
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
dufluWow. Good anti-aliasing = almost readable text at 3px high07:26
zzarrduflu, what? 3px awesome07:30
dufluzzarr: Just admiring Google docs previews. And trying to read the docs in tiny print07:31
zzarrduflu, nice, what device?07:31
dufluzzarr: Desktop07:31
zzarrduflu, mir?07:31
dufluzzarr: No just Chrome...07:32
zzarrduflu, okey07:32
dufluBut I shall try to make Mir as good in future07:32
zzarrduflu, you're a programmer @ Canonical?07:33
dufluzzarr: Yes :)07:33
zzarrduflu, awesome07:33
zzarrduflu, I have obtained the kernel config from my ASUS Chromebook Flip (ARM, RK3288)07:35
dufluzzarr: Want to try to use Mir?07:35
zzarrI know I some how need to extract the hardware parts in order to merge with the Ubuntu kernel and use Mir07:36
zzarrduflu, you're right on the money07:36
zzarrduflu, I can't think of a better OS for the computer then Ubuntu since it have a touch screen and can flip in to a tablet07:37
zzarrI can boot it from a SD card07:37
dufluzzarr: If the kernel supports DRI for your graphics chip then you can stick with the ChromeOS kernel (which helps a lot and often is more likely to work for some ARM devices than stock Ubuntu)07:37
dufluzzarr: What's in /dev/dri?  or /sys/class/drm?07:38
zzarrduflu, I'll have a look07:39
dufluI am a ChromeOS fan too. Although Google has a habit of using very old kernels in ChromeOS and Android07:40
zzarrin /dev/dri card0 card1 controlD64 renderD128 renderD12907:40
zzarrduflu, yes, I know07:40
zzarrduflu, other whys the Chromebook is awesome07:41
dufluYeah ChromeOS is pretty. But once you run Ubuntu on a Chromebook it's profoundly faster (for Intel anyway). Which means Google's got a lot of improving to do07:41
dufluI recall they are building a new display system to solve that (and replace X11 that it still uses I hear)07:43
zzarrin /sys/class/drm I find card0 card1 card1-eDP-1 card1-HDMI-A-1 controlD64 renderD128 renderD129 version07:43
dufluAlthough there might be other reasons why their windowing system is slow07:43
zzarrmy Chromebook uses a windowing system called freon07:44
dufluzzarr: OK, good news: Your ChromeOS kernel has a chance of just working with Mir (Ubuntu in a chroot installed via https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton). It's definitely worth a try. You sure that's ARM and not Intel?07:44
zzarrduflu, I have a crouton chroot installed07:45
dufluzzarr: You'll need to have it set up for fullscreen Ubuntu (not Ubuntu in the browser)07:46
zzarrduflu, it's an ARM I'm sure about that07:46
dufluWow that Chromebook Flip looks like a great device07:46
zzarrduflu, it is :-D07:46
* duflu adds it to the wishlist07:47
zzarrquad core, 4GB RAM :-)07:47
dufluzzarr: OK then. The next hurdle you might find (I remember hitting this now) is that Chromebooks often lack VT support in their kernels. Which is not a big deal but just Mir can't deal with that yet -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/116902007:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1169020 in Mir "[regression] Mir gives up too easily - std::exception::what: Failed to find the current VT" [Medium,Triaged]07:48
dufluSo that will stop you unless you have the Mir code I suspect07:49
zzarrI have the kernel config for the chromebook, can I add a console to it that way?07:51
dufluNot sure. Not very likely how nailed down ChromeOS is. You can only change what Google lets you change07:52
zzarrbut if I have the source code (which I have) and the config, can't I just configure and build a new kernel?07:53
zzarrI thought I might be able to build a kernel with this tutorial https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton/wiki/Build-chrome-os-kernel-and-kernel-modules07:56
dufluzzarr: If you're in a chroot then you need a kernel that doesn't break ChromeOS. So I would recommend keeping the existing one and we should fix Mir to suit08:04
zzarrduflu, yea, but I thougt I should build a new kernel and run a stand alone environment from a SD card08:05
dufluzzarr: Sounds like the Ubuntu kernel lacks support for the chipset then?08:05
dufluUsually does for newish ARM devices08:05
zzarryes, but I can configure a Chromebook kernel and build it08:06
zzarrso I install a custom Chromebook kernel on the SD card along with Ubuntu08:07
zzarrthat way I should get the best of both worlds08:07
dufluzzarr: I would personally recommend sticking with the chroot though. Fixing Mir theoretically is easier than building your own OS with custom kernel :)08:08
