
Noein1i think i got ubuntu into the usb stick now i just restart my computer and set it to boot from usb first and i will just run them?00:00
k1lNoein1: yes00:00
Noein1thanks this is my first time trying ubuntu or any linux like system :P thanks for the help00:00
limacharlieNoein1, how did you put Ubuntu on the USB drive?00:02
limacharlieNoein1, and you copied it over from Windows?00:03
Noein1i used a program i downloaded that was specifically for this purpose00:03
k1llimacharlie: he used the official way linked on the ubuntu page. i think it uses pendrivelinux00:03
Noein1yes that :D00:03
limacharlieNoein1, outstanding, then you should be good to go!00:04
Noein1yep i will try it soon and hopefully it will work00:04
dankanNoein1: for UEFI PCs i prefer Rawrite32 for writing linux ISOs to USB, if you know how to clean and reformat the USB stick properly afterwards :P00:05
dankanNoein1: but if you used some other program just try to boot it, if it works ignore what i wrote00:07
Noein1I have almost no knowledge on anything like that i am just starting to explore.I dont even understand most of the anagrams that i see here,i hope that i will soon learn some stuff :)00:08
k1lNoein1: no problem. learning by doing. you made the first step00:08
RNevilleI don't know what an "anagram" is - so Noein1 your ahead of me!00:10
spotterhey, wondering where systemd-nspawn is on my ubuntu 15.10 box?00:14
spotterThe program 'systemd-nspawn' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:00:15
spottersudo apt-get install systemd00:15
spotterexcept systemd is already installed00:15
spotteranswer is systemd-container00:16
k1lspotter: is systemd-container installed?00:17
spotterthough the missing stuff is wrong obviously00:17
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technoweeniei am running a live cd of ubuntu 15. I am trying to install google chrome. it installs in the software center after download, but when i try to lunch it using the "super key" it doesn't launch.00:30
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Serkacanal de youtube en expansion con tutorial de como ganar dinero totalmente gratis con aplicacion de google play puedes cobrara el dinero con Steam,google play,Play Store,PayPal... (no es para hacerse rico pero 15 euros los sacas en unas semana NO TE OLVIDES DE SUSCRIBIRTE AL CANAL http://sh.st/nBwwh.Un saludo y cualquier consulta me escribis al canal00:32
technoweenieam I talking to myself or is there no one monitoring the chat?00:32
technoweenieserka, are you answering me?00:32
Serkano entiendo00:32
Serkaspeak spanish?00:32
technoweenieif so I only know english00:32
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:33
Serkaok gracias00:33
Serkasolo promocionaba mi canal .un saludo y perdonar las molestias00:33
HackSmash"super key"    what do u mean by that00:33
technoweeniethe windows key00:33
technoweenieit is known as the "super key" in ubuntu00:34
technoweenieyou hit the key and search your app. I find google chrome, but it doesn't launch when I click on it.00:34
HackSmashok   gotcha ... super key    then type www in00:34
HackSmashwhat shows00:34
HackSmashthe 'live cd' version is severly limited00:36
technoweeniehacksmash, firefox and "browser"00:36
HackSmashthoes are whats preinstalled ... installing more software is a bit beyond Live CD00:36
technoweenieI don't want to install it if I can't teach my family how to use it.00:37
technoweenieI installed xchat with no issues, hacksmash.00:37
technoweenieI wish I could help you whoami, I am new to ubuntu00:38
w00tburgercan someone telk me how to grep a greater than symbol? apparently its beyond my comprehension00:38
HackSmashi 'think' it depends on RAM available ... chrome may take more than xchat00:38
TommyCw00tburger: escape it with '\'00:38
llldinow00tburger, Escape it using a backslash: \>00:38
w00tburgerI had tried that- it didnt work00:39
TommyCw00tburger: Then quote it.00:39
w00tburgerhmmm I wonder if its because I am user cmder, so its using its own version of grep00:39
technoweenieshouldn't the install come back with a error message, hacksmash?00:39
w00tburgerI tried to quote it, slash it, and both00:40
HackSmashlaunch it from the Terminal window ... thats where it would show errors.00:40
w00tburgerThe system cannot find the file specified.00:40
w00tburgerI am cat'ing a file into grep00:40
HackSmashLive CD is VERY RAM intensive00:40
w00tburgercat index.html | grep -i '\<form'00:40
technoweenieokay. Just to be clear, what is the command. I try just typing "google-chrome" from the term and only once did I see the chrome logo pop up in the task bar.00:41
HackSmashtechnoweenie, i wouldnt base your decision on chrome alone00:41
llldinow00tburger, You need to use double quotes, or bash will take the \ as literal00:41
technoweenieIf we can't use the prime services on amazon, my family has no use for it.00:42
HackSmashtechnoweenie, if the family can figure out Windows... Ubuntu will be a breeze ... esp if you have figured how to install stuff already00:43
w00tburgerhaha, they know how to use the package manager?00:43
technoweeniethis isn't my first go around with linux. back in the day I used suse00:43
w00tburgerwhen they do it from command line- oh man, that is my dream family00:43
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: The ptoprietary browser name is " google-chrome-stable " .00:43
w00tburgeranyone? why is grep being dumb00:44
technoweenieI will try that bashing-om00:44
llldinow00tburger, Rather, this should work: cat whatever | grep -i '> form'00:44
llldinow00tburger, With no backslash00:44
technoweeniehacksmash, bashing-om after typing "google-chrome-stable" in the term in tells me "created new window in existing browser session. I am using firefox at the moment.00:46
Frank_JamesoHello, I just wanted to know if people could hear me00:46
Frank_Jamesowell, read what I type anyways00:46
technoweeniefrank_jameso, I see what you are typing.00:47
* HackSmash puts an ear to the keyboard00:47
Frank_Jamesothanks very much. Ubuntu's still the best!00:47
technoweenielol hacksmash00:47
Frank_Jamesohey, my keyboard is pretty loud00:47
AndroUser2Any ui Mode for unistall a program from command line?00:47
Frank_Jamesoit should still show up in the app store if you used apt-get install00:48
Frank_Jamesoand there's also the synaptic package manager, which you may have to install nowadays00:48
Frank_Jamesobut either way, those only deal with the aptitude or apt-get commands, so if you installed it in a different way, those may not work.00:49
AndroUser2I've it but Just work in x00:49
technoweenieI hear mint is pretty user friendly?00:49
melmiwaberilinux mint unity yep!00:50
technoweeniei went with ubuntu bc nsa recommended it on their website.00:53
melmiwaberiThat's a spam!00:53
melmiwaberiI meant Serka00:53
technoweeniethought i would check it out.00:54
melmiwaberiubuntu's legit00:54
* HackSmash 's everyday laptop is ubuntu ...has been for about 2 years now00:55
melmiwaberiK nevermind...00:55
cruzhmCan anyone assist me with getting my wireless drivers working in Kubuntu on a Macbook Pro 11,1?00:55
technoweeniecruzhm, i hear if it doesn't work, start muching the keyboard.00:57
cruzhmI can get it to work when I sample the OS, it stops after I install it.00:58
Pinkamena_Dany kind of software which would completely erase all disk changes on reboot, for deploying ubuntu in a computer lab?00:58
pmowHello.   Was referred here with this question as it relates less to the process and more to processes.  I have a process that says "defunct".  But upon research, a kill doesn't work, and its parent process is init (pid 1).  Any idea how I might safely do that?   When I try and start the process manually, I get port in use, although a netstat doesn't show this pid as using the port (although it lists it).00:58
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: I had to wander away for a bit ... close all out ... so only a terminal is running . Now what results with terminal command ' google-chrome-stable ' ?00:58
technoweeniesounds like, you need to write your own driver for it.00:58
pmowOh the process is mono, btw.00:58
technoweeniebashing-om, it says it created a new window in the browser.00:59
technoweeniethere is no browser open01:00
llldinoPinkamena_D, Just make a bash script that nukes content in writable folders you don't want changed, and set it to run on reboot01:00
caskaidWhat is the preferred method of making xrandr changes persistent?01:00
lernerdo you use luks or veracrypt to encrypt an external hdd?01:00
technoweeniewhy you rooting bashing-om?01:00
Pinkamena_Dllldino: ok, ill try that...01:00
pmowlerner: I'm using the full disk encryption on 14.04lts01:01
lernerpmow, is that luks?01:01
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pmowIt didn't say, will research to properly answer...01:02
Bashing-omtech " why you rooting bashing-om?" I fail to understand .. please exemplify further ?01:02
limacharlieIs there still an Ubuntu Team for01:03
technoweenieyou said you were typing directly to the kernal, right?01:03
limacharlieIs there still an Ubuntu Team for the Infrastructure? I see the Server team, but I think that's specific to Ubuntu Server.01:03
technoweeniethat is called rooting the system. you are GOD at that point and can do anything with no restrictions.01:04
pmowlerner: it looks like dm-crypt, as /dev/mapper has a few volumes starting with dm-.  Although if LUKS is an extension, do you know if they'd also say dm-*?01:06
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: No, What i meant is from a terminal as a standard user type the terminal command ' google-chrome-stable ' .. which "should" launch google-chrome leaving the terminal window open and frozen and showing any errors that starting the browser generated .01:06
lernerpmow, no01:06
lerneri dont know01:06
technoweeniei will do it again01:06
lernerpmow, but, did you encrypt via cli or gui?01:07
pmowhonestly I'm dying to replace the box and I'm definitely leaving it off.  If I need it, it won't be on main disks...01:07
daemonmontero1anyone know the repository for upgrading ubuntu?01:08
technoweenie"created new window in existing browser session," bashing-om01:08
pmowbox is in a colo and I wish I hadn't enabled it honestly.  It'd be nice to reboot the box without ordering a KVM in advance!01:09
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Bashing-omtechnoweenie: Lemme back out of my google-chrome .. see what results when I start from terminal ..01:09
lernerpmow, whats the name of the program?01:09
technoweenieok bashing-om.01:09
pmowlerner: so a ps -ef gets me a parent pid of 1 =(01:10
lernera program named "mono" will encrypt a hdd?01:10
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: You have a problem .. I just did as advised ... no problem at all to start google-chrome in the GUI . Are you running out of memory ? what results ' free -m ' ? when you have attempted to start google-chrome .01:11
pmowlerner: I thought you meant the process that I'm trying to nuke.  I don't know for sure, but did my GUI answer indicate anything?01:12
zykotick9Bashing-om: if you have google-chome open, and try to open it from another terminal, do you get the same message as technoweenie?01:12
lernerpmow, I dont know what application you used to encrypt01:13
pmowlerner: the 14.04 LTS boot CD01:13
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technoweenie322 free bashing-om01:13
zykotick9lerner: i _think_ if they used GUI, the encryption is "home folder encryption" i forget what that's called (it's NOT luks)01:14
pmowlerner: I'm trying to find the answer but not much help online.  There isn't a "status" switch I've found yet01:14
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pmow./dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       101:15
technoweeniebashing-om, why can i use firefox, watch videos online and so on?01:15
pmowhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FullDiskEncryptionHowto seems to indicate it's dm_crypt, but http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/39306/how-secure-is-ubuntus-default-full-disk-encryption says it's dm-crypt with LUKS01:17
technoweenieI have a feeling if things aren't in the app store of ubuntu, you are S.O.L. unless you know how to hack.01:17
technoweenieI would use suse, but that os iso will not right to a dvd in windows, though there is enough space on the disk.01:19
pmowmanaged to figure out the proper name but `sudo cryptsetup status ubuntu--vg-root`finishes and returns....nothing01:20
technoweeniewindows requires too much room for the index space on the disk.01:20
dotpixishow do you use wild cards and rm?01:21
KiLLexHi all01:22
pmowlerner: is there any conclusion to this question?  I cannot locate any discussions or articles about an issue with dm+LUKS and defunct processes.01:23
yumboxhow do I disable password prompts?01:23
dotpixisyumbox: why would you want to do that?01:23
lernerpmow, im sorry, I dont remember my original question anymore01:23
technoweenieisn't the command to dump your ram "dump -m" in the term?01:24
pmowlerner: you asked what type of encryption I was using01:24
yumboxdotpixis: because i dont want to type my pw all the time01:24
lernerim not feeling well, ill talk to you later pmow01:24
pmowlerner: feel better01:25
zykotick9dotpixis: wild cards like *?  they work with rm by default?  "rm *" <- be careful!  DANGER01:25
llldinoyumbox, In regards to what? Using sudo or logging into your computer?01:25
yumboxllldino: using synaptic01:26
dotpixisyumbox: then learn to type faster, or setup a key system... or then set the time that you're given admin rights to 10 minutes; but it's not suggested that you turn off password prompts, see sudoers01:26
dotpixiszykotick9: ty01:26
yumboxdotpixis: i can type fast. it's just an annoyance I want to get rid of.01:27
llldinoyumbox, You can add yourself to the group 'root' and that will more or less enable your user account to have unbarred access to everything in your computer01:27
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: DRM and Adobe Flash that FireFox can not get around ... Goggle-chrome does .. can even run NetFlix in google . Different form of Flash .01:27
yumboxllldino: that's not what I want though01:27
dotpixisis it safe to rm *old_versions in the /boot folder?01:28
zykotick9dotpixis: you should use the package manager to uninstall that stuff!01:28
dotpixiszykotick9: why?01:28
xanguaBashing-om: can't Firefox already run Netflix in Linux?01:28
yumboxI've already set sudoers to NOPASSWD. I want to disable graphical password prompts.01:29
Bashing-omzykotick9: " and try to open it from another terminal " lemme try and see what results .01:29
technoweeniebashing-om if I install ubuntu, you think this issue will go away?01:29
llldinoyumbox, Synaptics needs access to files that only root can write to, therefore you need to become root (using gksu and entering your password at the prompt) or give your user account root permissions01:29
zykotick9dotpixis: because...01:29
technoweenieI kinda like a live disk. if someone loads malicious code, I don't have to worry about it.01:29
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: I can only give you my experience . I run google-chrome-stable with absolutly no problem .01:30
Loshkidotpixis: the wild cards are expanded by the shell before rm ever sees them. So to really understand what you're doing, you're gonna have to review bash wildcarding as well as rm's particular quirks.01:30
llldinoI suppose you can give your user account permission to write and read all the files that synaptic needs but that's messy and dumb01:30
dotpixisLoshki: ty for the advice, will do01:30
yumboxllldino: yeah, I get that, but with sudo, I can just add NOPASSWD to sudoers. Why can't the same work for gksu or whatever synaptic uses.01:30
acovrigI have a strange networking issue in ubutnu 14.04: I get the 'waiting 60s for network' on boot, but nothing is DHCP: this is my /etc/network/interfaces: https://gist.github.com/acovrig/062dcc728fa67e726bb001:30
technoweenie"All I have to do is escape the system."01:30
dotpixiszykotick9: also i would use a package manager but my package manager isn't playing nice, so terminal it is...01:31
yumboxoh, I think I found it here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/383747/how-to-configure-pkexec-to-not-ask-for-password01:32
Bashing-omzykotick9: technoweenie No problem for me to start multiple instances of google-chrome - in seperate terminals .01:32
dotpixisyumbox: don't do it01:32
dotpixisyumbox: passwords are good01:32
yumboxdotpixis: no, they're not.01:32
dotpixisit's good to be prompted before you do something01:32
yumboxdotpixis: im the only user of my pc.01:33
dotpixisyumbox: do you use the internet?01:33
zykotick9Bashing-om: BUT, do you get that "created new window in existing browser session" message?01:33
llldinodotpixis, It's his build he has the right to do with it what he wants. That's what makes *nix finger lickin' good01:33
dotpixisyumbox: do you ssh?01:33
technoweenieok bashing. just means I need to learn more about basking the keys before i commit to another os.01:33
yumboxdotpixis: yup.01:33
dotpixisyumbox: do you have keys for ssh?01:33
technoweenie*bashing the keys01:33
yumboxdotpixis: yup.01:34
dotpixisit's your machiene, if you want to live on the wild side i can't stop you, but don't say that you weren't warned01:34
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zykotick9dotpixis: that's the way i feel about your manually deleting packaged stuff from /boot ;)01:35
Guest23161hello I am using Xubuntu and my screen turns off every 10 minutes and I don't find the setting not to turn my screen off. (it's not my screen)01:35
yumboxdotpixis: https://xkcd.com/1200/01:35
yumboxlike I could give a **** if someone installs drivers01:35
llldinoyumbox, It's not quite that generalized, but okay then01:36
dotpixisyumbox: but i have my web sessions auto killed, and i don't keep any cookies after the session is killed01:37
Bashing-omzykotick9: Yepper " sysop@1404mini:~$ google-chrome-stable >> Created new window in existing browser session. " I do have 2 complete instances of chrome running .01:37
yumboxdotpixis: me neither01:37
dotpixisso someone could steal my laptop and they would have a hell of a time trying to do anything; ps the bios is locked01:37
yumboxbios lock means nothing01:38
acovrigalso, all physical networking on eth1 and eth2 die when I start a specific VM using br0...01:38
zykotick9Bashing-om: it sounded like chrome was running for technoweenie and everytime they re-ran it, it just opened another tab - that i assume they aren't seeing for some reason...01:38
luketheduke0dotpixis, all they have to do is take the bios battery out & the bios would be wiped01:38
yumboxluketheduke0: uh, no.01:38
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: No better way to learn that do it . Includes the tykes also . Linux, when they break it -- we get to keep the pieces -- and put it back together .,01:39
technoweeniewhere is it running?01:39
dotpixisyou have to flash the bios, to whipe it, most of the time they're things to do that, but all that battery does is keep the internal clock powered...01:39
Bashing-omzykotick9: Could be ... and I have my chrome install configured to open new instances as a new window (??) .01:40
yumboxdotpixis: closer, but also no.01:41
technoweenieit's not on either one of my screens running?01:42
technoweenieI might be a tyke, but I expected more out of you guys. lol01:43
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: You do have a desktop activated, no ? as it must run in a GUI .01:44
MuimiSo, when I boot into ubuntu 15.10, I type in the password, and then the password stuff  disappears for a few moments, then the screen turns black, then the password stuff pops back up01:44
technoweenieyes. i am in a GUI? which one I couldn't tell you?01:44
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: The tykes was in reference to the rest of your family running 'buntu :)01:44
Muimiare there any custom install parameters I should be running if I have an nvidia 7300 LE video card?01:45
MuimiI didn't get any errors when installing the OS01:45
Guest23161I fixed it by typing " xset s off " into the terminal01:45
zykotick9Muimi: did it ever work?01:46
Muimiwell, I think I made several mistakes, this time....01:47
MuimiNo, it never worked.  I think I installed a video driver for 14.04....01:47
MuimiAnd then I think I removed it in the wrong way before installing the 15.10 driver.01:47
dotpixisjust got this when going on random on xkcd http://tinypic.com/r/343t8wi/901:47
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: All I can suggest is that Google-chrome-stable failed to install properly . You did install google-chrome-stable ? There are a few chrome releases . Some are "testing" .01:47
zykotick9Muimi: try opening a console (ctrl+alt+f1) and "ls -l ~/.Xauthority" does it say root anywhere on that line?01:48
technoweenie" I put the lotion on my skin, It does what it is told!"01:48
Muimihold on01:48
technoweenietranslation, I did as google instructed me.01:49
zykotick9Muimi: alt+f7 to return by the way01:50
zykotick9Muimi: ok, just checkin'.  good luck.01:51
Bashing-omMuimi: I am not familiar with nvidia 7300 LE. If ya pastbnin ' lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA " I will see what I can do about verifying the correct driver version .01:51
technoweenieI am going to go get me a glass of formaldehyde.01:52
technoweenieSome thermite while I am at it!01:52
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: K ... I go do lung therapy .01:52
zykotick9Bashing-om: hehe, the whole point of "grep -i" is you don't have to be case sensitive ;)  so ".. grep -i vga" works fine.01:52
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Bashing-omzykotick9: Uh Huh .. old habit, :)01:53
acovrigOK, I rebooted and 'waiting for network' seems to have been fixed, but when I start my VM, all physical network dies...01:54
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Bashing-om!pastebinit | Muimi02:03
ubottuMuimi: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com02:03
technoweenieI am installing ubuntu on my system and will see if it improves after installation to the had disk. talk to you later Bashing-om02:04
ucarionHi all, I'm getting some weird behavior with the terminal -- when I maximize it, the top of the screen is laggy; it takes awhile for it to update after I press keys02:04
ucarionThis doesn't seem to happen anywhere else on the screen, just the first couple lines02:05
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: ^^ spoken like a true trooper . We are here , we do for you the best we can .02:05
technoweenieok issue!02:06
technoweenieubuntu says that my whole hard drive is taken up by partitions. I am only aware of possibly two, but it reports 5 different partitions.02:07
technoweenieNot sure witch one to use and witch ones to avoid.02:08
technoweenieI loved suse yast installer. it told you more information about the partitions on the disk02:10
phi__anyone can help me regiser https://evilzone.org/register2/02:10
grutafter I upgraded my bios I am entering linux mint 17, it shows enter passphrase, entered but cursor only blinking02:11
technoweenieI don't want to wipe out windows, because I want to be able to sell the pc without having to buy a windows license.02:12
grutI am entering password correctly02:12
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: MBR partitioning ? A limit of 4 primary partitions . Dual booting and Windows' has them all ? show us the partitioning ' sudo fdisk -lu ; parted -l " . We llok and see where th problem is .02:12
xanguagrut: wrong channel02:12
grutxangua, there are no mint channels02:13
zykotick9!mint | grut02:13
xangua! Mint | grut02:13
ubottugrut: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:13
technoweenieok NO ONE TYPE! lol02:13
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: my XX:12 entry count ?02:14
technoweenieDevice         Start       End   Sectors   Size Type02:14
technoweenie/dev/sda1       2048   2050047   2048000  1000M Windows recovery environment02:14
technoweenie/dev/sda2    2050048   2582527    532480   260M EFI System02:14
technoweenie/dev/sda3    2582528   3606527   1024000   500M unknown02:14
technoweenie/dev/sda4    3606528   3868671    262144   128M Microsoft reserved02:14
technoweenie/dev/sda5    3868672 925573119 921704448 439.5G Microsoft basic data02:14
Bashing-om!paste | technoweenie02:14
ubottutechnoweenie: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:14
technoweenieok. my bad02:15
LostSoul_Quick question, I removed and reintalled vim, nvm about this story but I want to know about setting default editor02:16
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: Looks like Windows is installed in UEFI mode . Got to install ubuntu in UEFI also . In GPT partitioning we do not have the 4 primary partition limit .02:16
LostSoul_I did this:02:17
LostSoul_update-alternatives --config editor02:17
LostSoul_and selected vim, but still crontab didn't lunch vim, but nano02:17
LostSoul_I edited $EDITOR and it worked02:17
LostSoul_I also tried "select-editor" and it had selected nano, so I changed to vim02:18
LostSoul_Tell me what's the difference between update-alternatives and select-editor?02:18
technoweenieI don't want to install over windows Bashing-om. http://paste.ubuntu.com/14587249/02:18
ucarionLostSoul_: Have you set $EDITOR?02:18
MuimiI'm on a different pc, Bashing-om02:19
LostSoul_ucarion: I did02:19
LostSoul_But tell me why update-alternatives didn't make it?02:19
LostSoul_Also after changing EDITOR, 'select-editor' still had seleced nano, why? :)02:20
zykotick9LostSoul_: selected-editor just creates a .selected_editor file in ~ <- i'm not sure what uses it though...  the update-alternatives is a system wide setting for the debian-based alternates system.02:20
