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bob2021hey... so thanks for the help over the past few days.  almost all the hardware is working, except the webcam.  it works in unity, but not plasma.  can someone help?01:49
bob2021anyone? :)01:56
bob2021the log says that my webcam is being configured as a keyboard02:06
=== Larry is now known as Guest40056
Guest40056Well, didn't know how to use this.02:16
=== s is now known as Guest92734
Guest40056I am very slow on typing so forgive me.02:18
Guest40056I have one question, what is the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu?02:19
DragnslcrUbuntu uses the Unity desktop by default. Kubuntu uses KDE by default.02:20
DragnslcrThe underlying system is the same in both, though.02:20
Guest40056Which is better for someone like me that don't know much about this computer stuff?02:21
DragnslcrWhichever one you like better. It's easy to try them both and then pick the one you like.02:23
DragnslcrI prefer KDE, which tends to be more like Windows XP/7. If I remember correctly, Unity tends to be more similar to OS X.02:24
Guest40056I need one that is easy to use so I can use it to surf and learn programing?02:26
Guest40056I have been using Ubuntu for about about 2 years now and I don't feel any better about using it than when I started.02:28
Guest40056The last time I used Windows was when it was XP.02:30
DragnslcrYou can install the Kubuntu desktop and see if you like it better02:31
ubottuk/ed/x/l/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.02:32
DragnslcrHm, that isn't helpful02:32
DragnslcrIf you install the kubuntu-desktop package, you can select either Unity or KDE/Plasma when you log in.02:33
Guest40056Okay, thanks for the help, I will try reading some more and then I will make a decision. Have a nice night,  Larry02:34
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nareshnkHello Gentlemen, i have a cloud server.. and installed ubuntu on this.. i this i installed CakePHP framework .. and tmp directory is 777 permission. But some time my tmp directory permission changed automatically frm 777 unable to write04:42
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BluesKajHiyas all12:13
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samuelehi  to everybody16:35
samueleI have some problems with kwin, I suppose. Sometimes moving application, or simply doing nothing special (but less frequently) I see some glitches.16:36
samueleI just wanted to know if this problem will be fixed with the next relase of kubuntu or the next release of kde. So if it worthless continuig to use kubuntu.16:38
samueleI really like this distro but if my intel graphics doesn't suit well with kde I'd better use something else like  Gnome16:39
marco-parilloYou can try all the bug listings, or you can experiment. So if you do not see the glitches in Ubuntu Gnome, you know the problem is in KDE (at least your version). If you do not see the glitches in some other KDE distro, then the fault might be lower down the stack.16:41
samuelemany thanks for the answer. I will try other distro with other version of kde in live sessions and see if they give me the same problem16:53
marco-parilloMy pleasure. If you are simply seeking the best disto for your HW, that is a good approach. If you want to be debugging where the error is, you want to try distros with the exact same Plasma and kwin versions. And just in case it is underlying drivers / kernals, that is why trying a Ubuntu Flavour (I used to prefer Xubuntu, but it sounds as if you like Gnome) is a good way to test also.17:03
=== elien is now known as sk_ryan007
samueleI like xubuntu too but I have a new pc and I simply didn't thought to use xfce17:15
=== vicky is now known as Guest36250
douglwhy do I have to "sudo dhclient enp4s0" to make my network work on kubuntu 15.1018:34
soee_BluesKaj: ^18:34
soee_yuo have some eperiance with NM i think18:34
douglPoor BluesKaj I am forever bugging him... I did google first tho...18:35
douglthe most obscure unknown and uncommon issue I will find and it will cause me grief18:36
douglsoee_, but network manager is the answer?18:37
douglsoee_, cuz I am just as good googling what I need instead of troubling anyone... although I learned alot from genii and BluesKaj yesterday18:38
siko_can anyone tell me if its possible to GPU passthrough without vt-d processor?18:44
BluesKajsiko_, using a vm?18:54
* dougl just waves a good morning to BluesKaj - looks like he is busy :)18:55
BluesKajhey dougl, just came back in from pushing snow, so I missed your issue18:57
BluesKajsiko_, not sure I can help with that, no point pming eithe18:58
siko_BluesKa_, thanks anyway m819:00
BluesKajI'm sure someone else knows tho19:01
siko_yeah not very many people talk tho19:02
douglBluesKaj, my issue is only you pushing too much snow19:02
