OvenWerks | gartral: That is pretty skimpy information to go on. Can you give a recipe to create this problem along with the description of this problem. | 00:44 |
craigbass76 | Is there a way in MuseScore to have it temporarily just stick in whatever notes/rests you want without auto filling things? | 00:56 |
tim167 | hello, is it possible to install ubuntustudio 64bit alongside an ubuntustudio 32bit (dual-boot) ? if so, how? (the installer doesn't give me that option) | 01:27 |
OvenWerks | tim167: use the something else option. | 01:43 |
craigbass76 | Any of the big band arrangements I'm trying to download won't play, because Musescore is too old. Other than building from source, is there some other way to get them open? | 01:59 |
craigbass76 | Ah, I grabbed XML, but this version sounds very square compared to the one I heard on the uploaded scores part of the site | 02:01 |
craigbass76 | Is there some "Swing" button I'm supposed to hit to get rid of the cheesey straighter eighth feel? | 02:01 |
FXpro | hi. | 07:55 |
FXpro | I have an install problem if someone knows how to fix it. | 07:56 |
cfhowlett | FXpro, details?? | 07:56 |
cfhowlett | !ask | 07:56 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 07:56 |
FXpro | soundpimp.com sent me an osx file which I just uncompressed and it was a jar file which I uncompressed again. | 07:56 |
cfhowlett | osx doesn't run on linux | 07:57 |
FXpro | so now that it is uncompressed howdo I install it? | 07:57 |
FXpro | just a sec | 07:57 |
FXpro | let me get the email up | 07:57 |
cfhowlett | find an apple computer. install there. OSX files do not run on linux. | 07:57 |
FXpro | its not an osx file specifically | 07:57 |
cfhowlett | <FXpro> soundpimp.com sent me an osx file ??? | 07:58 |
FXpro | it might be the source code for their beta version | 07:58 |
cfhowlett | FXpro, then they need to support it. ask them how to install on linux or see the README that should have come with it. | 07:59 |
FXpro | here is what the email said "es, we are interested in your findings. This is the OS X version, but it should work on Windows and Linux. Add .zip extension " | 07:59 |
FXpro | how is it possible it would work on windows or linux if it is an osx version? | 08:00 |
FXpro | I am a bit confused about that. | 08:00 |
cfhowlett | FXpro, that is ALL the info they sent you? no READme? | 08:00 |
FXpro | they also sent an activation code with it. | 08:01 |
FXpro | I requested a linux version for beta testing and they sent me an osx version. heh... | 08:01 |
FXpro | wtf | 08:01 |
cfhowlett | poor level of support ... | 08:02 |
FXpro | let me email them again and see what they come back with. they have 3 versions, osx, windows, and linux. | 08:02 |
FXpro | its suppose to be some very fancy sound enhancement 3d, surround sound dsp software. cutting edge like dfx from fxsound.com for windows. | 08:03 |
FXpro | unless that is already built into ubuntu studio then I wont mess with this at all. | 08:03 |
cfhowlett | FXpro, I wouldn't especially as it's a beta. unless you enjoy that sort of thing ... | 08:04 |
FXpro | I just want it for playback more than anything from youtube. dfx is a night and day difference in the sound quality. | 08:04 |
FXpro | I mean it is a seriously noticable difference which is why dfx is so popular. | 08:05 |
FXpro | sure would be nice if dfx supported other oses | 08:05 |
FXpro | the dude who invented dfx is like phd status sound engineer right up there with dolby laboratories and all that. | 08:06 |
FXpro | is there any kind of sound enhancement built into ubuntu studio? I would think that would be a given sort of thing on these sound/multimedia distros for linux | 08:11 |
