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi? I ran grub install again hoping it would fix it | 05:58 |
lotuspsychje | Y4kuzi: try 15.10 or file a bug against 14.04 togheter with your syslog and dmesg | 05:58 |
EriC^^ | llldino: yeah that's it, were you chrooted? | 05:58 |
llldino | Yes | 05:58 |
lotuspsychje | CalebW: any errors on crash? | 05:58 |
CalebW | *** Error in `/usr/sbin/gpartedbin': free(): invalid pointer: 0x00000000028a9d30 *** | 05:59 |
CalebW | /usr/sbin/gparted: line 179: 4117 Aborted (core dumped) $BASE_CMD | 05:59 |
lotuspsychje | CalebW: how did you start gparted? | 06:00 |
llldino | Hold on, i'kll try again | 06:00 |
CalebW | sudo gparted | 06:00 |
lotuspsychje | CalebW: gksu gparted instead | 06:00 |
CalebW | what does that do? | 06:01 |
lotuspsychje | !gksu | CalebW | 06:01 |
ubottu | CalebW: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 06:01 |
l_ | !gksu | | 06:05 |
ubottu | : If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 06:05 |
CalebW | still crashes though with a different error message | 06:05 |
l_ | !gksu | 06:05 |
CalebW | | 06:05 |
l_ | !gksu | 06:05 |
l_ | !gksu | | 06:05 |
svetlana | it already said it recently, so it won't repeat now, l_ | 06:05 |
lotuspsychje | !msgthebot | l_ | 06:06 |
ubottu | l_: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 06:06 |
l_ | so ,he is an droid | 06:06 |
svetlana | yes, she is a bot | 06:06 |
nicomachus | that factoid is also a bit dated... | 06:07 |
CalebW | dang, sorry that didn't include the error message | 06:07 |
llldino | EriC^^, Yeah I added the new entry to efibootmgr manually, and I saw the old entry was there anyways | 06:07 |
CalebW | | 06:08 |
llldino | I tried running grub-install with the --efi-directrory option again | 06:08 |
llldino | It's like my BIOS can't detect it's EFI partition | 06:08 |
EriC^^ | what happens when you boot? | 06:09 |
llldino | It boots via Legacy OS | 06:09 |
llldino | When I turn CSM off it doesn't even show up | 06:09 |
lotuspsychje | CalebW: | 06:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1313600 in gparted (Ubuntu) "gparted crashes when trying to resize fat32 partition on live USB" [High,Confirmed] | 06:09 |
EriC^^ | llldino: if you remove the linux disk and boot with CSM off what happens? | 06:10 |
llldino | It'll just boot my LiveUSB or whatever else I've defined | 06:10 |
CalebW | Not just FAT32 | 06:10 |
lotuspsychje | CalebW: add your experience to this existing bug please, maybe things will speed up for solving | 06:10 |
CalebW | also ext4 | 06:10 |
EriC^^ | llldino: it doesn't boot windows? | 06:10 |
lotuspsychje | CalebW: good, add it to the bug | 06:11 |
llldino | EriC^^, Yeah it probably would, Haven't tried it | 06:11 |
CalebW | Alright, never done this before, will I need to register on launchpad? | 06:12 |
llldino | I have an override option in the BIOS I use instead of letting it do the boot order | 06:12 |
lotuspsychje | !bug | CalebW | 06:12 |
ubottu | CalebW: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs. | 06:12 |
l_ | !64bit | l | 06:15 |
ubottu | l: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. Consider using 64-bit if your memory ussage exceeds 4GB. See | 06:15 |
lotuspsychje | l_: stop that please | 06:15 |
lotuspsychje | l_: use the bot in query | 06:16 |
svetlana | l_: i am now in #ubuntu-bots to play with it, too | 06:16 |
l_ | ><! | 06:16 |
lotuspsychje | !msgthebot > l_ not here in the chat | 06:17 |
ubottu | l_, please see my private message | 06:17 |
l_ | ok, i've got the order | 06:18 |
l_ | trying to explor sth fine and efficent | 06:19 |
lotuspsychje | l_: apt-cache search yourpackage to the rescue | 06:20 |
ofaq | how do I prevent cpu throttling? | 06:21 |
CalebW | By the way, is there any way around this bug? | 06:24 |
lotuspsychje | CalebW: what do you mean | 06:25 |
CalebW | Well, I really need to shrink this partition. | 06:26 |
CalebW | Is there any other way I could do it? | 06:26 |
nicomachus | gparted from a live usb | 06:28 |
l_ | why not use fdisk? | 06:29 |
CalebW | How will that be any better? | 06:29 |
CalebW | gparted from a live usb | 06:29 |
lotuspsychje | CalebW: try the sugestion | 06:30 |
CalebW | fdisk? | 06:30 |
lotuspsychje | CalebW: gparted from live | 06:31 |
lotuspsychje | CalebW: or try the disk tool from ubuntu | 06:31 |
Shibe | lotuspsychje: purging the ppa did nothing | 06:32 |
Volkodav | Hi I am getting this error while updating - was dragging for 2 weeks | 06:32 |
lotuspsychje | Shibe: then try file a bug as #ubuntu-release suggested | 06:33 |
Shibe | how do i do that? | 06:33 |
lotuspsychje | !bug | Shibe | 06:33 |
ubottu | Shibe: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs. | 06:33 |
xangua | Volkodav: fount this in 2 minutes (¿) | 06:34 |
ndick | iam install packet tracer on ubuntu 15.10 but when i run packet tracer is not open | 06:37 |
Volkodav | xangua: an error is different in my case | 06:38 |
c|oneman | ndick: | 06:39 |
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ram_ | hello good morning from Helsinki | 07:04 |
ram_ | I have ubuntu 14 lts on my thinkpad s440 | 07:05 |
ram_ | and once in a while when i try to shutdown it freezes | 07:05 |
UfwFTW | Morning all. | 07:07 |
ram_ | has anyone has this problem | 07:08 |
UfwFTW | Is anyone able to help me with a command for UFW? Forums and Google have not helped me. I need to put a rule in UFW to only allow mail out on port 25 out to a specific smtp server's IP. | 07:09 |
UfwFTW | anyone? | 07:10 |
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Jordan_U | UfwFTW: If you don't get an answer here, try #ubuntu-server. | 07:13 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: shouldn't that be "ufw allow 25/tcp out on eth1 to TARGETIP/8" | 07:13 |
cpaelzer | ah no I mixed routes and rules | 07:13 |
cpaelzer | wait a sec | 07:13 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: "ufw allow proto tcp from YOURIP to TARGETIP port 25" | 07:15 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: this is more or less from the manpage, under the section | 07:16 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: "Users can also use a fuller syntax, specifying the source and destination addresses and ports. This syntax is loosely based on OpenBSD's PF syntax. For example" | 07:16 |
guest91073 | if i remove ufw(ie want to use only iptables), will ubuntu(ie the OS) expect to find ufw config or iptables config for packet filtering? | 07:16 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: AFAIK ufw is just programming iptables via a simpler interface | 07:19 |
guest91073 | to technically iptables is what matters | 07:20 |
guest91073 | ie iptables config is what matters, ufw just configs iptables in simpler way? | 07:20 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: yep, you can e.g. check the rules ufw programmed with "iptables -L -n" or so at any time | 07:20 |
mich_ | looking for laptop in south africa with ubuntu preinstalled | 07:20 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: consider it a different UI, not a different firewall | 07:20 |
guest91073 | so if(when) i remove ufw i just need to reconfig iptables by removing ufw chains? | 07:21 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: you mean to get rid of the formerly ufw programmed rules? | 07:21 |
guest91073 | yea the ufw related iptables config | 07:21 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: IMHO even without uninstalling an "ufw disable" should clean up the ufw induced rules | 07:23 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: you might want to disable it in /usr/share/ufw/ufw.conf as well for persitency | 07:23 |
guest91073 | were talking the ufw service? | 07:24 |
guest91073 | you mean disable the ufw service(like sudo service ufw stop), but on permanent basis? | 07:25 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: that is the config that will tell the service to start or not "...Set to yes to start on boot..." | 07:25 |
HeavenSucks | how can I reset my fontconfig? | 07:25 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: you know the service should be default on, but decides ont he config file to actually start or not | 07:25 |
guest91073 | if i completly remove it, and reconfig the iptables rules, will firewall work fine? | 07:25 |
guest91073 | i mean like apt-get remove or purge | 07:26 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: that is required especially for remote systems, as you not want it to start before you made a hole for you to still log in :-) | 07:26 |
HeavenSucks | all fonts are set to Abyssinica SIL | 07:26 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: it won't have any of the rules you had by ufw, but other than that if you have another frontend or configure iptables on your own it will work | 07:26 |
=== l is now known as Guest54398 | ||
cpaelzer | guest91073: as I said, "ufw disable" should be enough, but you can go all the way to purge if you hate it for some reasons :-) | 07:27 |
guest91073 | ok lets say my goal it to remove ufw, if i remove the package and completly reconfigure iptables will it work fine just like it did with ufw(but ofc without)? | 07:27 |
guest91073 | ok thanks | 07:27 |
=== Guest54398 is now known as l_dogge | ||
l_dogge | how could i deal with this problem"linux guest additions installer not found" | 07:27 |
cpaelzer | l_dogge: is that from virtualbox? | 07:28 |
guest91073 | cpaelzer, so purge ufw, flush iptables, and restart and firewall will work fine from there? | 07:28 |
guest91073 | once configured of course | 07:28 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: once configured, yes | 07:29 |
guest91073 | ok got it thanks :) | 07:29 |
cpaelzer | guest91073: or long story short - ufw needs iptables, but not vice versa :-) | 07:29 |
Sonu | Hi .. After this | 07:29 |
Volkodav | Hi I am still getting this error while updating - was dragging for 2 weeks Removed the package as suggested here but still to no avail | 07:30 |
Sonu | Follow steps i am not able to select anywhere in PHPmyadmin | 07:30 |
guest91073 | that was my confusion, effect of removing ufw relative to iptables, thanks anyway | 07:30 |
Sonu | What should be issue | 07:30 |
UfwFTW | cpaelzer, Thank you. I will give that ufw command a bash now. Sorry, had a call. :/ | 07:30 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: never mind, this is just my "morning try to help a few ubuntu fellows time" :-) | 07:31 |
UfwFTW | Lol no problem. | 07:31 |
l_dogge | yes,from vbox | 07:31 |
Sonu | Hi All i did all these with my phpmyadmin | 07:32 |
Sonu | now i am not able to select any there in my phpmyadmin | 07:32 |
UfwFTW | cpaelzer, that allows in? not allows out. Is that correct? | 07:32 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: that should be only out | 07:33 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: ... from YOU ... to TARGET ... | 07:33 |
UfwFTW | let me test. as the current 25/tcp is ALLOW OUT and this command is saying ALLOW IN. Just wanted to check | 07:34 |
cpaelzer | l_dogge: I just checked my notes and logs but I must admit for me it just worked all the time | 07:34 |
cpaelzer | l_dogge: maybe you might describe how to get the issue in more detail and hope someone else can help - sorry | 07:34 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: ah no the second | 07:34 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: I send a fixed command later | 07:34 |
mick_ | hello, having trouble . i cannot access my user account. only have temporary guest access | 07:35 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: "ufw allow proto tcp from YOURIP to TARGETIP port 25" | 07:35 |
UfwFTW | Ok, I tried that command. It's not allowing traffic from my system out to the smtp server. This is what ufw status gives me on that: [13] 25/tcp (desitination) ALLOW IN (my IP) | 07:37 |
mick_ | when i click on the top right hand corner it on shows a check mark beside my guest account | 07:38 |
rick_ | Hi all, Does anyone try to use multistrap to create a root file system from ubuntu 16.04? | 07:39 |
RealKillaz | Dear gents | 07:39 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: hmm, let me try this in a virtual machine here | 07:40 |
somsip | !16.04 | rick_ | 07:40 |
ubottu | rick_: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at - Discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 07:40 |
UfwFTW | thanks cpaelzer | 07:40 |
mick_ | hello | 07:41 |
lerner | there are tons of icons with invalid paths on my laptop and the curious thing is: in application menu > edit menu (im on xfce) they dont appear, but in the regular users menu, they do. I want to get rid of them. Sometimes I may delete an application from synaptic and the icon will still be in the menu to be seen | 07:41 |
rick_ | somsip, sorry I don't know what you mean? | 07:43 |
mick_ | hello | 07:44 |
OerHeks | rick_, ask in #ubuntu+1 until 16.04 is released | 07:46 |
mick_ | looking to talk with a computer genius | 07:47 |
in1t3r | o/ | 07:47 |
Kartagis | mick_: we can't answer unless you ask away. | 07:49 |
mick_ | still cant access my user account | 07:49 |
=== DakshShah is now known as Guest13570 | ||
rvang | This is driving me crazy: Everytime I open terminal i get this "groups: cannot find name for group ID" x 3. All 3 id's are mentioned by my "groups" command under "domain_user groups". How can I fix this ? | 07:50 |
hateball | !details | mick_ | 07:50 |
ubottu | mick_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 07:50 |
=== Guest13570 is now known as DakshShah | ||
mick_ | only way to use my computer is through my guest account | 07:51 |
in1t3r | guys have anyone of you had a luckwith installing ubuntu on the NAND based internal memory of minipc? | 07:52 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: yeah it was just missing that it is an out rule | 07:52 |
cpaelzer | UfwFTW: follow this one | 07:53 |
UfwFTW | cpaelzer, thanks, let me go try. | 07:54 |
cpaelzer | mick_: in general people are shy to help with "login issues" as you could just try to break into a friends computer or so | 07:54 |
cpaelzer | mick_: anyway - what happened to your computer to no more get to your normal account? | 07:55 |
UfwFTW | cpaelzer Bingo! that worked! Thank you :) | 07:55 |
mick_ | when i type in my password for my user account the only thing i see is the background | 07:55 |
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cpaelzer | mick_: that might be right, some prompts show asterisks (*) some show nothing - still you usually type and it is fine | 07:56 |
cpaelzer | mick_: shoing nothing is better than asterisks so noone can see how many characters your PW has | 07:57 |
mick_ | i can't remember, could i have locked myself out of my account | 07:57 |
cpaelzer | mick_: as long as you have your PW you should get in again - is there anything special like a) recently changed PW or b) this is actually a system with centrally managed IDs? | 07:57 |
cpaelzer | mick_: if it is really your system you might want to follow this to reset the PW | 07:59 |
sam_yan | Hi.In my ubuntu15.04, upstart(session init ) can not open a gnome-session? Can someone help me ? | 08:00 |
cpaelzer | mick_: but if protective measures are in place (which is recommended these days) e.g. HW encryption you wont get far with that | 08:00 |
hateball | cpaelzer: If he gets that far then it doesnt sound like a matter of lost password | 08:00 |
mick_ | i will try that address first, thanks | 08:01 |
OerHeks | indeed, sounds like the old .Xauthority issue | 08:01 |
hateball | I'm placing my bet on the person having run GUI things as root, messing up permissions on ~/.Xauthority | 08:01 |
hateball | OerHeks: Great minds ;) | 08:02 |
cpaelzer | hateball: you mean mick_ gets over initial authentication and then is stuck | 08:02 |
OerHeks | | 08:02 |
hateball | cpaelzer: Yep | 08:02 |
hateball | mick_: See the link OerHeks pasted for a more likely solution | 08:02 |
cpaelzer | OerHeks: good memory, ack to that approach first | 08:02 |
OerHeks | hit ctrl alt F1, login, see if .Xauthority is owned by root:root | 08:03 |
mick_ | ok guys i shall try | 08:03 |
hateball | "ls -l ~/.Xauthority" | 08:03 |
hateball | is what "see" means, in case that wasnt clear :) | 08:04 |
lukesoft | trying to add an alias for genymotion on ubuntu 15...and getting _bash: alias: genymotion/genymotion ./genymotion: not found.......My .bashrc has alias gstart= "genymotion/genymotion ./genymotion "******* | 08:04 |
sruli | I want to get a graphics card for 3 screens, (not for gaming) i dont need best quality, which manufactures work best with ubuntu? | 08:04 |
hateball | sruli: nVidia | 08:04 |
OerHeks | intel, nvidia, matrox .. | 08:04 |
sruli | hateball: isnt nvidia worst in terms of linux compatibility? | 08:05 |
hateball | Intel works "best" but I am not sure what offerings they have for multidisplays | 08:05 |
hateball | sruli: Nope | 08:05 |
hateball | sruli: Their binary blob is very good. It's just not open source and does not support KMS (yet) | 08:06 |
lukesoft | hie guys...can you please assist me..iam getting getting _bash: alias: genymotion/genymotion ./genymotion: not found.......My .bashrc has alias gstart= "genymotion/genymotion ./genymotion "******* | 08:06 |
sruli | hateball: the image of linus t saying f u nvidia doesnt leave my mind ;-) | 08:06 |
hateball | sruli: You're free to hold on to the past | 08:06 |
_SLM_ | Hi! I have 2 questions: I am thinking of buying the Microsoft Arc Touch Bluetooth mouse ( ). It is a mouse that uses Bluetooth 4.0 - I checked if my laptop supports that and I *think* it does (hciconfig -a output: Q1: Am I correct in thinking I have Bluetooth 4.0? Q2: Will the fact that it is a mouse made by Microsoft cause | 08:06 |
_SLM_ | problems on Ubuntu? | 08:06 |
_SLM_ | Thank you | 08:06 |
sruli | _SLM_: i tried BT mouse years ago first problem is that on each boot u'll have to wait for BT to fully load before mouse starts working, i couldnt handle it | 08:07 |
_SLM_ | Oh | 08:08 |
_SLM_ | Very important to know | 08:08 |
_SLM_ | Thank you | 08:08 |
sruli | _SLM_: with regards to MS i can't (or dont want to ) comment | 08:08 |
_SLM_ | sruli, I usually put Ubuntu in sleep mode - reboot only 2-3x per week. Does bluetooth need time to get out of sleep mode too? | 08:09 |
sruli | _SLM_: i dont know | 08:10 |
djam90 | Hi.. I have installed the LAMP stack on Ubuntu 14.04 on Digital Ocean.. and I am not sure whether the PHP is mod_php with Apache, or PHP FPM, how can I find out? | 08:10 |
lerner | tune2fs -m 0.05 << would that work? its a huge hdd | 08:11 |
_SLM_ | sruli Okay - thanks for telling me about the BT load time on startup. I'll test how long it takes on Ubuntu on my laptop | 08:11 |
shanemikel | why do I keep falling out of and back into love with ubuntu? | 08:12 |
shanemikel | I demand answers! | 08:13 |
_SLM_ | Btw, sruli, is the reason you don't want to comment on MS because it's somewhat unpredictable if it works or not? | 08:13 |
sruli | _SLM_: no comment | 08:13 |
_SLM_ | Ok | 08:13 |
shanemikel | BT on linux isn't fun... for any type of device | 08:14 |
_SLM_ | why? driver issues common? | 08:14 |
_SLM_ | I am trying to really get a good picture before I spent 60 euro on a mouse so any info is important and appreciated | 08:15 |
_SLM_ | thanks in advance | 08:15 |
solvarr | Hey all | 08:15 |
shanemikel | I haven't tried a ton of different devices to be fair, because I avoid them for reasons sruli mentioned, and the necessary charging requirements of wireless devices, but everything I has tried has had some problems | 08:16 |
sruli | _SLM_: a 20 euro wireless mouse will be better then any BT mouse | 08:16 |
solvarr | Is it possible to upgrade ubuntu to kali by adding kali repos to the source list? | 08:16 |
sruli | in terms on connectivity | 08:16 |
shanemikel | I don't even go with dongle mice, though I would prefer over BT.. I'm okay with a good 'ol wired mouse (before you judge me, I do use laser mice :) | 08:16 |
_SLM_ | I also have this alternative: - but instead of bluetooth it has a USB plug that sends a radio signal to the mouse | 08:16 |
shanemikel | yeah, go dongle dedicated wireless usb thing over BT any day | 08:17 |
_SLM_ | Well, I need a mouse that fits into my small laptop case :) | 08:17 |
_SLM_ | I see | 08:17 |
somsip | solvarr: no. Kali support is elsewhere | 08:17 |
_SLM_ | Even when my laptop has only 3 USB plugs? Still worth it? | 08:17 |
solvarr | yeah I know | 08:17 |
shanemikel | yeah. | 08:17 |
_SLM_ | Okay, thanks! | 08:18 |
solvarr | I'm just wondering if anyone' | 08:18 |
solvarr | s done that before | 08:18 |
sruli | _SLM_: i use logitech m187 its superb cost 4 times less then ur MS one | 08:18 |
zbouby15 | Hi all ! | 08:18 |
shanemikel | if you are getting both keyboard and mouse, some of them come in pairs | 08:18 |
somsip | solvarr: it can't be done | 08:18 |
shanemikel | so you can use one dongle for both | 08:18 |
shanemikel | (make sure they both work independently) | 08:18 |
zbouby15 | do someone knows an opensource sftp solution with HA / cluster ? | 08:18 |
solvarr | the system would probably crash | 08:18 |
zbouby15 | the aim is to have a 99,9% availability of the service | 08:18 |
_SLM_ | sruli - that is a fine mouse for on my desk, but does not fit into my laptop case without breaking it :) | 08:19 |
cluelessperson | hi all, I'm having this isue with linux mint. | 08:19 |
cluelessperson | trying to install owncloud.deb | 08:19 |
shanemikel | idk.. if you are okay with the rather unreliable state of BT software on linux, the BT choice is slightly more realistic for a laptop, because in early boot stages you still have a touchpad | 08:20 |
shanemikel | I'd still go proprietary receiver and usb hub if need be, personally, though | 08:20 |
shanemikel | (not only in early boot stages, but if the unreliable BT software drops your device or crashes, which happens unfortunately) | 08:21 |
shanemikel | and it's a bit tricky to restart it.. I've had problem going the usual route of restarting systemd service | 08:22 |
_SLM_ | I dunno, I think I'll play it safe like you guys said... Like you said about falling in and out of love with Ubuntu. Ubuntu is awesome when it works, a nightmare when it doesn't. :) | 08:23 |
hateball | cluelessperson: use the ppa, not individual debs | 08:24 |
hateball | cluelessperson: | 08:24 |
_SLM_ | At least that is my falling in-and-out of love argument every time ;P | 08:25 |
kaype | lmao i think i might've accidentally deleted everything on my main OS X partition thinking it was the USB drive i'm trying to back stuff off into | 08:26 |
kaype | fun | 08:26 |
cluelessperson | kaype, laugh and learn | 08:27 |
kaype | atm i'm preparing to install ubuntu on my 2008 mac pro (note, mac pro, not macbook pro) | 08:27 |
kaype | never even tried installing ubuntu on anything apple before so I honestly hope this doesn't break everything | 08:27 |
somsip | !mac | kaype | 08:27 |
ubottu | kaype: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 08:27 |
hateball | kaype: by default you dont even have HFS+ write support so I am not sure how you'd do that. Unless you wiped the partition | 08:27 |
kaype | somsip: the guide on doing it on a mac pro specifically isn't too helpful :/ | 08:28 |
kaype | this mac pro is a complete mess, jesus christ | 08:29 |
Savemech | hi there! guys i'm facing that initramfs lacking of repair tools; how could i "install" into initramfs tools like xfs_check xfs_repair? | 08:30 |
_SLM_ | shanemikel, sruli - Thanks again for your advise! Truly appreciated! I just ordered the non-BT mouse :) | 08:34 |
shanemikel | actually, I haven't had much trouble with Ubuntu "not working".. my major problem is I'm inclined to used the best-supported desktop for any distro (ubuntu -- unity).. and I've really missed modern conveniences like KDE's android integration and general support for email clients.. I'm not really happy with the state of email and calendar integration in KDE camps or Gnome (but I like the KDE calendar/email PIM clients a bit better | 08:36 |
shanemikel | than the rest) | 08:36 |
uruk | hello which it is the best database? | 08:37 |
shanemikel | best tool for the job | 08:37 |
shanemikel | it really depends, unfortunately.. seems like that's the answer to most technical questions, and the answer always requires a lot of research and planning | 08:38 |
uruk | which is the best database? | 08:39 |
shanemikel | uruk: I just answered you | 08:39 |
uruk | ok ok | 08:39 |
requiest | hi all | 08:39 |
uruk | fastest and for big database | 08:40 |
requiest | how to block usb storage in ubuntu 15.04 | 08:40 |
requiest | i did this changes in "blacklist usb-storage" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf | 08:40 |
shanemikel | if you're new to development, it's not a bad idea to learn about relational db's (maria or another SQL db).. and really simple schema-less nosql dbs (like mongodb).. so spend some time learning about the benefits of each approach | 08:40 |
requiest | but there is no effect | 08:40 |
OerHeks | uruk, enough choise, Mysql, MariaDB, Postgresql, | 08:41 |
uruk | i work with 16000 milions of datas mysql is slow | 08:42 |
OerHeks | requiest, that would not be enough, maybe this page is any help | 08:43 |
uruk | postgresql is a litle more fast than mysql but is slow also | 08:44 |
shanemikel | couchdb could be a good option, I've never used it, but it has the benefit of being designed for direct http interfacing, and built-in managed clustering (i.e. splitting the db to multiple machines for large databases.. but that kind of thing limits you in certain ways.. easier to manage (more "agile"), but there's the data locality tradeoff) | 08:44 |
shanemikel | if you're a web developer, it's probably pretty easy to learn, too | 08:45 |
OerHeks | uruk, it could be your hardware, or mysql memory is limited, tons of posts on the internet like this , you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server too | 08:46 |
shanemikel | are you sure you're using the SQL as much as possible, and not limiting yourself to small transactions that you're processing too much in your program? | 08:49 |
requiest | thankx for the information derheks | 08:50 |
shanemikel | that's a common pitfall | 08:50 |
uruk | humm !! is it possible create a system of data base with xfs->files taggized names and with awk and tipical commands linux for create a fastest research of datas? | 08:50 |
requiest | and how to disable lightdm every time wanted to log on using console mode | 08:51 |
shanemikel | requiest: can you switch VTs? | 08:51 |
jack-zhang | Hello, I have a device, which I want to copy file into it. But when after connecting with USB, nothing happen, use lsusb I can see message like that:Bus 003 Device 007: ID 19d2:0020 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM. What Can I do? | 08:52 |
shanemikel | you use CTRL-ALT-FN (1,2,3, etc) | 08:52 |
requiest | i mean on bootup itself | 08:53 |
uruk | ext3 is slower than xfs | 08:53 |
requiest | not after the lightdm | 08:53 |
solvarr | is Xenial usable yet? | 08:53 |
shanemikel | requiest: yeah, you can use the boot flag "systemd-unit=*.target" | 08:53 |
requiest | ok but i did changes in /etc/default/grub to text | 08:54 |
requiest | but no effect | 08:54 |
shanemikel | no, sorry you should replace the * with whatever target you want | 08:54 |
shanemikel | the one for text interface is | 08:54 |
shanemikel | and you can do it in grub.. edit the boot entry with 'e' | 08:54 |
shanemikel | so the changes arent' permanent | 08:55 |
requiest | i wanted make it as permanent | 08:55 |
morfin | Hello, anybody had issues with Intel 7260 Wifi drivers on 14.04? | 08:55 |
shanemikel | okay, then /etc/default/grub would work.. just make sure to update grub | 08:55 |
=== ^cj^ is now known as ^CJ^ | ||
requiest | that i did but still not working | 08:56 |
DrunkMethAddict | Hello | 08:56 |
morfin | it sometimes stops working - my connection breaks | 08:56 |
DrunkMethAddict | I got too drunk and now I forgot how to consume methamphetamine | 08:57 |
OerHeks | requiest, sis you perform sudo update-grub after those changes? | 08:57 |
shanemikel | oh.. sorry it's | 08:57 |
shanemikel | the hyphen is supposed to be period | 08:57 |
DrunkMethAddict | hello? | 08:57 |
OerHeks | requiest, that 'text' only removes the boot screen, not login to textmode | 08:57 |
DrunkMethAddict | are my messages getting through? | 08:57 |
llldino | Unless consuming methamphetamine is causing ubuntu support issues, it doesn't belong in this channel | 08:58 |
OerHeks | DrunkMethAddict, wrong channel dude | 08:58 |
shanemikel | can somebody kick that guy | 08:58 |
DrunkMethAddict | Drone` [adw] [Mew2] [n0mad] [Saint] [UPA]Stefan ^CJ^ ^peter^ ^Phantom^ _KaszpiR_ | 08:58 |
_KaszpiR_ | DrunkMethAddict please dont abuse messages | 08:58 |
_KaszpiR_ | buhehee | 08:58 |
shanemikel | requiest: did it work? | 08:59 |
requiest | no | 08:59 |
requiest | last 2 days back it worked | 08:59 |
