
goddardi figured i would post this link as a poll is going on over which DE is best haha.. cast your vote - https://plus.google.com/107491344063922537689/posts/hx1dYH7FdEn02:27
MrNoobHi every body02:43
MrNoobI need help )02:43
MrNooberror: Invalid Magic Number )02:44
MrNooballoc magic number is broken at 0x52b9e1c0: 52ac216002:44
MrNoobtrying to elevate to linux, it doesn't wanna play with me02:45
MrNoobi even got it a nice laptop02:45
denza242does the FISH KIOslave support pubkey based authentication?02:56
denza242also, can I use muon for package mangling on a remote machine?03:03
MrNoobno help in here ?03:05
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denza242MrNoob: what's the problem?03:09
MrNooberror: Invalid Magic Number )03:09
MrNooballoc magic number is broken at 0x52b9e1c0: 52ac216003:09
MrNoobcan't boot kubuntu or ubuntu03:10
denza242MrNoob: you seem to have this problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/183601/cant-boot-no-grub-alloc-magic-is-broken03:12
MrNoobit said - After you boot from the USB, the Boot Repair utility will pop up. Just click on the Recommended Repair button, and Boot-Repair will repair Grub for you.03:15
MrNoobthat's not there03:15
MrNoobfor ubuntu - alloc magic number is broken at 0x52b9e1c0: 52ac216003:16
MrNoobfor kubuntu - for ubuntu - alloc magic number is broken at 0x6eb0a4e0: 6ea278c003:17
MrNoobfor kubuntu - alloc magic number is broken at 0x6eb0a4e0: 6ea278c003:17
MrNoobbad usb ?03:18
valorieah, hello again MrNoob03:38
valoriesorry I never researched the "magic number" error03:38
valorieMrNoob -- any possibility of a bad memory chip, as denza242's link indicates?03:39
valorieI'm still wondering if you ever verified the ISO, which involves working in the commandline03:39
MrNoobvalorie: you mean bad usb drive ?03:40
valorieno, verifying the actual ISO that you downloaded03:41
valoriethat's step one03:41
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:41
MrNoobi got kubuntu iso03:43
valorieright, so verify that it was a good download03:43
valoriein other words, complete and without error03:44
MrNoobquestion am i supposed to create that image from iso on same comp as i plan to use that usb drive for booting on ?03:45
valorie1. download the ISO 2. verify the image 3. burn it to a DVD or USB drive 4. verify the burned image 5 boot the usb drive03:48
MrNoobtrying to check but it is confusing i'm trying to do what they say it doesn't work anything beyond open cmd03:48
valorieopen cmd ?03:50
valorieare you downloading and verifying in Windows, or in linux?03:50
MrNoobi don't have linux, that was supposed to be my first installation )03:54
dahliais the kde menu broken when running as a virtualbox guest?03:55
valorieso you are following the Windows instructions03:56
valoriewhat happens when you say 'cmd'?03:56
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MrNoobi open it but their commands don't yield anything or i'm way off04:06
MrNoobvalorie: wait04:10
MrNoobValorie: halleluia04:10
MrNoobvalorie: or however it's supposed to be pronounced04:11
valorieit worked?04:13
valoriesorry, had a brief visitor04:13
MrNoobinstalling now )))04:14
MrNoobthe solution turned out to be really simple yet some out of the box type stuff04:16
valoriesuch as?04:16
valorieI mean, does the documentation need updating?04:17
MrNoobgenius right ?04:18
valorieactually, common mistake04:18
valorieand tbh, I think that the way linux handles devices and names is ridiculous04:19
valoriebut I don't know enough to push for changes, either04:19
MrNoobmaybe a common mistake but at no point was it suggested anywhere04:20
MrNoobi'm at disk setup part, some guidence ?04:21
valorieyou can just say "install next to Windows" and it should work fine04:22
MrNoobno such option )04:23
MrNoob4 guided options 1 manual04:23
valorieand none of the guided options looks right to you?04:24
valoriesorry, I can't recall what they are04:24
MrNoob1 - guided resize scsi1(0,0,0), partition#5 sda and use freed space04:28
MrNoob2 - guided use entire disc04:28
MrNoob3 - guided use entire disk and set up LVM04:29
MrNoob4 - guided use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM04:29
valorieuse number one then, unless you want to blow away windows04:31
valoriewhich is the simplest04:31
MrNoobbut there's an adjustable bar, where should i move it to04:38
valorieyou can see where your win partition is04:39