cfhowlett | vlc has equalization and other options | 08:11 |
FXpro | https://askubuntu.com/questions/469755/how-can-i-improve-the-quality-of-sound-in-ubuntu | 08:12 |
FXpro | that is interesting. the person installed ubuntu studio and the sound quality degraded a lot from windows 8.1 | 08:13 |
cfhowlett | he claims. not possible. 2 unrelated, unconnected OS | 08:13 |
FXpro | that is the same problem in the post as I was having with windows 7 due to the built in speakers. after I added dfx that problem was fixed many times over. in other words, it did a lot more than just a gain boost in the volume. | 08:14 |
FXpro | studio uses jack not pulse audio so of course dont add pulse audio to the system. jack is way better anyway right? | 08:16 |
cfhowlett | whoa!!! jack is only used when recording. NOT for playback | 08:16 |
FXpro | oh really? how do I pipe it through for playback too? | 08:16 |
cfhowlett | !jack | 08:17 |
cfhowlett | FXpro, have to see jack support for that | 08:17 |
FXpro | ok. do they have an irc channel? | 08:17 |
cfhowlett | #opensourcemusicians would know | 08:17 |
FXpro | you would htink they would do it automatically for recording and playback. | 08:17 |
FXpro | ok let me try | 08:17 |
sakrecoer_ | i use jack for playback.. | 08:17 |
FXpro | ok great so you know how to fix it then | 08:18 |
cfhowlett | sakrecoer_, cool. perhaps you can advise. hey, quickPM? | 08:18 |
FXpro | can you help please? | 08:18 |
sakrecoer_ | sure | 08:18 |
sakrecoer_ | i'll try anyway :) | 08:18 |
FXpro | awesome I brb. gotta use bathroom and get some coffee etc | 08:19 |
barney | hey there I'm newbee & (Y) 2 ask how i might B able 2 update sec. | 08:28 |
cfhowlett | please use standard english to avoid confusion. | 08:29 |
barney | urity (newer kernels) while my sys is calling "got 0-memSpace" | 08:30 |
barney | ok, Iĺl do my best ;) | 08:30 |
Unit193 | barney: Hello, would you find it easier to communicate in German? If so, there is #ubuntu-de. | 08:30 |
barney | ah, thx Unit193 | 08:31 |
barney | byebye | 08:31 |
FXpro | sakrecoer? | 08:47 |
sakrecoer_ | yep | 08:49 |
sakrecoer_ | FXpro :) | 08:49 |
FXpro | ok so whats the procedure to get this done | 08:50 |
sakrecoer_ | i'm not sure i understood what you want to do FXpro , you want to enhance the soundquality of your built in speakers? | 08:51 |
FXpro | yes. or use some sort of method to process all playback globally if possible. | 08:51 |
FXpro | via a dsp stack build it would be the easiest I think. | 08:52 |
sakrecoer_ | but you don't have a soundcard except from the one that is built in? | 08:52 |
FXpro | correct | 08:52 |
FXpro | its just a crappy laptop with crappy audio. | 08:52 |
sakrecoer_ | well, we can't expect mirracles with this setup, an EQ, a compressor should already do a lot | 08:53 |
FXpro | compaq cq57-229wm I added 8gb of ram to which doesnt seem to help much on performance. | 08:53 |
sakrecoer_ | good machine | 08:53 |
sakrecoer_ | but the sound can't be better than what your speakers can deliver. | 08:53 |
FXpro | no. its a crappy machine. it uses an amd c50 1ghz dual cpu. bottom of the barrel really but it was a freebie so its the experiment computer. | 08:54 |
sakrecoer_ | and what is the source for sound? | 08:54 |
FXpro | built in audio. | 08:54 |
FXpro | would you like to know the exact chip and all that? | 08:54 |
sakrecoer_ | yes, but are you playing back audio files in audacious... | 08:54 |
sakrecoer_ | no no no need as of now | 08:54 |
FXpro | nope. streaming off the internet mostly. | 08:54 |
