
larsugood morning!07:54
robert_ancelllarsu, o/07:57
larsuhi robert_ancell! How are you?07:58
robert_ancelllarsu, doing good07:58
pittiGood morning08:05
larsumorgen pitti!08:06
pittihey larsu, wie gehts?08:06
larsugut gut, und dir?08:06
pittisehr muede, aber okay08:06
larsuhehe :)08:07
hikikohello pitti larsu robert_ancell08:07
robert_ancellhikiko, good morning08:07
hikikogood morning08:07
pittihey hikiko08:07
pittihey robert_ancell, long time no see! How are you these days?08:08
robert_ancellpitti, doing good. Was a nice day so took the kids to the pool and working tonight instead08:08
* pitti tosses a snowball to robert_ancell08:08
hikikodid you ever get this error: "Failed opening dbus connection: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound: Failed to connect to socket /sys/fs/cgroup/cmanager/sock: No such file or directory." ?08:09
willcookemorning ganf08:45
larsumorning willcooke!08:47
alexarnaudmorning all !08:52
alexarnaudmorning larsu willcooke :)!08:53
larsuhi alexarnaud08:53
jibellan3y, willcooke is anyone looking at the build failure of the desktop rootfs?09:00
jibelgood morning :)09:00
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
=== Laney is now known as Guest80303
Guest80303might keep this nick09:04
sarnoldit's a good nick09:04
=== Guest80303 is now known as Laney
sarnoldnice feng shui09:04
Laneyjibel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyotherside/+bug/153406709:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1534067 in pyotherside (Ubuntu) "[MIR] pyotherside" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:04
Laneyso "yes"09:04
larsuhi Laney!09:04
Laneyhi larsu!09:05
Laneyhow are you?09:06
jibelLaney, thanks09:06
larsuLaney: good thanks. hacking an index into that local geonames database09:07
Laneylarsu: can you jhbuild the glib-2.46 branch?09:26
Laneyit breaks for me09:26
Laneyor is there some smart way of doing it that I don't know09:26
larsulet me try09:27
larsuhow did you tell jhbuild to build that branch?09:27
Laneym4macros/glib-gettext.m4:39: error: m4_copy: won't overwrite defined macro: glib_DEFUN09:27
Laneybuildone -n09:27
Laneyafter switching to it09:27
larsuare you sure that doesn't switch back? (I think you need `jhbuild make` for that)09:28
Laneyunless it does it behind my back09:28
Laneyanyway, cool command! but it fails in the same way :(09:29
larsuworks fine for me. Did you run on a clean checkout?09:30
larsugit clean -dxf is your friend09:30
* larsu figured, just making sure09:30
larsuLaney: ah got it now!09:33
larsuworks on master09:34
Laneyand if you cherry-pick 6b577196eed0754d2805fd48caa64f58f9bb8ee409:35
larsuyeah I just stumbled over that as well09:36
larsumaybe we should backport that?09:36
larsubut deprecating a marco on a relase branch is awkward09:36
Laneydon't understand why it fixes it really09:37
Laneyis it lazy or something?09:37
Laneythe error is on an unchanged line09:37
larsuunchanged since 2002 :)09:37
LaneyI meant unchanged by that patch, but unchanged itself for ages too(!)09:38
Laneyanother cool thing is if you run the autogen.sh invocation manually then it works09:41
Laneyso I guess jhbuild is setting ACLOCAL_CFLAGS?09:41
larsuoh - maybe the macro is defined through an old glib installation in the jhbuild install dir?09:44
larsuLaney: right, this works. Probably we had a newer version of glib installed09:46
larsupruning the install dir fixes the issue for me09:46
Laneywonder how I never had this before09:46
pittigood morning Laney09:47
larsuI didn't becasue I never build older glibs from jhbuild09:47
Laneybut glib_DEFUN should still have been there09:49
Laneyclearly don't understand this properly09:49
Laneymaybe it's doing some deduplication09:49
Laneybecause the files were previously identical09:49
Laneyhey pitti, hey andyrock09:49
Laneypitti: late night last night?09:49
andyrockjust back from the dentist. it was not a good start of the day09:49
pittiLaney: oh yes -- basketball, and then another 3 hours of p-m sprint09:49
larsuLaney: hm indeed09:52
* Laney tests this theory09:55
Laneyso I guess it has some protection against scanning the same file twice09:59