MuimiI just thought there may be some safe method for installing ubuntu with an nvidia card.02:20
MuimiAnd then install the video card driver AFTER the installation is complete02:20
LostSoul_zykotick9: But should update-alternative work in this case?02:20
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: Yeah ... Mind ya ... I am not in the least Windows Literate . But I do expect that in booting the installer in UEFI mode that you have the easy option " install ubuntu along side" . If ya want to take the default install .02:21
zykotick9LostSoul_: personally, i'd think so... but obviously you have different result... i can't explain why.02:21
lesslesshey guys, I had a two versions of postgresql - 9.5 and 9.4 and I removed 9.5 but pg_config --version still shows it02:21
lesslesshow to completely get rid of it02:21
lesslessand tell system that I want only 9.4 and no other versions should be ever installed02:22
Bashing-om!nomodeset | Muimi02:22
ubottuMuimi: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:22
technoweenieyes, I got that option, Bashing-om. It is asking what partition to divide.02:22
zykotick9LostSoul_: ok, so crontab obviously does NOT use alternatives, but that selected-editor thing!  so it's cron specific.02:22
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: Ouch . Me no lnow zykotick9 ???02:22
MuimiI don't know if I need to reformat the PC or not, but02:23
MuimiWow, there's a new planet?02:23
mustmodify_I'm on a windows machine sitting right next to an ubuntu machine. I have 3 SSH sessions open. All three have ... stalled? But they haven't timeout yet. The ubuntu machine is fine.  load is 0.05, 0.26, 0.24... what might be happening?02:23
mustmodify_the windows machine is fine, and no apparent network problems.02:24
mustmodify_Since I'm posting this. :)02:24
technoweenieThis isn't windows support. Try technet.microsoft.com mustmodify_02:24
mustmodify_techiewickie: hm... I don't think it's the winsows machine. :)02:25
mustmodify_but I hear you.02:25
technoweenieMustmodify_ you are floating.02:26
technoweenieit's a quote from a movie02:26
mustmodify_pinged it. got two "destination host unreachable" and one success.02:27
mustmodify_So that's weird.02:27
technoweeniesounds like you are having network issues.02:27
technoweeniecontact your isp02:27
mustmodify_man you guys blame everyone but Ubuntu. :)02:28
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: I have not touched Windows in years, we will have to await others here who have the dual boot experience, in the meantime ->02:28
technoweeniethere are windows support irc chats.02:28
LostSoul_zykotick9: LOL, thanks :)02:28
technoweenieSounds good.02:28
Bashing-om!dualboot | technoweenie02:28
ubottutechnoweenie: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:28
technoweenieI will take a look at that. Thanks Bashing-om02:29
lesslesshow to lock version of postgresql so no other versions would be installed?02:34
Bashing-om!pin lessless02:35
user23456789can someone tell me how to install a VPN on Ubuntu_02:36
LostSoul_zykotick9: Ok on first run:02:38
LostSoul_crontab -e02:38
LostSoul_Select an editor.  To change later, run 'select-editor'.02:38
zykotick9LostSoul_: oh sorry, i "could" have mentioned that...02:39
LostSoul_Chill, thanks for help :)02:39
LostSoul_Love this community :)02:39
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MuimiIt's probably safest just to install 14.04 on this sytem instaed of trying to get a driver for 15.10, right?02:44
Shutem_DownCan I format an external hard drive if it's unmounted?02:45
MuimiI just wonder if I shouldn't add the nouvea modeset=0 switch to the install02:45
zykotick9Shutem_Down: it SHOULD/HAS TO BE PERHAPS unmounted to format it...02:46
Shutem_Downoh.  ok cool02:46
Shutem_DownBecause I can't access it mounted02:46
Shutem_Downso perhaps  this could work02:46
zykotick9Shutem_Down: ahhh, perhaps you should supply a more detail account of what you are doing, and what isn't working...02:47
user23456789Can someone help me?02:48
CalebWI'm trying to compile a package and it says that libavutil/frame.h is missing02:48
zykotick9!ask | user2345678902:48
ubottuuser23456789: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:48
CalebWWhat package is that in?02:48
Shutem_DownOn a windows computer, the drive rarely even shows up.  On linux it will show up, and the files are listed but I cannot copy them at more than a few kbps.02:48
user23456789Ok perfect sorry02:49
Bashing-omMuimi: All this just to install a driver ? What happens when you boot in "recoery" mode ?02:49
Shutem_DownSo perhaps a umount fdsk is more appropriate.02:50
Shutem_Downerrr, i mean checkdisk...whatever the linux equivalent is02:50
Bashing-omShutem_Down: For check disk, what is the file system ? Windows tools for Windows file system .02:51
CalebWI've installed libavutil-dev...so why is the frame.h file missing?02:51
Shutem_DownBashing-om, hang on, it's very slow to respond to even a properties request02:53
eelstrebori changed the dnscrypt local address port and the proxying in the logs was ok but dns still would not work - it only works with port 53 - any ideas as to what the problem is?02:53
karstensragecan anyone help me understand or point me to something that explains some of this http://pastebin.com/rAPzJmLz02:53
user23456789How can I install a VPN on Ubuntu_02:54
eelstreboruser23456789, yes02:54
Noein1ubuntu is running perfectly when booted from usb directly without being installed to the hard disk thanks for the tips on how to do that ^_^02:54
eelstreborgoogling for my dnscrypt problem doesn't result in a solution02:55
eelstreboruser23456789, oops - you need to start with installing openvpn package02:56
user23456789Nice, I already did that. I havent been able to go through the next step02:56
eelstreboruser23456789, you need to create a certificate authority and then create certificates and keys02:57
MannyLNJWhy can I ssh to elevy.noip.me from my local lan but not from the outside?02:57
Shutem_DownBashing-om, sorry, what is the command for checking the filesystem?02:57
user23456789how do I do that?02:57
eelstreboruser23456789, do you plan to run your own VPN service?02:57
user23456789No, I was hoping to use a free VPN service.02:58
eelstreboruser23456789, it'll be easier if you find an openvpn wiki that'll teach you how to setup everything02:58
user23456789Let me check it up02:58
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eelstreboruser23456789, if you've already signed up with a VPN service they should be able to help you get things set up02:59
eelstreboruser23456789, there's also a chat room for openvpn also03:00
Bashing-omShutem_Down: A linux file system or a Windows file susyem ?03:00
* eelstrebor wishes there was a dedicated irc channel for dnscyrpt03:01
user23456789for real? How can I access to it?03:01
Shutem_Downi'm on ubuntu...id like the command to find out if my external drive is on ntfs or fat32 so I can answer your question03:01
eelstreboruser23456789, /join #openvpn03:01
user23456789I type that as a message?03:01
Bashing-omShutem_Down: Sure, ' sudo fdisk -lu ' will tell .03:02
eelstrebornope - just type it as if you're going to send an ordinary message03:02
eelstreborwhen you press enter you should be in the channel03:03
user23456789its seems it didnt work03:03
eelstrebordon't forget the /join03:03
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user23456789yes, I put /join #openvpn and nothing happen; nothing poped or appear. It seems Im still on the same channel03:04
wadadliHow can I instlal oracle java 803:05
wadadliand replace openjdk in ubuntu completely03:05
wadadliI removed the package already for openjdk but when I do java -version03:06
wadadliI get output03:06
wadadliopenjdk version "1.8.0_66-internal"03:06
wadadliOpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-internal-b17)03:06
wadadliOpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b17, mixed mode)03:06
SchrodingersScatShutem_Down: if you know the /dev/sd* of the partition, you can also sudo file -s -L /dev/sd*03:06
Shutem_DownI dont actually and these results are confusing the hell out of me03:06
Shutem_Downyou want a pastebin or rather me sort it out?03:07
llldinowadadli, Do 'dpkg -l | grep openj*'03:07
Shutem_DownI have sdb and sdb103:08
Shutem_Downand one result says "dos" and the other result says "hpfs,ntfs, and fat"03:08
Bashing-omShutem_Down: Pastebin ' sudo fdisk -lu | pastebinit " and we will be glad to dicusss the results so you understand what are looking at .03:11
geekyadityaHow to disable amazon search in dash03:11
Shutem_DownBashing-om, thanks for your patience i'm going to grab a chair03:12
Bashing-omShutem_Down: NP ... All it takes is time and effort .03:12
kevin_Does anybody know anything about PAMusb03:13
Mixondoes anyone know how to install kismet on beini usb distro please?03:16
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sheepgeekwhat a good firewall for xubuntu ?03:19
zzxcsheepgeek: Hi, hows it going?03:19
Shutem_DownBashing-om, http://pastebin.com/VqAbk1NP03:20
sheepgeekwhat a good firewall for xubuntu ?03:20
MneuroI'm not sure, i don't use firewalls03:20
somsip!info ufw | sheepgeek03:20
ubottusheepgeek: ufw (source: ufw): program for managing a Netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.34-2 (wily), package size 143 kB, installed size 809 kB03:20
Bashing-omShutem_Down: Look'n ,03:20
sheepgeekThank you03:21
zzxcsheepgeek: Depends on what you are doing with it.03:21
sheepgeekjust protecting myself period03:22
Bashing-omShutem_Down: Well, the 1.8 hard drive has 1 partition on it ... and it is formatted for Windows .03:26
Shutem_DownCan I still use linux to try to detect and repair errors?03:27
Bashing-omShutem_Down: The lubux tools to deal with MS proprietary file sustem is primitive, to say the least . Yse Windows tools . Have a good read : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/100108 .03:29
=== Hello is now known as Guest70241
daemonmontero1anyone  know how to fix my audio problem?03:34
MannyLNJQuestion. I have two subnets on my lan 192.168.1.x and 192.168.2.x how can I bridge both networks with my ubuntu system?03:34
eelstreboruser23456789, i don't know why you can't get into the channel, i'm in it right now03:34
Shutem_DownBashing-om, thanks for your help.  Any thoughts on the effectiveness of the badblocks command?  If I have to troubleshoot this in Windows, then my only option is to reformat.03:37
user23456789what is the PIA Username when installing OpenVPN?03:39
MannyLNJwhen I do  cp -R /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa I get cp: cannot stat ‘/usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0*’: No such file or directory03:40
MannyLNJ but I did apt-get install openvpn03:40
Bashing-omShutem_Down: Linux does not understand Windows file systems to that depth. If you have no access to a Windows machine - you are behind the 8 ball ib working a windows file system from linux .03:41
Shutem_DownBashing-om, well that's as clear as it gets.  Thank you for your time.03:42
MannyLNJShutem_Down, I'm late to the party but what's your problem?03:42
user23456789Correct me if Im wrong. The PIA is the private internet access, so  I gotta pay to enter this PIA?, its not free?03:43
Shutem_DownCan only access the external drive from linux....even though it's on a windows filesytem03:43
user23456789How can I get a quality free VPN?03:43
Bashing-omShutem_Down: Now that said, there has been "some" progress in linux able to make "some" repair to Windows' file systems , But it is iffy !03:44
MannyLNJShutem_Down, what about Virtualbox with a windows image? and mount the drive to a virtualbox system? Microsoft has trial images03:45
Shutem_DownI have a windows computer, thats not an issue.  When I use the drive on a windows machine it doesn't work.  Or it will work for maybe a split second....all the while the drive will be whirring and whirring as if it's working.03:45
Shutem_DownIts only when I use linux that it will remain mounted for me to even peer inside.03:46
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Shutem_DownI dont think I could format in windows even if I wanted to, because any attempt to access the drive results in freezing.03:47
Bashing-om!info ntfsprogs trusty03:48
ubottuPackage ntfsprogs does not exist in trusty03:48
MannyLNJShutem_Down, you should be able to use DD to make it into an image though and work on that03:49
Bashing-om!info ntfs-3g trusty03:49
ubottuntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read/write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 431 kB, installed size 1521 kB (Only available for linux-any; kfreebsd-any)03:49
Shutem_DownMaking an image of  the disk seems improbable because I cannot read/copy files from the drive at reasonable rate03:51
Shutem_Downcopy an mp3 from the external drive to my hard drive is perhaps a 15 minute process03:52
Bashing-omShutem_Down: Maybe, have a look : http://askubuntu.com/questions/313872/ubuntu-13-04-is-unable-to-mount-a-disk-drive-from-ex-windows-system , The package now is " ntfs-3g " .03:53
Shutem_DownOh, I just remembered the more obvious problem.  The external drive is too big to create an image of.  It's 1.8 TB, I dont have a HD that big. lol03:54
Shutem_Downreading Bashing-om03:54
MannyLNJBashing-om, any chance I could get you to help me with an OpenVPN config problem?03:54
Bashing-omMannyLNJ: I am not a good one to assist in any VPN issue . Others here are much better qualified .03:56
MannyLNJBashing-om, acceptable answer. I've asked in #openvpn to no avail grasping at straws now03:56
Bashing-omMannyLNJ: If you have waited in #openvpn for a while and have no response, after a period of time it is acceptable to ask here with a specific question . Someone here on the channel may know .03:58
MannyLNJwhen I do  cp -R /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa I get cp: cannot stat ‘/usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0*’: No such file or directory   but I did do apt-get openvpn so why are there no config files to copy03:59
Bashing-omMannyLNJ: Says the file does not exist . Do you see it with ' ls -al /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/  ' ?04:01
xylonim newbie =)04:01
Bashing-omZytho: We all were at one time . What is your ubuntu issue ?04:02
MannyLNJBashing-om, no. In examples I only see sample-config-files  sample-keys  sample-scripts04:02
Bashing-omMannyLNJ: Ouch .. some script failed to run to copy the files into the easy-rsa/ directory ...lemme see what I can find for the origin of the files .04:04
MannyLNJBashing-om, thanks04:05
gswebspaceany suggestions on tools/IDE required for developing a desktop app on ubuntu with openGL or similar drawing canvas ? need to display bunch of 3D lines.04:06
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technoweenieSay, who wants a laugh?04:07
llldinogswebspace, GDK+?04:08
technoweenieI got a support chat with microsoft that is do die for!04:08
xangua! Ot | technoweenie04:08
ubottutechnoweenie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:08
gswebspacellldino: thanks04:12
llldinogswebspace, My pleasure04:12
Bashing-omMannyLNJ: What release are you on .. and what returns ' dpkg -l easy-rsa ' ?04:14
MannyLNJBashing-om, how do I check the release? I know I'm in the 14 branch and LTS04:16
Bashing-omMannyLNJ: ' lsb_release -a ' .04:18
MannyLNJBashing-om, and http://pastebin.com/pXApsAkn for the output of the dpkg command04:18
MannyLNJBashing-om, 14.04 is the release04:19
MannyLNJBashing-om,  Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS04:20
MannyLNJ  Release:        14.0404:20
Muimican anyone tell me what the default blacklist.conf file has on its last line in 15.10?04:21
Bashing-omMannyLNJ: OK, I was think'm mabe you werefollowing old documentation , But so far so good . Do you have this file ' ls -al /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf ' ?04:23
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MannyLNJBashing-om, I don';t think so ... ls: cannot access /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf: No such file or directory04:24
Bashing-omMannyLNJ: OK, Seems that was in 12.04 to make up the symlink ..Presently, did you export keys AND source vars ?04:30
MannyLNJBashing-om, Negative.04:33
Bashing-omMannyLNJ: See : http://www.slsmk.com/getting-started-with-openvpn/installing-openvpn-on-ubuntu-server-12-04-or-14-04-using-tun/ . Maybe in you need to export and source to build the /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0 directory ???04:34
MannyLNJBashing-om, thank you. will read tomorrow04:35
Bashing-omMannyLNJ: K, it do seem reasonable to me .04:36
LrdHelmethow can i determine which kernel is the server version I need? I installed the generic one, not realizing it wasn't for servers04:48
LrdHelmeti want 3.13.0-24, that is 64 bit and for servers. how do I get apt-get to give this to me?04:49
Bashing-omLrdHelmet: Now-a-days, the kernel is the kernel is the kernel . same kernel is in the desktop as in a server . current kernel is 3.13.0-76-generic dor 14.04 .04:51
LrdHelmetokay, good to know04:52
llldinoBashing-om, My kernal is 3.16.0-4 and I'm on debian. I always thought debian used an older kernal than Ubuntu S:04:52
Bashing-omllldino: In ubuntu there is HWE to use the kernel from upstream releasse .04:53
Bashing-om!hwe | lll04:53
ubottulll: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack04:53
StepnjumpHi guys, I installed edubuntu on two exactly same computers for my kids and one of them is acting weird... On the limited account, it works but in the admin account, I see the desktop picture but no icon. it gets stuck there... Any idea what I should do?04:53
bob2021hey.  i can't seem to pair my apple bluetooth keyboard with ubuntu.  can someone help?05:00
LrdHelmetmust be bad documentation05:00
LrdHelmetoh well05:00
Muimihttp://askubuntu.com/questions/723632/nvidia-7300-le-driver-15-10-how-to-install-ubuntu-modprobe-error-could-not any ideas?05:01
martin1989hi people05:03
martin1989i wanna know how to set a start up application05:03
bob2021hey... i can't seem to get ubuntu to talk to my apple wireless keyboard.  can someone help?05:07
cosec_Anyone running dota 2 in ubuntu?05:11
martin1989only super tux kart :)05:11
technoweenieOkay, so after having a lively chat with Microsoft support. I found out I want to stay away from all the partitions except /dev/sda5 ntfs which is not being used for system files. not sure why there is 500 megs not formated on my hard drive, but anyone know how to split this partition to be used for the other OS?05:12
technoweenieUbuntu that is?05:12
technoweenieAnyone, anyone!05:14
Bashing-omMuimi: What release are you on, and what retuens ' apt-cache show nvidia-304 ' ?05:15
technoweenieBashing-om, after you are done there... Do  you think you might be able to answer my question?05:17
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: If I were comfortable with dualbooting with Windows, I would be glad to assist . I try not to poke in where I "do not know " .05:18
technoweenielooks like you might have answered my question with the link you gave me.05:21
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: I will be glad to attempt an answer to anything that you ask . I can always respond that "I do not Know " I will give the best of what I have .05:22
MuimiAny ideas?  http://askubuntu.com/questions/723632/nvidia-7300-le-no-device-system-program-problem-detected-very-laggy05:23
technoweenieokay who know what it's talking about when it talks about "device for boot loader installation?" I see one windows partition that has a "windows boot loader on it" How do I get bois to see that I have to os and I want the option to install both? I thought Ubuntu was user friendly?05:24
Bashing-omMuimi: 3 times I have responded to you . Please pay attention . see my XX:15 entry .05:24
Muimisorry man05:25
technoweenieI am about to back out of installing this and stick with the nsa's light se linux.05:25
Muimiis there a way to go through the apt-cache thing more slowly?05:25
cfhowlett!dualboot | technoweenie05:26
ubottutechnoweenie: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:26
Muimiat the end it says Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug > Origin: Ubuntu > Supported: 9m05:26
inteusMuimi: add |less to your command...something like  apt-cache search blah |less05:26
inteusor |more05:27
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: Best I recall you have an UEFI system. Thee boot code for ubuntu then will be added to that in /boot/efi partition .05:27
Muimiyou need the whole thing right?05:30
Bashing-omMuimi: I was not sure that the 304 vrsion driver was still available . do: ' sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia* ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' . Let the system take care of all that heavy lifting .05:30
technoweenieI was over complicating things. Thanks Bashing-om!05:30
Muimiis there some way to upload the results of the cmd to a pastebin from terminal?05:31
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: Uncertainty can have a way of doing that . Can not be a lot to dual booting as hundreds do it daily .05:32
MuimiI'm on picture 20 or so, right now.05:32
Bashing-omMuimi: All I needed to do was confirm that the driver was still available for such an old card . Try the above and advise on results .05:33
technoweenieBashing-om, I had never seen so many partitions before for one OS!05:34
technoweenieLast time I dual booted I ran XP and SuSe together.05:34
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: UEFI by default supports 128 partitions in the GPR paeririoning scheme . UEFI is the new kid in the block .. blows away that legacy partitioning scheme but many of us do not know how to cope with it .05:36
llldinoMyself included05:36
technoweenieyeah, you kinda stumped me with the VEFI, but I wasn't going to admit to it!05:38
inteusMuimi: you can add '| nc termbin.com 9999' to the end of your command and it will give you a url of the output05:38
inteusMuimi: without the ' obviously :)05:38
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:39
Bashing-omMuimi: Yeah, all that says is that the driver is in the repo .05:41
technoweenieWell, thank you for that info!05:41
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: I do not have any machines with UEFI, so I am slow on the uptake .05:42
technoweenieI am even slower.05:43
MuimiLooks like i'm getting the same issue.05:44
Bashing-omMuimi: " Looks like i'm getting the same issue " does not help to find the problem . Tell us what is really going on . We are not at your terminal, you must tell us .05:45
inteusdetails are your friend05:46
Muimithe same thing that was happening before. getting tons of system problem detected errors and a black desktop sometimes05:46
Muimiall the icons are blurry and stuff05:46
Bashing-omMuimi: Then in such an event one reads the log file to see if there is any hints on what caused the error . ' pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' .05:48
Muimigonna have to do it tomorrow i'm through at this house. thanks for the help.05:49
Bashing-omMuimi: Not much help yet. We try more later .05:50
pingaanis anyone awake with knowledge o vsftpd?05:57
technoweenieI see bots!05:57
cfhowlettpingaan, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/vsftpd05:58
pingaanneed help figuring out why im able to connect via sftp but not ftp.. checking the link, doubting itll bring answers05:59
technoweenieWhat should I read to get the most out of ubuntu?06:00
technoweenieAre we still using WINE in linux?06:00
cfhowlett!manua | technoweenie,06:01
cfhowlett!fcm > technoweenie06:01
ubottutechnoweenie, please see my private message06:01
cfhowlett!manual > technoweenie06:01
llldinotechnoweenie, Honestly, just read everything and anything. It's easier to learn about a system by using it everyday, breaking things, solving problems you have, sitting in #ubuntu and listening to everyone else's problems06:01
cfhowlettllldino, exactomundo!!06:02
technoweeniemy biggest concern is security. I know that linux is a target too, and I want my computer as secure as possible!06:03
cfhowletttechnoweenie, the biggest security risk on linux systems is the USER not the OS.06:03
Bashing-omtechnoweenie: Also: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Trusty .06:04
cfhowlettregular updates, stay in repos, avoid sketchy internet sites and 99% of your security issues are solved.06:04
llldinotechnoweenie, Provided you have a strong password, you're firewalled and you're not building packages from strange websites, I wouldn't be concerned06:04
technoweenieTrue, cfhowlett, if the user does not take the proper precautions. I was thinking about learning about TOR, but that comes with great risk.06:05
cfhowletttechnoweenie, 1.. read the manual.  2.  read FCM.  and 3. get off of IRC and go do 1 and 206:06
technoweenieLOL sounds good!06:06
cfhowlettmy $0.02 YMMV06:06
ubuntu558hi guys06:21
ubuntu558i have quick question..06:21
llldinoFire away06:22
ubuntu558If there is a service X already in a RUNNING state on a Linux box, and we issue another START action for the same service.  Does it restart the current service in RUNNING state? Does it create a new instance of the service? (should be highly unlikely) Does it ignore the start action (since it is already in RUNNING state)?06:22
ubuntu558If there is a service X already in a RUNNING state on a ubuntu box, and we issue another START action for the same service.  Does it restart the current service in RUNNING state? Does it create a new instance of the service? (should be highly unlikely) Does it ignore the start action (since it is already in RUNNING state)?06:24
llldino!patience > ubuntu55806:25
ubottuubuntu558, please see my private message06:25
ubuntu558llldino: Ok friend06:25
ubuntu558ubottu: not received ur message06:26