sakrecoer_ | ok... so i would open QjackCtl and start it... | 08:55 |
FXpro | k | 08:55 |
sakrecoer_ | click on the button that says "connection" | 08:56 |
FXpro | ok. pretty fancy already. I have not really used this distro much yet | 08:56 |
sakrecoer_ | jack is jack, we distribute it, but it is the same on every distro .... in the audio tab, you should see your available audio clients. | 08:57 |
FXpro | I do. 2 on either side of the list with lines drawn to each other | 08:57 |
sakrecoer_ | so now if you open pulse audio | 08:58 |
sakrecoer_ | and you have say firefox open... you should see an entry fro firefox in pulse | 08:58 |
sakrecoer_ | change it from built in analoge to Jack sink | 08:58 |
FXpro | readable is on the left, and writable is on the right. which side to I open? | 08:58 |
sakrecoer_ | and you should be able to hear the sound | 08:58 |
FXpro | hmmm, ok let me try | 08:59 |
sakrecoer_ | wait | 08:59 |
sakrecoer_ | pulse is lockated in the speaker icon on the menu bar of the desktop | 08:59 |
sakrecoer_ | "Sound Settings..." | 08:59 |
sakrecoer_ | FXpro: don't be so quick...:D | 09:00 |
FXpro | in the volume controls it says built in analog audio | 09:01 |
sakrecoer_ | have you started jack? | 09:02 |
FXpro | but it gives another option "jack sink" | 09:03 |
FXpro | yes | 09:03 |
sakrecoer_ | once JACK is open, you need to start it with the big play button in the top left corner | 09:03 |
sakrecoer_ | it says "start" | 09:03 |
FXpro | it is started already | 09:03 |
FXpro | that was the first thing i did per instruction | 09:03 |
sakrecoer_ | ok, and you get no options to chose jack sink in colume controls? | 09:03 |
sakrecoer_ | volume controls | 09:04 |
FXpro | it is in the list under volume controls but the default is "build in analog" | 09:04 |
sakrecoer_ | yes, change it to jack sink | 09:04 |
sakrecoer_ | in the playback tab.. | 09:04 |
FXpro | ok done. its playing off youtube now. | 09:04 |
sakrecoer_ | of course you need to have an application, say firefox, actualy playing sound | 09:05 |
sakrecoer_ | perfect | 09:05 |
FXpro | interesting it started playing when I switched to jack | 09:05 |
sakrecoer_ | now start calf plugin pack for jack | 09:05 |
sakrecoer_ | are you on 15.10? | 09:05 |
FXpro | I can close all those wiindows now? | 09:05 |
sakrecoer_ | no no... | 09:06 |
sakrecoer_ | leave them open but you can have them in the background | 09:06 |
sakrecoer_ | or minimize them | 09:06 |
FXpro | connections are set to default still. leave it? | 09:06 |
sakrecoer_ | have you found "calf plugin pack for jack" in the menu? | 09:07 |
FXpro | I am using whatever the latest distro is. it wants an update though right now. | 09:07 |
sakrecoer_ | should be under "audio precoessors" | 09:07 |
FXpro | have not looked yet | 09:07 |
sakrecoer_ | try find it :) it is just one out of many things that can do what you want | 09:07 |
FXpro | ok its open now. | 09:07 |
sakrecoer_ | try add the multiband compressor in "calf plugin for jack" and see what happens in the "connections" window of JACK | 09:08 |
FXpro | its got all kinds of stuff on the list. nice. | 09:08 |
sakrecoer_ | yes... no the sound of firefox is comming out of the readable client called PulseAudio JACK sink | 09:08 |
sakrecoer_ | disconnect it from the writeable client "system" | 09:09 |
sakrecoer_ | and connect it to "calf multiband compressor" | 09:09 |
FXpro | calf adds in the connections window | 09:09 |
sakrecoer_ | then the "readable"" client of calf should be connected to the WRITABLE system entry... normaly, this way the sound will go from firefox thru pulsesink, then thru calf, and in the speakers. | 09:10 |