valoriegive it just a bit of extra space if you plan on using it04:39
MrNoobmore to sda1 or sda204:45
MrNoobor 50 5004:46
valorieMrNoob: I guess that depends on where you want most of your files that will take up room04:47
MrNoobsda1 (fat32)   sda2 (ntfs)04:47
valoriewhere-ever you are planning to store media and photo files, or other things that take a lot of room04:47
MrNoobinah that's gonna be on removeables04:48
valorieI assume that sda1 is windows04:48
valoriethen it doesn't much matter -- applications and such beside libreoffice or so are not that large04:48
MrNoob50 50 then04:49
MrNoobalthough the bar moves but the space values of the "after" don't update04:50
MrNoobi'll go with default04:53
valoriegood idea04:56
MrNoobValorie: Thank You05:19
valorieso it's installing now?05:19
MrNoobvalorie: done already, now got to learn how to use it05:30
valoriegreat news!05:31
valoriefor IRC, I use konversation05:32
MrNoobwhat ?05:34
valorieMrNoob: that is one of my favorite bits of KDE software: Konversation05:36
MrNoobproblem, adjusted screen brightness, tested dark screen went black, cant see anything )))))05:37
valorieusing software keys, or what?05:38
valorieon my laptop, it is the f3 key05:38
MrNoobwidget  for power and brightness05:39
valoriefn + f305:39
MrNoobf6 thank you though05:39
MrNooblinux really has no limits ))))))))))05:40
valorieright, that will be different on different systems05:40
valorievery true!05:40
MrNoobno minimal preset05:40
MrNoobit just went black ))))05:40
valorieI don't have a widget that messes with my screen05:43
valorieexcept redshift05:43
MrNoobit's standart05:44
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MrNoobdownloaded tor, extracted, can't find ))))05:50
MrNoobplazma keeps crashing is this normal ?05:57
valorieMrNoob: you install 15.10, correct?06:00
valorieno, not normal06:00
valorieI would upgrade if possible06:01
valorieyou can add updates and backports safely06:01
MrNoobupgrade to what ?06:01
valoriedo you want to do it through the update widget, or using the commandline?06:01
valorie15.10 is a 4 or so months old06:02
valoriethere have been updates in KDE software since then06:02
MrNoobwhichever way is best06:03
valoriefor instance: https://kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5-4-3-and-applications-15-08-3-for-kubuntu-15-10/06:04
valorieand by adding backports, you actually get plasma 5.5.306:04
valoriepersonally I prefer the commandline because it's faster06:04
MrNoobi would have to learn06:05
valorieif you want that, open a konsole and copy/paste into it: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa && sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports06:09
valorieyou paste in a konsole with control+shift+C06:10
MrNoobi'm talking to you on desktop06:10
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valoriedo you use dropbox or so?06:10
valorieif so, you can save that in text in dropbox, and open it in the other computer06:11
valorieof course, you have to set up dropbox first06:11
MrNoobor i could just type it in06:11
valoriepay attention to spacing06:12
valoriethe commandline is not forgiving06:12
MrNoobi would have to learn to understand06:12
valoriewell, sudo gives you root permission temporarily06:13
valorieapt-add-repository not just adds the repo, but also downloads the security key06:13
valorieppas are the repositories that Kubuntu uses for various purposes such as testing, staging, updating and etc.06:14
valorie&& links the commands together just to speed things up06:15
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MrNoobno double spaces06:19
valorieno double spaces06:20
MrNoobthe command line s gone noth happening06:21
valorieyou put in your user password?06:22
valorieand hit return?06:22
MrNoobdidn't ask06:22
valoriethen you didn't type what I put exactly06:22
MrNoob;etter by letter06:23
MrNoobstarting with the s of the sudo06:23
valoriestarting with sudo?06:23
valoriecheck again, it must be exactly:06:23
valoriesudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa && sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports06:24
MrNoobby the way how do i activate backlit keyboard06:25
MrNooband or onscreen keyboard06:25
valoriehmmm, don't know about backlit keyboard06:26
valorieI think there is a something like xhotkeys or so06:26
valorie!info xhotkeys06:27
ubottuPackage xhotkeys does not exist in wily06:27
