
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
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jamespagegnuoy, can I get a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/charm-helpers/handle-called-process-exception-for-git/+merge/283583 ?09:45
jamespagethat's breaking odl-controller on a ch resync right now09:45
gnuoyjamespage, +109:46
jamespagegnuoy, ta09:47
philip_stoevHello. What would be the canonical way to determine that a given host is the first one in a set of peers within the install() hook. That is, as juju starts  N nodes concurrently, how can the install() hook be different for the first of those nodes ?11:01
D4RKS1D3Hi jamespage , I am trying to install odl, but always fail, could you help me?, thanks11:20
jamespageD4RKS1D3, can you check /var/log/juju/unit-odl-controller-0.log for an error pelase11:21
D4RKS1D3jamespage, this is my configfile http://paste.ubuntu.com/14597039/ and the error in unit-odl-controller is this. http://paste.ubuntu.com/14597058/11:34
D4RKS1D3Thanks for help me11:34
jamespageD4RKS1D3, the install-url is not accessible11:35
jamespage2016-01-22 11:30:29 INFO install charmhelpers.fetch.UnhandledSource: No handler found for source https://nexus.opendaylight.org/content/groups/public/org/opendaylight/integration/distribution-karaf/0.3.3-Lithium-SR3/distribution-karaf-0.3.3-Lithium-SR3.tar.gz11:35
D4RKS1D3but this link works11:35
jamespageD4RKS1D3, where are you getting your charm from?11:36
jamespageI just fixed this bug this morning11:36
jamespageD4RKS1D3, oh please don't use that one11:36
jamespageD4RKS1D3, that's old...11:36
D4RKS1D3Could you send me the link of the new charm?11:37
jamespageyes - one second11:37
jamespageD4RKS1D3, https://jujucharms.com/u/openstack-charmers-next/odl-controller/trusty11:38
jamespagethats the latest development goodness11:38
D4RKS1D3Thanks jamespage11:38
D4RKS1D3i am retry11:38
jamespageI have another branch in flight with some other features, but its not ready to land just yet11:38
D4RKS1D3Okey, thanks for help me11:39
D4RKS1D3jamespage, sorry for disturb, now i have a crc problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/14597388/12:58
D4RKS1D3this is the same error i received with the obsolet charm12:58
D4RKS1D3you know how to solved it?12:59
iceyis it possible for a stop hook to be called in a context besides the destruction of the unit?13:09
iceycan somebody help me with testing an action? my python fu is not strong enough apparently13:31
jamespageD4RKS1D3, that would indicate that the archive you are downloading is corrupt - are you going via a proxy?13:56
jamespageit might have a bad copy13:56
nottrobinwould anyone have any idea why my juju might not be honouring $JUJU_REPOSITORY? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14597757/14:14
nottrobinoh never mind, I hadn't `export`ed it14:14
D4RKS1D3yes jamespage14:27
D4RKS1D3We are behind to a proxy14:28
D4RKS1D3but is a transparent proxy14:28
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iceycan anybody provide an example charm that tests actions? I've looked through a few of the openstack charms and, while they do have actions defined, they have no tests that perpform those actions15:43
iceyah, looks like swift-proxy actually tests actions15:44
lazypowericey : your findings on the topic would make an excellent blog post15:52
iceyagreed lazypower, may take some time this afternoon to write up about adding actions with tests to a charm :)15:52
iceyif I get to that, I'll send you a URL15:53
iceyhave a couple of posts to write now, layer charm being one :)15:53
lazypowerroll that beautiful blog footage icey15:53
iceyhaha lazypower15:53
cory_fu_jose: Hey, you around?16:35
bdxanyone else having issues with adding the lxd stable repo in xenial?16:58
bdxI'm hitting this: https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/820, I've already pinged the lxcontainers about this, just thought I would post here too ..17:00
josecory_fu_: yes, what's up?17:20
cory_fu_jose: We were doing RQ and admcleod1 wanted to discuss your comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~talligent/charms/trusty/openbook/trunk/+merge/280525 but he went ahead and added his own comment because he had to EOD17:22
