
Kilosmorning all08:35
guest-a-r-t-shappy sunday y'all!09:26
Kiloswhat did you break09:30
guest-a-r-t-sso many things...basically my laptop09:32
Kilosno man09:35
guest-a-r-t-syeah I'm ganna have it up by this afternoon09:37
Kiloskde will install there in 10 mins09:38
Kilosthen depending on connection an hour or less for update/upgrde09:38
guest-a-r-t-shave to dual boot windows for work :(\09:40
=== SilverCodeZA is now known as SilverCode
artsSup Na3iL16:18
Na3iLo/ arts 16:18
Kiloshi dlPhreak 18:35
Kilosarts is winning18:35
artsboooya! hahaha18:47
artsdling opera18:47
artssup dlPhreak :)18:47
Kilosnight all.sleep tight19:01
Bilel_mkHey everyone I hope you are all well ! i am wonder if someone can help why wen i put a script ajax and a script jQuery in the same page . js the Script Ajax does not work  http://pastebin.com/EaQsE0rf19:50
artssup sup20:06
dlPhreakarts, why you dc so much?20:11
artsinternet here is bad, seems the connection can hold for more than 30min :(, there's been alot of rain20:14
dlPhreakVery retro.20:17
dlPhreakDidn't even know people even still used isdn.20:17

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