shanemikel | did you change to ? | 08:59 |
Volkodav | Hi I am still getting this error while updating - was dragging for 2 weeks Removed the package as suggested here but still to no avail | 09:00 |
shanemikel | which var did you update in /etc/default/grub? | 09:00 |
requiest | yes | 09:00 |
shanemikel | and did you run `sudo update-grub2` | 09:00 |
requiest | sorry ok i have give sudo update-grub2 | 09:01 |
requiest | sorry ok i have give sudo update-grub | 09:01 |
OerHeks | Volkodav, is this for Xenial? | 09:01 |
requiest | well i will check and let you know | 09:02 |
Volkodav | no willy | 09:02 |
=== jack is now known as Guest88766 | ||
Volkodav | OerHeks: willy | 09:03 |
OerHeks | Volkodav, so the .deb seems broken? | 09:03 |
DrunkMethAddict | Hello | 09:04 |
Volkodav | OerHeks: probably looks like that | 09:04 |
OerHeks | Volkodav, i think you neet 'sudo apt-get clean' or autoclean to clear up packages and try again | 09:05 |
Volkodav | OerHeks: nope - did not work | 09:06 |
OerHeks | Volkodav, hmm tricky, you can try "sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq libopencv-video2.4v5:amd64 | 09:08 |
mick_ | hey guys no luck. when i type in my password on my user account and hit enter the screen fashes black for a few seconds and then goes back and the window opens up to enter my password again ? | 09:09 |
Volkodav | OerHeks: I removed it as was suggested in the second link from /var/lib/dpkg/status | 09:11 |
Volkodav | OerHeks: so on a removal command it shows as not installed | 09:13 |
Volkodav | OerHeks: and on an update it shows as a dependency and fails to install | 09:15 |
sam_yan | Can gdm start a gnome-session? | 09:18 |
Volkodav | OerHeks: | 09:20 |
shanemikel | sam_yan: if I understand your question correctly, then yes | 09:23 |
shanemikel | gdm IS gnome's DM | 09:23 |
Ant1x | Hello | 09:23 |
_fsociety_ | hey | 09:28 |
_fsociety_ | We are Fsociety | 09:28 |
_fsociety_ | Your people have suffered enough from E Corp | 09:28 |
_fsociety_ | Wake up, is your time | 09:29 |
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect | ||
Seveas | _fsociety_: I think you're looking for /dev/null - we only do ubuntu support here. | 09:29 |
_fsociety_ | We are fsociety and i apologize for entering wrong group lol | 09:30 |
The_Letter_M | lol | 09:34 |
Ant1x | Anybody know how to apply changes on the adwaita default gnome 3.18 theme? I am using Ubuntu Gnome | 09:41 |
duga | i tried install ntp in ubuntu 14.04.3 but i got the following issue | 09:45 |
duga | dpkg: error processing package ntp (--configure): unable to install `/etc/ntp.conf.dpkg-new' as `/etc/ntp.conf': Permission denied Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-0ubuntu6.6) ... Errors were encountered while processing: ntp | 09:46 |
duga | help me | 09:46 |
dragoonis | Hello! I only have 236MB on my /boot/ mount. I can't do any software upgrades because I have ran out of space on /boot/. How can I resize this to give it more space? | 09:46 |
RansomTime | Hi, firefox asks me to "choose a program" to run .deb files in any idea what that program would be? | 09:47 |
welovfree | hi | 09:47 |
dragoonis | RansomTime, ubuntu software updater. | 09:47 |
dragoonis | RansomTime, open your file manager (nautilus) and just double click on the .deb. | 09:48 |
dragoonis | Like go into your download folder and double click it. | 09:48 |
welovfree | where can I find the torrent files already downloading in transmission? | 09:48 |
jophish | Hi | 09:48 |
fidel | dragoonis: regarding space on boot - how about removing old kernels? | 09:48 |
hateball | RansomTime: Any reason you are downloading random debs and not using ubuntu repos? | 09:49 |
fidel | i tend to clean up old kernels each time boot in almost full | 09:49 |
jophish | I'm using two external monitors, one from hdmi and another from a displayport port. In windows I have to decrease the refresh rate of the displayport monitor to 30hz to get things to work at full resolution. Is there any way of doing this in ubuntu? | 09:49 |
RansomTime | hateball: sublime text, skype | 09:49 |
dragoonis | fidel, i done an apt-get autoremove, and this cleared up 30MB. but it's still not enough for the software update that ubuntu wants to do. | 09:49 |
hateball | welovfree: usually /var/lib/trans* | 09:49 |
jophish | If I don't do that then I get lots of graphics corruption and the monitor spends most of its time black | 09:49 |
cfhowlett | dragoonis, | 09:50 |
RansomTime | running the .deb works, I guess I'll just use that instead of locating the software updater | 09:50 |
hateball | jophish: What chipset/driver are you using? xrandr lets you do this | 09:50 |
welovfree | hateball, there are stored in this directory ~/.config/transmission/torrents | 09:51 |
jophish | hateball: 750m, the nvidia driver | 09:51 |
jophish | although there's an intel chip in there too | 09:51 |
hateball | welovfree: my bad, I was thinking about my own setup which runs as a daemon | 09:51 |
jophish | hateball: does xrandr allow keeping the monitor on hdmi at 60hz? | 09:51 |
fidel | dragoonis: you have most likely to much kernels installed anyways | 09:52 |
hateball | jophish: you should be able to force any combination you like, but I am not good enough at xrandr to say. read the manpage | 09:52 |
jophish | hateball: I'll give it a try, thanks for the help | 09:52 |
dragoonis | fidel, i had one additional kernel installed. I used cfhowlett's URL recommendation to clear out 1 older kernel and I have 169MB free. | 09:52 |
welovfree | hateball, :) | 09:53 |
fidel | alright | 09:53 |
dragoonis | thanks for the help fidel and cfhowlett - | 09:54 |
dragoonis | today I learn :) | 09:54 |
=== zenlot1 is now known as zenlot | ||
fs60329 | hi everybody. this is my first use of hexchat (ubuntu mate) and my first ride to this channel. | 09:55 |
RansomTime | If I can do sudo mount -a without any errors, does that mean my fstab is fine? Just done a change and want to check | 09:55 |
morfin | it means you mounted everything in fstab | 09:56 |
RansomTime | ah, so unmount it and try? | 09:58 |
RansomTime | yeah, that seems to work | 09:58 |
mascot66991 | hello guys is there any linux app you know of through which I can generate a graph of my battery life draining ? | 10:01 |
mascot66991 | read my battery life is my batteries charge! | 10:01 |
mascot66991 | as* | 10:01 |
lotuspsychje | mascot66991: click the battery icon? | 10:02 |
lotuspsychje | !info laptop-mode-tools | mascot66991 to tweak | 10:03 |
ubottu | mascot66991 to tweak: laptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.66-2ubuntu1 (wily), package size 76 kB, installed size 415 kB | 10:03 |
dreamaddict | I can't seem to get the sound to work on Ubuntu...there is sound onboard the motherboard which does not appear in the list of sound options in System Settings | 10:08 |
lotuspsychje | !sound | dreamaddict | 10:08 |
ubottu | dreamaddict: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 10:08 |
dreamaddict | when I use lspci, the one that is probably the Intel onboard sound shows up in the list | 10:08 |
Silenced_v2 | Guys . My system boots with a black screen after rebooting . I did apt-get autoremove . | 10:17 |
Silenced_v2 | Please help me our | 10:18 |
Silenced_v2 | Out** | 10:18 |
lotuspsychje | !details | Silenced_v2 | 10:18 |
ubottu | Silenced_v2: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 10:18 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: ubuntu version, grafix card chipset, driver version? | 10:18 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : Ubuntu 14.04.3 . ATI radeon HD8850m and i don't know the driver version | 10:19 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: sudo lshw -C video behind driver= | 10:20 |
Silenced_v2 | Actually i have been using CPU graphics . Was trying to install ATI graphics . ended up here | 10:21 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: tell us what you did exactly? downloaded drivers from amd site? | 10:22 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: pastebin sudo lshw -C video please | 10:22 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : I am using my mobile for irc . I cant pastebin my system information here | 10:23 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje. Can i send the image ? | 10:24 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: can you just look whats behind driver= then? | 10:24 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: or does your card say 'unclaimed'? | 10:24 |
sruli | Silenced_v2: do you not get a grub menu? | 10:26 |
Silenced_v2 | In lshw -C video . There are two displays . One is the integrated graphics which is shown as "UNCLAIMED" and the other is the gpu which is not marked unclaimed | 10:26 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje ^ | 10:26 |
sertyui | hi there | 10:27 |
Silenced_v2 | sruli : yes i am in recovery mode now | 10:27 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: nothing after driver= ? | 10:27 |
sertyui | i got a simple question | 10:27 |
sertyui | how i can check the status of an service ? | 10:27 |
=== dns53 is now known as dns53_real | ||
lotuspsychje | sertyui: if its started/stopped? | 10:27 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: service <service> status | 10:27 |
EriC^^ | or systemctl status <service> if you're using 15.04+ | 10:28 |
sertyui | unfortunately its not working | 10:28 |
sertyui | Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l | 10:28 |
EriC^^ | tsk tsk | 10:28 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje . for integrated - No , for gpu - fglrx_pci | 10:28 |
EriC^^ | update my friend to 14.04.3 | 10:28 |
lotuspsychje | sertyui: tell us the full story, wich service are you trying ? | 10:28 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:29 |
sertyui | Usage: /etc/init.d/assp {start|stop|restart} | 10:29 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: maybe try the radeon xserver-xorg-video-ati | 10:29 |
sertyui | service assp status | 10:29 |
wizkdd_ | lol | 10:29 |
lotuspsychje | WizBright: can we help you? | 10:29 |
sertyui | when i try to do so i got this result ? | 10:29 |
lotuspsychje | wizkdd_: ^ | 10:30 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : explain . | 10:30 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: is this a public server? | 10:30 |
wizkdd_ | what did i say | 10:30 |
lotuspsychje | !lol | wizkdd_ | 10:30 |
wizkdd_ | why did that caught youyr attention? | 10:31 |
sertyui | what do you mean by public server ? | 10:31 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: did your system work at first install? | 10:31 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje i already have xserver-xorg-video-ati | 10:31 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: is it a server that can be accessed publicly? has a service running etc? | 10:31 |
sertyui | yes | 10:32 |
sertyui | dmesg | 10:32 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: you should upgrade to 14.04.3 pronto | 10:32 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: then somethings going wrong with radeon driver, did you got 14.04 working before? | 10:32 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: there's about 3 0days that can be used to get root on your server right now | 10:32 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : yes . Its been running for 3 months and now i tried to install radeon graphics . And its booting up with a black screen | 10:32 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: ok then purge the drivers again | 10:33 |
sertyui | what do you mean ? | 10:33 |
sertyui | i don't get | 10:34 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: into recoverymode/terminal or fix broken packages | 10:34 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: since 14.04.1 there have been 3 vulnerabilities disclosed that can escalate privileges on your server, so anybody can control your server fully | 10:34 |
EriC^^ | you need to upgrade to 14.04.3 asap | 10:34 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : terminal . Purged it ! | 10:34 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: ok try reboot | 10:35 |
sertyui | how can anyone access to my server like that | 10:35 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : boot the normal way or recovery ? | 10:35 |
sertyui | when i do last or lastb | 10:35 |
lotuspsychje | !usn | sertyui what EriC^^ suggested | 10:36 |
ubottu | sertyui what EriC^^ suggested: Please see for information about Ubuntu security updates. | 10:36 |
sertyui | i can't see any anormal connexuion | 10:36 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: try normal after purge yes | 10:36 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: ok, still you should upgrade :) | 10:36 |
sertyui | and also how do you detect my server uptime ? | 10:36 |
sertyui | to 30 days ? | 10:36 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje yes | 10:36 |
sertyui | are you you the hacker ? | 10:36 |
EriC^^ | cause you're using 14.04.1 , it's at 14.04.3 | 10:36 |
EriC^^ | lol no | 10:36 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : same black sceeen | 10:37 |
sertyui | AS you mentioned above my server uptime is equal to 30 days | 10:37 |
Silenced_v2 | Screen** | 10:37 |
sertyui | how do you detec that value ? | 10:37 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: you pasted it | 10:37 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: thats weird, try recoverymode/fix broken packages now | 10:37 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: that option might take a bit | 10:37 |
sertyui | where ? | 10:38 |
sertyui | show me that paste ? | 10:38 |
EriC^^ | above | 10:38 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje okay | 10:38 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: scroll up | 10:38 |
sertyui | show me that line ???? | 10:38 |
EriC^^ | press pageup | 10:38 |
sertyui | you funny just paste me that line | 10:39 |
sertyui | i can't see that | 10:39 |
EriC^^ | it's right before i suggested to upgrade | 10:39 |
lotuspsychje | sertyui: can you focus on your actual problem instead | 10:40 |
EriC^^ | lotuspsychje: he thinks i hacked his server and got the information | 10:40 |
EriC^^ | xD | 10:40 |
Zulu_Too | Sertyui, before you start asking about vulnerabilities and how people can access your server, learn how to speak English first. Then, you will know how to safeguard your server. Moreover, read the manual first and don't tell people your business and make sure you protect your domain name. | 10:40 |
sertyui | i got some doubtfull doubt | 10:41 |
EriC^^ | sertyui> Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l | 10:41 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje initctl failed | 10:41 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: you pasted that earlier | 10:42 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: sounds like bad news all..did you try a previous kernel from grub yet? | 10:42 |
Silenced_v2 | Nope | 10:42 |
sertyui | but this Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l is never show the uptime | 10:42 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: last way inside :p | 10:42 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : damn | 10:42 |
Zulu_Too | Just type in uptime | 10:43 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: that's the ubuntu version 14.04.2 was released after, then 14.04.3 | 10:43 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: if that doesnt work, try again sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati from recoverymode/terminal | 10:43 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: so if you haven't run dist-upgrade you're still using old packages, and there are known vulnerabilities since that release came out which were fixed in 14.04.3 | 10:43 |
JyZyXEL | how do i create a NFS share that requires a password for write access? | 10:44 |
lotuspsychje | !nfs | JyZyXEL can this help mate? | 10:44 |
ubottu | JyZyXEL can this help mate?: nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 10:44 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : how to activate integrated graphics ? | 10:44 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: any user on your server can get root easily, and if any service has any vulnerability the person can get root as well, you should upgrade to 14.04.3 | 10:44 |
sertyui | Zulu_Too: i know uptime will show the system my question how EriC^^ catch my server uptime like that ? | 10:44 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: well your graphics are hybrid, so i presume you need the drivers from official amd site | 10:45 |
sertyui | ok | 10:45 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: from your release.. | 10:45 |
sertyui | that's good | 10:45 |
sertyui | also as you aware of that problem | 10:45 |
Zulu_Too | Maybe you are running in ROOT. Stop that. Stop giving out to people your private data. | 10:45 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: you could check bios also, if there are settings to enable/disable hybrid | 10:45 |
sertyui | also i faced with one of my service somehting called assp | 10:45 |
JyZyXEL | lotuspsychje: no help in there | 10:46 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : I tried doing that . But i got an error as XServer 1.17.x is not supported | 10:46 |
sertyui | where suddently the service get stoped | 10:46 |
sertyui | now i would like to find with the system log how the service get stoped like that ? | 10:46 |
Zulu_Too | Sertyui, would you like the password to my corporate server network? | 10:46 |
EriC^^ | Zulu_Too: stop trolling | 10:47 |
sertyui | i aggree Zulu_Too is a Troll | 10:47 |
Zulu_Too | EriC who are you? | 10:47 |
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EriC^^ | sertyui: if you want to upgrade, run sudo apt-get update , then when it's done type sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:47 |
sertyui | EriC^^: | 10:48 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: if your card is rather new, you could test out a newer ubuntu versions as 15.10 | 10:48 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: be aware though that since new packages are being installed, some of the services might not be compatible, so you should test and stuff if you don't want a lot of downtime | 10:48 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : that's not a problem . But i need those data in my harddrive | 10:49 |
EriC^^ | if you just run sudo apt-get update it should get the list of new packages and when you login next time it should say how packages are new and can be upgraded | 10:49 |
sertyui | what are the service is not compatible | 10:49 |
sertyui | ??? | 10:49 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: you can install 15.10 and save your /home from your existing install | 10:49 |
sertyui | hold down i pastebin the result | 10:49 |
sertyui | | 10:50 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: i dont know, like a new package has removed a deprecated function and you're using it right now, so it breaks the service, etc. you have to test if things will run right in the new environment | 10:50 |
Silenced_v2 | Does 15.10 has support for amd graphics ? | 10:50 |
TGYoshi | Hey guys, the disks manager thing shows some fancy "extended partition" on /dev/sda2, which doesn seem to be mounted anywhere | 10:50 |
TGYoshi | How can I figure out what the hell it is used for? | 10:50 |
k1l_ | Silenced_v2: yes | 10:50 |
OerHeks | !ati | 10:50 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 10:50 |
OerHeks | Silenced_v2, no open driver for 2xxx 3xxx 4xxx | 10:51 |
k1l_ | TGYoshi: that is fine for extended partitiions. you cant mount them. its just a container to put logical partitions into | 10:51 |
Silenced_v2 | OerHeks : Mine is HD8850m . So should probably work fine right ? | 10:51 |
TGYoshi | Oh, the disk manager shows the swap partition below that extended one | 10:51 |
TGYoshi | So that means the swap is part of the extended? | 10:52 |
sertyui | can you be explicit with your sentence : "you have to test if things will run right in the new environment" here | 10:52 |
sertyui | ?? | 10:52 |
TGYoshi | See also: | 10:52 |
k1l_ | TGYoshi: yes. if you are more interessted in knowing what partition types are please read the documentation (wikipedia for the start) | 10:52 |
TGYoshi | Well that clears up why those blocks were placed so weirdly above eachother, didn't derive this relation between them | 10:53 |
k1l_ | TGYoshi: | 10:53 |
TGYoshi | Alright, thanks :P | 10:53 |
sertyui | how to test if things will run right in the new environment on a production server | 10:53 |
sertyui | ? | 10:53 |
TGYoshi | Didn't understand the UI well here at all | 10:53 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: like if you can make a snapshot of your system, and upgrade that, and see if things work, if there are problems fix them, then migrate on the actual server ( just guessing i'm not a sysadmin myself ) | 10:53 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: the logs of upstart are found in /var/log/upstart , there should be a log for assp there | 10:54 |
lotuspsychje | sertyui: how about you follow EriC^^ advise first to update your system and come back to us | 10:54 |
jackcom | there is monaco font on ubuntu terminal? | 10:55 |
bencc | Dnsmasq is installed by default on desktop? 14.04 | 10:56 |
sertyui | dist-upgrade will upgrade to which version ? | 10:56 |
OerHeks | jackcom, monaco font is not standard, you can install it from github | 10:56 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: 14.04.3 | 10:56 |
sertyui | ok | 10:57 |
jackcom | thanks OerHeks :) | 10:57 |
sertyui | i m doing this blindy for you on my production server | 10:57 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: don't do it for me | 10:57 |
lotuspsychje | bencc: optional | 10:57 |
jackcom | curl -kL | bash <—— this is command OerHeks | 10:57 |
lotuspsychje | !info dnsmasq trusty | bencc | 10:57 |
ubottu | bencc: dnsmasq (source: dnsmasq): Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.68-1ubuntu0.1 (trusty), package size 14 kB, installed size 111 kB | 10:57 |
sertyui | i mean just listening you | 10:58 |
bencc | lotuspsychje: so there shouldn't be a problem with disabling it? | 10:58 |
lotuspsychje | bencc: if its optional, means you installed at a point, so cant harm the defaults? | 10:59 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: it's up to you, i explained the risks/benefits | 10:59 |
bencc | lotuspsychje: thanks | 11:00 |
jackcom | OerHeks: thanks i got it :) | 11:00 |
OerHeks | have fun, jackcom | 11:00 |
jackcom | :) | 11:00 |
sertyui | Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l | 11:11 |
sertyui | well i upgrad to | 11:11 |
sertyui | Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l | 11:11 |
sertyui | hope this is the final security vulnerabilty release knowing by ubuntu | 11:12 |
sertyui | tell me | 11:13 |
sertyui | now my server will be secure ? | 11:13 |
OerHeks | sertyui, keep that server up2date | 11:13 |
OerHeks | and you should be fine. | 11:13 |
sertyui | that's a good solution | 11:13 |
sertyui | but keeping th server up to date i m facing other big issue | 11:14 |
pchoo | Hey all, on Ubuntu 15.10 here, and I've had a search for a solution to this, but it doesn't seem to have worked: I have only en-gb as my language options, yet every time I reboot my keyboard layout has been changed to en-us. I have tried the top solution in here: and I have tried another one which says to remove the us | 11:14 |
pchoo | version in dconf-editor, but neither of these worked for me. | 11:14 |
sertyui | with lots of broken package that will be if you can implement on your upgrade without impacting existing package to broke | 11:15 |
k1l_ | sertyui: there will be a lot more security updates. | 11:15 |
Silenced_v2 | How to track copying of files in commandline ? | 11:15 |
OerHeks | pchoo, you can easily remove it from the keyboard indicator on the top panel too | 11:16 |
k1l_ | sertyui: see what there is on updates nearly everyday. updates are good. they fix stuff. | 11:16 |
Silenced_v2 | While using 'cp' | 11:16 |
OerHeks | !pv | 11:16 |
OerHeks | !info pv | 11:16 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: progress or time? | 11:16 |
ubottu | pv (source: pv): Shell pipeline element to meter data passing through. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.0-1 (wily), package size 48 kB, installed size 169 kB | 11:16 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : progress | 11:17 |
k1l_ | Silenced_v2: -v | 11:17 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: see what OerHeks suggested | 11:17 |
pchoo | OerHeks: I have only the en-gb option available in there, I removed the us one right when I first installed ubuntu, and don't reboot that often, but lately I've had to reboot a lot more, and every time it's still en-us even though it is set to en-gb | 11:17 |
OerHeks | pchoo, next login it should be oke | 11:17 |
dreamaddict | ok I am trying to troubleshoot the sound, and alsamixer does not load | 11:17 |
dreamaddict | it says there is no mixer file | 11:17 |
dreamaddict | I am already reading the troubleshooting websites | 11:18 |
dreamaddict | the device shows up in lspci but not in aplay | 11:18 |
therue | do i need to clean my computer's bios before i install ? | 11:18 |
lotuspsychje | therue: tell us what you wanna do? install ubuntu single or dualboot? | 11:19 |
therue | single | 11:19 |
lotuspsychje | therue: you have an uefi system? | 11:19 |
therue | ya | 11:19 |
lotuspsychje | therue: disable fastboot and secureboot, then install ubuntu single | 11:20 |
therue | i dont need to clean the bios or anything right? | 11:20 |
therue | just leave it as is? | 11:20 |
lotuspsychje | therue: define 'clean'? | 11:20 |
shafox | how to rename all the files with suffix of _model to remove this part only i.e. _model ? | 11:21 |
therue | nvm lol :) | 11:21 |
pchoo | OerHeks: Unfortunately this isn't a great laptop I have at work, and there appears to be an issue with the onboard intel graphics which causes it to lock up/slow down significantly for long periods of time, which require reboots frequently. There is a bug on Launchpad about it, but it's marked as low priority. Rather annoying considering I develop for a | 11:21 |
pchoo | living and am having my symbols screwed up every time I reboot. | 11:21 |
lotuspsychje | therue: disabling those 2 options will do fine :p | 11:21 |
dreamaddict | alsamixer says "cannot open mixer: no such file or directory" | 11:21 |
EriC^^ | shafox: rename 's/_model$//' *_model | 11:22 |
therue | or another question.. i have an older linux installed on an old laptop. it has grub installed... if i want to reinstall to that laptop as well... doi need to clean the grub that's in the bios? | 11:22 |
lotuspsychje | therue: you can install ubuntu right over everything | 11:22 |
cfhowlett | therue, the new install will overwrite the old grub | 11:22 |
therue | ah ok | 11:22 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : i am seeing something annoying . Hope the hard drive isnt corrupt xD | 11:22 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: whats that you found? | 11:23 |
therue | simple enough. thanks | 11:23 |
therue | :) | 11:23 |
pchoo | OerHeks: Oh wait... I've just loaded up that lp bug, and seen this: | 11:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1240198 in ibus (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU]Wrong keyboard layout active after booting into desktop" [High,In progress] | 11:23 |
lotuspsychje | therue: maybe consider xubuntu or lubuntu (if that laptop is old you say?) | 11:23 |
pchoo | it's literally been fixed since I last looked yesterday haha | 11:23 |
Silenced_v2 | Tried copying using pv . Now i am seeing a matrix screen | 11:23 |
therue | okay ! will do | 11:24 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: did you follow the white rabbit? | 11:24 |
therue | by the way, if i'm a beginner, what desk top enviornment would you guys recommend? | 11:24 |
shafox | EriC^^: Didnt work. it just stayed there the folder name is models and every file has name like this * | 11:24 |
therue | xfce? kde plasma 5? | 11:24 |
cfhowlett | therue, use the default | 11:24 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: what kind of matrix screen? | 11:24 |
shafox | except few files which dont come under that expression. | 11:24 |
cfhowlett | therue, wait you said an older computer, yes? | 11:24 |
dreamaddict | the motherboard sound option is just not being detected and I have no idea which program puts the motherboard option into the list of sound outputs | 11:24 |
EriC^^ | shafox: ok, then rename 's/*_model\.py$/\.py/' * | 11:24 |
dreamaddict | none of these troubleshooting sites are helping | 11:25 |
therue | i have an old laptop and a good desktop | 11:25 |