FXpro | ok so switch it in the readable window on the left from pulse to calf? | 09:10 |
sakrecoer_ | readable pulse should be connected to writeble calf | 09:11 |
sakrecoer_ | readable "calf", should be connected to writeable "system" | 09:11 |
sakrecoer_ | wait i'll send you a screenshot :) | 09:12 |
FXpro | hmmm, how do I get it to connect? | 09:12 |
FXpro | wow, I am impressed so far with this distro. very professional right off the bat. | 09:12 |
sakrecoer_ | did the connections work? if so, now you can press the "edit" button in calf JACK host | 09:13 |
sakrecoer_ | and you will see the settings for calf multiband | 09:13 |
FXpro | edit is how you change it from default then? | 09:14 |
sakrecoer_ | you see the calf window? | 09:14 |
sakrecoer_ | not the one in jack... | 09:14 |
sakrecoer_ | the actual calf program | 09:14 |
FXpro | oh I am in the connections window just a sec | 09:15 |
sakrecoer_ | there is a big button called "edit" next to a button called "remove" | 09:15 |
FXpro | yup I see it | 09:15 |
sakrecoer_ | and you see the multibandcompressor ? | 09:15 |
FXpro | ok so I open edit and another large windows with meters opens | 09:16 |
FXpro | yes | 09:16 |
sakrecoer_ | in the middle row of this window, there are 4 tabs | 09:16 |
sakrecoer_ | located the button "bypass" | 09:16 |
sakrecoer_ | in each tab, pres the bypass button | 09:16 |
sakrecoer_ | and you should here some mad compression going on.. :) | 09:16 |
FXpro | bypass is already highlighted light blue by default | 09:17 |
sakrecoer_ | yes, so trun it off ;) | 09:17 |
FXpro | ok | 09:17 |
sakrecoer_ | we DO not want it to bypass, bypass means it dosen't enter it | 09:17 |
sakrecoer_ | this is just an example, multiband compressor.. | 09:18 |
sakrecoer_ | to do what you want to do, i would use 3 effects | 09:18 |
sakrecoer_ | FIRST (and its important) a 5 band EQ or 8 bands... up to your taste | 09:18 |
sakrecoer_ | THEN multiband compressor | 09:18 |
sakrecoer_ | then limiter | 09:18 |
FXpro | ahhh, ummm, the play back meters are not going. | 09:19 |
FXpro | that means its not working right? | 09:19 |
sakrecoer_ | play back meters of what? | 09:19 |
sakrecoer_ | compressor? | 09:19 |
FXpro | multiband compressor | 09:20 |
FXpro | yeah | 09:20 |
sakrecoer_ | is it connected in jack... | 09:20 |
FXpro | nice looking software, very professional looking stuff | 09:20 |
sakrecoer_ | sorry let me send you this screen shot... | 09:20 |
FXpro | ok | 09:20 |
FXpro | in the connections windows, pulse is connected to system and system is connected to pulse on the left and the right | 09:21 |
sakrecoer_ | ok... do you see the calf entry in that window? | 09:23 |
sakrecoer_ | cant find the paste site anymore... sorry | 09:23 |
sakrecoer_ | just a sec... | 09:23 |
FXpro | I just disconnected it all | 09:23 |
FXpro | dont use pulse and only use calf? | 09:24 |
FXpro | or, connect calf to the system only and leave pulse out completely? | 09:24 |
sakrecoer_ | FXpro: http://pasteboard.co/VMlsE4Z.png | 09:25 |
sakrecoer_ | like that :) | 09:25 |
sakrecoer_ | pulse sink is what brings your system sound into jack | 09:26 |
sakrecoer_ | once in jack, you can route the sound through virtualy anything | 09:26 |
sakrecoer_ | but of course, if you send it to say calf, you need to send it FROM calf as well, into the system speaker.. | 09:27 |
sakrecoer_ | its confusing, because it allows you to connect ANYTHING ANYWHERE... | 09:27 |
sakrecoer_ | but it gives you many possibilities | 09:27 |
FXpro | working. very nice. | 09:28 |
sakrecoer_ | now i will add a limiter and show you how i connect it :) | 09:28 |