llldinoAnd to answer your question, if service X is running already, service X start will do nothing06:26
ubottuubuntu558: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:26
ubuntu558llldino: service X start will do nothing..Means?06:27
llldinoPretty much exactly what it sounds like06:27
ubuntu558llldino: Does it create a new instance of the service? (should be highly unlikely) Does it ignore the start action (since it is already in RUNNING state)?06:28
jannndHello Guys06:29
inteusubuntu558: like llldino said, it won't do anything.06:29
jannndI need a help with lxde wireless issue.06:30
jannndI can connected to the internet via Wireless, Then connection lost after few minutes.06:30
inteusjannnd: ask away, if someone can help, they'll answer :)06:30
jannndThen command sudo ip link set eth0 down resolve issue temporiarity06:30
jannndMy laptop has Intel Centrino Wireless-N 223006:30
jannndI downloaded and installed iwlwifi driver from their official site06:30
jannndPlease help me, guys how can i solve this issue ?06:31
ubuntu558Thanks inteus06:31
jannndMy network manager is NetworkManager Applet
jannndinteus thanks :)06:32
zykotick9jannnd: if you run "lspci -nn | grep -i net" does it show your wireless?  if so, what is the pciid (looks like [8086:109a])?06:36
Dark_Killaew bruno06:39
brunoow dani06:39
Dark_KillSeu linux ta cortadinho?06:40
brunoubuntero memu06:40
mcoffinIs there an outage on the AWS us-west-2 archive right now? Everything I have indicates so06:50
mcoffinBut I just did a massive infrastructure upgrade, so it would be a hell of a coincidence06:51
cfhowlettmcoffin, aws?  have to ask amazon.  this is ubuntu ... nothing to do with AWS06:51
llldinomcoffin, What's the URL06:51
mcoffinllldino: us-west-2.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com06:51
mcoffincfhowlett: ^ The ubuntu archive that runs on AWS for locality's sake. sorry for the confusion06:51
llldinomcoffin, I can ping it but it's slow06:51
cfhowlett503 unavailable06:51
mcoffinWell that's one hell of a time for an outage haha. Right in the middle of an upgrade06:52
mcoffinI'll roll back I guess06:52
llldinoI've got 503 as well06:52
cfhowlettmcoffin, seems official : http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/us-west-2.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com06:52
mcoffinYep. Don't exactly know where to report it even haha. Though I'm sure someone's monitoring alarms are going off06:53
cfhowlettyeah the timing does suck, mcoffin but can you not roll back to the previous "image" or whatever it's called?06:53
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mcoffinFWIW, outage seems to be over07:09
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retrojeffhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/14588859/    Error on Line #2707:39
retrojeffError in `/usr/share/doc-base/xapian-python3-docs', line 9: all `Format' sections are invalid.07:40
retrojeffNote: `install-docs --verbose --check file_name' may give more details about the above error.07:40
jeffrey_fHow would I change the name of my ethernet.  It has a name of "enx<MacAddress>" right now07:45
jeffrey_fon RPi07:45
retrojefftheres a file somewhere you can change I forget where07:45
retrojeffis your pi debian based or ubuntu based07:46
retrojeffok found it..... /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules07:48
retrojeffcheck that file it should have everything you are looking for07:48
retrojeffgood luck to you07:49
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jerry512hello, I am trying to make a redirect to a subdirectory in apache with htaccess using an IP address instead of a domain... I am trying to have it without index.php file from showing - just the ip address08:06
rnnnnnOn a fresh new 15 ubuntu server i cannot reach ssh from local network. Forgot to install it in setup, so i did apt-get install openssh-server. But still cannot connect. The service is running. Any ideas?08:25
macjhi guys08:25
macjhow can install packet tracer ?ubuntu 1408:26
lotuspsychjemacj: you mean like wireshark?08:26
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macjpacket tracer , the simulation software for networking students08:27
macji mean cisco packet tracer08:27
cfhowlettmacj,be specific!  url?  link?08:28
lotuspsychjemacj: http://askubuntu.com/questions/335785/how-do-i-run-cisco-packet-tracer-6-0-108:28
macjthanks let try it out though they are talking about downloading and extracting Bin file and after that , the process to install is not clear08:30
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Loshkirnnnnn: can you connect from the server to itself "ssh -v localhost" and pastebin the output08:33
rnnnnnLoshki, cant easily pastebin but it worked, missed some identity files but connected anyway and asked for my password.08:35
esperegu_hi. anybody knows how I can send commands to a serial port like minicom does? When I just do an echo it does not work. when I run it in minicom it does. But I want it in a script so I want minicom to exit after running it. any ideas?08:36
Loshkirnnnnn: same again, but from another host in the local segment to your server08:36
rnnnnnLoshki, nothing. Times out. Does ubuntu install some firewall by default?08:38
ubottugianki76: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:38
cfhowlett!ufw | rnnnnn firewall is not enabled by default08:38
ubotturnnnnn firewall is not enabled by default: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo08:38
rnnnnnThe service says it is listning on
rnnnnnI havt enabled anything except the openssh-server08:39
rnnnnnHmm. Cant even ping the machine. But the machine can ping others.08:39
Loshkirnnnnn: can you even ping between client and server?08:39
rnnnnnLoshki, from server to client and Internet. But not from client to server.08:40
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rnnnnnNever had this problem before. Hmmm08:42
jophishWhy does apt download 48MB of packages yet use only 4KB after applying the updates08:51
cfhowlettjophish, update = refresh the calendar.  packages = PACKAGES08:52
jophishsurely it can't be replacing the whole package. Does it use any kind of diff?08:52
jophishcfhowlett: huh?08:52
cfhowlettjophish, could be a diff --- that would make sense08:52
ktchkhello ubuntu 12.04 install mono 3.2.8 ???08:54
personal-salve, ho un problema con l'assegnazione dei ip aggiunti su un vps. c'è qualcuno che riesce a spiegarmi come fare ?09:00
cfhowlett!it | personal-09:00
ubottupersonal-: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:00
shrilaxmicfhowlett: In Hexchat, I have joined in multiple channels, if I wanna send the same text in all channels what should I do09:02
cfhowlettshrilaxmi, sorry, I don't know . also crossposting like that is seriously frowned upon.  do not.09:03
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shrilaxmi<Meeting now>09:08
Guest7anyone know why my attempt to install from usb goes to blank screen after selecting "Install Ubuntu". It used to work fine, however I now have a GTX980 installed. Are there any obvious flags I should be using?09:10
cfhowlett!nomodeset | Guest7, try09:10
ubottuGuest7, try: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:10
lotuspsychjeGuest7: wich ubuntu version?09:11
Guest7ubottu: thanks a bunch, will try that now. Cheers.09:11
ubottuGuest7: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:11
Guest7lotuspsychje 14.4.3lts09:12
lotuspsychjeGuest7: ok you could also give a shot on ubuntu 15.10 to compare09:13
Guest7not sure if applicable, but more info is always good, xubuntu desktop installed fine, same version.09:14
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lotuspsychjeGuest7: try the nomodeset first as cfhowlett sugested09:16
Guest7im also getting just before blank screen "acpi acc probe failed"09:16
cfhowlettGuest7, nomodeset triggers the simplest of display configurations.  once you get full installation you can go back and set it to your needs.09:17
Guest7i used unetbootin to create this usb, so i enter nomodeset after "/ubnkern initrd=/ubninit file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper quiet splash -- "          then I append nomodeset after the --?09:20
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lotuspsychjeGuest7: nomodeset can be chosen on your existing grub09:23
Guest7lotuspsychje: You may have something with trying the latest 15 version. The xubuntu version that works is 15.. hmm.09:25
lotuspsychjeGuest7: as your card is pretty new, il would test 15.1009:26
Guest7lotuspsychje: good idea, thanks I appreciate it.09:26
Guest7When 16.04 LTS comes out, how do I remain on the LTS even after subsequent releases come out prior to a next LTS, and keep my system updated?09:28
lotuspsychjeGuest7: doing the upgrade to the next LTS will give you a message09:29
lotuspsychjeGuest7: you can also test 16.04 in a development phase right now09:29
lotuspsychjeGuest7: see #ubuntu+1 for 16.0409:29
DJonesGuest7: Normally by default, LTS releases are only set to upgrade to the next LTS release, unless you change your settings to allow LTS to next release09:29
Guest7lotuspsychje: sorry for the noob questions. So if I install 15 now, there will be a notification to upgrade to 16.04LTS? I dont do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?09:30
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Guest7DJones: Ok. Yeah that's what I was wondering, and why I was wanting to install 14.04LTS now instead of 15.09:31
lotuspsychjeGuest7: you can do-release-upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 also yes09:32
lotuspsychjeGuest7: but in your case, you need to think of your gtx980, and use the version that works best for your card atm09:32
lotuspsychjeGuest7: so maybe a temporary use 15.10 and upgrade to 16.04 might be good for you?09:33
Guest7lotuspsychje: ok, yes sounds great.09:33
Guest7So from reading above there is a setting somewhere to only go from LTS to LTS?09:34
Guest7So once I get the 16.04 I will set that somewhere.09:34
lotuspsychjeGuest7: as DJones was saying it should only got from LTS to LTS by default09:34
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Guest7lotuspsychje: oh man.. the nomodeset option works!09:36
lotuspsychjeGuest7: thank cfhowlett for that :p09:36
Shutem_DownHi, what is the best way to output the contents of dmesg to a txt file?09:36
Shutem_Downdo i pipe or sdout?09:37
lotuspsychjeShutem_Down: whats your end goal with this?09:37
cfhowlettShutem_Down, dmesg > filename.txt09:37
Shutem_Downthanks :)09:37
Shutem_Downend goal is possibly to share09:37
Guest7i was writing it after the "--" in the edit boot flags setting. I ended up replacing "silent splash" with "nomodeset" and it works.09:37
lotuspsychjeShutem_Down: pastebinit also works nice09:37
Guest7cfhowlett: thanks a lot for your help.09:37
Guest7Thanks guys, really appreciate the support. Extremely helpful.09:37
cfhowletthappy2help! guest709:37
lotuspsychjeGuest7: once your on 16.04 it will ask you first to upgrade to other version09:38
PamParaPamhow to disable ctrl+q?09:38
lotuspsychjeGuest7: its always possible to manually go to a next release09:39
lotuspsychje!hotkeys | PamParaPam can this help?09:39
ubottuPamParaPam can this help?: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts09:39
PamParaPamlotuspsychje, ubottu: solved by adding custom shortcut, it has command /bin/false and is executed by ctrl+q, now windows are not closed09:43
PamParaPamlotuspsychje, ubottu: thank you for help09:44
lotuspsychje!yay | PamParaPam09:44
ubottuPamParaPam: Glad you made it! :-)09:44
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Shutem_DownI have a bad block that appears to be preventing me from creating a new partition on unallocated space09:55
Shutem_Downfsck wont do much good because it's not formatted to a filesystem09:56
kaypeso uh09:58
kaypei'm getting the low graphics mode thing at the moment and all i did was try to log out09:58
kaypewhen i hit the logout button it froze up the whole system for about a minute and then rebooted with the low graphics mode09:59
kaypefun stuff09:59
retrojeffdid you apt-get upgrade recently?10:00
kayperetrojeff: yeah, also had a couple errors at the bottom of it10:00
retrojeffif your kernel was  updated recently the new drivers will need to be loaded into it10:00
kaypeatm running an upgrade so i cant see what it was10:00
retrojefffor example if you have nvidia I have todo # dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-35210:01
retrojefffor the nvidia drivers to be build for the new kernel10:01
retrojeffbecause for some fucking reason DKMS wont do that for us10:02
retrojeffwhich is god damned annoying as fuck10:02
kaypeatm i'm using the proprietary drivers10:02
kaypealso running 14.04 atm10:02
retrojeffif you see errors like DKMS.CONF not found10:02
retrojeffyou will have the same problem10:02
retrojeffand need to reload the graphics drivers for the updated kernel10:03
retrojeffor suffer the wrath of low graphics mode10:03
kaypei keep seeing stuff in the upgrade log about icon themes saying "This very likely means your installation is broken"10:03
kaypeso shit10:03
retrojeffit was linus torvold himself that gave nvidia the finger10:03
retrojeffhe said outloud "nvidia..... fuck you"10:04
retrojeffit was cute10:04
kaypei think i might chuck in a liveusb real quick so i can pull off data10:04
kaypeand yeah i remember that10:04
kaypelinus is really salty about a lot of stuff10:04
kaypelike his thoughts on C++10:04
kaype"This is a bad language because of the people who use it"10:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:04
retrojeffkaype could you pastebin your output from $ lsmod10:05
cfhowlettretrojeff, family friendly channel here.   no profanity10:05
retrojeffya because 7 year olds run ubuntu and know how to use I-R-C10:05
retrojeffgod I miss the 90s10:05
cfhowlett!guidelines | retrojeff no.  because the guidelines apply to everyone here ... even you.10:06
ubotturetrojeff no.  because the guidelines apply to everyone here ... even you.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:06
retrojeffonly adults knew how to use I-R-C10:06
retrojeffthere is a fine line between venting your frustration and spaming just gibberish to be annoying10:07
retrojeffI tend to vent far too often when I see good people do stupid things10:08
kayperetrojeff: well this channel is really robotic honestly. i mentioned that i successfully got ubuntu installed on this mac pro and 3 people ran the !mac command or whatever at once because they can't read10:08
kayperetrojeff: also the output from that is huge lol10:08
kaypei'm in the cli atm because it can't even get into low graphics mode10:08
retrojeffkaype I agree fully10:08
kaypeif there are any specific things from this list you're needing let me know i guess10:09
retrojeffto your point of it being robotic but with 2000 some odd users you need that10:09
kaypeyeah true10:09
kaypebut anyways right now i have no way of pastebin-ning stuff out so i'm wondering what i'm looking for10:10
kaypealso my graphics card is a GeForce GT 64010:10
retrojeffI have the same graphics card10:10
retrojefftry this10:10
_Sponge_QUESTION: AM I right - It's eight hours til Mark Shuttleworths Keynote ??10:10
kaypei also have an ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT in here which I use because the GeForce GT 640 doesn't actually show the boot screen for OS X10:10
retrojeff# dpkg -l nvidia-*10:10
kaypegotta manually type that out10:11
kaypebrb pastebinning10:11
retrojefflook for nvidia-35210:11
kaypeits there10:11
retrojeffnow type10:11
retrojeff# dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-35210:11
retrojeffit should start to rebuild for your current kernel10:11
_Sponge_QUESTION: AM I right - It's eight hours till Mark Shuttleworths Keynote ?10:12
retrojeffkaype: you should also have nvidia-opencl-icd-35210:12
kaypeyep i have that10:12
retrojeffok good10:12
kaypei also have icd-331 and icd-331-updates10:12
kaypewhich is odd10:12
retrojeffyou can purge remove them10:13
retrojeffthey are old and pointless10:13
kaypewould they cause any conflict?10:13
kaypealso it's done10:13
_Sponge_but is it 8 hours away ?10:13
retrojeffI do not have 331 and my machine works fine10:13
retrojeffso it rebuild for your current kernel?10:13
kaypeI believe so, no big errors or anything10:14
kaypeDKMS: Install completed.10:14
retrojeffok cool10:14
retrojeffreboot and it should work10:14
_Sponge_I give up.10:14
retrojeff_Sponge_ would that information not be on a google search?10:15
kayperetrojeff: alright, waiting on it now. by the way thanks a lot for the help10:15
retrojeffsure no problem kaype10:15
kaypeit sure is taking a while to shut down. >_>10:15
kaypethe little '.....' that shows up underneath the logo isn't even doing anything10:15
retrojeffI know the pain of having todo that because each time I run # apt-get dist-upgrade10:15
retrojeffit requires that I reconfigure the nvidia drivers10:16
retrojeffwell each time the kernel gets updated10:16
kaypethis is a dumb question but what if i did a hard shutdown10:16
retrojeffbad idea10:16
kaypei've been sitting here for about two mins waiting on this to shut down >_>10:16
retrojeffvery very very bad idea10:16
kaypeyeah i've killed a great many computers that way10:16
kaypeit'd be nice if it showed a log of everything happening instead of that GUI though10:17
retrojeffyou can10:17
kaypewell, kinda late to do that now i think since it's already working on tryna shut down10:17
retrojeffif you edit /etc/default/grub I think you can force text mode10:17
retrojeffmine is set to10:18
retrojeffGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="plymouth:debug video=uvesafb drm.debug=0xe vga=791 modeset=1"10:18
retrojeffI see all the boot messages during boot hehe10:18
kaypei really wonder if having two cards in there is messing with it10:18
retrojeffwere you trying for SLI?10:19
kaypei need to have one of them in there though since this is a mac pro and the GT 640 is a non EFI card right10:19
retrojeffor multi monitor setup?10:19
retrojeffalso ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww mac10:19
kaypeI use two monitors, but right now i have a third one which is hooked up to the Radeon HD 2600 XT10:19
retrojeffI hate apple and everything it stands for10:19
retrojeffyou get what you deserve absolute crap10:20
kaypewell, I can't run photoshop efficiently on linux, which I need for my job, and I don't like working with windows since I need m-m-m-muh unix10:20
lotus|xenialretrojeff: please keep it ontopic10:20
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retrojeffsteve jobs struts around like he was hot **** meanwhile it was steve wozniak was the real genious10:21
IceBot3000retrojeff: You have issues10:21
retrojeffGIMP is not all that bad10:22
retrojeffbut it does lack some features only found in photoshop10:22
lotus|xenial!ot | retrojeff10:22
ubotturetrojeff: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:22
lotus|xenialretrojeff: stop that please10:22
retrojeffstop using your stupid bot10:22
retrojefflike you worship the damn thing you probley sleep with it too10:23
IceBot3000GIMP doesn't even support CMYK properly. And the majority of operations it carries out are destructive rather than editable. It's a joke for proper design work10:23
kaypeyeah GIMP is incredibly buggy for what I do10:23
rizal /quit10:23
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.10:23
zbouby15hi all, i'm trying to install a SFTP with HA/load balancing features, could you please give me your thoughts regarding my LAB ==> http://postimg.org/image/3rtwxt15h/ ?10:23
kaypeaight i guess i'll shutup now. will talk once something breaks again10:24
retrojeffkaype did yours reboot ok?10:24
kayperetrojeff: still hasn't shut down yet10:24
kaypeit's stuck on the little screen with the ubuntu logo and the loading/cleanup dots10:24
kaypebut the dots aren't even doing anything either. I think it's completely frozen10:25
retrojeffdoes holding CTRL+ALT and pressing X do anything?10:25
retrojeffor does holding CTRL+ALT and pressing F1 do anything?10:25
kayperetrojeff: neither of them do anything10:25
retrojeffok force it down10:25
retrojeffits frozen10:25
kayperetrojeff: wait aw no10:26
kaypei hit the power button once and i saw the dots finally starting to move10:26
kaypethen without having enough time to react to that i held it down10:26
kaypegonna start it up. here's to hoping it isn't bricked.10:26
retrojeffCTRL+ALT+X should bring up boot messages or CTRL+ALT+F1 would bring up TTY1 giving you a shell10:27
kaypehaving a no-cursing policy in a support channel is really frustrating lmao10:27
kaypestill getting low graphics mode10:27
retrojeffthats probley due to having 2 graphics cards I would imagine10:27
retrojeffin which case you are on your own for that one10:28
kaypei'm gonna do something probably stupid but i'm going to unplug the monitor from that one card and see if it adapts to the other one10:28
retrojeffgood luck10:28
kaypeat the moment i have two monitors and a third one that's plugged into the HD2600XT10:28
kaypecourse the cards called the 2600 XT because it's only capable of rendering atari 2600 games jesus christ i hate this card so much10:29
retrojeffthat just sounds like overkill10:29
_Sponge_lotta ppl quiting.10:30
kayperetrojeff: it's sorta overkill but the 2600XT doesn't really do anything, it's just there because the GT 640 doesn't even show the startup screen/bootloader10:30
kaypesomething something efi i'm not good with that10:30
retrojeffUEFI BIOS is a god damned joke10:31
retrojeffI kid you not10:31
retrojeffI have bricked about 25 laptops and they all had UEFI10:31
retrojeffhad to send them all back to DELL to be reflashed10:31
retrojeffits stupid10:31
cfhowlettzbouby15, ambitious!  you might ask over in #ubuntu-server10:31
IceBot3000Sure it's not a pebkac issue?10:32
zbouby15oh okay thanks10:32
retrojeffthe day when we can have linux running inside the bios.... "coreboot" *cough* *cough*10:32
kaypeone day i'm going to sell every piece of technology i have and just build some god-tier linux machine with hardware that's specifically known for having great linux support10:33
kaypebecause i'm tired of this10:33
retrojeffsounds like a grand idea :-)10:33
kaypei just want stuff to work and the workflow with linux is so nice10:33
kaypebut in all the years i've been using this there's always some little catch10:34
kaypethe only time i've had a flawless linux experience was when i ran Lubuntu on my dell optiplex 75510:34
kaypehonestly i don't even know what i did to completely break it10:35
kaypeit was working flawlessly all day10:35
kayperetrojeff: assuming the issue had to do with shutdown, should i repeat what you mentioned earlier?10:36
kaypebecause right now i'm not sure how i can check if the changes went through10:36
kayperight now i'm in the command line again because low graphics mode doesn't even do anything10:36
retrojeffit should show up in # lsmod10:37
retrojeffthat the drivers are loaded10:37
retrojeff# lsmod | grep drm10:38
retrojeffdrm                   356352  3 nvidia10:38
kaype'drm_kms_helper 126976 1 radeon', and just 'drm 344064 5 ttm,drm_kms_helper,nvidia,radeon'10:39
kayperetrojeff: ^10:39
retrojeffyou have radeon loaded as well10:39
retrojeffprobley a conflict there10:39
retrojeffmost likely10:40
retrojeffhence why I said having multiple cards not a good idea10:40
kaypebefore in unity both of the cards were active and displaying stuff though, all i did was go into the preferences and disable the monitor that's plugged into the 2600XT10:40
kaypebut even after disabling that monitor it worked fine even with occasional restarts10:41
retrojefftry this and look for10:41
retrojeff# dmesg | grep nvidia10:41
retrojeff[   24.764406] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.10:41
retrojeffsee if you get something like that10:42
=== TheFreakler is now known as Al3x_10m
kaypei do retrojeff10:42
retrojeff[drm] Initialized nvidia-drm 0.0.0 20150116 for 0000:01:00.0 on minor 010:42
retrojeffor something like that10:42
kaypethat too10:42
klinikotwhat software would you suggest to find duplicate files?10:43
shrilaxmitext_spacing_msg 1010:44
kaypeklinikot: this probably isn't helpful at all but if you search in nautilus i'm sure it'd show duplicates but not point them out10:44
kaypecould probably write a little script to do it, one might be out there on github or something10:44
Ben64theres stuff in the repos to find duplicates10:46
Ben64rdfind, findimagedupes come to mind, there might be others10:46
kayperetrojeff: you said you were having this problem earlier, right?10:46
retrojeffI fixed my problem with just running # dpkg-reconfigure on nvidia-35210:47
retrojefftook not even 10 seconds10:47
retrojeffit said it was building for my new kernel .... rebooted and bam I had 1080p again10:48
retrojeffthere is something funky with your setup that is causing issues10:48
retrojeffmaybe a Xorg config file10:48
kayperetrojeff: maybe the hard shutdown could've caused it to not apply?10:48
retrojeffcheck your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf as well10:49
retrojeffincase something got blacklisted by mistake10:49
kayperetrojeff: so far nothing relevant seems to be in here10:50
retrojeffI would tend to lean more on the fact of you having multiple graphic cards of different types10:50
retrojeffwhich sounds overkill and stupid if you ask me10:50
kaypeit isn't that i want to10:50
retrojeffprobley a conflict somewhere10:50
kaypeit's that i need that second card in there to actually see what's going on as the system boots10:51
kaypewithout this card i would've just gotten a black screen very likely10:51
kaypebecause the GT 640 is a nonEFI card iirc10:51
retrojeffI have nvidia I can see boot messages just fine10:51
retrojeffI do not have a UEFI BIOS thank god10:52
kaypeaha, now you see why it's always pain in the ass to run anything linux related on apple products :P10:52
