
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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morphiscjwatson: ping09:48
cjwatsonmorphis: Please tell me what you want and I'll reply when I'm around.09:48
morphiscjwatson: sil2100 added me to the list of silo uploaders but I basically don't get any rejected/successful mails, just dput goes through successfully09:49
morphiscjwatson: sil2100 suspects that we're missing something very simple in the process, you may know :-)09:49
sil2100cjwatson: as morphis said, he seems to be dputting stuff correctly but it doesn nothing, no feedback, no upload appearing in the PPA09:52
Mirvfunny, the font size changes in OTA-909:54
MirvI've soon forgotten about them already but the bookmarks in webbrowser-app eg. are in pretty small print, and maybe the indicator titles too are smaller than before09:54
Mirvand somehow terminal font got huge before I resized it back to smaller09:54
Mirvok, it's probably this https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fontSize/+merge/28083110:06
Mirvthat's alright, the webbrowser bookmark text size is maybe a bit too small only, the title could be larger than the url10:06
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morphissil2100, Mirv: any reason why the automated sign off does work? I can't switch lander signoff to "approved" for my silo11:31
sil2100morphis: in which silo is that?11:39
morphissil2100: yes, silo 1211:40
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morphissil2100: you changed something? now I could move it approved11:41
sil2100morphis: no, but it might mean that autopkgtests were slowly moving to the running state11:41
sil2100Well, there are some rough edges here and there I guess11:41
morphisdavmor2: silo 12 should now show up on your list :-)11:43
davmor2morphis: \o/11:43
morphisdavmor2: and silo 45 will come a bit later11:43
morphispulse works fine so far on my krillin11:43
davmor2morphis: switching between bt headset speaker and loud speaker in a call works then?11:44
morphisdavmor2: not that far yet :-)11:45
morphisbut A2DP does11:45
davmor2unless you have an s10 :P11:45
davmor2morphis: at some point when you are quiet you'll have to fix that you know ;) Of course that could take a while for you to be quiet :)11:47
morphisdavmor2: hehe11:47
morphisdavmor2: suspect somewhere around summer time :-)11:47
cjwatsonmorphis: If this is pulseaudio, you're signing it with a key (56B98A9E) that isn't registered in Launchpad.11:47
cjwatsonmorphis: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors#The_upload_appears_to_work_but_I_don.27t_get_any_email_about_it11:48
morphiscjwatson: hm11:48
morphiscjwatson: you're right11:49
morphisinteresting that this wasn't a problem before11:50
rvrpopey: Hello11:50
popeyrvr, o/11:50
rvrpopey: Could you add a link to media-hub MPRIS test cases to the music app test plan?11:51
morphiscjwatson: but thanks11:51
popeydidn't we discuss this yesterday?11:51
rvrpopey: More or less :D11:52
davmor2popey: this is the official request over the maybe you could request ;)11:52
popeyit's already on the list to do11:53
popeybut not much point right now given we don't have a new click for you to test11:53
rvrI must ping charles too about that for indicator-sound11:54
rvrcharles: So, when I available, ping back :)11:55
rvrs/I //11:55
sil2100alex_abreu: hey!12:20
sil2100alex_abreu: so, silo https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/634 needs a rebuild of webbrowser-app right now12:21
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bschaeferhello would anyone be able to restart the ppc64el build on this landing silo? https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-010/+packages (for mir xenial)13:19
Mirvsil2100: FYI I filed bug #1539076 about the issue with eg silo 060 or any qtbase/qtdeclarative silo13:22
ubot5bug 1539076 in Bileto "autopkgtests: respect autopkgtest overrides" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153907613:22
bschaeferif someone could restart this failure: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-010/+build/890796513:39
kdub+1 ^13:40
bschaeferneeds to start the landing process very soon (just 1 flaky test that failed)13:40
bschaefersil2100, Mirv if you are able to :) ^13:46
Mirvbschaefer: ok13:52
Mirvrefresh to see how it goes now13:53
* bschaefer crosses fingers :)13:53
morphisMirv, sil2100: I am not getting failing tests on my silo: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/xenial/landing-012/excuses.html13:56
morphiswhat is the policy how to deal with those things?13:56
morphisbasically hybris changed upstream which we're now basing on which then breaks kwin13:56
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Mirvmorphis: it's a bit tough when it comes to community flavors using the same bits we do - my big Qt landings are really difficult, and for Qt 5.5 I ended up fixing some things myself and some things (when it was test only and not build failing) were overridden14:02
Mirvmorphis: also AFAIK kwin is currently forcefully overridden anyway, but as I just filed bug #1539076 the silo autopkgtests don't understands the overrides14:03
ubot5bug 1539076 in Bileto "autopkgtests: respect autopkgtest overrides" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153907614:03
Mirvmorphis: but of course a build failure (instead of test failure) should be bug filed against kwin and maybe asking on #kubuntu-devel then if anyone could take a look at fixing it14:03
morphisMirv: ok, however we have to land this anyway14:03
Mirvmorphis: yes, for vivid at least and maybe manually to xenial or skipping it for now14:05
