
luisss1234567Hi every one, i need your help, i just installed Xubuntu Wily Werewolf this morning and after sudo apt-get dist-upgrade i keep getting this error: http://pasteboard.co/11iEfyd3.png00:34
luisss1234567Can some one help me please to fox this?00:34
luisss1234567fix this*00:35
luisss1234567any one?00:48
samalexSilly question, when i installed xubuntu in virtualbox during bootup it had the nice blue Xubuntu splashscreen, but when I installed it on my laptop from the BIOS screen it just goes black until the login screen appears.  Just curious if there's anyway to force the blue Xubuntu splash screen to appear.03:13
flocculantanyone got any experience troubleshooting hdmi no signal when pc is on but tv turns off - if that makes no sense, then I want to be able to turn the tv off and not reboot the pc to get a signal08:05
adjaguflocculant, maybe this link is helpful to you? https://github.com/regispl/displaymanager08:22
flocculantnot really - don't want to extend the desktop, only got 1 display - a tv, turn it off, signal lost08:24
flocculantbeen here https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=9391 - that's not working for me08:24
adjaguOk. Maybe this link will be helpful. The shell script is what caught my intrest. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-331/+bug/130810508:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1308105 in xfce4-settings "Xfce resets TV mode to NULL when power cycled" [Critical,Confirmed]08:30
flocculantthat's the bug listed in the forum topic I noted ;)08:31
flocculantso - I've got the script in home and set up the udev rule too08:31
adjaguDo you have the proper device name listed in the OUTPUT="HDMI-0"?08:33
flocculantit's hdmi-1, but yes :)08:34
flocculantand it's definitely card0 in /dev08:34
flocculantadjagu: thing is that forum post/bug/scripts etc seem to relate to oldish xfce versions - I've got 4.12 here, and I couldn't be anymore up to date with xubuntu than I am :D08:36
adjaguHmm. Well since it's named properly does a 'xrandr -d :0 --auto' turn it back on?08:37
flocculantI'll try :)08:37
flocculantit appears to run without error - but no signal on tty7 still08:40
flocculantif push comes to shove I'll just save the 150W an hour and turn the pc off rather than leave it on all the time :D08:41
adjaguI understand that. I have had lots of issues with HDMI, sound, etc.08:42
adjaguSadly I don't have any other suggestions08:42
flocculantok - well thanks for your help anyway :)08:43
flocculantI'll post to the m/l and see what turns up there next :)08:43
flocculanthave a good day08:43
adjaguGood day to you too. :)08:43
adjaguWell, one final thought. If you have the tv on and the pc on (after you've turned the tv off) - if you unplug the hdmi from the pc and plug it in again, does the picture return?08:45
flocculantnope - I tried that after the big hammer and before the script/udev rule :D08:47
adjaguWell, darn. You also tried restarting the display manger?08:48
flocculantadjagu: mmm no, tried startx is all08:48
adjagusudo restart lightdm08:49
adjaguor it might be sudo service lightdm restart08:50
flocculantyea last one08:50
flocculantthat crashed xorg :)08:50
adjaguOops. Not what we wanted.08:51
adjaguI think I used to use sudo pkill X, but I am unsure. It's been a while.08:51
flocculantdon't worry too much - I'm happy to fiddle about for 'so long' then I start to cost the time taken to fix against the time taken to not08:52
flocculantcurrently - it doesn't take too much time to get of my arse and press the power button on it :p08:52
flocculantadjagu: I'll hit the m/l, if I get a 'fix' and I see you in here I'll let you know, thanks for the help :)08:53
adjaguVery true. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.08:53
flocculantadjagu: actually - the one thing I'm not sure about is the BAD_MODE resolution I have in the script http://pastebin.com/kCH2RrJg08:57
flocculanthttp://pastebin.com/i2f7RF74 is the udev rule08:58
adjaguIs there anything in the xorg logs that suggests that your display size changes?09:02
flocculantI did look last night as well - nothing of note in xorg.logs09:06
flocculantall I have now is the seg fault from it's crash :)09:06
flocculantmeh - now found something up with the dev version of xubuntu :D09:07
adjaguOn earlier versions of xubuntu I had to use the following script to force 1920x1080 to my monitor. http://pastebin.com/pHi7rvN009:08
adjaguBut that is similar to what you've already tried.09:08
flocculantright - once it's going the resolution is fine here09:08
adjaguI'll admit, you do have me puzzled then :)09:09
