
BLZbubba_does 16.04 finally get rid of upstart and plymouth?00:32
BLZbubba_i've been waiting since 10.04 for that00:32
k1l_ubuntu uses systemd since 15.0400:33
k1l_but plymouth is still used iirc00:34
rwwhrm, i should spin up a VM and test if it's removable now00:35
rwwif memory serves plymouth was a depend of upstart, so couldn't be removed completely, just turned off00:35
geniirww: What, upstart?00:35
rwwnah, i know upstart's gone :)00:36
BLZbubba_thank god, maybe i can put nfs mounts in fstab again00:36
BLZbubba_for years flaky nfs mounts in fstab would cause upstart to freeze with no messages at all00:37
rwwlol, xenial image is 1.4GB right now00:37
k1l_systemd is way more wonky when it comes to fstab00:38
geniirww: Yeah insane, almost twice the size of 2 regular CDs now00:40
k1l_once you go post-cd size it cant be stopped :X00:40
geniiAlmost forces you to use USB if you don't have a DVD burner00:41
rwwi use USB for everything these days anyway, even netinst images in Debianland00:42
k1l_havent used a cd or dvd since years. my thinkpad x230 even doesnt have a dvd slot anyway. but i have a base-dock for that :)00:44
rwwoh, joy. ubuntu-desktop depends lightdm. lightdm depends plymouth01:08
rwwso not removable in Ubuntu Desktop any time soon01:08
rwwbut yeah, can be disabled, so *shrug*01:09
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stephanbuyshi all, does ubuntu's implementation of systemd also use networkd? I'm trying to use systemd-networkd to configure my interfaces but it doesn't seem to work? Do I have to fall back to /etc/network/interfaces?08:12
TJ-stephanbuys: yes, it uses systemd-networkd08:24
stephanbuysTJ-: I figured it out just had to disable networking and enable systemd-networkd (and systemd-resolved)08:26
stephanbuysthanks though08:26
TJ-do you mean "disable ifupdown network configuration" ?08:27
stephanbuysTJ-: no, systemctl disable networkign08:27
TJ-right, which is ifupdown via /etc/init.d/networking08:29
Fudgeis there anything special you have to do on a gateway running dhcp3 and bind9 to make the gateway use the cached dns so it can lookup the fixed hostnames?08:47
loveheartjoyloveDoes the oversized image size imply an oversized installation size?15:41
k1l(if i understand what you mean)15:42
loveheartjoyloveWell there's this bug, that is causing the disk image size to be larger than normal15:43
loveheartjoyloveI'm wondering if that will cause the installation footprint to also be larger than normal15:43
tewardand by 'installation footprint' you mean the total installed size?15:43
tewardas i understand the issue (and I'm not 100% fluent in it) that shouldn't impact installed size15:43
crobertshas anyone got wine to work with 16.0418:13
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:18
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