OerHeks | pchoo, i see, fixed in xenial 16.04 :-( | 11:25 |
shafox | EriC^^: Quantifier follows nothing in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/* <-- HERE _model\.py$/ at (eval 1) line 1. | 11:25 |
cfhowlett | therue, old hardware loves lubuntu and xubuntu. not so much ubuntu because unity is greedy. | 11:25 |
OerHeks | dreamaddict, does your bios have a AC'97 compatible mode for sound? | 11:25 |
dreamaddict | I'll have to check | 11:25 |
therue | ah ok. thanks ! :) | 11:25 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje it was so weird with many symbols and alphabets . So cancelled it and resumed copying using cp | 11:25 |
dreamaddict | the sound works fine in Windows | 11:26 |
dreamaddict | and the device is (I think) showing up in lspci | 11:26 |
Volkodav | Hi I am fighting with this problem for good 2 weeks now I did as suggested here Now the package shows as not installed and won't install | 11:26 |
EriC^^ | shafox: typo, rename 's/_model\.py$/\.py/' * | 11:27 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: you can save your stuff via a liveusb also if you like, or save your /home on a new ubuntu install as 15.10 | 11:27 |
dreamaddict | would switching it to AC97 negatively impact anything else that already works fine? | 11:27 |
dreamaddict | (does that decrease performance in any way) | 11:27 |
Ettafix | Hi, guys :) | 11:27 |
OerHeks | dreamaddict, you might not have 3d sound, if that chip is 3d ready.. | 11:27 |
OerHeks | dreamaddict, else no performance decrease | 11:28 |
Silenced_v2 | I m just backing up the downloads folder to some folder in home . lotuspsychje | 11:28 |
lotuspsychje | Silenced_v2: ah ok, good job :p | 11:28 |
Silenced_v2 | lotuspsychje : :P :D | 11:28 |
dreamaddict | hm, I suppose I could give that a shot | 11:28 |
Volkodav | Should I remove the conflicting pkg that needs to be replaced? | 11:29 |
shafox | EriC^^: Didnt work. Here is the dir structure. | 11:30 |
shafox | EriC^^: | 11:30 |
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Savemech | hi there! guys i'm facing that initramfs lacking of repair tools; how could i "install" into initramfs tools like xfs_check xfs_repair? | 11:31 |
EriC^^ | shafox: are you running that command inside the models dir? | 11:32 |
dreamaddict | ok well the BIOS doesn't have AC97 compatibility option | 11:33 |
kaype | boom | 11:33 |
kaype | installing ubuntu 14.04 on my mac pro atm | 11:33 |
dreamaddict | it has automatically detected the HDMI sound out of my video card | 11:33 |
kaype | i couldn't get rEFInd to work since i don't have an OS X Recovery partition, so i just backed up what i had and did a clean install | 11:33 |
dreamaddict | but the motherboard sound is not an option | 11:33 |
kaype | this is probably going to be glitchy as hell lmao | 11:33 |
shafox | EriC^^: tried just upper level . tried within the dir it worked. Sorry for the noise. Thank you | 11:33 |
cfhowlett | !mac | kaype | 11:33 |
ubottu | kaype: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 11:33 |
kaype | cfhowlett: do you people automatically run that any time somebody brings up OS X or macs | 11:34 |
EriC^^ | shafox: no problem | 11:34 |
cfhowlett | kaype as 99% of the users in this channel are NOT on macs ... yes. | 11:34 |
kaype | well, i just said i was successfully installing it atm so | 11:34 |
dreamaddict | so it obviously isn't no sound entirely, just a problem somehow with the motherboard onboard sound module not being properly loaded...wherever that takes place | 11:34 |
kaype | plus their guide on installing ubuntu on a mac pro is from like 2009 probably doesn't totally work still | 11:35 |
pchoo | OerHeks: from the title of that fix, I've gone into dconf-editor > desktop > ibus > general and checked the box next to "use-system-keyboard-layout", gonna reboot and test | 11:35 |
kaype | i just went all out and did a fresh, clean install. probably gonna regret this two weeks from now when it starts falling apart from mac driver issues :D | 11:35 |
k1l_ | kaype: there are several different hardware versions of apple hardware. and since apple doesnt care about other OS there are several different workarounds to get ubuntu on there | 11:35 |
kaype | k1l_: i took the lazy way out | 11:36 |
dns53_real | Savemech i believe scripts placed in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks are used to build the initramfs | 11:36 |
cfhowlett | kaype, check your sources: mac has updated some of their help pages. | 11:36 |
kaype | cfhowlett: said mac pro, not macbook pro lol | 11:36 |
Savemech | dns53_real: its busybox and lacking of tools actually :C | 11:37 |
kaype | ideally, if i wanted to do a triple boot, i probably would've done rEFInd but didn't want to kill my internet trying to redownload OS X just to remove it right after | 11:37 |
dreamaddict | there are a lot of troubleshooting pages that say a lot of things that don't work | 11:37 |
dreamaddict | for fixing this sound | 11:37 |
kaype | my only fear atm is that this might break if i start installing different desktop environments | 11:38 |
kaype | it worked with all my hardware immediately though, i'm talking from the liveusb atm | 11:38 |
dreamaddict | lspci shows the MB sound as 00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Device a170 (rev 31) | 11:38 |
dreamaddict | and now all I want to know is, what do I type in where to get the rest of the computer to recognize that as the device that I want to use for sound out | 11:39 |
dns53_real | Savemech the best thing would be to get a cd, boot of that and try and chroot to your install | 11:39 |
dreamaddict | apparently this question is way way way harder to answer than it should be | 11:39 |
chiasmata | does anyone use grive2? | 11:41 |
dreamaddict | I mean, maybe there is a command where I can feed it "00:1f.3" and it will tell me something like "snd-hda-intel" or whatever the device is called in the config file | 11:42 |
dreamaddict | because one command on the system sees the device, and nothing else does | 11:43 |
sertyui | hi | 11:43 |
sertyui | back to my issue | 11:43 |
sertyui | i would like to find a method to restart the service incase the service is stoped | 11:44 |
sertyui | i m running underUbuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l | 11:44 |
EriC^^ | sertyui: if your using upstart it has a respawn option | 11:44 |
EriC^^ | !upstart | sertyui | 11:44 |
ubottu | sertyui: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 11:44 |
sertyui | but i never used upstart | 11:44 |
sertyui | how to check the status of my service with upstart ? | 11:45 |
=== Guest30224 is now known as mboeru | ||
masterkorp | hello | 11:47 |
masterkorp | | 11:47 |
ubottu | ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. ( | 11:47 |
masterkorp | hete | 11:47 |
pchoo | OerHeks: It seems that setting that option is the fix applied :) | 11:47 |
masterkorp | what does DNE mean? | 11:47 |
OerHeks | pchoo, great! | 11:48 |
OerHeks | masterkorp, dne = does not exist | 11:48 |
k1l_ | masterkorp: does not exsist | 11:48 |
pchoo | Thanks for your time :) o/ | 11:49 |
masterkorp | OerHeks: k1l_ thanks | 11:49 |
sertyui | if i asked that | 11:49 |
sertyui | because seems like upstart not working properly | 11:50 |
sertyui | example | 11:50 |
masterkorp | also i love when the CVE does not say the description of the problem, but ubuntu already knows it | 11:50 |
OerHeks | masterkorp, the security team knows the details, it would not be wise to post the details to avoid attacking | 11:51 |
masterkorp | yeah, but ubuntu just published? | 11:51 |
masterkorp | | 11:51 |
masterkorp | here | 11:51 |
sertyui | i got a service called is assp is running | 11:51 |
OerHeks | fix is out, sou don't worry | 11:51 |
masterkorp | | 11:51 |
ubottu | ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. ( | 11:51 |
sertyui | but upstart not finding that service | 11:52 |
sertyui | nitctl status assp | 11:52 |
sertyui | initctl: Unknown job: assp | 11:52 |
masterkorp | but this one its still reserved | 11:52 |
sertyui | initctl status assp | 11:52 |
sertyui | initctl: Unknown job: assp | 11:52 |
k1l_ | sertyui: so that assp service doesnt ship upstart support does it? | 11:52 |
k1l_ | masterkorp: that cve is already widely spread. not only by ubuntu | 11:52 |
sertyui | that 's what you say how to check that ? | 11:52 |
masterkorp | k1l_: yeah just curious why on cve mitre it still says reserved | 11:53 |
k1l_ | masterkorp: ask mitre :) maybe the admin is making coffee in the meantime :) | 11:53 |
khushildep | Anyone here shed some light on why a zombie process maybe consuming massive amounts of CPU? In my understanding a zombie process is just a PID held open due to a lack of wait() by the parent or no SIG_IGN. So why would a process show has consuming massive CPU cycles? | 11:58 |
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer | ||
OerHeks | khushildep, a zombie is a runaway process, child-parent is disturbed. so no control about the process that can grow and multiply | 12:00 |
OerHeks | khushildep, if this happens a lot, do a memtest86 run | 12:02 |
zzarr | hello! I have a problem, the start script for bluetooth (bluez 5.36) indicates that the service started OK, but the status script indicates that bluetooth is not running | 12:02 |
geirha | khushildep: are you looking at it in top? or are you looking at the total cpu usage of the process? | 12:02 |
zzarr | have anyone else had this problem and a solution? | 12:02 |
khushildep | geirha: I'm looking at it in htop and csysdig | 12:03 |
khushildep | According to it must be a dead process? | 12:03 |
geirha | yes, it shouldn't be using any cpu | 12:04 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 12:04 |
fabiobik | Hello guys. i want to copy all contents from folder A to folder B like symlink does. The problem is if i create a new file on A i need to symlink again... is there alternative to B be always in sync with A | 12:04 |
fabiobik | ? | 12:04 |
geirha | fabiobik: so B should contain symlinks to A, no copies? | 12:05 |
fabiobik | yep | 12:06 |
fabiobik | that's what im thinking | 12:06 |
fabiobik | but i dont know if ln does that | 12:06 |
fabiobik | everytime i create a file or folder inside of A i want to be reproduced by symlinks on folder B | 12:08 |
sertyui | so there is no solution for my issue ? | 12:10 |
kaype | wow | 12:10 |
kaype | i can't believe that actually worked | 12:10 |
kaype | ubuntu is now working on my mac pro with no issues so far >_> | 12:10 |
fabiobik | kaype, of corse it works :) | 12:11 |
kaype | fabiobik: it usually never does on apple products, but the last time i tried using linux on a mac it was 2009 :P | 12:11 |
noelia | Hello everyone | 12:11 |
fabiobik | kaype, do you have it on dual boot? or VM | 12:12 |
kaype | fabiobik: neither | 12:12 |
fabiobik | kaype, *right now | 12:12 |
BluesKaj | fabiobik, this might help | 12:12 |
kaype | fabiobik: ideally i would've done a triple boot (windows/osx/ubuntu) with rEFInd, but i didn't have a recovery partition for OS X, and i didn't feel like redownloading a 6GB OS just to replace it with ubuntu, so.... | 12:12 |
kaype | before it was on a dual boot with OS X and windows | 12:13 |
noelia | I'm trying to build docky from source and I get this error: configure: error: Package requirements (gconf-2.0) were not met: | 12:13 |
noelia | No package 'gconf-2.0' found | 12:13 |
kaype | so i decided i didn't want to wait a few hours for OS X to download, so I just backed up my files and did a fresh install | 12:13 |
dreamaddict | ok I found in my alsa-info detects three sound devices (2 HDMI outs on my 2 graphics cards, and 1 which is the onboard sound) | 12:13 |
noelia | However, when I do "sudo apt-get install gconf2, it tells me it's already installed. | 12:13 |
dreamaddict | but only recognizes the two HDMI outs | 12:13 |
dreamaddict | do I teach alsa to recognize the onboard sound? | 12:13 |
=== bene__ is now known as ben0r | ||
noelia | What can I do? | 12:13 |
sruli | lubuntu 15.04 i have a problem with KVM, when trying to start a ubuntu VM it tells me gives me some error about hardware support (debain VM starts fine) cpuinfo tells me i have 4 cores, kvm-ok tells me acceleration can be used, however "cat sys/hypervisor/properties/capabilities" i get error no such file or directory | 12:14 |
sruli | the hyporvisor dir is empty | 12:15 |
=== cuqa_ is now known as cuqa | ||
chigang | Hi, when I install oslo.config(pip install oslo.config) on Ubuntu 14.04.3, there is a error info "Detected a distutils installed project ('six') which we cannot uninstall" , Did anyone resolve this question? thanks | 12:16 |
sertyui | i would like to know when you got a program wirtten in perl | 12:17 |
sertyui | how to check the service is running or not on ubuntu ? | 12:17 |
dreamaddict | seriously, does anyone here know anything about fixing the sound issue in ubuntu other than the links to the troubleshooting pages | 12:17 |
dreamaddict | I just ran the "big one" in the sound troubleshooting page, and the onboard audio was recognized by the system, alsa, and activated, according to the output | 12:20 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, which audio chip? | 12:20 |
dreamaddict | yet when I run the other command that uploads the alsa-info and check the dump...the dump says that alsa does not recognize the onboard audio | 12:20 |
dreamaddict | Intel Corporation Device [8086:a170] (rev 31) | 12:21 |
dreamaddict | it's the onboard audio on my works fine in Windows so I know it is an OS issue | 12:21 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, then open alsamixer in the terminal ans disable automute if it's enabled and of course make sure the audio master and pcm volume ctls are turned up | 12:23 |
dreamaddict | alsamixer doesn't open | 12:23 |
dreamaddict | already tried modprobe | 12:23 |
dreamaddict | I have actually been reading the pages :P | 12:23 |
dreamaddict | and doing what they said, I've been hacking away at this the entire time | 12:24 |
BluesKaj | install alsa-base alsa-utils | 12:24 |
dreamaddict | they are both already installed | 12:25 |
dreamaddict | I just tried the commands | 12:25 |
BluesKaj | ok, install pavucontrol if you want to use pulseaudio | 12:26 |
dreamaddict | already installed pavucontrol | 12:27 |
dreamaddict | the sound card does not show up in their either | 12:27 |
dreamaddict | let's assume that none of the troubleshooting pages have been helpful so far, not a single one | 12:27 |
BluesKaj | what does aplay -l show, pastebin the output | 12:28 |
dreamaddict | my graphics cards both have multiple HDMI outs, the output is a list of about 12 HDMI outs...I will pastebin it though | 12:28 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, I'm not consulting the troubleshooting page, I'm going by experience here | 12:28 |
dreamaddict | ok awesome, then we can crack this :) | 12:29 |
dreamaddict | | 12:29 |
BluesKaj | perhaps | 12:29 |
dreamaddict | it's all there | 12:30 |
samgoody | Hi all. When insaling Zope, I followed a tutorial to add a line in hosts: zope | 12:30 |
dreamaddict | the right sound is detected, on some level...just not in the right place for some reason | 12:30 |
samgoody | This lets me visit http://zope and it brings me to localhost | 12:30 |
samgoody | Now, I want to make that available from the internets. I have chosen a subdomain that should map to that: | 12:31 |
samgoody | Is there a way to have everything that is sent to got to localhost? | 12:31 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, did you reboot after running the modprobe command ? Most of the time that's required | 12:31 |
dreamaddict | I've rebooted a total of probably 15 times, after trying multiple solutions...however, I will try right now to run modprobe and then reboot just to be sure | 12:32 |
dreamaddict | in fact, I already did modprobe when you asked me to...I could just reboot right now and get whatever effect it has, correct? | 12:32 |
BluesKaj | yes | 12:32 |
dreamaddict | ok then be back in a minute | 12:32 |
dreamaddict | done | 12:34 |
BluesKaj | check alsamixer | 12:34 |
dreamaddict | still same as before | 12:34 |
dreamaddict | not an option in sound settings | 12:34 |
dreamaddict | alsamixer: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory | 12:34 |
BluesKaj | alsmixer won't opoen in the console? | 12:35 |
dreamaddict | nope | 12:35 |
BluesKaj | that's definitely a real problem. dreamaddict | 12:36 |
dreamaddict | well at least now we know what the real problem is :P | 12:36 |
dreamaddict | this alsamixer problem kind of made the other troubleshooting things much tougher...I couldn't find a page that had a good answer as to why it wouldn't load | 12:37 |
dreamaddict | tried purge-reinstalling, etc | 12:37 |
dreamaddict | and I am not familiar enough with Linux to know where the problem would be just from that, or what to put in what config file to fix it | 12:38 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, my solution is to use alsa without pulseaudio , but without a card 0/default there's a recognition problem | 12:38 |
dreamaddict | yes...the info dump from ALSA says that the onboard audio is not recognized by ALSA...but it is detected | 12:38 |
dreamaddict | and aplay says that it is detected and recognized | 12:38 |
dreamaddict | by alsa | 12:39 |
BluesKaj | my solution is a personal thing < I don't suggest it unless it's absolutely necessary | 12:39 |
dreamaddict | now I'm actually curious in an academic sense, like I'd really just like to know, what the hell is wrong with it | 12:40 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, by process of eliimination i think pulseaudio may be the culprit here | 12:40 |
dreamaddict | ok...I wouldn't know the relationship between alsa-info, aplay, and pulseaudio | 12:41 |
dreamaddict | but I'll take your word for it | 12:41 |
BluesKaj | pulseaudio is a sound server that rides on top of alsa | 12:41 |
dreamaddict | well let's there a command that will let alsa play sound "around" pulseaudio? | 12:42 |
dreamaddict | so that we can see if alsa is indeed working? | 12:42 |
BluesKaj | it's very useful for some soundcards/drivers , but intel can live without it | 12:42 |
OerHeks | dreamaddict, what type of machine is this? desktop ? | 12:42 |
dreamaddict | desktop | 12:42 |
OerHeks | do you know the specs? | 12:42 |
dreamaddict | I just built it, it is blank and fresh | 12:42 |
dreamaddict | I built it :) which specs do you need | 12:43 |
OerHeks | mobo specs | 12:43 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, the only thing to do is purge puleaudio | 12:43 |
dreamaddict | the motherboard is an ASUS ROG VIII Maximus Hero | 12:43 |
OerHeks | maybe there is an other user with the same issue/other linux with a fix | 12:43 |
dreamaddict | ok well at this point I might as well try purging pulseaudio first, while I google up anything that has to do with my MB and Linux being stubborn about this | 12:44 |
fabiobik | does anyone uses lsyncd? | 12:44 |
OerHeks | dreamaddict, what gives lspci for your soundchip? | 12:44 |
hateball | if you intend to use both motherboard audio as well as hdmi out from your gpu you'll be crying if you remove pulseaudio | 12:45 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, I run both my intel audio equipped machines without pulseaudio installed , they both work fine a desktop and a laptop | 12:45 |
BluesKaj | hateball, not true | 12:45 |
dreamaddict | tjat | 12:45 |
bazhang | purging pulse is not good advice at all | 12:45 |
dreamaddict | that's weird, it installed new packages when I told it to purge pulseaudio | 12:45 |
jul4 | hihi i need help | 12:46 |
dreamaddict | and now the entire box on the left where I access the settings, is gone too | 12:46 |
BluesKaj | ok , too many cooks . go to it bazhang et al ..I'll leave this alone | 12:46 |
dreamaddict | guess it purged a bit too enthusiastically | 12:46 |
jul4 | i can't get my wifi using a 10 year old pc... | 12:46 |
OerHeks | dreamaddict, did you check if there is a BIOS update ? recent update 19 jan 2016 MAXIMUS VIII HERO BIOS 1402 | 12:47 |
hateball | jul4: What chipset is this? "lspci |grep Net" will tell you | 12:48 |
jul4 | its broadcom bcm4311 | 12:49 |
dreamaddict | ok purging pulseaudio took a chunk out of my desktop too | 12:49 |
cfhowlett | jul4, easy fix: plug in a hard wire internet connection and run "additional drivers" utility | 12:50 |
mikubuntu | this new county website requiring silverlight to access, and moonlight appears not to be available anymore - any fixes? | 12:50 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, now reboot and try alamixer again | 12:50 |
BluesKaj | alsamixer | 12:50 |
dreamaddict | rebooting | 12:51 |
dreamaddict | alsamixer is same as last time | 12:53 |
OerHeks | mikubuntu, the only fix is to use chrome ( not chromium) with buildin flash and moonlight. | 12:53 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict,, then it seems you need to uodate and upgrade | 12:53 |
dreamaddict | cannot open mixer: No such file or directory | 12:53 |
dreamaddict | ok | 12:53 |
dreamaddict | how do I do that | 12:54 |
BluesKaj | and install ubuintu-restricted-extras | 12:54 |
dreamaddict | ok | 12:54 |
dreamaddict | I think I saw a linux package of that approximate name as one of the solutions | 12:54 |
BluesKaj | ubuntu-restricted-extras | 12:54 |
OerHeks | dreamaddict, it is Realtek's ALC1150 ?? .. tons of forumposts with sound issues.. | 12:54 |
dreamaddict | is that what it is? | 12:55 |
dreamaddict | I was having a hard time finding what exactly it is | 12:55 |
dreamaddict | fine in Windows, like I was saying, fine with any of my Windows games | 12:55 |
OerHeks | dreamaddict, easy to find, what gives lspci for your soundchip? the 8 digit hex number | 12:55 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, in the console , sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade | 12:55 |
dreamaddict | ok I already started the restricted packages | 12:55 |
dreamaddict | that will take a minute or two | 12:55 |
dreamaddict | then I'll run those two (update/upgrade) | 12:56 |
BluesKaj | ok , once that's finished and you agree to the terms | 12:56 |
dreamaddict | my God Linux is byzantine | 12:57 |
dreamaddict | I can't imagine how this ever becomes understandable | 12:57 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, it will if you stick to it | 12:57 |
dreamaddict | I can stick to it | 12:57 |
dreamaddict | just saying, daaamn | 12:58 |
BluesKaj | you'll wonder why you ever ran windows | 12:58 |
dreamaddict | so I can play the same games my friends are playing :P | 12:58 |
BluesKaj | depends | 12:58 |
dreamaddict | certainly not for coding...I got to the point where I was like, really, I should buckle down and learn Linux if I want to code seriously...all of the good utilities are there | 12:58 |
dreamaddict | ok update/upgrade is going right now | 12:59 |
dreamaddict | no, it will take some serious time before I can comprehend how it's organized on the inside | 13:00 |
dreamaddict | even a little | 13:00 |
BluesKaj | periodically update and upgrade, say once a week or so | 13:00 |
BluesKaj | even more often if you want, there's no hard rule | 13:01 |
dreamaddict | what actually sold me on doing a Linux boot, was seeing this OpenGL Lisp IDE called CEPL | 13:01 |
=== e-dard_afk is now known as e-dard | ||
dreamaddict | finished | 13:03 |
dreamaddict | upgraded, updated, restricted packages installed | 13:03 |
dreamaddict | reboot? | 13:04 |
BluesKaj | ok try alsamixer in the console agian | 13:04 |
dreamaddict | same | 13:04 |
dreamaddict | cannot open mixer: No such file or directory | 13:04 |
BluesKaj | ok reboot | 13:05 |
dreamaddict | rebooting | 13:05 |
dreamaddict | back | 13:06 |
dreamaddict | alsamixer hasn't changed | 13:06 |
castissimo | ?list | 13:08 |
castissimo | ciao a tutti | 13:08 |
cfhowlett | !list > castissimo | 13:08 |
ubottu | castissimo, please see my private message | 13:08 |
castissimo | !list | 13:09 |
ubottu | castissimo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 13:09 |
OerHeks | castissimo, no need to try again, dude | 13:09 |
OerHeks | all torrents are here >> | 13:10 |
zteam | Hi! | 13:13 |
mikubuntu | OerHeks: sry missed your reply -- yes i'm using chrome (again), but doesn't seem to want to play with the website. wonder what's up with that. | 13:14 |
zteam | I'm still unable to merge multiple linux isos onto my usb pendrive and boot them off | 13:14 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, I'm still here, doing some research | 13:14 |
dreamaddict | that's cool | 13:15 |
dreamaddict | your help is seriously, much appreciated | 13:15 |
dreamaddict | I've been trying but I flat do not know enough about this to really comprehend the more detailed troubleshooting | 13:15 |
zteam | Which utility is one supposed to use to able to boot multiple linux distros from one usb key?, so far I have tried both with Multisystem and YUMI, neither one is able to create a bootable usb pendrive for me :-/ | 13:17 |
zteam | with YUMI all I get is complaining about it can't find /boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod, and if Try with Multisystem, it complains about that it cannot find the Ubuntu iso upon booting | 13:19 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, in the console, sudo apt install --reinstall libasound2 | 13:20 |
dreamaddict | done | 13:21 |
dreamaddict | alsamixer still not working | 13:22 |
dreamaddict | same message | 13:22 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, in the console, sudo apt install --reinstall alsa-base alsa-utils | 13:23 |
mygan | so i have these additional drivers: Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs, is it necessary to enable these? | 13:24 |
dreamaddict | (ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot) | 13:24 |
dreamaddict | alsamixer still negative | 13:24 |
ioria | dreamaddict, but the file exists ? ls -l /usr/bin/alsamixer | 13:24 |
dreamaddict | ioria: yep...I'm pretty sure it would be a different error message if alsamixer were not there altogether | 13:25 |
ioria | dreamaddict, can you paste etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf ? | 13:25 |
dreamaddict | ioria: it doesn't exist | 13:26 |
ioria | dreamaddict, ls -l /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf | 13:27 |
OerHeks | i find no solution for Realtek ALC1150 | 13:27 |
dreamaddict | I just did, it doesn't exist | 13:27 |
ioria | dreamaddict, nmmm, no good | 13:27 |
smart | hi there, is there a way to add/edit keyboard shortcuts in lubuntu? | 13:27 |
BuenGenio | is there any way to change the delete word combination for terminal from Alt+Backspace to Ctrl+Backspace? | 13:27 |
dreamaddict | well I've been reinstalling the hell out of the packages, and it's still not there...very odd indeed | 13:27 |
ioria | !info alsa-base | 13:28 |
ubottu | alsa-base (source: alsa-driver): ALSA driver configuration files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.25+dfsg-0ubuntu5 (wily), package size 141 kB, installed size 464 kB | 13:28 |
ioria | dreamaddict, alsa-base ? | 13:28 |
BluesKaj | try opening it with alt+F2 /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf | 13:28 |
=== DirtyCajn2 is now known as DirtyCajun | ||
dreamaddict | BluesKaj: I typed that in and hit enter, and it does nothing...the window just sits there and does nothing | 13:30 |
ioria | dreamaddict, alsa-base package is installed ? | 13:30 |
dreamaddict | I just installed it | 13:30 |
ioria | dreamaddict, it wasn't ? | 13:30 |
dreamaddict | it was, I reinstalled it | 13:31 |
BluesKaj | ioria, alsamixer doesn't show up in the termianl either | 13:31 |
dreamaddict | it is freshly reinstalled and doesn't seem to work...? | 13:31 |
dreamaddict | it doesn't say "No command 'alsamixer' found" | 13:31 |
dreamaddict | it says "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory" | 13:31 |
cfhowlett | query: can I pipe text output directly to thunderbird email? | 13:32 |
ioria | dreamaddict, they are 2 diferrent errors | 13:32 |
dreamaddict | if I mistype it, it "autocorrects" me saying, did you mean: Command 'alsamixer' from package 'alsa-utils' | 13:32 |
dreamaddict | I know | 13:32 |
dreamaddict | therefore alsamixer is there | 13:32 |
ioria | dreamaddict, ls -l /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf again please | 13:33 |
dreamaddict | ok weird | 13:33 |
dreamaddict | now it is there, I am looking at it | 13:33 |
ioria | dreamaddict, can you paste etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf ? | 13:33 |
dreamaddict | I must have mistyped it earlier | 13:33 |
dreamaddict | ok pastebinning it now | 13:34 |
BiilD73 | dumb question when Im adding a line like /media/bill/series music pics/Series/ in an exports file, should it be like that or this /media/bill/series\ music\ pics/Series/ ? | 13:35 |
dreamaddict | | 13:36 |