sakrecoer_ | just a sec | 09:28 |
FXpro | damn, this is fancy spancy | 09:29 |
sakrecoer_ | FXpro: http://pasteboard.co/VMELAqr.png | 09:30 |
FXpro | most of it is done in software all you need is a high quality hardware input via usb or firewire and you are set for pro recording or playback | 09:30 |
sakrecoer_ | you see? if i add an effect to chain, i also have to connect it | 09:30 |
sakrecoer_ | FXpro: yes! it's super stuff!! if you ask me, i'd say its "prograde hightech mega cool"... but that is just my opinion :D | 09:30 |
sakrecoer_ | once you get a soundcard, it becomes 10x more fun! | 09:31 |
sakrecoer_ | you see all your soundcard inputs and outputs and you can route howcever you want | 09:32 |
FXpro | its mega studio packed into a linux distro. on a mac or a pc this is like thousands of dollars worth of software. | 09:32 |
sakrecoer_ | yes... | 09:32 |
FXpro | development has really come a long way since the last time I looked at this stuff | 09:32 |
sakrecoer_ | in many ways, i tend to think audio tools on GNU/Linux are as close to a blessing i can get :D | 09:33 |
sakrecoer_ | and progess has been made in video too <3 | 09:33 |
sakrecoer_ | it's a great time to be alive! | 09:33 |
sakrecoer_ | now i will send you a picture where i listen to my adjustments of the sound of firefox, AND record it in audacity | 09:34 |
FXpro | ok I see | 09:36 |
FXpro | so you can connect whatever to whatever basically | 09:36 |
sakrecoer_ | yeah... and each readbale client can be connected to MANY writable clients | 09:37 |
sakrecoer_ | so you can connect the last step of calf to the system speaker, and to the recorder... | 09:37 |
sakrecoer_ | for some reason, now audacity wont cooperate with me... | 09:37 |
sakrecoer_ | :( | 09:37 |
FXpro | so like once you start stacking multiples of these modules, exactly why a low latency kernel is required. | 09:37 |
sakrecoer_ | you got it allrgiht! :) | 09:38 |
sakrecoer_ | FXpro: ok got it working... ill send you screen shot in a minute | 09:39 |
FXpro | wow its lagging the video files playback pretty bad | 09:39 |
FXpro | here is the file I am using for the test of this | 09:40 |
sakrecoer_ | http://pasteboard.co/VNny15u.png here are the settings in audacity... | 09:41 |
sakrecoer_ | to record the output | 09:41 |
sakrecoer_ | then you jsut hit record when you are ready | 09:41 |
sakrecoer_ | is it video from youtube? | 09:41 |
FXpro | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ-Kq6eMnrshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ-Kq6eMnrs | 09:41 |
sakrecoer_ | yeah... youtube needs a lot.... :/ | 09:42 |
sakrecoer_ | but if you have a decent number of tabs open, it should work fine | 09:42 |
FXpro | yeah just a high quality sound source streamed for testing and that is a great recording. drums on that recording sound so much better than the original recording. | 09:42 |
sakrecoer_ | given you do not go overkill on effects.. | 09:42 |
FXpro | dude, this ficken forex market is pissing me off. | 09:43 |
FXpro | I didnt average down and the market cratered against me and now it just reversed and popped huge. | 09:43 |
FXpro | cunts! I swear the banks got it all rigged huge. | 09:43 |
sakrecoer_ | ya.... FXpro ... please, mind the rest of the people in the channel... | 09:43 |
sakrecoer_ | ;) | 09:43 |
FXpro | oh sorrya bout that. just a pisser is all. you gotta be like lazer attention when you are dealing in markets. | 09:44 |
sakrecoer_ | ye.... it's ok, but try to stay on topic :) | 09:44 |
sakrecoer_ | you can query me if you feel like ranting about the market... not sure i have much to say or much advice, but i can take a little excess steam for you :) | 09:45 |
