
brodydont work in solus ether00:00
adueppenbrody: then it's definitely a driver issue.00:00
brodyughhhh do u have any ideas?00:01
adueppenbrody: not really00:01
adueppenbrody: language please00:04
brodywhat about a wrapper for an inf file?00:04
adueppenbrody: that might work00:04
brodyhow would i find the inf file?00:05
craysiiican someone point me in the right direction of being able to bring up a notification in gnome from my script/program05:20
ricotzdarkxst, hi :)08:21
ricotzI am hoping the new g-s-d solves my touchpad-scroll problem08:22
=== daniel__ is now known as DSMcGuire
=== DSMcGuire is now known as DS-McGuire
craysiiithis isn't necessarily an ubuntu gnome question, but i dont know where else to ask. I have a mouse that stops working intermittently, the buttons themselves will work but the sensor stops working or something. is there a program i can use to get the value of the sensor or something? just trying to determine if its actually the mouse or maybe my motherboard  or something21:56
=== MagicBaShroOm is now known as x2xx3x

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