morphisMirv: not really possible as its a dual landing silo which is already in QA14:05
jibelcan we land in vivid only and fix xenial?14:05
MirvI'm not sure who would be the best contact for Plasma Mobile (which is probably the main kwin hybris user) but they have some paid staff AFAIK on it so there should be interest14:06
morphisMirv: let me ask in #kwin-devel14:06
Mirvmorphis: jibel: we can always copy stuff manually (after approval) and clean + merge and that way skip one release14:06
Mirv(skip for xenial)14:06
jibelnot the solution I like though14:07
morphisIMHO the kwin guys need to fix this as they shouldn't depend on these APIs at all14:08
davmor2morphis: I guess they do for their mobile version14:21
davmor2morphis: man I'm on fire today ;)14:22
morphisdavmor2: not only you :-)14:28
bschaefertrainguards need a rebuild of https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-010/+build/890839114:59
sil2100bschaefer: on it15:01
bschaefersil2100, thanks!15:02
sil2100bschaefer: done15:02
sil2100yw :)15:02
bschaeferdouble thanks!15:02
Saviqtrainguards, can we please have qtdeclarative-opensource-src removed from silo 19? patch was deemed incorrect15:31
SaviqMirv, ↑15:31
SaviqMirv, just FYI, not "do it!"15:31
sil2100Saviq: on it15:34
MirvSaviq: :)15:34
sil2100Saviq: along with -gles I susspect right?15:34
Saviqsil2100, yup, thanks15:34
sil2100seb128: hello! We have a silo we'd like to land for OTA-9.5 and the android-headers landing seems to be adding new binary packages that need a binNEW review15:41
sil2100seb128: I checked all the other packages and rised my concerns there, but I would need someone to do the binNEW review for https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-012-1-build/30/artifact/android-headers_vivid_packaging_changes.diff and https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-012-1-build/30/artifact/android-headers_xenial_packaging_changes.diff15:42
sil2100seb128: (I did not manage to browse through the full diff for those yet)15:42
seb128sil2100, sorry, I was travelling this week and I'm crazy busy and travelling again tomorrow15:42
seb128can you find somebody else?15:43
sil2100seb128: ok, no worries :)15:43
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sil2100slangasek: hey! :)16:10
sil2100slangasek: we need someone with binNEW review powers for android-headers in silo 1216:10
sil2100slangasek: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-012-1-build/30/artifact/android-headers_vivid_packaging_changes.diff and https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-012-1-build/30/artifact/android-headers_xenial_packaging_changes.diff - I didn't yet scan the whole diff for that as I was doing the reviews of all the other packages for now16:11
slangaseksil2100: ok - after the team meeting? :)16:11
sil2100Team meeting!16:11
robrumorphis: sil2100: you can't sign off on a silo if it contains build failures or has packages that are still building16:15
morphisrobru: ah I see16:19
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bschaefertrainguards seems like a flaky test in the autopkg tests: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/xenial/landing-010/excuses.html anyway to restart this process?17:23
robrubschaefer: for a retry you'll need pitti17:24
* bschaefer does not see him around17:26
robrubschaefer: I'm not sure who else can. We just implemented a retry thing but it's not an hooked up yet17:27
robrubschaefer: worst case just rebuild the silo but that's slow and wasteful17:28
bschaeferyeah that would take a while, but we shall see, camako ^17:28
Saviqtrainguards, can you please drop ubuntu-system-settings from silo 19, we jumped the gun on that, thanks!17:38
sil2100In a meeting right now, need a few mins17:39
robruOn it17:39
slangaseksil2100: yes to android-headers17:40
sil2100slangasek: \o/17:40
slangaseksil2100: btw, how did this come on your radar to ask about? Looking at the ticket, I don't see anything that tells me there are packaging changes needing review: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/77917:41
sil2100slangasek: since it's still in testing, it's not ready for publishing because QA is just testing it - we're doing a review now since this is super important to land ASAP17:42
sil2100So we needed all reviews early17:42
slangaseksil2100: I think this is a reasonable workflow, I just wasn't sure what triggered it since bileto doesn't seem to support that directly :)17:42
robruslangasek: click through to the artifacts17:43
slangasekrobru: I know how to find the artifacts; I'm saying that's not the workflow, so how did this come to anyone's /attention/17:44
robruslangasek: i assume the landers were proactive about it17:44
slangasekthat's good :-)17:44
robruSaviq: done17:45
Saviqrobru, thanks17:45
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robruslangasek: huh my schroot has /sys, any other ideas why it might not work?18:07
slangasekrobru: as said in meeting, you need the cgroups mounts18:12
robruslangasek: those aren't covered by just bindmounting /sys? they're all in /sys18:12
slangasekrobru: they are separate mounts; bind mounting a parent directory does not implicitly bind mount the child mounts18:13
robruslangasek: is there documentation on how to mount those? seems like there's a lot of them18:13
slangasekrobru: you can verify this for yourself by looking at /sys/fs/cgroup in the chroot18:13
slangasekrobru: I don't know18:13
robruslangasek: is indeed empty18:14