zzarrduflu, I have that as a second way out then :-)08:09
zzarrit's more fun to try it from scratch08:09
dufluIt's good you think that08:09
dufluBecause someone has to be adventurous and try08:10
zzarrI have built linux kernels before (for UltraSparc)08:10
zzarrduflu, exactly, that's the way we move forward08:11
zzarrduflu, I'm a programmer too you see, so I know about the fact that some things are hard to do08:12
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zzarrduflu, what line or lines define the console in the kernel config?08:21
dufluzzarr: Sorry, don't know08:22
zzarrokey, I'll stfg it08:22
dufluzzarr: Thanks for reminding me about the VT bug though. If I remember and get time I'll try to fix it before the bug reaches 1 year old09:09
zzarrduflu, no problem :-)09:09
dufluActually the bug was from 2013, but I only associated it with chromebooks mid last year09:09
zzarrduflu, okey09:15
dufluIf Xorg in an Ubuntu chroot can start, Mir has no excuse for failing to start...09:15
dufluWe just have unnecessary error checking. And some errors are not really errors.09:16
zzarrduflu, that explains it09:18
zzarrduflu, but I don't get any 3D/OpelGLES support in the chroot (since ChromeOS uses freon)09:19
zzarrduflu, I though of making a freon to mir wrapper (I don't know if it's a good idea or not a time a go)09:21
zzarrduflu, I guess it would be a huge project even though both mir and freon is based of some parts of wayland09:22
zzarrnot knowing if they are the same parts or not09:22
dufluzzarr: I'm not sure about Freon, but Mir and Wayland are entirely unrelated other than both (only just recently) use the same input library libinput.09:24
dufluI thought Freon was also completely separate09:24
zzarrduflu, okey, so mir has nothing to do with wayland.... I see, I think that freon has thought09:25
dufluzzarr: You remind me now that Mir (when using the mesa-kms driver) also requires a device-specific driver in the Ubuntu chroot under /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/. As Ubuntu doesn't have that for your ARM chip, it will be software-rendered even when working properly09:27
dufluWhich is not good. It won't run well at all09:27
zzarrduflu, that's not nice09:29
dufluzzarr: I know. It's because we use the Mesa implementation of OpenGL, which is portable but requires a DRI module specific to Mesa and the chipset to be accelerated09:30
dufluSo hardware-accelerated Mir is limited to those covered by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/*09:31
dufluMinus *sw* :)09:31
zzarrduflu, so I will not be able to get an accelerated mir without that driver what ever kernel config I manage to create?09:35
dufluzzarr: I suspect that's right09:35
zzarrduflu, could I use an android-lxc for mir?09:36
dufluUnless you can find a custom libGLESv2 that works for your chipset09:36
dufluzzarr: For ARM hardware you might find usable drivers from Android, yes. But that's a maybe.09:37
dufluBut Mir (via libhybris) only knows how to do that within an Android filesystem.... I think?09:38
zzarrduflu, I know for a fact that there are Android devices based off of RK328809:38
zzarrduflu, I suspect that you're right09:38
dufluI should clarify that using any custom libGLESv2 (e.g. future Nvidia support!) also requires a custom Mir driver to be written to bootstrap it for mode setting and buffer management09:46
dufluHmm actually that's not quite right. We might be able to mix and match. But no matter because such a /usable/ libGLESv2 for RK3288 may not exist.09:48
dufluOr likely we're missing other glue09:49
zzarrduflu, okey, is it possible somehow to compile a libGLESv2 for RK3288 myself?09:50
zzarrduflu, or do I need deep knowledge about how the RK3288 chip (Mali764) is built?09:53
dufluzzarr: You might need source code, but actually the ABI for libGLESv2 is well known. So you might be able to find and just copy a binary too. Although that assumes it's no linking to something awkward (like Android's bionic)09:54
zzarrduflu, okey09:55
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
faenilhello people12:02
faenilAfter 1 day of debugging we found out the vivid+overlayppa LAPTOP setup I have here didn't boot to unity812:03
faenilbecause it was missing12:03
faenilbut it seems that env var should not even be needed12:04
faenilI'm here to report the issue and ask for advice :)12:04
core_tdoesn't sound like a mir problem, try with unity people #ubuntu-unity12:05
