
ubot5Launchpad bug 1536081 in libsdl2 (Ubuntu) "libsdl2:i386 needs egl-mesa" [Undecided,New]07:14
Shibeplease fix this07:14
Shibei can't play witcher 2 because of this crap07:14
Shibetoddy: could you take a look at this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl2/+bug/153608108:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 1536081 in libsdl2 (Ubuntu) "libsdl2:i386 needs egl-mesa" [Undecided,New]08:32
=== Odd_Blok1 is now known as Odd_Bloke
MoonchildIwird hier deutsch gesprochen20:23
MoonchildIch habe hier mit powermac quad probleme20:23
MoonchildUbuntu zu installieren20:24
tarpmanMoonchild: hi, deutsch -> #ubuntu-de, please20:25
MoonchildDa hilft keiner weiter20:26
MoonchildIs there a powermac quad user20:27
MoonchildAfter installation of ubuntus distros i make a reeboot and then have problem with filesystem not availible20:29

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