BiilD73 | where the "series music pics" is the mounted drives name | 13:36 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, open the file agian with root permissions and add thei sline to the bottom, options snd-hda-intel index=0 | 13:38 |
dreamaddict | ok | 13:38 |
BluesKaj | then save it and relogin in | 13:39 |
ioria | dreamaddict, and it that not working , at the end you have options snd-usb-audio index=-2 , set it to 0 and add after it options snd-hda-intel index=-2 | 13:39 |
ioria | *if | 13:39 |
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje | ||
dreamaddict | alsamixer still not working | 13:40 |
dreamaddict | shall I make the index for snd-usb-audio 0 as well? | 13:40 |
BluesKaj | ioria, wonder if he needs to be added to the audiogroup | 13:40 |
BluesKaj | dreamaddict, sudo addgroup <username> audio | 13:40 |
dreamaddict | done | 13:41 |
dreamaddict | alsamixer still not working | 13:41 |
ioria | dreamaddict, have you tried " at the end you have options snd-usb-audio index=-2 , set it to 0 and add after it options snd-hda-intel index=-2 " ? | 13:41 |
dreamaddict | username, is that the entire thing (myname@mymachine), or just myname? | 13:41 |
BluesKaj | your login in name , the user name in the consol | 13:42 |
ioria | dreamaddict, no, just the username | 13:42 |
dreamaddict | ok then I did it right | 13:42 |
dreamaddict | I might as well try what you just said, ioria | 13:43 |
ioria | dreamaddict, like that options snd-usb-audio index=0 options snd-hda-intel index=-2 | 13:43 |
BluesKaj | dreamon, your soundcard isn't an outboard usb is it? | 13:44 |
dreamaddict | no, it's integrated | 13:44 |
BluesKaj | oops dreamaddict | 13:44 |
BluesKaj | ok | 13:45 |
dreamaddict | ok after changing the config is that a logout/login, or reboot | 13:45 |
ioria | dreamaddict, reboot | 13:45 |
dreamaddict | ok one sec | 13:45 |
BluesKaj | aa reboot , to make sure | 13:45 |
lotuspsychje | BiilD73: you can browse folders from terminal with cd | 13:45 |
therue | which boot start up method is better? grub, grub 2, and those other ones ? *scratches head* | 13:46 |
dreamaddict | back | 13:46 |
cfhowlett | therue, grub2 is the default. deviate ONLY if you KNOW what you are doing and are prepared to fix any breakages. | 13:46 |
dreamaddict | HEYO | 13:46 |
dreamaddict | we're in! | 13:47 |
dreamaddict | that last config file thingy did the trick! | 13:47 |
ioria | dreamaddict, working ? | 13:47 |
dreamaddict | I'm in alsamixer, at least | 13:47 |
ioria | dreamaddict, ok | 13:47 |
dreamaddict | the integrated sound still isn't in the list of sound cards | 13:48 |
dreamaddict | BUT...we have alsamixer now | 13:48 |
dreamaddict | which is much improved | 13:48 |
therue | on my laptop i had installed linux on it before and i had grub on it, not grub 2, if i want to reinstall linux on that laptop again, will the grub still exist after i install the new linux on it? | 13:48 |
ioria | dreamaddict, systemsettings -> sound ? | 13:48 |
cfhowlett | therue, unless you specify otherwise, the last OS you install will write the bootloader | 13:48 |
dreamaddict | oh my system settings kind of got gutted when I purged pulseaudio | 13:48 |
therue | ah ok | 13:48 |
therue | thanks | 13:48 |
BiilD73 | how would I format this share tree in exports file /media/bill/series\ music\ pics/Series/ or /media/bill/series music pics/Series/ do not work | 13:48 |
dreamaddict | trying to fix this...I"ll have to handle that later | 13:48 |
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ioria | dreamaddict, you purged pulseaudio ? | 13:49 |
dreamaddict | yeah BluesKaj said it was cool :) | 13:49 |
dreamaddict | for some reason it took out a few of the unity packages too, apparently | 13:49 |
dreamaddict | eh | 13:49 |
lotuspsychje_ | BiilD73: tell us the full story mate, whats your end goal? | 13:49 |
ioria | dreamaddict, what ubuntu are you on ? | 13:50 |
dreamaddict | 14.10 | 13:50 |
ioria | auuahaauahauahaa | 13:50 |
cfhowlett | dreamaddict, unsupported, end of life, upgrade to a supported version. | 13:50 |
ioria | dreamaddict, 14.10 is dead | 13:50 |
HackerII | doh | 13:50 |
dreamaddict | well I just updated/upgraded from the console...? | 13:50 |
dreamaddict | eh I can reinstall this sucker if that's the case | 13:51 |
dreamaddict | one sec | 13:51 |
ioria | dreamaddict, cat /etc/issue | 13:51 |
krabador | dreamaddict, really faster, building a pendrive or burn a dvd with a new and supported version, start the installation and use the old root, without format | 13:52 |
dreamaddict | ok | 13:52 |
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dreamaddict | I can do that tomorrow | 13:52 |
ren0v0 | hi, can someone tell me how to get rid of ssh-agent? | 13:52 |
ioria | dreamaddict, cat /etc/issue please | 13:52 |
dreamaddict | let's say, I don't want to make the same dumb mistake twice that I apparently made | 13:52 |
dreamaddict | 14.04.3 | 13:52 |
ren0v0 | its borked my keys | 13:52 |
ren0v0 | i want it gone! | 13:53 |
dreamaddict | what version should I make absolutely sure to get? | 13:53 |
ioria | dreamaddict, no, it's ok | 13:53 |
ioria | dreamaddict, you are 14.04 | 13:53 |
krabador | no 14.10 for you. | 13:53 |
dreamaddict | 14.04.3 LTS \n \l | 13:53 |
ioria | dreamaddict, uname -r | 13:53 |
dreamaddict | 3.19.0-47-generic | 13:53 |
ioria | dreamaddict, that's ok .... vivid stack | 13:54 |
dreamaddict | no really though, what is the deal with the version? | 13:54 |
ioria | dreamaddict, no need to reinstall | 13:54 |
ioria | dreamaddict, can you paste dpkg -l | grep pulseaudio | 13:55 |
ioria | dreamaddict, sorry, can you paste dpkg -l | grep pulseaudio* | 13:55 |
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noelia | Hello everyone | 13:56 |
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=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje | ||
noelia | Does anybody know about docky? | 13:56 |
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lotuspsychje | noelia: ask your issue | 13:57 |
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cfhowlett | noelia, "does anyone ..." type questions waste bandwidth/time. YOUR issues and YOUR problems may get answers | 13:57 |
BluesKaj_ | bummer , lost freenode for a few mins | 13:57 |
dreamaddict | | 13:57 |
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BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, reinstalled pulse ? | 13:58 |
noelia | I've got Docky installed and running, but there's an annoying horizontal grey line across the screen I can't get rid of, whenever I run Docky. | 13:58 |
dreamaddict | yeah | 13:59 |
dreamaddict | I don't know what you missed but I got alsamixer to work | 13:59 |
dreamaddict | by changing those two lines in the conf file | 13:59 |
lotuspsychje | noelia: ubuntu version and graphics card chipset? | 13:59 |
noelia | Xubuntu 15.10 | 13:59 |
BluesKaj_ | what did you change them to? | 13:59 |
dreamaddict | changed snd-usb-audio to 0 and hda-audio to -2 | 14:00 |
ren0v0 | can someone tell me how to remove ssh-agent? it keeps forgetting my identities and i just want to remove it | 14:00 |
dreamaddict | added the hda-audio line | 14:00 |
lotuspsychje | noelia: did you remove the xubuntu dock at bottom? or does docky run over it? | 14:00 |
noelia | lotuspsychje I removed Xubuntu dock at bottom | 14:00 |
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dreamaddict | the integrated sound still doesn't show up in alsamixer for select sound card...but at least alsamixer is there | 14:01 |
noelia | I don't know which graphics card I have | 14:01 |
lotuspsychje | noelia: pastebin sudo lshw -C video please? | 14:01 |
noelia | lotuspsychje Sure :) | 14:01 |
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BluesKaj_ | ioria, alsamixer works with those conf settings for dreamaddict, but that makes no sense to me, I have the exact opposite settings in my alsa-base.conf file | 14:02 |
noelia | lotuspsychje | 14:03 |
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BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, pastebin your alsamixer | 14:04 |
lotuspsychje | noelia: ok looks good...does your system perform well otherwise? youtubes or vlc playing fine? | 14:04 |
dreamaddict | what, what's on the screen right now? | 14:04 |
dreamaddict | it's kind of a texty-graphicy looking sort of thing | 14:04 |
noelia | lotuspsychje Yes, everything else's fine | 14:04 |
BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, yes | 14:04 |
lotuspsychje | noelia: can you test creating another user, and start docky from there please? | 14:05 |
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noelia | lotuspsychje Yes | 14:05 |
noelia | lotuspsychje I'll be right back. | 14:05 |
lotuspsychje | noelia: ok | 14:05 |
dreamaddict | | 14:05 |
dreamaddict | man I must not have checked the versions, I can't believe I didn't install 15.10 | 14:06 |
dreamaddict | surely there is a way to update to 15.10 from this install that I have | 14:07 |
BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, take a screenshot of alsamixer and paste it on | 14:08 |
noelia | lotuspsychje You're right! Another user doesn't give me that problem. | 14:08 |
dreamaddict | do I screenshot it? | 14:08 |
BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, which release are you on ? | 14:08 |
dreamaddict | 14.04 | 14:09 |
lotuspsychje | noelia: ok, try to purge docky and remove config files perhaps in /home hidden dirs of docky and try reinstall? | 14:09 |
noelia | lotuspsychje Ok, I'm going to try that :) | 14:10 |
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BluesKaj_ | make sure you have alsamixer on the desktop and hit the prntscrn button just to the right of F12 on desktop KBs, dreamaddict | 14:11 |
BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, actually 14.04 is a very stable OS , i use it as my fallback | 14:12 |
dreamaddict | | 14:12 |
dreamaddict | oh wait that's right | 14:12 |
dreamaddict | that's why I got this one, it was the stable version | 14:12 |
ren0v0 | ssh-agent is forgetting my identities, can someone help me find what went wrong ? | 14:12 |
dreamaddict | I didn't feel like screwing with the unstable new version | 14:12 |
lotuspsychje | ren0v0: maybe the #openssh guys know what to do? | 14:13 |
BuenGenio | is there any way to change the delete word combination for terminal from Alt+Backspace to Ctrl+Backspace? | 14:13 |
Multipath_Testin | Hello Guyz & Girls | 14:14 |
Multipath_Testin | do you know how to post a Bug | 14:14 |
lotuspsychje | !bug | Multipath_Testin | 14:14 |
cfhowlett | !bug > Multipath_Testin | 14:14 |
ubottu | Multipath_Testin: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs. | 14:14 |
ubottu | Multipath_Testin, please see my private message | 14:14 |
ren0v0 | lotuspsychje, i'll ask, but someone like you will probably tell me to come here | 14:15 |
ren0v0 | the confs are ubuntu specific after all. | 14:15 |
Multipath_Testin | Yes, I read this, | 14:15 |
lotuspsychje | ren0v0: just trying to give you more help options | 14:15 |
lotuspsychje | ren0v0: re-ask here once in a while if you dont get an answer | 14:15 |
Multipath_Testin | but this is not for a specific application but rather for multipathing mechanism | 14:15 |
lotuspsychje | Multipath_Testin: explain the whole story to the channel please | 14:17 |
Multipath_Testin | Well, I run an IO Test with VDBENCH' | 14:18 |
BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, in alsamixer hit F6 and choose whatever is the '0' card, then close and reopen alsamixer | 14:19 |
Multipath_Testin | then I discpnnect one FC path , wait for about 10 sec, and reconnect it. | 14:19 |
dreamaddict | done | 14:19 |
Multipath_Testin | First Port returns without a problem. | 14:19 |
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Multipath_Testin | Then I disconnect second path, this time there are ioerrors in the syslog | 14:20 |
lotuspsychje | Multipath_Testin: where did you get vdbench from? | 14:20 |
dreamaddict | it looks the same | 14:20 |
jackcom | there is a way that i want save many line over 30,000 line in the terminal? | 14:20 |
Multipath_Testin | and then the iotest breaks. | 14:20 |
Multipath_Testin | the VDBENCH is a java Tool | 14:21 |
lotuspsychje | Multipath_Testin: and you got it from where | 14:21 |
BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, theb f6 agian and choose the intel card | 14:21 |
dreamaddict | there is no intel card in the list | 14:21 |
Multipath_Testin | it's from SUN ( Oracle right now) | 14:21 |
dreamaddict | there is - (default), 0 HDA ATI HDMI, 2 HDA ATI HDMI | 14:21 |
BluesKaj_ | 0 hda | 14:22 |
dreamaddict | that's what I just picked | 14:22 |
sertyui | hi | 14:22 |
dreamaddict | when you said pick the 0 card | 14:22 |
lotuspsychje | Multipath_Testin: maybe ask the oracle forums? | 14:22 |
sertyui | how to check the number of users present on a server ? | 14:22 |
Multipath_Testin | lotuspsychje: the problem is not with the Tool | 14:23 |
Multipath_Testin | Because it is working well on other OS's | 14:23 |
cfhowlett | sertyui, in a terminal? users | 14:23 |
Multipath_Testin | there is probably something wrong This ubuntu version - 15.1 | 14:23 |
BluesKaj_ | right , that's because the intel is sending to your hdmi and not to the analog out | 14:23 |
dreamaddict | ok well I'll try that | 14:24 |
sertyui | ok i can see 3 times my username | 14:24 |
dreamaddict | so how do I test the sound | 14:24 |
dreamaddict | or more importantly, how do I get the sound settings back into my GUI? | 14:24 |
dreamaddict | because for some reason purging pulseaudio got rid of a chunk of the desktop | 14:25 |
lotuspsychje | Multipath_Testin: still its not an officially supported ubuntu package right, maybe you can test an alterntive IO test? like bonie++? | 14:25 |
BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, you need to change that conf file setting again , make the usb index=1 and the intel =0 | 14:26 |
dreamaddict | done and rebooting | 14:26 |
sertyui | i can see my username 3 times but only one session is present | 14:27 |
sertyui | how to check other where it is ? | 14:27 |
cfhowlett | sertyui, ask #ubuntu-server | 14:27 |
lotuspsychje | !info bonnie++ | Multipath_Testin try this | 14:27 |
ubottu | Multipath_Testin try this: bonnie++ (source: bonnie++): Hard drive benchmark suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1.97.1 (wily), package size 64 kB, installed size 188 kB | 14:28 |
dreamaddict | lol | 14:28 |
BiilD73 | how would I format this share tree in exports file /media/bill/series\ music\ pics/Series/ or /media/bill/series music pics/Series/ do not work | 14:28 |
dreamaddict | back to cannot open mixer | 14:28 |
lotuspsychje | BiilD73: what are you trying to doe exactly? | 14:29 |
BiilD73 | I have this nfs share /media/bill/series music pics/ with files that currently i can acces on the local machine no problem | 14:31 |
BiilD73 | when I try to export that same share i get an error I'm sure is due to the spaces on the former windows drive name | 14:32 |
BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, wow, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever | 14:32 |
dreamaddict | it sure doesn't :P | 14:32 |
Multipath_Testin | Ok, thanks ubottu ! | 14:33 |
dreamaddict | it works if usb=0 and hda=-2, but not the other way around | 14:33 |
dreamaddict | and this doesn't work either | 14:33 |
BluesKaj_ | well, change them back | 14:33 |
dreamaddict | and when it does work, it still doesnt see the intel device (as an intel device at least) | 14:33 |
dreamaddict | ok | 14:33 |
lotuspsychje | BiilD73: did you try with series_music_pics as spaces? | 14:33 |
dreamaddict | rebooting | 14:34 |
BiilD73 | no I didn't since when i use tab to locate files under it didn't swap space for "_" | 14:34 |
lotuspsychje | BiilD73: i recommend you to use cleaner folder structures in the future | 14:34 |
gateshwill | i highly recommend windows 10 for a profoundly better computing experience | 14:34 |
BiilD73 | well it was a windows drive and you no how that migrating stuff goes | 14:34 |
lotuspsychje | !ot | gateshwill | 14:34 |
ubottu | gateshwill: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 14:34 |
dreamaddict | alsamixer is back up | 14:35 |
BiilD73 | lotuspsychje this is the error now exportfs: Failed to stat /media/bill/series_music_pics/Series/: No such file or directory | 14:36 |
dreamaddict | also this is when I restart ubuntu, there is a small bit of graphical noise that shows up on the end screen just before it reboots | 14:36 |
BiilD73 | guess I should just rename the drive. | 14:36 |
dreamaddict | eh a worry for another day I suppose | 14:36 |
lotuspsychje | BiilD73: cant you rename folder before you export? | 14:37 |
lotuspsychje | BiilD73: make something straight like /media/bill/allsorts | 14:37 |
canaima_ | canaima | 14:39 |
lotuspsychje | !es | canaima_ | 14:40 |
ubottu | canaima_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 14:40 |
BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, try the gnome-alsamixer | 14:40 |
BiilD73 | the drive was name on windows 7 and I'm not linux proficient enough lol just unmounted it unplugged hooked to laptop to renmae it | 14:40 |
dreamaddict | should I apt-get autoremove at any point here to get rid of unneeded packages? | 14:41 |
BluesKaj_ | yes | 14:41 |
dreamaddict | ok got the new alsamixer | 14:41 |
BluesKaj_ | dreamaddict, does it show volume control sliders etc? | 14:43 |
dreamaddict | nope | 14:43 |
dreamaddict | there are six check boxes, all labeled IEC958...the first four are checked | 14:43 |
dreamaddict | and there is one tab, labeled ATI R6xx HDMI | 14:44 |
BiilD73 | sweet renaming it fixed it was trying to find a work around but seems the spaces are a bug for NFS with no fix as of yet | 14:45 |
lotuspsychje | dreamaddict: just of curiosity, wich graphics driver do you have active? | 14:45 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | BiilD73 | 14:45 |
ubottu | BiilD73: Glad you made it! :-) | 14:45 |
dreamaddict | how do I check? my settings panel is borked | 14:46 |
linwiz | Having some problems with deps while installing a package, anyone have suggestions? | 14:46 |
lotuspsychje | dreamaddict: sudo lshw -C video | 14:46 |
dreamaddict | fglrx_pci | 14:46 |
dreamaddict | I downloaded it from the AMD site | 14:47 |
lotuspsychje | dreamaddict: did you ever try 15.10? | 14:47 |
xangua | linwiz: wrong channel | 14:47 |
lotuspsychje | dreamaddict: sounds like a new card | 14:47 |
dreamaddict | no I remembered why I didn't download it in the first place...I thought the stable version would be a safer bet | 14:47 |
dreamaddict | yeah it's really new | 14:47 |
dreamaddict | I kind of splurged building this machine | 14:47 |
linwiz | I've tried there already xangua was hoping for some advice any way | 14:48 |
cfhowlett | linwiz, you want #debian | 14:48 |
lotuspsychje | dreamaddict: could you try a liveusb 15.10 and check if sounds works better there perhaps | 14:48 |
dreamaddict | you know I can definitely try that | 14:48 |
dreamaddict | in fact I might try getting some kind of sleep and trying that in the morning | 14:48 |
dreamaddict | it's almost 7AM here and I've been up for hours diligently hacking away at this | 14:48 |
lotuspsychje | dreamaddict: ok mate good luck and come back if you dont get it straight | 14:49 |
dreamaddict | yup | 14:49 |
dreamaddict | hey BluesKaj, I think I'm going to call it for tonight | 14:49 |
dreamaddict | you're off the clock :) | 14:49 |
dreamaddict | and seriously thank you for being so patient about this | 14:49 |
lotuspsychje | !cookie | BluesKaj_ | 14:49 |
ubottu | BluesKaj_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 14:49 |
dreamaddict | !beer | BluesKaj_ | 14:50 |
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dreamaddict | awww. | 14:50 |
peaceful | HI | 14:51 |
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peaceful | How can i install latest gcc in ubuntu 14.04? | 14:52 |
BiilD73 | so glad thats fixed, finally ghot rid of the Win7 install for serving my videos to OSMC RPis' videos stream so much better now from NFS than Samba | 14:52 |
lotuspsychje | !latest | peaceful | 14:52 |
ubottu | peaceful: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 14:52 |
lotuspsychje | peaceful: its recommended to use package versions for your ubuntu version | 14:53 |
lotuspsychje | BiilD73: glad you fixxed it | 14:53 |
peaceful | lotuspsychje, i dont need recommended :) | 14:54 |
Silenced | Guys . Trying to reinstall ubuntu . In custom partitioning ,will mentioning my previous /home as the /home of current installation delete my existing data ? | 14:54 |
peaceful | !backports | 14:54 |
ubottu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See - See also !packaging | 14:54 |
xangua | Silenced: if you don't check the square for delete, no | 14:54 |
peaceful | !packaging | 14:55 |
ubottu | The packaging guide is at - See for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at - See also !backports and !sponsoring | 14:55 |
xangua | peaceful: either find some strange PPA or compile it yourself | 14:55 |
mcphail | peaceful: there is no _supported_ way to run latest GCC on 14.04. Ubuntu doesn't work like that. You are welcome to build yourself, find a PPA or install from another source, but it will not be supported on this channel | 14:55 |
peaceful | If i enable backports ill get latest versions? | 14:55 |
Silenced | xangua you mean the format check box ? | 14:55 |
xangua | that's the "not recomended" path, good luck peaceful | 14:55 |
xangua | Silenced: if you don't check to format, it won't format :P | 14:56 |
Silenced | Okay :P | 14:56 |
Dinosaurio | Hey, how to install kde on ubuntu 14.04 | 14:56 |
peaceful | ok | 14:57 |
peaceful | IM going to enable backports | 14:57 |
lotuspsychje | Dinosaurio: you can install kubuntu if you like | 14:57 |
peaceful | Ubuntu 14.04 have pretty outdated stuff | 14:57 |
BiilD73 | peaceful its stable and LTS | 14:57 |
lotuspsychje | Dinosaurio: or install kubuntu-desktop from your existing install | 14:57 |
mcphail | peaceful: that is by design. For "outdated" read "stable" | 14:57 |
lotuspsychje | peaceful: thats whay there are non-lts versions also... | 14:57 |
lotuspsychje | !info gcc | peaceful | 14:58 |
ubottu | peaceful: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.144ubuntu1)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:5.2.1-3ubuntu1 (wily), package size 5 kB, installed size 44 kB | 14:58 |
Dinosaurio | I'd like to choose unity or kde every time I log in | 14:58 |
xangua | Dinosaurio: wou will be able | 14:58 |
lotuspsychje | Dinosaurio: ok then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 14:58 |
peaceful | lotuspsychje, thats in 15.10 | 14:58 |
Dinosaurio | xangua, lotuspsychje: okay, ty | 14:58 |
lotuspsychje | peaceful: yes thats what you need a later gcc right? | 14:59 |
LocalHost_80 | hi guys is there any way to backup application in ubuntu? i mean the USC application because its hard for me to download it again in other distros | 14:59 |
lotuspsychje | !backup | LocalHost_80 | 14:59 |
ubottu | LocalHost_80: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 14:59 |
peaceful | lotuspsychje, yep | 14:59 |
* mcphail doubts the latest gcc will be in Trusty backports | 15:00 | |
LocalHost_80 | thanks a lot ... | 15:00 |
LocalHost_80 | :-* | 15:00 |
lotuspsychje | peaceful: then tryout 15.10... | 15:00 |
xangua | Dinosaurio: also if you don't need/want to install every aplications that comes in Kubuntu by default, you probably you want to install plasma desktop | 15:00 |
BluesKaj_ | the latest isn't necesarily the greatest either | 15:00 |
metal | hello | 15:00 |
linwiz | peaceful: there are other distros that provide the 'latest and greatest' packages by default; maybe that's what you're looking for? | 15:00 |
parallels | just installed | 15:01 |
parallels | ubuntu on a mac | 15:01 |
peaceful | lotuspsychje, i need to keep 3.13 kernel | 15:01 |
Dinosaurio | xangua: Yeah, I only want KDE environment | 15:01 |
lotuspsychje | !pinning | peaceful maybe with this method? | 15:02 |
ubottu | peaceful maybe with this method?: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 15:02 |
xangua | !info plasma-desktop | Dinosaurio | 15:03 |
ubottu | Dinosaurio: plasma-desktop (source: plasma-desktop): Tools and widgets for the desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.4.2-0ubuntu2 (wily), package size 1620 kB, installed size 7975 kB | 15:03 |
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Dinosaurio | xangua: Downloading and installing. Thank you :) | 15:05 |
Dinosaurio | It's great to have some free times so you can taste new savours | 15:06 |
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theone88 | hello ive d got ubuntu 14.04 installed on my laptop and when i restart or shut down i don t see that loading bar or purple screen just blank untill its restarted or reopened its that ok? | 15:19 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: is your laptop a fast one with ssd? | 15:19 |
theone88 | no | 15:20 |
theone88 | hdd | 15:20 |
dom____ | hello, I'm facing problem with sed This code some time modify only one line in myfile.txt and some time don't modify any line, but individually both sed working fine | 15:20 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: normally you should see a little of the purple screen before shutdown | 15:20 |
theone88 | nope i dont see it | 15:21 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: what does happen when you press F1 during shutdown process? maybe youl get usefull errors | 15:21 |
theone88 | i dont know im new on linux let me check | 15:21 |
lotuspsychje | dom____: maybe the ##sed guys know? | 15:22 |
dom____ | ok..thanks | 15:22 |
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theone88 | lotuspsychje should i reinstall ubuntu? | 15:31 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: i would investigate a bit first... | 15:32 |
theone88 | the f1 keys doesnt work when i shutdown | 15:32 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: can you check wich graphics card you have and wich driver? pastebin sudo lshw -C video | 15:32 |
theone88 | it shows me another grafic card | 15:35 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: wich chipset please? and what written behind driver= | 15:36 |
theone88 | wait i copy paste | 15:36 |
theone88 | -display | 15:36 |
theone88 | description: VGA compatible controller | 15:36 |
theone88 | product: Mullins [Radeon APU A4-6000 with R2 Graphics] | 15:36 |
theone88 | vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] | 15:36 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: is thi a recent laptop? | 15:37 |
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theone88 | yes lenovo g50-45 with dual graphics | 15:37 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: did you try installing the drivers from the amd site? | 15:38 |
theone88 | in ati catalist i see both graphics card but the r5 one with 2 gb its says unknown display | 15:38 |
theone88 | nope i dont know how | 15:39 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: hmm, maybe you can try ubuntu 15.10 as a test, to see if your new graphics perform better there | 15:39 |
theone88 | i used aditional drivers | 15:39 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: try the drivers from amd, if that doesnt work try 15.10 | 15:39 |
theone88 | how do i install those? | 15:39 |
ballmer | if that doesn't work, boot a fedora live usb | 15:40 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: check the amd website, and search for your card/drivers | 15:40 |
ballmer | it has newer everything | 15:40 |
theone88 | ok | 15:40 |
lotuspsychje | ballmer: please dont suggest fedora here | 15:40 |
ballmer | why not | 15:40 |
lotuspsychje | ballmer: because your in an ubuntu support channel | 15:40 |
cfhowlett | ballmer, this is ubuntu support. | 15:40 |
ballmer | i am here to solve problems not be a fanboy | 15:40 |
lotuspsychje | ballmer: this is why we keep sperate channels for each distro | 15:41 |
cfhowlett | ballmer, you are here to troll. please help fedora users, not bother ubuntu users. | 15:41 |
ballmer | if you are that thin skinned, then you should not be in a help channel period | 15:41 |
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lotuspsychje | ballmer: this help channel is about ubuntu, period | 15:42 |
=== Guest44397 is now known as linuxlove | ||
linuxlove | hello | 15:42 |
ballmer | i will say what i want and if you don't like it then kickban me, and i'll take my business and 30 servers elsewhere. this is childishness. | 15:43 |
linuxlove | can i run xcode in ubuntu? | 15:43 |
cfhowlett | linuxlove, as of quite recently ... yues | 15:43 |
cfhowlett | *yes* | 15:43 |
linuxlove | cfhowlett, how? | 15:43 |
lotuspsychje | !info rules | ballmer this is why its not childish | 15:44 |
ubottu | ballmer this is why its not childish: Package rules does not exist in wily | 15:44 |
linuxlove | cfhowlett, in virtual machine? | 15:44 |