retrojeffI would piss on that BIOS chip and watch it melt before using it10:52
kaypei only paid about $350 for this old machine so10:52
kaypeit's a 2008 mac pro so the godawful support is agiven10:52
retrojeffthe fact you are running apple I have no sympothy.... but you are attempting to run ubuntu on it I give you credit10:53
kayperetrojeff: it's for work and other things10:53
kaypemainly photoshop and logic pro x10:53
retrojeffso leave it at work and get yourself a 2nd machine10:53
retrojeffstrickly for ubuntu10:53
kaypei plan on it10:53
kayperight now i'm gonna probably do a few more upgrades on the machine to see if i can get a bit more out of it on ebay or something and then use the money to build one with hardware that works well with linux10:54
retrojeffnow that ubuntu no longer forces amazon search on people by default10:54
retrojeffI feel slighty better about it10:54
kaypeyeah when RMS among many others started complaining about it canonical knew something was up10:55
IceBot3000In a sense Macs are good value when buying computers, they hold their value extremely well10:55
retrojeffI never liked or used unity.... I always go with other DE's like Xfce or Mate or Cinnamon10:55
kaypeIceBot3000: this mac pro was around $4000 when it came out in 2008 and it's $400 on ebay nowadays assuming it's left unupgraded10:55
kayperetrojeff: my go-to desktop outside of unity is mate10:56
kaypeif only i could theme it to look identical to 10.04, which i probably can10:56
peaceful Hey, i have old HP Compaq 6715s laptop, with 1GB ram, 128mb ATI x1250 video, AMD Sempron 64-bit processor. Should i install 32bit linux or 64bit linux? Thanks for answers10:56
IceBot3000kaype: Still more than you'd get for a $4000 custom PC from 200810:56
retrojeffMate is really Gnome 2 continued10:56
kaypeIceBot3000: yeah even now the mac pro is very much worth its price10:56
IceBot3000peaceful: 64 bit10:56
kaypethe mac mini and the new macbook they have out with that one USB-C port though... absolutely disgusting10:56
peacefulIceBear, what's the reason?10:56
retrojeffpeaceful: I would check see if you can upgrade the ram on it.... 1GB sounds small10:57
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retrojeffunless you plan on running a lightweight distro10:57
peacefulretrojeff, i wont because its old10:57
retrojeffsuch has Lubuntu Xubuntu etc10:57
peacefulyep lubuntu10:57
kaypei use lubuntu almost everywhere10:57
peacefulkaype, its my favourite light os10:58
retrojeffI have a laptop with 3GB ram on it and it feels so slow10:58
retrojeffI might even throw in a SSD when I get the chance10:58
peacefulretrojeff, slow?10:58
kaypealso shouldn't we move to #ubuntu-discuss or something i'm pretty sure we're gonna get yelled at for talking even slightly casually in here lol10:58
peacefulretrojeff, im surprise10:58
retrojeff1200 people in here are bots and the ones who are awake only command the bots10:59
peacefulso should i install 64bit or 32bit?10:59
retrojeffso in a sense channel is pointless10:59
retrojeff64bit should be ok10:59
kayperetrojeff: oh, hey, the restart is actually working right now i think10:59
peacefulbecause i have 64bit processor?10:59
retrojeff64bit helps with more ram10:59
kaypejesus christ11:00
retrojeffand yes if your cpu is 64bit that helps too11:00
peacefulIll install 64bit then11:00
retrojeffI had 64bit windows xp because of needing 6GB of ram11:01
retrojeff32bit limits you at like 4GB11:01
IceBot3000It doesn't actually with PAE, but 64 bit is still preferred11:01
kayperetrojeff: reinstalling nvidia-current11:02
kaypei actually don't think it was even installed to begin with11:02
retrojeffI do not have nvidia-current installed on my machine11:02
retrojeffand its working fine11:02
retrojeffoh I keep forgetting I am running 16.04 Xenial11:03
kaypei'm on 14.04.311:03
retrojeffif installing nvidia-current wants to remove your nvidia-352 I would start to worry11:04
retrojeffotherwise no harm I guess11:04
kaypelol fuk it already did that11:04
kaypeRemoving nvidia-35211:05
retrojeffyou shot yourself in the foot?11:05
kayperetrojeff: i backed up everything beforehand and i haven't even had it installed for a full day so11:06
olivier__Morning' everyone?11:06
olivier__g-afternoon... seeking help, Mint Menu vanished11:07
cfhowlett!mint > olivier__,11:07
cfhowlettolivier__, wrong channel.  this is ubuntu support only11:07
olivier__!mint is the right channel?11:08
cfhowlettI suppose.11:08
cfhowlett!mint | olivier__11:08
ubottuolivier__: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:08
olivier__thats is, lost Irc etc etc11:09
big_lurkhaving some issues getting clipboard redirection working, xrdp server running on 15.10 MATE with a win RDP client connecting to it. any ideas?11:10
NonsageI have a tough time installing nvidia -173 on peppermint six...Could someone please help me via teamviewer?11:11
cfhowlettNonsage, peppermint? not supported here.  ubuntu only11:11
cfhowlett!mint | Nonsage11:11
ubottuNonsage: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:11
rightnow|workIm trying to get phpmyadmin working on ubuntu with PHP7. But i cant enable the mysqli for php7. Is there any other way?11:11
Nonsagepeppermint is ubuntu11:11
cfhowlettNonsage, of course it is.  but it is NOT ubuntu and is not supported here.11:11
NonsageI see11:12
cfhowlett!flavors | Nonsage these are the supported flavors of official ubuntu.11:12
ubottuNonsage these are the supported flavors of official ubuntu.: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.11:12
NonsageI see11:12
olivier__Thanks whoever helped... had to reinstall IRC too??? what's the %%11:13
IceBot3000rightnow|work: Older versions probably don't require mysqli. Or try adminer, which I prefer anyway (though it's more hands on)11:13
IceBot3000rightnow|work: Not sure why you can't install mysqli or PDO, the older mysql interface is now deprecated11:13
rightnow|workIceBot3000: It says the mysqli.so isnt found11:14
IceBot3000You've installed the PHP/MySQLI module and enabled it?11:15
rightnow|workHmm. not sure. how do i install that one?11:15
retrojeff# apt-file search 'mysqli.so'11:15
retrojeffphp5-mysql: /usr/lib/php5/20131226/mysqli.so11:15
retrojeffphp5-mysqlnd: /usr/lib/php5/20131226/mysqli.so11:15
rightnow|workBut does that one work with php7?11:15
IceBot3000Have you installed PHP7 manually outside of the package manager or something?11:16
rightnow|workYes using the sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php11:17
rightnow|workmaybe i forgot the php7-mysql package11:17
rightnow|workThanks IceBot3000!11:17
VolkodavHi! I am having this issue for good 3 weeks now http://paste.ubuntu.com/14589555/ and none of the updates can be installed because of that/ ver 15.1011:19
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kayperetrojeff: i think i found the problem11:31
kaypexorg.conf has no info about the other cards in it, i'm wondering if that might be it11:32
kaypeno driver identifier11:33
retrojefflow graphics mode menu has the option to go back to a default xorg.conf11:36
retrojeffdid you not try that?11:36
retrojeffI am pretty sure it makes a backup copy of your existing one11:36
jattI can access a host with machine.foo.com but not with machine only, is there a way to configure the system to resolve machine to machine.foo.com?11:37
jattChanging the /etc/hosts file or similar?11:37
retrojeffcan you $ ping machine11:38
retrojeffand have it come back with an IP?11:38
retrojeffdo you have control over your router and add a static entry for "machine"11:38
kayperetrojeff: i think it's doing that anyway11:38
kaypeany time i try to start lightdm it'll revert to the 4-lined conf that doesn't have any information11:39
jattretrojeff: no, ping machine says11:39
jattping: unknown host machine11:39
kaypei'm using nvidia-xconfig to generate a new one11:39
kaypebut it keeps getting overwritten11:39
retrojeffkaype: set your xorg.conf to read only11:39
retrojeffafter running nvidia-xconfig11:40
jattbut ping machine.foo.com works11:40
retrojeffjatt: you will need to add "machine" to your /etc/hosts11:40
retrojeffor add a static entry for it in your router11:40
jattretrojeff: I see would an entry like:11:40
jattmachine machine.foo.com11:40
retrojeffit would not11:40
jatthmm which is the right syntax?11:41
retrojeffhaving 2 seperate entries point to the same IP is ok11:41
jattoh I need the IP, ok will try that out11:41
retrojeff1 line per host11:41
jattthank you!11:41
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
retrojeffI help so many people yet get nothing back11:43
retrojeffits a great feeling11:43
retrojeffinstead I get some stupid bot telling me to shut the fuck up its so cute11:43
kaypethis solution seems to have worked11:43
kaypei can only get to the login screen11:44
kaypeafter that it just blanks out to a blinking cursor11:44
kaypeso, progress!11:44
retrojeffcan you CTRL+ALT+F1 and see TTY1 ?11:44
retrojeffwith a root login prompt ?11:44
kayperetrojeff: lmao absolutely fantastic11:45
kaypedid a system reboot and now i'm back to low graphics mode11:45
kaypethe low graphics doesn't even work11:46
kaypeit didn't work to begin with11:46
retrojeffif you had only 1 graphics card I would not see this as an issue11:46
retrojeffthe fact that your stabbing and shooting yourself in the foot is a waste of time11:46
retrojeffand doing it with apple hardware no less11:47
retrojeffthats even worse11:47
kayperetrojeff: lmao that's just linux in general though11:48
kaypethere's always a catch11:48
jdwwattssounds harsh11:48
kaypethe year of the linux desktop is never going to happen because normies aren't going to be the ones wanting to fix this type of stuff11:48
retrojeffyes because "normies" all run apple hardware11:49
retrojeff(throws head back laughing hard and falls out of chair)11:49
jdwwattsive brrn a user for 15 years11:49
kaypethere are people walking around with iphones everywhere ya look and that's undeniable11:49
kaypebut who said i was talking about apple specifically11:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:49
k1lor your personal blog for rants only11:50
thmsI have backups from my mac on n external hdd, it is hfsplus (miount says that), but the folders Documents and stuf are showing as text file, any idea ?11:51
guestthms: Does this help? http://askubuntu.com/a/33231711:55
O-Chymerahi guys, is there any GTK (or just non-QT) application that will let me open .db files as tables? I found sqlitebrowser via google, but it requires qt :(11:57
guestO-Chymera: perhaps sqlitestudio11:58
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O-Chymeraguest that also needs qt :(12:03
=== bzzz is now known as niee
IceBot3000If you use Firefox there's an extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/sqlite-manager/12:10
=== moz is now known as Guest43394
anom_Hey. everytime I reboot I have to do: setxkbmap -layout gb to fix my keyboard.12:19
anom_Is there anyone to have this fixed, so I'm not having to redo it every time i reboot?12:20
Kartagisanom_: do it in cron - @reboot setxkbmap -layout gb12:20
thmsAnyone has idea how I can find out path of the webserver is running ?12:21
thmsof http://textila.be12:21
thmsI'm asked to pentest it12:21
thmsit runs apache and stuff but the OS guess is Vista :/12:21
thmsI tired /var/www/ /var/www/html12:21
Kartagisthms: apache2ctl -S tells you where to look12:22
Kartagisthms: or phpinfo()12:23
lernerhttps://squoo.sh/SHNIPS/ will anyone please be kind enough to tell me how to use "LUKS Fastest way to randomise disk content" to encrypt a hdd of mine, starting from scratch? I understand nothing12:25
thmsKartagis: I don't have access to the server, it's blackbox12:26
k1llerner: do you understand german (you have a german ip)12:26
lernerk1l, not a good idea12:27
=== jottr_ is now known as jottr
Kartagiswhat is blackbox12:27
Kartagisgoogling tells me it's game stuff12:28
k1llerner: on installing ubuntu you can choose to let it encrypt the system with LUKS. maybe that is a better solution?12:29
lernerk1l, I only have one computer12:30
Spacehorsthi. how do I find out the upstream for a package? I'm looking for the upstream of the file /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_whois that comes with nagios-plugins-contrib.12:37
evilopread the info about the nagios-plugins-contrib. it should include a link to upstream12:38
Spacehorstok thanks12:41
Hanumaanhow to delete files and folders which are giving input/output error ... I don't those data ..12:46
lotuspsychjeHanumaan: io errors usually when somethings wrong with your hd, did you try gksu nautilus and delete folder/file?12:52
lotuspsychjeprem_: welcome how can we help you?12:53
klinikotand what would you suggest for data backup? Is rdiff-backup good soft?12:55
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | klinikot12:56
ubottuklinikot: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3build2 (wily), package size 343 kB, installed size 1382 kB12:56
lotuspsychjeklinikot: sudo photorec after that install12:56
lotuspsychjeklinikot: oh backup thought you wanted recovery12:57
lotuspsychje!backup | klinikot12:57
ubottuklinikot: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:57
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administratorwitam na moim kanale12:59
=== administrator is now known as Guest22098
Guest22098co tam12:59
Guest22098co tam13:00
Guest22098odpisz ktoś13:00
lotuspsychje!pl | Guest2209813:00
ubottuGuest22098: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:00
Guest22098hi guyz13:00
Guest22098whats up ?13:00
BluesKajHi folks13:00
mrwappieHe guys13:00
Guest22098never gonna give u up13:00
Guest22098never gonna let u down13:01
Guest22098and round and round13:01
Guest22098ill let u13:01
lotuspsychjeGuest22098: stop that please13:01
mrwappieI'm wondering if someone knows how to reset all the partitions to one big partition again13:01
Guest22098why ?13:01
mrwappieSome tips or links are welcome :)13:01
lotuspsychjemrwappie: you can use gparted from a liveusb for that13:01
lotuspsychjeGuest22098: because this is an ubuntu support channel13:02
mrwappieI will Google that thank you Lotuspsychje13:02
Guest22098easy guyz13:02
k1lmrwappie: you dont need that data right?13:02
Guest22098thats possible13:02
Guest22098what are u doing man13:02
Guest22098; /13:02
OerHeksGuest22098, welcome to the ubuntu support channel13:03
MyrttiGuest22098: if you don't have a support question relating to Ubuntu, or can't help others with theirss, please find another venue13:03
Guest22098i want to update ubuntu 9.0 to ubuntu 15.0 but i dont have money13:03
OerHekstime to read the topic13:03
peacefulGuest22098, you dont need money for tht13:03
Guest22098so how i can upgrade this?13:03
mrwappieNo I already made a backup off all the date. Lastnight I made a backbox and ubuntu install but I fucked up while creating my swap so know I want to reset all the partitions so I can start from scratch13:04
peacefulGuest22098, download ubuntu 15.1013:04
k1lmake a reinstall13:04
Guest22098i dont want to lose my data base13:04
k1lmrwappie: ok, then load a live-usb/dvd and use gparted13:04
peacefulGuest22098, you wont lose13:04
Guest22098thanks guyz13:05
peacefulGuest22098, open terminal13:05
peacefultype: sudo update-manager -d13:05
mrwappieGot it thank you, just one more thing do you have advise or an link that will help me partions in the right order?13:05
ikoniado not use that13:05
k1lpeaceful: stop!13:05
ioriaGuest22098, please, don't do that13:05
ikoniaGuest22098: do not type that command13:05
Guest22098i wont13:05
k1lpeaceful: if yoiu dont know what the commands do dont suggest other people to run that13:05
peacefulk1l, i know what it does13:06
k1l!partitions | mrwappie13:06
ubottumrwappie: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap13:06
ikoniapeaceful: what does it do13:06
ikoniaGuest22098: could you give a 1 line summary of what you want to do please13:06
k1lpeaceful: no you dont. you showed just by naming the -d13:06
peacefulGuest22098, or try: sudo do-release-upgrade -d13:06
ikoniaGuest22098: do not do that command13:06
mrwappieThe requested URL /12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html was not found on this server.13:06
k1lpeaceful: stop giving bad advice!13:07
ikoniaI'll talk to him in pm13:07
ikoniahe's muted13:07
ikoniaGuest22098: just a clear one line status of where you are and where you want to be13:07
Guest22098im homo13:07
ikoniaGuest7791:  ?13:08
BluesKaj guests should be forced to use a proper nick13:09
k1lmrwappie: ok: ~15GB for / partition. the rest on /home partition. both ext4. for swap partition use the same amount you got RAM13:09
mrwappieThank you!13:09
=== Guest7791 is now known as bradjones
hanumanHi, when I want to install "apt-get install libmudflap0-dev " in ubuntu 14.04. It is giving no install candidate error. How can I ?13:14
k1lhanuman: where does it say its a ubuntu package?13:14
MasterOfDisasterHey, I'm running LTS as a storage box and have set up LIO and it's working properly. VMware detects the LUN as 'SSD' despite it being backed by a ZVOL device. Any idea how to change that to non-SSD?13:15
k1lhanuman: this are the packages available: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=libmudflap13:15
hanumank1l: when I want to install freeswitch that package is dependency13:15
k1lhanuman: are you sure you dont have a package made for ubuntu 12.04 or earlier?13:16
ropowhy on old ubuntu13:17
hanumank1l: when I am searching in google.13:17
MasterOfDisasterOr can anyone point me to a more fitting channel? I'm just posting this here because I run ubuntu on the box in question.13:18
k1lhanuman: see the big "deprecated" on the official site https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/Ubuntu+DEPRECATED13:18
ropoMasterOfDisaster, it's the ubuntu channel u can ask herer13:21
mrwappieK1l what mount point do I need to use for the first OS 'Backbox'?13:26
k1lmrwappie: for backbox partitioning and mounting better ask the backbox guys13:28
mrwappieGood one13:28
MuriiHey!Last time I used my laptop I muted it13:31
Murii[15:18:34] <Murii> and now I dont know how to unmut.Can you guys help me out?13:31
Muriilooks like the xubuntu channel can not help me with this "BIG" issue13:31
k1lhow did you mute it?13:32
OerHeksmute as in sound muted?13:32
ioriaMurii, have you checked  Pulse Audio Volume Control   in XFCE menu  ->  playback    ?13:33
shambatI'm looking for a way to install packages for bind 9.10 on ubuntu 14.04. the latest version in the repo is 9.9.5. How can I find a reliable source for Ubuntu packages other than the defaults from Canonical?13:33
lotuspsychje!latest | shambat13:34
ubottushambat: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.13:34
k1lshambat: look if there are some in the backports repo or look on launchpad.net for a ppa13:35
shambatis there a way to see what package versions are planned for the next LTS-release?13:35
OerHeksalso 9.9.513:35
adventurehey guys new here13:37
shambatOerHeks: so Xenial, or 16.04 LTS will also use 9.9.5?13:37
lotuspsychjeadventure: welcome, you joined an ubuntu support channel13:38
OerHeksshambat, yes, so build it yourself or just use a PPA, depending what you use, samba4 and such > https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=bind913:39
shambatOerHeks: ok thanks13:39
OerHekscarefull with ppas, use at your own risc.13:39
ioria 'unsupported' and  'untrusted'    don't sound good for me ...13:39
OerHeksjust tot test, yes13:39
lotuspsychje!msgthebot | shambat !info bind9 xenial13:39
ubottushambat !info bind9 xenial: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:39
mike3Anyone here using ntopng 2.213:40
lotuspsychjemike3: tell us whats going on mate13:40
mike3After upgrading to the latest ubuntu 14.xx install and updating to ntopng 2.2 the startup script is broken, and I'm unable to view flows for hosts.13:40
mike3I can start ntopng manually which works, but the flow data is mising per host.13:41
lotuspsychjemike3: you upgraded wich to wich?13:41
OerHekshow did you install that? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntopng13:41
mike3adding it to the apt sources13:42
mike3and doing and apt-get update13:42
lotuspsychjemike3: its in ubuntu's repos13:42
mike3deb http://packages.ntop.org/apt-stable/14.04 x64/13:42
mike3deb http://packages.ntop.org/apt-stable/14.04 all/13:42
mike3is added to my source list13:42
lotuspsychjemike3: its recommended to use the version from the repos for your ubuntu version13:43
lotuspsychjemike3: wich ubuntu version are you on trusty?13:43
OerHekscontact the maintainer13:43
jack_Good Morning13:44
mike3lotuspsychje yes, but if I run a dist-upgrade which pulls in an updated version of the kernel and various packages that are related to ntopng it will break.13:45
mike3Let me try pulling that out of my sources.. hold on13:45
lotuspsychjemike3: wich ubuntu version are you on?13:45
mike3lotuspsychje this might work. I pulled those entires out of my sources. Running a dist-upgrade now. I'll have an answer shortly13:46
OerHeksjust pulling sources from a list does not reverse installation, and will certainly break something.13:47
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | mike313:48
ubottumike3: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:48
OerHeksmike3, they created also a pretty fine guide to get info what is going wrong http://www.ntop.org/support/need-help-2/need-help/13:49
mike3Fixed. Well sorta. I'm on the latest kernel now and ntopng works. However it's still on version 2.0 and not 2.2.13:50
mike3My guess is Ubuntu hasn't released a 2.2 release for trusty yet.13:50
OerHeksyes, that i showed you https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntopng13:50
lotuspsychje!info ntopng | mike313:50
ubottumike3: ntopng (source: ntopng): High-Speed Web-based Traffic Analysis and Flow Collection Tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.1+dfsg1-2ubuntu1 (wily), package size 179 kB, installed size 515 kB13:50
OerHeksour numbering is confusing :-D13:51
mike3I'm not on 1.2 but I'm usre that's because it pulled in from my previous deb source list.13:52
mike32.0 works fine.13:52
lotuspsychjemike3: 16.04 has the 2.0 if your interested, check in #ubuntu+113:52
w00tburgercan someone help me out with a sed /regex command?13:52
mike3v.2.0.151021 [Professional Edition]13:52
mike3GIT rev:   2.0-stable:a6a0601c17e7bb005bd4a6640005a45650702a58:2015102113:52
mike3Pro rev:   r41313:52
mike3System Id: 3BFB599700600F1F13:52
mike3Built on:  Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS13:52
lotuspsychjew00tburger: didnt the ##sed guys been able to help mate?13:52
mike3lotuspsychje i'll check it out13:53
w00tburgerdid realize there were sed guys lol. I was thinking this just fell under the topic of regular expressions13:53
mike3But I think I'll stick to LTS to be honest.13:53
lotuspsychjemike3: 16.04 is LTS13:53
lotuspsychjemike3: but still in development phase right now13:53
Pici*will be13:54
mike3lotuspsychje I won't update until it hits the stable release.13:54
lotuspsychjemike3: of course, no sweat13:54
mike3but thanks for the help. Removing from sources allowed me to update to the latest kernel headers, image, etc.13:55
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lotuspsychje!yay | mike313:55
ubottumike3: Glad you made it! :-)13:55
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stephanbuys1hi all, I'm looking at 16.04 and I notice that there are no files in the boot partition by default, it seems to have /boot in the second/Linux partition, is this normal?13:56
lotuspsychjestephanbuys1: #ubuntu+1 please13:56
stephanbuys1lotuspsychje: ok13:56
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x-iphi all14:23
lotuspsychjex-ip: welcome, what can we do for you?14:24
x-ipon Monday i installed ubuntu 15.10 on my laptop, since then i got twice the same problem, the mouse pointer dissapear, any clues?14:24
quakephilCompletely off topic but sfw poll http://strawpoll.me/659309414:25
quakephilExcuse me if inappropriate here14:25
lotuspsychjequakephil: no advertising here please14:25
quakephilJust soliciting opinions...  No commerce or ads14:25
lotuspsychjequakephil: your not in the right place sorry14:26
lotuspsychjex-ip: does it dissapear sometimes or every boot?14:26
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lotuspsychjex-ip: did you mess with grub or plymouth?14:29
x-iplotuspsychje: it dissapear sometimes while i'm logged in, using unity session14:32
x-ipi have the standar install, only installed as extra packages Hipchat, google chrome and Quassel irc client, didn't touched anything else14:33
lotuspsychjex-ip: found a relevant bug here: <lotuspsychje> !info ntopng xenial14:33
lotuspsychje<ubottu> ntopng (source: ntopng): High-Speed Web-based Traffic Analysis and Flow Collection Tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0+dfsg1-1 (xenial), package size 232 kB, installed size 675 kB14:33
lotuspsychjex-ip: oops sorry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/145353814:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1453538 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Invisible mouse pointer" [Critical,Triaged]14:34
lotuspsychjex-ip: maybe add your experience to this bug?14:34
x-iplotuspsychje: checking, thanks for your help14:35
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wrksxhey guys14:41
wrksxwhat could this mean?14:41
wrksx# vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet14:41
wrksxfound on the last line of an apache config file14:42
kolobytewrksx:  that tells `vim` if this file is opened in you set these configs14:43
luketheduke1wrksx: noet = no extended tabs.14:43
kolobytemostly just say do syntax highlighting for apache, and do 4 spaces for indentation14:43
luketheduke1Extended tabs converts tabs to spaces. noet doesn't allow that14:43
wrksxso the syntax is vim specific? it can be added in any file?14:44
wrksxlike a php script14:44
wrksx/ vim: syntax=php14:45