larsu#pragma once09:59
Laneywell that was a good learning experience10:00
Laneynow I wonder why all keyboard shortcuts broke in terminator10:04
Sweet5harkhmmm, seems I can hardlock/crash my machine by building libreoffice-l10n in a pbuilder ...10:06
=== lool- is now known as lool
Laneyuh oh10:30
LaneyI have a suspicioooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn10:30
Laneyit points to a person from canada who likes to go climbing10:33
willcookeruh roh10:56
willcookedavmor2, can you make this happen?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/153659011:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 1536590 in unity (Ubuntu) "Default text is inconsistent dash search box" [Medium,Confirmed]11:43
willcookeno hurry11:43
cyphermoxwillcooke: Laney: if you land the unity-control-center merge, it might be a good idea to do the same change on gnome-control-center11:55
willcookecyphermox, ack, good plan11:56
willcookejust waiting to see if seb128 has a strong feeling one way or the other11:56
cyphermoxI don't mind either way. I don't especially like removing the switch from there, but in my defense it's also very poorly done11:58
cyphermoxrfkill is all very ugly and painful11:58
willcookefrom my POV, there is almost always a hardware switch anyway11:59
cyphermoxthat's a very bad lie ;)11:59
cyphermoxmany switches are software-only12:00
cyphermoxand a quite a few break in fun ways12:00
LaneyWhat is wrong with using urfkill other than it is some work to do it?12:00
* willcooke retracts his last assertion 12:00
cyphermoxLaney: not much12:00
Laneythought so12:01
willcookeyeah nothing other than work12:01
cyphermoxLaney: it should work just fine, it's just the incertainty of doing the work of testing it some more on the desktop12:01
cyphermoxwe already unbroke quite a few things when it was tested for the phone12:01
cyphermox(and I suspect it's pulled in if you were to install desktop-next or something)12:02
davmor2willcooke: mine just always says search computer and online but let me update and see if it still says it12:02
willcookethanks davmor212:03
willcookecyphermox, Laney - thinking about this a little more, missing airplane mode from an LTS is probably a bad idea12:04
cyphermoxthe problem right now is that the switch lies, since it's not saved across reboots12:05
LaneyI don't really like "it's a bit broken, so let's remove it" instead of "it's a bit broken, we should fix that" to be honest12:05
Laneybut it's not going to be me doing the work so you shouldn't count my opinion very much12:06
cyphermoxLaney: both options do fix the problem, they just take vastly different steps to do it12:06
cyphermoxall of the network panel is evil IMHO :)12:07
davmor2willcooke: confirmed there are issues there12:10
davmor2willcooke: when I open from the dash button it said search computer, after turning on then off the search online, However when I hit the meta key it then showed search computer and online still,  then when I open from the dash it then says computer and online again12:12
LaneyBUGGY CRAP!12:13
davmor2willcooke: also xapian seems to be broken on upgrade I assume that is just a deb issue that might not of uploaded so I'll try that again after Lunch12:14
jibeldavmor2, bug 153609312:15
ubot5bug 1536093 in xapian1.3-core (Ubuntu) "package libxapian-1.3-5 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/xapian-core/stopwords/dutch.list', which is also in package libxapian-1.3-4 1.3.3-0ubuntu2" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153609312:15
davmor2jibel: ah thanks dude :)12:16
willcookethanks chaps12:17
Laneydoko borked the fix and had to do it twice12:20
Laneygood times12:20
* Laney was irritating him about it yesterday12:20
Sweet5harkso, I had GNU make on xenial getting struck when building libreoffice-l10n twice, yet when I abort and restart it gets unstruck ....12:37
Sweet5hark(regression in make 4.1? fun!)12:37
willcookefun indeed12:39
Sweet5harkOTOH: various [ 8976.073014] "CPU3: Package temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 29018)" and now I even weirder error from make (possibly because of overheating?)12:40
