
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
=== tmclaugh[work]_ is now known as tmclaugh[work]
=== smatzek_ is now known as smatzek
smatzeksmoser:  If bzr is going to be locked down soon, I'm wondering if we can get a small doc fix done under https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1531582 to save people time and confusion.17:46
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer
harlowjasmoser ping20:42
harlowjapress red-button to close off bzr20:42
harlowjaplease sign here20:42
harlowja(or else)20:42
jeffawanghey guys, is the order of execution deterministic for multipart configurations? Let me know if this isn't the right place to ask22:03
harlowjajeffawang unsure, do u mean order of reading (configurations don't really execute)22:09
jeffawang@harlowja: After all the configurations are merged, how is the order of execution determined? I have some scripts and some cloud-configs (with packages, yum_repos, and runcmd), and I'd like to make sure these are run in the right order, such that it goes repos -> packages -> runcmd -> scripts22:14
harlowjaso that's typically defined by the order of the modules keys in said config22:15
harlowjaie https://github.com/openstack/cloud-init/blob/0.7.x/config/cloud.cfg#L25 (the order of init modules)22:15
jeffawangahh, perfect. thanks for the prompt and useful reply @harlowja :)22:16

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