ThePendulumUbuntu 14.04.2 (server), trying to set my locale/LANG to en_US.utf8. It is set in /etc/default/locale, but seemingly ignored? Running 'locale' or echoing $LANG returns nothing for it, neither are utf8 characters displayed14:46
x-iplotuspsychje: i'm on it, logging in to leave a comment14:47
x-ipthank you :)14:47
lotuspsychjex-ip: ok good luck, maybe also try to compare installing other ubuntu versions? LTS?14:48
MonkeyDustThePendulum  there's also #ubuntu-server14:48
ThePendulumMonkeyDust: hm, this is not really a server-specific issue I reckon though14:48
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lotuspsychjeThePendulum: and update your system...14:48
ThePendulumit just happens to be a server, lol14:48
x-iplotuspsychje: thanks but that is not an option, the laptop is my workstation heh, so re-install all the stuff takes me a day14:48
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: soon14:48
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | x-ip maybe for the future ease14:49
ubottux-ip maybe for the future ease: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (wily), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB14:49
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lotuspsychje!usn | ThePendulum dont wait too long for security risk14:50
ubottuThePendulum dont wait too long for security risk: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about Ubuntu security updates.14:50
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: 14.04 no longer receives security updates..?14:51
ThePendulumI thought that was part of the idea of an LTS release14:51
OerHekssudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8 && sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales14:51
lotuspsychjeThePendulum: no i mean 14.04.2 should be updated asap to 14.04.314:51
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: oh right, agreed14:52
MonkeyDustThePendulum  it's now 14.04.3 ... in februari: 14.04.414:52
ThePendulumI thought you were pushing for 15.10 :P14:52
ThePendulumOerHeks: I already did that, and en_US.UTF-8 is available (or listed under locales anyway)14:52
ThePendulumguess I could run it again14:53
ThePendulumhow am I supposed to set the locale?14:54
ThePendulumneither update-locale nor editing /etc/default/locale actually seem to affect the locale14:55
lotuspsychje!locale | ThePendulum14:55
ubottuThePendulum: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/14:55
ThePendulumyes, that's the page describing to do exactly what I just did14:56
x-iplotuspsychje: thank you (again :)14:56
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  +114:57
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ThePendulumlotuspsychje: and we're on 14.04.3 :) thanks for the heads up15:01
Xt3rm8or_17hello there , could anyone help me with ubuntu installtion :)15:01
Xt3rm8or_17do you know how to get "alongside windows" option to install ubuntu?I already installed windows 10.and want to install ubuntu as dual boot.but now i can't get the alongside windows option when i'm going to install ubuntu.previously it came and now not.15:01
lotuspsychje!dualboot | Xt3rm8or_1715:01
ubottuXt3rm8or_17: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:01
Xt3rm8or_17yes lotuspsychje15:01
Xt3rm8or_17ok Thanks ubottu , is he a bot O_015:02
ThePendulumask him15:02
Xt3rm8or_17its ok this mean the link its just the onaly answer i coud got here15:03
Xt3rm8or_17then Bye Bye guys Thanks for help i will go to read mybe this link will help me15:03
Xt3rm8or_17Bye Bye15:03
ThePendulumXt3rm8or_17: feel free to PM me15:03
ThePendulumI guess not15:03
ThePendulumDoes update-locale just write to /etc/default/locale?15:04
ThePendulumAre there other files that could be overwriting it?15:04
luketheduke1Xtr3rm8or_17, you'll have to rewrite your grub15:05
ThePendulumluketheduke1: they left15:05
luketheduke1so impatient15:05
ThePendulumI think he didn't have ubuntu installed yet though15:05
ThePendulumworst case scenario Windows is taking up his entire disk, but even that often isn't a problem15:05
luketheduke1Yeah, the partition could probably be resized15:06
ThePendulumguess we'll never know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯15:06
luketheduke1It's a shame that wubi isn't an option anymore15:06
luketheduke1That was perfect for noobs15:06
BluesKajluketheduke1, wubi was horrible , not a real linux install15:07
MonkeyDustluketheduke1  you're the first here, who likes wubi15:07
BluesKaja VM is much better15:07
luketheduke1True. But it was a fake linux install, which is great for people learning15:07
ThePendulumI would've gladly helped him through partitioning or whatever he needed to do, but if he's going to ragequit, that's on him, lol15:07
ThePendulumI can export LANG and set it to something, and that works fine. Absolutely no idea how to make that persistent though15:08
x-ipThePendulum: to make persistent your change, add it to your /home/user/.bashrc file15:15
x-ipwith a line like: export FOO="bar"15:16
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geirhaenvironment variables should go in ~/.pam_environment or ~/.profile15:20
ThePendulumthese should be system-wide though15:21
ThePendulumdo I need to load .pam_environment in any way?15:22
CraigwellI've seen conflicting info on a couple items, regarding automounting a drive at start up, and enabling hibernation on a laptop with SSD.. I'm hoping to do both on a 14.04 box15:22
ThePendulumeven logging in again, it's still ignored15:22
CraigwellI understand a swap isn't the best on SSD, but would it be used at all if I had enough ram, and only wanted to use for hibernation? I've tried following a couple guides to enable, wont work.. swap partition is there, but I can't get 14.04 to use it15:22
geirhafor setting LANG system-wide, /etc/default/locale is the place15:22
geirhaThePendulum: .pam_environment is automatically read when you log in, by a PAM module.15:23
Craigwellalso no luck on the drive automount15:23
ThePendulumgeirha: no luck there either then :S odd15:23
ThePendulumit just remains blank15:23
geirhaThePendulum: try this:   PS4='+ $BASH_SOURCE:$LINENO:' bash -xlic ''15:24
rikonorhey folks, I'm on debian jessie and am trying to run phantomjs (it requires libjpeg8). I'v noticed that lib is not available for jessie. Is there anything I can do to get it or is it basically impossible?15:24
geirhaThePendulum: See if any LANG or LC_* variables get set anywhere15:24
geirhaThePendulum: wait, blank?15:24
geirhaThePendulum: Note that opening a new terminal does not count as logging in15:24
ThePendulumgeirha: when I run locale or echo $LANG, both are blank15:24
ThePenduluma new SSH session though?15:25
geirhaa new ssh session should count as a login yes15:25
ThePendulumgeirha: oof let me write that to a file, that's a ton of output15:25
hrobhi all15:25
hrobcan anyone help me with figuring out xrandr on ubuntu15:25
hrobask to ask15:25
Jodiv+ for me!!!!15:26
hrobok, so its this... how do I find out which package contains the xrandr  executable15:26
MonkeyDusthrob  tip: arandr is a gui for xrandr15:26
hrobthere are loads of xrandr lib packages... but those are not the exec right?15:26
Jodivthis linux mans ???15:27
hrobMonkeyDust: cool, but I'm doing stupid things with bash15:27
Jodiv+ for all!!!!!15:27
lotuspsychjeJodiv: stop that please15:27
hrobJodiv: not legible15:27
zykotick9hrob: xrandr probably comes from the package x11-xserver-utils15:28
ioriahrob,  dpkg -S /usr/bin/xrandr15:28
hrobzykotick9:  thanks...  but do you think apt can tell me any details?15:28
hrobioria:  cheers!15:28
zykotick9hrob: i used ioria's suggestion to give you that info ;)15:29
k1lJodiv: this is the ubuntu support channel. do you have a ubuntu support question?15:29
MonkeyDustJodiv  this is the ubuntu support channel ... ask your question or keep silent and learn by reading15:29
hrobironGiant: zykotick9 :  wow,   that was it... thanks!15:29
hrobzykotick9:  ioria : i mean15:29
ioriahrob,  like MonkeyDust said  arandr is a nice gui to use15:30
hrobzykotick9: ioria :  ok now one more...   can I find out if x11-xserver-utils   is a default package?15:30
ioriahrob,  dpkg -l  x11-xserver-utils15:30
hrobioria:   yeah I will try it... but I'm bash scripting too15:30
zykotick9hrob: default package?  depends how you installed - i'd suspect if you used the a regular desktop install, it would be... from server or mini - maybe not...15:31
ioriahrob,   what you mean with 'default' ?15:31
hrobzykotick9: ioria :  yeah... I realize I didn't know what I meant15:31
ioriahrob,  you can use   apt-cache policy   x11-xserver-utils     to get infos15:31
hrobzykotick9: ioria :    yes.. I suppose people doing vanillar desktop install15:31
hrobnot server15:32
Jodivaaa is ok !!!! more i not have ubuntu more now it play one again!!!!15:32
Jodivok no problem!!!!15:32
hrobioria: zykotick9 :  I guess for safety I ask people to install x11-server-utils    ... its not clear if it is default or if it is normally default15:33
ioriahrob,  xrandr if i'm not wrong, does not work in cli environment15:33
ThePendulumgeirha: seems like setting it in .profile did the trick at last15:33
zykotick9!info x11-xserver-utils15:33
ubottux11-xserver-utils (source: x11-xserver-utils): X server utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 7.7+4ubuntu1 (wily), package size 148 kB, installed size 431 kB15:33
zykotick9hrob: from that ubottu output above, it's "optional"15:33
ThePendulumgeirha: although it is set now, still doesn't seem like it's display properly D:15:33
ioriahrob,  (x)randr    the'x' means for X server15:34
hrobioria:   you mean like ... connecting to xserver?15:34
hrobioria:   I found out I can run xrandr   on a remote machine and it talks to my local x server... ssh -X15:34
ThePendulumgeirha: that is so weird, it only works when I explicitly export LANG15:34
ioriaoh, yes if X runs15:34
Craigwell14.04.. Trying to automount a volume at boot. A couple walkthrough's I've tried don't work. Can anyone help?15:34
hrobioria:  also   xinput does that...15:35
geirhaThePendulum: What do you mean display properly?15:35
MonkeyDustCraigwell  in /etc/fstab15:35
ThePendulumCraigwell: what's your fstab like?15:35
ThePendulumgeirha: display utf8 characters15:35
hrobioria:  so those tools can only I think communcate with the current display15:35
geirhaThePendulum: You need both the LANG variable and the terminal emulator to use utf815:35
hrobioria:  if its called display, right?  :0.015:36
ioriahrob,  yes, sometimes you need to export it15:36
ioriahrob,  like export DISPLAY=ip:0.0 or 0.115:37
geirhaThePendulum: which terminal emulator are you using? putty?15:37
k1l!br | Jodiv15:37
hrobioria: what I would love is a working x11 binding for python --  or something that simplifies the he** out of it.15:37
ubottuJodiv: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:37
CraigwellThePendulum: No entry for the volume there. It's FAT32 if it matters15:37
ThePendulumCraigwell: I'm confused. You followed several walkthroughs; were did you put any entries to mount the volume then?15:38
ThePendulumgeirha: GNOME Terminal15:38
ioriahrob,  you mean gtkPy  ot the python shell ?15:38
ThePendulumgeirha: and that fully supports it15:38
ThePendulumgeirha: as I said, exporting the LANG works fine15:38
ThePendulumI just can't get it to be persistent15:38
CraigwellThePendulum: One wanted me to do it through Disks http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/07/mount-partitions-automatically-ubuntu-14-04/15:38
Craigwellit didn't work, even accounting for the bug15:39
geirhaThePendulum: it's either  LANG=en_US.UTF-8   in .pam_environment,  or export LANG=en_US.UTF-8  in ~/.profile15:39
MonkeyDust!fstab | start here15:39
ubottustart here: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:39
darkoreoi want some help with a tool in Bckbox. anyone know where to refer?15:39
MonkeyDust!fstab | Craigwell start here15:39
ubottuCraigwell please see above15:39
geirhaThePendulum: With .pam_environment it's important that you only set KEY=VALUE, because it's not parsed as a shell script. With .profile, you need to use the export command15:39
Jodivk1l what is this a problem?????15:39
ThePendulumgeirha: aaaah the export did it, thanks15:39
ThePendulumin profile15:40
k1lJodiv: your english doesnt make sense. but please keep this channel now clear for ubuntu support. use ##linux for general linux questions15:40
CraigwellOk.. I didn't stumble on one that directly involved editing fstab. Will do.. thank you15:40
ThePendulumgeirha: thanks a lot :) no idea what changed for this to be suddenly necessary, but at least I got my chars back again15:41
geirhaThePendulum: still odd that /etc/default/local and .pam_environment gets ignored though15:41
Craigwelllooks like this is a better guide. Sorry.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions15:41
MediocreNutHey i have a question, and im not sure how to go about fixing it.15:42
ThePendulumgeirha: yeah, does /etc/default/local require an export as well, or?15:42
ThePendulumbecause it's definitely defined there15:42
geirhaThePendulum: no, it's not a script either, so no export15:43
MediocreNutI just installed ubuntu 15.10 the other day. Now it wont recognize ethernet cables15:43
MediocreNutNot sure where to begin15:43
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MonkeyDustMediocreNut  is this your first ubuntu installation?15:44
MediocreNutMonkeyDust: no, i've been running it for awhile just cant get this to work for some reason15:46
ioriaMediocreNut, you can start with sudo lshw -C Network15:46
MediocreNutthe odd thing is15:47
MonkeyDustMediocreNut  nothing disturbing or unusal, when you type this     ip route15:47
MediocreNutifconfig shows that i get an ip address on ethernet15:48
MediocreNuton wlp3s015:48
MediocreNutwhats that pastebin program again15:48
MediocreNutthat uploads/gives you a link15:48
MonkeyDustMediocreNut  also: ip route | grep eth15:49
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MediocreNutMonkeyDust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14590766/ the ip route | grep eth0 shows nothing, although: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14590771/15:50
ioriai think 15.10 renamed eth0 with wlp3s015:50
MediocreNutseems that way15:50
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ioriaMediocreNut,  do you have a static or dhcp connection ?15:51
CraigwellThePendulum: Ok, I followed this guide and sucessfully auto mounted the partition, but Dropbox still doesn't link to it for some reason on startup15:52
ioriaMediocreNut, enp0s25    is the ethernet  ... what is wlp3s0  ?   usb adapter ?15:52
CraigwellThePendulum: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions15:53
CraigwellDo I need systemwide or something?15:53
giovanni_ciao a tutti15:53
Craigwellmy dropbox is linked to a folder on the drive I'm automounting15:53
MediocreNutnope, wlp3s0 looks to be ethernet adapter15:54
CraigwellUsually I have to exit dropbox on start. mount the drive at start up in nautilus, and then reload dropbox and it's fine. I'm trying to eliminate this15:54
ThePendulumCraigwell: you reconfigured Dropbox to the mount path?15:54
ioriaMediocreNut, sudo lshw -C Network15:55
gateshwilldid you guys know taylor swift is using ubuntu on her apple mac laptop? looks like this ubuntu thing has legs!!!15:55
ThePendulumto /mnt/whateverfolder15:55
ThePendulumgateshwill: where did you gather that?15:55
CraigwellThePendulum I guess that's the easiest way.. I'll give that a shot15:55
MonkeyDustgateshwill  nice, but not for this channel ... take it to #ubuntu-offtopic15:55
ThePendulumCraigwell: not sure what else you're attempting15:55
MediocreNutioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14590802/15:56
ioriaMediocreNut,   your gateway seems to be ,   but your ip is
CraigwellThePendulum. I think the mount point using the guide has changed from when I manually was mounting through nautilus.15:56
ioriaMediocreNut, wlp3s0   is the wifi15:56
CraigwellThePendulum: Thinking it's easier to relink the dropbox account to automount mount point, than trying to modify the command to automount to change mount point15:57
MediocreNutyeah i see that now15:57
Craigwell..if that makes any sense15:57
ioriaMediocreNut,    enp0s25  is the cabled15:57
MediocreNutso enp0s25 is the eth015:57
ThePendulumCraigwell: no, and I have no idea what you're doing rofl, show me your fstab15:57
MediocreNutso how do i get it working :p15:57
ioriaMediocreNut,   open 'Edit Connection' and configure your ethernet  card15:58
ioriaMediocreNut,  maybe you'll need to ifdown your wifi   ....15:59
CraigwellThePendulum: I think I have it sorted out. Basically the mount point for the partition I'm interested in changed with the automount configuration from when I was mounting manually via Nautilus. I just changed Dropbox setting and I think that's it15:59
MediocreNutas in set a static ip and see if that works?15:59
ioriaMediocreNut,  ip  gateway    -> dns15:59
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ioriaMediocreNut,  for dns would be fine16:01
ThatNonnyHoly damn, do so many people actually use ubuntu?16:02
MediocreNutok, i set a static ip16:02
ThatNonnyUse a real distro, mates16:02
ThatNonnyUbuntu is so bloated you might as well use Win 1016:02
MonkeyDustThatNonny  do you have a support question?16:02
MediocreNutioria: My wired connectiong still just shows that the cable is unplugged16:03
docmurDoes anyone know how pass random data into apg so I don't have to enter it via STDIN, I tried: apg -s -a 1 -m 255 -n 1 -M SNCL -c hiyahiyahiyahiya  but it didn't work16:03
ioriaMediocreNut,   ifconfig    ?16:03
CraigwellOk, on to the next challenge: I'm trying to enable hibernation on 14.04, with an SSD. I have been trying to edit fstab in this, but it's not working. I have the swap partition present, ubuntu just wont use it16:03
MediocreNutstill the same, cable shows uplugged16:03
MonkeyDustdocmur  what are you doing and trying to achieve16:04
adouradoMy "v" key stopped working out of nowhere. It works on capslock and with shift and with other modifiers, but the key itself doesn't input the proper character anywhere16:04
CraigwellI've been reading swap is not advisable with SSD. I have plenty of ram, and only wish to use for hibernation. is this advisable?16:04
luketheduke1Craigwell, is your swap space at least the size of your ram? Is it labeled as swap in gparted?16:04
adouradoAnyone ever saw that?16:04
Craigwellluketheduke1: Yes to both16:04
docmurI want to run the command from a bash script, so I have to be able to pass in the random data16:04
MonkeyDustadourado  maybe a case of GKE (greasy keyboard error)16:04
adouradoMonkeyDust: not a hardware problem, works with modifiers and works out of unity/gnome16:04
adouradoon xfce, for instance, and on the terminal16:05
zykotick9Craigwell: are you using "encrypted home"?16:05
Craigwellzykotick9: I don't think I did... how do i check?16:05
Craigwellluketheduke1: wait now.. It was labelled swap in disks, but not formatted swap in gparted .. Just did that now and rebooting to try again..16:06
zykotick9Craigwell: i wouldn't know how to check.  it would have been something you selected during install.  if you "don't think i did" then you probably didn't ;)  just asking because it breaks hibernation (by default).16:06
mcphailadourado: have you accidently bound "v" to an action, or remapped it?16:06
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MonkeyDustdocmur  if you don't get answer here, try in #bash16:06
MonkeyDustan answer*16:06
Craigwellzykotick9: I know it's disabled by default in 14.04, and I've reenabled it before, but this is the first time with ssd. I think it's because install didn't format the partition as swap at install. I might have resolved.. rebooting now to check16:07
Craigwellboth my hibernate issue and automount resolved. Thanks guys16:09
jdwwattsi like xfce16:10
CraigwellLast question I have involves the SSD.. I understand swap isn't advisable with SSD due to number of writes.. is there a way to limit its use strictly to hibernation?16:10
Craigwellor does it matter as long as I have enough ram that OS doesn't need swap?16:10
zykotick9Craigwell: how long do you intend for your SSD to last?  i've run swap on SSDs for years, and have yet to have an issue. YMMV16:11
OerHeksone can reduce swapiness, but whitespots are old bugs indeed16:11
Craigwellzykotick9: It's brand new, kingston 240gb.. as long as I don't prematurely wear it out it doesn't matter16:13
zykotick9Craigwell: well, feel free to configure it to reduce as many writes as possible... but i honestly think it's a waste of time/speed (but that's just _my_ opinion, others may disagree) ;)16:14
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Craigwellzykotick9: I have 4 gb ram on a system used for the web and libreoffice primarily. Assuming I'm not going to use swap anyway for regular use.. just hibernation16:15
zykotick9Craigwell: i also have 4GB and "free" currently tells me I'm using 0 swap...  again YMMV16:16
MyFriendwhat is the best/least troublesome/safest windows to install on dualboot with ubuntu 14.04 thank you16:18
CraigwellMyFriend: What kind of system?16:19
CraigwellMyFriend: I've had ok results with both Win7 and Win10, and XP before those.. Doesn't matter to ubuntu16:19
CraigwellMyFriend: The hardware of your system is what matters16:19
k1lMyFriend: should not really matter16:19
rocktophow can I make cron env like what I have when I login to ssh ?16:19
MonkeyDustrocktop  that's hard to read, can you rephrase16:21
naccrocktop: are you asking how to ensure the env that a cronjob is running in is the same as the env you get when ssh'ing in to the same server? that is, your cronjob is failing currently due to some missing environment setting (in your opinion)?16:22
MyFriendCraigwell, how can I see what kind of system through a command on the terminal?16:23
goddardhow can you upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04?16:23
rocktopnacc: exactly16:23
rilleh_goddard: dist-upgrade?16:24
MonkeyDustgoddard  wait until april16:24
rilleh_But it's not released yet afaik16:24
MonkeyDustrilleh_  dist-upgrade does not upgrade to a new release16:24
zykotick9MonkeyDust: actually, LTS->LTS upgrades don't usually happen until the first point release...16:24
rilleh_Thanks and sorry16:24
k1lgoddard: if you want to run the development release ask in #ubuntu+116:24
MonkeyDustzykotick9  true, that's why i usually advice fresh install16:25
MyFriendk1l, the reason I ask is because I don't want to have problems with grub or malware from windows leading to the ubuntu partition becoming readable from windows or a virus damaging hd sectors from windows16:25
k1lMyFriend: well, nothing on the ubuntu side can make you safe on windows getting virus and doing some damage.16:25
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MyFriendk1l, smallest possible partition for windows plus not downloading any apps from online plus encrypting ubuntu partition?16:28
k1lMyFriend: the ubuntu partitions are not readable from windows if not a special driver is installed.16:28
MyFriendok, in terms of resources ease of use and doesnt block grub for dualboot what is the least troublesome/bloated version of windows?16:29
MonkeyDustMyFriend  ask windows support/advice in ##windows16:29
k1lthat is hard to decide, actually. better ask in ##windows16:30
MyFriendMonkeyDust, I am asking from the standpoint of an ubuntu user who wants to dualboot it's not a windows specific question16:30
MyFriendwhich windows simply dualboots with ubuntu without blocking grub16:30
k1lMyFriend: you asked about interns of windows. from the grub point of view it doesnt matter. like told before16:31
rocktopanyidea ?16:31
zykotick9rocktop: configuring cron to have the same environment as a user, _probably_ isn't a good idea.  i'd suggest just learning to use cron properly... but YMMV16:33
trajanhi guys, after installing a canon printer on 14.04 I'm wondering how can I make the printer spooler status icon appear in the panel (it was so in the 12.04) because it's very useful, for example if one wants to prevent some docs from being printed. thanks16:34
trajanor if you could tell me how the printer spooler file is called, I might create a link with it16:36
gagaliciousi've done the "Diskless Ubuntu". how can I get pxeboot into a fresh copy of ubuntu after usage except for a folder? e.g. All folders should be "ephemeral" except "Document" storage folder. is that possible?16:37
mcphailrocktop: there are several paragraphs about setting the cron environment at the top of "man 5 crontab". Have you read that?16:38
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MonkeyDusttrajan  is this useful ... i agree when you say it should be easier, more userfriendly ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/457969/no-printer-icon-in-ubuntu-14-04-system-settings16:39
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CraigwellMyFriend: You can press Alt-F2 in ubuntu and type "details"16:41
ioria!info  indicator-printers  | trajan16:41
ubottutrajan: indicator-printers (source: indicator-printers): indicator showing active print jobs. In component main, is extra. Version 0.1.7+15.04.20150220-0ubuntu1 (wily), package size 25 kB, installed size 205 kB16:41
trajanioria: thanks but I dunno what to do with it ?huh? how can I use your info? :)16:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:42
ioriatrajan, check if is installed, but i think it is16:42
trajanioria, yeah, how do i do that? :)16:43
trajanioria, synaptic > indicator-printers maybe ?16:43
ioriatrajan,  dpkg -l     indicator-printers    should show 'ii'16:43
trajanioria: in synaptic it says it is installed, maybe it's got something to do with the fact that I'm running compiz (gnome_session_fallback) ??16:44
ioriatrajan,  idk, sorry :-)16:44
trajanioria: ?huh?16:45