core_tj/k :P12:05
faenilI was about to throw a digital fist over :D12:06
alan_gfaenil: I've never used EGL_PLATFORM=mir - I wonder what detects it.12:08
faenilalan_g: you mean who needs it?12:08
faenilwithout that, libEGL turns to libX11-xcb, and calls GetXcbConnection -> segfault12:08
alan_galf: any ideas? ^^12:10
alan_gfaenil: is $DISPLAY set? Unsetting that might discourage attempting an X connection12:14
faenilalan_g: we tried with DISPLAY= cmd12:14
faenilno diff12:14
* alan_g suspected as much12:14
alan_gfaenil: I imagine you must have more than a vanilla vivid+overlay setup to get unity8 desktop. What else did you install?12:17
faeniljust unity8-desktop-session-mir12:17
faenilthen discovered that didn't pull in mir platform and client packages12:17
faenilso I installed 2-3 packages12:17
faenilmesa-kms, mesa-x, evdev4...12:18
faeniland that's it12:18
alan_gThat *ought* to pull in all the needed stuff in one go12:19
* alan_g grabs v+o laptop12:19
faenilalan_g: yep, already reported a bug where that was suggested12:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 1538659 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8-desktop-session-mir is missing mir-platform-* and mir-client-* dependencies" [Undecided,New]12:22
faeniloh, it was you :P12:22
faenilso, yeah, I don't know what else could be missing12:23
alan_gJust updating & installing - I'll see what happens here and if I can diagnose12:24
faenilmy laptop is running overlayppa as well, and I can boot unity8 without hacks12:25
faenilso I'm more inclined to think we're missing a pkg12:25
alan_gSorry, what's the difference between "my laptop is running overlayppa" and "vivid+overlayppa LAPTOP setup"?12:26
alan_gI've probably other packages installed, but with apt-get install unity8-desktop-session-mir  mir-graphics-drivers-desktop I can start a guest session with unity8. (But all I get is a black screen with a cursor)12:31
faenilalan_g: the buggy one is not my laptop12:35
faenilit's a laptop I setup from scratch :)12:35
alan_gAh, that's because USC is running, but nothing is connected to it.12:35
faenilalan_g: yes that's the issue, unity8 dies12:35
faenilgood, you can reproduce it ;)12:35
faenilthat's the issue :)12:35
faenilif you add EGL_PLATFORM=mir somewhere so that unity8 picks it up12:36
faenilit will boot to unity8 :)12:36
alfalan_g: I wonder if changes to the way we export symbols have made it impossible for mesa to detect that mir is running12:37
* alan_g wonders where USC publishes the endpoint. There's no /tmp/mir_socket12:38
alfalan_g: Perhaps USC doesn't publish an endpoint, the connection fd is just passed to sessions?12:40
* alf has only faint memories of such facts, but can't be sure12:41
alan_gMy memory is that robert_a couldn't make that work at first, and so publishing the endpoint got "embedded"12:44
anpokthought it was moved to /run/mir_socket .. or something like that12:46
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
alan_gYou're thinking of $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/mir_socket - but root tends not to have $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR set12:47
kdubisnt it /var/run/mir_socket?12:48
anpokuse the source lukes12:50
alan_git's /run/lightdm-mir-012:50
anpokon desktop?12:51
alan_gOK, I can crash a mir client. I'll dig into it after lunch12:52
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
faenilalan_g|lunch: yeah it crashes on GetXcbConnection12:59
faenil(most likely, or at least that was what we found out yesterday)12:59
faenillibEGL -> libX11-xcb -> GetXcbConnection -> segfault12:59
alfSaviq: Hi! I am trying to setup sbuild for Mir, duplicating what you have done for unity8. For the prepare-1-sbuild job how do I get the key files to pass as parameters? Can I just do 'sbuild-update --keygen' locally and upload, or do I need to do something different?13:00
Saviqalf, yeah, that's what I did13:01
Saviqshould have documented that13:02
alfSaviq: btw, you have done a great job with all the prepare and build scripts. I am have I can just copy them with small changes and they work :)13:02
alfSaviq: s/I am have/I am happy/13:03
Saviqalf, changes!? :P13:03
Saviqalf, would be interested to know what you needed :)13:03
alfSaviq: not additions, just skipping some parts because I don't yet have some plugins currently installed (e.g. conditional build step, set build name)13:04
Saviqalf, ah those13:04