lotuspsychje | !rules | ballmer | 15:44 |
ubottu | ballmer: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 15:44 |
ballmer | what guidelines say i can't suggest using another distro to someone on irc whose pc is incompatible with ubuntu? | 15:45 |
ballmer | please point it out | 15:45 |
cfhowlett | linuxlove, looking. ther article was quite recent | 15:45 |
linuxlove | cfhowlett, could you give me a link please? | 15:45 |
nicomachus | ballmer: if you have issues with the guidelines take it up with #ubuntu-ops | 15:46 |
cfhowlett | linuxlove, I said ... I'm looking | 15:46 |
ballmer | i pay a lot of money to canonical and i will yank every bit of it if this is your attitude | 15:46 |
nicomachus | none of us here works for canonical... | 15:46 |
cfhowlett | ballmer,and yet you advocate fedora. please play somewhere else | 15:46 |
mcphail | ballmer: calm down please | 15:46 |
ballmer | i use both, i am not advocating, i am telling someone what to try IF UBUNTU IS INCOMPATIBLE | 15:47 |
ballmer | you fanboy immaturity is unbecoming and represents the ubuntu community poorly | 15:47 |
cfhowlett | ballmer, you are not helping now . your intentions are suspect. your disruptive behavior is obvious. | 15:47 |
Danielh90 | how do you name a screen? | 15:47 |
ballmer | i will bring this up to my canonical rep | 15:47 |
linuxlove | okay | 15:48 |
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crised | I have VLC audio problems, after pausing the video | 15:53 |
lotuspsychje | crised: can you tell us what happens | 15:53 |
crised | Similar to this thread, although I changed the audio output module, still I have problems V | 15:53 |
crised | | 15:53 |
pbx | ballmer, i just found this in the IRC guidelines: "In #ubuntu-ops you will be able to publicly discuss your matter regarding any of the Ubuntu Core channels with other Ubuntu IRC operators. Please join this channel for conflict escalation/resolution and not other channels." | 15:53 |
lotuspsychje | crised: 12?10 is end of life mate | 15:54 |
lotuspsychje | crised: we suggest you install a supported version from the topic | 15:54 |
crised | lotuspsychje: no... I have the same problem my OS is 15 | 15:54 |
cfhowlett | linuxlove, OK, found it and ... I was completely wrong. Apple has opensourced SWIFT not xcode. so sorry for confusing the issue. | 15:54 |
lotuspsychje | crised: maybe try 14.04.3 LTS? to test | 15:55 |
linuxlove | cfhowlett, okay and do you know how can i run mac os virtually in ubuntu? | 15:55 |
Fivecentmike | I am trying to use a Nvidia Geforce GTX960 with Ubuntu 14.04 and I can't get the drivers to properly install despite following several guides on stack overflow. | 15:56 |
cfhowlett | linuxlove, have to ask #vbox. so far as I know, you MUST have vbox installed on a mac to run it virtually | 15:56 |
crised | I have Ubuntu 15.10, and I have audio problems when I pause a video in VLC.... any ideas? | 15:56 |
nicomachus | crised: what "audio problems"? | 15:56 |
eragera | Hello, I also have Ubuntu 15.10 and Im having audio problems with music playback | 15:56 |
lotuspsychje | crised: start vlc from the terminal, maybe it spits out usefull errors | 15:56 |
eragera | | 15:56 |
eragera | My problem is described here | 15:56 |
eragera | Please, I need some help. Listening to my music collection as it warps to hell hurts my soul | 15:57 |
cfhowlett | !patience | eragera, | 15:57 |
ubottu | eragera,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 15:57 |
lotuspsychje | !sound | eragera have you tried these steps? | 15:57 |
ubottu | eragera have you tried these steps?: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 15:57 |
crised | lotuspsychje: [00000000024b21c8] dbus interface error: poll() failed: Interrupted system call | 15:57 |
eragera | cfhowlett, Sorry, :P | 15:57 |
cfhowlett | eragera, no worries | 15:57 |
eragera | I wasnt repeating | 15:58 |
eragera | I was trying to list my whole problem out | 15:58 |
eragera | so that I could answer most basic questions | 15:58 |
kltrg | The GTK display setting manager is gone on of my machines (the thing where I drag and drop monitors and change their resolution). I can’t find out the package name to install it. How is it called? | 15:58 |
theone88 | lotuspsychje i can find the drivers should i install ubuntu 15.10 and use aditional drivers after inastall? | 15:58 |
nicomachus | kltrg: the regular system settings menu? | 15:58 |
nicomachus | kltrg: unity-control-center? | 15:59 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: i would first try the drivers ubuntu chooses, if it doesnt perform well, try the amd drivers | 15:59 |
lotuspsychje | crised: could you try to pause in smplayer as a test please? just to see if its vlc or the sound | 16:00 |
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nicomachus | eragera: what music player are you using that is browser-dependent? | 16:00 |
lotuspsychje | !info smplayer | crised | 16:00 |
ubottu | crised: smplayer (source: smplayer): complete front-end for MPlayer and MPlayer2. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.9.0~ds0-1 (wily), package size 1388 kB, installed size 3702 kB | 16:00 |
eragera | nicomachus, Im using Exaile | 16:01 |
theone88 | ok at install i use this partition scheme 1st root 2nd home and swap its ok like this? | 16:01 |
eragera | It is not browser dependent, atleast afaik | 16:01 |
w00tburger | anyoen know if there is there such a thing for hyper V which is that of "guest tools" in environments such as vmware and virtualbox? | 16:01 |
lotuspsychje | theone88: use the automatic partitioning | 16:01 |
eragera | I tried Rythmbox, Clementine | 16:01 |
nicomachus | eragera: lol, then why would switching from Chrome to Firefox make a difference? Checking out other issues... | 16:01 |
eragera | Neither worked | 16:01 |
theone88 | for 1tb hdd? | 16:01 |
cfhowlett | theone88, yep. let ubuntu figure it out. | 16:01 |
eragera | I just shifted for the heck of it | 16:02 |
nicomachus | eragera: do you get the same stutter in other music players? | 16:02 |
eragera | Yes | 16:02 |
eragera | I do | 16:02 |
crised | it's fixed, Changed to output ALSA, then Audio device is set to Pulse Audio SoundServer, works flawless | 16:02 |
lotuspsychje | w00tburger: maybe the #vbox guys know? | 16:02 |
eragera | Not in MPV tho | 16:02 |
eragera | MPV works like a charm | 16:02 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | crised | 16:02 |
ubottu | crised: Glad you made it! :-) | 16:02 |
theone88 | ok thank you very much guys | 16:02 |
nicomachus | eragera: so it's a pulseaudio issue likely... do you have any custom pulse settings? I think they're in ~/.pulse | 16:02 |
eragera | I already deleted that 3 times over | 16:02 |
eragera | didnt fix | 16:03 |
nicomachus | ok. one moment. | 16:03 |
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eragera | You need to know tho | 16:03 |
eragera | Im a linux casual | 16:03 |
eragera | I dont know much about anything | 16:03 |
eragera | just your basic stuff a newb would know | 16:03 |
nicomachus | eragera: no problem there. :) but try not to hit the enter key so much, keep it all one line whenever possible. | 16:03 |
eragera | its a bad habit which my friends tell me to fix a lot, but it just doesnt go... | 16:04 |
w00tburger | not sure if that is a vbox question lol. I cant seem to find a hyper-V channel | 16:04 |
kltrg | nicomachus, The control center is there. But not all the entries are there. The display one is missing for example. | 16:04 |
nicomachus | eragera: ha. you said ubuntu 15.10? what kernel? | 16:04 |
eragera | .... | 16:04 |
eragera | ermm.... How do I check that? | 16:04 |
nicomachus | eragera: in a terminal, type "uname -a" | 16:04 |
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eragera | Linux Gaurav-PC 4.2.0-23-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Sun Dec 27 17:48:35 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux | 16:05 |
eragera | Is what this says | 16:05 |
eragera | Tilda is handy af, btw | 16:05 |
nicomachus | eragera: ok. first, go ahead and do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 16:05 |
Danielh90 | I'm trying to make a .sh and when I try and do sudo ./ it says command not found but I have a command that I can just work in the terminal | 16:05 |
eragera | 0 all | 16:06 |
eragera | I update it all once a day | 16:06 |
nicomachus | eragera: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 16:06 |
nicomachus | you should have a kernel upgrade that was pushed out yesterday. | 16:06 |
user_ | Hey guys does someone have a good solution in respect to Antivirus? | 16:06 |
eragera | nicomachus, I made an alias to update | 16:06 |
user_ | for Ubuntu? | 16:06 |
eragera | which does all the update and upgrade commands | 16:06 |
lotuspsychje | user_: clamav | 16:06 |
eragera | shall i just run that? | 16:06 |
cfhowlett | !malware | user_ | 16:06 |
nicomachus | user_: clamav | 16:06 |
jophish | I'm getting strange tearing on an external monitor. The tearing is along a diagonal line | 16:07 |
nicomachus | eragera: yes, please run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 16:07 |
eragera | oh boy | 16:07 |
eragera | this gonna be a while | 16:07 |
user_ | Mmm I just installed ClamAv and it didnt work. In other words it juyst tells me that there are some infected files, but it doesnt tell me thepath of this files or how to delete them | 16:07 |
nicomachus | eragera: whats your update alias? | 16:07 |
Guest35435 | daniel try bash | 16:07 |
eragera | one sec | 16:07 |
lotuspsychje | user_: probably a false positive | 16:08 |
lotuspsychje | user_: can you remember its name? | 16:08 |
eragera | alias update='sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y' | 16:08 |
user_ | What do you mean with its name? | 16:08 |
user_ | sorry for my ignorance | 16:08 |
eragera | I didnt write this myself, got it from a friend who uses linux but took pity on my useless self | 16:08 |
lotuspsychje | user_: you said you had infected files... | 16:08 |
lotuspsychje | user_: infected with wich trojan/worm? | 16:09 |
user_ | O yes, but the problem is that I dont know the name of the files because ClamAv just say "4 infected files" nothing more | 16:09 |
user_ | that my doubt | 16:09 |
lotuspsychje | user_: you should have a log of the scan | 16:09 |
cobra | 有人会说中文吗? | 16:10 |
user_ | how can I access to that log? | 16:10 |
lotuspsychje | user_: try /var/log/clamav | 16:10 |
cfhowlett | !cn | cobra | 16:10 |
ubottu | cobra: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 16:10 |
user_ | Give me a sec | 16:10 |
eragera | Wait is that Japanese? | 16:10 |
rip__ | 我 | 16:10 |
cobra | 第一次玩这个东西 | 16:10 |
compdoc | pretty | 16:10 |
cfhowlett | could be = let | 16:11 |
lotuspsychje | user_: pastebin if possible | 16:11 |
eragera | :| Do I need to open up google translate? Prolly not. Let's just look the other way | 16:11 |
cfhowlett | !jp | cobra | 16:11 |
ubottu | cobra: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。 | 16:11 |
user_ | Ok, give me a sec | 16:11 |
nicomachus | eragera: don't worry about it. just redirecting users to the proper channel. | 16:11 |
eragera | I see | 16:11 |
nicomachus | eragera: we need to make some changes to your alias, it isn't updating properly because the syntax is off. | 16:11 |
eragera | Oh. I see. | 16:12 |
nicomachus | errr... wait. could be my fault. one sec. | 16:12 |
user_ | Tue Jan 19 23:11:21 2016 -> +++ Started at Tue Jan 19 23:11:21 2016 | 16:12 |
user_ | Tue Jan 19 23:11:21 2016 -> Received 0 file descriptor(s) from systemd. | 16:12 |
user_ | Tue Jan 19 23:11:21 2016 -> clamd daemon 0.98.7 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: x86_64, CPU: x86_64) | 16:12 |
user_ | Tue Jan 19 23:11:21 2016 -> Running as user clamav (UID 121, GID 129) | 16:12 |
user_ | Tue Jan 19 23:11:21 2016 -> Log file size limited to 4294967295bytes. | 16:12 |
user_ | Tue Jan 19 23:11:21 2016 -> Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav | 16:12 |
lotuspsychje | !paste | user_ | 16:12 |
ubottu | user_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 16:12 |
eragera | Just listening to my Anime Songs | 16:13 |
eragera | nicomachus, Ive noticed one thing | 16:13 |
nicomachus | eragera: sorry it's fine. did you get any upgrades with the command I had you run? | 16:13 |
eragera | It doesnt warp on some certain songs | 16:13 |
eragera | which are calmer | 16:13 |
pulsarpietro | hia | 16:14 |
eragera | nicomachus, Its updating the kernel. I think. | 16:14 |
nicomachus | good. that's a big security patch. | 16:14 |
user_ | the pastbin id is]: 14582978 | 16:14 |
lotuspsychje | user_: full url please | 16:15 |
user_ | | 16:15 |
Fivecentmike | I am trying to use a Nvidia Geforce GTX960 with Ubuntu 14.04 and I can't get the drivers to properly install. Installing Nvidia's drivers through Software and Updates seems to proceed without error, but on reboot I'm unable to login. | 16:15 |
lotuspsychje | user_: i dont see infected on there? | 16:16 |
user_ | Yeah its strange | 16:16 |
eragera | Oh btw, If I read 'Python for dummies' will I be able to learn basic python skills? | 16:16 |
user_ | I run ClamAv yesterday and it said that there where 4 infected files | 16:16 |
lotuspsychje | user_: so your safe! why do you suspect a virus exactly. | 16:16 |
nicomachus | eragera: no idea, I'm currently learning python myself. #python can help you with that, though. | 16:16 |
user_ | and I cant find the files | 16:16 |
user_ | or the log | 16:17 |
eragera | I see | 16:17 |
user_ | Im worried becasue of this nerw troyan that take snapshots of your system every 3 seconds | 16:17 |
user_ | and also because sometimes my laptop lags | 16:17 |
Guest35435 | I thought 'Learn Python The Hard Way' was great | 16:17 |
user_ | and it shoudnt, it has a good processor and disk :( | 16:17 |
ikonia | user_: what new trojan ? | 16:18 |
eragera | the hard way... urgh... | 16:18 |
xangua | user_: alredy being patched | 16:18 |
user_ | Yeah | 16:18 |
user_ | for real? | 16:18 |
user_ | So im "safe" | 16:18 |
user_ | ? | 16:18 |
flexus | hi, when purging my old, unused kernels i get a libc6-dev error i cant solve: | 16:18 |
eragera | I have exams in a month so I cant dedicate more than about 30 mins to 1 hour to python a day | 16:18 |
ikonia | user_: what new trojan are you talking about | 16:18 |
nicomachus | flexus: I can't read that... lol. | 16:18 |
flexus | nicomachus, yeah, german gg | 16:19 |
nicomachus | !de | flexus | 16:19 |
ubottu | flexus: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 16:19 |
ServantGrunt | Good evening everyone, I'm in need of some help with the management of Juju and MaaS, can anyone help me? | 16:19 |
user_ | The one that takes picture of your system every 30 seconds, store the images locally and uploads them to a remote server | 16:19 |
ph88 | how much space do i need for ubuntu gnome without home drive and swap ? | 16:19 |
flexus | maybe i can translate: libc6-dev depends on linux-libc-dev but should not be installed | 16:20 |
eragera | nicomachus, Is there a need for me to install an antivirus on linux? When I used to use windows I didnt get a malware/virus for about 6 years, until I got fed up with M$'s shit and uninstalled it from my system. | 16:20 |
xangua | !virus | eragera | 16:20 |
ubottu | eragera: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See | 16:20 |
user_ | and also I ve been suspecting of a possible virus or trojan etc., because I havent been able to upgrade to 16.04 lts correctly; also after the upgrade my video performance descre<sed a lot. I play Dota2 and now its has fps lag :( | 16:20 |
xangua | user_: do you install thing outside of the official repositories? | 16:20 |
ikonia | user_: what trojan is this | 16:20 |
eragera | I see. Thnx Mr.Bot | 16:20 |
nicomachus | eragera: language... and no you should be fine without one, so long as you don't click shady links and are careful when downloading / sharing files with other computers. | 16:20 |
user_ | No nothing, I have everything default | 16:21 |
xangua | user_: Xenial is not yet stable | 16:21 |
eragera | Sorry :P | 16:21 |
ikonia | user_: you're quoting a lot of very specific information about a trojan you believe you have, what is the name, where is the cve for this trojan | 16:21 |
xangua | user_: then why all this paranoid? | 16:21 |
user_ | what is Xenial? | 16:21 |
user_ | no, its not paranoid | 16:21 |
nicomachus | !xenial | user_ | 16:21 |
ubottu | user_: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at - Discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 16:21 |
user_ | its that before when I had a 15.01 | 16:21 |
ikonia | user_: thats the release you say you're trying to upgrade to | 16:21 |
user_ | my laptop worked perfectly | 16:21 |
ServantGrunt | Hum, can anyone give me a moment please? | 16:22 |
ikonia | user_: what is the name/detail of this trojan you keep referencing | 16:22 |
user_ | lol, so I upgraded partiallty or something like that? | 16:22 |
lotuspsychje | !ask | ServantGrunt | 16:22 |
ubottu | ServantGrunt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:22 |
ServantGrunt | I asked before but nobody answered (?) | 16:22 |
user_ | ikonia, give me a sec Ill give you the name now | 16:22 |
ServantGrunt | Anyway, I'm in need of some help with the management of Juju and MaaS, can anyone help me? | 16:22 |
TJ- | ServantGrunt: you'll be better off in the #ubuntu-server channel for those issues | 16:23 |
user_ | Linux.Ekoms.1 | 16:23 |
user_ | that the name | 16:23 |
ServantGrunt | Oh, alright | 16:23 |
user_ | Dr.web found it | 16:23 |
ServantGrunt | Thanks | 16:23 |
ServantGrunt | Bye! | 16:23 |
lotuspsychje | user_: try the clamav database instead | 16:23 |
nicomachus | flexus: why are you using such a complicated method of removing old kernels instead of just "apt-get autoremove"? | 16:23 |
user_ | Ill try that | 16:24 |
flexus | nicomachus, autoremove doesnt remove things in /boot, dont know why | 16:24 |
user_ | so in conclusion I have to wait until 24th? to get 16.04 LTS? | 16:24 |
user_ | Why then do I had the option to upgradE? | 16:24 |
nicomachus | flexus: it should... unless you are manually installing all of your kernels. | 16:24 |
adriajk | 24 of this month? | 16:24 |
ikonia | user_: and why do you think this specific trojan is impacting you ? | 16:24 |
user_ | I havent been able to check if it affecting me or not | 16:25 |
ikonia | what ? | 16:25 |
user_ | because I havent been available to get into the folder it suppose | 16:25 |
ikonia | you're saying you're worried you have it, | 16:25 |
user_ | to store the picutres | 16:25 |
ikonia | user_: what folder can you not access ? | 16:25 |
user_ | is not that Im thinking I have been infeted | 16:25 |
user_ | its just makingsure,you never know | 16:25 |
user_ | give me a sec | 16:25 |
user_ | Ill give you the folders | 16:25 |
lotuspsychje | user_: ekoms shows nothing: | 16:26 |
user_ | $HOME/$DATA/.mozilla/firefox/profiled | 16:27 |
user_ | $HOME/$DATA/.dropbox/DropboxCache | 16:27 |
flexus | nicomachus, i only use lowlatency and got standard as an option, this makes /boot full | 16:27 |
ikonia | user_: what happens when you try to get to this folder ? | 16:27 |
user_ | Ill be afk a bit | 16:27 |
user_ | I cant get to it | 16:28 |
ikonia | define "can't get into it" | 16:28 |
user_ | that the problem | 16:28 |
nicomachus | flexus: ok, well I'll defer to others here then, because I'm just not sure. | 16:28 |
user_ | I cant access the directory | 16:28 |
user_ | probably casue its doesnt exist | 16:28 |
nicomachus | because it doesn't exist? | 16:28 |
user_ | meaning im not infected | 16:28 |
ikonia | ??? | 16:28 |
user_ | I dont really know :( | 16:28 |
sruli | TJ-: do you have a few minutes now to finish with my routing issue? | 16:29 |
user_ | How would you try to access to it? | 16:29 |
ikonia | you'll do better stating your problem | 16:29 |
ikonia | not random guesses with no reason that distract from the problem | 16:29 |
ph88 | what's the size of ubuntu OS ? | 16:29 |
xangua | ph88: installed like 4GB | 16:29 |
flexus | nicomachus, ok, someone one .de channel is jumping in | 16:29 |
TJ- | sruli: how far have you gotten with it? | 16:29 |
user_ | Yes, sorry. Ill investigate further, sorry Im new here and learning the way how to chat etc. Ill try my best | 16:30 |
eragera | nicomachus, Its been stuck at this for the past 5 mins now run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms 4.2.0-25-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.2.0-25-generic | 16:30 |
sruli | TJ-: nothing since we last spoke | 16:30 |
hobbes | afternoon all | 16:30 |
nicomachus | eragera: ok, let it go a few more minutes. definitely don't want to stop a kernel upgrade mid-way through. | 16:30 |
flexus | nicomachus, atm no problem solving idea | 16:31 |
eragera | k. While that updates, I have another problem regarding skype | 16:31 |
nicomachus | eragera: you can ask... but idk if anyone here can really provide skype support. the linux build is just so bad. | 16:31 |
eragera | The skype chat Im on gets a lot of img posts | 16:32 |
eragera | imgur links, to be specific | 16:32 |
TJ- | sruli: I'm having difficulty remembering the exact scenario. Is this it? Bare-metal host + virtual machines. Host+VMs should not have public (Internet) access unless the VPN is active | 16:32 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: convice your friends to use telegram | 16:32 |
eragera | Clicking on the link takes it about 1 min to open in chromium. 45 seconds to be exact. | 16:32 |
pbx | is it possible to disable the super-tap that opens the dash? | 16:32 |
eragera | lotuspsychje, Tried to do the same with discord, they told me to 'piss off' | 16:33 |
nicomachus | pbx: yes, in your keyboard shortcuts menu in the system settings. | 16:33 |
sruli | TJ-: correct, in 14.04 with virtualbox, my iptables rules did the trick, however in 15.10 with KVM it does not work, i'm guessing its more to do with KVM than 15.10 | 16:33 |
eragera | nicomachus, done | 16:35 |
eragera | now what? | 16:35 |
nicomachus | eragera: great. now check and see if you still get the music stuttering. A kernel upgrade *may* have helped. | 16:35 |
nicomachus | also, reboot first if you haven't already. | 16:35 |
eragera | I cant really reproduce the problem as I wish it | 16:35 |
eragera | It just comes and goes | 16:35 |
eragera | But Ill try rebooting | 16:36 |
TJ- | sruli: In theory, no, but it depends on how the VMs network traffic is being handled. I seem to recall it was using NAT, so instead of rules in the FORWARD/OUTPUT table the VMs would require rules in the 'nat' table either OUTPUT or POSTROUTING to block it, or as an alternative use Policy-Based routing so the VM network uses a separate routing table (so you could simply drop its default route) | 16:36 |
Codename47 | Scrolling speed/animation in firefox seems a bit poor. It's not as smooth as say chrome in windows. Is this normal? Using ATI drivers | 16:36 |
xangua | Codename47: what Firefox version are you using? You cloud try disabling smooth scroll | 16:37 |
eragera | nicomachus, Back | 16:38 |
Codename47 | disabling smooth scroll kinda helps, but i miss the smoothness really hmm | 16:38 |
sruli | TJ-: how would i do that? | 16:38 |
eragera | So, I just wait for it to reproduce? If nothing happens, problem fixed? | 16:39 |
hobbes | so additional drivers... I'm getting an unknown:unknown [this device is using an alternative driver] Using Processor microcode firmware for intel CPUs from intel-microcode | 16:39 |
HackerII | Codename47: try smoothwheel firefox adon | 16:39 |
hobbes | I guess thats not great? | 16:39 |
nicomachus | eragera: ok. as I said, the kernel upgrade may have fixed it. However, you mentioned that more "intense" songs will cause it more often, so if you do still get errors, try using something like Pulse Audio Equalizer to dial back some of the more intense parts: | 16:40 |
TJ- | sruli: best to stick with the iptables side for now. Did you look-at/absorb that graphic I linked you to, that explains the route through the kernel netfilter tables/chains ? | 16:40 |
abhishek | Hi, I am new to this channel | 16:40 |
hobbes | hey Abhi | 16:40 |
bx758 | Hey | 16:40 |
bx758 | i have a strange question | 16:41 |
hobbes | how does one upgrade the kernal//determine proper version? | 16:41 |
Quake | + for all | 16:41 |
TJ- | sruli: understanding that, and how different network configurations enter the processing at different points, is essential to being competent with netfilters, and its ip{,6}tables tools. | 16:41 |
nicomachus | hobbes: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 16:41 |
Codename47 | smoothwheel make sit kinda laggy, i'll make sure FF is updated.. | 16:41 |
sruli | TJ-: i did spend some time on it, but did get it well enough to be able to proceed on my own | 16:41 |
HackerII | you have to manipulate it, plenty of settings | 16:41 |
hobbes | thank you nicomachus | 16:42 |
BiilD73 | wow Quake... There's a game I ain't played in years | 16:42 |
Quake | yes!!!! | 16:42 |
bx758 | when i logon to xubuntu, my mousepad is locked, sometimes i cant click anything and sometimes mouse is on dragging mode. its dragging desktop and make rectangle until i touch a button on my laptop named "AV MODE" then after 10 seconds it will release. what is the solution? | 16:42 |
nicomachus | hobbes: and be sure to upgrade ASAP, there was a rather significant security patch released yesterday. :) | 16:42 |
bx758 | its happening on all ubuntus | 16:43 |
Codename47 | Another slight issues i'm having, i have a USB wifi dongle. Works fine. But everytime i shutdown/reboot i have to unplug it and plug it back in again for it to be recognised. Any ideas? | 16:44 |
Codename47 | using ubuntu-mate, if that could be an issue | 16:44 |
nicomachus | Codename47: what's the chipset, do you know? | 16:45 |
hobbes | nicomachus, i did as you said and was prompted to autoremove a few packages, which i did | 16:46 |
nicomachus | hobbes: yep, pretty standard. what do you have in /boot now? (ls -la /boot) | 16:47 |
pbx | nicomachus, in which subgroup? i'm not seeing it anywhere. only reference to super keys i see at all is "compose key: right win" under "Typing" | 16:47 |
TJ- | sruli: for your situation of VM routing, the packets will enter the path in the "routing/forwarding" entry point. Therefore, the places where you can impose rules on them are nat/FORWARD, nat/POSTROUTING (mangle table has very limited target options) | 16:47 |
nicomachus | pbx: System Settings --> Keyboard --> "Shortcuts" tab | 16:48 |
ph88 | hey guys i just installed ubuntu gnome ... after i log in my desktop often disappears | 16:48 |
pbx | nicomachus, right. there is a list of groups on the left in that dialog. where is the dash super-tap found? | 16:48 |
ph88 | what to do ? | 16:48 |
nicomachus | pbx: oh. it doesn't appear to be there... one sec. | 16:49 |
hobbes | it looks like i have 2 versions 4.2.0-23 and 25 (of a number of files) | 16:49 |
nicomachus | pbx: | 16:49 |
nicomachus | hobbes: good! | 16:49 |
hobbes | sweet, thanks man, i have no clue how to make sense of this yet ;) | 16:50 |
nicomachus | hobbes: you'll get there. :) | 16:50 |
hobbes | reboot advised?? | 16:50 |
pbx | good find nicomachus, thanks | 16:50 |
nicomachus | hobbes: yes, always after a kernel upgrade. | 16:50 |
hobbes | brbs <3 | 16:50 |
sruli | TJ-: i already have the following rules, what rules do i need to add/change | 16:53 |
goddard | do the source files for the latest wily kernel get patched as well? | 16:53 |
TJ- | sruli: before changing any rules, what are you trying to do - which part of the aims is failing - is it the VMs have routing to the Internet without the VPN enabled? | 16:54 |
hobbes_ | back -- system seems to be improved after the kernal upgrade | 16:55 |
TJ- | goddard: how do you mean? The source-code is the basis for building the binaries | 16:55 |
linuxlove | hello guys | 16:57 |
linuxlove | what is your opinion about this whicj of them will stay mirosoft or linux? | 16:57 |
bramgn | where would they be going? | 16:57 |
=== ^CJ^ is now known as ^cj^ | ||
linuxlove | one of them will die | 16:58 |
sruli | TJ-: yes the VM's still have internet when VPN is disconnected | 16:58 |
xangua | ! Ot | linuxlove | 16:58 |
ubottu | linuxlove: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 16:58 |
linuxlove | i think microsoft will die | 16:59 |
MonkeyDust | linuxlove great, but take it elewhere | 16:59 |
TJ- | sruli: OK. please use "sudo iptables-save" to generate the pastebin list of rules in effect; it's the best way to see all rules at once without any presentation alterations. | 16:59 |
MonkeyDust | elsewhere* | 16:59 |
sruli | TJ-: ok, 1 min | 17:00 |
hobbes_ | under software and updates, would someone please inform me on the default "Other Software" checked off boxes? | 17:00 |
Silenced | Guys . How to check whether my GPU is active ? | 17:03 |
hobbes_ | like to know that too | 17:03 |
P0bailey | #ubuntu | 17:04 |