ioriatrajan,  maybe a bug    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-printers/+bug/134156216:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1341562 in indicator-printers (Ubuntu) "indicator-printers not working on Ubuntu 14.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:46
trajanioria: ok I'm creating a launcher with  system-config-printer-applet --no-tray-icon, and that should do it according to something I'm reading now16:47
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trajanioria: it won't even start... dunno why... what is the system-config-printer-applet for 14.04?16:49
MonkeyDusttrajan  ioria just showed the bug link16:50
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trajanMonkeyDust, I started it by typing system-config-printer-applet and nothing happened, then I printed something and finally an output came out /usr/share/system-config-printer/applet.py:342: Warning: Source ID 119 was not found when attempting to remove it16:52
trajan  GLib.source_remove (self.timer)16:52
SuperHeroINTJIs Mir dead? I don't hear about it for very long.16:52
ubottuMir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir16:52
MonkeyDusthm, factoid needs an update16:52
k1lSuperHeroINTJ: nope. its used on the phones and will come to the desktop after the next lts.16:52
ethuhohCan somone point me in the direction of forcing a program (crashplan headless) to use a certain eth device (eth0)16:54
gagaliciousethuhoh: iptables16:55
trajanioria, MonkeyDust, ok whatever, could you at least tell me what is the command to start printer options so I can manually create a launcher for the panel and manually start it whenever I need without having to go through system settings bla bla ? thanks!!!!16:55
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ethuhohCan iptables make eth1 only usable by Virtualbox VMs?17:01
net2014I have ubuntu 15. I never installed a firewall, does it have one by default and is it enabled by default?17:02
lotuspsychje!firewall | net201417:03
ubottunet2014: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo17:03
tewardnet2014: it's not 'on' by default, but it's extremely easy to turn on.  `sudo ufw enable` in the command line will usually turn on your firewall17:03
teward(and start protecting your system, though the information in Ubottu's links will tell you this to)17:04
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net2014well, doesn't ufw protect me firewall wise when enabled?17:06
lotuspsychjehmm isnt there a nice gui for firewall as alternative for firestarter in the past?17:07
lotuspsychje!ask | tj_17:08
ubottutj_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:08
tj_I am a newbie for Ubuntu im trying to set up a firewall, any help?17:08
lotuspsychje!firewall | tj_17:09
ubottutj_: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo17:09
lotuspsychjenet2014, tj_ also check the #netfilter channel for more advanced firewall setup17:09
lyzeHello, having troubles with shutdown. Whenever I shutdown the computer turns off normally (usb lights turn off, indicator that it's turned on turns off and no fans run) but after 5 seconds or so it starts again17:09
lotuspsychjelyze: can you press F1 at shutdown to see errors?17:10
net2014if you have a protected ubuntu system and run virtual machines in it, will you need firewalls in the virtual machines?17:10
net2014by protected, I mean the host does have a firewall17:10
lyzelotuspsychje, let me try. brb rebooting system17:11
lotuspsychjenet2014: really depends what you want really17:11
lotuspsychjenet2014: what are you protecting from?17:11
net2014well, can someone gain access on the virtual machines?17:11
net2014won't they need to first get in the host?17:11
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lotuspsychjenet2014: before they gain access on your virtual Os, they have to penetrate your ubuntu17:12
zykotick9lotuspsychje: ahhh, depends if that VM is running service(s)... the host might be able to be completely bypassed.17:13
lotuspsychjenet2014: but again, what are you affraid for really?17:13
net2014lotuspsychje, even if the virtual machines have access to the internet?17:13
net2014lotuspsychje, well, I don't want to care what infor I store on the virtual machines or whatnot, I want them secure17:14
lotuspsychjenet2014: then choose a secure VM Os17:15
MediocreNutI can't get my wired connection on 15.10 to notice an ethernet cable17:15
MediocreNutanyone have an idea of what needs to be fixed17:15
PowaBangaHi all17:15
PowaBangaI have a normal printer17:15
PowaBangathat I want make it run on wireless17:16
sruliMediocreNut: post output of ifconfig to paste.ubuntu.com17:16
PowaBangavia My unbuntu 15.1017:16
lyzelotuspsychje, nope. No errors17:16
luketheduke1sruli: isn't ifconfig outdated? I thought ip addr show was the current standard17:16
lotuspsychjelyze: how about sudo halt -p would give you a reboot also?17:17
sruliluketheduke1: ifconfig still shows all interfaces17:17
net2014lotuspsychje, thanks for the advice17:17
mint333332how to mount encrypted drive when booted from usb?17:18
sruliPowaBanga: you want to make a printer connected to your 15.10 available to other PC's through the network?17:18
net2014if you add an external hdd to ubuntu is it seen as external disk or is it added to the filesystem? also, is it possible to share that drive on the network?17:19
lyzelotuspsychje, yep. Also a reboot17:19
luketheduke1sruli: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/93412/difference-between-ifconfig-and-ip-commands17:19
lotuspsychjelyze: thats really weird, wich ubuntu version?17:19
luketheduke1Long story short: ip is stronger than ifconfig & noobs should learn ip17:20
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Azarilim getting this wierd error:17:20
lotuspsychjelyze: check this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/452750/reboot-after-shutdown-ubuntu-14-04-also-12-04-dell-latitude-e744017:21
sruliPowaBanga: you have to configure samba https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu17:21
lyzelotuspsychje, xubuntu 15.10 … checking … one moment17:21
Ericskydoes any one know hot to update opengl to 3.3 on intel hd 4400 graphics?17:22
srulimint333332: are you booting from livecd?17:22
mint333332sruli: yes17:22
mint333332sruli: usb drive17:22
lotuspsychjeEricsky: its recommended to use package versions for your ubuntu version17:22
srulimint333332: the encrypted drive is luks?17:22
lyzelotuspsychje, oh that could be, used wol quite a bit. Will try to turn it off. reporting afterwards17:22
Ericskyi am new to ubuntu17:22
mint333332sruli: yes17:23
lotuspsychje!latest | Ericsky how about works17:23
ubottuEricsky how about works: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:23
luketheduke1Ericksky: look for it under "Additional drivers"17:23
sruliluketheduke1: all i wanted to see with ifconfig is if its seeing the interface17:23
jimmybobsleighhello there! I was trying an install and got the message that my ruby version is older than the one specified in the install files..how can I upgrade?17:23
lotuspsychjejimmybobsleigh: did you add ppa's or ruby manually install?17:24
srulimint333332: do you see the drive with lsblk ?17:24
luketheduke1sruli: I know. ip addr show accomplishes that & teaches noobs to use ip at the same time. It's just a slightly better alternative.17:24
sruliluketheduke1: notice takes, will learn ip addr17:24
mint333332sruli: it looks like it (sda then three sda's sda1 sda2 sda3)17:24
Ericskyit doesnt show graphics under additional drivers17:25
jimmybobsleighlotuspsychje, you mean ruby? I haven't installed it, it is the version that comes with ubuntu..17:25
MonkeyDust!info ruby17:25
ubotturuby (source: ruby-defaults): Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 1: (wily), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB17:25
srulimint333332: which one is the luks drive? or post the output of lsblk to paste.ubuntu.com17:25
OerHeksEricsky, correct, intel is good supported in the kernel17:25
mint333332sruli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14591290/17:26
mint333332sruli: sda317:26
lyzelotuspsychje, thanks. that solved it.17:26
jimmybobsleighso what can I do to upgrade?17:26
lotuspsychje!yay | lyze17:26
ubottulyze: Glad you made it! :-)17:26
Ericskyi am trying to play dying light but it wont let me due to opengl is 3.017:26
srulimint333332: the luks drive is an external drive?17:26
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lotuspsychjejimmybobsleigh: upgrade to..?17:26
mint333332sruli: no, it is internal, the one I am trying to mount17:27
jimmybobsleighlotuspsychje, to the same version as specified in the install files of the application17:27
xanguajimmybobsleigh:   how about you  focus on your actuall problem and tell us what are you trying to install and what message output do you actually get?17:27
mint333332sruli: I am trying to mount it because I'll try to recover deleted files using extundelete17:27
lotuspsychjejimmybobsleigh: its not recommended to use other versions17:27
lyzeEricsky, have you installed the graphics card drivers from amd(ati)/nvidia?17:27
Ericskyi am on intel not amd or nvidia17:28
Ericskyi honestly have no idea what to do17:28
mint333332sruli: sorry, in our case sda is "external", pc is booted from usb17:28
kat_Hi, guys, I just installed linux on this computer and got google chrome. They are saying they are discontinuing Google for 32-bit machines in March. What are we going to do???17:28
OerHekskat_, nothing.17:29
lotuspsychje!info chromium-browser | kat_17:29
ubottukat_: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 47.0.2526.106-0ubuntu0. (wily), package size 54706 kB, installed size 233001 kB17:29
srulimint333332: do "sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda3" post output17:29
MonkeyDustkat_  wh's "we"?17:29
MonkeyDustkat_  who's "we"?17:29
jimmybobsleighlotuspsychje, so what am I to do in this case to be able to install?17:29
lyzeEricsky, erm. try checking the additional software tab for a intel driver if there is a option for intel graphics cards17:29
lyzeEricsky, that's just a guess though. Never used intel cards17:29
lotuspsychjejimmybobsleigh: wich ubuntu version are you on mate?17:29
Ericskynope there is nothing under additional drivers17:30
zykotick9kat_: option 1 - get a 64bit computer or option 2 - use a different browser (chromium will still be supported on 32bit)17:30
MonkeyDustjimmybobsleigh  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue17:30
jimmybobsleighlotuspsychje, 14.04.317:30
mint333332sruli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14591318/17:30
lyzeEricsky, may I ask what model you are using?17:30
kat_we meaning me! So, is Chromium going to be supported? Can we watch Netflix in Chromium?17:30
kat_oh Chromium will be supported ok17:30
lotuspsychje!info ruby trusty | jimmybobsleigh this is your version17:30
ubottujimmybobsleigh this is your version: ruby (source: ruby-defaults): Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 1: (trusty), package size 5 kB, installed size 44 kB17:30
Ericskyintel hd graphics 440017:30
jimmybobsleighMonkeyDust it's Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l17:30
xanguakat_: if you have a problem with Google Chrome being discontinued (you didn't even quoted where did you get this info¿) for 32bits, then contact Google17:31
srulimint333332: ok, just wanted to be sure its a luks partition, do you want to unlock it or mount it? useually recovery software require it unmounted17:31
xanguaand she/he left.....17:31
jimmybobsleighlotuspsychje, correct, that's what the error message says, too, reporting a mismatch with the 2.0.0. that is specified by the gemfile17:31
lyzeEricsky, can't help you there … sorry. Maybe somebody other can help ;)17:32
PowaBangaI don't find this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Server-setting.png17:32
zykotick9xangua: it's true, was in news a couple of weeks ago... perhaps a month+ ago actually.17:32
mint333332sruli: don't konw, I am planning to run extundelete on it (sorry for my lack of knowledge)17:32
Ericskyokay thanks17:32
PowaBangawhere is it ?17:32
jimmybobsleighlotuspsychje, it says 'Your Ruby version is 1.9.3, but your Gemfile specified 2.0.0'17:32
lotuspsychjejimmybobsleigh: thats the whole point mate, you can use the 2.0.017:32
xanguazykotick9: I don't even have chrome in my phone :P so  dunno17:32
lyzeEricsky, oh. one moment. have you tried to install the mesa-utils packageß17:32
Ericskyi dont think so17:33
srulimint333332: extundelete requires it to be unmounted, do you have another drive to save the recovered data to?17:33
mint333332sruli: I'll hope that current ramdisk will have enough capacity17:33
ubottuvalerio_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:33
lyzeEricsky, try running: glxinfo   send me the content17:34
srulimint333332: to open the luks drive do "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 luksvol" it will ask for passphrase once entered u can proceed with ur recovery software17:34
mint333332sruli: do you know by any chance how to check for deleted files in particular folder?17:34
jimmybobsleighlotuspsychje, but why is it not possible to upgrade ruby? or why does it not come with a newer version?17:35
mint333332sruli: it did, but after df command there is no sda317:35
srulimint333332: sorry i am an expert in loosing data but suck at data recovery,17:35
lotuspsychje!latest | jimmybobsleigh17:36
ubottujimmybobsleigh: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:36
srulimint333332: post lsblk again17:36
mint333332sruli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14591358/17:36
sruliPowaBanga: what vrsion of ubuntu r u using?17:36
Ericskyhow do i send it to you17:36
lyzeEricsky, Doesn't look like that works. could you pastebin it instead?17:36
lotuspsychjejimmybobsleigh: if you need a higher ruby, test 15.10 or 16.04 development branch17:36
PowaBangaubuntu gnome 15.1017:36
lyzeEricsky, or use the ubuntu version of it: http://paste.ubuntu.com17:37
srulimint333332: its open, see luksvol under sda3, the recovery software will be able to see it now17:37
mint333332sruli: how to refer to this partition then? sda3?17:37
jimmybobsleighlotuspsychje, can I assume that 15.10. would include ruby 2.0.0. ?17:37
lotuspsychje!info ruby | jimmybobsleigh yes17:37
ubottujimmybobsleigh yes: ruby (source: ruby-defaults): Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 1: (wily), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB17:37
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mint333332sruli: /dev/sda3 ?17:38
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lyzeEricsky, you are running on opengl version 3.317:38
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Ericskywell when i try to run dying light it says update graphics driver17:39
Ericskysays i need open gl 3.317:39
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jimmybobsleighlotuspsychje, I see, thank you very much for your help! I'll try it that way17:40
lyzeOk. Then I guess it only runs with opengl 4.0 ... Well I guess we could update the graphics card drivers manually from a different repo. Perhaps that works.17:40
lyzeEricsky, would be that one: https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers17:40
srulimint333332: post ouput of "ls /dev/mapper"17:40
lyzeEricsky, install it, make a dist upgrade and then reboot17:40
sruliPowaBanga: dont know why, check if you have samba installed17:40
gagalicioushow do i get my ubuntu to be login as new everytime i reboot? e.g. no Downloads, no cached items17:41
mint333332sruli: control  luksvol  mint--vg-root  mint--vg-swap_117:41
lyzeEricsky, http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:41
Azarilanyone have any ideas about this?17:41
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NewtoubuntuHi.  I am a ubuntu newbie wanting to ask about whether my new laptop spec will run ubuntu.  Where is best for me to ask this? Ask! or Discourse?17:42
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lotuspsychjeNewtoubuntu: most machines can run ubuntu fine dont worry17:42
PowaBangasamba is installed17:42
agathezolNewtoubuntu, the simplest way to do this is to simply boot an ubuntu live cd and test it out. it's safe and lets you play around a bit before changing anything.17:43
lotuspsychjeagathezol: +117:43
NewtoubuntuThis is a custom build that I am ordering...without Windows.  Want to get a feel for if it will be okay...before I pay for it.17:43
MonkeyDustNewtoubuntu  a custom build?17:44
srulimint333332: i am sorry i dont know, try to find help on extundelete17:44
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: he might mean barebone17:44
mint333332sruli: but /dev/sda3 is unavailable17:44
mint333332sruli: this unencrypted partition is not visible in the filesystem17:44
agathezolNewtoubuntu, well, that's more complicated, I'd highly recommend looking at someone who builds laptops with ubuntu on them already, i.e. system76 or one of the dell laptops that comes with it pre-installed if you want to be sure.17:45
NewtoubuntuYup.  I am bored of Windows, like open source, want to learn something new.  Figured that buying a PC without an OS and installing ubuntu would help me learn.17:45
mint333332sruli: it is not releated to the extundelete in my opinion17:45
srulimint333332: try /dev/mapper/mint--vg-root17:45
lotuspsychjeNewtoubuntu: smart choice, but again dont worry to much ubuntu will run on it17:45
srulimint333332: it is related to how extundelete finds partitions17:45
lyzeNewtoubuntu, my 10 year old laptop runs ubuntu just fine. Even the open source hardware drivers support it where amd dropped support for the card already17:46
lotuspsychjeNewtoubuntu: sometimes its a bit tweaking, but im sure youl get there17:46
mint333332sruli: but how should I go to find it in file explorer?17:46
mint333332sruli: why is it invisible in df?17:46
MonkeyDust!manual | Newtoubuntu17:46
ubottuNewtoubuntu: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:46
Ericskyi added the ppa but i dont know what to do next17:46
agathezolNewtoubuntu, otherwise your big gotchya-s are going to be the network card and sound card pretty much. get their model/make and just check to be sure compatibility is there. It most likely is, but if you want to be certain that's the way to do it. You can do the same with all the other hardware too.17:46
srulimint333332: because its not mounted17:46
lotuspsychje!ppa | Ericsky17:46
ubottuEricsky: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:46
mint333332sruli: /dev/mapper/mint--vg-root is working :)17:46
OerHeksEricsky, run updates & be carefull, use of that ppa is at your own risc17:47
NewtoubuntuThanks.  I will have a read of that.  What is the best way to check compatibility?17:47
lyzeEricsky, sudo apt-get update    then   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:47
sruliNewtoubuntu: to be sure i would go for a intel cpu, and do some research online if the motherboard and video card you are getting work with ubuntu17:47
MonkeyDustNewtoubuntu  the live dvd/usb17:47
mint333332sruli: THANK YOU for help :)17:48
lotuspsychjeNewtoubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport17:48
srulimint333332: good luck recovering the file17:48
mint333332sruli: it just ended not looking too promising :/17:48
Ericskyokay it is updating17:49
srulimint333332: cant help with data recovery, mayb someone else can17:49
lyzeEricsky, wait till it's done then reboot and try again17:49
lyzeto run the game17:49
Ericskyokay thank you so much17:49
NewtoubuntuThank you for you time, your help and for reminding me why open source communities have the best support. Really appreciate it. :-)  Bye.17:51
lazaroHi everyone17:52
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gagaliciousi have never used a guest account before. what is it good for?17:54
bigNoobHi! I've never used linux. I have three different machines running windows. Is it possible to have linux boot on USB and save data on the stick, as i'll be switching machines pretty often?17:55
luketheduke1gagalicious, I used it for when in-laws visited17:55
mint333332sruli: damn no luck this time, and data was lost, because I've accidentialy deleted contents of the wrong folder :(, thank you for help again17:55
gagaliciousluketheduke1: what's the great thing about it? what's the limitations?17:55
luketheduke1gagalicious: It's just a user that doesn't have access to other users areas & nothing is saved to the computer17:56
luketheduke1I don't think it's saved, at least17:56
gagaliciousok thanks17:56
luketheduke1So my in laws could browse the web without seeing my search history or any of my files17:56
acovrigI'm having some networking issues: if I switch to a tty, I get a repeating message of `r8169 0000:08:00.0 eth1: rtl_eriar_cond == 1 (loop 100,delay 100)', any ideas what I can do about it?17:56
srulihow do i add a iptables rule after the last one?17:58
sruliso i want the rule to be last in the list17:58
tewardsruli: `iptables -A` does this17:59
agathezolluketheduke1, gagalicious, the guest user's home directory is deleted when they logout, it's temporary.17:59
tewardsruli: assuming the INPUT list of rules, then `iptables -A INPUT ARGUMENTS`17:59
tewardsruli: replace ARGUMENTS with the various other arguments which define the rule17:59
gagaliciousok. i was thinking whether to take on guest mode or do a kiosk. can guest access nas nfs folder?18:00
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sat1_ewhat is the meaning of a super user in ubuntu?18:00
OerHeksubuntu has no super user, the 1st user created has root priv, as in systemadministrator18:01
sruliteward: thanks18:02
sat1_ewhat is the meaning of sudo and su commands?18:02
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:03
OerHeksnormally we use no su switch user/superuser18:03
ubottupkexec is a PolicyKit tool that allows an authorized user to run (graphical) applications as another user, similar to !gksu.18:05
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
donu7Hello, i have a box with multiple nics that i'm trying to use for dhcp, should the /etc/network/interfaces entry for the nic thats providing dhcp have its own static entry? If so, should that entry include a gateway entry that points to its own ip?18:12
ElorianJhey guys, how do I install flash player on firefox?18:14
ElorianJI need it for kongregate18:15
OerHeksrestricted extras ..18:15
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:15
ioriadonu7, you mean this ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/isc-dhcp-server18:16
Bonn333ElorianJ: sudo apt install flashplugin-installer18:16
ElorianJthank you!18:16
requiesthi all18:17
requiesthow to configure sshfs it every time it should ask for user name and password18:17
Bonn333requiest: Welcome :)18:17
ioriarequiest, you use a ssh-key18:17
requiestthank you18:17
donu7yes ioria thank you18:17
ioriadonu7,  np18:17
requiestwhat is the use of ssh-key i wanted to mount the server user home directory to local linux pc and on exit it should dismount18:19
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ioriarequiest,  you are prompet with passwd18:21
ioriarequiest,  sorry, with the key you are not prompted  with the passwd18:21
ioriarequiest,  to exit, fusemount -u /share18:22
requiestno it should ask user for user name and password18:22
gagaliciousis there a way i can boot to windows client pc from a ubuntu server?18:24
requiestinstad of using sshfs i can use ssh and then how can i mount the server user hoem directory to local linux user18:26
requiestin server user .profile what command line to be insert so each and everytime it should mount to local linux pc18:28
ioriarequiest,  for sshfs you need an account sshfs -o idmap=user account@ip:/share_remote ~/share_local18:29
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gagaliciousi want to PXE boot into windows diskless client from linux server. is that possible?18:30
requiestmy query is can i use ssh and then how can i mount the server user hoem directory to local linux user18:32
ioriarequiest,  i think sshfs is done for that...18:33
ioriarequiest,  but you can use also cis-utils18:35
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ioriarequiest,  or  nfs-kernel-server  , a lot of choices18:38
DirtyCajunif /media is for automatically added and removed... and /mnt is for temporary manual mount... waht is for permenant?18:39
requiestbut i am not using windows18:39
OerHeksgagalicious, seems so , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallMultiDistro#Summary with the url http://oss.netfarm.it/guides/ris-linux.php18:39
gagaliciousnot installation. it's using18:40
agathezolDirtyCajun, the file system - i.e. / is permanent, on my system /home is a permanent mount18:40
ioriarequiest, ah,  ok    sshfs  then18:40
requiestone linux server and linux desktop18:40
gagaliciousi want to use it as a diskless windows client18:40
OerHeksthat would be a ##windows question18:40
lahaugen87DirtyCanjun, /mnt is also for permament. All my fstab mount is in /mnt18:40
lahaugen87All guides also show /mnt in fstab examples18:41
DirtyCajunagathezol: ok so i have 4 HD i dont ever plan on removing... they are in essence permenant. i have them all in /mnt. is there a different place that is the "linux File system by Linux foundation" stander?18:41
zykotick9DirtyCajun: unlike lahaugen87's opinion, i think /mnt is for temporary mounts.  check out /srv18:41
requiestlinux 15.04 desktop and red hat el server all users are created in rhel server18:42
agathezolDirtyCajun, depends on what the disks are being used for, if one is /home for instance, mount it to /home, if one is /usr/local mount it there.18:42
lahaugen87I was thinking USB/samba/NFS. HD's is not for /mnt18:43
DirtyCajunI am using them as solely storage. 1 SSD holds all OS files and normal /* Directories. I Have 4 HD 1 for movies 1 for TV and 2 for games all 5TB each.18:44
EliKLAASdoes elementary OS count as ubuntu?18:44