slangasekyour question was if it's possible to run an lxc container inside of a chroot, and the answer is yes; but the details are an exercise for the reader18:14
robruslangasek: right18:15
dobeyrobru: hey. could we maybe make it so that automated signoff doesn't needlessly wait for "always failed" tests to finish?19:34
robrudobey: could do, can you file a bug against lp:bileto?20:20
sil2100Publishing that without reviewed branches, the silo is too critical to wait on those ^20:23
camakorobru , theunity8 autopkgtests for silo 10 are taking suspiciously long on armhf (4.5 hours and going). Do you know if this is normal?20:23
camakothis is one of those "always failed" tests :-(20:24
robrucamako: they haven't been running for 4.5 hours, they ran and then they got retried. there's some kind of bug going on that makes specifically unity8 autopkgtests get retried unreasonably often but I haven't been able to track it down just yet20:25
dobeyrobru: sure20:25
camakorobru, ok.. will britney eventually give up? or does it need intervention?20:26
robrucamako: it will eventually complete but then it'll probably be retried every 5ish hours until the end of time. also last time they completed there was a failure20:27
robrucamako: actually you need to investigate this problem with mir: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/vivid/landing-010/excuses.html20:27
dobeyrobru: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bileto/+bug/153925420:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1539254 in Bileto "Automated Signoff waits for "always failing" tests" [Undecided,New]20:29
camakorobru, that is the one I was referring to. So that's an actual failure?20:29
camakoautopkgtest for unity8 8.11+15.04.20160122-0ubuntu1: amd64: Always failed [artifacts], armhf: Test in progress (always failed), i386: Always failed [artifacts]20:29
camako^ armhf one20:30
robrucamako: no, look at mir20:30
camakorobru, not sure what the problem is? Is it the comment with the "old binaries.."?20:32
robrucamako: yes, that is causing britney to call this silo a failure.20:33
camakooh ok thanks I'll investigate20:33
robrucamako: so the version number listed is newer than distro but older than what's in the ppa, did you stop building that package or something?20:35
camakorobru, it was someone else's silo that I took over... Possibly yeah20:35
camakorobru, actually silo says "Running" but I guess you're saying it's "running" due to that unity8 bug, and it'll be a failure becuase of the "old packages..." thing20:36
robrucamako: yes20:36
camakothanks robru20:36
robrucamako: yeah I'm not sure what that error is, I'll try deleting old versions of the package20:37
robrucamako: check back in ~25 minutes and see if it still says that20:38
rvrmzanetti: ping20:38
camakook thanks.. willl do20:38
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robrucamako: looks like jibel set it to approved by mistake and then tried to set it to 'ready', except that bileto forces ready/required depending on if britney is still running or not21:01
jibelrobru, any idea why autopkgtest on silo 10 are still running for vivid. I don't find it in the run queue.21:01
camakorobru ok21:02
jibelcamako, yeah sorry, I wanted to mark it ready for QA but bileto doesn't let me do it21:02
robrujibel: it's in the run queue, http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running.shtml grep for 'landing-010', although it looks in a bad way21:02
robrujibel: i dunno, just manually put it in the trello board I guess, this britney stuff doesn't work very well21:03
jibelrobru, ah right, i didn't find it21:03
jibelrobru, is there a way to force the silo to 'ready for qa' ?21:03
camakough do we need to restart it or something?21:03
robrujibel: I think if you put some text in the manual download field it'll let you set it as 'ready' but when britney runs & fails again it'll probably override that again21:04
jibelrobru, bad hack but it worked.21:06
robrujibel: yeah the manual downloads field is an entirely bad hack to begin with. normally the only way to ever get a silo 'ready' is to have britney approve it, but britney can't approve manual downloads because there's no ppa to review, so I had to disable the qa_signoff auto-setting code if there's any value in manual downloads.21:07
mzanettirvr, hey21:36
Elleotrainguards: any idea why automated signoff doesn't seem to be running on this silo? https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/887 (we had previously started the automated test process then had to switch out of approved for some last minute additions, after switching back to approved it doesn't appear to be starting the test process again)22:09
robruElleo: it's only been 15 minutes since you approved it. Britney runs every 35ish minutes22:11
Elleorobru: ah, didn't realise that; thanks22:11
robruElleo: if you want to play "guess when britneys next run is", refer to https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/last-run.txt and check the timestamp nearest the bottom, round up to the nearest 5 minutes, then add the elapsed time listed at the very end22:13
Elleorobru: thanks22:14
robruElleo: you're welcome. So probably 30 more minutes, looks like you just missed the cutoff22:14
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rvrmzanetti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tagger/+bug/153908722:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 1539087 in Tagger "The Tagger is opening flash light after OTA-9 update" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:27
mzanettirvr, fixing atm22:27
rvrmzanetti: Ah, cool!22:27
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