
phillwtsimonq2: ping19:35
tsimonq2phillw: present, what do you require?20:11
phillwtsimonq2: would you like to be the 1st person to have a linuxpadawan/padawan cloak?20:12
Unit193Perhaps this would be better off in #linuxpadawan?20:13
tsimonq2phillw: I would like to, but when I get Ubuntu Membership, I want that cloak, so only if that can happen :)20:13
tsimonq2prolly Unit193, but I'm not in #linuxpadawan20:13
tsimonq2maybe offtopic :)20:13
phillwtsimonq2: oh, are no longer wxl's padawan?20:13
tsimonq2phillw: well I am, I just want to have the membership cloak when I get it :)20:14
tsimonq2phillw: basically I am saying yes, but I want the Ubuntu cloak when I get membership, so I am saying if I get this cloak, I just don't want it to interfere when that time comes, that's all :)20:15
phillwfreenode will change cloaks for you.20:16
tsimonq2alright then, hit me :)20:16

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