[00:12] LOL [00:36] nice your servers all setup? [05:35] I am off to bed cheers people [05:37] Morning [05:37] Sleep well Private_User [06:43] MORNING ALL!!!! <-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4Mc-NYPHaQ --> [07:57] morning everyone [07:58] Morning! [08:06] Morning Kilos, arts, etc [08:07] hi dlPhreak arts and others not doing sat morn shopping [08:08] looks like my mobile connection dropping to edge speed was because of the seacom issue [08:11] Didn't even know there was a seacom issue. [08:17] http://newsletters.mybroadband.co.za/lt.php?c=758&m=778&nl=2&s=bf7acfe2dfd656e64c262fe9165a0e17&lid=18871&l=-http--mybroadband.co.za/news/broadband/152739-this-is-what-caused-south-africas-massive-internet-outage.html [08:25] Guess I must have been asleep. [08:34] lol [09:53] arts! [09:53] you here [09:54] hm... [09:58] Maaz tell arts look at https://ubuntu-za.org and you can join our mailing list from there [09:58] Kilos: Got it, I'll tell arts on freenode [11:14] Kilos: have you seen 16.01 alpha yet? [11:15] 04 [11:15] arts: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell arts look at https://ubuntu-za.org and you can join our mailing list from there" 1 hour, 16 minutes and 48 seconds ago [11:15] 16.04.. right.. [11:15] hahaha Maaz is awesome [11:16] nope arts ill wait for 16.04 to be stable then use it [11:16] in kde form of course [11:16] lol kde elitist.. [11:17] mobile data users dont often play with all the releases [11:17] yip kde rocks [11:17] I'm still rocking MATE [11:17] mate was good yes [11:18] better than unity imo [11:18] UNITY! [11:18] normal ubuntu [11:18] all everyone hating on unity :P [11:18] *ahh [11:18] nono many like it [11:18] and its improving [11:19] but will need to really be wonderul to pull me off kde [11:19] hahah when did you start using kde? [11:34] i think 2 years now [11:35] about 4 months after 14.04 release [11:36] so about 1 1/2 years [11:47] Maaz seen dlimit [11:47] Kilos: dlimit was last seen 3 years, 7 months, 3 days, 19 hours, 44 minutes and 26 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-07-08 09:03:27 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2012-07-08 12:41:07 PDT [11:48] arts fight with him [11:48] slacker [11:59] Haha [12:05] ,sorry was afk lol [12:05] Maaz tell dlimit to come online more often! [12:05] arts: Got it, I'll tell dLimit on freenode [12:06] That nick isn't even registered anymore. [12:06] How long does Maaz retain messages? [12:07] Maaz tell dlphreak to come online more often! [12:07] arts: Got it, I'll tell dlPhreak on freenode [12:08] he keeps them till that person logs in [12:09] oh my [12:12] wb [12:12] dlPhreak: By the way, arts on freenode told me "tell dlphreak to come online more often!" 4 minutes and 45 seconds ago [12:12] ahhhh, everything now auto connects and identifies me! [12:12] now you need to cloak your nick [12:13] is it registered? [12:13] yeah it is [12:13] join #freenode and ask staff to give you a cloak and say please [12:15] awesome on it, what is cloaking? [12:15] what irc client are you using [12:15] xchat [12:15] hexchat [12:16] Your user@host is ~arts@169-0-162-133.ip.afrihost.co.za but kilos's says ~miles@ubuntu/member/kilos. That host part is the cloak. [12:16] you can set it to shows nicks online [12:17] you can also go for a cloak dlPhreak [12:19] so our ips are cloked? [12:19] yes [12:20] cloaked [12:20] awesome [12:20] safer if no skelm can see your ip addy [12:20] do i ask a op? [12:21] just ask any staff member to help you [12:21] sometimes you wait a while for one to come online or get to pc [12:24] just dont want to piss anyone off [12:24] no you wont [12:25] just always ask nicely [12:25] some peeps just go there and say i want a cloak [12:25] and they ignore him for a long time [12:30] lol, do I personal message them? [12:31] no [12:31] they will pm you if needed [12:32] im gonn have a bally nap i think [12:34] hahahahahaha enjoy! [12:44] ty [14:40] how was saturday? [14:57] just woke [14:57] still got headache so not too lekker [14:58] havent they answered you yet on #freenode arts ? [14:58] dlPhreak were you dlimit? [15:13] seems like im not the only one needing ballie naps === Scorpion is now known as Guest54002 [16:04] hahahahaa [16:04] seems not [16:07] arts have you joined us on launchpad yet [16:10] arts have you joined us on launchpad? [16:12] the mailing list? i did sign up :) [16:15] nono on launchpad you make an account [16:16] im tryin to find a link [16:16] ok I can do that [16:16] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za [16:17] there is a join button [16:20] awesome [16:26] then you become an official ubuntu-za member [16:31] aaaannnnddddd done! [16:32] well done [16:33] i even needed help to do that [16:33] there is one more [16:35] but i dont know where to find it [16:35] inetpro help [16:38] ubuntu one removed me??? [16:42] removed you where? [16:45] ok wait a minute i think i messed up, fixing it right now [16:47] fixed uo [16:47] up [16:48] nice [16:48] wooohooo! [16:49] here is the other one [16:49] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members [16:51] add yourself at the bottom [16:57] there you go arts cloaked [16:58] YAY!!!!!! thanks Kilos!!!! [16:58] yw [17:36] Hoesit Kilos [17:36] ? [17:39] hi Langjan [17:39] lewe nog dankie en daar [17:39] Hi Kilos , are you still waiting? [17:39] i filled in a form on that site but they having a long weekend [17:40] so might get a reply wednesday [17:40] Alles wel hier dankie [17:41] Good, lets hope for the best. How have you recovered from surgery? [17:42] yes ty, im still taking it easy with heavy stuff but doing situps every day to strenghthen tummy muscles [17:42] and walking lots [17:42] but horrible to walk and walk and never get anywhere [17:44] Do you walk along the roadside? Good exercise. Now just that visa... [17:44] i walk gate and back [17:44] 70 metres each way [17:44] yip just the visa [17:44] Eish! Dangerous outside? [17:45] no [17:45] OK gotta go, will keep in touch. God bless! [17:45] ty for checking in [17:45] keep well [17:45] God bless you too [17:45] My pleasure, you also keep well - hou moed! [17:45] Thanks Kilos [18:29] sup [19:21] hey guys what distro do you guys recommend for fussy hardware? [19:29] haha [19:29] kubuntu [19:30] what doesnt work [19:45] hmm... [19:49] night all. sleep tight