BluesKajstill not done, gotta go finish up in a few mins19:03
douglslow and steady friend19:04
BluesKajyeah, I take breaks every 30mins or so19:05
BluesKajheavy wet stuff here today19:05
douglhow do I disable kdewallet?19:19
douglgoogle is my friend19:21
geniidougl: kcmshell4 kwalletconfig19:21
tocotronkubuntu 15.10 is AWESOME19:21
tocotronBut why do I have a do-release-upgrade notification after a fresh install of 15.10?19:22
tocotronShall I do it?19:22
Picitocotron: what do you mean? like your motd screen?19:23
tocotrono wai!19:23
Picitocotron: likely the motd generation wasn't run recently. it has some weird conditionals as to when it does that.19:24
tocotronIt's my host system that's still 15.0419:24
Picioh, hah19:24
douglgenii, good day - dhclient as learned from you came in handy the very next install I did - hats off to you my friend19:24
tocotronI get cofused with so much virtualisation19:25
dougl... thanks for the wallet info19:25
geniidougl: Glad to be of assistance :)19:25
tocotronOne more thing: I have a Ubuntu server host, no X configured. Now I have KVM guests to which I connect using the SPICE protocol. When I connect as normal user with the guests, I have no sound; connecting as root and I have sound. Is it enough to add my user to the audio group to have sound or is it more difficult?19:28
geniiTry adding them to the plugdev group first19:29
tocotronNever heard of that before but will try nonetheless19:29
tocotronI'm already in that group19:31
tocotronNow audio?19:31
geniitocotron: That would be the second one to try, yes19:33
geniiRemember also a logout-login cycle is required for it to take effect19:34
tocotrongenii: So be it! I'm off to unlog19:35
douglmy 15.10 walpaper disappears and my task bar then my cube does not rotate and my session needs to be restarted... not sure where this comes from19:36
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tocotronYes, that worked19:49
* genii slides tocotron a fresh coffee19:50
tocotronBut, one more thing: How do I start two parallel X-Sessions in parallel at startup. What I'm trying to accomplish is to automatically connect to the spice server!19:51
tocotronFresh coffee is always needed, Thanks!19:51
tocotronI thought I'd just put the two "spicec" lines in .xinitrc and run "startx". But it only starts the second VM19:52
* dougl goes to get coffee so he can hang with the cool kids...19:52
tocotrondougl: High Five, bro19:52
tocotronSo, my .xinitrc hast two lines like this and nothing else: 'startx -e "spicec -h localhost -p <THEPORT>" -- :0 vt7'19:53
tocotronit only starts the one on :1 vt8, the one on DISPLAY1 gets ignored/shutdown - not sure19:54
tocotronI want to automatically start both connections to the SPICE server at login19:55
geniiHm. I'm not quite sure in this case.19:56
tocotronMmmh. But you have to admit that this would be so cool19:56
geniiNormally if I want to run separate X sessions I do it from inside one ( nested) instead of totally seaparate ones19:57
tocotronI want to start the Kubuntu VM and a Windows VM19:57
tocotronIn full screen, of course19:57
dougl... one on each monitor kinda thing?19:59
tocotron Yes, just that I have only one monitor19:59
tocotronI'll switch with CTRL+ALT+F7/819:59
tocotronIf I start them manually it works, btw20:00
tocotronAs in, start them one by one20:00
dougltocotron, you are right that is cool20:00
tocotronIs there an xorg channel?20:01
douglI use the cube and rotate it from one to another...20:01
geniitocotron: So then edit your .xinitrc to background the first and continue to the second startx command20:01
douglxorg channel .... googling20:01
tocotron dougl, I found it, it's there and I'm in20:02
tocotrongenii: I have tried the bg thingy to no avail20:02
tocotronI have never changed an .xinitrc20:02
geniitocotron: Like startx -e "spice -h localhost -p 999 -- :0 vt7 & startx other-stuff-here --:1 &20:03
tocotronNot sure how it must look20:03
tocotrongenii: Yes, exactly, I tried that20:03
tocotronMaybe #ubuntu knows something?20:17
tocotronxorg is quiet. They're probably all busy with their two displays on two different VTs20:17
tocotronEh, I'm going to get a facial mask while waiting. That might take some time20:24
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BlueProtomanI'm trying to use Bumblebee on Kubuntu 15.10, with a nVidia GeForce 520M and Intel HD 5000, but when I run "optirun glxinfo" I get this error: http://pastebin.com/S0P4i7LW  Any tips?21:08
soee_do not use it, use nvidia-prime21:09
geniibumblebee is now superceded21:09
soee_add grpahics driver ppa, install latest stable and done21:10
soee_you can than switch profile either through Nvidia Settings21:11
soee_or using command: prime-select intel|nvidia21:11
BlueProtomansoee_, genii: Last time I tried that, I couldn't log in graphically.21:17
BlueProtomanI had to uninstall the packages21:19
