
sam_yanHi  when  upstart --user  is running   ,my gnome-session can not start?06:50
sam_yancan someone help me?06:52
ballmerthere are some features of gnome 3 that aren't suitable for a corporate environment, like the absence of a screen lock with screen saver and the non-intuitive buttons for power down, log off and suspend.  is there someone here involved with customization of gnome for ubuntu?17:51
ballmerthe gnome designers are apparently writing it for hobbyist laptops17:55
ballmeri chatted with them earlier17:55
craysiiii feel like you haven't even tried ubuntu gnome if you have those things to say20:44
craysiiidarkxst is there any truth in this? "(09:55:04 AM) ballmer: the gnome designers are apparently writing it for hobbyist laptops"20:46
darkxstcraysiii, so, of course not21:49
eliaspsdarkxst I downgraded to 3.18 and the problems got fixed. I'll upgrade back to 3.19 to see if it happens again21:49
craysiiilol figured it was just a troll.21:49
darkxsteliasps, I still havent seen your issues here on 3.1921:50
darkxstcraysiii,  his chat with gnome guys, consisted of only21:52
darkxstballmer> i see there are extensions for adding a suspend button to gnome, but none work in 3.16.  is there another way to suspend other than logging off and doing it from the login menu?21:52
=== rohan_ is now known as rtcoder
brodymy wifi dont work on acer e5-552 running ubuntu gnome 15.1023:31
brodyanyone know?23:44
adueppenbrody: have you tried any other flavors? Also yes I know it's you23:46
brodytryed unity, also apricity23:47
adueppenbrody: what about fedora?23:47
brodyfedora dosent use apt-get tho right>?23:47
adueppenbrody: it comes with GNOME software by default though23:48
brodyi kinda would like to have debains package manger23:49
adueppenbrody: it wouldn't matter too much23:49
brodyok let me put it on ur usb23:49
brodynope it dont23:53

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