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flocculantadjagu: so - is certainly appears to be xfsettingsd related - kill that and reboot to a horrible screen - tv off and on - still get a signal :)09:20
flocculantif it wasn't intel but nvidia I'd try the  Option "UseHotplugEvents" "False" in a xorg.conf09:22
adjaguIntel is the only one to not give me hdmi issues. ATI, phew.09:25
adjaguI think at this point, if I were you, I'd file a bug report.09:26
flocculantprobably will - I'm in Xubuntu team so I'll bend someone's ear first - they might want me to post to an existing one :)09:26
adjaguQuite possible. I really do hope you get this resolved. Now it's a puzzle to solve. :)09:28
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flocculantadjagu:script with "while true; do xrandr -d :0 --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080; sleep 3; done" works eventually, blue screen for a bit14:12
Wayward_VagabondWhat version did synaptic stop being included by default?14:15
Wayward_VagabondOnly had to type one line to get it, just curious when it happened, haven't setup a new install for ages14:16
flocculantnot remembering exactly but pre 14.0414:17
Wayward_Vagabond14.04 is what I'm working off of now. I know karmic included it, can't remember if quantal did or not14:18
flocculantWayward_Vagabond: well given I tend to run the current dev I'd be no help trying to remember that far back :D14:19
Wayward_VagabondHeh, I usually wait a month or two to touch a new release. I will do kernel versions as they come out though14:21
Wayward_VagabondCurrently working on the massive purge/download for initial setup, nearly 8gb to download this time14:21
Wayward_Vagabond<obligatory wining about light locker instead of xscreensaver>14:23
Wayward_VagabondThe amd radeon drivers I got from the repos seem to be broken, catalyst throws an error on launch and running aticonfig didn't help15:21
ndrew_EZhi all!15:45
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jarnosStrange that it takes at least twice as much time to start chromium-browser than google-chrome-stable in Xubuntu 15.1017:17
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Wayward_VagabondSo, having a couple issues with my installation of 14.04lts. I installed the AMD Radeon graphics drivers from the repos, but Catalyst throws errors when I try to launch it and aticonfig didn't help/19:22
Wayward_VagabondThe other issue is, my wifi connection randomly drops. It seems to happen if the connection goes demi-idle, but I can't see much of any pattern. I have to disable then renable wifi to see the network that it dropped.19:23
Wayward_VagabondOops, nevermind, catalyst works now. Guess I just needed a restart after the massive set of package and driver changes.19:26
Wayward_VagabondIt just did it, that time it didn't show any wifi networks till I 'reset' it19:36
Wayward_Vagabondannd again20:06
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Luyinhi ouroumov21:03
ouroumovSo I've got a problem trying to set up FDE on xubuntu 14.04: it fails to boot after install. I see garbage on my screen, which I assume is asking for a decryption key (I say that cause I had the non-garbage version once and entered the key, managed to boot)21:03
ouroumovI was expecting to have to enter the key, but only once on first use, was I mistaken?21:04
ouroumovHi Luyin21:04
Luyinwhat's FDE?21:10
ouroumovLuyin, Full Disk Encryption21:13
adjaguflocculant: Glad to see you got that sorted :)21:47
xubuntu93wHi I have a question... what would be your advise if I wanted to install 2 linux distros on my PC and a partition that I will use to store my documents, photos... and I will use it with the 2 distros.22:02
DrCoolDo you need two distros or can you run one in a virtual machine?22:03
xubuntu93wDrCool: I will prefer to have 2 distros if possible...22:04
DrCoolI think you can tell the install disk to install another distro along side the current OS.22:05
xubuntu93wDrCool.. yes I can... but how to do the partition to store my file and which I can use with the 2 distros??22:06
xubuntu93would I just need to create a / and /home folders for each distro and only one /data folder for example for the partition for my files?22:07
DrCoolI think that would do it, create a partion called "filestorage" or something and leave that for each OS to find.22:08
DrCoolinstall the OS on other partitions.22:08
xubuntu93wyou think or you are sure??  :) :)22:09
DrCoolha, well, I always second guess my own advice.22:12
DrCoolin theory it should work.   You could wait for someone to confirm...22:13
JCT500THz... Anybody there?22:40

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