
franklin_I have some questions about overwriting kubuntu 15.10 (kde plasma 5) default settings09:10
franklin_in /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/layout.js comments from J. Riddles said that this file would replace /usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.desktop/layout.js, and it did.  But I couldn't find out any settings pointing this out09:13
franklin_why and how it could replace the original desktop layout.js?09:13
valoriefranklin_: can you give a bit more context?09:14
franklin_And in plasma5, it didn't read /etc/kde4rc, and in the source  code of kconfig it seems to read /etc/kde5rc, but I tried without success09:15
valorieI would assume from the names that kubunt-default-settings conflicts from the standard plasmashell layout there09:15
valoriebut without context it's hard to say09:16
franklin_wait  a minute09:16
valoriepastebin if it's long09:16
franklin_in Kubuntu 15.10, only /etc/kde4rc exists09:19
franklin_I didn't find a configuration specifying to find layout.js under /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/09:19
valoriethank you franklin_ -- one of the devels will have to look at that09:20
valorieif nobody answers you (it is Sunday), then please write to kubuntu-devel list09:20
franklin_I'd like to customize the default desktop and the default panel for my ezgo09:20
franklin_OK, I used to post on Kubuntu forum but someone told me to ask in irc channel :D09:20
valorieright, the devels don't usually use or answer on the forums09:21
valoriethat is for users helping users, as is the Kubuntu-user list09:21
valoriehowever, the devel list is read by all the developers09:22
lordievaderGood morning.09:50
BluesKajHey folks11:53
justin_timeHi, I'm looking for the maintainer of the "tomahawk"-package. Can someone please help me to find the right contact person? The maintainer is "Kubuntu Developers" and so I should be correct here, or?12:29
soeehi, justin_time12:32
soeetalk to yofel - he did tomahawk packaging once i think. he can also point oher packager to do this maybe (clivejo, sglarck or ovidiu-florin)12:32
justin_timesoee: ok. Thank you for the info!12:34
lordievaderBut do keep in mind that it is the weekend, response times are slow ;)12:35
blazei've packaged kdevelop from git, much better now than the first beta12:46
blazegonna use it on regular basis12:46
Maxiridegoddamit I can finally confirm that issue I've been talking about (pc freeze, have to force shutdown it) comes from the update manager I guess. Ran a sudo apt-get update and everything froze except for the hdd led which started blinking and stayd always on.13:43
Maxiridethe most curious part is that in Ksyslog I v13:44
MaxirideI have no red lines13:44
blazeMaxiride: try "apt update" instead of "apt-get"13:45
Maxirideworked fine13:45
blazeit's strange, kind of13:46
blazehave you checked your hdd btw? and what're your chipset and south bridge controller?13:49
MaxirideJust the time to finish writing that it worked fine, few seconds later everything froze13:52
MaxirideThe best part.. Kubuntu won't boot now.. I can select if from the grub screen, I see the kubuntu logo and then the screen starts turning on and off13:53
MaxirideI can't even enter a tty13:53
blazeMaxiride: > blaze | have you checked your hdd btw? and what're your chipset and south bridge controller?13:53
blazeit looks like hdd is failing13:54
MaxirideI don't know what you are talking about.. And now I'm chatting from the phone luckily.13:54
MaxirideMy hdd is fine I guess, never had any issue13:54
MaxirideLuckily I've a pendrive with the kububtu live image13:55
MaxirideIs there a way to do a rollback of the ppas from a live session?13:56
MaxirideSo I can remove the backports landing maybe13:57
blazetry to do chroot and then run ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/whatever-was-here13:59
blazeppa-purge should be installed13:59
MaxirideBackports-landing is the ppa I had, waiting for the live image to boot and I will try14:00
MaxirideHow can the terminal from the live session know to operate on the / directory instead on itself?14:00
blazerun "sudo chroot /media/kubuntu/your-pc-root-partition-here"14:02
blazepartition should be mounted previously14:02
MaxiridePpa also remove I guess14:07
MaxirideGot a bunch of /usr/sbin/ppa-purge lines XXX /dev/null access denied14:08
blazeuhm, yeah, probably you should mount /dev from your live session14:09
blazedo it from another terminal session, not chroot14:10
MaxirideSorry but the system is with Italian language14:10
MaxirideOdd, /dev is inside the /parition, how is it that it didn't got mounted?14:12
blazenothing is get mounted when you're in chroot, one should always do it manually14:15
MaxirideIn chroot if I do ls, the dev folder appears14:16
blazebut is it empty?14:17
MaxirideGot folders mapper pts, shm, and a bunch of files14:17
blazewhat's the output of "ls /media/kubuntu/your-pc-root-partition" ?14:18
blaze* what's the output of "ls /media/kubuntu/your-pc-root-partition/dev" ?14:19
MaxirideSecond ls incoming, a second14:19
MaxirideSame as the ls done in the chroot terminal14:20
