
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:20
Myrttiis there any point in running shred on ssd's?11:44
diddledanMyrtti: it would probably either be straight no-op or lessen the lifespan a teeny bit over just removing the file and using trim17:13
diddledaneither way it wouldn’t actually “shred” a file17:14
Myrttiwe ended up using hdparms secure clear whatever thing17:15
diddledanI think that just forces trim commands to be atomic rather than queued17:18
diddledanIANAL tho :-p17:18
penguin42secure clear is the only way I'd trust for actually wiping17:20
diddledanI think trim on it’s own just tells the drive to remove the data during a maintenance cycle that it schedules internally17:20
penguin42or more that it's available if it needs to reuse it later sometime17:20
diddledanwhereas I think secure clear makes the drive actually do the job immediately17:21
diddledanand again, IANAL17:22
diddledanaah, secure erase kills the entire drive rather than just bits17:25
=== svea_ is now known as \s
=== \s is now known as \sv
zmoylan-pii thought the way ssd's worked there was no absolute guaranteed way to securely erase a file as wear balancing might write the overwritten variant in a different location on the drive?18:14
awilkinsYes, that was my understanding also18:17
zmoylan-piyour only real way to do it was to bung in it woodchipper fargo style... :-)18:18
awilkinsOr make sure you never put unencrypted data on it18:19
awilkinsQuestion : does anyone have a reliable recipe for getting 4oD and Demand5 to work on Wily?18:20
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* penguin42 has never managed Demand518:21
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=== sv is now known as Guest35318
=== Guest35318 is now known as \sv
Myrttiwoo, so I've unknowingly been doing right on my laptop just out of the old Nokia subcontractor habit, while husband did it wrong18:55
Myrttiwhaddaya know18:55
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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