FXpro | often what the banksters do is run stops first then flip flop the market the other direction after. its why many people lose in markets. anyway, just happened is why I was talking about it. | 09:45 |
sakrecoer_ | please :) | 09:45 |
FXpro | now, this sounds much better already | 09:45 |
sakrecoer_ | cool!!! | 09:46 |
* sakrecoer_ highfives FXpro | 09:46 | |
FXpro | add an eq? | 09:46 |
sakrecoer_ | why not? :) | 09:46 |
FXpro | that dfx software uses a 10 band eq. I suppose that is very subjective however. | 09:46 |
sakrecoer_ | i learned that its common parctice to place the EQ before the compressor.. | 09:46 |
FXpro | pro eqs are like 15band usually right? | 09:47 |
sakrecoer_ | but i'm sure you can get good result placing it wherever you feel it should be:) | 09:47 |
sakrecoer_ | calf is just one of many plugin devs for linux.. | 09:47 |
sakrecoer_ | i picked it for you because it is fairly intuitive | 09:47 |
FXpro | wait, so put the eq first then add effects. makes sense. | 09:47 |
sakrecoer_ | you could also use JACK rack | 09:47 |
FXpro | do I have to start from the beginning or how do I add it now at the end? | 09:48 |
sakrecoer_ | just find JACK rack in the menu and open it | 09:48 |
sakrecoer_ | then press the big "+" button and picj an effect | 09:48 |
sakrecoer_ | you could also use JAMin | 09:49 |
sakrecoer_ | JAMin is a mastering suit.. | 09:49 |
sakrecoer_ | you have 30 bands EQ | 09:50 |
sakrecoer_ | multiband compressor | 09:50 |
sakrecoer_ | and a limiter built in one software.. | 09:50 |
FXpro | hmmmm, wow, so many different options. | 09:55 |
sakrecoer_ | yeah... :p | 09:55 |
sakrecoer_ | sexy software :p | 09:55 |
FXpro | if you learned this software like the back of your hand, its a pro studio on any computer. | 09:55 |
sakrecoer_ | yes | 09:55 |
FXpro | take it anywhere and you can do pretty much anything with sound. | 09:55 |
FXpro | and this is just the sound section. | 09:56 |
sakrecoer_ | yes, and you can give a copy of it to your friends <3 | 09:56 |
FXpro | and its free? | 09:56 |
FXpro | heh.... | 09:56 |
sakrecoer_ | collaborate regardless of the market-fluctuations ;) | 09:56 |
FXpro | a lot of tech geeks however just do it for fun really. | 09:56 |
sakrecoer_ | (given you have a computer, of course) | 09:56 |
sakrecoer_ | i'd say "for passion" but i get your point :) | 09:57 |
FXpro | like, develop this high end stuff on an open source platform like likux. | 09:57 |
cfhowlett | sakrecoer_, please send me the login page again. now on my home unit | 09:57 |
FXpro | damn, ok so like the video is bugging out on youtube. | 09:59 |
FXpro | hmmm, you really need a beefy computer for this | 10:00 |
cfhowlett | http://libremusicproduction.com/articles/configuring-linux-music-recording-and-production | 10:01 |
FXpro | when I add the eq using the calf panel, where does it attach to? | 10:01 |
sakrecoer_ | FXpro: it dosen't. it waits for you to attach it to something | 10:02 |
sakrecoer_ | you find it in the Connections window of JACK | 10:02 |
FXpro | right so what do I attach it to? | 10:02 |
cfhowlett | sakrecoer_, no mention of wallpaper contest on the admin page... | 10:02 |
FXpro | pulse or system playback? | 10:04 |
FXpro | wait, its just a daisy chain sort of thing | 10:04 |
FXpro | so one into the other into the other and the last one on the chain goes to main out | 10:04 |
sakrecoer_ | FXpro: look what i did here: http://pasteboard.co/VMELAqr.png | 10:06 |
sakrecoer_ | its pulse sink-> multibandcompressor. then multiband-> limiter. then limiter-> system | 10:06 |