BlueProtomanAlso, holy hell my CPU usage is high21:20
soee_what driver you were using (version ?)21:22
BlueProtomanI don't remember, honestly, it was a few months ago.21:22
BlueProtomanI think I tried the drivers in either late August or mid-December.  Don't remember21:25
soee_i think i had this problem with 352 version21:27
soee_add ppa: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa21:27
soee_and try 35821:28
soee_i'm not on 361 beta and also work fine (Xenial)21:28
BlueProtomanThe broken graphics or the high CPU usage?21:31
BlueProtomansoee_: nvidia-graphics-drivers-358 doesn't appear on my package list21:34
soee_BlueProtoman: nvidia-35821:35
soee_BlueProtoman: broken graphic, i never had high cpu21:35
soee_but i have i7 here21:35
BlueProtomanOK.  So I'm gonna install the driver; should I reboot, or just log out then in?21:36
BlueProtomanI have an i5, I think21:37
soee_better reboot21:38
BlueProtomanWhat if my graphics break again?  Just switch back to 352?21:38
BlueProtomanAlso, should I uninstall bumblebee?21:41
BlueProtomansoee_: Now I have broken graphics even after reverting to 352.  Please help me fix it.21:51
soee_define broken21:54
BlueProtomanNo graphics.  Text login only.21:54
soee_sddm does not load ?21:55
BlueProtomanHow can I tell?21:55
soee_it is login manager21:55
soee_you have only command line ?21:56
BlueProtomanThen no, it doesn't.  Yes, cli only21:56
soee_type: sudo prime-select intel21:56
soee_and reboot21:56
BlueProtomanCommand not found21:57
BlueProtomanI reverted to 352 already21:57
BlueProtomanWhat packages should I install again?21:57
soee_do you have nvidia-prime installed ?21:58
soee_this shoudl be dependency i think to drivers21:59
soee_install it than21:59
BlueProtomanOk, just did, then sudo prime-select intel.  Rebooting now21:59
BlueProtomanNope, still CLI only22:00
soee_what if you try to start sddm ?22:00
BlueProtomanNo, I have graphics now!  However, my initial problem was never solved; I want to use my nVidia card.22:00
soee_are you logged in ?22:01
BlueProtomanYes, I am now22:01
soee_open Nvidia Settings22:01
soee_there should be position: PRIME Profiles22:02
soee_set it to Nvidia22:02
soee_and you have to relogin22:02
soee_setting it here is the same as executing command: sudo prime-select nvidia22:02
BlueProtomanOk, one sec22:02
BlueProtomanBroken graphics again22:03
BlueProtomanShould I upgrade to nvidia-358?22:04
soee_you should try22:04
BlueProtomanDoing so now22:05
BlueProtomanNope.  Still broken22:07
soee_well you can also try puring all nvidia, than install again lates22:08
soee_sueo ppa-purge nvidia*22:08
soee_sudo ppa-purge nvidia*22:08
soee_than: sudo apt-get install nvidia-358 nvidia-prime22:08
BlueProtomanDoing so now22:09
soee_but keep in mind that there are still problems with this hybrid graphics on linux :/22:10
BlueProtomanI've had it working in older versions of Ubuntu22:11
soee_yes back than it was a bit better, but started to break in 15.04 i think22:12
BlueProtomanAh, think it works!22:12
soee_and Kubuntu switched to sddm and this also can cause some problems22:12
BlueProtomanYep, graphics AND my nVidia works!  Thanks!22:12
BlueProtomanDo I need to do anything to run programs with my nvidia now?22:13
BlueProtomanOoh, I have OpenGL 4.5 now22:14
soee_no, now nvdia is active22:14
soee_so all will run on it22:14
BlueProtomanCan I switch back to my intel on the fly?22:15
soee_you have to logout after switch22:15
BlueProtomanFuck it, I'll live with the lower battery life22:16
soee_please don't use such words here22:17
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:18
BlueProtomanHow can I be required to troubleshoot like this and NOT shoot my mouth off?22:18
soee_well when something is broken it is a good opportunity to learn new  stuff :)22:19
BlueProtomanOk, new problem.  Cpu usage for Plasma still high, and my laptop heats up to between 75-85 degrees C22:19
soee_see in ksysguard if any app uses cpu over standard level22:20
BlueProtomanHmm, seems to be gone now.  But my laptop is still getting hot22:21
soee_probably nvidia card is the reason22:22
BlueProtomanOi.  So how can I tell what temperatures are safe formmy hardware?22:22
soee_hmm dunno, but my card often has 80-90 while playing games :)22:25
BlueProtomanMine is just idling at 70C22:25
soee_maybe google and read if it is normal for your card22:27
BlueProtomanOh, looks like it's not actually so bad22:28
BlueProtomanThank you22:38
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=== Samt is now known as Guest66695
Samt43Hi guys23:43
Samt43Trying plasma 5.5 on kubuntu 15.1023:44
Samt43Everything is fine, so trying to play with kwin_wayland23:44
Samt43Sent startplasmacompositor and it seems that i have an error : "painter not active"23:45
Samt43Any idea ?23:45
valorieSamt43: you might try in #plasma23:58

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