MaxirideExcept folders a colored :)14:20
lordievaderMaxiride: You are chrooting to fix an install? Did you bindmount /dev?14:21
MaxirideUhm bindmount? I'm not that expert sorry :(14:22
Maxirideyou mean mounting it in a tmp folder manually?14:22
lordievaderNo, mount --rbind /dev /media/kubuntu/your-pc-root-partition/dev14:23
MaxirideDo I have to run it in a normal terminal or in the chroot terminal?14:23
MaxirideNo errors14:24
MaxirideThe ppa purge command in the chroot shell however still says /dev/null access denied14:25
lordievaderMaxiride: Can you access it manually?14:25
MaxirideYep from dolphin yes14:26
lordievaderDolphin? Inside the chroot? I meant, can you access it manually from within your chroot.14:26
lordievaderYou are running the ppa-purge from a chroot, right?14:26
MaxirideYes I am running ppa purge Fronza a chroot shell and yes I can enter it14:27
MaxirideSent a pic of it few messages before14:27
lordievaderBut can you access /dev/null from within the chroot?14:27
MaxirideCd null, null is not a directory14:28
blazeecho "something" > /dev/null14:28
MaxirideAccess denied14:29
lordievaderMaxiride: That root@kubuntu is the chroot?14:30
lordievaderWhat is the output of 'ls -l /dev/'?14:30
MaxirideI get the full list of the files and folders along with they permissions settings14:31
MaxirideSame as the screenshot already posted but with this extra info14:31
lordievaderYes, I am interested in the permissions ;)14:32
blazels -l /dev/null14:32
MaxirideSo ls -l /dev/null is crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 ott 21 17.4914:33
blazecorrect :)14:34
MaxirideFrom the ls -l dev instead do you need all the files permissions?14:34
blazethat's enough I guess14:34
MaxirideI just want to let you know guys that I can accept doing a full re-install of the / partition, I didn't add much software14:35
MaxirideSo I can easily recover from a clean install14:35
lordievaderHmm, that does look allright.14:36
lordievaderYou can echo stuff to /dev/null outside of the chroot?14:36
MaxirideYeah, no errors14:37
lordievaderHmm, then I'd break down your chroot and set it up again.14:37
MaxirideAnd no messages also, just a new command line14:37
MaxirideLordievader is that complicate? As said I can "accept" redoing a clean install of /14:38
blazeMaxiride: maybe this will give you a clue https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery14:40
blazecheck if you've done everything correctly14:41
lordievaderMaxiride: The easiest is just rebooting and setup the chroot again.14:42
MaxirideI'll try to follow and redo the steps under update failure14:42
MaxirideLordievar I can't renter a tty from a normal boot14:44
lordievaderWhat is a normal boot, in this case?14:49
MaxirideI mean, turn on the pc, choose kubuntu from grub14:51
lordievaderNot even in the rescue mode?14:53
BluesKajlordievader, check pm14:59
lordievaderWhy did that need to go over pm?14:59
lordievaderMaxiride: That is probably easiest for you, boot into the rescue mode and fix the install from there.15:00
BluesKajok lordievader nm15:01
ovidiu-florinhello world19:06
ovidiu-florinsorry for the long absence19:06
ovidiu-florinI had to take care of some things19:06
ovidiu-florinyofel: How do I add the DEBSIGN_KEYID from ~/.devscripts back?19:06
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: have you managed to have some progress on prettifyng the packaging docs?19:07
ovidiu-florinif not, when are you available?19:07
ovidiu-florinlet's have a "sprint" and take care of that19:07
ovidiu-florinby the way: yofel clivejo and sgclark congratulations on getting plasma 5.5.3 out19:08
ovidiu-florinand also apps19:08
ovidiu-florinyou guys rock19:08
ovidiu-florina very very heavy rock19:08
ovidiu-florinhas anyone started on a news article for this?19:09
ahoneybunI have not, a sprint would be good19:10
yofelovidiu-florin: thanks, but apps is not out.19:36
yofeland no, there's no news article for plasma because I never got it into a state where I'm happy to "announce" it19:37
yofelbugs just keep piling up, even if it's mostly usable19:37
yofelbut feel free to announce it anyway. I'm out of bugfixing energy right now19:38
soeeoh, they have systemd entry in System Settings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=limFjIPFk0A20:03
soeeit is their own kcm ?20:03
valorieafter a report of a problem with amarok after updating backports in 15.10, I get: 23:18
valorie$ amarok -d --nofork23:18
valorieQDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.23:18
valorieunnamed app(22985): KUniqueApplication: Can't setup D-Bus service. Probably already running.23:18
valorieand it doesn't start23:18
valorieand doesn't show in top23:19
mparilloovidiu-florin: yofel has asked us to keep quiet on 5.5.3 for a bit.23:37
mparilloAnd welcome back. Good to see you here.23:38
mparilloWhoops. I suppose I should have read the ENTIRE backlog before starting to type.23:38
valorieovidiu-florin: wb, we missed you23:50
valorieit's been quiet without you or sgclark (who is at SCaLE + Ubucon)23:51

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