[01:19] can we get a new introduction to scopes since the last one came out 1year ago and a lot has changed [01:22] ahoneybun, file a bug against the developer site [01:22] most people aren't online right now [01:27] I was talking about the video from Ubuntu OnAir [01:31] On the subject of video, are the talks from Ubucon going to be posted online? The titles looked interesting [01:34] some will/have [01:34] I had lunch with the guy who did the videoing and he is going to work it when he gets home [01:34] will need a lot of work [01:34] ahoneybun, yeah, i think my comment still applies [01:35] There was some official-looking Scale thing on youtube, but the sound quality was so bad it was inaudible [01:35] (because mentioning it here when nobody is about is shouting into the wind) [01:35] yeah, those were made by the on site scale people, these are separate [01:35] ahoneybun, https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/ [01:38] o/ all === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [06:01] hello [09:37] Good morning all! Happy Tuesday, and happy Australia Day! 😃 === _salem is now known as salem_ [12:01] davidcalle hey! is there any examples somewhere of handling preview widget activations in a go scope? My searching so far has been fruitless [12:01] Hey DanChapman, there should be an example on lp, hang on :) [12:06] DanChapman: eg, opening an app? [12:07] davidcalle, yeah that and also using the comment-input widget [12:08] DanChapman: the uappexplorer scope is doing two interesting things in its previews: it can open an app and also go to another scope https://github.com/bhdouglass/uappexplorer-scope/blob/master/src/uappexplorer-scope.go#L174 [12:09] * DanChapman looks [12:16] cool thanks, so that solves working with uri's. [12:19] DanChapman: and for receiving activations data, see the twitter scope shipped by default http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~twitter-scope-team/twitter-scope/trunk/view/head:/src/twitter.go#L1849 [12:21] davidcalle, aha! that's perfect. Thanks! [12:22] DanChapman: yw! === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === _salem is now known as salem_ === javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft === boiko__ is now known as boiko === salem_ is now known as _salem === popey_ is now known as popey