valorieeh, I'll have to google it06:27
valoriehmmm, it's really old06:28
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts.06:28
valorieah, probably more recent06:29
MrNoobagain noth happen in command06:36
valoriecan you copy/paste the line where you typed the command and following? into a pastebin such as paste.ubuntu.com06:38
valoriethen give me the link here06:38
valorieselect then control+shift+C06:39
valoriecontrol v into the pastebin06:39
denza242valorie: is it possible to perform package management of a remote system with muon07:07
valorienot that I know of07:09
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denza242valorie: also, how do I navigate to a fish:// location in konqueror if authentication is done via pubkey?07:13
denza242for instance, I tried going to fish://username@domain.tld:1234, and it merely returned an error07:13
valorieI've read about this somewhere07:13
valoriebut where07:13
valoriehttps://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Network/SecuringSSH part way down07:16
denza242valorie: ah, I know how to do pubkey auth, but doing it through a KIOslave is where i have a problem07:18
denza242valorie: https://a.uguu.se/phjqgs_tempsnap1.png07:18
valoriedid you do this step?07:19
valorieOnce you've checked you can successfully login to the server using your public/private key pair, you can disable password authentication completely by adding the following setting to your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:07:19
valorie# Disable password authentication forcing use of keys07:19
valoriePasswordAuthentication no07:19
denza242hmm, let me check07:20
denza242valorie: yep, that's done07:21
valoriewell, fiddlesticks07:21
valoriehave you asked in ##linux ?07:21
valoriehttp://yuenhoe.com/blog/2009/12/ssh-browsing-in-dolphin-using-an-ssh-key-file/ might help too07:22
valorieit mentions kio07:22
denza242valorie: yay, it works :D07:28
valoriemy googling skills outpace the rest of them07:30
valorieand any time07:34
valorieyou do realize I just googled what YOU said?07:34
valoriefish:// location in konqueror if authentication is done via pubkey07:35
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jei have a question08:59
valoriethen why didn't you ask it?09:16
lordievaderGood morning.09:50
cosec_how do i install another desktop environment in kubuntu ?11:12
cosec_last time i installed xubuntu-desktop in ubuntu, the os broke11:13
cosec_any ideas how to do it without messing up ?11:14
danMaxiride: did you ever find a problem to your issue with VLC not resizing videos? i'm having the same problem11:52
BluesKajHey folks11:53
Maxiridedan: do you mean if I found how to solve it? Nope.. I even asked the VLC support without success.11:53
danyeah, too early in the morning to sound coherent. =) thanks for answering though11:54
MaxirideAnyway I found and old post on the ubuntu forums were  they were aiming their fingers to compiz, so I guess it might be related to KWin?11:54
Maxirideanother user instead solved it like so: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149380511:55
danit doesn't work well, but if i switch the VLC skin from the default qt interface to something else (starting svlc on the command line) i can get full screen to work11:57
MaxirideBy the way, this morning the whole pc froze (second time now). What I can experience is that plasmashell crash with a segmentation fault error, I would really like to submit a bug report but the Debug Helper says that few debug symbols packages are missing. I click install and then it says no packages can be found for the application. HDD I\O spins like crazy (the led on the laptopt stays always on), keyboard won't respond and I can only do a force12:04
Maxirideshutdown by holding down the power supply button.12:04
MaxirideI'm kinda trapped, when it happens I can't submit the report, if I wait a minute more everyhting freeze.12:05
BluesKajMaxiride, try the "F" key for fullscreen on vlc while a video plays12:07
MaxirideBluesKaj: tried, no change..12:20
BluesKajMaxiride, which gpu ?12:20
Maxiridei have an Nvidia gt540m12:21
dansame here with an nvidia gtx56012:24
BluesKajMaxiride, isn't that used on "optimus" laptops?12:25
BluesKajMaxiride, then you have other issues like making sure nvidia-prime is installed, and check this http://askubuntu.com/questions/84354/how-to-enable-3d-acceleration-with-an-nvidia-geforce-gt-540m12:31