Pici | preyalone: thats here | 17:04 |
Pici | preyalone: oops | 17:04 |
link0802 | Hi. Why this code not work for indicator? I see just simple ImageMenuItem, no any makrup :(new = gtk.ImageMenuItem('<b>'+title+'</b>') label.set_markup('<span foreground="blue" size="x-large">Blue text</span> is <i>cool</i>!') label.set_use_markup(True) | 17:05 |
Pici | link0802: I think you may have the wrong channel. This is #ubuntu, were you looking for some programming channel? | 17:06 |
link0802 | I write indicator-applet for ubuntu, so I guess maybe here someone can help me, sorry if I am in wrong channel :) | 17:07 |
MonkeyDust | linuxlove there's also #ubuntu-app-devel | 17:07 |
MonkeyDust | link0802 ^^ | 17:07 |
link0802 | thank :) | 17:08 |
BiilD73 | deluge or uTorrent 3.3 for 13.04? | 17:11 |
nicomachus | !pm hobbes_ | 17:11 |
nicomachus | ugh. | 17:11 |
nicomachus | !pm | hobbes_ | 17:11 |
ubottu | hobbes_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 17:11 |
bx758 | when i logon to xubuntu, my mousepad is locked, sometimes i cant click anything and sometimes mouse is on dragging mode. its dragging desktop and make rectangle until i touch a button on my laptop named "AV MODE" then after 10 seconds it will release. what is the solution? | 17:11 |
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hobbes_ | oh, im sorry, i guess you guys are admins? | 17:15 |
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Janko | Hello, is this the right channel for installation support? | 17:16 |
xangua | Janko: this is the Ubuntu support channel | 17:17 |
BluesKaj | Janko, are you installing ubuntu? | 17:18 |
Janko | Good. I'm looking to install ubuntu on a laptop, EFI native w/secure boot and own keys | 17:18 |
Janko | and I can't figure out how to boot it up. I tried picking bootx64.efi from CD's efi partition and sbsign-ing it, but it won't work | 17:20 |
Janko | Alternatively, is there a way to install ubuntu from an existing linux OS? I only found some archaic debootstrap guides | 17:22 |
eragera | nicomachus, You on? | 17:23 |
nicomachus | yea I'm here | 17:23 |
eragera | I started listening to my playlist again since I was going to start reading up on python | 17:23 |
eragera | it still stutters | 17:23 |
sruli | TJ-: iptables-save also should ip_forward be enabled? in my 14.04 setup with virtualbox i remember it needed to be enabled but now i dont see any difference when its enabled/disabled | 17:23 |
xangua | n0taphilic: that's the best way to not get an answer | 17:23 |
ServantGrunt | Good evening, I'm back here because no body on #ubuntu-server noticed me. Is there anyone available to help me with juju and Ubuntu Server with MaaS? | 17:23 |
hobbes_ | Okay, I should explain that I know very little about linux in general but enough to be dangerous to myself, thats for sure. It seems like I've tried to get into the swing of linux about 4 times. First ubuntu, then mint a few times. I usually end up reformatting after a month because something goes wrong, usually with upgrades. Either the system borks out or I try to tweak a driver and all hell breaks loose. | 17:23 |
xangua | ! Patience | ServantGrunt Rome wasn't built in a day | 17:24 |
ubottu | ServantGrunt Rome wasn't built in a day: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 17:24 |
eragera | nicomachus, its more broken now..... | 17:24 |
ServantGrunt | I've been waiting for more than an hour lol... Alright then, back to ubuntu-server channel | 17:24 |
nicomachus | eragera: what's your audio coming out of? GPU, motherboard outputs? | 17:25 |
n0taphilic | xangua THANKS BUDDYD | 17:25 |
eragera | .... | 17:25 |
nicomachus | eragera: what kind of computer do you have? | 17:25 |
eragera | Umm | 17:25 |
eragera | Laptop | 17:25 |
nicomachus | ok, what model? | 17:25 |
eragera | Lenovo s20-30 | 17:25 |
xangua | ServantGrunt: if you just ask someone to assist you you will never ever get an answer, ask your Actual Question | 17:25 |
Ant1x | Hi everybody ;) | 17:26 |
eragera | I can get you the arch wiki page with the specs if that helps | 17:26 |
nicomachus | eragera: already looking at them. | 17:26 |
eragera | I see | 17:26 |
TJ- | sruli: lines 20-22 are those allowing the VM's sub-net to be NATed. So either you remove those when the VPN isn't present, or you insert a rule before them that DROPs the traffic that would have been MASQUERADEd | 17:26 |
hobbes_ | Would someone please explain there logical approach to upgrading in Linux? | 17:26 |
Kirito | requests.exceptions.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:510: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure - Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS ; Exception thrown by requests in python2 from the repositories. Running the latest version. Is this a known issue with a fix? | 17:27 |
sruli | TJ-: what exactly should be the rule to drop them? | 17:27 |
Joel | what's the correct way in 14.04 to set a custom DNS server to use? (why on earth can't I just edit resolv.conf :\ ) | 17:28 |
hobbes_ | TJ, I realize this will sound stupid but can't you edit dns by right clicking your connection -> edit | 17:30 |
hobbes_ | ? | 17:30 |
al2o3-cr | Joel: resolvconf | 17:30 |
eragera | nicomachus, Even youtube videos are screwed up now... | 17:30 |
TJ- | sruli: hmmm, how about "iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING 3 -s ! -d -j DROP" | 17:30 |
Joel | al2o3-cr, could you be more specific? | 17:30 |
al2o3-cr | It's a tool for managing dns configs | 17:31 |
nicomachus | eragera: ok, give me a moment. multi-tasking over here | 17:31 |
xangua | 11:30 AM <hobbes_> TJ, I realize this will sound stupid but can't you edit dns by right clicking your connection -> edit / I think that was for Joel | 17:31 |
al2o3-cr | can't be more specific as i've never used it | 17:31 |
eragera | Ah ok | 17:32 |
hobbes_ | Oh, yes, it was, sorry | 17:32 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: wich graphics driver are you on? | 17:33 |
eragera | Intel Integrated graphics? | 17:33 |
sruli | TJ-: i get an error "The "nat" table is not intended for filtering, the use of DROP is therefore inhibited" | 17:34 |
eragera | I didnt install any drivers myslef | 17:34 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: single card or hybrid with ati/nvidia? | 17:34 |
eragera | myself* | 17:34 |
eragera | Single Card, I think | 17:34 |
Joel | hobbes_, no gui here, thanks though! | 17:34 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: can you check sudo lshw -C video | 17:34 |
TJ- | sruli: ahhh, yes, another gotchya! I was trying to avoid removing those rules | 17:35 |
al2o3-cr | Joel: just add your ns to /etc/network/interfaces | 17:35 |
hobbes_ | what does that command do lotus? | 17:35 |
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al2o3-cr | that what i do | 17:35 |
eragera | lotuspsychje, this was the output | 17:35 |
eragera | *-display | 17:35 |
eragera | description: VGA compatible controller | 17:35 |
eragera | product: Atom Processor Z36xxx/Z37xxx Series Graphics & Display | 17:35 |
eragera | vendor: Intel Corporation | 17:35 |
eragera | physical id: 2 | 17:35 |
lotuspsychje | hobbes_: wasnt for you mate, but shows graphics chipset | 17:35 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: have you tried on LTS? | 17:36 |
eragera | Am I back? | 17:36 |
lotuspsychje | yes | 17:37 |
eragera | Yes, Sorry for the spam, channel | 17:37 |
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect | ||
lotuspsychje | eragera: have you tried an LTS version | 17:37 |
eragera | I havent | 17:37 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: maybe its worth to test and compare with 14.04.3? | 17:37 |
TJ- | sruli: try replacing the "-j DROP" with "-j RETURN" so processing returns to the calling chain | 17:37 |
k1l_ | !paste | eragera use that | 17:38 |
ubottu | eragera use that: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:38 |
hwpplayer1 | Hi friends , i need to learn the frameworks in ubuntu , especially if there is gtk and qt frameworks both loaded to the system or not | 17:38 |
eragera | lotuspsychje, hmm | 17:38 |
eragera | Should I install it on my usb and try it that way? | 17:39 |
eragera | Not liveUSB | 17:39 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: you can try live sure | 17:39 |
eragera | Nah | 17:39 |
eragera | I was talking about installing it on my usb | 17:39 |
eragera | using one usb to hold the live | 17:39 |
eragera | and the other to be used as the install drive | 17:40 |
eragera | Oh wait. a VM would work just as well, wouldnt it? | 17:40 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: making a persistent is a bit harder to do, but sure your the boss | 17:40 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: i would recommend physicly not vm for your case | 17:40 |
eragera | I see. | 17:40 |
eragera | I should have went for LTS in the first place | 17:40 |
eragera | I just clicked the first version I saw like an idiot | 17:41 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: that depends really mate, some users benefit from latest | 17:41 |
eragera | Well Im a noob, really | 17:41 |
eragera | I cant benefit from it | 17:41 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: we all here to learn mate | 17:41 |
eragera | Yea | 17:41 |
hwpplayer1 | you'll be better tomorrow | 17:41 |
eragera | Wait I forgot, I have a manjaro persistence lying somewhere around here | 17:41 |
eragera | should I try it through that? | 17:42 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: no try a good ol clean ubuntu | 17:42 |
eragera | k | 17:42 |
eragera | More work.. sigh.. | 17:42 |
sruli | TJ-: it didnt complain about the rule but VM still has internet while VPN disonnected | 17:43 |
eragera | The fact that I dont get internet when I clean install linux doesnt help | 17:44 |
hwpplayer1 | can i talk with a developer or sysadmin in private ? | 17:44 |
eragera | not one bit | 17:44 |
TJ- | sruli: what test are using from within the VM to determine it has connectivity? | 17:44 |
eragera | lotuspsychje, Do you know where I can get Ubuntu MATE LTS? | 17:45 |
eragera | I dont see it on the download page | 17:45 |
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sruli | TJ-: different websites | 17:45 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: from the ubuntu-mate website | 17:45 |
MonkeyDust | eragera no, for 14.04 you need a ppa if ypou want MATE | 17:45 |
davidmichaelkarr | Concerning "firewall-cmd" vs. "gufw", just as an exercise, I'm trying to see if adding services to a zone in gufw results in the same thing in firewall-cmd, and I'm not seeing it. | 17:46 |
lotuspsychje | eragera: #ubuntu-mate for their topic | 17:46 |
eragera | lotuspsychje, Im not that nooby.... It isnt on their site | 17:46 |
eragera | only 15.10 | 17:46 |
eragera | MonkeyDust, Ty for that info. Ill have to go with ugly ol' unity then | 17:46 |
eragera | No offence to anyone who likes Unity | 17:46 |
MonkeyDust | eragera yes, MATE isnt available as an .iso, for 14.04 | 17:47 |
eragera | Ayy | 17:47 |
eragera | I found it! | 17:47 |
MonkeyDust | eragera use something else, if you don't like unity | 17:47 |
xangua | MonkeyDust: isn't there an 14.04 iso in the Ubuntu mate website? | 17:47 |
eragera | MonkeyDust, I found MATE LTS | 17:47 |
eragera | It was just not on the front page | 17:48 |
eragera | Had to google it | 17:48 |
lotuspsychje | yep but its a 14.04.2 so update right away ok eragera | 17:48 |
eragera | Yea | 17:48 |
eragera | I will | 17:48 |
eragera | Well Ill just let it overnight as my net isnt exactly the best... | 17:49 |
eragera | lotuspsychje, btw, I went to #ubuntu-mate with my problem | 17:51 |
prom2-147 | eeee | 17:51 |
eragera | nobody there responded for 2 hours | 17:51 |
eragera | so I gave up on that, came here. | 17:52 |
=== Xufaci is now known as Tronsha | ||
TJ- | sruli: are you using libvirt to manage the VMs? if so, it'd be better to use its functions to disable ouput | 17:52 |
sruli | TJ-: yes i am using libvirt, how do disable it in libvirt | 17:54 |
TJ- | sruli: There's a good overview of the rules it creates for different network types | 17:55 |
TJ- | sruli: "virsh nwfilter-list" would be useful to see what rules it is controlling, to begin with | 17:57 |
Silenced | Guys , does installing wine on ubuntu 15.10 affects AMD graphics drivers ? | 17:59 |
goddard | do the source files for the latest wily kernel get patched as well? | 17:59 |
Silenced | Like it does on ubuntu 14.04 | 17:59 |
TJ- | goddard: how do you mean? The source-code is the basis for building the binaries | 18:00 |
goddard | TJ-: the package source | 18:00 |
TJ- | goddard: right ... as I said ^^^^ | 18:00 |
goddard | TJ-: its based on source code from the kernel | 18:00 |
TJ- | goddard: kernel source-code > build > package > archive > distribute > apt-get dist-upgrade > installed | 18:01 |
k1l_ | goddard: the source code gets patched and then the ubuntu packages are build. | 18:01 |
goddard | k1l_: so if i re-download the lts kernel I will have the patch in it? | 18:02 |
k1l_ | goddard: if you get the ubuntu updates you will get a new kernel package that include al known fixes | 18:03 |
goddard | k1l_: for example linux-signed-image-generic-lts-wily | 18:03 |
goddard | k1l_: i built mine from source | 18:03 |
goddard | from the package source | 18:03 |
k1l_ | goddard: that is just a meta-package and will always link to the latest packages | 18:03 |
alimj | Hello. Could I add comments to "authorized_key" files for SSH keys? Is it allowed to comment lines with # | 18:03 |
goddard | k1l_: and the latest is the version with the patch | 18:04 |
OerHeks | to be sure, check the version number,. goddard | 18:05 |
TJ- | alimj: see "man 5 authorized_keys" and the "AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT" section | 18:05 |
sruli | TJ-: i'll read it and get back to you | 18:06 |
goddard | OerHeks: thats a good idea ... im a newb at this, but where are the version release notes from ubuntu? | 18:06 |
alimj | TJ-: Thanks | 18:07 |
OerHeks | | 18:07 |
alimj | alimj: Done ;-) | 18:07 |
goddard | OerHeks: thanks | 18:08 |
OerHeks | | 18:08 |
ubottu | ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. ( | 18:08 |
k1l | goddard: search for your packages, see the changelogs etc on the sidebar | 18:08 |
OerHeks | some mirrors are a day behind | 18:09 |
django_1 | good day everyone | 18:09 |
TJ- | sruli: I suspect your commands flushing the tables may be affecting libvirt's own rules, based on their description of chains named 'libvirt-*' at least. Or maybe they dropped the indirection to their own chains. | 18:09 |
goddard | ok k1l ill look at this have to bookmark it | 18:10 |
TJ- | goddard: "apt-get changelog <package>" will help | 18:10 |
noise__ | Hi guys | 18:10 |
noise__ | i have a problem with wifi. it's weak in ubuntu | 18:11 |
sruli | TJ-: dont really understand, however if what you are describing is the case, do u have any suggestions to overcome that? | 18:11 |
noise__ | can anyone help me? | 18:11 |
noise__ | it'a really annoyin | 18:11 |
TJ- | goddard: that will show the *entire* changelog; to see just the most recent few changes "less /usr/share/doc/<package>/changelog.gz" | 18:11 |
Pici | goddard: also, I like to have apt-listchanges installed. It can prompt/email you with changes as you go to install package updates. | 18:12 |
noise__ | anyone? | 18:12 |
TJ- | sruli: look at the end of that page I linked. there's some custom chains with names like "libvirt-in", "libvirt-out" according to that, which you don't have. So either you're wiping them out when you flush the tables with your commands, or they no longer create those. | 18:13 |
noise__ | !wifi | 18:13 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 18:13 |
ioria | | 18:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1129409 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1376587 [SRU] Nvidia and AMD graphics drivers should indicate whether they provide,, etc." [Medium,Fix released] | 18:13 |
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noise__ | Helllooo | 18:14 |
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TJ- | sruli: I think the very last paragraph applies to you: "...all our work gets blown away." | 18:15 |
django_ | hey all im trying to add Java8 to eclipse but its only showing java-7 in the installed JREs | 18:16 |
sruli | TJ-: they had to put it at the end? lol, would have taken me 3 hours to read and unnderstand that page until i would have gotten to that paragraph | 18:16 |
kian | I have ZNC running under its own account to run it on boot I have to login as user "znc" and type "znc" | 18:16 |
kian | How can I start this on boot? | 18:16 |
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django_ | i do java -version and i get "1.8.0_66" | 18:16 |
sruli | TJ-: how do i send a SIGHUP to libvirt? | 18:16 |
TJ- | sruli: the art of 'scan' reading :) | 18:16 |
kian | django_: did you check the eclipse preferences? | 18:17 |
django_ | kian, im here | 18:17 |
Seveas | kian: make it an @reboot cronjob in the znc user's crontab :) | 18:17 |
kian | Seveas: never used cron jobs | 18:17 |
kian | Seveas: query me if you're not busy? | 18:17 |
sruli | TJ-: can only be done if you understand it ;-) | 18:17 |
TJ- | sruli: "sudo pkill -HUP libvirtd' | 18:17 |
django_ | how can I find the location of java8 | 18:17 |
Seveas | kian: sudo crontab -e -u znc | 18:17 |
kian | Seveas: run that in my user account? | 18:18 |
TJ- | sruli: that's the point though; you learn this stuff by trying to do it, and failing. If you never failed you'd never know about it. | 18:18 |
kian | or under znc? | 18:18 |
Seveas | then add this on one line and save: @reboot znc | 18:18 |
Seveas | kian: yup | 18:18 |
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sruli | TJ-: before i do that, i must say that i never actually restarted iptables, i actually run the script adding the rules before starting libvirt service | 18:18 |
Seveas | sruli: iptables isn't a thing that can be "restarted" | 18:18 |
TJ- | sruli: libvirtd doesn't start automatically? | 18:18 |
kian | Seveas: so the command opens the crontab for the user? | 18:19 |
kian | like sudo crontab -e -u znc | 18:19 |
kian | if i changed znc to kian | 18:19 |
kian | it would be for user kian | 18:19 |
Seveas | kian: ayup. | 18:19 |
kian | Seveas: awesome! | 18:19 |
kian | Seveas: going to disconnect, lets see how it works | 18:19 |
TJ- | Seveas: according to the RH/libvirt guys they have a service to flush/reload the rules | 18:19 |
kian | server reboot time | 18:19 |
sruli | TJ-: no, i disabled auto start as i run many scripts on each boot before starting libvirt | 18:19 |
Seveas | TJ-: that does exactly that: flush and reload. Nothing gets "restarted" | 18:19 |
TJ- | sruli: OK, so maybe that article is out-of-date and it doesn't use those chain names any longer | 18:19 |
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sruli | TJ-: is sudo pkill -HUP libvirtd' | 18:20 |
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TJ- | Seveas: right, you're being pedantic though. sruli is referring to explicit instructions for the libvirt network layer by the libvirt developers. | 18:20 |
sruli | TJ-: is 'sudo pkill -HUP libvirtd' supposed to recreate the rules? i can try it | 18:20 |
TJ- | sruli: that's what they claim :) | 18:21 |
django_ | found it :) | 18:21 |
TJ- | sruli: I've found over several years that often the documentation is wildy out-of-date, or plain missing though, so we may be being misled | 18:21 |
Seveas | TJ-: apologies for being pedantic. This is one of my pet peeves :) | 18:21 |
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sruli | TJ-: how can we check the results? will iptables-save show different output? | 18:22 |
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TJ- | Seveas: oh I agree, but please lets not confuse the poor sruli any more.. his underlying issue has been going on for a few weeks now ! | 18:22 |
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Seveas | :) | 18:22 |
TJ- | Seveas: this is what they write: "... The biggest problem is that if the admin does service iptables restart all our work gets blown away. ..." | 18:22 |
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TJ- | sruli: Yes, it would show new rules, IF that SIGHUP actually caused libvirtd to change things as that document claims | 18:23 |
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Seveas | TJ-: yeah. If this is a redhat-like system, /etc/init.d/iptables save would prevent that. There's no Ubuntu equivalent. | 18:23 |
Janko | So I'm following - However I get permission denied: | 18:23 |
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TJ- | Seveas: sruli has his own equivalent | 18:23 |
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Seveas | Mine is: iptables-save > /etc/iptables.conf | 18:24 |
Seveas | and same for s/ip/ip6/g | 18:24 |
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sruli | TJ-: no change at all, how do i proceed to get this DROP working? | 18:25 |
Seveas | I completely missed the start of the discussion though. Any chance of a quick summary of the problem? | 18:25 |
TJ- | Janko: /mnt/ubuntu doesn't have permissions for the user to do that | 18:25 |
Janko | TJ-: I'm root | 18:25 |
Janko | TJ-: I was running that command as root, anyway | 18:25 |
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TJ- | Seveas: 14.04 bare-metal host + libvirt/qemu based VMs, NATed. VMs are to be prevented from having 'Internet' access (i.e. off-host) when an openvpn link (tun0) isn't available. Despite considerable messing with both the filter and nat chains, we've not managed to block it. Currently focused on nat/POSTROUTING to prevent the MASQUERADE target when the VPN isn't alive | 18:27 |
TJ- | Janko: maybe the mount options for the /mnt/ubuntu are preventing it? | 18:27 |
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Janko | /dev/mapper/vg-ubuntu on /mnt/ubuntu type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered) | 18:28 |
TJ- | Seveas: IPv6 disabled. current IPv4 rules: | 18:28 |
TJ- | Janko: no obvious reason there then. can you "touch /mnt/ubuntu/test" successfully? | 18:28 |
Seveas | TJ-: sruli: libvirtd tends to insert its own iptables rules in unfortunate places. Did you disable those in the config? | 18:28 |
Seveas | they even mess with the mangle chain... | 18:29 |
TJ- | Seveas: that subject is what we were just addressing. According to the document libvirt adds its own custom chains, but we see no sign of them, although the rules we see match what the document clains are created by libvirt for type=nat. | 18:30 |
Janko | TJ-: yes, touch works | 18:30 |
Seveas | it doesn't add its own chains, just rules at the start of filter.OUTPUT and nat.POSTROUTING (and mangle.POSTROUTING, but that can be ignored for now) | 18:30 |
TJ- | Seveas: right, that's what we've just shown, which shows the document is out-of-date in some respects | 18:31 |
Seveas | this can be disabled, but I forgot how. Disabling them would be a good start toward better rules. | 18:31 |
TJ- | Janko: is there a /mnt/ubuntu/proc/ directory ? if not, that'd be why mount fails | 18:31 |
Janko | TJ-: hp linux # mount -t proc proc /mnt/ubuntu/proc | 18:32 |
Janko | hp linux # umount /mnt/ubuntu/proc | 18:32 |
Janko | hp linux # chroot /mnt/ubuntu mount -t proc proc /proc | 18:32 |
Janko | mount: permission denied | 18:32 |
TJ- | Seveas: I'm getting more inclined towards using policy-based routing for the VM (drop the NAT, switch libvirt to routed) and then drop/add the default route on the VM routing table based on VPN state | 18:32 |
Seveas | TJ-: the rules you pasted will explicitely let VM traffic through before stopping all other traffic. | 18:32 |
TJ- | Seveas: those are how the PC is without us changing anything | 18:33 |
Janko | Somehow, mount outside chroot works, but not inside chroot? But I've got no idea why? | 18:33 |
TJ- | Seveas: the task is to prevent the VM sub-net when tun0 doesn't exist | 18:33 |
Seveas | TJ-: I'd do this: sudo iptables t nat -I POSTROUTING 1 -j DROP | 18:34 |
TJ- | Janko: does the debootstrap.log exist? | 18:34 |
Seveas | and when tun0 comes op, remove that rule | 18:34 |
TJ- | Seveas: 'nat' table doesn't support DROP | 18:34 |
Seveas | hm? | 18:35 |
Seveas | hm. | 18:35 |
baaaas | I'm trying to change the PS1 of all users on a system to a standard one. I have the PS1 in bash.bashrc but it doesn't work because users have their ps1 set in ~./bashrc. Is there anything I can do to change this? I'm trying to deploy this via ansible, so the simpler the solution, the better. | 18:35 |
Seveas | then sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j DROP | 18:35 |
Janko | TJ-: yes. It's one line and says mount: permission denied | 18:35 |
Seveas | but you'll want to do that after libvirtd added its rules, 'cause it will add them right at the start. | 18:36 |
TJ- | Seveas: right, we tried that or a variation last week. sruli ^^^^ try | 18:36 |
Seveas | That's why I don't let libvirt do its own rules. I'll try to find how to disable it. | 18:36 |
TJ- | Janko: not helpful :) | 18:36 |
TJ- | Janko: what is the host OS/release running the debootstrap command? | 18:37 |
sruli | TJ-: u mean i should try "sudo iptables t nat -I POSTROUTING 1 -j DROP" ? | 18:37 |
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Janko | TJ-: Gentoo | 18:37 |
TJ- | sruli: no, this one | 18:37 |
TJ- | sruli: 18:35:26 Seveas | then sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j DROP | 18:37 |
bramgn | baaaas: just out of curiosity, why do you want to disallow your users having a custom prompt? | 18:37 |
TJ- | Janko: It seems like Gentoo is doing something differently to Debian/Ubuntu with debootstrap | 18:38 |
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TJ- | Janko: check what ownership/permissions have been given to the newly created files under /mnt/ubuntu/ | 18:38 |
Janko | TJ-: | 18:40 |
baaaas | bramgn: it's a server and we want to set the PS1 to include {DEV} or {PROD} or {TEST} in it. | 18:42 |
baaaas | So those SSH | 18:42 |
baaaas | 'ed into it are aware of what they're touching | 18:42 |
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TJ- | Janko: any SELinux etc. policies operating there? | 18:46 |
Janko | TJ-: No SELinux | 18:47 |
nores | good evening guys | 18:47 |
Janko | TJ-: oh. found the problem | 18:47 |
nores | i have a machine with win 10 on | 18:47 |
TJ- | Janko: yay :) | 18:47 |
Janko | [ 2242.686935] grsec: use of CAP_SYS_ADMIN in chroot denied for /mnt/ubuntu/bin/mount[mount:12389] uid/euid:0/0 gid/egid:0/0, parent /bin/zsh[zsh:5701] uid/euid:0/0 gid/egid:0/ | 18:47 |
nores | i'd like to install ubuntu in dual boot | 18:48 |
nores | can i follow the dear old steps ( i mean burn a dvd image and follow the installation ) | 18:48 |
nores | ? | 18:48 |
TJ- | Janko: that'd do it, that's what I was thinking of | 18:49 |
bramgn | baaaas: ah ok | 18:49 |
nicomachus | nores: yep. | 18:49 |
sruli | TJ-: that did not change anything, is the previous rule maybe creating a problem "iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING 3 -s ! -d -j RETURN" ? | 18:50 |
nicomachus | nores: the installation process will ask if you want to install alongisde an existing partition, just select that option and follow the prompts. | 18:50 |
nores | so no there might be no problems with the UEFI? | 18:50 |
TJ- | sruli: I can't see how it would, but as that rule seems not to have had any effect either, it would be a good idea to drop those else the tables will get confusing | 18:50 |
Cyber_Akuma | How can I check if my version of Ubuntu is 32 or 64bit? | 18:51 |
bramgn | Cyber_Akuma: uname -i | 18:51 |
sruli | TJ-: does restarting libvirt service and VMs flush my rules? becuase after adding the "iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j DROP" my VMs did not have any connectivity (regardless of VPN) so i restarted the service and VMs, now it has connectivity regardless of VPN | 18:52 |
Cyber_Akuma | thanks | 18:52 |
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Janko | TJ-: thanks for the help. Now I've got to either mount the filesystems manually and get debootstrap to continue... or temporary boot a non-grsec kernel | 18:52 |
nores | this procedure is ok even though i've got an UEFI machine? | 18:52 |
TJ- | sruli: If the VMs are using NAT, as the VM config + the iptables rules themselves seem to indicate, then the places where the packets can be intercepted are, in order, nat/OUTPUT, filter/OUTPUT, and nat/POSTROUTING | 18:53 |
baaaas | So does anyone have any ideas? | 18:55 |
Jordan_U | nores: Yup. | 18:56 |
TJ- | baaaas: be sneaky maybe? create an alias for PS1 to some other variable name? | 18:56 |
sruli | TJ-: any more ideas how i can resolve this? | 18:56 |
baaaas | TJ-: what do you mean exactly? | 18:56 |
nores | thank you | 18:56 |