Saviqalf, I'm not totally sure about the conditional build steps, the plan was to skip heavy steps if they've been done on a machine already13:05
Saviqso you can just run the prepare job and let it figure stuff out13:05
Saviqseems to be working fine13:05
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
alan_gfaenil: can you confirm whether apt-get remove mir-client-platform-mesa2 fixes the problem for you? (It works for me)14:05
* alan_g thinks that there's a packaging "incantation" missing somewhere14:06
faenilalan_g: I hope it's not that, because that's what I did for my own laptop as well a week ago, but I think I checked that and mesa pkg was not installed in the setup I made from scratch14:20
faenillet's see...14:21
faenilalan_g: and I agree about the pkg incantation, that's my opinion as well14:21
faenilalan_g: crap, it's installed...14:21
faenilI spent two days debugging an issue I fixed on my own laptop by myself a week ago.14:22
* faenil headdesks14:22
faenilgreyback: ^14:32
faenil(ok, it was 2 weeks ago)14:32
greybackfaenil: you're joking?!14:34
faenilgreyback: I wish I were14:36
greybackstill,  that identifies a mir packaging/so lib issue14:37
faenilyeah, let's see if I reported a bug first time got my own laptop booting14:37
* faenil reads backlog from good old times14:38
faenil[13.01.16][17:59]<      faenil> | anpok: I've got mesa.so.2 and mesa.so.314:46
faenil[13.01.16][18:01]<       anpok> | try to get rid of mesa.so.214:46
faenilgreyback: ^ he saved me last time :D14:47
faenil[13.01.16][17:58]<       anpok> | crash in XGetXcbConnection sound like mesa loads an older mir client driver and tries to verify the EGL Display it got from the mir server14:49
faenilboom, that was the winning hint14:50
faenildednick: ^ if you're interested :)14:50
dednickproable need a Replaces: mesa2 in the package control for mesa314:56
faenilalan_g: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity8-desktop-session-team/unity8-desktop-session/trunk/view/head:/debian/control#L1814:57
dednicki have about 10 different versions of mir on my laptop. sound probably sort that out!14:57
faenilso, desktop session is depending mir-graphics-drivers-desktop already14:58
alan_gdednick: I think "Breaks" is probably right, but I disavow all knowledge of those rules14:58
dednickyeah. i have no idea which one it is :)14:59
alan_gfaenil: did you raise a bug? I can poke RAOF about adding the right incantation. (I trust his advice on these.)15:01
faenilalan_g: ok, the problem with session-mir is that overlay PPA has a version from March 201515:01
faenilwhich didn't pull in drivers15:01
alan_gThat needs an update then.15:02
faenilsil2100: ^15:03
faenilnow, who pulled in mesa2 and mesa3 at the same time is another mistery that needs solving15:03
sil2100faenil: hmmm, could you guys get a bug filled for that?15:04
faenilsil2100: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/153865915:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1538659 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8-desktop-session-mir is missing mir-platform-* and mir-client-* dependencies" [Undecided,New]15:04
faenilI will rename the title now15:04
sil2100faenil: thanks, let me look at it shortly15:05
faenilsil2100: the PPA doesn't have that pkg, so it's coming from vivid archive15:05
faenilsil2100: title updated15:08
faenilalan_g: I'm not sure what I should report a bug about15:22
faenilthat somehow I end up with mesa2 and mesa3 together after installing vivid and session-mir? :D15:22
alan_gWell, that would be fine except that recent libmirclients die if mesa2 is installed.15:24
alan_gThere ought to be some way to tell dpkg to sort that out.15:25
alan_gBut if you've not logged a bug already I can create on15:26
kdubwhat's that trick for using bzr and meld? is it just "bzr diff -r lp:mir --using meld" ?15:31
faenilalan_g: yeah I just don't know who pulls both mesa2 and mesa3 in15:32
faenil(haven't filed a bug yet)15:33
alan_gfaenil: mesa2 is probably from a seed. mir-graphics-drivers-desktop?15:34
alan_gOr maybe its mesa?15:34
faenilalan_g: don't know15:54
faenilalan_g: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/153918416:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1539184 in Mir "Unity8 on Vivid doesn't boot, due to mesa2 and mesa3 client platforms being installed at the same time" [Undecided,New]16:59
faenilI left it vague17:00
faenilat least we won't forget about it now ;)17:00
alan_gfaenil: thanks, I'll update17:11
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