zykotick9lahaugen87: "man heir" says "/mnt   This directory is a mount point for a temporarily mounted filesystem...."18:44
OerHeksEliKLAAS, nope, it is a derivate with their own issues.18:45
agathezolDirtyCajun, well, the one with your system files hsould be mounted to /, your media drives could be mounted to a shared local space for multi-user (i.e. /usr/local/movies or the like)18:45
EliKLAASoh okay18:45
requiesthow can i mount the home directory to local user sshfs, i am having around 50 users but each day they are using different systms all are loaded with ubunt 15.0418:45
agathezolDirtyCajun, if they are user specific storage, you could go as far as mounting them into your user's hdir18:46
DarkKnightCZHas anyone bought Ubuntu Phone from BQ inside EU? I'm having troubles understanding if i need to pay VAT or if it's already paid18:46
EliKLAASdoes anybody know what the "best" Desktop envroiment is?18:47
lyzerequiest, Oh so do you: you have a directory e.g. /home/usr1 on a server. now whenever "usr1" logs in on a client machine the /home/usr1 from the server should get mounted on the client as home directory?18:47
PiciEliKLAAS: the one you like the best.18:47
lyzeEliKLAAS, depends entirely on yourself. there is no best desktop environment ;)18:47
EliKLAASthere are too many18:47
k1lEliKLAAS: that is different from user to user. find the one that you like the best18:47
k1lDarkKnightCZ: better ask in #ubuntu-touch18:47
EliKLAASis there like a list of all desktop envroiments?18:47
DarkKnightCZk1l: thanks, will try18:47
EliKLAASoh i found one xD18:48
DirtyCajunthey are for all users to access. Ok lets go this way. if you installed ubuntu and you chose SDA as your OS. The computer knew you had SDB SDC SDD SDE. you told it you want to use them all indiviually. it auto mounted them as it was installed. where would it put them.18:48
requiestyes on exit it should dismout18:48
k1lEliKLAAS: you can install a lot of different desktops on ubuntu18:48
OerHeks!desktop | EliKLAAS even this list is not complete18:48
ubottuEliKLAAS even this list is not complete: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors18:48
requiestor on logoff all so18:48
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors18:49
lyzerequiest, I guess you could do that with ldap18:49
lyzeJust test them out ;)18:50
requiestok no othere simple way?18:50
lyzerequiest,  don't think so18:50
ioriarequiest, sshf is a simple way18:51
macsurfhello i have problem with cross compilation u-boot for orangepi I have many errors like that: /usr/src/orangepi-bsp/u-boot-sunxi/arch/arm/include/asm/io.h:80: multiple definition of `__raw_writesb'18:51
lyzeioria, he wants to have the complete home directory on a server ;)18:51
requiestok thank you very much18:51
EliKLAASi found a nice one18:51
EliKLAASlets see if i can install it on ubuntu18:51
requiestno not to server18:52
jackcom-rw-r--r--@  1 Yogo  staff    2730 Jan 22 03:42 qgeolocation.h    <—— i want delete ‘@‘. how can i delete it?18:52
requiestok ioria can you tell me how18:52
lyzeYeah I know. The directory is stored on the server and should be mounted on login to /home/<name>18:52
k1l_EliKLAAS: ##linux for all that non ubuntu support :)18:53
ioriarequiest, i told you before18:53
ioriarequiest,  for sshfs you need an account sshfs -o idmap=user account@ip:/share_remote ~/share_local18:53
EliKLAASokay thanks18:53
ioriarequiest,  to exit, fusemount -u /share18:53
EliKLAASp.s. deepin was not what i was looking for...18:53
ioriarequiest,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS18:53
requiestmy server ip is and user is user1 and local linux 15.04 system is officepc18:55
EliKLAASi cant send messages in linux channel18:55
ioria!info sshf | requiest18:55
ubotturequiest: Package sshf does not exist in wily18:55
ioria!info sshfs | requiest18:55
ubotturequiest: sshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 40 kB, installed size 133 kB18:55
lyzeHave you registered an account EliKLAAS ?18:55
EliKLAASon freenode?18:55
ioriarequiest,  you install sshf on the local machine , but the ssh server should be running on the server18:56
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k1l_EliKLAAS: for issues with the irc network ask in #freenode18:56
requiestthat i have don18:57
ioriarequiest,  then you create a mount point on the local machine18:57
ioriarequiest,  add user to fuse group18:57
requiestthat is also done18:57
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer
requiesthow make sshfs to prompt to ask user name and password18:58
ioriarequiest,  you connect   with the username ....    user1@ip  , then you'll be prompted for the passwd18:59
lyzerequiest, what about mounting the complete /home directory instead on startup?18:59
requiestno it should ask like telnet19:00
ioriarequiest,  i think it does not work like telnet19:00
requiesttelnet and ip afterword it will ask to user name and password19:00
_SpongeSo the videos of Mark Shuttleworth , failed !19:00
lyzerequiest, well the default user logon will ask you about the credentials. use ldap then fore unified user management between computers19:00
k1l__Sponge: this the a technical support channel19:01
requiestbecause i am having 50 user in rhel server19:01
_SpongeWhere is the conference happening ... i.e. Which IRC channel ?19:01
requiestand user will not setting in the same systems19:01
MonkeyDust_Sponge  ask in #ubuntu-offtopic19:02
requiestgot disconnected19:06
requiestnet got disconnected19:06
FOX2ok so im having a little issue here19:08
FOX2im trying to see my network drives19:08
FOX2at work19:08
FOX2but i am plugged into the network using a debian operating system19:08
MonkeyDustFOX2  spare the enter key19:08
nicomachusFOX2: put as many details as possible into ONE LINE please.19:08
FOX2im pretty sure that i can see what i need without using samba as a medium19:08
FOX2you guys should turn off the beeping noises then19:08
nicomachusFOX2: you're spamming the channel, actually. so put it all on one line whenever possible.19:09
lyzeYou should just write in proper and full sentences. Use the "dot" key instead of the "enter" key whenever you finish a sentence, please.19:09
MonkeyDustFOX2  one line is easier to read and repeat19:09
FOX2i am trying to view the network drives from a debian operating system19:09
nicomachusLubuntu is not a debian operating system.19:10
FOX2lubuntu is a debian operating systtem im britty sure19:10
nicomachusit is debian based. but not debian. there are significant differences.19:10
MonkeyDustFOX2  better ask in #debian19:10
nicomachusMonkeyDust: he's on Lubuntu, just keeps calling it debian.19:11
FOX2i can see that there is a difference, and in my case it is negligible19:13
zykotick9FOX2: your perception != fact19:14
MonkeyDustFOX2  ok, start over, put your question in one line, now19:14
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zykotick9nicomachus: MonkeyDust so FOX2 ended up asking for support in #debian...  they didn't seem happy when i suggested they needed to get support here.19:27
FOX2my perception is reality luv19:27
FOX2forget what they think19:28
markybobFOX2, no it's not. and don't call people 'luv'19:28
FOX2I get more support on #8chan19:29
Seveasthat's because your behaviour is more compatible with them :)19:30
zykotick9Seveas: i actually don't know what #8chan is... but i _know_ your comment is funny ;)19:31
nicomachusalright... so occasionally, I'll open a new tab in Chrome, and then everything will just crash and take me back to my login screen. No idea what conditions produce it... which logs should I be checking?19:33
Seveasnicomachus: /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:34
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Seveasand ~/.xsession-errors19:34
nicomachusnothing stuck out in Xorg, but this could be it: https://paste.ubuntu.com/14592140/19:36
nicomachus.xsession-errors ^^19:36
Seveasnicomachus: neh, that's mostly harmless19:38
nicomachuswell here's Xorg, but nothing jumps out at me: https://paste.ubuntu.com/14592130/19:38
Seveasnicomachus: looks sane as well. Try dmesg, /var/log/kern.log and /var/log/syslog19:41
oskar_where am i ?19:45
* nicomachus needs to reboot more often... these are some lengthy logs.19:46
zykotick9oskar_: on earth, i'd expect... or are you on the ISS?19:46
lyzeoskar_, ubuntu help channel ;)19:46
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nicomachusLOL: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry....19:47
nicomachusthis is syslog: line 2056 seems to be the start of the error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/14592211/19:48
naccnicomachus: i've hit this too -- it seems to only happen when i have multiple monitors connected19:49
nicomachusI DO have an external monitor connected to my laptop.19:49
Seveasnicomachus: 2050 actually19:49
naccnicomachus: sometimes i'm not even able to login unless i disconnect the hub that the monitors are running off of19:49
nicomachusand this error didn't start until I connected it.19:49
Seveasnicomachus: that looks like X just crashed.19:50
naccnicomachus: i think it's a bug in the mulitple monitor support, but i haven't debugged it further19:50
naccnicomachus: if i start up w/o the monitors connected, then connect the hub, it gneerally works fine (although i somteimes have to muck with the settings to put them in the right place)19:50
nicomachusI wonder why an extra tab in Chrome would set that off, though?19:50
nicomachusnacc: I've read about that odd workaround before.19:50
Seveasnicomachus: because bugs in X are not unheard of, and chrome has been known to tickle X bugs.19:51
ttalis it totally acceptable (in terms of keeping ubuntu updated) to install steam via apt-get? The steam in the software centre wants me to go through a buy process which requires an ubuntu 1 account, whereas the apt-get method doesn't. Are they the same? Will the apt-get method approach be kept updated and not screw anything up with my ubuntu desktop over time?19:51
naccnicomachus: yeah, it's annoying, but not so critical to me right now that i care too much19:51
Seveasnicomachus: try a different Ubuntu version. It may help.19:51
naccnicomachus: ah interesting, i got a segfault in X19:51
naccnicomachus: in my logs19:51
nicomachuswell, I guess I'll just have to remember to save my work before letting Chrome go on a tickle spree.19:52
naccnicomachus: unfortunately i can't be sure it's not because of my out-of-tree displaylink drivers :/19:52
nicomachushere's the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/151147619:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1510970 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1511476 Intel driver crashes on Ubuntu 15.10" [Medium,Confirmed]19:52
lyzettal, download it from steam directly. there you get a deb file. install that one via sudo dpkg -i <file>.deb19:52
ttallyze: ok, thanks for the reply. Why do it that way? What does that do that apt-get doesn't?19:53
nicomachusttal: use the apt-get method, it works perfectly. I use it almost daily. It stays up to date as well.19:53
ttalnicomachus: ok, yeah I used it on another system a few days ago and worked fine. whats the difference?19:54
ttaljust wondering what the difference is between all these methods of install, and whether they are maintained and updated automatically by ubuntu whichever method I chose?19:54
chasinglogicttal: there isn't really one, the ubu-software center uses apt-get under the hood19:54
nicomachusttal: the apt-get method should be the same as the software center...19:54
chasinglogicttal: in short yes if you use apt-get you will still get the auto updates through the GUI updater since it also uses apt-get under the hood19:55
ttalok great, so downloading from the website may not be the best idea. It may download a newer version with unforseen bugs not accounted for or tested by ubuntu?19:56
rwwthe apt-get and packaged versions autoupdate into ~/.steam anyway19:56
ttalchasinglogic: nicomachus: thanks guys, really appreciate the help.19:56
rwwso it's six of one, half-dozen of the other19:56
ttalrww: ok got it, thanks.19:57
stacks88when you install a package via aptitude vs apt-get, they both still end up pulling from the same sources right? or no20:00
mave_yes stacks8820:00
zykotick9stacks88: yes.  and "apt install foo" as well.20:00
geirhaas well as the software center20:02
zykotick9geirha: all the same repo!20:02
zykotick9geirha: well, software center _might_ be a bit different...20:02
zykotick9geirha: being the "app store" of ubuntu and all...20:03
jemaduxsudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades20:05
jemaduxupdate-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults20:05
jemaduxhow to solve that ?20:05
=== Joshua_Dunamis is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
Pursche01Hello there, my name is Markus and I currently study Game Development at a university. I am making a game as a project and I would like to add Unix support. One obstacle is the very specific way my game engine uses some windows specific mouse functions (setting the position of the mouse pointer). I figured that rolling my own, software mouse pointer, would20:09
Pursche01be better than adding support for specific OS'es. I am currently stuck at Mouse Acceleration though. Is there anyone in here I could talk to about what Microsoft likes to call Mouse Ballistics? My ideal situation would be to straight out use the one from Ubuntu, but I am unsure if I am allowed and where to find it.20:09
williamsudohi everyone20:12
williamsudoI've gotten into a bit of a problem20:12
williamsudoI'm creating a small personal webpage and needed user access to /var/www, so I followed instructions on the web and used chown20:13
williamsudonow I can't do anything without sudo20:13
eb0ti thought ubuntu was all sudo20:14
zykotick9williamsudo: did you change anything else?  like your computer's name?20:14
DavidFromBEwilliamsudo: what command did you run ?20:14
eb0tits a beginners distro so they dont want people messing it up20:14
williamsudosudo chown -R guille:guille /var/www/20:15
zykotick9eb0t: i'd bet a few people don't appreciate your "colour commentary" about ubuntu...20:15
k1l_williamsudo: that is wrong20:15
eb0twaht colour commentary20:15
eb0tjust trying to help20:15
k1l_eb0t: be actual helpfull20:15
williamsudooh I also used this20:15
zykotick9eb0t: never mind, i'm not going to repeat it.20:16
williamsudosudo chmod -R 666 /var/www/20:16
luketheduke1are you su'ed into the apache user?20:16
k1l_williamsudo: put yourself into the www-data group. then you can pplace files there20:16
luketheduke1try typing "sudo su <your username>"20:16
k1l_williamsudo: that is just plain wrong20:16
zykotick9luketheduke1: NO!20:16
nicomachusluketheduke1: we don't use su. never su.20:16
eb0tno dont use su...thats only on proper distros with ubuntu you godda use just sudo20:16
k1l_guys, stop giving bad advice. a proper user/group managment is all he needs20:16
luketheduke1nicomachus: su just means switch user.20:16
Pursche01Could anyone tell me which Ubuntu team is responsible for the mouse? My first thought was ubuntu-unity since they are responsible for the keyboard menu.20:17
luketheduke1if you run su <user> then it switches to that user20:17
williamsudoluketheduke1, I did that but it still denies me permission20:17
nicomachusPursche01: what's your issue?20:17
k1l_williamsudo: did you read what i said?20:17
williamsudok1l_: I need access to the whole computer now20:18
geirhause sudo to switch user, not su20:18
williamsudonot just var/www20:18
luketheduke1geirha, sudo runs something as super user. That's not good20:18
Pursche01nicomachus, I am developing a game and would like to add Unix support. I am however using some Windows specific API's for moving the mouse. I figured a better solution would be to make a software mouse, I would like to ask some questions about mouse acceleration in Ubuntu.20:18
snufk1nHi guys. I just upgraded my server from 14.04 to 15.04. Some packages wasn't upgraded properly, most importantly apt itself. I can't update it using 'apt-get install apt' due to unresolved dependencies. What to do?20:18
geirhaluketheduke1: unless you tell it to run as a different user ...20:18
luketheduke1geirha, yes. But you didn't specify that & it defaults to running as super user20:19
nicomachusPursche01: ok, perhaps #ubuntu-dev would be a good place to start. Mouse inputs are handled by X in ubuntu, iirc, but the dev guys can help.20:19
xanguasnufk1n: if this is a server, why exactly are you upgrading to a release that will be stopped being supported in a few days?20:19
geirhaluketheduke1: so does su20:19
Pursche01Alright, thank you nicomachus!20:19
k1l_luketheduke1: please read about what  sudo does20:19
luketheduke1geirha, that is why I said 'su <user name>'20:19
geirhasudo -s -u otheruser20:19
ioriasnufk1n, why did you do that ?20:20
snufk1nxangua: I'm planning om upgrading to 15.10 as soon as I've got everything working. ioria20:20
williamsudoluketheduke1: no, I'm running nginx and I'm the system's admin20:20
=== lulcat is now known as loldog
snufk1nCouldn't upgrade directly to 15.1020:20
zykotick9snufk1n: sidenote 14.04 can ONLY upgrade to 14.10... from 14.10 you could then upgrade to 15.04... no skipping releases unless it's LTS->LTS20:20
xanguasnufk1n: and how exactly did you upgrade from 14.04 to 15.04? you can't either directly upgrade for that20:21
williamsudowhat can I do to regain user access?20:21
ioriasnufk1n, you are going from upstart to systemd ... can you paste the various errors you got ?20:21
k1l_williamsudo: where do you have no access?20:21
williamsudoI can't do anything without sudo20:22
zykotick9williamsudo: so "sudo ls" fails?20:22
snufk1nxangua: Ehm, no idea how that happened. The info (from system settings) said 14.04, then it upgraded to vivid.20:22
k1l_williamsudo: so there must have been some other command20:22
zykotick9k1l_: +120:22
k1l_williamsudo: and that means you messed alle syste priviledges. which means you need to reinstall20:22
ioriasnufk1n, do-release-upgrade ? after changing release-upgrade ?20:22
snufk1nioria: Yup20:22
williamsudozykotick9: no, it doesn't20:23
xanguaSeriously, I've seen at least 1 daily issue where a user is offered 14.04 to 15.04! here's the proof (¿)20:23
snufk1nioria: Also, unresolved dependencies is libapt-pkg4.12 and libstdc++620:23
snufk1nCan't install those directly either, nothing happens20:23
zykotick9williamsudo: i _really_ do think, something else was done, besides your chown/chmod...20:23
mint333332what do you recommend when trying to recover deleted files in folder on ext4 filesystem, ssd?20:23
k1l_williamsudo: the 2 commands you showed dont touch "the whole system". so there must have been other commands. maybe accidently or typos20:23
ioriasnufk1n, you have a little work in front of you ...20:23
williamsudok1l_: I have access to everything, but with sudo20:23
k1l_williamsudo: and since you cant repair all system permissions you will need to reinstall.20:24
williamsudok1l_: The problem lies in that I need sudo-free commands and that it's very annoying20:24
snufk1nioria: Would you suggest upgrading to 15.10 before fixing it, hoping it somehow gets resolved by itself?20:24
k1l_williamsudo: what commands?20:24
williamsudossh keys20:25
k1l_williamsudo: so what commands did you run with chmo/chown?20:25
OerHekssudo -i # and your whole (terminal) session is root20:25
xanguasnufk1n: seriously, if you use a server stick with LTS20:25
ioriasnufk1n,  really idk ... you'll need  to -f install  something and  maybe remove/purge  others .... can you paste the errors ?20:25
williamsudok1l_: chown and chmod20:26
snufk1nxangua: To late for that now20:26
k1l_williamsudo: what exactly? we try to find the command you did that messed your whole system to decide if we can help you rescue your system or if it needs a reinstall.20:26
snufk1nioria: Hold on a sec20:26
zykotick9williamsudo: fyi, "history" might be helpful?  are you sure you didn't run anything else?20:26
williamsudok1l_: sudo chmod -R 666 /var/www/ and sudo chown -R guille:guille /var/www/20:27
k1l_williamsudo: so i would try to give as much honest information if you want to try to rescue that system. if you dont want do a reinstall and learn from that mistake20:27
nicomachussnufk1n: ioria: found this bug that occurs when upgrading directly from 14.04 to 15.04. possible source of the issue here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/init-system-helpers/+bug/150981620:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1032823 in lvm2 (Ubuntu Xenial) "duplicate for #1509816 package libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.48-4ubuntu7.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [High,Fix released]20:27
=== loldog is now known as luldog
iorianicomachus, yep20:27
k1l_williamsudo: that would have only touched /var/www and should not interfer with the rest of the system. that should work as before. only the stuff that works in /var/www20:28
k1l_*is affected20:28
snufk1nioria: http://pastebin.com/y7bbUWGQ20:28
snufk1nnicomachus: Gonna check it out, thanks20:29
ioriasnufk1n,  why are reinstalling apt ?20:29
snufk1nnicomachus: Nope, not the same problem20:29
DrFreakyUbuntu is too much like Windows 1020:29
DrFreakyIts too commercial20:29
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt20:30
DrFreakyAnd it probably spies on you like Windows 1020:30
williamsudok1l_, zykotick9: http://pastebin.com/fsfDbq9120:30
nicomachusDrFreaky: this isn't the place for that disucssion.20:30
snufk1nioria: I have a bunch of packages I can't upgrade using 'apt-get upgrade', apt is one of them.20:30
ioriasnufk1n,  why are you reinstalling apt ?20:30
zykotick9williamsudo: sorry, i don't visit pastebin.com...  best of luck though!20:30
luketheduke1DrFreaky: The spying is going away in 16.04. Finally.20:30
DrFreakyCanonical is a wannabe Microsoft LOL20:30
k1l_luketheduke1: there is no spying20:30
luketheduke1k1l_: it automatically sends data to third parties & is opt-out. That's not very cool20:31
k1l_luketheduke1: see the FUD factoid from the bot20:31
nicomachusluketheduke1: please take that discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic20:31
k1l_luketheduke1: so every browser or program that connects to the internet is spying on you? its FUD. dont call it like that. its labeled "online and local search" so its clear it sends that somewhere.20:32
ioria!info libapt-pkg4.12 vivid20:32
ubottulibapt-pkg4.12 (source: apt): package management runtime library. In component main, is important. Version (vivid), package size 671 kB, installed size 2978 kB20:32
luketheduke1k1l_: Yes. And it should be something that's opt-in, not opt-out. Data-mining the users should not be the default20:33
nicomachusluketheduke1: please take that discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic20:33
ioriasnufk1n,  you have backup ?20:34
snufk1nioria: It's that bad?20:34
ioriasnufk1n,  well, apt not working ....20:35
farooghkzhi.in ubuntu which device file is sound output?20:35
k1l_williamsudo: "sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www"  and "sudo chmod -R g+rwX /var/www"   then set your user to the www-data group: "sudo adduser <username> www-data"  log out and back in and the user should be activated in that group20:36
ioriasnufk1n,  if you have it, we can try some20:36
Poindexter_Hey guys, has anyone here used Ubuntu Virtual machine? Is it anything like VBOX or is it just in the developmental stages/20:37
snufk1nioria: As long as we don't break the filesystem, I'm willing to try your ideas. Nothing of importance to be lost anyway.20:37
snufk1nCan salvage if needed20:37
ioriasnufk1n,  cat /etc/issue and uname -r ?20:38
snufk1nUbuntu 15.04, 3.13.0-76 (oh yeah, that's another thing: froze on boot using 3.19)20:39
ioriasnufk1n,  yep, broken upgrade .... apt-get install/purge/remove  not working at all ?20:40
snufk1nioria: Stuck in a loop going from dist-upgrade to autoremove20:41
farooghkzin ubuntu which device file is sound output20:41
ioriasnufk1n,  if apt not working you have to use dpkg -P   and manually install the deb packages from ubuntu web site20:41
MediocreNutIm running 15.10, kernal 4.2.0-16, and my ethernet port doesnt work. It recognizes the device, but will not turn it on20:42
snufk1nioria: Lel, was literally asking about that right now. I'll try that now20:42
iRyhi would need some help to connect to my new ubuntu server via ssh.. every time i connect it says either network unreachable, connection refused or time out20:42
MediocreNuthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/14592557/  The NIC link goes down but will not go back up.20:42
MediocreNutAny ideas?20:42
darcan anybody here run 'sudo apt-get -s install libpng12-dev libpng12-dev:i386' and nopaste the result, please?20:42
ioriasnufk1n,  http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid-updates/libapt-pkg4.1220:42
nicomachusdar: why?20:43
k1l_MediocreNut: does it work with the original ubuntu kernel?20:43
darnicomachus: I'm having conflicts, can't install the both of them O_o20:43
snufk1nThanks. I'll be back with results in a few minutes20:43
nicomachusiRy: verify that you have the correct syntax, hostname, and IP address.20:43
MediocreNutk1l_: i've only tried going to 4.2.0-23, and in that my wireless doesnt even work. I'm not sure what you mean by the origional20:43
darnicomachus: I just want to know I'm not alone :D20:44
k1l_MediocreNut: sorry was confused with the 15.04 kernel. please run a "sudo apt update && sudo apt fll-upgrade" your kernel is not the latest20:44
nicomachusdar: why would you need both? is your machine 64 bit or 32?20:44
k1l_MediocreNut: should be a 4.2.0-25 kernel today20:44
darnicomachus: I need both to compile in multi-arch20:44
ioriasnufk1n,  http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/libstdc++620:44
MediocreNutk1l_: if i update to 4.2.0-23 or 4.2.0-25 my wireless dies20:44