TJ- | sruli: the loss of connectivity is what you want! You need to refine that rule to only apply to traffic destined to the Internet (in fact, you'd need to set the rule to match everything *except* traffic to the host's subnet) | 18:57 |
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Jordan_U | baaaas: It's already somewhat common to add something relating to $PS1 to $PROMPT_COMMAND so it wouldn't be too ugly to do that here, though they could still have their own setting of $PROMPT_COMMAND in their own .bashrc. | 18:59 |
sruli | TJ-: ok, so tested it again and yes it drops the traffic, bad news is a libvirt restart blows it away, | 18:59 |
sruli | TJ-: what do i try next to refine it? | 18:59 |
TJ- | baaaas: something like "alias PS1='USER_PS1' (in /etc/bash/bashrc) so that any subsequent commands of the form "PS1=..." will actually alias to "USER_PS1=" and therefore not affect the real PS1 | 18:59 |
baaaas | That makes alot of sense | 19:01 |
baaaas | Thank you for that, I'll try it. TJ- | 19:01 |
Jordan_U | TJ-: I think aliass only work for commands, not variable assignments, and my quick test shows that doesn't work (unless I missed something). | 19:01 |
TJ- | sruli: it needs to only apply to traffic originating on the virbr+ interfaces, and only to traffic not destined for the localhost. At a rough guess "iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i virbr+ ! -o lo -j DROP" - that should keep host<>VM-guest connections active | 19:01 |
Jordan_U | TJ-: alias PS1='USER_PS1'; PS1="D'oh "; | 19:02 |
TJ- | Jordan_U: I saw this done recently but can't remember the precise syntax I saw. I recall it because I thought "oooo that's sneaky" | 19:04 |
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Jordan_U | baaaas: You would then create a function like "reset_ps1() { PS1='Foo Bar Baz'; }" and then do "PROMPT_COMMAND='reset_ps1'". | 19:05 |
sruli | TJ-: how do i delete that last iptable rule? | 19:06 |
kky | hello, i have restarted ubuntu and since then i cant boot, i am stuck at a new nvidia splashscreen, can u please help me ? | 19:09 |
TJ- | sruli: "iptables -D FORWARD 1" if it is rule number 1 in the list | 19:09 |
Jordan_U | baaaas: In fact, what you should really do is ask in #bash. | 19:11 |
sruli | TJ-: i had 3 DROP's in the FORWARD list, deleted all | 19:11 |
taptoula | Hi all :) I'm on Ubuntu server 14.04 and I have a strange problem with an init.d script : when I run it it works but gives me a "start: Job failed to start" when I run it with "service myscript start". Never seen this... Can anyone please give me some tips to fond the problem ? | 19:12 |
taptoula | find* | 19:12 |
sruli | TJ-: "iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i virbr+ ! -o lo -j DROP" has the same effect, drops connectivity regardless of VPN | 19:13 |
sruli | to VMs | 19:13 |
TJ- | sruli: correct. The point is you add/remove that rule under control of the VPN starting/stopping | 19:14 |
Jordan_U | taptoula: Please pastebiin your upstart config for that service. | 19:14 |
TJ- | sruli: so it is there at startup, it gets removed when the openvpn tunnel is ready, and removed when openvpn tunnel is closed | 19:14 |
sruli | TJ-: how do i do that? | 19:15 |
TJ- | sruli: depends on how you're activating the VPN. if it is via /etc/network/interfaces you can use post-up/pre-down commands | 19:16 |
psyferre | Hey folks. I've got a nas server that is suddenly slow as hell. cpu at 0%, io wait at 35% according to top. I foolishly started a kernel image update several hours ago. It's at "Running depmod". How bad will I be boned if I go ahead and reboot the server now to check raid health? | 19:16 |
kky | hello, i have restarted ubuntu and since then i cant boot, i am stuck at a new nvidia splashscreen, can u please help me ? | 19:16 |
TJ- | psyferre: you could kill the depmod process; that can be redone later | 19:16 |
sruli | TJ-: i understand, how would i tell the ifup to remove the rule? | 19:17 |
sruli | to add it is easy enough, to delete is what i am stuck at | 19:17 |
taptoula | Jordan_U: sure here it is : | 19:18 |
Jordan_U | kky: Can you get to a tty by pressing ctrl + alt + F1? | 19:18 |
kky | Jordan_U: no, doesn't work. however i get a purple (ubuntu) screen shortly before i get this nvidia splashscreen | 19:18 |
TJ- | sruli: ifupdown executes the commands in those stanzas. See "man interfaces" for the post-up and pre-down options. I'd suggest creating a script that takes an argument of "enable" or "disable" and applies/removes the rule as appropriate. Then, in ../interfaces you can do " post-up /path/to/script enable" and " pre-down /path/to/script disable" | 19:19 |
psyferre | TJ-: Awesome. So it's not far enough in that I'm likely to reboot to a non-working kernel? | 19:19 |
Jordan_U | taptoula: Does that mean that you don't have any upstart .config file for this service? | 19:19 |
Jordan_U | s/.config/.conf/ | 19:20 |
sruli | TJ-: to remove a rule from iptables i have to find the number and delete, how would i get a script to do that? | 19:20 |
TJ- | psyferre: depmod is creating the mapping files under /lib/modules/<new-version>/ so you'll need to rerun 'depmod' to finalise those, or avoid booting to that <new-version> kernel until you've resolved this | 19:20 |
jophish | Hi | 19:20 |
taptoula | Jordan_U: yes and for information I use the same script to run jackett (another mono application) and it works fine. Really blows my mind | 19:21 |
psyferre | TJ-: So if it fails I can just select an older kernel from the boot menu, and then rerun depmod. Right? | 19:21 |
TJ- | sruli: no, you can use "iptables -D FORWARD .... rule specification...." - you can delete by index number, or by an *exact* match of the parameters instead (without an index number). As long as you *insert* the rule at the head of the chain (position 1) so no other rule beats it | 19:21 |
jophish | Whenver I disconnect my external monitors with the laptop lid closed I have to reboot my laptop (REISUB) to get the internal screen working again | 19:21 |
TJ- | psyferre: yes. if depmod during a kernel package install has failed, its unlikely that "update-grub" has been been run yet so in theory the /boot/grub/grub.cfg will not yet contain an entry to boot the new kernel (doubly-so since "update-initramfs -c ..." may not have run yet either | 19:23 |
psyferre | TJ-: perfect. Thanks man, you just saved Christmas. I appreciate it. | 19:23 |
kky | Jordan_U: I think the keyboard is not yet working at this point (though it is powered on, i see a light on it) | 19:24 |
sruli | TJ-: got it, thanks, let me edit my ifdown script and test | 19:24 |
KCmetro | I'm on the most recent stable release of ubuntu, using pidgin (libpurple 2.10.9), and have been able to use google chat fine until today, unable to validate, can't get it to log back in. Any idea why? | 19:26 |
KCmetro | I ran apt-get update | 19:27 |
KCmetro | that temporarily fixed it. but it's happening again. | 19:27 |
MonkeyDust | KCmetro what's the ouput of cat /etc/issue | 19:29 |
taptoula | Jordan_U: Found the problem ! You were right : I had a bogus upstart conf for this service | 19:29 |
taptoula | Jordan_U: Thanks :) | 19:29 |
sruli | TJ-: if both drop connectivity to the VMs "iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j DROP" and "iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i virbr+ ! -o lo -j DROP" is there any difference which i use? | 19:29 |
KCmetro | Ubuntu 15.04 \n \l | 19:30 |
MonkeyDust | KCmetro 15.04 will soon be !eol, next week or so | 19:30 |
KCmetro | good to know. how about getting google's chat to work again in pidgin? i'll ask over in pidgin chat, maybe someone's there. | 19:31 |
Jordan_U | taptoula: You're welcome :) | 19:31 |
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kky | Jordan_U: so what can I do ? | 19:32 |
MonkeyDust | KCmetro in your current irc client, type /j #google | 19:32 |
KCmetro | ah yes i'll check there too thanks | 19:32 |
taptoula | Jordan_U: any way to have tab completion with service on upstart defined jobs ? | 19:33 |
Jordan_U | taptoula: I don't know. | 19:33 |
rww | OerHeks: I don't understand your -ops question? | 19:37 |
OerHeks | rww, i noticed a diff between the ban and join/parting inet adress | 19:38 |
rww | OerHeks: one's hostname, one is IP address | 19:38 |
rww | some ISPs do the hostname numbers in reverse order for some reason | 19:39 |
OerHeks | ah, that ip is behind that inet adress, oke | 19:39 |
rww | *nod* | 19:39 |
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TJ- | sruli: how about this? | 19:39 |
OerHeks | Thnks for clarification, rww | 19:39 |
rww | no problem :) | 19:40 |
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OerHeks | rww, dash instead of . between numbers, get it now. | 19:40 |
TJ- | sruli: that script is written in such a way that if you call it at start-up *without* an argument it will install the rule immediately | 19:41 |
sui | hi | 19:41 |
peaceful | Ubuntu team please help me fix this problem: | 19:44 |
peaceful | | 19:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1529381 in linux (Ubuntu) "[HP Compaq 6715s] Updating kernel renders system unbootable" [High,Triaged] | 19:44 |
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james1138 | Can I post a tech question? | 19:47 |
MonkeyDust | peaceful using 14.04.3 ? if yes, try installing HWE | 19:47 |
sruli | TJ-: this is my script | 19:47 |
peaceful | MonkeyDust, wht is HWE? | 19:48 |
MonkeyDust | !hwe | 19:48 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 19:48 |
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MonkeyDust | peaceful it's what i have, works like a charm on my old acer | 19:48 |
SchrodingersScat | !support | james1138, you're welcome to ask any ubuntu related questions. Otherwise you may want to try the !alis bot to see if there's a channel specific to what you're trying to accomplish. | 19:49 |
ubottu | james1138, you're welcome to ask any ubuntu related questions. Otherwise you may want to try the !alis bot to see if there's a channel specific to what you're trying to accomplish.: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see and and | 19:49 |
daep911 | hello ubuntu user, | 19:49 |
sruli | TJ-: is this script good enough for instant? | 19:49 |
daep911 | exist any application gui that can configure proxy? | 19:50 |
TJ- | sruli: no 'sudo' in these scripts; they are executed as root | 19:50 |
sruli | TJ-: apart from that is it good? | 19:51 |
TJ- | sruli: that should work, but you'll also need to install the rule at boot-time. I made it all happen on the single script to keep it all together | 19:51 |
sruli | TJ-: i added it to my startup script, f both drop connectivity to the VMs "iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j DROP" and "iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i virbr+ ! -o lo -j DROP" is there any difference which i use? | 19:55 |
intore | Hello everyone, I have some difficulty mounting an external HD formatted in HFS + with write permissions. After running the command sudo fsck.hfsplus -f / dev / sdc2; appears the error "Invalid sibling link (4, 13) ** Volume check failed." The strange thing is that an hour ago the command had gone well. can you help me? | 19:56 |
TJ- | sruli: yes; the latter is specific to the virtual machines. | 19:57 |
TJ- | sruli: I've amended my version to use the ID and STATUS/CMD: | 19:57 |
TJ- | sruli: again, calling the script without any arguments will install the rule | 19:58 |
sruli | TJ-: i want my Host also to loose connectivity | 19:58 |
james1138 | I am using IBM thinkpad T43 and Ubuntu 14.04 (Zorin OS 9 lite). I updated the kernal to 4.4 and the laptop sees 3 gig in the BIOS setup but the software only sees 2 gig. Any ideas? | 19:59 |
xintox_ | logrotate.d doesn't seem to be running on ubuntu | 19:59 |
xintox_ | how do i start it? | 20:00 |
sruli | TJ-: how does OP call the rule? | 20:00 |
TJ- | sruli: That would need a rule in the filter/OUTPUT chain to block the localhost | 20:00 |
=== intel is now known as Guest48027 | ||
TJ- | sruli: OP is short for "OPeration" and is either "-I" (insert) or "-D" (delete) | 20:01 |
spaghettiwhirl | Hello, can i get some help here? I need to find out usb flash drive's controller model, and cannot find any suitable packages for linux (lsusb/hdparm doesn't show the controller model anyway), the only software i was able to find is windows-only (Flash Drive Information Extractor), is there anything like it? | 20:01 |
rww | james1138: #ubuntu only supports actual Ubuntu, not derivatives thereof. please use whatever support channel/forum Zorin provides for Zorin issues | 20:01 |
rww | s/derivatives/unofficial derivatives/, i guess | 20:01 |
TJ- | sruli: with my method you could add multiple RULEx="..." and call iptables ${OP} ${RULEx} for each | 20:01 |
MonkeyDust | spaghettiwhirl try lshw -html > hardware.html ... then op the html file | 20:02 |
MonkeyDust | open* | 20:02 |
TJ- | derivative != flavour|port ? | 20:02 |
rww | no idea, the language around it's changed since the last time i cared i think | 20:02 |
teward | TJ-: AIUI, Flavors don't diverge from the Ubuntu repos, and are officially recognized; derivatives 'clone' things and then change them (caseinpoint Mint and others which do that) | 20:03 |
teward | but that's also not the point :P | 20:03 |
rww | yeah, I just stick "unofficial" in there and call it a day :P | 20:04 |
sruli | TJ-: how would i add to that script? | 20:04 |
rww | makes it a lot more obvious | 20:04 |
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OneM_Industries | Hey, I am having an issue SSHing into other machines from Ubuntu 14.04. No matter what machine I try to SSH into, it returns this:ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host Any ideas? | 20:15 |
thebwt | are you trying to bounce through a server @ | 20:16 |
nicomachus | OneM_Industries: is that a machine on your network? | 20:16 |
OneM_Industries | No, I am trying to connect to | 20:16 |
sruli | TJ-: how would i add to that script? | 20:16 |
nicomachus | OneM_Industries: or is it somewhere else? | 20:16 |
OneM_Industries | Yes, it is. | 20:16 |
OneM_Industries | It is connected to a switch, which is connected to our router. | 20:17 |
nicomachus | OneM_Industries: did you use the proper format? hostname@ | 20:17 |
OneM_Industries | Yes. | 20:17 |
OneM_Industries | ssh twinrose@ | 20:18 |
nicomachus | is the port open? | 20:18 |
MonkeyDust | OneM_Industries con you ping the destionation? | 20:18 |
OneM_Industries | Hold on. | 20:18 |
MonkeyDust | typos* | 20:18 |
OneM_Industries | Dang, I can't ping it, but it is up... | 20:18 |
OneM_Industries | And the result is From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable, but is my IP... | 20:19 |
nicomachus | positive? | 20:19 |
OneM_Industries | Positive. | 20:19 |
OneM_Industries | I am the only static IP on the network, and I have confirmed that the other machine has the correct IP as well. | 20:20 |
OneM_Industries | Ok, restarted the router. | 20:20 |
nicomachus | is your current machine, or the one you're trying to reach? | 20:21 |
OneM_Industries | My machine, hold on, I forced a DCHP update on all machines. | 20:21 |
nicomachus | OneM_Industries: the IP you use in the "ssh host:ip" should be the destination IP... the machine you're trying to reach. | 20:21 |
MonkeyDust | OneM_Industries nothing disturbing shows with ip route | 20:21 |
MonkeyDust | ? | 20:21 |
OneM_Industries | Ok, looks like the router was the issue, again. | 20:22 |
OneM_Industries | Forcing a DCHP update on all machines fixed it. | 20:22 |
MonkeyDust | can you ssh now? | 20:22 |
OneM_Industries | Yes, I can. | 20:23 |
intore | Hello everyone, I have some difficulty mounting an external HD formatted in HFS + with write permissions. After running the command sudo fsck.hfsplus -f / dev / sdc2; appears the error "Invalid sibling link (4, 13) ** Volume check failed." The strange thing is that an hour ago the command had gone well. can you help me? | 20:23 |
OneM_Industries | Looks like the router lost it's routing table, again. | 20:23 |
MonkeyDust | OneM_Industries note the solution in a text file or so, for future reference | 20:23 |
OneM_Industries | I will. | 20:24 |
OneM_Industries | Or better yet, I will set up a better router. | 20:24 |
husky_ | sss | 20:24 |
TJ- | sruli: anything specific to the up/down operations would be in the case statement's clauses | 20:32 |
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sruli | TJ-: where is the case statement clause? | 20:33 |
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RNeville | if I buy very cheap android smartphone will ubuntu recognize it so I can move files to it through usb | 20:38 |
xangua | RNeville: it should | 20:38 |
TJ- | sruli: "case xxx in ..." | 20:38 |
xangua | Ubuntu 14.04 and up of course | 20:38 |
RNeville | thx xangua | 20:38 |
RNeville | yes, I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 this phone is running android 4.4 kitkat | 20:39 |
nicomachus | RNeville: should be fine. | 20:39 |
eelstrebor | quite a few wikis are out of date | 20:39 |
RNeville | k nicomachus | 20:39 |
TJ- | RNeville: it can depend on whether the device shares its file-system via MTP or some other method. Some MTP devices can be problematic as can some Ubuntu releases/tools | 20:40 |
x-r00tnoir | hi | 20:41 |
hal14450 | RNeville, i find that using airdroid on the phone works pretty well | 20:41 |
x-r00tnoir | hi | 20:41 |
x-r00tnoir | how are you | 20:41 |
hal14450 | that's a lazy solution of course | 20:41 |
x-r00tnoir | ^__________________________^ | 20:42 |
nicomachus | x-r00tnoir: hi, do you have an ubuntu support question? | 20:42 |
=== DD3my is now known as 7YUAAOTUW | ||
Malgorath | hey is there a way to reset your install of ubuntu to the way it is just after install? | 20:44 |
sruli | TJ-: thanks, fianl question on the subject, when i originally got my iptables for this the instructions were to enable net.ipv4.ip_forward in sysctl.config now that i dont need those iptables rules do i still need to enable ip_forward? | 20:44 |
nicomachus | Malgorath: why not just reinstall? | 20:45 |
Malgorath | nicomachus, was hoping this would be faster | 20:45 |
nicomachus | not likely. why do you need to restore it to that state? | 20:45 |
TJ- | sruli: forwarding is required to route packets | 20:45 |
tgm4883 | Malgorath: what exactly do you want to restore, installed packages or something else? | 20:46 |
sruli | TJ-: i tired with it enabled and disabled and did not see a difference | 20:46 |
Malgorath | Apache wont let me do clean URLs and I think I messed something up, was hoping a fresh setup might help figure out what I did wrong | 20:46 |
sruli | TJ-: ur paypal still | 20:47 |
tgm4883 | Malgorath: apache is running on this box? | 20:47 |
tgm4883 | Malgorath: because you should just be able to remove and purge apache configs | 20:47 |
Malgorath | tgm4883, yes. Wondering if I should just go with nginx | 20:47 |
dwbear | anyone use /etc/security/limits.conf with AD groups? | 20:48 |
Malgorath | tgm4883, apt-get remove apache2 && apt-get purge apache2 ? | 20:48 |
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=== 7YUAAOTUW is now known as DD3my_ | ||
TJ- | sruli: there are several related forwarding settings, but is the master control. There are others under*.forwarding too | 20:50 |
TJ- | sruli: nothings changed with my addresses | 20:50 |
sruli | TJ-: i am refering to just net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 | 20:51 |
TJ- | sruli: If you set 0 that should disable IPv4 forwarding in the kernel, but that won't affect nat/localhost. It'll only affect packets arriving on an *external* interface and being forwarded out on another *external* interface | 20:52 |
TJ- | sruli: as in -> eth0 -> kernel -> wlan0 | 20:52 |
sruli | TJ-: so i dont need it enabled, right? | 20:52 |
dwbear | I'm trying to use a limits.conf to set limits for groups of users, the user groups come from active directory. We have pam set to authenticate to our AD, but it doesn't seem that ulimits get set for domain users. any thoughts? | 20:52 |
TJ- | sruli: You would need it if you ever switch the VM networking mode from NAT to routing/bridging | 20:53 |
TJ- | dwbear: are you using pam_limits ? | 20:53 |
sruli | TJ-: thanks, u should have a received a email now, can i ask u something in private chat? | 20:55 |
TJ- | sruli: this is the documentation for those sysctl entities | 20:56 |
=== DirtyCajn2 is now known as dirtycajun | ||
=== dirtycajun is now known as DirtyCajun | ||
dwbear | TJ: yes, I assume /etc/security/limit.conf is what pam reads. | 20:58 |
dwbear | no? | 20:58 |
DirtyCajun | why cant i pipline ls into file | 20:58 |
DirtyCajun | for example ls /usr/bin | file | 20:58 |
DirtyCajun | wereas if i name file name1 name2 etc it works | 20:58 |
k1l | DirtyCajun: for pipe you need a program. use > | 20:58 |
DirtyCajun | so ls /usr/bin | > file | 20:59 |
DirtyCajun | ? | 20:59 |
TJ- | dwbear: "man pam_limits" | 20:59 |
dwbear | TJ reading | 20:59 |
k1l | no. ls > filename | 20:59 |
DirtyCajun | im sorry i meant file the utility | 21:00 |
Carter1 | does anyone here know how to setup phpmail for the use of wordpress? thanks | 21:00 |
TJ- | DirtyCajun: you mean run 'file' against a list of files? You'd be better off using 'find' rather than 'ls' to generate the list | 21:00 |
dwbear | tj: session required -- in my common-session file | 21:01 |
k1l | DirtyCajun: what is the real target here? that sounds like a workaround around 3 corners | 21:01 |
TJ- | dwbear: as in "find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec file {} \;" | 21:01 |
TJ- | dwbear: enable more debugging maybe, and check the /var/log/auth.log for clues? | 21:01 |
TJ- | DirtyCajun: : enable more debugging maybe, and check the /var/log/auth.log for clues? | 21:02 |
dwbear | TJ I know limits work if I specify a single user, its when i attempt to specify a user group that things don't seem to work | 21:02 |
TJ- | dwbear: hmmm! | 21:02 |
dwbear | TJ: I am using AD as my authentication source, | 21:03 |
dwbear | attempts to use groups from AD seem to be a problem | 21:03 |
DirtyCajun | its for class. and there is a simple answer but i want to know how to automate the whole process. the question is "Experiment by calling the file utility with the names of files in /usr/bin. How | 21:03 |
DirtyCajun | many different types of files are there?" I want to pipe ls into file... then pipe that into sort and then pipe that into uniq | 21:03 |
Scombr0 | Bye all :) | 21:03 |
dwbear | I was wondering if in the limits.conf file, if quoting can be used around group names | 21:03 |
dwbear | some idiot at microsoft allowed group names to contain spaces | 21:04 |
TJ- | dwbear: you're specifying the limits 'domain' as @group ? (see "man 5 limits.conf") | 21:04 |
=== bekks_ is now known as bekks | ||
TJ- | dwbear: oh, you have spaces? | 21:05 |
dwbear | Here's the line I used: | 21:05 |
dwbear | # -- fix fork bomb issue -- | 21:05 |
dwbear | @"Domain Users" soft nproc 20 | 21:05 |
dwbear | @"Domain Users" hard nproc 30 | 21:05 |
dwbear | I also tried @Domain\ Users but that didn't seem to go anywhere | 21:05 |
dwbear | TJ: do you know if spaces cause problems for the limits.conf parser? | 21:07 |
TJ- | dwbear: from pam's modules/pam_limits/pam_limits.c::parse_config_file() the key line is "i = sscanf(line,"%s%s%s%s", domain, ltype, item, value);" | 21:09 |
dwbear | TJ, so sscanf %s%s%s% will split on the space? It was in the last century that I looked at C code... ;-) | 21:10 |
=== Guest14444 is now known as yuciyuar | ||
DirtyCajun | i can make all the opther utilities pipe to each other. sort uniq mv etc but not file | 21:12 |
DirtyCajun | is file "unpipable"? | 21:12 |
TJ- | dwbear: It's got me thinking and I use it. See "man 3 sscanf" :) | 21:12 |
TJ- | DirtyCajun: you can pipe if you tell to read stdin, but then you have no filename: 'file -' | 21:13 |
TJ- | dwbear: aha: "s Matches a sequence of non-white-space characters;" | 21:14 |
TJ- | dwbear: but as its sscanf() can you use an escape? as in @this\ group soft ... | 21:15 |
Jordan_U | DirtyCajun: The distinction is mostly between "streams" of text and lists of files. Most commands that work only on streams of arbitrary text, like greb,sed,awk,etc accept that such text be given via a pipe. However most commands that work on files, or lists of files, expect those file names to be listed in the commands arguments, not via stdin. This is because (among other things) it's difficult to relia | 21:15 |
Jordan_U | bly handle a single stream of text with multiple file names, whereas command arguments are explicitly separated in a secure reliable manner. | 21:15 |
dwbear | TJ: yeah, I was just looking at that, "This directive matches any amount white space"... | 21:15 |
dwbear | ug | 21:15 |
dwbear | oka | 21:15 |
dwbear | okay | 21:15 |
dwbear | so, not AD groups with spaces in names | 21:15 |
dwbear | I surrender | 21:16 |
TJ- | dwbear: but as its sscanf() can you use an escape? as in @this\ group soft ... | 21:16 |
Jordan_U | DirtyCajun: I highly recommend as a guide for learning to use bash. | 21:17 |
dwbear | I'm thinking it may just be easier to create and AD group with a coherent name, and then place 'domain users' in that group | 21:17 |
TJ- | dwbear: Yes, fix Windows :) | 21:17 |
dwbear | TJ: seems to me an easier fix.. | 21:18 |
TJ- | dwbear: I agree, but it'd be interesting to know if an escaped space would do it | 21:18 |
DirtyCajun | ive gotten it to work starting with file as opposed to piping to file | 21:18 |
dwbear | TJ: I did try Domain\ Users ... | 21:18 |
DirtyCajun | file /usr/bin/* | sort | uniq | wc | 21:19 |
dwbear | But it was quoted | 21:19 |
TJ- | dwbear: well the quotes would be read literally, and unless I'm mistaken so would the escaped content of the domain string, so go with the Windows fix | 21:19 |
Jordan_U | DirtyCajun: Why are you sorting and using uniq? The files should already be sorted and uniq. | 21:20 |
dwbear | TJ: makes sense.. Thanks for the help | 21:20 |
DirtyCajun | i was trying something without thinking. i wanted to get a single number for the total TYPES of files. but since each file is in the line... it assumes they are ALL unique | 21:20 |
DirtyCajun | so it was a failure | 21:21 |
bekks | DirtyCajun: How do you determine the "type" of a file? | 21:21 |
luketheduke1 | bekks: there is a command called 'file' that lets you do that | 21:22 |
DirtyCajun | yes. | 21:22 |
Jordan_U | DirtyCajun: I'm guessing not, but do you know about regular expressions? | 21:22 |
ubuntu249 | Hello, is that possible to disable physical "power button" on lock screen? | 21:26 |
=== ariel_ is now known as Guest72791 | ||
ubuntu249 | When i return to computer, if i press power button to wake my laptop up | 21:26 |
ubuntu249 | its shutting down | 21:26 |
ubuntu249 | is there any way to change this behaviour? | 21:26 |
bekks | That button is hardwired, you cannot change its behaviour. | 21:26 |
julian-delphiki | ubuntu249: when you open it back up it should just come back... | 21:26 |
bekks | Try pressing another key instead. | 21:26 |
Guest72791 | i need help i am getting no volumn! | 21:27 |
TJ- | ubuntu249: usually the power button has 2 functions. "soft off" and "hard off" - the hard is when you hold it down continuously for about 4 seconds | 21:27 |
ubuntu249 | i am pressing down for 1 sec or less. old habits from windows | 21:27 |
ubuntu249 | i am trying to get used to it | 21:27 |
Jordan_U | bekks: Of course you can change how the OS reacts to the power button being pressed, the OS needs to cleanly shut down when the user presses the button and can react however it wants (unless you hold the button, which ubuntu249 is not doing). | 21:28 |
HowardwLo | hi! can anyone help me get xeyes working? The docs for the program im running says to SSH using -Y, then use xeyes. when I type in xeyes, it says Error: can’t open display. This is a digital ocean droplet on ubuntu trusty | 21:28 |
kisuke | ok, anyone know what the current method is to change X to 8 bit color? | 21:28 |
TJ- | ubuntu249: if the PC is in S3 sleep (suspend to RAM) that should only wake it up | 21:28 |
kisuke | errr 256 colors* | 21:28 |
Jordan_U | kisuke: What is your end goal? | 21:28 |
Guest72791 | anyone know how i could fix this problem? | 21:29 |
ubuntu249 | TJ-: i am locking my laptop, and coming back, screen is off, after pressing power button its going to shutdown | 21:29 |
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Bashing-om | !sound | Guest72791 | 21:29 |
Jordan_U | ubuntu249: though I think that would affect what happens when not at the login screen as well, if that's OK. | 21:29 |
ubottu | Guest72791: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 21:29 |
TJ- | ubuntu249: ahhh, then lock won't be putting it to sleep. As someone else said, press any other key (return) or move the mouse/touchpad | 21:30 |
TJ- | ubottu: it sounds like the screen is just going into DPMS controlled backlight-off mode | 21:30 |