BluesKajdan, is yous a laptop too?12:37
danno, desktop with discrete graphics card12:37
danas mentioned above. vlc goes full screen correctly if not using the qt skin12:38
BluesKajdan, plasma isn't quite finished it's development yet combined with Qt. Some patience is required and if you want full screen what does a diiferent interface look matter anyway?12:41
danBluesKaj: i'm used to dealing with broken things. it's no big deal.12:42
dani had the same problem this morning Maxiride had yesterday. was just curious if he found a solution12:43
BluesKajit's not really broken , just not ready12:43
BluesKajMamarok, ride has differnt issues12:43
BluesKajoops he's gone, sorry Mamarok12:44
BluesKajMaxride has differnt issues than you do dan12:45
danBluesKaj: he might have multiple issues i'm not sure. but it appears with both have the exact same problem with VLC12:47
BluesKajwell the vlc problem appears to be fixable in your case12:48
BluesKajwhich kubuntu OS are you using ?12:49
danBluesKaj: not to be difficult. but i'm not sure Maxiride actually tried using a different skin. i didn't see him mention it. i could of missed it in the above conversation12:49
dan15.10 with the backports ppa12:50
dani do know we are both using backports12:50
BluesKajdo you have plasma 5.5.3?12:50
BluesKajplasmashell -v in the terminal12:51
danyes, 5.5.312:52
BluesKajguess I'm not as visually concerned about VLC skins as other users. To me it's simple and easy to manoever and it's default appearance doesn't bother me.12:55
dani don't think the skins were what anybody was worried about. =) just that vlc using all the defaults stopped being able to resize video when you resized vlc, and full screen was broken as well12:57
danluckily though we found it only happens for the default qt based skin12:57
BluesKajdan, odd because I'm using thr default skin12:58
BluesKajhaven't encountered that problem12:58
danyeah, perhaps thats the confusion. its when using a non default skin that i can get it to work12:59
BluesKajmy nvidia card uses the 340 driver13:00
dani'm using a newer 352 driver13:01
dani suppose that could be it13:01
BluesKajI thoyght you meant there was some special Qt skin other than the default that was causing your issue13:01
danah, i see13:02
danit was just plain old vlc13:02
danwhen i started vlc as "svlc" the problem went away13:02
danwhich uses a rather odd looking skin =)13:02
MaxirideBluesKaj: sorry went afk, i have prime installed but with dedicated gpu turned off. I'll try to enable it for vlc13:02
BluesKajmakes me think od a driver issue13:02
BluesKajMaxiride, do you have switcheroo?13:03
MaxirideBluesKaj: nope13:03
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Maxiridei've just installed the reccomende driver from the system settings and then apt-getted the prime package13:03
BluesKajswitcheroo is hit and miss anyway13:05
Maxiridehowever how can I set into the nvidia x server settings to turn on the dedicated gpu for a specific app?13:08
Maxirideif I want to swith manually I always need to logou\login13:09
MaxirideI hope it's not like this also for apps profile13:09
BluesKajdan, you and Maxiride have higher end cards than my gt218 which uses a very mature driver whereas the 352 driver could be less developed and not as bug free.13:09
danBluesKaj: it's possible13:09
dani imagine vlc is using all that vdpau or whatever it's called for decoding videos13:10
Maxiridebut I didn't had this issue before upgrading to the backports landing ppa..13:10
BluesKajMaxiride, hmm, have you considered using ppa-purge ?13:13
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:13
MaxirideNope since it's a bug I can live with for a while I will wait for backports-landing to be completed13:14
Maxirideinstead of doing a massive rollback13:14
BluesKajMaxiride, are you on 15.10 or 16.04 ?13:15
excognachow stable 16.04 is? I'll need to reinstall and wanna stick to LTS only.13:26
BluesKajexcognac, 16.04 is a development OS, not meant for production/work environments , but if you're an acdventurous home user and have a stable fallback OS that you use in case 16.04 breaks and becomes unusable at some point then ny all means try it, besides testers feedback is welcome at #kubuntu-devel :-)13:31
BluesKaj'scuse the typos13:32
BluesKajI use 14.04 as my fallback OS ...still prefer kde4/plasma4 to the new plasma 513:34