Sweet5harkETOOMANYPOSSIBLEROOTCAUSES, reducing build to two l10ns and disabling parallelism ...12:43
willcookewhen I initialise an array in C/C++ can I be sure that all the elements are set to 0?12:52
pittiwillcooke: yes for global variables, no for stack (i. e. function local) vars12:53
willcookeah ha12:53
willcookethanks pitti12:53
pittiand most certainly not for malloc()/new'ed vars12:53
pittiwillcooke: calloc() is quite convenient (in C)12:54
pittiboth for safe array size allocation and for clearing12:54
* willcooke reads12:54
* pitti ^5s Laney12:58
pittiwillcooke: right, with more context (C or C++, glib or not, static or dynamically sized, etc.) we can become more specific12:58
Sweet5harkwillcooke: if you are in C++(11)  and use a std::array (which isnt a bad idea) the elements will be default constructed ...12:58
Sweet5harkLaney: glib: OOP like its 1989!12:59
pittiSweet5hark: c'mon, for C is really quite nice OOP13:00
Sweet5harkpitti: dont feed the troll. ;)13:00
pittiand with attribute ((__cleanup__)) (when wrapped in some nice macros) it feels outright comfy :)13:02
* Sweet5hark wises up on the fact that his "will be default constructed" statement is only true when providing an initializer.13:05
willcookeIt's my lunchtime learn some C session.  I'm using Arduino's C++ which I understand is not "normal" but close enough to C13:05
willcookeeven though it's C++13:05
Sweet5harkotherwise, C++ will stick to its principle of most surprise and do what the coder least expects.13:06
Sweet5hark(the latter got a little bit better with C++11 though. A little bit.)13:07
ricotzSweet5hark, hi, see pm13:07
Sweet5harkricotz: I uploaded rc2, didnt copy to libreoffice ppa as -l10n ftbfs in interesting ways.13:08
pittiwillcooke: C and C++ are really quite different; you shouldn't think of them as basically one language with a few differences13:09
ricotzSweet5hark, on local builds? the ppa build succeeded though13:09
pittiyeah, C++ is 'orrible :-( If you stick to a "safe subset" and modern C++, like with Qt, it's okay13:10
ricotzSweet5hark, if you suspect a problem make 4.1 it wouldn't concern the backports13:10
ricotzI really like to push those builds to get something recent13:11
Sweet5harkricotz: arrrgh, it did see the old build still on my private ppa.13:11
Sweet5harkricotz: thus local breakers are likely due to overheating only.13:12
ricotzSweet5hark, you should really give your builds some useful version strings!13:12
ricotzsuffixed with ~xenialX13:12
ricotzto avoid those version clashes13:12
ricotzSweet5hark, hehe, don't blame make if your memory/cpu gets too hot ;)13:13
Sweet5harkricotz: curiously its fine with the non-l10n stuff. for whatever weird reason, l10n stuff really heats (my) hardware ...13:16
ricotzSweet5hark, too clarify those https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice-staging/+packages13:16
Sweet5harkricotz: yes, those are the latest.13:17
ricotzSweet5hark, I guess I asked you several times, but please to ppa specific versions13:17
Sweet5harkpitti: the hard part is to know what the 'safe subset' of C++ is. And everyone is using a different 'safe subset' of C++.13:20
Sweet5harkpitti: I was quite enthusiastic about C++11 cleaning things up ... and then I read effective modern C++ and learn about the old pitfalls that remained and the new ones that were added.13:22
Sweet5hark... still C++11 is an improvement by leaps and bounds over C++03, but it still has lots of weird corners.13:24
* Sweet5hark makes note to self to really do a pet project in rust to see if it is as good as he hopes.13:25
anpokthere is C++14 btw...13:25
Sweet5harkanpok:  two quotes from https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/quips.cgi?action=show on that: "mst_: thorsten: the problem with C++14 is that it's still C++" and ...13:27
Sweet5harkanpok: "Well, except that: std::vector<int>(3, 0) is doing something  different from: std::vector<int>{3, 0} just to make things more  interesting. But hey, that's C++ for you."13:27