TJ- | ubuntu249: it sounds like the screen is just going into DPMS controlled backlight-off mode | 21:30 |
ubuntu249 | TJ-: yes, probably | 21:31 |
TJ- | I generally 'wiggle' the mouse :) | 21:31 |
ubuntu249 | TJ-: well, reasonable solution :) | 21:31 |
ubuntu249 | thank you all | 21:34 |
kyshtynbai | Hi guys. I've just installed Ubuntu 14.04. The network manager sees wireless spots, but I can't connect to any. My adapter is Atheros AR9485 | 21:34 |
Guest41582 | hello | 21:35 |
Guest41582 | i use from lantern to connect to | 21:35 |
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Guest41582 | how can i set terminal to use from lantern | 21:35 |
kisuke | Jordan_U, an old 16-bit win game. yay Vms | 21:36 |
=== Guest5407 is now known as linuxnewbie | ||
HowardwLo | any help for xeyes? | 21:36 |
bekks | HowardwLo: connect using ssh -X or ssh -Y | 21:37 |
HowardwLo | bekks: i tried both, still can’t find display | 21:37 |
HowardwLo | sorry, can’t open display | 21:37 |
bekks | HowardwLo: Then manually export the DISPLAY environment variable pointing to your X display. | 21:38 |
=== never is now known as linux123 | ||
=== linux123 is now known as linux12322 | ||
HowardwLo | bekks: ok thats where i get lost. do you ahve a guide or something i can refer to? not usre how to point it to my x display | 21:38 |
kisuke | Jordan_U, any ideas? | 21:38 |
=== Guest41582 is now known as linuxlove | ||
bekks | HowardwLo: you have an Ubuntu client (your computer) and a DigitalOcean Ubuntu server - right? | 21:39 |
linuxlove | hello | 21:39 |
HowardwLo | bekks: my computer is on OSX, but yes, a DO ubuntu server | 21:39 |
ddybing | hi | 21:39 |
linuxlove | how can i remove a repository? | 21:39 |
bekks | HowardwLo: Then you need to start an X server on your OSX before. | 21:39 |
kisuke | anyone know what the current method is to change X to 256 colors? | 21:39 |
xintox_ | . | 21:39 |
linuxlove | sudo add-apt-repository | 21:40 |
HowardwLo | bekks: this? | 21:40 |
linuxlove | how can remove that? | 21:40 |
nicomachus | !ppa-purge | linuxlove | 21:40 |
ubottu | linuxlove: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see | 21:40 |
bekks | HowardwLo: Yes. | 21:40 |
linuxlove | ppa-purge: command not found | 21:43 |
k1l | linuxlove: install it | 21:43 |
nicomachus | linuxlove: did you read the factoid? install ppa-purge and use the command | 21:43 |
linuxlove | nicomachus, it is in process | 21:44 |
linuxlove | java version "1.5.0" is output of java -version what should i do? | 21:45 |
linuxlove | gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.8.5 | 21:46 |
Windows98 | update it | 21:46 |
Windows98 | oops meant that in another channel :( | 21:46 |
Windows98 | sorry] | 21:46 |
HowardwLo | bekks: ok, i got x server installed on osx | 21:47 |
HowardwLo | bekks: how do i point the ma-jigger? | 21:47 |
ariel__ | i need help im still not getting sound | 21:48 |
luketheduke1 | ariel__ open the sound application | 21:50 |
luketheduke1 | Is the output set to the right hardware? | 21:50 |
ariel__ | i did | 21:50 |
kisuke | I take it no one has any ideas? | 21:50 |
kinker31 | Heya! Is there a way to boot the Windows 10 RE Tools using grub2? | 21:50 |
Jordan_U | kisuke: Don't bother trying to make your primary display 256 colors. If there's no way to make wine emulate 256 colors, then just use Xephyr to run a nested X server in 256 color mode. | 21:51 |
lerner | sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/backup2 < is everything correct with this torrent? | 21:51 |
lerner | sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/backup2 < is everything correct with this command?* | 21:51 |
ariel__ | luketheduke1 i did everything the ubuntu told m | 21:51 |
ariel__ | site* | 21:52 |
k1l | lerner: no | 21:52 |
luketheduke1 | ariel__, is it fully updated as well? | 21:52 |
tuborg | we | 21:52 |
k1l | lerner: that will overwrite everything with 0 | 21:52 |
kisuke | Jordan_U, thanks. | 21:52 |
Jordan_U | lerner: Are you trying to wipe that entire device? | 21:52 |
ariel__ | no | 21:52 |
luketheduke1 | ariel__, try that. A lot of times, updates help hardware stuff like that | 21:52 |
lerner | Jordan_U, encrypt the whole device | 21:52 |
lerner | k1l, also not encrypt, but simply write with zeroes... | 21:53 |
luketheduke1 | either run software updater, or open a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' | 21:53 |
bekks | HowardwLo: Now you connect from your client to your server using ssh -X / ssh -Y | 21:53 |
ariel__ | i cnt upgrade i tried everything | 21:53 |
bekks | HowardwLo: Next, you start xeyes in that ssh session and should be able to see it. | 21:53 |
HowardwLo | bekks: i just tried that, both X and Y, but it stil lsays cant open display | 21:53 |
ariel__ | n still nothing | 21:53 |
Jordan_U | kisuke: I don't know why this page is currently unavailable, but here is a wayback machine snapshot: | 21:54 |
HowardwLo | bekks: xquartz is currently running as well | 21:54 |
luketheduke1 | ariel__, what do you mean you can't update? | 21:54 |
kisuke | Jordan_U, ... how did i not find that? | 21:54 |
* kisuke takes sissors to google-fu belt | 21:54 | |
fearnothing | if I have a string of URL encoded ASCII what's the simplest way to get it to ASCII? | 21:55 |
Windows98 | :D | 21:55 |
ariel__ | i tried going to ubuntu 12.04 n i couldnt | 21:55 |
lerner | step 3 < thats what Im doing | 21:55 |
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louis_ | Hey guys got a question. I installed ubuntu, I think I did everything right but @windows disk management@ and @Gparted@ gives me a different list of HDD. Gparted says sda4 is EXTENDED and that sda5 (ext4) is inside with what it seems ubuntu mate in it. In windows it says sda4 is 100% free and sda5 (ext4) doesnt appear. Is it normal | 21:56 |
ariel__ | it just stays with the dialog open | 21:56 |
HowardwLo | bekks: i’ve also tried it using the terminal within xquartz | 21:57 |
luketheduke1 | louis_, that is normal. | 21:57 |
HowardwLo | bekks: no dice :( | 21:57 |
luketheduke1 | winblows just doesn't look at things right | 21:57 |
louis_ | ok luketheduke1. Thanks | 21:57 |
lerner | i have been running dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/backup2 for hours now and it doesnt stop. I assume it has to stop before I do pv -tpreb /dev/zero | dd of=/dev/mapper/backup2 bs=128M . | 21:58 |
louis_ | but how can I be sure I installed ubuntu mate in sda5 | 21:58 |
HowardwLo | gah, this x server crap is annoying | 21:58 |
Jordan_U | louis_: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" and "sudo fdisk -l". | 21:58 |
k1l | louis_: look at the gparted outpu or paste a "sudo parted -l" in a pastebin and show the link here | 21:58 |
bekks | HowardwLo: Does your ssh server even allow X forwarding? | 21:58 |
luketheduke1 | lerner: what are you trying to do there? | 21:59 |
lerner | Luke, encryot to luks | 21:59 |
HowardwLo | bekks: is that the sshd_config setting? | 21:59 |
HowardwLo | “X11Forwarding yes” | 21:59 |
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louis_ | Here is my pastebin guys : | 22:01 |
DirtyCajun | Jordan_U: was on a support call. no i dont know regular expressions. im reading up now | 22:01 |
TJ- | lerner: what are zeroing? a temporary dm-crypt device, or the raw underlying device that will contain the encrypted volume? | 22:01 |
lerner | raw underlying device TJ- | 22:02 |
TJ- | lerner: generally it makes sense to randomise the raw underlying device so blocks used by the encryption cannot be picked out amongst all thoes zeros. | 22:02 |
luketheduke1 | lerner: wouldn't shred work better for that? sudo shred /dev/sdX | 22:02 |
louis_ | Jordan_U and <k1l> here is the pastebin | 22:02 |
luketheduke1 | or I guess sudo shred -n 20 -z -v /dev/sdX | 22:03 |
Windows98 | your kidding me by telling me it is a wd hard drive :D | 22:03 |
TJ- | lerner: the typical way to do that is create a temporary throwaway encrypted device and write zeros *into* it, which actually results in randomised data in the raw enclosing device. Then you throw away that temporary, and "cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdXY" to create the new permanent encrypted container | 22:04 |
k1l | louis_: so you installed in sda5. but imho 16GB is a bit small | 22:04 |
louis_ | I am going to put my files in the windows drive mostly. | 22:04 |
louis_ | is it an issue | 22:05 |
TJ- | lerner: for an example see the "LUKS Fastest way to randomise disk content" here: | 22:05 |
Jordan_U | louis_: The only problem I see is that sda5 is unaligned, which could seriously hurt disc performance but shouldn't cause problems with Windows "seeing" the partition. | 22:05 |
k1l | louis_: make sure to disable the fast boot setting on windows. or you cant mount the partitions on linux | 22:06 |
fearnothing | got the hex working | 22:07 |
fearnothing | something I've been meaning to ask for ages | 22:07 |
fearnothing | some commands don't produce a newline after the output finishes, so my prompt appears on the old line | 22:08 |
louis_ | ok, Ill try to fix the unaligned drive. And Ill check for the fast boot kil. I did not know I had that with windows 7 | 22:08 |
Jordan_U | louis_: How did you create this partitoin in the first place? | 22:08 |
fearnothing | how do you ensure you get a newline before your prompt? | 22:08 |
fearnothing | for example "cat thatsnomoon + "\n" | sed s/[G-Zg-z]//g | sed s/[$.,\;\(\)\!=_@]//g | xxd -r -p" results in my prompt starting partway through a line | 22:09 |
k1l | fearnothing: like what command? | 22:09 |
louis_ | Jordan_U : windows disk management. I followed a tutorial. I free space the created the drive. | 22:09 |
louis_ | but I should only have sda4 not sda5 | 22:09 |
Jordan_U | louis_: Did you just install Ubuntu? | 22:10 |
fearnothing | k1l: could it have anything to do with using putty? | 22:10 |
k1l | fearnothing: yes | 22:10 |
fearnothing | I see, putty's not interpreting one of the new line characters correctly or something? | 22:11 |
louis_ | Jordan_U : Yeah I installed Ubuntu mate on sda4 following a tutorial. And it seems to be in sda5 | 22:11 |
fearnothing | how do I find out what's failing? | 22:11 |
=== MiningMarsh is now known as Guest78479 | ||
Jordan_U | louis_: I would recommend deleting sda5 and sda4 then re-installing Ubuntu, allowing Ubuntu's installer to create the partitions as it will make sure they're aligned, and moving the contents of the partition to get it aligned will actually probably take more time than re-installing would. | 22:12 |
louis_ | Jordan_U : So do I use the option @Installed along Windows 7@ | 22:13 |
louis_ | instead of something else | 22:13 |
pedr0` | hi there | 22:13 |
fearnothing | actually I can test whether or not it's putty | 22:13 |
Jordan_U | louis_: That is what I would recommend. If you have a strong reason to change the defaults then do "something else" but I'll note that you currently don't have a swap partition, which Ubuntu's automatic partitioning creates automatically, and you probably do want one (if you ever want to hibernate). | 22:14 |
louis_ | Jordan_U : Ok, I will do that if ubuntu does the partitioning which I didnt know. Thank you | 22:15 |
Jordan_U | louis_: You're welcome. | 22:15 |
pedr0` | pedr0: test | 22:16 |
kothammer40000 | yes | 22:16 |
Jordan_U | louis_: Also, in general you should avoid following guides from random websites wherever possible, and instead look for official documentation. | 22:16 |
fearnothing | ok, it's not putty specifically | 22:16 |
daniel__ | Hi how i gonna reconfigurize my computer resolution | 22:16 |
fearnothing | does exactly the same thing in vmware console | 22:16 |
daniel__ | ? | 22:17 |
fearnothing | any other ideas k1l? | 22:17 |
Jordan_U | fearnothing: Can you give an example command that leads to this problem? | 22:17 |
daniel__ | hay alguien de españa | 22:17 |
louis_ | Jordan_U : I understand, I am pretty good at researching on the net usually but for some reason I could not find that information in the Ubuntu mate wiki/faw | 22:17 |
luketheduke1 | daniel__, check for additional display drivers | 22:17 |
fearnothing | cat thatsnomoon | sed s/[G-Zg-z]//g | sed s/[$.,\;\(\)\!=_@]//g | xxd -r -p | 22:17 |
daniel__ | ok | 22:17 |
daniel__ | thanks luke | 22:18 |
kothammer40000 | kaki | 22:18 |
Jordan_U | louis_: Installation is pretty much the same for all flavors (except server/minimal). | 22:19 |
fearnothing | Jordan_U - and the file thatsnomoon just has ascii text in it | 22:19 |
fearnothing | nothing special | 22:19 |
fearnothing | I'm not sure that it's actually a fault, I think that's probably how xxd is supposed to work, if there was a newline char at the end of its output it would probably be wrong | 22:20 |
fearnothing | but in a piped command like that is there a way of adding a newline at the end? | 22:20 |
Jordan_U | fearnothing: Does thatsnomoon have a newline at the end of the file? | 22:20 |
fearnothing | nope | 22:20 |
Jordan_U | fearnothing: Then everything is working as intended. You can get the same result with just "echo -n no newline here". | 22:21 |
Jordan_U | fearnothing: That, among other things, is why it is recommended that all text files end with a newline. | 22:22 |
fearnothing | yeah I'm realising that part, so my question is turned into "what's the right way to add a new line so that my command prompt doesn't get shunted halfway around the screen?" | 22:22 |
Jordan_U | fearnothing: echo >> thatsnomoon #If you want to modify the original file | 22:22 |
lerner | TJ-, so i have been wasting my time... | 22:22 |
fearnothing | er no I don't want to modify the original | 22:23 |
fearnothing | I just want the output, plus a new line. | 22:23 |
gecko_x2 | hi peeps | 22:23 |
imv | Hi, I'm on Ubuntu 15.10, with Unity 7.3.2 and when I have Firefox in fullscreen in a workspace and if I switch to another workspace then back, firefox is the window that's on top (even though I had, say, hexchat on top when I left the workspace), any idea how to fix this? | 22:24 |
Jordan_U | fearnothing: cat thatsnomoon | sed s/[G-Zg-z]//g | sed s/[$.,\;\(\)\!=_@]//g | xxd -r -p; echo | 22:24 |
fearnothing | aha, thankyou very much :) | 22:24 |
gecko_x2 | is there a guide to denying outbound traffic from ubuntu server except for allowing needed services | 22:24 |
gecko_x2 | ? | 22:24 |
Jordan_U | fearnothing: You're welcome :) | 22:24 |
luketheduke1 | gecko_x2, yes you can. look at iptables | 22:25 |
MonkeyDust | fearnothing try this (with quotes) alias PS1='USER_PS1'; PS1="Type your command(s) here: \n test"; | 22:25 |
gecko_x2 | luketheduke1 i don't want to go through the hassle of allowing everything manually | 22:26 |
gecko_x2 | i'd need demons like dhcp and dns to be allowed, the needed stuff | 22:26 |
gecko_x2 | by a daemon basis, not tcp/udp port | 22:26 |
luketheduke1 | gecko_x2, I don't know if you can do that or not | 22:27 |
gecko_x2 | or is there another channel better suited? | 22:27 |
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luketheduke1 | you might try ##linux too | 22:27 |
gecko_x2 | luketheduke1 well i read UFW can filter based on daemon | 22:27 |
Jordan_U | MonkeyDust: What is the purpose of the alias part of your suggestion? | 22:27 |
luketheduke1 | gecko_x2, have you tried UFW? Have any problems? | 22:28 |
gecko_x2 | luketheduke1 sry, my question was about UFW specifically | 22:28 |
gecko_x2 | the issue is, it's very complicated and timeconsuming to deny outbound by default and then open needed ports | 22:28 |
MonkeyDust | Jordan_U as i understood, the guy wants a two line prompt | 22:29 |
gecko_x2 | but allowing outbound by daemon would wor | 22:29 |
gecko_x2 | work | 22:29 |
luketheduke1 | gecko_x2, you can't do 'sudo ufw deny all'? | 22:29 |
mattiasw | Does anyone here have any issues with the ubuntu-sdk on 15.10? | 22:29 |
lerner | I dont understand whats the difference between becoming root (sudo -i) and simply writting sudo before the command itself as me. Result is the same, isnt it? | 22:29 |
gecko_x2 | what i'm asking for is a guide to allow the needed services | 22:30 |
Jordan_U | MonkeyDust: And how does "alias PS1='USER_PS1';" get them closer to that? | 22:30 |
luketheduke1 | gecko_x2, | 22:30 |
luketheduke1 | see 'Services" | 22:30 |
mattiasw | I had it installed for the longest time. Then software update did a big partial upgrade, which uninstalled a lot of things including the sdk. And now it won't install again due to broken packages. | 22:30 |
luketheduke1 | You can run 'cat /etc/services' to list services you can control | 22:30 |
luketheduke1 | then 'sudo ufw allow <service name>' to allow those services | 22:31 |
gecko_x2 | luketheduke1 yeah, thx | 22:31 |
gecko_x2 | i'm not sure if it's worth the hassle | 22:31 |
Jordan_U | lerner: It's more of a human difference than a technical one. If you start a root shell then you're more likely to run commands as root that don't need to be, and you're also more likely to leave it open and walk away. | 22:31 |
gecko_x2 | woud be nice to have a default profile | 22:31 |
gecko_x2 | but anyways, thx, i'll try | 22:32 |
luketheduke1 | gecko_x2, it really doesn't get easier than that | 22:32 |
luketheduke1 | sorry | 22:32 |
gecko_x2 | yeah | 22:32 |
ndavis | All: Just installed osTicket and the new version has a MySQL DROP ALL statement that wiped out all 500 of my existing DBs. Are these still in MySQL history and can I recover without running a massive backup scenario? Usually takes about 4+ hours from full backup! | 22:32 |
luketheduke1 | ndavis, I think if the tables have been dropped, then you'll have to restore from backup | 22:32 |
ndavis | All: 2nd Q! Have MySQL DB instances not in the default directory, pull from other sources. How do I connect to these and extract their data? | 22:33 |
luketheduke1 | ndavis: Are they on the same computer, or on a different one? | 22:34 |
ndavis | luketheduke1: Same computer, different disks! | 22:34 |
cardamon | 14.04 ubuntu gnome classic. I can rename a folder, then I cant. Yes this has happened before. Help please. (looks like it would work but keystrokes dont show. Must click to exit.) | 22:35 |
Jordan_U | ndavis: Cross-posting, asking the same question at exactly the same time in multiple channels, is considered rude. Ask in the most appropriate channel, like #mysql, first, and only ask eslewhere after you've waited at least a few minutes. | 22:35 |
RNeville | who do you even ask a question in multiple rooms at once, pls? | 22:36 |
ndavis | Jordan_U: I did! #mysql was non-responsive after 5 min | 22:36 |
RNeville | how do you / sorry typo | 22:37 |
MonkeyDust | Jordan_U the alas does the job, i'm playing with it here, too, it's quite fun, especially with backticks and command | 22:37 |
MonkeyDust | alias* | 22:37 |
docmur | If I run mount -t ecryptsfs on a directory that has files in it, is there away to make sure all the files inside the directory get encrypted so when I unmount it all the files are encrypted | 22:38 |
Jordan_U | ndavis: I just saw you post the same question to #mysql, here, and #bash. The lattermost channel not even being relevant to a mysql question. You may have posted in other channels that I'm not currently in as well. Even if you didn't post beyond those three channels, that's still cross-posting. Please don't do it again. | 22:39 |
Jordan_U | MonkeyDust: What does "alias PS1='USER_PS1'; PS1="Type your command(s) here: \n test";" accomplish that just "PS1="Type your command(s) here: \n test";" doesn't still accomplish? | 22:40 |
MonkeyDust | Jordan_U you mean the 'alias' command is not needed? let me try it... | 22:41 |
ndavis | Jordan_U: Just looking for answers and find them usually in off subject channels, cause takes someone that's had your pain to relate and help. Otherwise everyone ignores you! Should be that way but it is! I don't live on chat, so only come to get answers! Sorry if finding answers offends you! | 22:42 |
cardamon | Looking for a command )or two( to do this -- C/C++ compiler, build environment (build-essential, Xcode, or platform equivalent). | 22:42 |
cardamon | innstall | 22:42 |
MonkeyDust | Jordan_U you're right, 'alias' is not needed | 22:42 |
luketheduke1 | So much butthurt in here. It's great | 22:43 |
ndavis | Correction: Shouldn't be that way but it is! | 22:43 |
cardamon | Looking for a command )or two( to do this -- install C/C++ compiler, build environment (build-essential, Xcode, or platform equivalent) -- I found this. | 22:44 |
Jordan_U | ndavis: The problem is not with "finding answers", it's with cross-posting. You don't need to cross-post to get answers, it just takes a little more patience. Please be respectful to the volunteers that are helping you and don't cross-post (again, all that means is that you wait a few minutes before posting to the second channel after posting to the first). | 22:44 |
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tripelb | Looking for a command )or two( to do this -- install C/C++ compiler, build environment (build-essential, Xcode, or platform equivalent) -- I found this. ((my reserved nick)) | 22:45 |
luketheduke1 | Jordan_U, it's not like they slapped someone. One post is enough, not 20 | 22:45 |
ndavis | Jordan_U: Well so far on all the channels posted, you're the only one talking, yet not relevant. I find that usually posting to a forum 1st, then coming to chat helps, but didn't get to that yet this round! | 22:46 |
k1l | guys please fokus back on technical ubuntu support. everyone not sure about the channel guidelines please have a read again: | 22:46 |
lerner | TJ-, the link you pasted: I have to cd to dev/sda to execute "sudo lvcreate -L 1G -n demo VG_DATA" , right? in that command there is not path | 22:46 |
=== Gabbo is now known as Guest79908 | ||
TJ- | lerner: no 'cd' required. | 22:47 |
TJ- | lerner: the example is using Logical Volume Management (LVM), and 'lvcreate' is creating a Logical Volume (LV) named "demo" of size 1GB inside the Volume Group (VG) named VG_DATA. those *are* example commands and assume VG_DATA already exists. | 22:49 |
loa | TJ-, i think you already answered this few times today (maybe more) but how i can fix that local bug? i updated my system, but looks like i don't recieve version of kernel where it was fixed. | 22:50 |
TJ- | lerner: if the device you wish to encrypt is /dev/mapper/backup2 and already exists as your commands indicate, then you don't need the 'lvcreate'. In those commands you can replace "/dev/mapper/VG_DATA-demo" with your "/dev/mapper/backup2" | 22:51 |
=== Emergent is now known as Arbition | ||
TJ- | loa: identify the latest kernel verion you have installed first "apt-cache policy linux-image" | 22:53 |
loa | TJ-, strange, i have installed linux-image | 22:54 |
loa | my current version from uname is 3.13.0-62-generic | 22:54 |
Noein1 | hello | 22:54 |
k1l | loa: make sure linux-generic is installed. that will ship you the latest kernel and headers | 22:55 |
TJ- | loa: OK, so you can check the package's changelog with "less /usr/share/doc/linux-image-3.13.0-62-generic/changelog.gz" | 22:55 |
k1l | loa: can you show a "dpgk -l | grep linux-image" in a pastebin? | 22:56 |
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loa | k1l, TJ- thx for respond. | 22:56 |
loa | i just did not use ubuntu for long time. | 22:56 |
loa | did full-upgrade | 22:57 |
loa | now i see that kernel version. | 22:57 |
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k1l | loa: yes. you need apt full-upgrade for new kernels and other new packages | 22:57 |
Noein1 | hello can i ask a newbiew question here ? | 22:59 |
mcphail | !ask | Noein1 | 23:00 |
ubottu | Noein1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 23:00 |
Noein1 | Ok sorry i am new in irc dont know the rules and such.I just want to know if i can put ubuntu into a usb stick so i can boot it from the usb stick and if yes then can you reccomend a good way or a website explaining how to do so? | 23:01 |
k1l | Noein1: running windows? | 23:02 |
tripelb | Noein1, hope you get an answer. I've been ignored. -- BUT your question is something I can answer. The answer is yes. | 23:02 |
Noein1 | i run windows now | 23:02 |
tripelb | Noein1, let me look up the page that explains it. just a second. | 23:02 |
k1l | Noein1: | 23:02 |
tripelb | thanks for telling me that. | 23:02 |
tripelb | bingo, kll | 23:03 |
tripelb | 14.04 ubuntu gnome classic. I can rename a folder, then I cant. Yes this has happened before. Help please. (looks like it would work but keystrokes dont show. Must click to exit.) | 23:03 |
Noein1 | thanks for the link | 23:04 |
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RNeville | Man, Ubuntu 14.04 has been running great for me - used it several months now, and even with several old monitors the multi monitor setup has been working great1 | 23:06 |
RNeville | I really feel, for the first time, I can really recommend my friends, who are novices with a pc, might be better off running Ubuntu | 23:07 |
RNeville | than MS Windows | 23:07 |
RNeville | Man, MS Windows interface really seems to change every few years | 23:08 |
RNeville | can seem to find anything in MS Windows 10 - in order to help a friend | 23:08 |
RNeville | Keep up the great work Ubuntu Guys! | 23:09 |
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=== Guest78479 is now known as MiningMarsh | ||
Muimi | I'm on 15.10-64 trying to work with an NVidia7300LE (don't know if that's the issue). If I type startX, I get a background image with an X for a mouse cursor; if I log in with desktop, I get a blank screen with a mouse cursor on it (no unity) | 23:16 |
Muimi | Anyone know what steps I could take to resolve this? | 23:16 |
Muimi | maybe? | 23:19 |
ddybing | Hi. May I ask a question? | 23:20 |
k1l | ddybing: go ahead if its an ubuntu issue | 23:20 |
Muimi | great now it says 'error could not insert nvida no such device :< | 23:22 |
ddybing | Well, it's an issue I've experienced on several distros, including Ubuntu. I use, among other text-based programs, Midnight Commander a lot. But I cannot use the F-keys. It will just for example open the "File" menu in the Terminal window. | 23:22 |
ddybing | For example F10 is quit the application in Midnight Commander, but it will just open the Help menu. Any experience with that? | 23:23 |
Bashing-om | Muimi: Pastbin terminal commands: ' sudo lshw -C display ; lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA ' So we know the the hardware/driver. see what we can do . | 23:24 |
potato_farmer | ddybing, try pressing ESC then a number to emulate the function keys | 23:28 |
potato_farmer | This has nothing to do with ubuntu, read section 2.2: | 23:28 |
potato_farmer | good luck | 23:28 |
rww | I don't use gnome/unity, so I don't know about gnome-terminal, but konsole on KDE has an option to disable menu shortcuts. maybe look in gnome-terminal settings for something like that? | 23:29 |
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off | ||
nesnt | Anyone know why a user would only have sudo power when using su but not when using terminal after logging into their acc? | 23:40 |
k1l | nesnt: what ubuntu is that? | 23:40 |
nesnt | 14.04 | 23:40 |
k1l | is that user in the sudo group? | 23:40 |
nesnt | yes | 23:41 |
k1l | so logging in and opening a terminal and running "sudo apt update" doesnt work? | 23:41 |
nesnt | In the admin acc, if they su they can use sudo, but in their own account it says they aren't in the sudoers group, even though 'groups' lists it | 23:41 |
nesnt | Interesting, in their account 'groups' doesn't list sudo, but in an admin account it does if they su | 23:42 |
k1l | nesnt: seems like you dont use su correctly | 23:43 |
nesnt | Through the User Account GUI they're listed as an administrator as well so I'd assume that would force them into sudoers | 23:43 |
hackitosh | about apt-get error | 23:44 |
bekks | nesnt: su isnt sudo. | 23:45 |
hackitosh | if i get error | 23:45 |
nesnt | su was to run a terminal under the user to check if their sudo access changed | 23:45 |
bekks | nesnt: the group access will not change until the user logs out completely, from all shells, etc. | 23:46 |
nesnt | bekks: will give that a try | 23:46 |
nesnt | bekks: that fixed it. Thanks :D | 23:48 |
hackitosh | ok | 23:49 |
Loshki | I plan to swap out the old spinning rust drive and use an SSD for my system drive, on 14.04.3. Are there are special settings I need to be aware of, or should the change be completely transparent (apart from being much, much faster)? | 23:52 |
bekks | Loshki: No special witchcraft needed. | 23:54 |
Loshki | bekks: thank you | 23:55 |
simonepsp | hello everyone | 23:56 |
limacharlie | hey | 23:56 |
simonepsp | I'm looking for a secure way to transfer file (directly) between 2 linux PCs on the same network . Any advice? Thanks | 23:56 |
k1l | simonepsp: rsync over ssh? | 23:57 |
k1l | or sftp from ssh | 23:57 |
k1l | or use a usb pendrive :) | 23:57 |
simonepsp | k1l: Yes, rsync would be perfect | 23:58 |
simonepsp | thanks ;) | 23:58 |
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