cory_fu_jose: The store seems to accept any tags, not just the ones on the list, though of course consistency is good17:23
cory_fu_And we weren't sure how big of a deal the literal mdash was17:23
cory_fu_Again, the charm store seems to render them ok17:23
josehmm. from the wording on the docs it didn't seem like it and I didn't want to break anything. preferred to be safe than sorry17:24
cory_fu_Yeah, I agree that the wording on the docs implies that you should *only* use those tags, but that seems overly restrictive to me, and looking at https://jujucharms.com/u/talligent/openbook it seems to work ok17:25
josethanks for letting me know17:25
cory_fu_We were leaning toward those two items being worth addressing, but not blocking the MP, but your +/-1 has more weight than admcleod1's since you're a ~charmer.  ;)17:26
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* lazypower snickers18:16
lazypowercory_fu_   - you sir, are awarded 15 internet points18:17
bladernr_Hey, can you guys point me to some documentation somewhere on how to bootstrap into a container locally BUT deploy services to metal elsewhere?  Basically, I want to bootstrap into an LXC container on a MAAS server, and then use MAAS to deploy nodes w/ services on it.18:54
rick_h_bladernr_: manual provider is all I can think of. We don't have cross provider in Juju currently18:55
bdxcore, dev, charmers: whats up with this ---> https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-helpers/+bug/153481918:59
mupBug #1534819: FetchHandler charmhelpers.fetch.giturl.GitUrlFetchHandler not found <Charm Helpers:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1534819>18:59
iceylazypower: https://chrismacnaughton.com/blog/2016/01/22/adding-actions-to-a-juju-charm/19:13
iceylazypower: just for you :)19:15
lazypowerwill syndicate after daily :)19:15
iceysyndicating on insights.ubuntu.com?19:19
lazypowericey - i dont have that level of authority19:27
lazypowerbut i'll tweet it out :)19:27
iceylazypower: apparently I don't either :-P19:27
lazypowericey do you have a twitter handle?19:27
arosalesbdx hello19:50
arosalesbdx did you get past the xenial lxd issue -- thanks for updating the docs for all btw19:50
arosalesbdx: re your bug 1534819 marcoceppi looks to be the author there and is currently at scale conf, but I am sure he will get this ping and comment in the bug when he is back at a computer19:51
mupBug #1534819: FetchHandler charmhelpers.fetch.giturl.GitUrlFetchHandler not found <Charm Helpers:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1534819>19:51
arosalesthanks for submitting it. :-)19:51
bdxarosales: no, I haven't been able to find a way around it, other than grabbing the source from github and building locally19:56
bdxarosales: totally, thanks19:58
arosalesbdx was that in reference to the lxd/xenial issue or the charm helper fetch issue?20:01
bdxarosales: the lxd issue ... I've got it figured out now20:02
arosalesbdx cool, so just the charm helper fetch -- gotcha20:02
arosalesmarcoceppi: should catch that when he gets back in front of a computer thanks for logging it20:03
bdxperfect, thanks!20:03
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lazypower> build: The top level layer expects a valid layer.yaml file  - is there ever a time when building that you wont have a layer.yaml file? as thats pretty much the map to the world of what you're trying to do.21:39
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cory_fu_lazypower: That message should probably be changed to suggest that you're probably not building in the right directory or are missing an arg or something21:59
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lazypowercory_fu_ yeah, it surprised me it was yellow, and didnt halt execution. Not being in the TLD makes sense why it would yellow and attempt to continue22:01
lazypoweryellow = warn in my  mind.22:01
cory_fuORLY, it wasn't fatal?  It definitely should be.22:02
cory_fuThough I could maybe see having it check up a dir or two for a layer.yaml22:02
cory_fulazypower: Also, I think the "top level layer" bit is misleading and confusing.  It should just say something like, "Can't find layer.yaml; are you building from the correct directory?"22:04