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anpokyeah different code means different things.. just get over it.13:28
Sweet5harkanpok: the whole '{}' initializer thing was introduced to clear things up, but it didnt really in the end. For 99% of the cases ctor(2,0) and ctor{2,0} do the same, but in some corner cases they do different things. That is bound to cause subtile and hard to triage bugs.13:34
Sweet5harkanyway: true to the principle of most surprise.13:35
anpokIt is backward compatible.. so the possible improvements were very limited.13:37
anpokc++ developers that enjoy the language are a flock of people enjoying complex things..13:40
Sweet5harkanpok: there are only two kinds of programming languages: those that suck, and those that nobody uses.13:43
willcookeand Python13:44
Sweet5harkwillcooke: ^^^ does that code run for you? its entirely whitespace13:44
Sweet5harkis it friday yet?13:44
* Sweet5hark tries to hold his guns then.13:45
desrthi team!!14:00
pittihey desrt!14:07
* desrt hugs pitti14:08
desrtgood morning :)14:08
* pitti hugs desrt back, how are you?14:08
pittilooking forward to FOSDEM, I hope I see some of you there!14:09
desrtyou will see me.14:09
pittiwith Ubucon I guess didrocks and seb128 won't come?14:09
pittidesrt: ah, nice!14:09
desrtassuming my travel documents are in order14:09
pittiLaney: you as well?14:09
pittiSweet5hark: and you?14:09
willcookepitti, they're still going :)14:11
pittiwillcooke: great14:12
willcookepitti, correction, didrocks is going.  Seb not14:12
* desrt has an ingress date with didrocks14:15
Laneypitti: yup14:28
Laneypitti: what are your plans?14:29
Laneyahoy desrt14:29
pittiLaney: I'll go to Leuven next Wednesday, to visit Michael again14:29
pittiLaney: and on Sat/Sun we come to FOSDEM in the morning; I'll stay at his place Sat night, though14:29
pittiLaney: and I take the 18:20 ICE back to Augsburg Sun evening14:29
pittiLaney: I might pop up at the systemd hackfest on Friday (was just announced yesterday)14:30
=== ChrisTownsend1 is now known as ChrisTownsend
desrtoo.  systemd hackfest.14:35
desrti never miss a chance to hug lennart14:35
Laneypitti: ah nice, see you around then!14:36
jdstrand_Laney, desrt: hey, curious on your opinion here. I have some users that plan to upgrade to xenial and they use evolution. webkit/main-ness aside, what are your thoughts on evolution in terms of stability, usability, etc these days?14:50
jdstrand_Laney, desrt: I'm going to use it (under appamor, /me shakes fist at webkit) until the release. I have to say-- it so far seems to be maintained quite well14:51
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
desrtjdstrand: i switched to webmail ages ago :(14:52
Laneyhi jdstrand14:55
LaneyI don't worry too much when I have to file bugs on evolution because it has a nice responsive upstream14:55
LaneyI think it pretty much works well although it's always been a bit of a big beast14:55
Laneysome operations aren't the quickest14:56
Laneysort of reminds me of Outlook last time I used that but I guess that they aim for similar things14:56
Laneyso that's not surprising14:56
Laneyprobably going to punt it to universe soon14:56
jdstrandI used to use it all the time, then switched to tbird personally when Canonical switched to supporting it14:56
Laneybecause webkit114:56
jdstrandI always liked evolution14:57
jdstrandit is still in main?14:57
jdstrandoh, probably for support14:57
Laneyguess so14:57
jdstrandthe security team has a note on not providing updates to webkit14:57
Laneyjust read that webkitgtk is going to start publishing CVEs14:58
jdstrandI'd love for someone to get excited about oxide and create gtk3 bindings for it14:58
Laneythat's webkit2gtk for us14:58
jdstrandthey tried that before iirc (being responsive to CVEs). the problem was resources-- they couldn't backport easily so they needed new versions and they couldn't maintain that for the duration of one of our stable releases (even non-LTS)14:59
jdstrandclassic webkit support problem15:00
jdstrandanyhoo, I hope they figure out how to do it this time :)15:00
jdstrandLaney: thanks for the feedback. with it still being in main, that gives me a little more to think about15:00
