
pleia2I think I should have taken a nap today01:47
pleia2anyway, off to meet some people for dinner, will see some of you at the pre-ubucon event that I will arrive fashionably late for01:47
linux-neophyteYea, will be there01:53
linux-neophyteI think. I have some serious alergies so I'm still debating on going or not.01:53
nhainespleia2: thanks so much for sending the email to the mailing list tonight!  You're incredible!07:43
=== nchambers_ is now known as nchambers
linuxuser9000Yesss found the channel21:34
MarkDudelinuxuser9000, its fun to find I think the old Ubuntu-california does still work tho21:41
linuxuser9000Oh. I'd love to know what the current IRC channel(s) are/is21:42
linuxuser9000I forgot to jot it down during the keynote21:42
MarkDudeHmmm, they killed redirect * Cannot join #Ubuntu-california (Channel is invite only)21:42
MarkDude /join #scale21:42
linuxuser9000I'm going to do that now.21:43
MarkDudeRock on, and enjoy it21:43
* MarkDude is not there, but loves that event\21:43
linuxuser9000It's my first SCALE21:44
linuxuser9000I want to find out how I can get into the community. I use linux on all my computers, so I think it's about time I learn how to contribute21:45
linuxuser9000You're missing out, mark shuttleberg was here21:45
linuxuser9000He's a pretty cool speaker21:45
rwwMarkDude: no they didn't. that's the message you get if you try to join a channel that forwards to a channel you're already in22:12
rwwone of freenode's more confusing idiosyncracies22:12
MarkDudeHella makes sense- because I thought it worked on a hella old install I used recently like 8.0122:23
MarkDudeMark S you say? We go way back. Have a pic of me wearing Beefy Miracle shirt with him22:24
rwware you doing SCaLE this year?22:24
MarkDudeMark S and his abillity to inspire new users should not be downplayed, that metric is hard to measure, but without a doubt. Its real22:25
MarkDudeNope, family stuff. Grandma fell recently. Work stuff, working on stealth project22:26
rwwyeah, me either. work stuff too22:26
rwwstart of the semester is not a great time for me to take vacation lol22:26

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