lazypowerheh yeah, i dropped into charmbox cory_fu and promptly started building a charm of my $HOME22:18
lazypowerit may have been still checking / and/or /home for layer.yaml when i nuked the process + container22:19
tych0lazypower: hi, i'm going to flip the script here and ask you a question (although you don't have to know the answer :)23:03
lazypowertych0 nice23:03
tych0but suppose i wanted to write a charm. i saw a lightning talk recently (don't remember where) that someone had implemented a thing where you could just put in the charm's config what series it was for, vs. having to have a trusty/ and xenial/ version of everything23:03
tych0is there some docs about where to use that feature?23:04
tych0or did i completely misunderstand the lightning talk?23:04
lazypowerah series in config23:04
lazypowernope, thats a new thing :D23:04
lazypower*series in metadata23:05
joselazypower: ping23:05
lazypowerjose: pong23:05
tych0lazypower: a new thing in that i'm crazy and it doesn't exist? or that i have to build from source? (i don't mind using a source build so long as i can figure out which config bits to put in)23:05
joselazypower: hey, Matt tells me you have docs for layers but I can't find them on /docs, do you by chance have a link handy?23:05
lazypowerjose jujucharms.com/docs/devel23:06
lazypowernp :)23:08
lazypowerjose actually - the front page of the getting started guide tours you through layers - https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/developer-getting-started23:08
josejust stumbled upon that one, thank you!23:09
joseI guess it's time to rewrite the owncloud charm to a layered one23:09
lazypowerYou'll enjoy it :)23:10
lazypowerare you going to do a bash or a python layer jose?23:10
lazypowertych0 i'm looking btw - 1 sec23:11
joselazypower: not even sure how these work, so I'm reading a bit first. I'd be more inclined to bash, but if I can do python I'll do it.23:11
tych0lazypower: cool, thanks, no worries23:11
joseI think the fact that the current charm is in bash makes it easier to port23:11
lazypowertych0 this is in 2.0-alpha123:12
lazypowerso its in -devel ppa23:12
lazypowertych0 https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2016-January/006365.html if you want the release notes23:13
lazypower> Juju 2.0's new features and behaviours will confuse older Juju clients. - and that explains about the last 2 hours of my day23:14
lazypowerwhoops :P23:14
tych0yeah, i was hitting that earlier today as well23:14
lazypowerbindmount $JUJU_HOME in a container running 2.023:14
lazypowerthen drop back in my native env w/ stable and it gets weeeeiiirrrdddd23:15
tych0ah, multi series charms23:16
tych0lazypower: ok, here's another juju noob question. is there a way to alias machines somehow? so i can do juju ssh some-machine instead of juju ssh 1?23:20
lazypoweronly if there's a service on it23:20
tych0yeah, i think there will be23:20
lazypowerjuju deploy ubuntu/123:20
tych0right, ok. but if all of the machines have the same service, it's the same23:21
lazypowereach unit has an id, that is serially assigned23:21
lazypowerjuju ssh ubuntu/1223:21
lazypowerbut no, without a charm deployed on the machine, there is no other alias than the machine id23:22
lazypowerjose in here please :)23:23
tych0ok, cool, np :)23:23
joselet me copy and paste23:24
jose<jose> so, I don't get it. I need to write an owncloud charm and include that alongside the http/mysql/basic layers?23:24
lazypowerGood question. So you've got an existing owncloud charm right? Recall how you had to stand up apache, setup php, all that fun business befor eyou could even start modelling owncloud?23:25
joseeeeh not actually. I just did another iteration23:25
joseI'll have a read at the charm code first23:25
lazypowerwith layers you are correct, you pick up the HTTP interface for free, the Apache-PHP layer, and write your new layer which sits nicely on top of all that.23:25
lazypowerthe overall code of your charm will slim down to ~ 3 files, and maintenance becomes easier for you :)23:26
joselazypower: ok, so I think I've got the basics. I'm gonna take a further look later in the night, need to run!23:43
joseI hope to have it done by later though23:43
lazypowercheers jose  o/23:44

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