excognacBluesKaj: thanks, I know it's under dev. just was curious. I've managed to buy laptop very dumbly, it hates all distroses I ever tried to fit on, so I thought at least it won't be all senseless if I contribute to the community:)13:35
excognac*distros. anyway gtg now, talk t you guys later, hugs13:36
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bryckerjoin #trefort14:16
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fuzeI am trying to upgrade Kubuntu, how can I fix this? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/fb35y2MD/upgrade.png18:06
BluesKajfuze from 15.04?18:08
fuzeBluesKaj: yes18:08
BluesKajfuze, open a terminal and do , sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, then after that finishes run, sudo do-release-upgrade18:10
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fuzeblueskaj https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/H2bhniQr/18:12
BluesKajfuze, do you have any ppas in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d, if so remove them with, alt +F2,  kdesudo dolphin /etc/apt/sources.list.d, and run sudo apt update , then sudo apt upgrade. If that works then run sudo do-release-upgrade18:20
fuzei think plasmashell just crashed. its all frozen, is there an easy way to restart it BluesKaj18:20
fuzeBluesKaj: im at a terminal18:21
fuzeaustin@Austin-Desktop:~$ restart plasmashell18:21
fuzerestart: Name "com.ubuntu.Upstart" does not exist18:21
fuzeBluesKaj: nevermind i got it18:22
fuzeBluesKaj: alt f2 does nothing for me, how can i change it?18:23
BluesKajfuze are you in VT/TTY?18:23
fuzeBluesKaj: no18:23
BluesKajok in the krunner which is launched alt+F2  type kdesudo dolphin /etc/apt/sources.list.d , if you have any ppas there remove them18:26
fuzeBluesKaj: krunner wont open for some reason18:27
BluesKajfuze, do you even have a desktop18:27
fuzeBluesKaj: yes, i fixed that18:28
BluesKajright click on the desktop and choose run command18:28
fuzeBluesKaj: doesnt do anything18:29
BluesKaj'seems you're in limbo18:29
BluesKajcan you reboot into the recovery kernel ?18:30
fuzeBluesKaj: everything else is working fine though18:30
BluesKaj type krunner in the terminal18:32
BluesKajsee if it will launch from there18:33
fuzeaustin@Austin-Desktop:~$ krunner18:33
BluesKajtry a reboot into the recovery kernel , then choose the repair broken packages in the dialog18:35
fuzei can run kdesudo dolphin /etc/apt/sources.list.d in terminal, ill fix krunner later18:36
fuzeblueskaj https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/sGWQuZIR/snapshot4.png18:37
FlameReaper-PCis a KDE 5 upgrade safe for 14.04 LTS users at the moment?18:38
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anon_Есть кто из Рашки?18:43
BluesKajfuze, well, think you've found the source of your problem18:44
anon_Я знаю тут есть русские18:44
BluesKajFlameReaper-PC,, there is no kde5 and 14.04 can't upgrade to plsama 518:45
BluesKajplasma 518:45
FlameReaper-PCnot even a ppa?18:45
fuzeBluesKaj: so what is it?18:45
BluesKajfuze, ewmove those ppas18:45
fuzeBluesKaj: arent those needed for programs?18:46
BluesKajFlameReaper-PC, not anymore...too much breakage18:46
FlameReaper-PCi guess18:46
FlameReaper-PCthere'll be much to be wary of when I upgrade to 16.04 then18:47
BluesKajfuze, those ppa are meant for 15.04  packages , not 15.10 packages, you'll have to add the 15.10 ppas after you upgrade to 15.1018:48
anon_Тут че вообще русских нет?Й18:48
BluesKajFlameReaper-PC, I'm testing 16.04 and it's working reasonably well , some crashes now and then but mostly it's ok18:49
BluesKaj!ru | anon_18:49
ubottuanon_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:49
fuzeBluesKaj: ^18:56
BluesKajfuze, looks like the damage is already done , you'll need to reboot into the recovery kernel and fix broken packages there18:58
fuzeBluesKaj: what are the broken packages?18:58
BluesKajlet the revovery kernel do that for you18:59
fuze  BluesKaj will that be in grub under "advanced options"?19:00
BluesKajfuze, you also may need to enable networking first inthe revovery dialog options19:01
fuzeBluesKaj: where is that?19:01
BluesKajyou'll see it in the dialog when it appears19:02
fuzeBluesKaj: I tried repair broken packages then it asked to install packages and when I did it returned the same error19:31
soeewhat error ?19:32
BluesKajfuze, don't suppose you have separate/ and /home partitions ?19:32