FXpro | I have the same settings I want to add the eq now, just the 5 band eq from calf is fine. | 10:08 |
FXpro | whats nice is using those together in one stack makes it easier at least visually | 10:09 |
sakrecoer_ | FXpro: so add it, and then you disconnect pulseink from multiband. then connect pulsesink to EQ. then EQ to multiband ;) | 10:12 |
FXpro | oh wait, I route the limiter to the eq and then the eq to out. | 10:12 |
FXpro | very nice. simple too. | 10:12 |
FXpro | there are two outputs, system and pulse | 10:14 |
FXpro | use pulse is better or? | 10:14 |
FXpro | graphical response is crap on this computer but it works nicely otherwise | 10:18 |
sakrecoer_ | the pulse output in jack, you could use for example to route the output of your effects into skype | 10:21 |
sakrecoer_ | or any VoIP client | 10:21 |
sakrecoer_ | call a freind with a monster voice :p | 10:21 |
sakrecoer_ | but to hear the sound in your speakers, better use the system output.. | 10:21 |
sakrecoer_ | outpu=writeable clients | 10:21 |
FXpro | when I switch the patch to pulse no sound comes through. | 10:21 |
FXpro | that is from the eq to pulse | 10:22 |
FXpro | pulse is for output too right? | 10:22 |
FXpro | there is a system output and the pulse output | 10:22 |
FXpro | if you want to custom craft sound this is a great way to do it. | 10:24 |
sakrecoer_ | pulse is output yes... but its not output to speaker... | 10:24 |
sakrecoer_ | it is for system programs that have an input | 10:24 |
FXpro | ic. | 10:25 |
sakrecoer_ | so if you set you VoIP client to read audio from pulse sink in jack, it will process that audio.. | 10:25 |
FXpro | hey question, when drummer for example is wearing ear buds, what are they using? | 10:25 |
FXpro | obviously not cheezwize ear pieces. | 10:25 |
sakrecoer_ | i don't know... but hopefully they use good ones :D | 10:25 |
FXpro | ic. I do have skype, tox and a few others I was testing. I use skype for general stuff | 10:25 |
FXpro | or mostly I use skype because everyone else is using it. tox however is fully open source and strong encrypted. its a skype replacement being developed. | 10:26 |
sakrecoer_ | so if you want to send your audio from calf to TOX, you need to connect calf to pulse sink writebale client, and tell TOX to use pulse jack sink | 10:26 |
sakrecoer_ | i got to logoff... have fun FXpro ! | 10:28 |
FXpro | thank you | 10:31 |
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franklin_ | How do I set the default sound device in Ubuntu Studio 15.1 | 21:35 |
franklin_ | Having trouble getting output sound through my new Scarlett 18i20 usb 2.0 sound interface | 21:37 |
zequence | franklin_: desktop audio (pulseaudio), or jack? | 21:37 |
zequence | !proaudio | 21:37 |
ubottu | For information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro | 21:37 |
franklin_ | Ok thankyou | 21:38 |
zequence | franklin_: If you're using qjackctl, just start with the simple stuff first. Select the correct audio device, and the go from there | 21:39 |
zequence | Do not edit input and output separately. That might cause you problems. Only do that if you have to | 21:40 |
zequence | Also, if you want to start from scratch, a good idea is to reboot first | 21:41 |
franklin_ | Thanks under the audio tab it says system and ardour | 21:42 |
franklin_ | I have a USB Scarlett 18i20 | 21:42 |
franklin_ | Under set up I have selected The Scarlett USB 18i20 but sound output is muted. I have read that most sound devices are muted by default how do I un mute it. | 21:51 |
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