Laneynot for long15:01
Laneylarsu fixed a bug in the theme that was blocking the switch15:01
Laneyso it's more or less ready to go after I test my port of software center a bit more15:01
mdeslaurLaney: to go to universe?15:02
Laneysorry I don't know what the other half of that question is15:03
mdeslaurLaney: you said it's "more or less ready to go", to go what?15:03
mdeslaurLaney: to get punted to universe?15:03
Laneyah yes15:03
jdstrandLaney: you might want to talk to the UA folks15:04
Laneyswap for the new one which removes the webkit api15:04
Laneysure I will but it's not really an option to stay on the ancient version any more15:04
Laneyso it's going to happen one way or another15:04
jdstrandoh, I think I didn't understand what you were talking about15:04
Laneyif that's keep two webkits in main then you get to get angry15:05
jdstrandLaney: so there is an evolution that is webkit1 and one that is webkit2?15:05
jdstrandthere is only webkit115:05
Laneytpopela at redhat is working on it15:05
jdstrandone for webkit115:05
jdstrandI see15:06
Laneythey are adding API to webkit itself to support evolution's usecases15:06
Laneywysiwyg editing stuff15:07
desrtthat's pretty cool15:29
Laneytime to play whack a mole on more failing tests15:34
Laneypitti: can you add testing of reverse test-deps to your sprint? :)15:35
pittiLaney: won't be able to do that today, but it's on my WI list for Jan/Feb indeed15:36
pittineeds some prerequisite work in dpkg15:36
Laneypitti: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial/xenial/amd64/a/autopilot-gtk/20160121_135055@/log.gz like this15:36
Laneypython-psutil broke autopilot yet migrated15:36
Laneyactually wouldn't that have been a runtime dep even?15:37
Laneybut no recorded test for this upload15:38
Laneyoh I see, autopilot-gtk -> python{,3}-autopilot -> python-psutil15:40
Laneyso this is a recursive case15:40
Mirvah, wow, it's a feature not a bug. sort of. if one accidentally enables High Contrast mode in lightdm, it starts looking ugly, not really high contrast and loses user backgrounds.15:41
Laneymitya57: I don't suppose you know about https://launchpadlibrarian.net/232311658/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-s390x.autopilot-legacy_1.4.1+15.10.20150911-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz do you?16:43
Laneyit happens on all arches, just s390x tried to build later on16:43
Mirvnow if I forget it again in a year or two, I may find my own questio and answer at http://askubuntu.com/questions/723902/lightdm-doesnt-show-wallpaper-background-and-colors-are-wrong/723903 :)17:23
mitya57Laney, looks like a bug in Sphinx :)  Unfortunately I don't have time to look at it today, will do tomorrow.18:00
Laneynight night18:10
seb128kenvandine, hey18:25
seb128kenvandine, "with new LE devices we never know the type before they are connected." ... does it mean we can't display device icons anymore? seems like an user regression, it seems weird that new protocols have such limitations18:26
willcookehey seb128!18:31
willcookeHow goes?18:31
seb128hey willcooke!18:31
willcookeseb128, sorry for the spam :)18:31
seb128good, watching Mark's keynote atm18:31
seb128no worry18:32
seb128I didn't read the airplane mode thing yet18:32
seb128but GNOME got that working I think, even the hotkey18:32
seb128we should maybe look at backporting what they did?18:32
willcookenight all18:36
willcookebah video streams not working for ubucon18:39
* willcooke hits mhall119 and runs18:39
kenvandineseb128, i'm not sure, morphis could explain better19:54
kenvandinehe convinced me it would be better to remove the isSupportedType all together19:54
kenvandinei think pat and bill are convinced too19:54
kenvandineseb128, he said even if a device isn't something we claim to support, pairing would usually succeed19:55
kenvandinethe issue is we don't have an app that utilizes them all19:55
seb128well, fine, but get the design updated then ;-)19:55
kenvandinei'll bring it up in tomorrow's meeting19:56

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