BluesKajfuze, and perhaps you could stick with posting in one cha at a time19:33
BluesKajyou've posted in 4 differnt chats on last count19:34
fuzeI do have separate partitions BluesKaj19:35
BluesKajfor /(root) and /home ? if so just install a new 15.10 image to / and set the mountpoint for /home, without reformatting it of course, in ubiquity installer with manual partitionng19:40
fuzeBluesKaj: wont that format all my settings and packages?19:41
MrNoobvalorie: are you here ?19:43
BluesKajif you just install to / and leave /home as is with just set mountpoint, then all the configs will be saved to your 15.10 installation, except for all those ppas of course19:43
fuzeBluesKaj: what about kde themes and grub settings?19:44
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BluesKajgrub will reinstall, your themes should be saved unless you already dmaged them by upgrading the release before making sure all your packages were up to date19:45
BluesKajat this point there are no guiarantees, fuze19:46
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rkan001how the hell do you get a list of channels?20:26
rkan001hello all by the way20:26
BluesKajrkan001, in the freenode server box /list "name you are looking for"20:29
rkan001@BluesKaj Thanks, I've tried that, perhaps there is no response if the result is null ?20:29
rkan001Ohh I see it opens up a new window20:31
rkan001got it now thanks20:31
rkan001What client works best for Gtalk on KDE?20:52
rkan001Kopete isnt running smooth for me20:52
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soeerkan001: what is Gtalk ?21:25
soee!package gtalk21:25
ubottuGoogle Talk (GTalk) is an instant messaging program from Google. Currently, Google does not have an official standalone GTalk client for Linux, but supports connections from third-party clients such as !Pidgin and !Kopete | See http://www.google.com/talk/otherclients.html for more information21:25
soeewell i think telepathy should handle it21:26
rkan001Yeah - Im trying telepathy21:27
soeebut also in latest Plasma version it is a bit broken - can't connect with Google service etc.21:28
rkan001doesnt look like a chat client in the style of pidgin, right? Is it integrated with the desktop or what?21:28
soeeyes it is part of KDE Applications21:28
rkan001aint working either (the gtalk account)21:29
rkan001I guess I should just make my contacts switch to some other service21:29
N3X15To be fair, Plasma on Kubuntu has been broken for a while21:51
soeeN3X15: what exactly ?22:11
N3X15UI coloring, frequent crashes that have been reported and have active issue reports months old22:11
N3X15I still prefer it over Unity or GNOME, but I'm about ready to set up a development VM and fix it myself.22:13
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ejaywhy amarok is not working after the last plasma backports update (15.10)?22:58
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valorieejay: what do you mean, not working?23:11
valorieah, I see23:14
ejayvalorie: is not starting up. console gives me nothing.23:22
ejayvlc died as well23:22
ejayspotify and dragon player (ugh) are working just fine23:22
valorieplease file a bug in teh commandline: ubuntu-bug amarok23:23
valorieand add that information23:23
valoriegive me the bug number and I'll test23:23
ejayI can't really remember what packages were upgraded after last update bc of a lot of plasma related packages.23:23
ejayvalorie: Apport ends up with an error because "it's not a official package". o_023:26
valoriefiddle dee dee23:26
valorieright, it's in universe23:27
ejayafter trying to open amarok I have one line in console: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.23:28
ejaytwo threads in htop called amarok and that's it23:28
valorieI get the same, but that doesn't help much23:28
valorieoh, shows in htop?23:28
valorieit doesn't show up in top23:28
valorieso please add your info23:28
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ejaykonversation just crashed. good to know that plasma is getting better.23:32
valoriehmmm, konvi has only crashed for me twice in like 10 years23:32
valorieand for me, plasma crashed quite a bit with the -landing ppa, but since everything hit backports, not so much23:33
valorieafter all, that's what testing is for.....23:33
ejayjesus, kubuntu killed my fav music app23:34
valorieejay: did you file the bug report?23:53

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