williamsudok1l_: Thanks I'll try that now. Will it give me normal access as before? i.e. can I now for example nano help.txt in my home folder?20:44
k1l_williamsudo: all that doesnt touch your home directory20:44
iRynicmachus: here comes the problem. i'm trying to connect to a IPv6 adress20:44
k1l_MediocreNut: does the ethernet work there?20:45
nicomachusiRy: ohhhh. that can be trickier, and I'm not all that familiar with it. My machines still have IPv4 in addition to their IPv6 addresses, and I just use the 4. but the man page for SSH should have instructions on connecting to IPv620:45
ioriasnufk1n,  or drastically dpkg -P apt and manually download it ..... (it will be a mess :( )20:45
MediocreNutk1l_: no i lose all network20:45
iRythis ipv6 is killing me20:46
MediocreNutk1l_: it works in my windows partition tho, so i know the hardware is good20:46
williamsudok1l_: how do I give myself permission to use my home directory?20:46
k1l_williamsudo: none of that commands you showed did touch your home directory. so i still dont know what is going on on your system20:47
k1l_williamsudo: i think you really screwed your system before this20:47
nicomachusiRy: did you check the man page?20:47
williamsudok1l_: it worked perfectly before this20:48
iRynicomachus: yes thats what i did the past 3 hours plus google of course20:48
zykotick9williamsudo: what does "ls -ld /home/YOURUSERNAME" show for ownership?20:49
k1l_williamsudo: cd ~20:49
williamsudok1l_: I'll only be using www though, so it's not much of a nuisance, thanks a lot everyone20:49
nicomachusiRy: it should just be "ssh -6 xxxx::xx:xxx:xxxx:xxxx" with whatever your address it.20:49
k1l_williamsudo: then "ls -al" in a pastebin20:49
zykotick9k1l_: "cd" is faster ;)20:49
iRynicomachus: debug1: connect to address 2a02:XXX:XXX:XXX:7d90:be26:46f0:ab70 port 22: Network is unreachable20:49
williamsudozykotick9: drwxr-xr-x 5 guille guille 4096 Jan 21 20:22 /home/guille20:49
mrtAkdenizGuys there are 30~ computers on our computer lab, and we are going to install Ubuntu all of them. All computers are same and i think maybe there is a tool/utility which backups system image so I can restore image for other computers20:50
nicomachusiRy: and port 22 is open, correct?20:50
zykotick9williamsudo: i think you chaned ownership of a LOT more then just /var/www to guille:guille!!!20:50
iRynicomachus: yes20:50
MediocreNutmrtAkdeniz: use clonezilla and take an image of the first 1 you setup20:50
iRynicomachus: port forwarding / mac forwarding enabled20:50
mrtAkdenizBy doing that, I can only install OS and other components on one computer, and install image for others.20:50
nicomachusiRy: perhaps the guys in ##networking could help... I'm just not familiar enough with 6.20:50
williamsudok1l_: http://pastebin.com/gKnbrKCg20:50
zykotick9williamsudo: oh, is that your username?  probably is...20:50
MediocreNutmrtAkdeniz: or setup a pxe boot server and supply the image you want20:50
iRynicomachus: thx so far20:51
williamsudozykotick9: my username is guille20:51
mrtAkdenizMediocreNut, pxe boot server is a network thing, right?20:51
k1l_williamsudo: you are not in your users home. do a "cd ~" then "ls -al"20:51
zykotick9williamsudo: sorry, i was a bit slow there ;)20:51
LordDragonhey all20:51
MediocreNutmrtAkdeniz: yes, https://www.debian-administration.org/article/478/Setting_up_a_server_for_PXE_network_booting20:51
mrtAkdenizwill it be slow?20:52
LordDragonis there a way to bring up a terminal during the install ubuntu process? like while its copying files?20:52
MediocreNutmrtAkdeniz: hell of a lot faster than installing 1 by 120:52
williamsudok1l_: http://pastebin.com/SvTfXm7620:52
nicomachusmrtAkdeniz: depends on whether you have 10/100 or 10/100/1000 cards/cables in that lab.20:52
zykotick9LordDragon: did you try alt+f2?20:52
Swe3tDaveis that just me or sudo is really slow?20:52
MediocreNutBut again, anyone have an idea of this enp0s25 NIC link down issue?20:52
LordDragonzykotick9: would that open the terminal in a window? or is that full screen text terminal?20:53
mrtAkdenizMediocreNut, I'm not asking about the process speed, I'm asking about boot speed.20:53
nicomachusSwe3tDave: what do you mean slow....? sudo isn't a command, it doesn't do anything except give permissions to your commands.20:53
k1l_williamsudo: "sudo chown guille:guille .nano_history"20:53
zykotick9LordDragon: oh sorry, GUI i forgot.  alt+ctrl+f2 _might_ open a VT.  fyi, it's alt+f7 to get back.20:53
MediocreNutmrtAkdeniz: you can boot to an iso file, that will let you install onto each pc20:53
k1l_williamsudo: else everything is ok and should work20:53
LordDragonzykotick9: ty ill try that20:53
williamsudok1l_: it works thanks!!20:54
Swe3tDavenicomachus: i mean sudo echo blah takes 10 seconds to as for password.. and i'm on a i7-6700k...20:54
k1l_williamsudo: for the future now: dont use sudo on every command. it will break your system20:54
mrtAkdenizMediocreNut, every computer will probably has 2 OSes -windows and ubuntu-, which would you prefer to do? PXE / CloneZilla ?20:55
williamsudok1l_: Oh, was that it? I didn't have permission on www so I kept using sudo20:55
williamsudok1l_: got it, I won't use sudo if it's not necessary20:55
williamsudoThanks everyone!!20:55
Ghosty11Having issues getting x to work on my laptop. Went into recovery mode. it says it can detect a screen but it's not configured?20:55
MediocreNutmrtAkdeniz: well are you going to format the hd when you install, or are you going to run windows and ubuntu on both20:55
k1l_williamsudo: its not necessary most of the time.20:55
MediocreNutmrtAkdeniz: on all*20:55
mrtAkdenizI'll install Windows and Ubuntu for 1 computer, than copy that HDD into other computers20:56
k1l_williamsudo: with 5 minutes of thinking you could have made the proper group and user setup and have avoided all that hustle.20:56
nicomachusSwe3tDave: that is... odd. I got nothin.20:57
mrtAkdenizI'll install Windows and Ubuntu for 1 computer, than copy that HDD into other computers, MediocreNut20:58
MediocreNutmrtAkdeniz: I'd just use clonezilla then tbh. its way simpler and your only doing 30 cpus20:58
MediocreNutmrtAkdeniz: install it on 1 computer, get everything setup correctly.20:58
mrtAkdenizthen backup and restore on others.. MediocreNut20:58
hosifiedanyone else experience freezing in firefox when unlocking their screen?20:59
MediocreNutmrtAkdeniz: take your image, host it on a computer you have running. Boot into clonzilla and install from the ip/path of the computer with the image on it20:59
MediocreNutmrtAkdeniz: then you can install multiple at a time without having 30 clonezilla usb's20:59
luketheduke1What's the difference in a .vdi file and a dd'ed drive?20:59
=== supersoj1 is now known as supersoju
MediocreNutk1l_: any idea on this enp0s25 NIC link down?21:00
MediocreNutbesides upgrading kernal to .25, cause i lose all networking when i do that21:00
k1l_MediocreNut: you can boot the .25 to try. if it doesnt work reboot and choose the old one in grub21:01
MediocreNutk1l_: yeah, just tried booting to it. it actually makes the wired connection work, but all wireless dies21:01
MediocreNutk1l_: its a seperate laptop im messing with21:02
Ghosty11once again thanks for all your help #ubuntu.21:02
k1l_MediocreNut: so i would now use ethernet and see how to fix the wireless21:02
MediocreNuthow can i manually bring up the enp0s25 NIC link?21:05
mrtAkdenizIs it just me or Ubuntu always fails on file copy? It is always slowing. It started with 150mb/s and now 58mb/s and getting slow every second..21:10
k1l_mrtAkdeniz: what filesystems involved? what disk?21:10
mrtAkdenizit is not releated k1l_21:12
mrtAkdenizi'm facing this problem for years21:12
mrtAkdenizand just googled. saw that this is a silly bug on linux kernel for years..21:12
k1l_i dont. except i use ntfs, or a slow disk thats cache is full after some seconds and that has its real writing speed21:13
love_I have a Canon EOS that I have plugged in right now, nothing in Nautilus. Help?21:15
luketheduke1love_, what does it show on the camera screen?21:17
=== Gabbo is now known as Guest71850
k1l_love_: see "dmesg" after you plugged it in21:18
love_luketheduke1, it appears as though it does not detect anything.21:18
luketheduke1love_, what's the camera model?21:19
love_eos 50d21:19
darcan anybody here run 'sudo apt-get -s install libpng12-dev libpng12-dev:i386' and nopaste the result, please?21:20
adriaE: Unable to locate package libpng12-dev21:21
luketheduke1love_, is the camera's power switch put to <ON>?21:21
vertrekoOn someone elses metacity. Recent release. How to change a key binding?21:21
Bashing-om!info libpng12-dev:i386 trusty21:21
ubottuPackage libpng12-devi386 does not exist in trusty21:21
Bashing-om!info libpng12-dev trusty21:22
ubottulibpng12-dev (source: libpng): PNG library - development. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2 (trusty), package size 199 kB, installed size 611 kB21:22
rockstar180I have a quick question21:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:22
Guest71850dar http://pastebin.com/dMWFgBiA21:22
darthanks Guest71850, that validates my theory21:23
love_luketheduke1, gphoto2 -L lists all the images.21:23
vertrekoRecent metacity: do I need to install dconf-editor, gconf-editor, or neither to make CTRL-D not hose my Emacs?21:23
rockstar180I have a old laptop with a failing hard drive. Is it practical to install ubuntu to a sd card to have the laptop useful again?21:24
Guest71850rockstar180, old laptop HDDs are cheap second-hand.21:25
luketheduke1rockstar180: It will work, it just won't be quick21:25
Guest71850rockstar180, if you lived close I would give you one21:25
luketheduke1USB drives can work too21:25
rockstar180Replacing this laptop drive is out of the question. Have to remove the motherboard to do it.21:25
rockstar180The only panel on the back is to access the ram... stupid dell designers21:26
Guest71850odd.. every dell lappy ive dealt with the hdd wasn't a hard thing to access21:26
Guest71850but i believe ya21:26
Ben64what model21:26
love_luketheduke1, got it figured out, thanks.21:27
rockstar180Its a insspiron N401021:29
rockstar180Anyway, if I install ubuntu to a sd card. Wont that "burn" the card up?21:31
rockstar180Reading and writing multiple times?21:32
Ben64yes after a while21:32
Ben64but the more pressing issue is that it's going to be crap performance21:32
rockstar180Ahh okay21:33
rockstar180So if I don't want to replace the hdd... my options are limited?21:34
Ben64it doesn't look too hard to replace the drive21:34
Ben64just take your time and keep track of screws21:34
rockstar180Did you look it up on youtube?21:34
rockstar180its like 3 parts21:35
Guest71850rockstar180, also, take pics and you tear it apart...if you go the replacement route21:35
Guest71850take pics as(not and) you tear it apart21:35
rockstar180I was going to take a video lol21:35
Ben64whenever i take a laptop apart, i put the screws on a table in the same orientation they came from in the laptop21:35
Ben64so each screw goes back where it came from21:35
Ben64sometimes they're different lengths21:36
rockstar180I just really hate to see this laptop go to waste. Its already been replaced already but the specs are still decent for light gaming and surfing the web.21:36
Ben64yeah pop in a new drive or even better, a small ssd21:37
mikehaas763I've installed windows 10 and ubuntu 15.10 both in uefi mode on a fresh hd. Any idea why after booting into windows for the first time the grub loader is missing? Happens every time after repair when I boot back into win 1021:37
rockstar180Are all laptop drives the same size?21:37
luketheduke1mikehaas763, windows repair is messing it up. You don't want to 'repair' it through windows21:37
Ben64rockstar180: 2.5" yep21:37
luketheduke1mikehaas763, more specifically, every time you run the windows repair, it wipes the part of the disk that starts & replaces that part with windows' own bootloader21:38
luketheduke1thus displacing grub21:38
mikehaas763@luketheduke1 I didn't run repair through windows. I've booted from my ubuntu usb to repair21:39
luketheduke1mikehaas763: Oh. What are you doing to repair it from ubuntu usb?21:39
Ben64rockstar180: the only thing you need to look out for is sata vs ide21:39
rockstar180Laptop was purchased in 201121:40
mikehaas763I don't remember, let me run back through it again and I'll post back21:42
tooraphi all21:44
labbahi all i'm trying to install an old version of llvm: libllvm-3.1-ocaml-dev but  none of the repo ppa have that in them21:48
labbahow can i find a ppa that hold this version ?21:48
toorapi ve dont this sry21:48
xangualabba: if it's not in official repository or third party repositorym, compile it yourself21:48
labbai need the apt-get install because i have an app that requires old versions such as also: ocaml-base-nox=3.12.1-2ubuntu221:49
labbaso i can't just compile it all alone21:49
labbai need the support of the "apt-get install"21:50
labbaso i'm looking for ppa that will have that old version of ubuntu 12.0421:50
xanguawould be easier to just use 12.04, it's still supported21:51
mikehaas763damn, idk what's different this time around but after disabling the "Secure Boot" in my asrock z77 extreme 4 uefi it just started working again. What an odd bug how it works the first time booting into win 10 but then overrides grub following that21:51
labbayea... but we have upgraded .. and now paying the price21:51
xanguathe price of what¿ you can download ubuntu for free21:51
noelBEi would like to install ubuntu.  Im using win721:51
k1l_noelBE: load the ubuntu.iso, make it a live usb/dvd and run that to install21:52
labbaso no one know of an archive ppa line ?21:52
noelBEwitch ubuntu version can i install?21:53
noelBEbest ubuntu version21:53
luketheduke1I guess the one with witches21:53
noelBEsorry for my english21:53
k1l_noelBE: ubuntu 14.04, 64bit , if your hardware is 64bit21:54
luketheduke1It's okay. 14.04 64 bit is good. It's LTS, or long term support21:54
Joel12.04, how can I get a list of official packages? a website says openjdk-8-jdk should be available, but I'm not seeing it21:54
k1l_Joel: packages.ubuntu.com21:54
Joelk1l_, thanks21:55
noelBEthanks k1l21:55
platzhaving a problem with regularly occuring system hangs, nothing in syslog or journalctl, nothing in /var/crash/, how do i troubleshoot?21:55
luketheduke1platz, does top show anything while it's happening?21:56
platzthe screen completely freezes21:56
platzi tried the SysRq trick to reboot, that didn't work21:57
platzall that worked was turning th laptop light on and off via fn key21:57
luketheduke1Does Ctrl+Alt+F1 take you out?21:57
k1l_noelBE: what?21:58
platzi thought about some crash program to capture it, but not sure that will work21:58
noelBEis there a probleme that i dont have alot of experience with ubuntu21:59
Stinky_Feetplatz: Do you have the means to connect to it via SSH from another computer?21:59
k1l_noelBE: no. most people started as beginners on ubuntu21:59
platzStinky_Feet: I could try that next time, sure22:00
platznot a bad idea22:00
noelBE i had tried win10, but i wasnt so happy about this22:00
noelBEi saw that ubuntu have alot of possibityes22:02
noelBEps are there also dutch speaking people here on chat?22:03
k1l_!be | noelBE22:04
mikehaas763anyone aware of any packages to enable "natural scrolling" on ubuntu 15.10?22:04
k1l_noelBE: there is #ubuntu-be22:04
k1l_mikehaas763: looked into the mouse settings in systemsettings? iirc there was a setting to invert scrolling22:05
xanguamikehaas763: open your mouse settings22:05
Stinky_Feetplatz: Actually, if it is really hung it won't work, but if you are already connected and monitoring dmesg, you might get something... Don't hope for much, just something to try.22:05
donu7i'm trying to update (by apt-get update) and i'm getting the error: Cannot initiate the connection to us.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (2001:67c:1562::15). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) [IP: 2001:67c:1562::15 80]22:05
donu7but all my nics are configured for ipv4 only, any ideas why updates are trying to go thru ipv6?22:06
mikehaas763@k1l_ @xangua when I go to system settings -> mouse & touchpad I only see settings for primary button, double click speed and pointer speed22:06
ikoniadonu7: ipv6 is on the internet,22:06
ikoniayour isp should have a gateway to ipv6 networks22:06
k1l_mikehaas763: which ubuntu exactly?22:06
mikehaas763@k1l_ ubuntu 15.10 desktop22:07
k1l_mikehaas763: then look closer. i have that setting right in front of me22:07
mikehaas763@k1l_ do you have a touchpad hooked up?22:08
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k1l_its a laptop.22:08
donu7ikonia: the network i'm in has ipv6 disabled. i'm having a few odd network issues going (trying to set up a static dhcp network) but the box has an extra nic that's using ipv4 only w/ dhcp22:08
k1l_mikehaas763: and that is what natural scrolling is for: for using it with a touchpad22:09
mikehaas763that must be why, it must only be enabled for touchpads22:09
ikoniadonu7: it's not your network, it's the gateway of your network provider22:09
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mikehaas763@k1l_ bologna. There is no restriction for that there. outta the box macs which I believe were the first to popularize natural scrolling will also do natural scrolling for any mouse22:09
donu7I see, ty ikonia22:10
k1l_mikehaas763: no22:10
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mikehaas763@k1l_ yes. If you are bouncing between a docking station with a regular mouse (I have the magic mouse) and going to meetings etc with just your laptop it's extremely disorienting to switch scroll directions. I used to feel the same way then got used to natural scrolling with a mouse and now I'd never turn back22:12
mikehaas763two finger scroll on a touchpad vs scroll up on a mouse are absolutely no different so it's just a preference as to whether you like natural scrolling or not22:13
k1l_mikehaas763: that is your subjective opinion. technically there is a lot difference between scrolling on a mousepad with 2  fingers or the scrollwheel on the mouse.22:14
k1l_mikehaas763: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/234042/how-do-i-configure-natural-scrolling-with-an-apple-magic-mouse if you want to change that22:15
mikehaas763You're right, it is subjective. Which is why you shouldn't have mentioned "and that is what natural scrolling is for: for using it with a touchpad". Because I can tell you there are millions of people who disagree with that.22:15
mikehaas763"technically there is a lot difference between scrolling on a mousepad with 2  fingers or the scrollwheel on the mouse." <- no, there isn't. You can think about it as moving a scrollbar or moving the content in the scrolling container (which is natural scrolling). It has nothing to do with wheel on mouse or two finger scroll22:16
mikehaas763thankfully just discovered "ubuntu tweak" which includes an easy switch to turn on natural scrolling22:18
boreihi all22:25
boreican somebody gimme heads up - where i can find full iso image of 12.04.5 LTS (server) to install OS on the server without network22:26
lernerif you want to help me with a lvcreate issue: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=12666522:27
k1l_lerner: #debian for debian issues22:27
boreiwas looking through repos, and didn't find it.22:28
k1l_borei: see http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/22:28
boreiyep im there, but all ISO are max 700M22:29
boreiit's not full image22:29
k1l_borei: there is no full image22:29
boreiserver will not be connected (don't ask why)22:30
boreiwhat is my options then22:30
lernerk1l_, sudo lvcreate -L 1G -n demo VG_DATA returns " /run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: No such file or directory  WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to internal scanning.  Volume group "VG_DATA" not found. > I tried the repos but I havent found any package named lvmetad...22:30
luketheduke1There isn't a full image? That's nuts22:30
k1l_borei: you can install with the iso. what is the issue then?22:31
boreihuge list of deps22:31
boreithey will need to bring packages somehow22:31
k1l_luketheduke1: its not nuts. its a lot of packages available.how much TB do you want to burn to dvd?22:31
k1l_borei: so get that packages and depencies on a usb or cd or dvd and install them on that machine22:32
boreiok, seems like it will be only one solution22:32
whiteghostI have a question about video card drivers anyone want to take a stab at it    Geforce 6600 what would be the better driver to use 304.131 or the updates of same drive   or  173.14.3922:32
luketheduke1k1l_, all of the TB22:33
k1l_lerner: ask in #debian for the debian issues please.22:33
nicomachuswhiteghost: whichever works. try the 304 first. did the open-source xorg driver not work for you?22:34
boreiwell, it's not TBs, it's just couple DVDs22:34
boreianyhow, seems like i'll need to burn CD with more then i expected packages22:35
nicomachusborei: and why can't this server be connected to the internet just to download the needed packages?22:36
k1l_!offline | borei22:36
ubottuborei: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD22:36
abigbytehello. i am troubleshooting logging for ufw. trying to separate out into own log file but modying rsyslog conf and ufw config not working. any experience here with this or thoughts?22:36
Bashing-omwhiteghost: http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html // Nvidia recommends the 304 version driver .22:36
boreiI got such requirements22:36
nicomachus!pm | whiteghost22:36
ubottuwhiteghost: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.22:36
bishopsHi all, Have an annoying problem, everytime I delete trashed files from right clicking the bin icon in ubuntu 15.10 a files window opens up22:38
bishopsany ideas how to fix this?22:38
nicomachusbishops: it usually does that once it's done deleting. just close it.22:38
bishopsnicomachus: but that's annoying is it something specific to ubuntu 15.10?22:39
nicomachusbeen doing it as long as I remember, which is since 12.0422:39
bishopsmm I didn't have this in 12.0422:39
pmowHola.  I've got a defunct process that won't die.  Or more specifically it's dead, but won't release the port it's using.  The parent is init (pid 1) and I'm afraid to kill it.  Any ideas?22:39
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abigbytehello. i am troubleshooting logging for ufw. trying to separate out into own log file but modying rsyslog conf and ufw config not working. any experience here with this or thoughts?22:49
whiteghostthat didnt help I just went back to x org will try something else thks22:57
Bashing-omwhiteghost: Now a conflict in drivers ? What does ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' reveal ?23:00
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happenspappensI know ctrl-j can join two objects into one mesh, but is there a quick way to combine the vertices of the two separate meshes?  For instance I have a few vertices on one mesh and a lot of vertices on the other mesh.  Is there a shortcut that can create multiple poles so I don't have to make an equal number or shape of vertices on the mesh with less vertices?23:05
whiteghosti went back to x org think I have something else is the problem23:05
ablegreen_wI have gnome-session-fallback version 3.8.0 installed. I want to upgrade it to the latest version but the apt repository only has 3.8.0. How can I upgrade?23:06
Bashing-omablegreen_w: ?? " gnome-session package in Ubuntu >> The Trusty Tahr (supported) >> 3.9.90-0ubuntu12.1 >> 2015-04-15 " .23:12
ablegreen_wBashing-om: What is the difference between gnome-session and gnome-session-flashback?23:14
Bashing-omablegreen_w: Do not recall right of the top of my head . I do not run gnome as my DE so not kept up .23:17
ablegreen_wBashing-om: Ok. I will experiment with a Ubuntu VM before making any changes on my main system23:17
ablegreen_wBashing-om: Thanks.23:17
droolendughey guys, just wondering if anyone has any recommendations on packages similiar to this.23:18
rww-flashback is the "classic" one that looks more like gnome 223:18
Bashing-omablegreen_w: :) PPAs are not supported here .. but you may find this of interest : http://sourcedigit.com/15453-download-and-install-gnome-3-16-on-ubuntu-14-1014-04-systems .23:18
ablegreen_wBashing-om: Thanks!23:18
anao2hello@all does anyone know why lightdm fails to start if i switched back from mate-desk to unity, packages mate removed?? got failsavemode!!23:19
anao2seems mate-desktop destroys deps of lightdm and unity-greeter23:19
Bashing-omanao2: What is set to start in the file " /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf " ?23:21
anao2@Bashing-om not placed at 15.10 fresh setup23:26
anao2@Bashing-om a startx doesnt help, a reinstall unity dont solve, was forced to resetup new, but must be possible to use mate a second wm23:28
anao2@Bashing-om after installing mate lightdm changes look and most settings, after remove meta-p-mate X run into failsave mode :-(23:29
anao2@Bashing-om seems mate places lightdm conf into /etc and unity into /usr/share..23:30
Bashing-omanao2: 15.10 is systemd for the initiate servce . I have no familiarity . sorry - do not know what to advise .23:32
anao2@Bashing-om yep your right, systemd makes more problems! cant be purged on debian 8.2 too cause too deep inside the apps!!23:34
Bashing-omanao2: Just different, change is always hard to adjust too . We are all going to have to learn at some point .23:35
rwwIncorrect. Debian supports running without systemd just fine. It has systemd-shim from Canonical for GNOME etc.23:35
johnHHey there, anyone around who's familiar with reprepro?23:35
anao2@Bashing-om yep i fight since 200423:35
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Guest97094hello fellow hackers23:58
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