
luisssss12345hello, good night to you all, i need help, i installed yesterday Xubuntu Xenial and everything was fine until now, i want to connect to another wifi hidden network but when i choose the one i want it turns grey and won't lemt click on connect, can someone helpme to fix this please?02:12
xangualuisssss12345: please install a stable release if you plan to use Ubuntu in a daily basis02:14
xangua! Xenial02:14
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+102:14
xanguaFor Xenial support please join there02:14
luisssss12345actually i had Xubuntu 15.10 but it was taking 3 minutes to start up that's is why i installed Xenial and it takes half of the time to startup02:15
=== NegativeFlare_ is now known as NegativeFlare
Muriilast time I used my laptop I muted it13:18
Muriiand now I dont know how to unmute13:18
Muriican you guys help me out?13:18
knomeMurii, it's likely fn+f*something*, but you need to figure out what the something is13:40
knomeit's related to your laptop model, not xubuntu13:40
Muriiit's not related to my laptop since I'm using XUbutnu for 3 months without any problems13:41
=== aziz_ is now known as aziz
jdwwattswhats the best mail reader ?16:08
xubuntu32wHello there. I have a problem with my file manager (Thunar). I can't set emblems anymore to folders.16:23
xubuntu32wAny ideas? D: It happens when I tick an emblem in folder properties. It gets dismarked automatically.16:27
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
hextoreHello I just finished installing xubuntu core with apt-get after using the mini.iso and after my reboot when I try to login I get the error "Failed to start session"  I can get to the terminal using ctrl+alt+F1 and login fine there.20:19
hextoreI suppose i should mention this is on the desktop sitting beside this chromebook and it's 15.1020:21
hextoreok, well i may have got that sorted by installing ubuntu-sessions, but now when i  log in i get a plain blue screen with a mouse pointer and thats all.20:47
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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